THE MORNING OREGOXIAN. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1910. ; ; J ' - - ' SHEEHAH PLAGE If SEEKS SENATE Buffalo Man Announces Can didacy for Democratic Seat for New York. EXECUTIVE NOTTO DICTATE "If People RrprrwniatlTc Tre, . Nationalism Will I raUla and Innocuous Cry" Down ward RnNloa I Favored. NEW TORK. IVe. W. F. Sh- hn md formal rounemnt of hi rar.lMrr for th I'nltrd Stat Penal lintirtit In a lettsr addrrncd to Mayor Fuhrtnann. of Buffalo, who. with other IfaJIna- Buffalo Democrat, socvatly In him for tho --l to Ntom cant whn tr terra of Senator lepw etplrea, oa alareh 4. In deflnlna hi atutud toward Na tlonai queetiona. Mr. Hheooan eclare til b:lrf In tno letter and spirit of th platform aJopted at tha laal lm craMo atata coovsntlon. H letter opeaa with an ipron of ajtl-fartlon that the opportunity of ronientina to lt- conl!eratton of hla nam for the snatorhlp cornea from Ma "own neighbors and friend in if. tirfi-ra that, whoever tho Inw- rratlr party ehooaea for Senator. fel ueefu.nre aa a puhiir omrer o n weakened by unjust criticism durtnr Ma ran li.lau r. He rteclarea himself In f.iror of a bona fldej downward rerlaloa of tho tariff, and continues: "Trusts and combinations that con trol the nereeaarles of life and Increase the rat of llvlnjr are largely tha re u:t of finsjm protectire duties. r tho Immediate present that momentous nira-leo ha been r-"m cd r- tno domain of re.lltlre. I shall. If elected, approach tho solution of tho question In tha spirit of tha broadest patriot ism." Mr. Pheehan says that, though he re lo'crs In the wo' effort for uni versal pear, until this tlm cornea h wonld heed the old saylnc Tut -your trust In Uod and keep your powder dry - I have no patience.- ho continues, "with the Senators and Repreaenta tlres who hare rpeaie.lly submitted to executive dictation. If tha people- representatives are truo to party prln nplea and courageously perform their dutr. and If tho courts remain faithful to the rrvat traditions of tha pant, new nationalism w'U contlnu a futlls and Innocuous cry. Xi:V YOHK CITY FOR SUKPARD If lieadlnrk Mlh Shorhan Occur. Many Park Ilorsra Available;. NEW TORK. Pec i. William Church Osborne. chairman of tho commute which la advocating tha candidacy of Edward M. Sliepard for l"nltel Plate Senator. beads a Ions; list of well known New Tork Wmorrati, who slcned aa appeal to voters asktns; them to write to their Representatives In the Legislature In Mr. Shepard's faor. This conteat for the Senatorshtp Is of unusual Impor tance because the Incoming legislature will be the first that has a I democratic majority and power to send a Itemocrat to the United Flutes Senate sine the late David U. lllll sat in that body. Mr. Pnepard and . F. han. of lluffalo, are the leading candidates, but la tb event of a deadlock between them, stand ready to press tha claims of Supreme Court Justice) James W. tierard. IX Cady llerrlck. J. Sergeant Cram or Iavid F. Cohalon. Cram and Cohalon are closely Identified with Tammany 1U11. HASTE ON TREATY SOUGHT Itrpahllcsm Anvtona to Have Reci procity Pact Thla Session. WASHINGTON. Dee. 9. Ira Canadian a,lpa.x-t'.y treaty la to be concluded dur ing tho prrsvnt seawton of Congres. all record lu'the matter of pc4 of nego tiation muM bo broken. , The to haste Ilea in the reali sation by the Administratis of the dif ficulty of framing any sort of a Repub lican reciprocity treaty that can safety he ste.rr.l through the nest Congress with Its lemocrotc House. In the case of a reciprocity tra.1 treaty the House must be afforded an opportunity to deal l:h the subject. HOXSEY SAILSOVER PEAK ii'entlnaed Vmm K'rt Tare la uovH-e. a ben the latter lost control t bis machine and was bloan Into a ft nee by A avmlle atn.l. Two or three thousand men and women who lingered to see Martin s flight and nj watcr.e-l In sippread eaoltement hla r1"'"' battle acairet the wln.l. were wltMn a few feet of when he dashed Into the wire lence. Just In front of th gradtand- Latham Uuea to llcscne. Latham aas In front of the Jiaiges' ,. a r-n Martin brought h: machine , .axth. Tiie Frenchman Immediately realised the dinger and ruseitng out. vaur' t hold of tne machine and tried U turn It away from th fence, but he mlacaiculaled It speed and the fore of toe momentum and aa dashed to the a, nunl. The running gear af the macl.lnr. which aeigl-.a y pour.' missed I-atharo' face by only a few Incoes. Martin was hurled over the fence, but escaped Injury. Although beaten In the Inaugural air derby yesterday. Olenn Curtis does not be: lev e t lat the French Hlerlot "mono plane, driven by the ngllsB speed champion. Is faeter than the 0-horse power racer which waa brought from llammondsport. N. T, for the Los An geles meet. Vurtiss began early today cutting down his machlr to th slie of th baby Wright with the purpose of Increasing Its speed. Machine Will Be Trimmed. He said he would rut the length of th plane to an over-all spread of It feet. Tnis will reduc Its lifting power to the danger point, but Curtiss believes the grestly Increased speed will make i:p for this and render th machine a taM as It now 1 wttn th larger planes. Phil Parmale. the Wright rarer, who drive th baby Wright, ha th same Idea regarding his machine. He entered t r" yetenlay with no hop of vic tory. unlea ome of the other fel loaa broke down." but he said be had wired to tho Wright brothers for per- of the machine and expected an affirma tiv renlv. with, both tha Amertcan racer 4mm4 HoWIt fo th UtmOSt limit racing condition and Radley's Blerlot steadily growing more speedy a n work It out. la Is confidently expecte that a world's record of conelderabl ki- than so miiM an hour over a oval course will b established befora the end of th present meeting, Jan ary . tacom.v aviator goes aloft I Senator Flint Insists on Ex- Crawford Biplane Performs , Suc- resmfnlly Before Crowd. TACOMA. Wash.. Dec . 5peclal. Tacoma No. I." a biplane built by J. B. Crawford and sons, made a suc cessful flight at Lakeview yesterday. Harry Crawford was at tha wheel and successfully demonstrated th worth of tb machine, declare a number ot laie view people and aeroplane enthusiast from Tacoma. who witnessed the night. It Is th Intention of the owner to glv another fllrht soon. W. E. ColVIn and C Colvln hava formed a copartnership with th Craw fords and It Is their Intention to erect a factory for the construction or bi planes. The control of the Calvin Crawford biplane la different from that of th Curtis and Wright ma chines, and claimed to be an improve meat. $0,000 Krrualna for Aviator. PAR13. Dee. :. Nearly (l.00 In aeroplane prise remain to be won he fore January 1 but th weather la bad and there la small chanc of new world .. i - m . .1 . in lha Interval. Maurice Tabuleau and Henri Far man tried today to beat La tiagneux- recoru for th Micheltn cup. but a fog com pelled them to descend at th end of tare hours. INJUSTICE IS ALLEGED coos ast cronr roi nis dis- mkk nsiuG L-WV. Petition Circulated for Amendmcat to Hclax Statale (jvcrnlng Part of Itogue Illver. BAXDOX. Or, Dec. S (Special.) Effort 1 being made In Coo and Curry counties to Insure the repeal of th Rogue River fishing bill, passed a an amendment lo th Constitution Novem ber 1 last. Conies of the following petition wer circulated over this part of the stat laat week, and similar copies will be sent broadcast: To th tJovernor. th Senate and the House of Representatives: -Whereas. The law recently psseu closing Rogue Hirer to commercial fishing will, by II needlessly sweep ing term, result In great Injustice to vested Interests, deprive many fisher men of their livelihood, and work hard ship upon many farmers, render value leas fish hatcheries, canneries and si ml. lar Dlant valued at over and seriously et back the country trlbu- ary to tha lower river with no result ing benefit whatever: now, therefore. "We. th undersigned cltlxens ana voters of th State of Oregon, respect fully petition and request that said law be so amended to carry out the In- lent thereof and to do Justice to all concerned by allowing commercial fish ing, under proper rcstiictlons. upon said Rogue River below th mouth or th Illinois River, except for steelhead trout. Th petition' ha been generally signed by all persons approached in th cities of Mnrshfleld. North Bend. Co qullle. Randon. Port Orford and Gold Beach, and by hundreds of farmer whos homes are cloae enough to Rogue River for them to thoroughly under- nd the merits ot th situation. HORST'S LIABILITIES LARGE Pacific Coast Man Owes $231,514 With Only $3330 Assets. BOSTON. Dee. Liabilities contract ed on the Faclfle Coast were the fea tures of the voluntary bankruptcy peti tion filed by Harry R. van der Horst. a real estate broker. In tho United States Dkvtrlrt Court today. The total liabili ties were placed at $m.SH. of which Ii0.m I secured. The asset were placed at jxsso. The onlv ecured creditor I th New ton- Savings Bank, of Newton. Mass. Among th unsecured ereuitors are the FldWltv at DepojHt Company of Mary land. tJS.'WO: the ftah Saving Trust Company, of Salt Lake City. T1: th Angio-Californla I tank, of S:in Francisco. Iii.". and the tlardncr Lumber Company, of Stockton. Cal., IT'W. Th liability to the Fidelity Company and the I'tah bank Is on nn Indemnity bond, while that to the Anglo-California Bank 1 for an Indorsement of a note. COUNTERFEIT COINS FOUND Hani of Spurious Money Largest Tver Made by Secret Service. WASHINGTON. Dec. 3. Captures made last night near Newark, ft. J., or two more counterfeiter are believed to have put the- entire gang Into the band of the Secret Service. Following th raid Tuesday night on the plant in Brooklyn, when tbre men were taaen wltb a perk of spurious coins and a basket of counterfeiting In struments, the detectives took Max Sil ver and David tlarlm and raptured th largest quantity of counterfeit coin ever made In the history of the Secret Service. Seven thousand dimes, luoo uartrrs and 0 mold were found with th fugitives. . GEM THIEF IDENTIFIED Woman 1k. In tints of Servant, Kobbotl, Held in Chicago. . l.lnT Mo4 I ill v l rau. vsuj e- -r who ! l?r on charna ot tvlinK Whvfr na w-iv-ni Riri who d!pprefj from him horn IVcem- 10 at ir.e ftii.r aiiur iuji jt wn vu t S3uu wer mlard. She Is to b prosrculri br. IflrTUnrU HI" vtmaaa av a 1.17 ntin v. Altec hny City, pa penitentiary for mond robbery. RIVAL CANAL BILLS WILL BE OFFERED empting Coastwise Ships From' Paying Toll.- TAFT TO BE GIVEN POWER Decidedly Different Bill to Be) Pre sented In House, but Conference) Agrees' on Fortification, Pry Dock and Supply Depots. WASHINGTON, Dec i. Senator Flint, of California, chairman of th committee on Inter-oceanic canals, and Representative Mann, of Illinois, chair man of th Houve commute on Inter state and foreign commerce, expect to In trod ac gen oral Panama Canal bills The will Incorporate their differing Idea as to- the coeds of legislation for the waterway In th light of tb Whit House co.ifnren: last night. This conferanc developed substantial harmony of o,ltion favoring fortifica tion of tha caiuii; Presidential discretion as to th exact amount of tolls under prescribed maximum and minimum lim itations; Government operation of tb drydock and repair shop facilities, nnd Government sale of all the coal, oil nnd ctber ship supplies at both ends of the canal to tha trade of the world passing through It. and for tha safeguarding cf tli competition through, the canal. Iss.ue Joined oti Coastwise SJilps. The differences of vlea-s ss to wheth er foreign shipping and coastwise ship ping should receive equal treatment In canal charges could not be reconciled and the problem still Is unsolved. Mr. Flint's bill will provide either an unqualified free passage of American ship or the collection of toll nd ub- . ..k... r 11,. nntlra toll, which. from th viewpoint of some of tho In tiie coniercacc, mereij- wuum uwi"" " a matter of bookkeeping. Ills bill will fix a certain maximum and minimum of toll on vessels of other countries, prob ably from SO to To cents minimum to 11.15 or ll.SO maximum per net ton. leaving the exact charge to th discre tion of tb President so that It can oa adjusted to changing commercial condi tions. ;ovcmmont My Seize Ships. It will provide that the rebata to coastwls vessel shall not be allowed to any vessels owned or controlled by sny railroad with which they are. competi tive, directly or Indirectly. It will pro vide that the Government may take over to Its own uses, when public emer gencies make It necessary, any vessels that avail themselves of the rebate, which would make all coastwise craft enraged In canal traffic subject to naval uses on demand. Th gejieral measure that Mr. Mann proposes probably will be presented to his colleague on tba Interstate and for eign commerce committee soon after th holiday recess. Whether the bill, car rying the smonnt wanted for th Initial expens for fortification, will com from the appropriation committee or the military affairs committee ia uncer tain. Chairman Tawney, of tha former. Is opposed lo heavy charges in Govern ment expenditures and It may be that the military committee, of which Rep resentative Hull, of Iowa, a defeated "standpatter." is chairman and which Is framing the Army appropriation bill. will report ont such a measure. Right to Discriminate la Doubt. t-- flimilM of vhftt treatment to accord coastwls shipping caused th principal discussion at th conference. Much of th tlm was devoted to the Interpretation of the treaties with Eng land, ss to whether th general refe.--enc to all powers being treated allk was to be Interpreted to Include th ft Ited States nr to mean all tho powers foreign to th L'n'ted States. thu per mitting lower tolls for vesnels of this country, and to the treaty with Panama, A nti a! treatment of Its Craft. Mr. Flint was especially Insistent upon the coastwise exception. inro a mm .r -iw na to the Government inniihbii tha shin supplies. The Presi dent believes this arrangement la mora essential at the isinmus wan iris oun Canal porta, because of the distance erAm rOTMi nnA other supply deuots and because private concessions would open the way for discrimination ajnung cum patrons. ' REVOLT ON IN HONDURAS Christmas and Bonilla Open Attack. Hornet Heavily Armed. vl'ic ntiT.rivii Dp n 2t. Renorts received here lata last night say that revolution nas Drewn wui. ' " uras and that fighting Is going on long th Honduran-Nicaraguan border mile below Cap Gracias, Nlcara- - ... Th forces ars Doing iou, au.-curuiug wireless reports, dj rlsimas. who was to have met 100 len. many 01 tnera attici ici., ma Iraraguan border, with 40 days' pro- lionsi luerto cones is oeuovco to oe ! objective point of th advancing revo- lonbits. r..- r.r nr that the greater part of the fighting Is about 20 miles from Cape Gracias. Nicaragua, but on Honduras sine, ji ia uiiyernivvg . . ... ,.i.n of attack Is for Christ mas to force his way inland, while General Bonilla attacks Ceiba from tho icrto Cortex lde. leavina ins nuriiei, Ich Is said to e noavtij ' men UVw, rucrto Cortes while that port Is to CI m N vl th lu Pu whl at bald under her guns. R unaway Auto Stirs Up Gotham. also Jim the dla GAS COMPANY WILL STRIKE Refused Higher Price It Prepares to Close F.ntire Plant. CLEVELAND. O- Dec. 19. The East Ohio Oas Company, recently desd a franchise givlnr It th right to Increase the price of artificial gas. took the Orst step today toward inaklnar good Its threat to shut off the supply by noti fying all the emploaa in Its artificial gas plant of' their dismissal, to take effect January More than a thou sand B191 ar anectea. . ... vadv tw 3. Th rjolice to- n&if . . 1 fnr the owner of a Q2y are . - - I heavy automobile which lat nlgbt ran ... - i.Ka.uffeur down Fifth avenue and In thre blocks uput a wagon, pushed a touring car to th sldewslk. broke an electric light pole. Injured four pedestrians-, narrowly missed several other automobiles and ended by trying th wall around Cen tral Park. What started the macblna and what becama of th chauffeur are mysteries. Th polic ran tb truck to a station house, wher It 1 held for It owner. Bodies of Two Mine V ictims Found. DENVER. Colo., Dec S9. Tha bodies of Louis snd Frank Merrick, victims of the explosion and fire In the mine of th Lydn Coal Company at Leyden. a few mile from Denver, about two week ago. wer found early today about SO feet from shaft No. 1. They were completely covered with dut and had been passed over more than once by tre earehlng part lea. Apparently both bad died from suffocation, Wanted, Raw Furs We pay the highest prices, as we use them in oar own factory. SEND FOR OUR NEW PRICE LIST Entire Corner Fourth and Morrison Eiderdown Bath Robes Women's and Children's at Vz Price OUR GREAT YEAR-END CLEAN-UP SALE At wonderfully low prices. The reductions are genuine and not inflated to an exaggerated extent. Below we mention briefly a few of the tempting offers to be found: Furs, Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts and Waists A yisit to Our Establishment Will Convince You of the Genuine Values Tailored Suit Bargains $25.00 Values at $12.95 $37.50 Values at $19.75 At these prices we have grouped a really remarkable collection of HIGH-CLASS TAILORED SUITS. 7he fabrics of every new sort featured this season and every desired color. Your ideal is to be found in tihem. Special Fur Values! REAL 3 LACK LYNX STOLES Sli:,.7.$!!-.0.0:....$42.50 REAL BLACK LYNX MUFFS. Krri.!!!'u.0:....$42.50 SABLE SQUIRREL STOLES . ..$20.00 SABLE SQUIRREL MUFFS. K.lf:.!,:....$20.0p BLACK HARE STOLES. gr.I."!y.-,:....$12.50 BLACK HARE MUFFS. SsS"!3. . . . .$ 1 0.00 RUSSIAN PONY COATS, 52 ins. long. Skinner's satin lininp. Rep ular $100 value, gQ 00 JAPANESE MINK STOLES. Kr.f0:.... $27.50 JAPANESE MINK MUFFS. NowJ.1?:l!!5:.0.:....$22.50 RUSSIAN FOX STOLES Regu larly $30.00. aii soA nn shades. Now pJ.JJ RUSSIAN FOX MUFFS Regu larly $25; all shades. .Now RUSSIAN MINK STOLES. &.1"!!.$:8-.00:.... $18.00 RUSSIAN MINK MUFFS. Regularly $15.00. Now ix j a a u :.$ 16.50 $10.00 FRENCH BROWN CONEY 42 ins. long; regularly &fO Cfl $70.00. Now JU Coats$20 Values $10.50 This lot of coats is undoubtedly the rarest bargain offered tbfe season. The -materials are of nobby mixtures in all shades. Exceptional value. DRESSES An exceptionally clever collection of the season's snwfrtest models, made of fine serges, broadclotns antt panamas ia. wu v;y fcj :.. shades. Values to $20.00 at. All credit pmrhaseg made during re mainder of this week will go on Jan nary accounts. To effect an earlv clean-un of Trimmed Hats we have group! s- for today and tomorrow every hat that has formerly sold up ?QS 17 O . Millinery $10.00, at clean-up pric of ABOUT FIFTY HATS IN THE LOT. AN EARLY SELECTION IS IMPORTANT HARAHAN STEPS OUT Veteran Railroad President Celebrates Birthday. HAS HAD ENOUGH, HE SAYS On 701U Birthday He Hands Over Direction or Illinois Central to Markham, but Will Retain Voice ia Its Affairs. CHICAGO. Dec . SpecIal.) Jame T. Harahan, once a freieht clerK. en gineer end passenger conductor, now president of th Illinois Central Railroad, today prepared to celebrate hi1 T0lh birthday anniversary by formally realgn lnr. Th practical severance of Mr. Hara han from th Illinois Central came Wednesday before Christmas, at a meet ing of the directors in New York. Charles H. Markham was elected to th preet ,i . ... ,A t.t. hla iMt jAniiarv 12. at which tlm the formal resignation of Mr. HArahan will be given. "I have had enough," ha said, aa h ... I. V. I - nrtMl. nffiO ftnii looked OUt over the snow-covered yards. There waa a note of saanes in ma voic as m diiu.c. but n smiled. Th retiring railroad chief will be awarded a pension of about 16000. H has received an average salary of $30,000 tor th last H years. He is said to be 'JLH,'"" "T Jasaes T. Harakaa, W io Retire t From Illinois reatral Preai. t dracy oa Haadsame Pensioa. I the owner of plantations in Memphis, Tenn., and to poeBes much other prop- '"ifr. Harahan, however, will not retire from railroad activities. He remain a director of th Illlnola Contra! and other railroads and his counsel frequently will be sought by the officials of these trans portation systems. The retiring presi dent of th Illinois Central 1 expected to b in clo touch with, th affair of tha road. BRYAN WILL STAY AWAY WUI Sound Xo Discordant Note at Democratic Dinner. UXCOLN. Neb.. Dec J. VT. 3. Bryan ha informed Albert J. Almoney, of Baltimore, aid, that ha cannot attend the Jackson day celebration January 17. Mr. Bryan eays: "It will b impossible for m to b present and I hesitate to aend a letter to be read at the celebration, lest it might prove a discordant note if, aa I would infer from the preliminary ar rangement, those who originated it are dissatisfied with the last Democratic National platform. That platform waa satisfactory to th party, two years go and Vs satisfactory to the rank and file now. The victory of last month waa. in my Judgment, largely due to th fact that several planks of the platform had already been vindicated by events, and events have since the election vindi cated other planks." ARMY BILL JJEARLY READY District of Columbia Appropriation to Come Before House Soon. "WASHINGTON. Dec. 39. The Army appropriation bill carrying a total of 12.000.000 or J2.000.000 less than the esti mate, will be ready to report to the House next week. The House appropriation) committee will be ready to report the District of Columbia appropriation bill carrying JlO.OuO.OOO or Jll.000.000. Immediately after the holiday recesa. This measure will reflect a cut from the estimates of J13, 112,000 as submitted by District of Colum bia commissioners, and stands against an apporprlatlon of 10,SOO,00 for the current year. The Postofflce appropriation bill will be taken up for action by the House com mittee on postofflce next Thursday. COLD WAVE STRIKES.SOUTH Freezing Temperature Follows Storm Almost to Gulf. LOUISVILLE Ky., Dec. 29. Unusually cold weather, with freezing temperatures almost to the Gulf, prevails throughout a large portion of the South tonight . The cold wave follows closely upon the heels of a general weather disturbance, which took the form of a thunder storm In the cSitral valleys and snow In North ern Texas. The storm ia moving toward the South Atlantic States from Texas. Communi cation by wire has been eriousIy inter rupted In many sections. Child Identifies Kidnaper. NEW TORK. Dec 29. On the identi fication of six-year-old Giusenoe dl Stefano, Glacomo Criml was formally charged with kidnaping today and held to th grand-4ury. Criml was taken by the police last night in a raid on the Sicilian quarter, in which 18 men were arrested. YEARS A GO jf j I BALTIMORE 1 a g e) Started in the race for the supremacy which it gloriously maintains today Sold tvt All flflrt-clua cafes nd by Jobbers. r( .seeaeeQaaeeee) TETRAZZINI Heilig Theater, Tonight lUW'W'IWltltSWJAWJ It ia a wonderful voice with which this great soprano is electri fying her audiences; remarkable in its purity and gTeat range, while her colature work is brilliant beyond any description which can be put into cold type. It is perhaps enough to say here that this marvelous voice has been recorded in all its beauty and power on these fifteen superb Victor records, and the list contains all the numbers with which Mme. Tetrazzini has made her greatest triumphs : Twelve-inch, with orchestra $3.00 each. In Italian 92068 Ballo in Maachera Saper vorreste (You "Would Be Hearing)' Verdi 92020 Barbiere Una voce poco fa (A Little Voice I Hear) Rossini 92017 Dinorah Ombra leggiera (Shadow Song) Meyerbeer 92022 Don Giovanni Batti, batti (Scold Me, Masetto) Mozart 92016 Lakme Ou va la jeune Hindoue (Bell Song) Delibes 92067 Lucia di Lammermoor Begnava nel silenzio (Silence 0 'er A11) Donizetti 92018 Lucia Mad Scene (with flute obbligato) Donizetti 92015 Mignon Polonese, "lo son Titania" (I'm Fair Titania) Thomas 92019 Nozze di Figaro Voi che sapete (What Is This Feeling?) Mozart 92014 Eigoletto Caro nome (Deadest Name) Verdi 92061 Borneo et Juliette Valse (Juliet's Waltz Song) Gounod 92069 Sonnambula Ah! non eredea mirarti (Could I Believe) Bellini 92060 Traviata Ah ! fors' e lui Part I, E strano (How Won- . d'rous His Words) Verdi 92021 Traviata Ah! fors' e lui Part II, Sempre libera (The Round of Pleasure) " Verdi Twelve-inch, piano accompaniment $3.00. In Italian 92070 Aprile Faolo Tosti TETRAZZINI MAKES RECORDS EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE VICTOR Wholesale Sherman Eetail Steinway CO. mother r Pianos SIXTH AND MOEjaSON SEE THE BATTLE OF THE CENTURY ORIGINAL FIGHT PICTURES OF THE JOHNSON-JEFFRIES Contest at Reno, Will Be Shown in Port land for Three Days. Continuous Perfor mance Daily Beginning 1 1 o'Clock A. M. BUNGALOW STARTING TAM -J THEATER SUNDAY JfQla i SBlasloa to rdx th sue cf tH fiiaacaj t 1