tti tf vnnvTvn nnrnnMW SATITRDAY. DECEMBER 31, 1910. lllli .'1 W Afc V-.- - a-aa-ame-s- ' TROOPS TO PARADE Vancouver Barracks to Hold Last Review and Muster. PRISONERS TO TAKE PART lark Ball In Gjrmnalm Will Be One of 3(ot Brilliant Events of Sruon Wife of Colonel JTtx-rt Goes to Manila. VAXtrt"VEIt BARRACKS. Wean. Ir. 3.j. Spe-Ial.) The laat review and muster of will be hM torn r ro w Itio ,1ns; on the Infantry parade around, and will be rreceded by a review. Colonel Oorir K. McGunnl I commanding officer anl IJeulenant txi il James S. Rer. First Infantry, win command the review. The muster and review will Include the Flrt In fnt . Ompany F. Corps of Engineers, and Katl.rirt A. B and U. Second Klrld .Artillery. The review n begin at o"rlnc. the rrt Infantry full hand of 3D r-lcce fur rt.hlnf music. Field and stnff officers will b dwnounlnl and tba Infantrymen anil ens; nrrn will wear their service Uniform with full flold kit. Followins tlia muster, quarters an-J rr irks will be lnreetd. K.vra iri"'ntr will b paraded and mnatererl with the ituard at II M oeloea. (me of the moat brilliant aorta! event, of the eann will ! hel.l tomorrow nisht when a in, Ntll will be alveu In the imrna.t'irn by officer, and women ef the pout. Vislc will be furnished by an l-pte-e orrr.estra from the Klrst lefanirv han't, which won flrat prixe of all hands In the Department of the Co l:m r.ia at the military tournament held In Tacoma In July. )n K.bert. wife of Colonel Rudolph C. Khert. chief Pureon of the depart ment of the IVInrnMn. will leave Monday for M-nlU. rhlllpptne, to Tlelt a inn, I't. II. C Khert. who ! In the Marine Hoepltal Cn Ire. SPECIAL SERVICE PLANNED Men' Mre-tlng Will Open Year at Tort la nit T. !. C. A. flpert! New Tear's day service will be h. M la the auditorium of the Port land Tnum Men a Christian Association tomorrow aftern-in at 3 ovlocfc. All men In the c It have been Invited to attend a nvr:ln at that hour and a programme has been imnird In whlrh musical fea ture, prrd-vn Inale. The ad.lre.s of t-e day will be de liver I hy II. W. Stone, general secre tary. Mr. F-or-e r. rot announced any definite auh)ert b'U will ep-ak about the rrllsioue work of the aseofUtl.m during the pad year. Following Ilia ad dree, tlere will he an open diartisslon, whlrh will he tn Ce nature of an old-fw---ed t I'm nlal n vr,t!n, Mrs. Sr Sw.n.on lllsiev. of New York. ri i rt several old plantation m Mra. 1 1 1 y erc before the T. M. . A. meetine Chrtsfmaa day and rnsde wuch a favorahle Inipreeton that the wa. Induce. I to appear again tomor row. Tfcervt will a'o be mtiatc by the Y. M C. A. Orchestra, and a aaxaphone and clarinet duet. GIRL BATTLES FOR LIFE fhootlnc-llrrjr CoMomrr I"1ht Miss la Ilcr Teen. Wrestling; for ten minute m atterrpta to disarm a drunken customer of a enocttna e:illcry of which ahe baa charge, a irl at ill In her teena waa aaved by Iwputy Sheriff Pallahury yeeterday. 8al ur n tt -ei a crowd outeMe the ahoot !n a!I.trr near Flrat and Mnlleon atreet, and enterlr.a found the Inebriate -th a d rifle In hie hand, the muiale pointed towan! the clrl. aa ahe tr'ed to a-fl the ;un from hla (raap. Fallabury crabbed the man unaware, and threw him out on the atreet In the niHiet of the crowL The strange ae ai.Unt t-T'k to hi heela. If the airl tlj a complaint he will be arrested. !.' whereabouta betn known by the aa thorltlea. The Elrl ea'd the atranaer entered the ahootlne callery and oftered to fisht her three round.,. Her refuU. ihe aatd. tnrr-M Mm and he seized a rlfla to hoot her. MUCH GRAIN STILL HELD 3lucnr tnritH-r Aided by Iuani "rnii I'nlon Mrmhrni. MOSCOW, t lnho. IVc. . (Special V At ro time eirce the completion of rail rtde Into t h t vl fr.Ity waa ao large a pr.ipcrtlon of gruin. eeeciaily wheat, h.-td unsold by farmers at thie time of the year. Conservative denlera sr.d ware housemen estimate that from S to ai per cent I" heM by arowere. It la also aald that t!e percent ace h ureter In the Mos cow terltory than at:y other point In the I'alouse country. It la aatd by some fiat thU" condition Is due to the action of members of the Furmrri' I'nlon In lertd.'r.e; money to other members of ths url.'ca to er.ahle them to hold their wheat. The bet rrl-e quoted bere today was 1 aj cents for red wheat aa the base. There are Instances where farmer could hare contracted their wheat at from SO rents to II a bus'.iel. but refused and hsre since sold for leea than To rents. 9on;t have two jeers' croiw yet on hand. WILLIAM BOCjK IS KILLED Taroma Fr.Elnrcr la Accidentally lMit by Jfclghbop. TACOMA. rc. 10. William Bock. years old. a retired engineer llvlni on a ranch west of the city, waa acci dentally ahot and killed at noon today by 5 W. New burn, a neighbor, while hunting rabbits. Fock died on ths way to the hospital. .Sew burn waa pumping; a cartrldre from his repeating shotgun, holding ths gun hortsoBtaliy. and Bock stepped In front of Kirn. .New burn was prostrated w'th a-rlef. PERSONALMENTION. Alfred Kinney, of Astoria. Is at ths Portland. F. B. Walte. of Butherlln. la staying at the Imperial. J. S. "Imtnons. of Eugene. Is staying at the Cornelius Frank Nolan, of Seattle, and Mrs. No lan are at the Ijenox. Dr. J. H. Lasater. of Ia Center, la etnrlr.g at the TeraJrut. Carl P. Neal. of . Huena Vltrts, Or. la registered at the Perklna. J. C. Madanes and Mrs. ilacicnee, of White Salmon, are registered at ths Portland. D. TV. Ward, of Forest Grove, la staying at the Cornelloa. Samuel O. Campbell, of Hood River. Is registered at the Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Booth, of Roeebnrg. are staying st ths Imperial. W. O. Neberden. of Keleo, and Mrs. Neberden are at the Imperial. Mr. and Mrs, Peter Connacher. of Ta .colt. are registered at the Oregon. Mm. W. P. Csmpbell. of Chemawa. Is Tlelting her son. Herbert J. Campbell, at ths Lernox. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. S9. (Special.) Portland arrivals at ths Palaoe Hotel. San Francisco, today were: Ma Mayer, H. Hume and wife. Mrs. J. C. I -owe, C. O. Hlckok and wife. R. F. Barker. CHICAGO. Dec! JO. (Special.) Ore gonlans registered at CUlcaso hotels to day as follows: From Portland W. A. Carly, at the Congress. From Salem Carl H. Hottser, Lloyd Ilouaer. at ths Brevoort. NEW TORK. Pec HX Speclal.) Northwestern people arrived at the hotels today as follows: From Portland A. H. Clarke, at the Imperial; C. McC. Snow, at the Hermit age; M. a Meyer, at the Wellington; S. G. Jewltt. at the Grand Union. From Bpokane 8. S. Jones, at the Im perial; C. S- Knew, at ths Herald Square. From Seattle Mlssi C. Guzxane. at ths TVebfter; J. D. Cornell, at the Cumber land: A. J. Tollman, at tha Imperial. From Walla Walla-C. C. Sutherland, at tha Grand Union. FENDER TYPES ILLEGAL jitmse irAMTiyrox's pecistox If CAUB IMPORTANT. Ilevrorde In Thomaa Salt Show Port land Railway. I.IM A Tower Company Violate Statute. I State Circuit Court records for De cember show that the streetcar fender, as nsed by ths Portland Railway. Light at Power Company, Is not of ths type provided by law and that persons In jured In circumstances where tha safe guard required by statute might ears them are entitled to damages. Judge Hamilton cava this decision In his In structions to ths Jury which consldsrsd ths case of little Ruth A. Thornton, who waa kilted at East Twenty-eighth and East larla streets laat January. In inatruotlns" ths Jury Judge Ham ilton advised that If It were found that the fender on ths car whlrh killed the Utile alrt "was not equipped as re quired by law" the Jurymen would be bound to award dajr.agea to the father of the little girl for her accidental death. The Jury returned a eerdlct for 09. ths ault demanding; ;t00 dam ages. The verdict following- ths Instruc tions given le significant, ssy attor neys. In that It ran bs construed In other esses to mean that tha State Circuit Court has decided that ths fenders In use In Portland ars con trary to law and a menace to life and limb. Attorneys Malarkey. Sea brook eV Stott represented Mr. Thorn ton In the stilt and ths senior mem ber o? that firm Is authority for ths assertion that the moot fender ques tion la derided agatnat the railway company by the verdict reached In ths Thornton case. Ruth A. Thornton. T ye are old. was killed January to. IMS. on her war to school at East Twenty-eighth and East Ivla streets, ths school being situated on East Twenty-eighth street between East Conch and Eaat Davis atreeta. At torneys for ths plaintiff contended tn the complaint that the little girl would not havs been killed If a fender equipped aa required by law had been affixed to ths car. Much of tha testi mony In the case concerned the fender. Judge Hamilton's last Instruction to ths Jury was to consider the legality or Illegality of the fender In deliberating- before reaching a verdict. SEATTLE PEOPLE MOURN MBS. MART A. DEXXY, WIDOW OP CITY'S rOCXDER, DIES. Dv-crdrnt Waa First White Woman In Settlement 60 Tears Ago: First Camp to Portland. 6EATTLE, Wash.. Dec. 10. Mrs. Mary Ann Denny, widow of the founder of Seattle and the first whits woman In the settlement, died at her home her today, aged II years. Mrs. Denny was born at Nashville, Tenn.. and at the age of iO was mar ried to Arthur A. Denny, a young; clrl! engineer. A few years latsr they crossed ths plains to Oregon with an ox team, being six months on ths way, and settled at Portland. In 1SS0 Arthur A. Denny, his brother and a few others mads a Journey to Puget Sound, and after a thorough exploration of the country they chose Elliott Bay as the sits of ths city which tbey Intended to found. The pioneers brought their arMies from Portland by a sailing vessel, which landed November IS, 1851. at Alk! Point. Denny, a man of education, surveyed the townalte and the settlers took up donation land claims. Mr. Denny's claim la now ths busi ness center of Seattle and worth many mllllona of dollars. The aettlera received kind treatment at ths bauds of Seattle, chief of ths Duwamlsh Indiana, who by his supe rior Intellect made himself leader of all tribes near the new town. Mr. Denny named ths city In honor of hla Indian friend, between whom and the Brat settlers ths warmest attachment existed until the death of the chief. Mr. Denny waa the leading man of Seattle from the day of Its founding; until his death In 1. He was the Srst delegate to Congress from Wash ington Territory. The Denny family la one of ths wealthiest In Seattle, and all of Mrs. Denny's numerous descendsnts are Ur ine. Her on. Orion O. Denny, waa the first whits boy bom here. F. W. JOBELMAN APPOINTED Portland Man to. Promote Astoria's Centennial Celebration. ASTORIA. Or- Dec 30. (Special.) The Astoria centennial committee decided to day to Incorporate with a capital stock of v.-x F. W. Jobelraan. of Portland, was en gaged as general teenager, to have charge of preliminary arrangements for the enterprise. He will assume his du ties at once. Lloyd And roe Is fndrr Arrest, HOOD RIVER. Or.. Dec. 10. Spec!el.) IJoyd Andros arrived from Greahara today In custody of Sheriff Morse, of PEAKS mm f, fe il IV w V . e.CSJ .1 S'XJ. llkeloiiiTdrazani Tetrazzini and tbe Aulopiano Tae etuprecedented triumph of Tetraaalnl at Ike Hellta- last Bight Is eae tone; be rem rm be re d. It waa at Pan Francisco where Te trazzini flrat secured her well - deserved recognition, and laid the foundation for her later overwhelm ing" American and European successes. Tetrsxxlnl loves San Francisco, and Its thoroughly rnualcal people. It was here, at Et lera Music Houae, that shs first became acquainted with the Autoplano, and through them, she not only ordered ona for her. personal use, but also had one sent to her sister's horns tn Italy. This wss the first Autoplano to be shipped to Italy, and no doubt was Influ ential In securing; tha order for enother from His Holiness. Pope plus X. who himself la a highly a c c o m p Halted and cultured musician. Among the most highly treasured let ters received from great artists and mu sicians by ths house of Ellers Is the cor dial testimonial from Tetrazzini, reading aa follows: San Francisco. CaL The Autoplano la a blessing to humanity. It should be In every home, for It brings wit It It the culture and refinement which only the cnmposttlona of the s;reat masters afford. I find I can play the greet operas with the same feel ing; and expression with which I sing them. I love to play It It Is wonderful there Is no player piano equal to It. Faithfully yours. U.1HA TETRAZZINI. The Genuine Antopiano la Obtainable Only at Eilers Musio House, Wholesale and Retail. f-I wii iiianii.iniii.wisu-, iUuUl41u.llw.iu.lJiiiaiLj.Ll.ulluiUiJIy-' this place, and la looking forward to a happy New Tear and also a charge of nonaupport preferred by hla wife. He la held under 1100 cash balL He has a three-weeks' cli. baby. NEW LINE MAY BE BUILT Romor Says Crown Paper and Pnlp Com pa n j Will Lay Track. ASTORIA. Or., Dec. Special.) There la a rumor afloat that the Crown Paper A Pulp CO. la to construct a log ging railroad next Spring to tap the tract of timber recently purchased tn the vicinity of Svenaen. No dfinite announcement reirardmff the project hae been made, although the com pany Is securing rights of way for the proposed line of road. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. TORTLlJfD. Ic SO. Maximum !mpr- tur. 4 deer: minimum. 4t dec-re. Klvr rtsdlnjc at S A. M.. 4ft ft: rlinni tn last 24 kours. O.T foot rlx. Total ralnfat.ll IS P. M. to ft P. M ). 0.9 inch: iota) rain fall attic B'Ptninber 1. UMO. lft. 31 Inch,; normal rainfall alnc September 1. 1 11 neha; flwncincy of rainfall alnc fptm tr 1. 1U10, 2.80 Inchoa. Total aunshlno Dev ttmbcT 1. 3 mlnutea: possible aunthtna. bouts. 42 minute a Barometer rduc4 to -lvi. at & P. V.. 30.06 Inch. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The prsaur baa lnrres4 om the Pa cific North t. and an ara of relative! htrh barotntic preatror la moving- In'and from th Pacific Ocean, the htg-hMt rtudlnc binc this wenlna; at Eureka. Cal. Th Northweatarn atorin haa movrd autheat ard to EaJitcm Montana and TrV'eatem North I a it ota, and baa cu-i high wlnda alons th Oregon and Waahinftton coasts and pre cipitation ovtr th North Pacific Hip. A marked hlCh presaur field overlls th Southern MilaPPt nd Ohio Valley, and Ljtkea rerlona. and la gradually freeing th northeaatem atorm ut to sea. t4cht pr cipitatWa ha occurred In Maaltot. Ohio, Tor. Pennsylvania and aiong th At lantic (XasTt. Thr ha been a dcldrd rls In temperature, orer th Dakrx. East of th M!taiV0 Rlvr th athr La a to 3 decrees c'if'ir. With the xrept!on of th Tialns 9la4s. and portion of Idaho and Waab iAwftott, tmpraturea tbroughout tn "Hi 4V '.I'MH'IMI 1 4 will 'III ll lhiti The Imperial Oregon Greatest Hotel 350 Rooms, 104 Suites, With Private NEW FIREPROOF BUILDING Moderate Rates. Phil Metschan & Sons, Props. THE PORTLAND P0RTUSD.0R. ETKOPEAJf PLAN MODEB5 RESTACSAVT COST O.IB MILLIOX DOLUaAS HOTEL SEATTLE SSTt"? B404UMM Reeesjtlr Seen oa Its Interior. All Fnrnl.hlnaa and Appointments Kew, Madera aad Splendid. Headquarters for Portland People. HOTEL OREGON Both Hotels Conducted br MESSRS. WRIGHT & DICKINSON tin wm 0. W. CORNELIUS, Proprietor. OPENED SEPT ISO. PRIVATE HOTEL LENOX E. D. aad V. H. WRBE1I SEJf, Preps, and Mare. CORNER 3d AND MAIN STS. Hot and Cold Water. Idx Distance I'eone In Kvery Hooaa. RATES $!.OOand Up W. D. Wood, Mar. country are eenerally below normal, the ereatrst departure beln In the Lakes region and the St. Lawrence Valley. Conditions are tavorable for occasional rain Saturday west of the Cascade Moun tains and llaht rain or snow over the re mainder of the district. There will be no Important chances In temperature and winds alona the coast will decrease In force, FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Occasional rain: southwesterly wlnda Oreecn Occasional rain west, rain or snow east portion; westerly winds. Washington Occasional rain: southwest erly winds, brisk along tbe coast, but de creasing In force during the afternoon. Idaho Occasional rain or anow. THEODORE F. DRAKE., Observer. Temporarily la Charge. 5 5 Wind n 0 8 1 .-..., g a 8 " State of STATION a. 3 B s 2 Weather tin f u : . r ; ; Poise Boston. Calgary.... Chicago Denver. ......... Des Moines. ..... Duluth Eureka Galveston. ....... Helena Jacksonville Kantai City Marshlleld Montreal New Orleans New Tork North Head North Vakima... phoenix Pocatello Portland. ........ Roseburg. ....... Pscramenlo. . . . . . St. Louis St. Paul Pult Lake tan Diego Fan Francisco.... Blsklvou Bpokane Taooma - - Tatoosh Island... Walla Walla Washington. . . . IKE B-TO.OS 2-1 W 2iO.OOl. .IN 24!0O112ISE ISnow Clear (Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Clear O.O01 6 NE 4U0.O0I1OS 10 O.OVSOIB 5210.30:12 V 48'0.OO12'V Sr.-O Oll 8 W 70 o.o!iojr 40 0.OOI22 S 4fl0.6S 4, SB ISO.00!2OW SO 0.OO' 8 N 42I0.0J 24 NW 44 0.12,24:XW 4U 0 .0O s 2 0 .00 I E S2 0.04 18 SW Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Ft. cloufly Pt. eloudr 4S 0.20i 4MO.SA 11 Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy 5JO.00) 4.V SO 0 .00 10SW lb:0.00 24 PE 42! T. 8 NW IBnow 62,0. 00 NW s:w 4 NE Pt- cloudy Clear Snow Cloudy Pt. cloudy 6 T. St 0.22 S8 0.18 12 S 0 0 12 IS StV 440.1R'24 W 42 0.0O.1B ?W 42 0.001 6 N -2 0.02 16 S Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy w innipeg. T - Trace. BORX. IH rij December I, to the wife of John Ihrtg a prominent farmer, near Forest Orove a son. tha parenta of whom are ths best plessed couple tn the lsnd. be cause It la a boy: Dr. C. L. Largo attend ing. LONO December 2. to the wife of Wil liam Long, of Forest Orove, a daughter the parents of whom are the beat pleased couple tn the land because It Is a girl; Dr. C L Large attending. BAJLVm At Cottage Orove, Or.. Decem ber 2. to the wife of Lean E. Barnett. a son UtUl born). PtBP. EOCiETtTS ,n 'h' rl,y December 8", Rob ert Eaaerta. Announcement of the iutt eral latsr. NEW PERKINS Fifth and Washington Sts. OPENED JUNE. 1908 A hotel in the very heart of Portland's business activity. Modern in every respect. Rates, $1.00 and np. Moderate price restaurant in connection. L. Q. Swetland, Secretary and Manager. afi3 i I j ' ' ' ii Jr ITEADQrARTERa JOB TOCKISTS and (tlMMt.H(IAL TKAViXUtH. 8teelaJ rates made to families and sin ale senllemejl. The manairemeat will be pleaxed at all times to show rooms and cive priees. " A mod ern Turkish Bath establishment In tbe hotel. H. C. BOWERS. Manager. PORTLAND OREGON THE CORNELIUS The House of 'Welcome." corner Park and Alder. PoIt lsnd's newest and most modern hotel. European plan. Be Tlnnlne Mar 1st our rates will be as follows: All back rooms without bath. sin.!.. 11.00 per day; double, 12.00 per day. Ill front rooms without baOs. $1.60 per day. slnrle; 2.60 psr day double. All OUTSIDE rooma. Our omnibus meets ail trains. H. E. FLETCHER, Manager. HOTEL RAMAPO Cor. Fourteenth and Washington Kew Hotel, Elesrantly Furnished. Rates $1 and Up SPECIAL. RATES FOR PEHMANETTS Enropena Plan. 'Bus Meets All Trains. M. K. FOLEY, PROPRIETOR. BATHS. YOU WILL LIKE in THE WOODS rt?e.s:;. hotel ntsrjasrgx. "It's All Comfort." Our Table d'Hote Meals One Feature. In heart of business district, center of city, half block from G. N. Ry. and N. P. By. Depot, close to all steam ship wharves and C. P. Ky. Depot. , VANCOUVER B. C. JXNEKAL K0IICE3. GrESB December 80. at 8.11 Tillamook street. AdolDh O. Glese. ased 6o years. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held from Zoller-uyrnes wi parlors, vhi llama avenue, tomorrow (Sunday), Janu ary 1, at 1:30 P. M. Interment at Rose City Cemetery. TONSETH FLORAL CO. MARUL'AM BLDO. i LORAL LKMGi.NS. Phones:. Main 8102. A 1109. Dunning a afcntee. Funeral IMrectera, 7th and line. Phone Main 430. Lady ae sbttaut. Office of County Coroner. EDWARD HOUOAX CO., Funeral Dlreet- ers, 820 3d St. UWy assistant rnoae ax. &SI. t. P. FINLEX SON, d and Madison. Lady attendant. Phone Main 9, A 1590. EAST M I ) K Funeral Directors, successors to F. e. Dunning, inc. sc. 5g. IS Z525. EIUCSON CO. Undertakers. Lady aaslst- snt. 409 Aider., w. a tag, a rzso. ZI.LR-BYR"ES CO.. Funeral Directors. SS4 Williams ave. i both phones; lady asst. LEKCH, Undertaker, cor. Eaat Alder aad Sth. East Tot. 15 lass. Laay assistant. MEETING NOTICES. CALEDONIAN1 CLUB Hogmanay concert and dance, tonight, in the Woodmen of tne Wrorld Hall. East Sixth street, corner of Alder. Splendid programme. Some of tha best Scotch vocalists, including the Colman family, will take part- Owing to tha long and varied programme concert will com- mfffp prrrnp'Ty nt ? o ciok. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OF FICE FHOM THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAY BE HAD Bf PRE SENTING YOUR CHECKS AT THE ORE GON I AN OFFICE: A 900, 604. 614. 825. 621. 630. 632. B 610. 62S. 632. C 6l3, 608. 613, 625. 630, 632. D 5S4. 603. 6'JT. 610. 611. 624, 626, 627. 628. I2, 63n. C31. E S77. "6. 612. 614, 625. 627, 628. F 612. 62H. 627. O 2US. 406. 467. 600. 609. 613. 616. 617. 61S. 624. 625. 628. H 5S0, 606, 609, 614. 624. 625. 626. 62a. J SOU, 6i8. 613. K 002. 607. 610. 613, 625. L 602. 611. 612, 627. 628. M 602. 6u3, 607, 613. 623. 616. 62T. 629. J,- flix), 6otf, 614. 626, 627. 628. O 602. 611. 612. 613. 623. 625. 626. 627. P 603, 612, 614. 625, 628, 633. R 600, 612, 615. 624. 625. 627, 631. c 61 T fv 609, 610. 611. 611, 624. V 601. 60T. 628. 628. W 606. 60S. SOW, 610. 611. 614. 624. 627. 628. Xe. BOO. 624. 625. 626. Y 334. 600. 607. 611. 614. 625. 628. 627. 628. AB S06. 67, 608. 61L 618, 623, 627. AC 65. 620. 627. AD 64, 615. 627. ' AC 6u4, 60S, 6'i6. 612. 624. 628, 698L AF 605. 6o, 612, 613, 627. 62. AO 514. 62L 2. All 627. ft2S. AJ 504. 2. 607. 6O0. 622. 629. 66t AK f.12. ". 5. 0. 608. A I. 0'5. 610. 912. 623, 647. AM ie, 610. 613. AN S.-.S. ! 625. 626. 629. If above answers ars not called for within fix days, same will be destroyed. AM I.' SULIV?1 1 3 . I - - HEILIG THEATER "AsK Phones Main 1 and A 1152. T NIGHTS BEGINNING TONIGHT. Special Price New Tesr's Matinees Tomorrow and Monday. The Musical Comedy. Honevmoon Trail Evenings, 1.50 to 25c. Matinees. 81 to 25c. SEAT SALE TODAY 10 A.M. PRICES $2.50, $2.00, $1.50. $1.00. Gallery, re served, 75 c, general ad mission 50c GOGORZA Heilig Theater Tuesday Eve. Jan. 3, 8:15 Direction Lois Steers Wynn Co man RAKFR THEATER A A V MotTlmB1 ,a Eleventh Msln I. A 5360. Geo. L. Baker. Manager. Mat. tndsv. Last time tonight. Baker Btock company in tha Powerful Modern Play, "The Dollar Mark" By Geo. Broad hurst. The Season! Bis Sensation. t mm or. a mt Intense situations: oievor comedy. First time here. Matinees. 25c, 60c Evening. 25c. 0c. 75c Next .week, starting tomorrow Matinee otri. BUNGALOW Main 117. A 4221. GEO. L. BAKER. Mgr. Only 2 more times. Mat. 2:15. Tonight 8:15. Ben Hendricks famous Swedish dialect comedy, "OLE OLSON." , Has made millions laugh. Hear Ben Holmes sing the sweet Northland songs. Take the children. Evenings, 25c, 50c. 75c tl; nat- lnees. 25c. 50c. k Main , A 1019. MATINEE X.VEKX u I1GHT1 THEATER VEEK DECEMBER 26 Bonlta," assUit ed by Iw Hearn and company, presenting "The Real Girl"; The Hanlon Brothers, Charles B. Lawlor and Daughters. Bowman Brothers, Mona Fjan and Company, La Vina De Witt, Elsie, Wall and Waldorf. SEE THE BEST AT jneQnauea lauur""". Week Commencing Monday Matinee, Dee. 26. . ATTRACTION EXTRAORDINARY. 7 MILITARY DANCERS t B OTHEB FEATURE ACTS 5 Matinee Dally. Curtain 2:80, 1:30 and s. GRAND Week Dec 26 ROSA NAYNOtTS TROPICAL BIRDS Stnhblefleld Trio. American Trumpet ers Trio, Merritt & Love, gtcpiirn Gratton t Co., GRAXDAbCOFK. J:80; any seat, 15c Queen of the Feathered KinsdoiD. Uatlnaa av iIaT. Evening penonnaicB t. WcZJ balcony. 15c; lower floor, aSc; box seats, 5tc Evening performances 7:30 and LYRIC HOME OF MUSICAL COMEDY Seventh and Alder Streets. WEEK COMMENCING MATINEH Keating A Flood Present DILLON A KING, "THE WRONG BOOM." The ecreajnlest scream of screams. Two per formances nightly. 7:45 and :15. Matinees Stf V! Monday night three per formances commencing at 6:45. Friday night, horns tilrls' Contest. . 3 BIG VAUDEVILLE SHOWS 3 TONIGHT BEGINS 1130 O'CLOCK. THIRD ANNUAL THIRD MIDNIGHT MATiNEE Given By THEATRICAL MECHANICAL; ASSOCIATION AT HEILIG, BAKER, ORPHECM THEATERS. 3 DIFFERENT MATINEES 3 AT 3 DIFFERENT THEATERS 3 FEATURE ACTS From Every Theater in City. Cft. ANY SEAT Cfle C ANY THEATER JKJ Buy Tickets for Any Theater Until 9 o'Clock Tonight at Rowe & Martin's V Washington St, Bet. 6th and 7th. After 9 P. M. a Different Theaters. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily ar bnnday. Far lias. One time .H" ill Ciint ad two ' "nsecutlve times ....s Bame ad three -jnsecntlve tUnes. .... ..Sue name ad sla er seven consecutive times, .tea Blx words counts aa one Una on cash ad vertisements and ne ad counted for leas than two lines. W hen sn advertisement Is not ran eenaee. ativo times ths one-time rate ensiles. On charge of book advertlsementa tha charge will be baaed on tbe actual number of linea apoearlns in the paper, regardleae ef the number of words In each line. In New Today aU - advertisements sr. chanced by measure ealr. 1 Uses te the ""lit above rates apply to advertlsementa ander "New Today" and all other claasine Uons excepting the following! tltuations Wanted. Male. U nations Wanted. Female. For Bent. Booms. Private Families. Booms and Board. Private families. Housekeeping Booms, Private Families. Ihe rate on the above olaulnoatloas Is 1 cents a line each Insertion. In ease box odloe address Is required, ase regular form given, and count this aa part ef the ad. Auswers to advertisements will be forwarded to patrons, provided aeU-as nressed envelope are Inclosed. - OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE CITT HALL Main 598. A 1SSS. HUMANE! OFFICER. EA8T4774 NEW TODAY. $18,000 Will buy a splendid quarter block; has some improvements; close-in on Grand avenue fine site for apart ment house Half eash will handle it. 0TT0 & HAEKS0N REALTY CO. 133'g First Street. WILL SELL CHEAP. Three lots In Caption Add., 56th street, near crime. p richET. B40 Chamber of Commerce, eh California Lemon Grove NEAR SAN DIEGO. FOR SALE SO acres; 10 acres in fourteen-year-old lemon trees, 2 acres In oranges, grape fruit, etc., 30 acres in citrus or grain land. Good 9-room house with bath, fire place, etc. Good barn and packina; house: also horses. Jersey cow, wagons, phaeton, orchard boxes, sprayer, chick ens, etc. oOO.OOO-xallon reservoir, water piped over orchard, water rights in Flume Company guaranteeing sufficient sup ply for all requirements; orchard in first-class condition and high slate of cultivation. This ranch Is situated V. mile from Lemon Grove, where there Is a packing houee, postoffice, church, schools, stores, etc.; 2 miles from La Mesa Springs, and 8 miles irom ban uiego. Railroad stations at Lemon Grove and Iji Mesa Snrinea. These points are all connected by the new County Boule vard eystem. The situation is high and sightly commanding a magnificent view of San Iiiego Harbor, the ocean and the moun tains. The value of the crop for 1911 Is es timated nt SUI.OtMI. Owing to a midden change in affairs the owner frs compelled to leave San Diego, and has listed the property at a sacrifice. Good Portland Inside prop erty would be considered for exchange, or good mortgage notes or bonds. Write in for further information, or gee Commercial Realty Company, room 301 Lewis bldg., or W. B. Glafke Com pany of Portland. HOMELAND IMPROVEMENT CO. f3l Sixth St. San IMego, California. 100x100 Park St. Quarter Close in In the heart of the section where prices axe bound to advance. PRICE IS RIGHT Partially improved. Some income. CHAPIN & HERLOW 332-338 Chamber of. Commerce. Mexico Prr-vritn THE golden opportunitr of the R. In the bt of land, in tract to salt, at $J.&0 to 910 per acre, on the easiest, of terms. A few acres planted to bananas, -pineapples, cocuaouU, eoffee, cacao, rubber, oranges, lemons, arapefrnit, tobacco, siurnJ cane or even common old corn, will mak you rich. ' ThiH land has transportation facilities nn 0urpriM"eJ a healthy and agreeable climate, no irrigation, can be ea&ily clrared and planted at small cost, and the certain re turns equal those from a rich mine. This country is a powerful magnet for men of brains and money hence the recent heavy investment there. t all on or write us for further Information. Our next excursion leaves Portland January 14. Join us. RABB PATTON, 83S I.nmbernienif Bide, sth and Stark. The ene BEST place In Portland t buy. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTE3 -a MOST DESIRABLE! residence property, of the city. BERING IS BELIEVIJrO BBTTBU go and see the many CHOICS reaU dences under construction and taa. in provsmenu going on. I!ie Oregon Seal Estate Company etLAKD AVE. IMP MULTNOMAH IT. $22,500 Cash will handle a close Inside corner, only two blocks from Portland Hotel ana postoffice. E. E. H.OM1G, S10 Oak St. NOTICE. To large and small investors: we are starting; a new enterprise In Portland; It will pay you to call on P. Rlchqt, 840 Chamber of Commerce. REAL ESTATE DEALERS Beck. William G.. 312 Failing bldg. Blrrell. A. H. Co., 202-8 McKay bldg. Real estate, insurance, mortgages, loans, etc Brubalter as Benedict. 602 McKay bids. aC 849. Chapln St Herlow. 832 Chamber Commerce, Cook, B. 6. A Co.. 008 Corbett bids;. Jennings A Co.. Main 188 208 Oregonlaa. PALMER-JONES CO., H. P.. 213 Commer cial Club bldg. Echalk. Goo. Ll., 228 Stark at. Main 892. A 2392. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave. ana Multnomah St. (Holladay Addition.) M E THOMPSON CO., cor. 4th and Oak sts. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lola. GREQORT HEIGHT. Fine lots at only 1200; 10 cash. S per month. Take Rose City Park cat M end of line. , GHKGORY INVESTJtBlBi ff-j COLONIAL HEIGHTS LOT. Fine lot. S0x9U. east front, sewer riej cement sidewalk paid, on E. 24th St., lust south of Hawthorne are.; a fine neighbor hood; price only J2400. GRLSSI A ZADOW. 31T Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. B UILDE Its"' ATTENTION Fine block of eighteen full size lots near Hawthorne ave., for sale, will tak, contracts or mortgages for JSOOO, balance long time, easy terms. N 831, Oregonlan. TWO sightly lots. East lTth and Skidmors, overlooking whole surrounding oountry. . Owner will build to suit, on eaiy terms. Phone C 2794 or B 1481. A 617, Oregonlan. " PORTLAND HEIGHTS PROPERTY. Homes, lots, quarter blocks, tracts aad acreage; all parts of heights, all views and prices; some bargains. Main 35S1. A 888K. MUST sell before Jan. 1 high and sightly 100100 In highly restricted district near Broadway carline; terms. See owner, 229 Lumber Exchange bldg. Phone Main t64. " BAY OCEAN. One of the best lots, close to hotel, I20tv below company's price; part cash. A 24, Oregonlan. TWO lots, 50x100, on &c carline; bargain, 11 taken at once. Address owner, H til, Ore gonlan. KPAR PORTLAND RAILWAY SHOP SITE. Fine corner lot; 84W. all cash. Fred W. German, 320 Burnside. Main 2776. FOUR beautiful Irvlngton lots, two double corners, at special prices for quick sale. S 32. Oregonlan. five view lot; on river bank; SOxlOO; 150 feet to car; price 2000. N 033, Ors- goniau. For taleHouses. FOR SALE 6-room house at 364 Eugene st-j this is close In and must sell at once; orice 2000, $700 cah and balance 8 per Sent interest. 3 years. Phone morning! or evenings. C 2429. ETrOOM bungalow; all conveniences; Ore. place, beam ceilings, range, shades, lino leum, chicken-house and run; acrsa tllOO cash, balance long terms. Ral sford. fai.l.v station. Oregon City line. VERY MODERN Home excellent oak Bnish. splendid lo cation on Broadway, Irvlngton; suit doc tor, C 1868. East 273. W. H. Herdman. "VOCK. NEAR S0TH AND DIVISION fl-room house, good condition; good vies-; nrice 3750; reasonable terms. Fred W. .German. 329 Burnside at. Main 2778, Holiday's Addition