Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 30, 1910, Page 20, Image 20

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Reduced Prices on Pennants for the Washington-Chicago High School Foot Ball Game Sporting Goods Store on the Fifth Floorj
Unexcelled Service and Cuisine in Our Big Seventh-Floor-Restaurant Special Orchestra Music Daily 1 1 to 2 o'Clock Take Elevator
Tickets and Reserved Seats for
the Washington-Chicago High
! School Foot Ball Came on Sale
All Credit Purchases Made the
Rest of the Week Go on Jannary
Accounts, Payable February 1 st
t Friday Sirpn
Meier Frank
-End C!m4Jp
A FITTING climax to the extraordinary series of bargain
events which have thronged the Big Store every day this
week! Our great 1091st Friday Surprise Sale and Year-End
Glean-Up offers sensational reductions from every department.
Remember, there are scores of bargains not advertised just as
important as those below. Watch for the Green Ticket Signs.
A Lace Curtain Surprise
Actual $3.25 VaL$L95
FOR the great 1091st Friday Surprise Sales, 1200
pairs of Lace Curtains, including Cluny, Marie
Antoinette, Xovelty Braid and Nottingham designs.
All made on splendid quality net'with dura- J QC
blc edge. Regular $3.25 grades, today at PJ.7J
25c Scrims 12V2C I Remnants at 5c
Manufacturer' nurplu of 5000
varda of Senna in jilaia colors of
rd. blue, grren, cream and ecru.
Also block effects. 40 1 OIA
inches wide;
Over 3000 yards of desirable rem
nants, including' Silkolines, Case
ment Cloths and Cretonnes; 2 to
8 yard long; all are new do- C
sijrr.s; 12Vjc to ISc grades at c
Surprise Sale of Hosiery
Child's 12V2C Hose 5 Prs. 25c
IN TIIE great 1091st Friday Surprise Sales, child
ren's 12ric black Cotton Hosiery with reinforced
heels and toes. Good sturdy quality for school wear.
Narrow and wide ribbed. Sold only in lots of Off
5 pairs. For today's big Surprise Sale, 5 pairs 3C
Women's 25o Hosiery Plain Women's EOc Silk Hose Plain
black fleece lined Cotton Hose, black, made of silk thread with
double-thread seamless quality, lisle garter tops, heels and toes,
with reinforced foot; all sizes; All sizes. For today's great
on sale now 3 pairs J Surprise Sale, 2 pairs QQ
for 50c; the pair at X C for 73c, or the pair at OcC
Dressmakers' 25c Adjustable Skirt Gauges only 10?
25c Black Darning Cotton, special today for only, dozen, 10
25cWhite Nainsook Dress Shields, on sale today, special, pr, 1Q
20c White Lisle Elastic, special today for only, the yard, 8
Also Famous E. & W., Star
and Gotham Shirts Reduced
for our Great Annual Year-End Sale of the four
most famous makes of Men's Shirts! Over 25,000
high-grade Shirts, including the world's cele
brated Manhattan, Earl & Wilson, Star and
Gotham brands the "big four" of America's
shirt manufacturers go on sale this morn
ing at sensationally-reduced prices. Every,
one bears the original trade-marked label.
Thousands of beautiful new patterns. Plaited
or plain , front coat style attached cuffs.
Every size from 14 to 18; all sleeve measures.
Prudent men will lay in a year's supply.
Famous $1.50 Shirts $1.15
Famous $2.00 Shirts $1.35
A Surprise Sensational!
To,$20 Fancy Goods $5,98
NO, THE printer hasn't made a mistake regular
$8 to $20 Fancy Goods in this Great 1091st Friday.
Surprise Sale at $5.98! Included are beautiful hand
embroidered Center Pieces, round and oval Dresser
Scarfs and Sofa Pillows, both square and oblong; all
hand-finished and ready for use. Many exquisite pat
terns in floral and novelty effects. Pieces, bearing our
regular price-marks of $8 to' $20, and
Komp. even hieher. While the lot lasts
in this Friday Surprise Sale, choice at
;ces. oearing our
Famous $2.50 Shirts $1.75
Famous $3.00 Shirts $ 1 .95
Famous $3.50 Shirts $2.55
Famous $5.00 Shirts $3.35
Ew4-mA 9 Our $1.50 Shirts at Q
JtSk SH d Eif&t thousand of Meier & Frank's own label $1.50 &r
Shirts. Every wanted pattern. Plaited or plain
front. Also White Plaited Shirts. Today's sensation.
Smyrna Rugs for $ 1.65
Dig special purchase of regular $2.75 Wool
Smyrna Kugs, size 30xG0-inch, in a wide range
of pretty, artistic patterns and fftf
cheerful colorings. While they last P A.UJ
Carpet Remnants, special for 50c, 75c and $1.00
Surprise in Women's Gloves
Best $ 1 .25 Values, Pr. 69c
A SPLENDID Friday Surprise in Women's Gloves.
Made of the new reindeer cloth, very warm and
i i 1 J 1
washable, in black, brown, wmte, gray ana natural.
Also Women's Kid Gloves, in capeskin, chamois and
glace kid. Tne sizes range irom 072 xo o. tyc
Our regular $1.25 grades, now the pair only
Women's Underwear Special
All wool and silk-and-wool
Vests and Tights; high neck,
long sleeve and ankle length
styles. White or gray. QQ
$1.50 to $2 prades at IO C
Men's and Women's $5 to $7.50 Umbrellas at $4.57
Men's and Women's $9 to $11.50 Umbrellas for only $7.98
Men's and Women's $lg.50 to $15.00 Umbrellas for only $8.98
Men's and Women's $16 to $25 Silk Umbrellas, for only $12.98
Women's 17c to 25c Handker
chiefs Odd lots of dainty
hand-embroidered and initialed
handkerchiefs; also lace-edged.
Little soiled or mussed. f
17c to 25c kinds, at 1 JC
I212C Shaker Flannel 8c
Just for Friday's Great Surprise, 3000 yards
of Heavy Unbleached Shaker Flannel, 34 inches
wide; the quality sold in every store at 12Vc a
vard. While the lot Lists, for Friday, onO
the First Floor, Old Building, the yard atO
To $ 1 .75 Waists at 95c
Over 4000 Waists go into this, great bargain lot.
Colored Alpaca Waists, with tucked yoke
trimmed in braid and buttons. Also Fancy
Polka Dotted Tailored Waists and Lin- QC-,
gerie Waists in advance Spring models 7C
To $3.50 Shoes $1.89
Sixteen hundred pairs of Women's Street and
Dress Shoes, of patent colt, gunmetal calf and
vici kid leathers; button and lace styles; exten
sion or light soles, some with smart QQ
cloth tops; short vamps. $3-$3.50 at P O'
Surprise Sale of Hair Goods
$2 Sets, New Style Puffs, 98c
Just for the Great 1091st Friday Surprise Sales, regular $2 sets
of Natural DTair Puffs in the latest effects. All desirable QQ
shades. For today only, on First Floor Balcony, the set JV
$7.50 Puffs and Chignons, best French hair, Friday Surprise Sale at $4 .OS
$2.00 Natural Hair Switches, all the wanted shades, for Friday at only 98
$6.50 Natural Hair Switches, all the wanted shades, for Friday at S3. 98
Manicuring done by experts ; for men at only 35. for women at only 25
Women's Suits J?go.ff
For $13.85
ABOUT 800 of our finest $20 to $30 Wom
. en's Suits bargainized for the 1091st Fri
dav Surprise. Dozens of the ver3" latest models
in plain tailored styles with small revers and
notched collars, others handsomely silk braid
ed with velvet-trimmed collars. Fine broad
cloths, serges, cheviots .and tweeds, in black,
blues, browns, grays, greens, tan, fancr
stripes and mixtures. All sizes for misses and
women. Our regular $20 to $30 Ji O OP
Suits. Today's Surprise Sale at P A O.OO
Misses' and Women's Storm Coats Made in loose or
somi-Iitted styles, plain tailored or velvet trimmed.
Fine black kcrs-s. pray tweeds and home- t Q QC
sptuis; full length; all sizes; to $15 coats DOO0
Sale $3.00 to $9.50 Silk Petticoats The celebrated S.
II. & M. Silk IYttieoats, with a three months' guarantee
ticket not to split or crook; wide tailored f QC
ruffle; retj. sizes in blark and colors; at OT,,iD
A Great Cut Glass Surprise
5 Sugar, Creamers $2.99
Save nearly half on these beautiful Cut-Glass Sugars and
Creamers! 'Sparkling, brilliant American Cut-Glass, d O QQ
in a choice of several rich new patterns; $5 kinds, pr PfW .
$2.50 Cut Glass Relish Dishes, today's Surprise Sale at $1.59
All Brass and Copper Art Wares, today's Surprise at 1-3 off
All beautiful Bohemian Art Glassware, today's Surprise 1-2 off
SurpriseFrom Crockery D ept
White Cups, Saucers, Pr. 11c
Big new lot of 1800 pairs of White Austrian China Cups and
Saucers, our own direct importation. Thin, dainty quality 11
in attractive shapes. Just for today's Surprise, the pair
All Bronze Figures and Electrolieres, for today HALF PRICE
All Imported Steins, today's Surprise reduced to ONE-THIRD
Odd pieces of Decorated Haviland China, today's Surprise 1-4 off
Big Leather Goods Surprise
Handbags for Half Price
Zy II ERE 'S a stirring Friday Surprise
Sggpl JT women will be waiting for this morn
EWlI ing when we open. All odd lots and
ftHtrl broken lots of Handbags, including fine
gtf-- "$-!fa goat seal, walrus, morocco, patent leather,
Jqra"l genuine seal. All in penect condition, ine
t very newest shades. Regularly $2.50 U
to $J.o.uu. jn saie louay ai exactly
Fancy Stationery Half Price
The famous Eaton, Crane, Whiting and Berlin
fine Cinen Stationery in fancy boxes. Slightly
marred from handling. Regular prices j A
25c to $4.00. For today the price is-just
Other Jewelry and Leather Goods !4 Off
A big line Solid Gold Rings, Brooches, Cuff Links, Lockets at
Fancy Gold Beauty Pins, Veil Pins, Hatpins, etc, at exactly
All Leather Goods, including Bags, Boxes, etc., go on sale at just
All Mantel Clocks, regularly sold at $2.50 to $65.00, go at just
All Watches in famous movements, regular $7.50 to $85 values, at
All Toilet Ware in silver, ebony, Persian ivory, on sale today at
Free with box of Sylvan Transparent Toilet Soap a beautiful 1911 Calendar.
$25 and $28 Overcoats $16.85
MEN, here's a great Friday Surprise Sale
of Overcoats you can't afford to miss!
The very finest Hand-Tailored Overcoats,
purchased at a-big concession from one of
the most famous makers. See these now.
There are 46-inch Smart Dress
Overcoats and 52-inch Extra
Long Swagger Auto Coats,-in
the Newest Mid-Season Models
Fabrics . include finest - quality Kerseys,
Meltons and Vicunas, in a -wide range of
handsome patterns, finished with plain, vel
vet, military or convertible (worn three
ways) collars. Every one of them strictly
hand-tailored and equal if not superior to
made-to-order garments. Pos- d1 OC
itive $26 and $28 overcoats P " U.OJ
See Big 6th Street Window Display
Mail Orders Filled the Day Received