THE MOKMX', OKEQOXIAX. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1910. WOOLMENWIUJNG TO SUBMITGLAIMS Permanent Tariff Commission Will Be Favored, Says National Secretary. 8000 VISITORS EXPECTED Portland Balnc Men Plan F.ntrr- talnmrnt or Jirlcfmlf Prlsr- W Inning Sh-p Alrrady on Show at Morkjard. That Rprsnt!T Lonorth' plan f.r th establishment of a porma n.nt tariff commission will b lnJorl by th. National Woolicroarcrs" Associa tion a the opinion trduy of tienr. -. Walk.r. of Oi.yenn. Wyo, p-rrtarr of th wiortinon. which will Bol1 lia annual conntlan In Portland, bra-lnnlnar nrxt Wdnatlay. -v snail appror. th bill." ald Mr. Vilkr. "It proids that the commis sion shall hare authority t. Investigate th coat of production of all article rovrrnl by the tariff, wltn special rf-rn- to waara paid to foreign and domestic labor, the prlr paid for raw material, and a. forth. That Just what we want. Tha wooltnen ar svlll laa lo submit their claim to the closest possible Inspection. The fact that Mr. l-ajne recommenda tin) enactment of th. bill Indicate that there la aoma chance for It paaae and that Con r:rt will leara tariff meddling alone." Attendance of 8000 Kxprrted. Ilrartnuarters of the Woolrowera" Association were opened In room 313 of t: Orricoa Hotel yesterday. A pre diction that the attendance would be Vo was mad by the eecrrtary. who thinks that IMS la a conservative figure. Vlce-ITeldent Plfelder. of Woltnn. Wyo.. Is eipected to arrive ton's; .t. Ileate from Heppner. Or. and from lUrnry County already hare arrived. At th In ton Stock Yard the prlxe w!nnln sheep are th chief attraction, and one Hampshire lamb, only a year :.! which wrlshs Sea pounds, la re garded as a unliu feature. fne hundred bualnesa men attended r.strr.lay the meeting of th reneral rommiltee In chars-e of local arrange ments. B. R. Josselyn. who presided, said It was Portland's duty to prove that Ihe delegates were welconne. not by the entertainment provided, but by personal a;retlna Committees were appointed to attend to various detain Df the reception. T'i Portland Commercial Club and the T. M. C. A. will be tnrnwn open and tUose who are Klks will receive cards to the Klka' Club. Newspaper men will be Invited to nk themselves at home at the Press Club. Assistant city pasaenxer scents of the railroads, wenrina; reception com mittee badsea. will meet all trains, be ginning Monday night. Fred Lockley will be present with a committee Mou Car meat at the Hotel Imperial and hold an Informal reception at head quarters to officials ami delegates of the Oregon State Woolarrowers' Asso ciation. William McMurray will head a com mittee TOfid.iT morning; to escort the lelrgates and officials of the National association from tha Oregon and Im perial hotels to the Armory. A band will lead the procession. An Informal reception of National delegate will be held at headquarters In the Oregon Ho. tel Tuesday night. A. I. Fish will nt aa chairman. r atrrlalnmcnt I Outlined. tsadore Kosliland. chairman of the committee, will escort speakers, offi cials and delegmtea from the Oregon lintel to the Armory Wednesday morn ing, led by a band. The formal open ing of the midwinter sheep show at the Armory will occur Wednesday after noon. All delegates will be provided with ticket of admt.olon. O. A. Hcese will he clia'rman of the reception com mittee. There will be a special serv ice by trie streetcar company from I to S that afternoon to frtve visitors a chance to see Council Crest. W. J. Mnfmann will act as chairman. K. B. Itilrv ml:l act as chairman at the re ception and dance Wednesday nigt.T. c. C. Craig will art aa chairman at tl-e smoker and entertainment Thurs day night. The delegates will be escorted to the Haker Theater Friday night, having been provided with tickets for the Clvde Fitch play. Olr!s." A special train will be run to Gear hart Saturday at S:3i p. M-. so that dele gate may enjoy the sea breezes on Sunday. O. W. Taylor will represent the business men's reception commit tee The entertainment committee Is as follows: II. H. JmkIij. J. P Abbott C'or T. A-ev.. h. r. a::.-, i:. u Aidrirn. a. h. Aerlll. R Kr, O. II. Hall. John R llestl. H. O. B'ekitri. A. r. Ilirkfonl. J. VT. Ilruaon. w. t ttrevman. otto Hremare. K. Hroari. U". T. Horbaun. H. t Hrown. n. '. Hortam.vrr. K. V. Tii.'fora. U W. Uron. ;.org. u. l'ro.-klebnk. J e Hall. ' V s 1. r. r. harbour K):n Burke. Harry lie. a. J. V. (lenrtee. K. '. Illshei. K. - H-ll"w i:i! Br.r.. eorr Wi'llard a.roatn. l. Ilruna. A. Hulterwcrth. 1- '.i!pNu. E. H. I'aritna. J. r. K'mr-r-U. II. . caplB. W. H. batten. A. IX t nartton. J. u 4'offee. t. 4-. -.-ll. .. B. i'.o i-. A. rool.ilge. H. A. -u:ilns. E. l I'anlle H. V. Vaeprnter. K J Catierlln. K. v. I'hauM. TV. J. Clereens, W. B. "ore. H. . olirtn, SV. C UniD, O. P. longer. If. J. i'utttr.c. r. P. Ikar-ney. r J. Imler. Wtlllam Pavts, J. It. relln. J. II. K. it. rnxlce. K. J. t. W t. tlT. '. M. Iuhl:r, J. II. iMetl. W. S. Pulrr.are. 11 r. K- k.trer. Ixisht Kdwarris. A. M. r.IKwort'.i. . W. Kan. Vilu East man. A. It. f".lr t'lyde Kvara. E. z. rro.o. . e. v:a. w e. rm- ?r M. O. Kleeehner, K. H. Koran. K. U. -le. F. e. Kerxuson. X I. I rir.. A- l flnl. A. U Fleh, W. F. Flleiier. H. W. Vle. i' f. cjantenbe.B. lrk W. cjllt. R. C. ililmer. W. A- ioe. Walter J. tlartn. U. T. it.lLIatd. J O tieol. K. J. flra e. F. I. tlranr. 'harles A. Oeeeo. N. B. OresS. f ilriDU)N. It- at- mar. J. C. Grlpper. S. It. a"l J- M. K. Ilaak. W. O. Mainea. W. H. Hall, ii ltanib:el. J. L llartmaa. 13. F. Heuaner. II V. tiefele. A. Henderson. R. N. IWk eceerry. A. Hir;mano, M. L. liotbrook. w. A. Molt. J. I. Ilp-r. c. U H"w. J. . !(. Cisaar lluber. Ivan llumaaon. M. Mvuind. H at. HaTter. 8.L Hart. C E. Haaa. J. Hueaner. 1'harles HebNard. E. R liat: c. E. F. Hlt -hct.-k. w. J. ilofraann. H. . ll-sae. R. V. Hoi-ter. I. . Hoamer. .:e-se w. Hon. R. W. Hovt. William lu". -. A. Hauler. 1. M. Hv.k.lL v. a. Ide. E. n. Ja keen. J. P. Jaeer. O. F. JohB aen i'ae R. Jones, cs. K. Jackson. A. C. .'xn. OIear K. JeCfery. K. C. Johaaoa. Vincent Jones. A. IX kill, P. C Kaaaay. J- TX Ka wnrthT F. A. KleHle. O. W. Klelaer. F. A. Knarp. R. K. KnUBt. O. P. Kaufman, r. . ken. w. R. Karr. K. K. Klraabury. J. H. K loaterman. tv W. Kolle. Kaor KoaMuI. A. U. Lamneet, C. O. Laurusen. w. lavrra, J- A. 1. P. W. iwia. D. c UveTv. . P. liK-awood. 1. M. l.uUara. H. I l.BSlll. Ueitrrf UwTvart. Jr.. T. A Mark Lr. Ftelchee Una. Fred IH-klev. Ii. K- bwnrtuiT. W. J. Lven. K-n-ieth MrKenil. A. I- Mack T-itwn. C. I Maratiall. B. alar-tln. VT. O. Mania. T. 11. M. All O M at'tiowalt. Wll.lam Me Marrae Mmaal J. kt'ormlck. J. S- ltf laush'tn R. ii. VeFn-rann. C. B- Verrlck. . n. L- Mi'la. A- H. aiora. w. 1. Xlorgaa. .X. N. atosasaohn. ft. l staeleay. It. Mall. J. M. Mann. R. A. Marahall. V. Mar tin. F. K MaiJory. K. B. VcOonj. J. S. MrLoushUn. U A. MeNary F. r. liead H. Mecaie-n. Phil MeUhaD, Jr C- t". Miller. R. B. Miller. C. ti. Mlatoo. . Shelley ator gaa. Out C. Moaer. HarJer o'lryaa. J. P. CVBrle-. . W. O,. lni.liiir. H. J. onh,lmer. . .F. ;" H P. Palmer. H E- Parahursi. H. M Papat. John Paoer. T. -er,a. W sou. W. Ii. Pb-lan. Ir. U '"r- , II. powers. C. c. petsrsoa, E. Prescotu "T..nk'O U Ree. U. O. Blea. T. T. Richard.. F. Robinson, .tarles C. Roberta, f. J. ''' H. O. Peed. U M. Bite, rrank C. Klgs. A- Roihell. r.eotse u. Rojer. William 1:. saundera. W. A. Seat real. John V fcoou A. :. Shel lnn. F. U Sbull. A. B. if.ii. r E. smith. P. H. Sroat. V :ee:e H. W. Stona. Fred H. Strons. H-anlon. I. CJ. we:Und. K. . 'T. A. A. icne!l. O. W. fclmone. P. !- '" D. M en.tth. B. etatl.r. C. W L. etorej. John F. blavena. P. E. bullivaa. A F. Slner.a.n. IC 11. Tho-npson. T. P. Thornton, fjeonrt M. Trobrl.!se. L. I. Thompaoa. E. 1 Tnonineoa. C.eorge I. Thompson. B. ' Trambull. E. IX Titnmi. William 8. Tur- "j". R- Vellch. J. W. Vopn. i-i r Waaaoaer. It. R. Wa-rtner. J. R. v.ih.rM. i-. A. Whltem-re. lieorce F. B . sen. J. H. Wod". F. w. Wright. Wllllarn H Wallace. A. B. Westell. F. S. est. WU llai. Whitfield. H. II- "icaer Wiswaii. A. M. Wright. W. A. Wlllia W. W. it. a. IU R. Toonj nKf:u SENDS PKI.tC.ATES Ikwtrrs Will Atlonrf National Wool Krorrs t'onyentlon. . . - rw. vt Rneclal.) tisnr v'i .. - - ' -- - The following delegate were appointed by the Maker Commercial Club to rep resent this city at the National Wool, a-rowers Convention at Portland: President F. B. Bodinson. William r unllorh. J. T. Don- neilv Colonel W. a. Ayers. Anthony Mohr. Fred Cranston. E- A. Whittler. W. W. Colton. Arthur Whittler. Al Case. Miles le. Kd Cranston. Byron Gale. 11 r Alien w. J. Patterson and A. 8. Ashley, publicity manager. . ... .. Cm. lav A private car vm iev night bearing the Raker boosters. CHURCHES GREET 1911 WATCHXIGIIT SEHVICK TO BE HELD IX WHITE TE.MPLE. Dr. lllnwn Thinks People Are Bet ter Ofr In Bed, but Gives Consent to Meeting. Watch service will be held at the White Temrle tonight, beginning at 10 P. M. The first hour will be a social hour. Re ligious sen Sees will be h-Id from 11 o'clock until midnight. The pastora of the First Presbyterian. Grace Methodist. Caivary Presbrterlan and First Congre gational churches and probably the First Christian Churches will participate. Egcept for the efforts of Dr. William Hiram Foulkc no watchnlght services would have been arranged for. Dr. W. B. Hinson, of the White Temple, con fessed that be did not believe In watch right furvk-es. -Thle kind of a meeting kevps people tip until early morning hour, when they ougl-: to be al home and abed." he ald. Wltcn It was sug gested to him. however, that none of the other Urge churches Intended to bold such service, and that some of the peo ple who would watch the old year out and the new yfar In would not wl"h lo go to the cafe, be readtly consented to allow the White Temple to be used. Hr. Benjamin Young said last night that one reason for not bol!lng s New Year service was thst a part of It would bo upon a Sunday morning. He did not consider It proper, he said, for the young people to bav a meeting for general merrymaking on Sunday morning. An other reason wa that te Ims not been feeling well and felt that It would be too Itreat a strain, as he ba to conduct two service on Sunday. A young people's cortaecration service was held at the White Temple List night. Communion service will be held at the First and Grace Methodist liplscopal churches tomorrow morning. lr. Young will nreach at night at the First Church on "Getting a Good Start" and Dr. Cud- Ill p. at the Grace crturcn. win give in the evening the Inst of hi Tlc of evr mon on "The Home." Dr. Foulke. of the First Preebyterkan Church, has been 111. but said lal night that he was feeling better and would be able, he thought, to occupy his pulpit Sunday. He will deliver a New Year' sermon Sunday morning and at nlglit will repeat hu etereoptlcon lecture on The Passion Tlay at Obcrammergau." Wliile the pictures are being shown Dom J. Zen Is to sing "The Palma" and Mrs. Vl-glnia Hutchinson will sing the solo from "The Mes--lah." "He Va De spised." "The Hallelujah Chorus" will be played as an organ voluntary by Edgar Cowmen, the organist. The African Methodist Episcopal Zlon Church, at Thirteenth and Main streets. is to hold special service st o clock to morrow night. In commemoration of the Emancipation Proclamation. Joda D. Urwl.e will be the chairman. Dr. James A. Mertiman will read the emancipation address and r.euben Crawford, who came to the Paclnc Coust In ISbT. will give reminiscences of slavery !-. He is a native of Virginia and is the father of 1 children. He Is one of the mechanic who helped to build the Mcrnmac. A waich nlgl t meeting will be held at the Commons Rescue Mission, North Front etreet. at o'clock tonight, and continuing until midnight. A rally on the street will be hld at 7 oVlock. PLEDGE TO WED NOT KEPT Man Itclcatcd by JnMfce 1'niU to Appear for Ceremony. Howard Quinn. who was released by Justice Olson recently on his promise to marry Ruth Sterrett as soon as the girl became of legal age. "was missing yester day when the marriage was to have taken place. tjulnn and the girl, together with Ed gar Kagaa and Laurine David, were ar retted several weeks ago. shortly after the girls bad been brought here from Pocateilo by Quinn. Eagan was in fan Francisco, but came here to meet them and the four, lived in various rooming houses as huehands and wives until their arrest. Eagan confessed that he was married and pleaded guilty to a mis demeanor charge, for which he is now serving time at Linn ton. ijulnn declared his desire to marry his companion, but she lacked a tew days of being of legal age. The case was postponed by Justice Ol son until yesterday and Quinn was al lowed to go without bond. Now he is missing and an order has gone out to bring him Into court. NEW YEAFTS WEEK-END At Clatsop Beach. Hotels at Seaside and Gearhart ar open ail year. The rest and recreation at these salt-air resorts are aa refresh ing In Winter as In Summer. Special railroad and hotel service. Round trips via Astoria Columbia River Railroad ti dally, with long limit; II Saturday and Sunday, returning Monday. Trains leave North Bank station A. if. dally, and special :3 P. M. dally thla week and every Saturday. In ten the mileage of wire uaed for telephone a aa teor times a (rest aa that of teiecrapb wire, but net years later It wee sisbt tlmas as great. WIS ARE MADE Portland Lumber Mills Take Advantage of Dullness. BIG BUSINESS IS IN SIGHT Coming Twelve Months Promises to Exceed Records In Amount of Business Offj-Iiore Cargoes to Store February 1. With the dawn of the new year, lumber mills of Portland will be practically at a standstill, for tlie Inactive period fol lowing the closing down of Columbia River logging camps has been seised upon as the proper aeason for overhaul ing plants after a busy run. to prepare them for the coming 12 months, which promise to eclipse all records in float'.r.g sawed material from this port. Only the West Side Shingle Company intends to continue operations, according to Information given out yesterday, but during the coming week the big plant STEAMER IVTEI.LIGENCK. Dae te Arrive. Kama From Date. Anvil itandon. ..... In port Northland San PaUro. .. . la port Suo H. KlmorTl!lemook....In port Oolden Gate. ..Tillamook. ...In port Pear an Pedro... In port Klamath .an Fraaclaco In port AiUauce Kureka Jan. X HreaKwater. . . .Coos Bar.. ..Jan. 1 Oeo. w. Elder. Ran Pedro. ..Jan. 1 Xtoa Cltr an Pedro. ..Jan. 9 Henrtk Ibsen. . Hongkong. Jan. 4 Falcon .San FranolacJan. T Beaver han Pedro... Jaa. 8 ' Roanoke can Pedro. .. Jaa. 8 Scheduled te Depart. Name. For. Data. Sua H. Elmore . Tillamook. ...Dec SO nrth!and.... Bear Alliance ft reak water. . Klamath Oeo. W Elder. Boa Cltr.... .San Pedro. ... Dec SI Ha Pedro... Jan. 2 , .Eureka. ..... Jan. 2 .iToos Bay Jan. S . San Francisco Jan. S .fcau Pedro. ..Jan. 4 in Pedro. ..Jan. 7 .Tillamook .Jan. T .Fan FranclscrJan. 10 .San Pedro. .. Jan. 11 r'an Pedro. ..Jan. 12 . F.andon Jan. 12 .Hongkong. ...Jan. la Clnlden Gate. .. Falcon Roanoke. ...... Bearer. ....... Antil Henrtk lbtan. . of ihe Portland Lumber Company will he silenced and the ring of saws stilled until after January la. The North Pa ctOo Lumber Company will close down early In January for at least two weeks. The Eastern tk Western Lumber Com pany has already started repairs, while Inman-Poulsen's will remain shut down until January 16. For some shipping orders material is on hand, while It Is Improbable that there will be any great movement In off shore cargoes until February 1. The Winter season Is usually the most qtitet In that line, though In January, 1909, Z.28.X feet of lumber were exported Jllllmen estimate that the plants can be gone over in two weeks and try to limit the period, but often certain machinery Is found in such condition that new parts are ordered or changes decided on that extend the r?palr work. There will be practically no cessation In Coastwise shipments, because the yards are well supplied with the character of material being purchased in California. The fact that the Ban Francisco market does not Indicate a particularly live tons will help to moke the shutdown less ex pensive. HOIGAIXVIIXE COMES . SOOX German Ship Kilo Is Also Reported Ad. led to Wheat Fleet. .Balfour. Guthrie Co. yesterday added to Its outward . fleet the French bark Bougainville, an old trader at thla port. which I expected to be here the latter part of February from AntofagaMa, where she arrived November 17 from Kobart. The German ship Klio. which I at Talcaliuono. where she arrived No vember 1 from Newcastle, N. S. W.. was reported in mail advices from Liverpool to have been chartered for Portland load ing aa an adjunct to the grain fleet. With the sailing yesterday of the French baiv Mlchelet for Queenstown or Falmouth for orders It is not doubted but that the last cargo for the calendar year Is dispatched. tlMtigh the French bark Button is nearly finished, but It was not expected lae night that she would be ready to clear today. The British "reamer Quito, which has been discharging coal Into lightens at the Vic toria dolphins, is to move at daylight to the Albina dock and begin working 600 ton of flour. The British ship Seotlleih Moors yesterday flnls-fced discharging and was hauled down from the North Bank dock to Martin's to take on 500 tons of w heat today. Three grain vessels cleared lust January, but this season there will be s material Increare In exports for the same period. niDDI.E WILL GO TO CELILO On Anniversary of First Visit Officer Will View Work. Colonel Biddle, Corps of Engineers'. I. S. A., who presided at Thursday's session of a board of engineers, Includ ing Mnjor Kutx and Major Morrow, to consider Tillamook Bay Improvements, will, depart this morning- in company with Major Morrow for Celilo to exam ine work being done on the big canal. He will spend the day and probably return to San Francisco this evening. It was Just a year ago that colonel Kiddle visited the project for the Urst time. and. beins an enthusiast on engi. reerliiK matters, he Is desirous of view ing the headway gained In the Interim. His Tlslt was previous to the Inaugura tion of operations by the Government Independent of contractors, through the employment of day laborers, and as the undertaking called tor trie installation of a large plant, erection of quarters for officers and subordinates and many kindred details, th officer expects to pee pronounced changes In the big ditch, which will extend eight miles. Larger Boilers' Economical. -Getting rid of boilers that are virtu ally aa good aa when new and which show few signs of having been In serv ice In order to practice economy by having ones capable of greater steam pressure. o that the "cut-off can be worked to advantage. Is what owners of the steamers Joseph Kellogg and Jessie Harklns have planned. New boilers have been ordered for both steamers that will be Installed early In the year. Mod Xnisance to End. Protestations of women passengers agslnst crossing Front street when swimming with mud. In order to gain Alnsworth dock to embark on steam er for points on th south coast, yes terday bore fruit In th shape of a promise from Chief Engineer Bosch ke. of the Harrlman lines, that he would Immediately order replaced the stalr- JLVsLLeLLeda& fl $5 to $10 Fees in Simple Cases Afflicted Meih-Has Your Pflysi- cian Failed to Cure You? Refuse to Suffer Longer on Promises Call Today on The Reliable Specialists Men Heed Competent Advice When Others Fail Call and let us give you a careful, painstaking examination absolutely free. Our opinion and advice will cost you nothing. Perhaps a little advice is all you need. X-Ray examinational, when necessary, free. No money required to commence treatment, and you can arrange to pay fee when cured. Call and let us convince you that we have cured where other doctors and SPECIALISTS have failed. By perraleston we can refer yon to cured patients and show you letters we are receiving; frorm cured and grateful men. If your case Is curable we can cure you. but If it Is not we will frankly tell you so. Examination free, and you will be under no obligation whatever to take treatment. If afflicted do not delay nor neglect your condition, for a quick and lasting cure means a great deal to your future Ufa and happiness. Remember our charges aa Specialists for a guaranteed cur are far less- than those charged, by family Dootors and Surgeons and other. Specialists. No matter whom you hare been to aee or what you have tried. I can and will cure you. or I will tell you It cannot be done. 17 Years of Success in Treating Men Cures Guaranteed or No Pay r WE CCRE BT TTEW SCIEXTIirlC MrTTBODH WHICH CAXJtOT FA It, moon axu skix ailments, kf.rve wkakxess. varicosk or K NOTTED VEINS, OBSTRUCTIONS, SORES, VLCERS, SWOLLEN C.I.AM) 8, PILES, KIDNEY AND BLADDER. AILMENTS AND ALL AIL MENTS COMMON TO MEN. We are permanently located. Incorporated and licensed under the laws of Oregon. MEN, IF IN TROUBLE!, CONSULT US TODAT. If you cannot call, write for free book and self -examination blank. Mojiy cases cured at home. Hours A. XL to ( P. M. Sundays 10 to 12. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 2SIM MOR BISON ST, Bet. Poarth and Ptfth, PORTLAND, OR. wav leading to the dock from the Steel bridge. With that In position, passen gers from the West Side can escape muddy crossings by walking; on the bridge to the stairway. The absence of the stairs for a time caused no dis comfort because of good weather, though some complained that they were Inconvenienced. Loiigshorenien Xear Clash. SOUTH BEND. Wash.. Dec. 30. (Spe cial.) When the big Norwegian steam er Herm arrived here Wednesday there came near being- a clash between rival longshoremen. Captain Peasely and A. 2d. Delanty, of Aberdeen, officers of the International Longshoremen's Union, were on hand with a crew of n.en from Grays Harbor, and eald they had a contract for loading the vessel. This Irritated the local longshoremen, but the matter was soon settled by Cap tain Zacharlahson. who declared that his orders, received at Port Townsend, compelled him to employ the local men. The Grays Harbor bunch returned home considerably disconcerted. Coasters Doe Xext Week. In iha new enherfule of the Olson A Mshony line, provision Is made for tn departure from San Francisco late yes terday of the steamer Jim Butler, th. steamer Coaster today. Nome City Sun day and J. B. Stetson Monday. The fleet has general cargo and will load back with lumber. Marine Xotes. To take on more lumoer, the steamer Tamalpals yesterdoy proceeded from Kalama to Skamokawo. Bringing a portion of her Oriental cargo, the Norwegian steamer Henrlk Ibsen Is due to sail rrora San Fran cisco today. Delays in loading cargo yestendsy caused & postponement of the sailing of tlie steamer Sue H. Elmore for Tilla mook until today. Foiled so far this season in the use of snow shovels In the absence of the beautiful." employes on Ash-street dock yesterday brought out the Imple ments for service in removing mud from driveways. Dick O'Reilly, of the Oregon Round Lumber Company, who lias been In haling orange blossom odors and get ting tanned In Southern California for a few weeks, returned yesterday to re sume the superintendency of the com pany's steamers. . i e Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. Dec S". Arrived Steamer Klamnth. from Kan Francisco; steamer m lowstone. from San Francisco; steamer W. S porter, from San Francisco. Sailed Tench bark Mlchelet. for or Falmouth; steamer raicnn. lur can rmw Cisco; steamer Johag Poulsen, for San Fran- San Francisco. Dec 30. Arrived Steamers wueen. irom Victoria; aib?n. from Aatorla. 8alld Steamers Oeo. V. Elder, for Portland: Tlvertou, for Gamble; Thor. for Kanalmo: Datay. for Wiilapa: Areata, for Bandon: Central!, for Gras Harbor; snip Werner vinnen, mr wuoeua- ,0Astoria. Or.. Dec 30. Condition at tha rroulh of the river at 6 P. M.. rough; wind, northwest, i'4 miles; weather, cloudy. Ar rlver at 8 and left up at 10 A. M Steam ship Klamath, from San Francisco. Arrived at 8:80 and left up at 10 A. M. Staemtr Yelloa-stone. from Ssn Francisco. Arrived at H:5 and left up at U:i A. M. Steamer IV. 8. Porter, from San Francisco. San Francisco. Dec. SO. Arrived at 12 steamer Argyll. fror Portlan.I. Sailed at lo:30 A- M. Steamer Geo. W. Elder, for Portland. Coos Bay. Dec 80. Sailed Steamer Al liance, for Portland. ... . . Adelaide. Dec SO. Arrived yesterday Schooner H. K. HalL from Columbia River. Pan Oraclos. Dee. 30. Arrived Steamer Mourolla. from Ilonckonc. Los Anselea. Dec 110. Arrived Doris, from Oraya Harbor: Temple E. Dorr, from Grays Harbor: Safrlnaw. from V illapa Harbor- Fair Oaks, from Aberdeen: Chohalls, from Grays Harbor. Palled Nome City, for Portland'. Santa Barbara, for Grays Harbor- Aberdeen, with schooner Cecilia Sud den In tow: Rose City, for Portland : Toae mlte for rortland: Norwood, for Aberdeen. Seattle. Dec. .1". Arrived Steamer Ir lorla. from Valdes: Btlmon, from San Pedro. Sailed Steamers Eureka and A merle, for Tacoma. Tide at Astoria Bevtarday. High. Low. Si4,1 iV &::::lllZ$!it::& illl MURDER MYSTERY DEEPENS Defense Intimates Theory That Wit ness Killed Chinaman. NORTH TAKIMA. Wash, Dec. . (Special.) That It Is the intention of the defense In the murder case against Charles Wilson, charged with the killing- of Jim Coon, a Chinaman. Novem ber J to attempt to prove another man guilty was Indicated today by a per sistent attempt to question witnesses regarding Billy Keating, a negro, one of the principal witnesses for the state, and by arguments that attorneys should be allowed to introduce evidence i T CORED -al 7.rmrr?Y7r?ri Tie-liable Treatment. Yea Meed Sly AdVIoe." looking; toward the theory that Keat ing committed the murder." The iury was twice sent out while le gal questions were argued. The trial will probably last several days, coon an aged Chinaman, resident here many years, was found dead In a hovel In the rear of a building- on South Front street. Evidence against Wilson is purely circumstantial, but Includes bloody clothing. Coon's purse and possession of money a short time after he was known to be broke. . Poultry Show Is Success. MONMOUTH, Or.. Dec 30. Encour aged by the success of the fourth annual Polk County poultry exhibit, which has just closed In Dallas, and which was larger and more representative than any former exhibition, the association Is al ready making plans for a still greater display next year. Over 300 birds were shown this year and breeders were pres ent with exhibits from Linn. Yamhill and other leading poultry counties of the Willamette Valley. The birds were scored by William Coates, of Vancouver, B. C. Many fine prizes were awarded and the quality of the birds is th best yet exhibited In the county. "Ninety-Three" The Story of a Famous Name and How It Originated. The foremost dermatologist In France. Dr. Sabourand, of Palis, and Professor I'nnn, Hamburg, Germany, discovered that a microbe caused baldness. To prove their theory. Dr. Sabourand In fected a guinea pig -with some of these microbes and in a comparatively short time the animal was denuded of every hair that was on Its body. Some eminent htetologists and chem ists were employed by the United Drug Co., Boston, Mass., to find the means of destroying these microbes and a remedy that would create a new growth of hair where the hair roots had not been entirely destroyed. After months of study, experimenting and research work, they discovered what they claimed would do what was demanded. To unquestionably prove their theory. 100 leading druggists, lo cated in as many different cities, were requested to each furnish the name of a responsible person suffering from fall ing hair and baldness. Each of these 100 persons was furnished three bottles of the preparation with a request to give It a thorough trial and report re sults. Five of these people failed to report. Two deolared they had been bald for years; that their hair follicles had long been closed, and their scalps were smooth and glossy. Ninety-three of the 100 sent in enthu siastic reports, stated that they were delighted with the hair-restoring quali ties of the preparation, and expressed sincere thanks for the wonderful bene fits brought about by its use. In com memoration of this, the new prepara tion was named Rexall "93" Hair Tonic- We sell this remedy with the distinct understanding that It is free of cost to the user In every case where it does not completely remove dandruff, stimu late the hair follicles, revitalize the hair roots, stop the hair from falling out, grow new hair and make the scalp free from irritation. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic comes in two sizes; prices, 60 cents and $1.00. Re member, you can obtain Rexall Reme dies in Portland only at Th9 Owl Drug Co., Inc., Cor. 7th and Washington Sts. Does sot contain O pastes nm rajri-i o !. i-ui i -1 i . Croup.'whoopinr-Cough, Bronchitis, Grippe Cough. Hoarseness, etc. Safe and sure. Soots. SAMPLE SENT FREE Writ for It today. Mention) this paper. Address A. C AlcYEK tX nu.i i-ti'jke, sua, r4rfK, T.. f f RmrteJCaMea tf X I Z?'. ZLSl i&f5v Xtaafe and simple remedy for I . ZJ-2PI? a Bromtu. Caarri, Hajr frr V-l .'Z3&:iS I (aLil I inflammation, IrrKatlona, nlcer- A- Sai-S, V ir "A I V ' f aUons of ALL mnooua membrane fy 4L a IU atV-y jttt; I v I or llnlnga of tha now, Uuoat, P . &7- ? I U 3 I ton or organ. "Jty?- ?T2&--? VvCV at pauooisTS at I?;-'VfiSr'&i VrBr"il I(qP Wk mcr,jmrvlf mmm li pte'iS,r3. Wl IP V- " treatlaewlth each bora 1 I prTeiiiV-?y,7 BtfB ormaUe.loarefl.aaM. I J bU5 ;?'rf.i'M " iQ W tw f (WJ c. .ra Vr '5, Jf tr" ' if X Canawii, Oan, r a I iSfttMW DR. TAYLOR'S $10,000 MUSEUM OF ANATOMY Free to Men The Leading Specialist. All men visiting Portland should see Dr. Taylor's Free Museum of Science. As far ahead of all other advertised museums as the Dr. Taylor methods of treating men's aliments are superior to the old, haphazard and guesswork treatment- An exhibition prepared at a great cost of time and labor. No charge to see museum, which Is en tirely apart from medical offices. COXSUXTATIOX AND ADVICE FIIEE. NOT A DOLLAR NERD BE PAID UNTIL CCKED. Office Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M dally. Sundays. ".0 to 1. If you cannot call, write for symptom blank. , The Dr. TAYLOR Co. 234 ',4 Morrison, Corner Second St. CURED $10 ISOURFEE Pay When Cured We have every known remedy ap pliance for TREATING you. Our ex perience Is so great and varied that no one of the ailments of Men is rlew to us. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER. General Debility. Weak Nerves, In somnia Results of exposure, overwork and other Violations of Nature's law. Diseases of Bladder and Kidneys, Vari cose Veins, quickly and permanently cured at small expense ana no ueieu tion from business. sprti I. ailments Newly con tracted ond chronic cases cured. All burning, Itching and Inflammation stopped In 24 hours. Cures effected in seven aays. tuu&uiiitiiuii ncc n un able to call, write for list of questions. Office Hours A. ju. to e r. ai. nun days, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. Pacific Coast Medical Co K4V4 WASHINGTON STREET, Corner First. MEN AND WOMEN CURED The famous Chinese. Dra, Si. tv Chan with their Chinese reme dies of herbs and roots cur wonder- f ( SQ i u f f e r e ra lUi. t L Out at r r. em when other reuieutej have faned. Sure cure for chronic prl Tate aliments, son. rheumatism, asthma, pneumonia, bladder, kidney, throat and lung trqu bles. consumption, stomach disorders and other diseases of all kinds. Rem riie harmless. S operation. Exam ination free. Call or write to '118 . IV. IDia V murnxr j.. , u,- i vy , Iiife Morrison SU between First and It's nice getting them in, get ting them out. But there's a way UAbCAKETs are known to Hundreds of thousands for the natural and easy way they clean out the system of over drinking. Be prepared, a box in your pocKet oi tJASUAxtiiX a taKe one or two sure when you go to bed then to morrow trill be pleasant. ass CASC ARETS loc box Week's treat ment. All drutrgiste. Biggest seller in the world. Million boxes a month. BENO CIinOKO. CHINESE DOCTOR. Strowbrldge bids.. 133 First St.. room 11. and 2254 fct. enmee and Herb Medicines. Cures Cancer. Rheuma- Consumption. DroDirv. C&tarrn. I.una. Stomach, T.tver and Kidney Troubles. Ail Chronic ailments of men and wo men. Examination, free. Drugstore. '85 Flaodera St. EN bJ & fa Jj I- y THE - EM SI'STEM OF MAN BUILDING TREATMENT THE SPECIALIST WHO CURES. It matters not what your ailment ie, nor who has treated it, If it Is curable we will give you Immediate benefit and a quick and lasting cure. Do not allow money matters to keep you from grettina; well. We charge nothing to prove our meth ods will cure you. Our guarantee NO MOXET REQUIRED UNTIL, SATISFIED is your absolute pro tection. Consultation, examination and medicines free. We claim for our treatment nothing "wonderful" or "secret" It is simply our successful way of do ing things. AFFLICTED MEN, before treaUn e1MeYrbere, honestly InTeatlsjate our proTen methods. Yoa will then under stand hoar easily we cure VARICOSE VFIN'S, SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON, SERVO-VITAL DEBILITY. OBSTRUC TIONS, BLADDER and K I D N BY troubles, CONTRACTED nllluenta, BIT. TUHE, PILES and all RECTAL ailments. What you want is a cure, uome to us and get it. Once under our treatment, you will quickly realize how simple a thing It is to get well In the hands of a specialist who knows his business. Our cures add not only years to life, but life to years. Office hours, daily 9 to 5. Evenings 7 to 8. Sundays 10 to 1. DR.GREENCO. 362 Washington St., Portland, Or. FOR $5 AND $10 LET ME CURE YOU I will treat some of your ailments for as low a fee as $5 and ?10. I w 1 1 1 make you an ex ceptionally low fee on any ail ment you may be suffering from. With this low S-fea fee and and suci e x p e r I ud my long succes s f u 1 e r 1 ence In Aatln(7- nil. . .. i .1 i H rtnt nnffer another day. I don t care who has tried to cure you, and has failed I will give you a sure cure and a mall fee. Don't give up before seeing me. Rt the latest methods known to MEDICAL aclenee I uccenfully treat VARICOSE VEINS. PILES, NERVOUS AILMENTS, SKIN AIL M E N T S, KIDNEY, BLADDER, LUNG AND BLOOD AILMENTS, RHEUMATISM, LIVER AIL MENTS AND LL CHRONIC AIL MENTS OF ira.-" Call at once and let a true spe cialist examine you today, not to morrow. Stop suffering; get strong and vigorous. What more to be de sired than health? Nothing. Come and consult us free of all charge. , , DR. LINDSAY The 'Old Rellnble Specialist. Corner Alder and Second streets. Entrance 12S Second street, Port land. Or. Office hours 9 A. M. to S P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. NO CURE, NO PAY OCR EUROPEAN MKTlfOI3 tUftl. $5.00 A1 S10.00 IS OCR FEE. IK EE X-KAY EXAMINATION. Diseases of Men and Women We make no mis leading statements at deceptive prop ositions to the af flicted, neither do we promise to cure them in a zew days in order to se cure their patron age, but we guar- an tee a COM-jj I'L.KTB, tiAFE anel LASTING CUKE !n the QUICKKST without leaving in-, luriou after ef fects in the By a-1 tern, and the low-? est cost possible lor rt u is m a t, i KKILLKUL AMD SUCCESSFUL, TREA'i'JdHliNT. Acute, Cbronio and Nervous Disease Blood Poison, Nervo-Vital Troubles, btomaffc Troubles, A II forma of Skiu Diseases, Ca tarrh of all former $5.00 per month; Ec zema, l'iles cured without the knife; Snoliec Island, Nervousness, Iebilit, VaricoMd Vein,. Bladder and I'rostatic and Contracted Troubles and all Acute and Chronic liseaset of Men and Women, feklu Diseases a bye ciaity. Call today for free X-ray examination. T you cannot call, write your symptoms. Mini cases cured by our home treatment. Call af once and be cured. BUITIK1I BOTANIC MEDICINE CO. a?S7 Waslimgiou bu, KuiLiauu, u... 4-- .toi Kotncniia running, 4U, wa, -Htx. la. e le vator. S. H. Wai Jing Co. Chlnrae Herb ami Root Medicine. Cures all in ternal, external and erup 1 1 v e disease! of men, women and children. If ! you can't call, write and get d i a gnosis and remedies. FKKF, Consultation. Examination. First St., Portland, Or. JLm Am XiJLZat D OCT Oil DOC TOil Te ft Son's Medicine Co. spent Uietin.e study of herbs and re search in China; was granted diploma by the Emperor; guar antees cure all ailments ot men and women when other fail. Xf you suffer, call Of write to T SON'S MJCDl- . riXK rn 14 First. Cor. U T. VatlC Aider, rortland. Ox. LI ft Srr$. "--. v-V. -1