Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 31, 1910, Page 9, Image 9

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    DECK3IBKK SI, 1910.
Charged on Your NexfMonth's Account
All Merchandise Purchased on Cred
Ltire Stock of Men's Clothing; Reduced
" Entire StocK Boys' Clothing Reduced
Entire StocK Sweaters Greatly Reduced
Entire StocK of Women's Suits Re
Entire StocK of Coats Greatly Reduced
Entire StocK of Waists Greatly Reduced
Entire StocK of Hats at Reduced Prices
Entire StocK Shoes at Reduced Prices
Entire StocK NecKwer Greatly Reduced
En ti re StocK of SKirts Greatly Reduced
Entire StocK of Furs Greatly Reduced
Entire StocK of SKirts Greatly Reduced
Entire StocK Gowns Greatly Reduced
Entire StocK Dresses Greatly Reduced
it Today 4
Done Free on
Costing; $3 a
Yard or More
Suptflof Worhnnmhlp
Concert From 73 O to
9:3Q This E
"Ruzzi" and
venins' by pjggjaP
Store Closed Monday "Saw
Lay in Your SupplieslStore Open Tonight Till 9x3Q
Tine Greater Oldls, WortmaB
S16.5Q QstricK Flumes $9.95 iTlCllF?
$25 Ostrich Plumes $13.95 Framing
S25 to $5Q Hats for $15. 95 f oc( Off
S12 to $22.50 Hats at $7:95 f f K h
T ! - Firat-Class WorKmanship
$6.50 tO $10 HatS for $3.95 Satisfaction Gu.ranleed
Ik B&mg Store
Ar&iMaal " WMlte Fair" amd. Qeain-U
p Sales
Evening Specials
From 6 to Qx3Q
A few neeeitie from oar model pn re
food grocery for your New Year's din
ner. Take eleTator to the fourth floor.
COrrEE-O. W. K. rriruJar 40e OfV
tirade, on special ale at, the lb.
TABS) DATES New Year' din- "I
oer not complete without them
GOLDEN DATES Very elean. 11.
good grade; evening price, the lb.
Hot Chocolate 5c
5Qc Assd. CIVcrtes 27c
8Qc Box Victoria
Chocolates at 55c
6 to 9:30 r. JL, in tl" basement "unrfVr
price store," we will erv onr famou
Hot Chocolate with Wafer, just CZ n
for a New Year 'a treat, at, the eup
CHOCOLATES Choiew assorted flavor,
r reams an.1 nnt rhuenlatr. tnr27c
bct oOe pradc, special at. pound
to take a boi of onr famous "Victoria"
Chocolate to yonr best pirl when you
make yonr New Year's ealL Our C C
regular SO Talue, special at, box -"
Fancy Neckwear
35c Values 5c
From to 9:30 P. M. today, 600 dozen
women's fancy Neckwear in lace and
lawn combinations; beautiful designs;
value op to 3o each: special for
the evening only at this price, ea.
Men's SHirts
$L5Q Vals. 69c
From 6 to 0:30 P. M. today, in the base
ment "nnderpriee store." an extra spe
cial offering in men's Shirts, plain or
plaited bosoms; good materials and fast
colors; come in all sizes; Talues Q
to $1-50, special price, only, esch JL.
Candle Shades
Carving Sets
ArOn Sale All Day Today
Carving Sets, guaranteed steel, with buck
horn handles; 3 pieces; onr CI QQ
regular $J.P0 values, special piiJO
Kep-ular T.V Taper Candle Shades 3SJ
Regular Pr Candle Shades
Kecular $l0 Taper Candle Shades 7o?
Resrular $1.75 Paper Candle Shade SSC
Rer. $XT0 Taper Candle Shades 81.75
AVe are offcrinc special bargains in Pin
ner Sets, Cut Ulass, Fancy China and
fclectne Table Lamps. I-ct ns show you.
15.QOO Men'sQQ
Today, in the basement "underpric store,' we wilt
sell men's Fonr-in-Hand Ties in the French fold and
reversible styles, made of excellent quality silk. A
broad range of patterns from which to make a OO.
selection; best 60c values, on special sale, each
Entire StocK Reduced
Our Regular gl.OO Ties for 67c
Our Regular S1.5Q Ties lor J5c
Our Regular $2.QQ Ties $1.35
Our Regular $2.5Q Ties S 1.4-5
Our Regular $3.QO Ties gl.Q9
Men's $3 Hats
Soft or Stiff, at
With every Hat new, positively
this year's purchase, there's no
chance for you to get the wrong
style Derby and soft hats made
by the best American manu
facturers All the newest and
most popular blocRs, including
The medium and solt brim tel
escopes Our best $3 Clft,
values at low price of J O
en's SKirts Q
2.00 Vals. JZJ
For today we offer the most remarkable values in
men's Shirts; tue popular u. v. xv.
ways fit perfectly and please the purchaser. There is
every style, pattern and quality embodied in theQ5c
lot; $1.50 and $2.00 values, special today for''
E. . W. aid Eale SHirts
Regular $1.5Q Shirts for $1.12
Regular $2.00 Shirts for $1.29
Regular $2.5Q Ahirts for $1.69
Regular $3.5Q Shirts for $2.49
Men's $2
93c Pair
Fine qnality English Cape
Stock Gloves in the outseam
styles, with spear backs;
regular l-"0 and $2 Q Cr
values, special, pair
15c Kerchiefs 5c
Men's fine Cambrie Hand
kerchiefs, very neatly hem
stitched; our regular C
lOe and 13e values
60c Kerchiefs, special 29
Men's $1.75 Union
Suits Reduced to 95c
Men's splendid $1.50 and $1.75 Union Suits,
made of fine combed Egyptian cotton in
warm Winter weight, perfectly pro- QCr
portioned; all sizes. Today at only
Men's $2.00 Union Suits, special at $1.35
Men's $2.50 Union Suits, special at $1.90
Men's $3.00 Union Suits, special at g2.2Q
Men's $3.50 Union Suits, special at ?2.80
Men's $5.00 Union Suits, special at ?3.80
Men's $6.00 Union Suits, special at $4.40
Sale of 2500 Pieces
Women's NecKwear
S3.5Q Values for 98c
r- i . I 41 rn lAKn-sn aalit nf hundreds
r Or a uuai innn v t "zH-r--r
of da intr stylea pJll iLS " f pieces of
new NecKwear which -was bou g ht for the holidays,
but arrived too late for Christmas selling Our New
VorK office instructs us to close out the lot and
c harrfe the loss bacK to th e manufacturers The
benefit is yours-New stoctts. conarenes. japots,
etc.. in lace and lawn combinations, also Pers
designs All new and actually worth 'Qftp
to$3.30 Special for today's sale, at each Ot
SLOP BacK Combs at 49c
H u ndreds of dainty styles In Shell Barrettes and
Combs Ait the newest gold inlaid and carved
patterns Plain and rhinestone eflecta m a Chgr
shell and amber Reg, stock values to $1 at Lfy V C
Men's Reslar 25c
Sox for 17c a Pair
Over 20,000 pairs of our best 25c Half Hose
today at 17S 3 pairs 50.. Every imagin
able kind. Solid color, black or gray cash
mere, fancy hose in stripes, checks and em
broidered effects, clockings, etc. On -l T
special sale at 3 pairs 50, or 1 pair
Men's 15c Hosiery, special sale for only 8
Men's 20c Hosiery, special for only, pr. 15
Men's 50c Hosiery, special for only, pr 39$
Men's $1.50 Silk Hose, special for only 3c
Men's and Young Men's
Men's and boys' Coat
Sweaters, V-neck style,
with or without pockets; in
solid colors .and combina
tions, reduced for today
at the following low prices:
S1.5Q Vals. 98c
4. QO Vals. $2.39
5. QO Vals. S3.59
7.5 O Vals. 55.35
S15.QO Overcoats at $8.95
Overcoats for men and young men Our best val
ues and most up-to-date styles-Full 52 inches
long, with full sKirt, combination and "Presto"
collars Some are rainprooled by the crave nette
process-Size 32 to 44 Our best reg- o Q g"
ular values to $15.QQ -Special today at f O J ZD
Men's and Youn
en s
$20.00 Suits Only $9.85
Positively the cleanest and most up-to-date stocR
of men's clothing in all Portland This being our
first season for Winter clothing, our stocK is all
new Not an undesirable suit or overcoat in the
house Men's and young men's suits, cut in the
latest styles, perfectly tailored The materials are
principally fancy mixtures in brown, gray and tan
shades Actual $iG.5Q, S18.QO and &C Q. C
t y
S2Q.OO values, specially priced al
Evening Specials
Prom 6 to 9:3Q
$5 Vals. S3.25
From 6 o'clock until the bell rings for
the last time in 1910 we will sell men's
and women's Silk arid Linen Umbrellas,
best paragon steel frames, fitted with
plain and gold or silver-trimmed han
dles; positively guaranteed rainproof.
Our regular $5.00 values, on J?Q OJ
special sale for only, each p
Men's Gowns
$1 Values 45c
From 6 to 9:30 this evening, a sale of
50 dozen men's outing flannel Gowns
in plain colors- or stripes, principally
blues. All sizes, cut full and long; very
unusual values at $1.00, on sPe-A?e
cial sale at low price of only, ea.
Wo m e lVs
Pettico'ts $1.98
$5 Gowns $3.71
6 to 9:30 P. M. today. Extra "white
fair" special, second floor. Beautiful
cambric Petticoats with 18-inch flounce
of rows of insertion, edged with lace,
with beading of ribbon and clus
ter of tucks; regular $3.00 d" QQ
values, special for only, ea.
SILK GOWNS Excellent quality, wash
able, cut full in the body and long;
strictly tailor-made, styled with high col
lar and trimmed with tucks and stitched
bands; our regular $5.00 val- !0 71
nes, special evening price, ea. x
Table Cloths
$5.25 Val. $4.1Q
Spread your New Year's feast on one of
these Richardson all-linen cloths; size
2x3 yards; many choice patterns to
choose from. Beautiful borders all
around. Best regular $5.25 ( A "I f
values, on special sale at, ea. v
Fancy NecKw'r
$1 Values 25c
6 to 9:30 P. M., on the main floor, we
offer ah opportunity to choose from a
large assortment of our holiday neck
wear for women. Hundreds of different
styles and patterns; values up to
l nn nn RTipcial sale at onlv. ea.
" T " 1
I 1 .
Kalnfall Has Soakrd Into I nfrojcn
.roand. Gltlnj Vitality to
Grain for Winter.
Th F!I nd Wlnt'r of ir:
bar. Urn IK, nvat faor''te for rrop.
la tho Inlud Rnplr. that h.v. Ixr-n
knourn b .atTTwer for wv.rml
yn, afi-ord'rc to r. V". noblniti. ifii
ral frr't' t Jnt cf th O.-W. K. 4c N.
1 h mur re3 r.mrriar fivm a trip
hmu! IV. l'mili:. w.ila Walla aod
rou. farmlr.s d:tHt.
A, a r"H of th .arty raln and rod
wtfer for Fall prtl'Mi. Mr. Robin-
aj t.:t tb. farm.r. wr M. 10
rraplrta t. lart rrt of W intor
ht anwlnr- It m fcU optrVon lat a
(r.a:r rrrntair of acrraa. ha. bn
irra to tvtntrr wVat than utual.
Ti'lth th. Iarrt part of th. l"l!rt
Oonm th. farmer, of Inland frr'r.
f rl that th.r hav. axd rro.p-t for
a ale trxp naxt mmd.' aJ. Mr. Rbin-m-n.
"Tb hrnvn- iarnl to b. rspmrtallT
favorad put Fan la a.ath.r cod-
"An nntuual amount of rain tut fallen
th. part month and a. the rround had
not yt froenf practlcallr all th. moia
tur. aa aborbd br th. aoll. Th. whoat
mad. a ikx1 atari Id arowth and with
warm ratn comln on. th. nw rrop
will bo far .noueh alor to atatid a hard
vrinl.r. Th rrowlnr whrat In th. W!!
Walla and l"mtl!la dlmrta-ta I looking
ftn.. for th. mot part, and unle un
favorable rondttlona arliw Liter. thoM
d'trtci hould harveat bumper crop In
Mr. Roblnn hM that onlr about
per crnt of the WtO-cmp In th. territory
oirth of th. "rake River has been aold
and fuJty half of th. crop In lb. Pilou
dimrtct .till re ma Inn to be marketed. Th
fownea of th. movement la due to th.
genera! prorperoua condition of th. dia-trt-t.
tbe farmer, belr.a In poaltlon to
hold for Hher prlcati than have obtained
o far tnt. .eason.
Railroad 'otc.
The Portland off!.-, of the Oilrajro.
Milwaukee A St. Panl wilt move Into
new quarter, on th. firm floor of th.
Railway Kxchana. bulldlra. Third and
ffcark streets nett Wdn.!Nlay. Tem
porary office, have na occupied In th.
wni billi!nr on Third .treat, pending
th. completion of th. new quartern
J. TV. Troop, nuicir of the British
Columbia Cot Steam Service of the
Canadian Partite line. w. tn Portland
yeat.rday from Tlctorla. B. C. Mr. Troup
waa formerly In Portland and wa con
certed with th. rtv.r r.nea of th Karrt
man eyatern.
John r. Brerena. head of th FITO lln.s
In Ore on. 1 expected to return to Port
land from a trip to St. Paul, early next
14 Gather at Dinner Because Port
land' Census Is So High.
W. II. Wahl. manager of th Portland
branch of the Warren Electric & Spe
cialty Company, thought that Seattle
had ev.oo mora people than Portland.
So convinced waa he of thl that he
made a bet on It with F. N. Averlll.
manager of the Fobe fupply Company,
the stake being a dinner for all th
electrtral wholeaaler. and Jobber in
the city.
Mr. Wahl paid ht bet by acting as
hot to 14 men at the Imperial Hotel
last night at a everal-course dinner,
lie declared that It wa worth It to
know that Portland t o faat overtak
ing her Puget found rival. When th
next enu Is being taken, h. says,
he will bet that Portland ha SO, 000
more peopl. than Seattle and feels con
fident of winning.
Ht last night wer F. K.
Averlll. C. R. Dedrlck. W. Ell!, J. O.
Jones. R. D. Merchant. A. 6. Moody.
K. E. Plowman. J. F. Ryne, G R. Pallor.
C. A. ettorno. O B. Stuhbe. John Tom
ltnon. C. M. Will and Ross Hartley.
Weli Anthracite Is Ideal for farnaoai
v.r It us. It. Phone C 10. C. 1161.
Inmate of Poor Farm Said to Have
licit SHOO Estate and Lawyer
' May Be Prosecuted.
Worth $50 before his admittance to
the County Farm last September and
known to have spent little or none of
the money. Joseph Wright died without
a penny, all his wealth disappearing
mysteriously from the Peninsula Bank,
at St. Johns.
J. A. Henderson, son-in-law of the
aged county charge, blames an attor
ney of St. Johns for drawing the money
br check from the bank without au
thority. Investigation was begun by
the County Court yesterday morning
and the little evidence on hand indi
cates that a complaint alleging forg
ery and embezzlement will be the re
sult. The son-in-law was advised to ob
tain all checks on which his father-in-law's
money was rid by the bank.
When this evidence Is obtained the
subject will be put before th. January
Brand Jury.
It U believed that Mr. Wright
did not sustain the loss of his money
while a county ward, as in taking the
pauper's oath he declared he had no
money In the hank and was possessed
of no real estate. It developed later
that the aged roan's money was drawn
from the hnk mysteriously. He died
at the County Farm September 28.
1910. having been admitted to the in
stitution about five months before. AS
he was a county charge at the time
of his death his son-in-law appealed
to the County Court, that the case
might be investigated. The evidence
submitted was turned over to Deputy
District Attorney Garland.- This con
sisted principally of the son-in-law's
statement and the grounds for his sus
picion that a St. Johns' attorney is re
sponsible for the disappearance of the
Mr. Henderson said that he was sure
his father-in-law had a large sum be
fore he announced his Intention to
enter the County Farm and that the old
man In visiting hi grandchildren fre
quently referred to money be had In
the Peninsula Bank.
If it Is found that sufficient evidence
is at hand to show that Mr. Wright had
been defrauded of his savings, an ad
ministrator will be appointed, that the
County Court may authorize prosecu
tion of those responsible for the al
leged embezzlement.
Laxative Bromo Quinine, the world-wide Cold
and Grip remedy remove, cause. Call for full
same. lok tor signature E. W. GROVE, 35c
The Itch can be cured with Plummet's
Itch Ointment. Third and Madison sts.
Mrs. Bostick Scratched and Bruised
and Loose Hair Is Left at Home
by Miss Brumfield.
A hobble skirt, scorched so that it
threatened to give away when con
stricted around the willowy form of the
owner, was the object of contention over
which Mrs. Maud Adair Bostick and
Miss Ella Brumfield contended In Miss
Brumfield's dressmaking establishment
at 345 Yamhill street Tuesday, on ac
count of which they found themselves
in Municipal Court yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. Bostick showed the skirt to a
man friend, who said: "Isn't that ter
rible!" Then she went out for satisfac
tion. Somehow, Miss Brumfield's val
uable vase got smashed. The women
clinched. Miss Brumfield, the defend
ant, testified:
"When she smashed my vase I tried
to put her out. I worked one time in an
Insane asylum and I thought she ought
to be handled as we handled patients. So
I tried to "strong-arm" her. She
twisted one hand in my ;riair and
reached for a hatpin with the other. In
tho scuffle she accidentally got
Mies Brumfield used Deputy District
Attorney Hennessy as a dummy to IN
lustrate how, she said, Mrs. Bostick
had made right and left swings at her
head, and that official had to dodge
briskly to protect his threatened nose.
Miss Brumfield said that her opponent
was not so easily handled as an insane
person and that she herself was not in
training for a fist fight. Her assistant
and Mrs. Bostick's friend finally pried
them apart and disentagled Mrs.. Bos
tick's hande from Miss Brumfield's hair.
Mrs. Bostick. exhibited scratches on
her face and neck. "I don't see any
marks on you." said Hennessy to the
defendant. "No," she replied, "but I've
got a wad of loose hair In my bureau
at home that I didn't think to bring
Six jurors found that Miss Brumfield
waa defending her domiciliary rights and
was not guilty of assault
Marlon Grand Jury Indicts Ten.
SALEM, Or., Dec. 80. (Special.) Fol
lowing are indictments returned by th
Marion County grand jury today: Jack
Schneider, Frank Minick, Jack Lee and
William Burk, larceny from a store;
George Solomon, larceny by bailee; C. S.
Allison, larceny by bailee; Hert Robinson,
larceny from a etore: George Brady. J.
B. Andrew and Chris Thorgenson, selling
liquor in quantities of less than a gallon .
without a license. Brady pleaded guilty
and wa finod, 1200.