19 TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3Q, 1'JIO. CROP HEWS WORSE Strength. in SHARP ADVANCES ABROAD Iam ml lH-!rr. While OptlniKlic. .nl TluU lrU-r Here Are Mill Aho.e a I'arity Willi Thoe of . .ne--Coarse Grains Doll. afarltJ imoroim ut as shown In lU h-at markv-t in all .-?allne strain rat era yt-rdajr At Chhio thr a ta ad vane of a full rent, while at IjTrpo4 opt.ooa closed 1 to 1 S penes hih- Thtr u no advanr tn the csrvo tattoos, but a finwr feWlns; was cm bled from Lotsdoa. Th tr. toraily nd tn thl t-rrttory was n1t. but the aiulrton was Tfry r. Jlu?r .?-rd el. 12 nj bJ wnti foe club. 40-fo d aa4 b;rtru but thT wers f ITr at th-- quoti'ioru. lloMcra wrn roadft-at that hlclwr prtrra wilt prevail af tT Nw Year riuyors. on lha. other i4. iwrl that thts market I till abort. ft party with Europe an4 they ar not aeea to pure has. Tna pr-s-at for Icq bule. eomlne In th midst of ths hotl.iay -.'.n. can no st- ribntod only tn crop prv.pcts In th m- rortmc coantrica. Tho 1-adia factor ye tr1y was th redaction In th Arntlno atlroaf a. but onfiwW harrpft from Australia Is also b-MW'Wd to bo plar- n a part In cacto th ria. Australia rowa iho oof? whli- wheat fr export, bo- M-s that .produced1 her, and any da ma so r bortase la thmt country la bound to af-f-t thla mirkrL Utr h-nt-la il report 1 to be buries beartty. which had morn to do wtth th atrrnct b" at Chlrafn. j The market for eoar frraln u firm. 'bat qatet. The trade dor not took for Snarl, busts tn thee lin- until the hoil- .days are out of tho way. Loral rerripta. la cars, at reported by tho Merchants Esrb.na, were: U'heet Barley !our Oata H Vm- and Tuea, ' a II 'J W-.,n .. ay ... 7 J 4 9 ThurUT 41 4 A CI Yraf J tt 1 .1 !-: io dale. 7 ". 1 -V.7 Year ao lu.M Kireel nrtirle In tho vegetable Una. Xrado ta ceaernj was' about as good a could bo lookr-j for wtth tho end of tho month eo near. rOBTLAXH MARKET a. Grain. Floor. Feed. Et. WHEAT Track pricP- Blu-stem. 3c; ctub. Mr: r-d l:usAiaa. Tin:; Valley, bJc. 4-fold. BAKLKV-rml. rj per toa; ,brewln. 93Cfo pr ton. M 1 1.1 Jf Tt F FU Pran. 33- ?-.10 Pr ton; mkls:iBp. HI: fcorta, J.; rolled t-arley. 5t) FLOUR rateata, 11.11 po barral; traihta. $4.1vu-S: esDorts. -; Va--ler. 20: criiato. i.w; who wheat, quarters, la. HAT Track prices: Timothy. Wlllamotts Vaiiry. 9iif p-r ton: Eastern Orron. ie:2; ;(4:(i. i4: gnia hay. UU". Ci. v-r. :3jl4. CORN Whole. i:t; cracked. $ per toa, OAl s No. 1 whits. ?s jr too. 1 1 .-.7 1 1-4 17'-1 i:.p MD ISUl IKT FOR Ol ll HOPS. Nrw l'orik Wire Renof Thai Market Very Firm. There was more Inquiry In the local rar-fc-t y-eterdar f'T hpe than for the rvrrrnt mn. This waa dtie to tho fact tht more old than nw hope aro available. 'e wro reported In an r of the Coast tat. The anantd stock of Oretroo lKlft bona kp now lO ba.ea The rrown wire was recetred from N-w York c:: "f jrit -ry flrm. wtth upward tendency. F-ry thin available taken. There la jro-ee-ii rveetatlon of a further sdvance. 'ontltinta In N'rw York State are siren by the Watrrtlle Ttra-a aa followo: Th-e- la a itrnnc demand and more llH mr l oRrs nkatl for th" tr rmalnins lota (-ft in nn han'fo In tbta Tl-lntiy than for axis m'xitha. but Bo far we have lrarn-d of no mkUm t.m wk. TZt of 21 c-nta have mad on ooe lot and It la said bett than 'ill cnta waa offered fr another, but the h.lra of tve are imi in th- market at pm. at. There la now no rhaare for norh f'ltur- ai-ttvtfy on trie market h-re. as th crop prartUaity baa been auJd out. The Kncitfh hop market Is r-ported by th Kentieh Observer of December 1 as follows: There Is more trad" dtinc than la usu.il st this p-rto-t of th nr Ie ar m.ier'y ronflned to vs-fttl qUAliths of copper hops, rrirro for which ore a irlfte hieit"r. Con I mental hops are in fair demand, but the absence of fine naIltt"S retrlrts trad". AnrVn and I'ar trie ast hope are arriv ing frrviy. As most of them are to fuldll forward eontrarts. th"r- are hut very mod erate aaaatltk-s offered oa this markot. Indoa kop factors' trade circulars say la part : Wild. Neame dt Co. A better Inquiry has continued durlns the w-k and values for all uorful quaitls bae ai'prertatel. Available aierka (how a ronldrahe shrlnkare dur nx tho last two or three vki and buyers Are eapertendne kcp difTlculty la coverins; thir rviulr-vm'nta. Msnf-r fi--nle The demand for me rilnrn and ound copper hope en' lnus anl Vmv busfn-es h-ia followed durina tiie pnt wlt 1'rices for thcs rad-s are de chi'dry flrni. w. 11. a H. I.e Mr There has hern a oml many p.trr"ls of bona takea by roa inr durln the past n-ek at prices now carrrnl. alet of the Kaat Knt hops have Ijv bn s l J and the Worceater market is practically cleared. AMKKK tN TRADR W ITU A MOT. Op pert amity for rrn Coaat Merchants la lnreao It. I'nMed KiaM nneul Julian H. Arnold, sf AmOy. China, writhe: "It Is Sis-etd that the Aaoocla'ed Cham bers of Conmerro of the I'actrW o.t bar dtretorts printed In.MuJtnr the namra. ad dressea and. If pneaioi nnanm ratings of all of the emporttnjr firms within their Jiirut alctl ocxa. Thts oft ire has had several Inqul rtea f c the nam -a of doalrs oa tb" I 'c me Coast and the busins dtrevrrts In our li brary Include but few Pacific t'oaat firms. It would be to their Int.n-et to hav u reotory stavk as suca--sf d. espraily if a new edition kt prtntcd every year. "The total trade of this port to about $12.' Cmw woj rd s yar. Its imports bwJn about pXOiM.n tn raewes of Irs ex porta Nine hundred stvarashipa vail at this port each year and bat one of thse ta Anjt lean. tf tho A inert an lral wtth this port th only em port is tUy bu!a. aouf 3.aa.tHa of whUb are a-at ea h yvar t i'a;ac i'oast pwta the i'B.rl.ii Ira ;m at tr.le Hour and ww constitute the batik. The Im part of American rtuur to thai prt has suf fered a vcrely on account of the blcn pri -s of American sbtatUrtnc tha last few years sad also en account of tbw la reasvd pro dscttoa of native flour la ehnchat. vhlcb hi now Oiilirc way lo a..uth-rn p-trt a tew jun a the !mpir'i of A merit a d H-eur ar' d atnut r.'-. 0 b irr' i a yr. laat y-r ih- y lrptl to 7"."U larreia. A.tnwucn thrt- h.te a a s'.s'u r-overy this r, tt la h rd'e ripeft. J that the trad" wMI assume th.- n w . i ua of importance is nll some y-ara a ," ftUlTHV M:LL AT f lRMF.K PRIC FJl daa le 4MTerta Kcve as) Thla Market. Hatter- la fHrsHly. AH kinds of puoitrjr had qukk sale oa Front street this Wi-k. H.-vetp:s have been tlsM asd le demand active. Urns ld at 1? c. n:s yrsterjay and prints, un lan too lars-'- hnsasbt the same price. L.irs t'irkrs were tab n at --i cents and drrsard turkeys at 3 ce-jta Lave iesf auld at 1 ct-nts. lovha 'eere Very s-ar--. Tbe Tt Biarki t was wrak at 7 to U hnik. -.iie nsaiinrss wasV dtne with deal He at thrs yr r- t. Il.tho tui; pxrs are of-f-r.na rc-e on this market and prrparm to sad In in r.cl qiun i f i- a. A t'i trsT" prcvai.a tn the butter and :her-e ;:' n. with a so.xt local demand sad a fair a epp'y of Io. : s:H-k. Dairy aaa Country Frodaes POl'I.TRT IJvo: Hens. 17c: Fprlnc. u 17c. turkeys, .''c; ducks. 1 f l"r. ireese. lie iM-esaed: Turkeys. Ch"r. 3c. y, j, OfCr,n ranch, candled. 37 tfSsc; Caltf rr.ia. 3i j 27Sc. ClIKKst: Full cream, twins. IT 01714 per p--t.nr1; yeuns America. H lSlaO. IU TTKK City croamery extra. 1 and 3 pound prime, in tome. ZJc per pound; loss than b-cartons ard delivery extra. Pulsiv Fam-y. lib ilo per pouud. ViAL, Fancy, ft to l-i puaauav 10 lis per pound. ecocablr and FYwtta. APri-E.4 Kin. 4ftT3c per box; Waxen, T"clt; Raid win. TJcflll.::; Northern Spy. ;V'tl'.; ttnnw. ! a nan a. 1.73 0 3-J; Fled Chek Pipp!n. 75cl.X HACK VEOETAUUES Carrota ll-3 kunUred; raraorpa. llQLUi turaips, $li le. 1 1.2 0 tMO. GHtKN FRUITS Pears, 1.2Bfl par boa; rrapes. ll.TitiS per box. Mala can, 8'lM per barrel: cranberries, 1'J n 1U par bar rel: persimmons Sl.f2 per lx, VKUtTAHLKS Iteana, 12 per pound; cabbace. l.2 a 1 -V per hundred; cauliflow er. J a u w per crate; celery. California, 9 ?)lrl per crate: cucumbers. 12 per box: esspiaut, lltfl-'a per crate; garlic. Suisse per pucd: sreen onions. l.c per dusen; heal lettuce. 44 $ 4S0 per doaen; hothouss lettuce, I1i: per box; peppers. 13c pr U. ; pumpkins, lylHc per lb.; radishes. Hm-Oc per doaen; sprout Tcc; sQuaJib. lwlo par lb.; tomatoos, II. 7.. per bo. Tf:)l'lCAU rut ITS Oranses. naT. $2 u 2.73 per box; Japanese. 11.10 p-r bt-iM; taneerlnra, $2 per box; lemons. 94; Florida srapefruM. California arapo frutt. iZ. i4t bananas, ec per pound; pine appie. Uc per pund. l'"TATJK.-i nrrcon. Jobblnr prices, fl.tS hi 1 per hurtdreu; sweel putaloea, 1. I a per hundred. OMN Huyirif price. SI 27 per hundred. Spaaisu onions. 4 4e per pound. Groceries. Dried Fruits. Eta. DKtKD FKL IT Apples. Ivo per pons'); curraata. 13 S If Io?: spnoots. 14V 9 le; Oatea, packase, IVHe per in.: DX. ou.a w.-ilte or biaca. by aack. TCTHc; 5;s. SU1h9 1 TV. 12-ls. ed-1- liv. lu-ls. aj; feniyma lc rALMON Columbia River. 1 poo nil tails. I W per dosen; a pound tails. .93.03; 1 pound fats. I.1C; Alavisa pink. 1-pound tails. 91 21 red. 1-pound tails, inc. Ct)rfc.c: loaaivO. in Uruma. lOllS per pound NUTS Walnuts. I'fl7c per pound: Tlra- ail nuts. Uc; &rerta 11c: almonds lnfMbc; pecaca. I Sc. cocoatnata. POc all per di'n; c:ieatniits. 1 2 c per pound; Lickory nuts. FOlOc per pound. 6ALT (ira&ua:d. US per fn; Hnl! grnurd. loo. viu per ton: uOs, 19 per ton. BtA.vs rimail wh.ta, 4 He; larc white. He. Lima, 6c; pina, ':; rod al exlcana. Me. oaou. aa RICE No. 1 Japsa. 4ic: cheaper aradss. 93V,4.&: Southern bead, ft To. JIONET Choice, 93.7ft per case; strained. o pr pound. fel UAR Dry eranuiaiea. mm ana norry, ir.o; tet. 93.0; tra C. 95; golden yellow U.. 9iw: cube barrel , SV13: powdered. $4.43. Terms on remit tances within 13 daa. deduct fee per pound. If later than 13 days and within 3D days, deduct o per pound. alaplo sugar, 13 0 lc per pound. PreTbSea. TIAft 10 to 12 DOunda 174c: 1? to 14 pounla, 17c; 14 to lrf pounds. lHc; klnned. loftc; picnics. 13 c; cotias roi'. Ijc Bacon Fancy, sue: standard. 29c. c ho lea. S3; Enxllsh. Ic. 8MUKKl MEATS Feef tonarae. 79b; d rleU beef se is. T2c : ou tsidss. none; ta ftidee. 7ac; knuckles. 22c UHT SALT CI HED Kerular short clears. dry salt. 13c; smoked. 10Vc; backs, llcht. saiu lac; smoked, lo c; ba- ks. heavy, salt. 14c; smoked, luc; sapurt bellies, saut. lftlc; smoked. 1 Sc. LAKl-lo. kettle rendered. 12 He: stand. ard pure lft choice, lmc; shortening. 11,0. Hops. Wool. Hides. Eta. II opjt 1 win crop. lwiflc; lOOP crop. lOuHHc; cuntracts. V; Uc. wwl Kastern urecn. issuo pouna; Vaiier. II a lic per pound. 3IOHAIK Choice. 30 u 33c per pou&a. IA''ARA ItAHK 14c per pound. 11 1 lEtf halted Mds. SStf'So per lb. : salted calf. 13c; raitd kip. 7tc: salted stass. do; green bides. 1? less; dry bides. Itf'jtrlTc; dry calf. liaAftc; dry stags, aa . . r til-, i 3 lry. Jn,c: saiieo. ouicnarr taks-off. 40. "3c; eprina lambs, Zbtt Olla. LINSEED OIL Pure raw It barrels, kettle boiled. In barrels. c; raw. In cases. II. Oli kettle boiled. In cases. el.3. lots ol iu asllone. 1 rent less per gallon. COAL OIL Water White, cases 17c, wood bbia.. U4r. Iron bbia. Sc; Headlight, caias 18 He. wood bbia.. 13 He. Iron bbia. 11 He; abocens. rasca 20c; apeclal Water White, wood bbia 17c, troa bbia 13c; ElaJno, caaos 2 .c . Extra Htar. eases 20c; V. M. 4 P ft apt ha. caves, I'o; Iron bb!-. 13 He O As IIN K Iiei Crown or motor gasoline, rases. 2e; iron bbia. lc; hd gasoline, cases, ic iroa bb.s. Soc; A ro turps, cases 43o Iron bbia.. he; engine distillate, casss lfte. trua Lb.a.. GEO POULTRY ACTIVE l.i:gk s.vlk at Seattle ixu fkfsii chilled chickens. Iftaatk r Wartnsrv Raak rrSrliin of the Nortbwrstrrn cities reaierday Vtr as fol.o s. ci.-rtn cs. Itj'snrrs. iNw-rtand 91. a- '. -.t- att l -i."i; j . r Ta. arta 41 epokaae SH.1. oa.t.7 Bttaaaaa Arrive la 4rewai eaduioa. Fvw cars of bananas were n-rtivrd yes trsdaya. all of t hem rreea. Kir. pt for a lew small ei press ahipmenrs of veg'tablea. soCj-dag ets" ar-lrj an the strevt. The car of bead I'-r tnat was eiprtd failed ta at-. ow up. but la promised fur ttits mora laaV Cauliflower coatiaara to be its' Dealers Try l'nucccfuUjr to Ob tain Tnrke In Portland. Track Trade Small. SEATTLE. Iec TX 'Soerlal Tho fes tt:re of the poultry market tiMlsy aaa the heavy sale of fresh dressed chilled Eastern hens and fprlnr. A larxe consenraent of lce.1 poultry arrived by express from Kan sas. arM met att active demand. There waa a prvnuUDted scarcity of fresh Ureoard or live turkeys f-r the New Years trade. Ialers tried unuccefui:y to obraln a etrpi -T In Portland. Kancy stock Would have so.'l at .til rents. The rg and butter markets were atesdr. Fan -y ril rommanr outaide pric a Tra! In the fruit ana vneiaMe markets was rather dull tMay. Tlie New Year s demand has not developed very large vol rme. M"t W estem-a enue houes will he rleed Situf-lar a'ternoon fr itock-taklng anl a III a -so he closed Montlay. Western avenue once more has a supply of rpe bananas. ttwret potatoes were nuJte as low as 3 rents In some quarters to.iay. White pota toes are s-tm lt-c In larger quantities, a I- thvuch Jobbing prices are unchanged at 9ft to ... There was at'solutcly no demand for a he t or cnarse cereal today, and prices were wholly nom'naL Keports from Mexico tr. Urate that I hers wtil be considerable demand for wheat from that source during January. rRODlCk; AT SAX FRANCISCC. Q net at lows Carrrat ta l-s Bay Clly Mar kets. 8 AN FRANCISCO. IHC 2t The follow ing prcduc prit ee were current today: Vretaites ucumt--rs. i;u-.-: garll-, 4tf3-. sia peJ. siring beans. lo- . tomato- . 1 1 1 ': ex.piani. 3 y frc. lluttt.-r r'an V re am -re. -'m . ;rs Htore. 33: rany ranch. 37 Sc. t-.... ir-Yount Amt-c-.-a. is.il 7c. V.llmtuOa Air an. mddllng-a. 921 6 HtT Wheat. 19 0 14; wheat and oata. 99 tf II alfalfa. IV 1- Frail Appea chjl. ftVlc: com m on. 40e; Mexicaa Umrs. 4 M; California lemons, croice. Iii; common. oranges, navel. 1 iugtM. pineapples. ft2t2.dL Potatoes ea.irws Uurbanks. Sl.7301.pO; rweets. Iia-J.ri; Oregon Uurbsnka, 11.309 l.ev oilons 91 V. K-vtp' Flmjr. a'7 qua'ter sacks: w h"at liw Tnlli, lkrlev 743 ceatais. m'b, 34 rentn's. potatoes. O sacks: bran, lici sacks. suiddluis. -3 sacks, bay, 40 I VGA. i FLURRY IN STOCKS Leading Shares in Strong De mand at Higher Prices. BONDS ALSO ADVANCE Call Loan Rates Higher on Belated Demand for Money, but Xoi Likely to Last Long For eign Financial Situation. NEW YOHK. Dec. I. In tli Mock m.r kt lnccro. Try Kaerally .nil th. move- n.n( ku unusually comprahenpiv.. Th. fto cmbr.cd not only the standard rail way .harM. but took In many of the aouth rn and southwestern Issues and various spe cialties as welL Tbe farther sjaln In Southern Railway preferred was coincident with reports that dividends on the stock are llkoiy to be re sumed soon. Canadian O'acinc was active at a bijrher price. Union lactne and South ern PactHc wvre apparently In demand at smart advances tn th. face of distinctly unfavorable exhibits. The coal stock, wer. conspicuous for their aetlTlry and underlylns; strength, and Keaa In was bousht by tradera who pnfeed to have advance Information that the com pany'a showtns; for November would be mtr than gratifying- The market closed with prices generally at or near the best. l.ondon waa a buyer on baiunce.' but not enough to call for detailed comment. The bank of England's proportion of reserve to liabilities fell to 3?.it per cent, a decline of 8H per cent from th. previous week, out compered favorably with the corresponding week lnut year. The bank's total reserve decreased over f T.omMHHl and Its bullion holdings decreased by J7.SO0.imh. Clearances by the Tendon banks for the week were almost B.:iN.tMHt.nuo less than foe the same week ln.t yesr. A striking feature of the weekly state ment of the Bsnk of France wes Its enor mous Incresee of about S34.n0v.uoo In bills dlrcurted. lielnted demands for money caused a flurry In call loans, for which the rata advanced to i per cent. It is not Improbable that a further sllsht dlsturbsnc of local monetary conditions may be witnessed tomorrow, but In th. Judgment of bankers, the higher rats is not likely to last long. The bond market was Irregular with espe cially Isrg. dealings In Norfolk a Western convertible 4s st rising prices. Total sales, par value. 13.423.000. I'nited Htates Oovera ment bonds were unchanged on call. CLOVING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Balsa, rllgn. Low. liul. I'll ti.'li 4t 42 '4 4!!', .v 11 37 74 H'2'4 42 114 14::. 2 SO :tt oi4 HC'Si 118 JO.". 28 ' 75-. 31 104 2SO M 3d 2SS 44 V, 14Hi 12.T, Mil .11 M4 13rtV 14 1(14 27 4(1 34 S 152 -4 12.1 WO'i iS US loo4 J. iv, 12 40 17 S.1V4 .". lo.-. 144 24 121) 4 31 OS 4 117 f54 :is luv. 41 KHI4 M 111!', 27 12S 1"4 1'7 17 2ti 1.-.9 31 1.-1" .11 Kl 2'J .'. 3; 4'. ' 11 2.1 1 34 2.". i2 . 170 1.2 H 37 72 ll.i 44 2 HI 34 Tki ;8 72 4-i is res. All is Chsl nf .. Ama. t'np-r .. Af Agricil .Vn licet ISitrsr. American C.m .. Am Car i11y. Am Cotton uil. Am Hd I.t pf Am Ice SecurU. Am l.lftsed ... Am Locomotive. Am Smel A H"f do preferrel. . Am ste.d Kily.. Am Fusur K. f . . Am Tel a Tel. Am Tobacco pf. Am Woolen .... Anaconda af Co Atchison do preferred.. Atl Coast Line.. Halt ohl . . . Itthlehcm Steel ltrook H Tran. . Canadian lac .. Central leather do prefern-d. . Central of N J Chs Ohio .. Chicago Alton Chi til West .. do preferred. . Chicago N W C. M a: St I . . C. C. C A St I. Col Fuel le Iron Col Southern. Ciiiwul lias . . .. Corn Products .. Lel at Hudson.. DAK Orande.. do preferred.. IMetillers secur Erie do 1st pf .... do 2d pf .... Gen Klectrlc ... C.t North pf tit North Ore . . Illinois Central. Interbor Met .. do preferred.. Inter Harvester. Inter Marlns pf lnt Paper .... Int lmp Iowa Central... K C Southern.. Co preferred.. I.aciede Una .. l.ouls A Nash.. Minn a St L... M. S P a 8 8 M Mo. Ksn a T.-l do preferred.. Mo Pacific Nat Illscuit .... Nat I,ead Mt-I N Br 2 pf N Y Central . . N Y. Ont a Wes Norfolk a Wea North Am Nort hern P-te . Pacinc Mail ... Pennsylvania ... People's Ja . . . p. c c a st 1... Pittsburg Coal.. Pnssed S Car.. Pull Pal Car . . Ky Steel Spring. Heading IlepulIC Steel.. do preferred.. Rock Jsiand Co do nrefi-rred. . St L a F 2 pf t Lt Southwest. do preferred. . Sloes-Sheffield . Southern Iac .. Soutucrn Ity .. d preferred.. Tenn Copper . .. T.-S a Pacific. Tol. St It Wes C'nion Paclfle .. do preferred.. V S Itcalty .... U 8 Rubber ... U S Steel do preferred. . I'tah Copper .. , Va-Csro Chem Wabash d. pref.rred.. Western Md .. w .-.tins K:ec .. Western L'nlonM Wheel a 1. K.. Lehigh Valley .. Total sales for 14.2" 3tM SOO IMI ItMl :io 3.400 2UO l.soo 31 Ml 1(K) 4' 3.3lM 4im 41 H 1IH 1IHI 1.200 2.7t 200 300 :i 'a 4.: 4U e 37 74 1"2 143 2 3l :iu 101 m. 11H IOT. 2MV, 75 1." 1 104 2.300 BO 21 44 142". 123 2ort 2e 200 1.1'H) 100 2" ! 3.0O0 .VM1 400 r.'xi 600 50 137 HI.". 23 7 r. 2' l.h'Hj S.5O0 3.2O0 300 400 1.0O0 ' 2O0 l.w ' 700 100 " 'fun I.3110 loo S.4O0 'e.VlO S.NJ to 200 l.Vt 123 . l'li iu &4 33 H i(.;. 144 i.io" ' 32 -4 117 '3' 111 41 IOU iio' 2S 12ti 105 111 45 42 4.1 eU 37 73 102 142 2 30 3S I. NIl, 102 II. 1 10.1 2t 7.1 im.1 31ts 104 '7 'ii 44 142 122 . "-1 ' 31 f.rt 13U iiVi" 2b 27 45 i.'.2 122 ".t 111 53 32 n 10.1 143 i. -io' ' 31 4" " 117 "34 ll 41 HU ii. i 27 12S 0 4O0 3( 100 15W Vo.ioo i.io 100 112 2 s" O0 20 2! 15V 1 140 Vi 20 100 3S 3S 300 3.4 1MM HH SIM) 1IIO hoo 27.WX) 300 " 2. V0 74.H"") tioo 100 1.100 4 : 2 1 30 21! 2 17 W3 7 72 110 4 114 2d 1 :ij 2 52 int. V2 '33 71 110 81 Cl 34 50 31 40 1.1.2O0 lJil the day. 2S7 1M) 900 shs BONDS. NEW YORK. Dec. 21. Closing quotations: U. s. ret 2s reg.lo N. Y. C. gn 3s sn'-- do c-tupon looVXo. Paclffc 3s. 70 B V. S. .is res I"'-" iXk Pacific 4a...lou do coupon ...lo ll'nlon Pacific 4alul C. S. new 4s e.115H; Is. Central 4s. !:! do coupon .. .11 Japanese 4s .... btf D. a H. O. s. 3l Coadlllow .f the Trsawary. WASHINOTON. lec. 2. At the begin ning of business today th. condition of the I'nilcd Stst.-s Treasury was: Working baianc. In Treasury of- n.. I33.44S.0O4 In banks and Philippine Treas ury 33.214 SH) Total t.-ilance In general fund.... ei.2'.'. IM1 Oroinarv receipts yesterday..... X.5:4.5o2 ll.lur.-ments tl"v.o:.J The dullclt to dnte this fiscal year la 47. 3oi.o. against 327.1P9.202 at thla tim. last year. There Rgurea exclude Panama Canal nd public debt tranaactions. - Money. Ktchange. Etc. NEW YOHK, Dec. 2v. Money on call, firm. 3tM per cent: ruling rate. 3 p.r cent: closing bid. 4 per ctnt: ofTered at 4 ler cent. . " Time loans, dull and steady, fio and 90 das. ;, per cent: six montbs. 3a4 per cent. Irlm. mertsntlle paper. 44 per cent sterling exchange steady, with actual bus iness tn bankers' bills at X4.s2f 4.125 for 60-day bills and at 44.S01O for demand. Commercial bills. t4.Blfc4.S2. liar stiver. 53c M'Slcan dollars. 41c tiovernroent bonds, steady: railroad bonds. Irregular. , S.N FRANCISCO. Pen 2 Sterling on London. 00 d:i-a, $4.92: Bight. 4.3. Drafts Sight. 4c: telegraphic k-.B LONDON. Dec 29. Bar silver steady at 24 15-14 per ounee. lunr)-. 3 0 4 per ecct. The rata of discount In th open market for short Mils Is 3 per cent; for three months' bills. 3 63 9-10 per cent- CHICAGO. Dec. 21). Exchange on New York. 3 per cent discount. Stocks at Boston. BOSTON. Dec 29. Closing quotations: A Mooes 38 Mohawk 43 Amalg. Copper.. 03 iNevada con. ... 1S A. Z. I. A Sin.. 2d IS'ipissing Mines.. 1"H Arlxona Com. .. 14)North Butte.. ..y 29 Atlantic ....... 3 (North Lake f B a C C a 8 M. 12IOId Dominion... 37 Butte Coalition. 17 Osceola 127 CsU A A'isona. 4S ,Parrott (S a C) 11 Csl. a Hecla. :.540 iQulncy 70 Centenoial 15'shannon -. 11 Cop. Ran. C. Co. 157 isuperior 41 E. Butt. Cp. M. Il!Sup a Bos Mill.. 5 Franklin 9 lup a plus Cop. 13 Glroux Con. .... d Tamarack 50 Oranl.y Con. ... 37 ,L'. S. S. R. & M. 4.1 Greene Cananea. tl do prefererd .. 47 1. Royale (Cop.) 111'Vtnh Con. 33 Kerr Lake S-ltah Copper Co. 44 Laka Copper.... 34: Winona 8 La Salle Copper 'Wofterino ......115 Miami copper... Iil Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Dec. 21). Standard copper, weak: spot. leceinler and January. Febru ary and March. 1 2. 00 -n" 12. 1.1c. London closed steady: soot. 150 Is 3d: futures. 50 10s 3d. Arrivals rwported at New York today. 60O tons. Custom-house returns show exports of 2S.7S4 tons so far this month. Local deal ers report a nominally unchanged market. Lake copper. l:!rl3.2ie: electrolytic. 12.1a ti 13c; casting. 12.50 u 12 .7.1. Tin. weak: snot. 3Sir.l8.12c: Dccsmher, 3Sri3S.lic: January. February and March. fii.uo 3-vloc London, weak; spot and m tures. 174. I-ad. dull. 44SS4.B0C New York: 4.309 4.411c Kast St. Louis. London, spot. il3 2s 6d. Spelter, weak. 6.40tr5.47c New York, 0.2O93.3OC East St. Louta tLondun. spot. 124. Iron 71ea-eland warranta 40s lOHd tn London. Ixically Iron was quiet: No. 1 foundry Northern. fl5.25grlG.2u: No. 2, fl4.75tf 15.75: No. 1 Southern and No. 1 Southern soft. 15.2.1i 11.7.1. RECORD CALF SALE Extra Fine Load Brings $8.25 at North Portland. TOP PRICE PAID AT YARDS WHEAT BUYiNG IS HEAVY ESTIMATES OF THE ARGENTINE CHOP AUE KEDI.CED. .Manitoba Grain Taken for Export. Prices Show it Sharp Ad vance at Chicago. CHICAOO. Dec. 2i. Thers was big" bur Ins; of both wheat and corn by ths leading bulls, primary receipts were small, notably In the Northwest, and there was reason for belief that salra of cnh wheat here were larger than reported. Talk of reduced estl mates on tbe Argentine crop had consider able effect, and 90 also did mention of bet tr demand In Kump?an centers. Btatementa that ;H boAtlnsda of Manitoba, wheat had btn work I for export had a tonic effect. Purchases for nrominent houses took on large proportions, and In the last half of the dftv made tlie market almost buoyant. The May option ranged from Hh wwie to V7ic. clnsliur ISC net higher at . c. Poreltxners were paid to be buying corn here today In consequence of alleged losses to the Arsrentine crop, purchases Tor lorai account reached huge total, two houses alons tnking more than S.(Ko,lXo ousneiB. May fluctuated between 47 c and 4Slc and closed jc up at -4S-4c casn corn uiu not follow the upturn in futures. .no. vollow finished at 4ti!fMtl'c. Oata made a. fair response to the bulge In other grain. alay sold from .1.1 e to X44c and In the end was c net signer at 84 4 i .14 'if. provisions were active but Irretrular. Pork closed the same as last night to 7ic higher; lard up 2c to THGlOe anl ribs 2AQdC decline to oc advance. The leading; futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Onen. Hiirh. -74 CORN. .47 .47 .4Si .4SS OATS. .si . jii; .33 .34 U .32 .34 MESS PORK. l.?i l.4e 19.20 1H.2H 18.37, LARD. 10.45 10.30 SHORT RIBS. 10.22 4 10.25 lO.l.f ft.67'-. 9.77H 9.1i Cash quotations were as follows Flour wuiet. Rye No. 2, 8OH0 8-C. Uarley Feed or mixing, t670c; fair to choice malting, 78 85c Flaxseed No. 1 Southwestern, $2.30; No. 1 Northwestern. $2.43. Timothy seed $1 Clover 115. Pork Mess, per barrel. $19.sngi9.2i4. Lard Per 100 pounds. $10.42. Short ribs Sides (loose). $9.7310.23. Sides Short, clear (boxed), 110.62 ft 0 10.75. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 10,000 bushels. Primary receipts wre 431.000 bushels, compared with 632. t00 bushels the corresponding day a year sgo. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 2H cars: corn, 3J0 cars; oats, 28 cars; hogs. 27,000 head. Receipts. Shlnments. Flour. Darreis ......... 411, juu Wheat, bushels 43..10U Corn, bushels 83.700 Oats, bushels 765.090 Rye. buJShels 8.0 00 Barley, bushels lfiO.SOO Dee. . , May.. July.. Dec.. , May.. July.. Sept. . TeC. . May. . July. . Sept . . Jan. ., May.. Jan. .. May. . Jan. . . May. Low. $ -92U .96 .91 .4 .4 7 .4fl .4 .21 .33 .33 .33 1S.&0 10.35 Close. $ .93 .97 .93 .47 .48 -49 .00 .11 .34 .34 .34 19 45 18.62 10.42 10.17 10.25 9.77 20.900 60.700 492. S00 462.000 87,400 .Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. Dec. 20. Wheat December, $1.04,' ; May. $1.0. 4j ; July, Sl.iKl. Cash. No. 1 hard. $31.04 -K ; No. 1 Northern, $1.03 i f 1.04 ; No. '2 North ern. $1.00 1.02 ; No. 3 wheat, fiUc t J1.0L Kuropean Grain Markets. LONDON, Dec. 29. Cargoes, a firmer feel ing. Walla Walla for shipment at aT.s tfd. English country markets, i-Yench country markets, quiet. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 29. Wheat De cember, os ItSd: March. 7s d; May, 7s ld. Weather fine. Oraln at San Francisco. FAN FRANCI.3CO. Dec 29. Wheat firm, barley firm. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, $147 l.l! p.'r cental. Barley Feed. $1.109 1.11 14 per cental; brewing. $1.13 ft l.H. per cental. Oats Red. $1.07 -i 1.27 14 per cental; white. $i.474l-aV& per cental; black, $1.35 4a 1.4 per cental. Call board saies: Barley May, $1.14 per cental. Crrnla 3Iarkets of tbe Northwest. TACOM-w Dec. 29. Wheat, bluestem, InIc: forty fold, b-c; club. 81c; red Russian, Keceipts, wheat 68 cars, oats C cars, hay 0 cars. FTATTLR. Dec. 29. Milling quotations: Bluestem. &"c; forty fold. Kic: ctuh, 82c; Fife, 82c; red Russian, hoc. Export wheat: Blue stem. 2c; fortyfold. 80c; club, 7lc; Fife, 7 lo ; red Kusalan, 77c. YesterdaVs car receipts, wheat 22 cars, corn 2 cars, barley 9 cars, aats tf cars, hay 14 cars. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. Dec 29. Coffee futures closed steady, net 2 points lower to 5 points higher, bales. 4d,0o0 bas. December, ll.loc; January, ll.oTc; February, 11.1 :ie; March, 11.1!c; April, 11.13c: Way, 10.05c; June, ll.Mc; July. 10.2c; August, 10-H7c; Sep tember, 1 o.7 9c ; October, 10.70c; November, 10.!c tipot coffee, steady. N'n. 7 Rio. 13c; No. 4 Santos. 13 c. Mild coffee, quiet; Cordova, 13 lic. Raw sugar, nominal; Muscovado, .SO test, line; centrifugal, .1H1 test, 3.6c; molasses, .89 lest, 3.11c. Refined, ulet. Dried Fruit at New York. NEWilXRK, Dec. 29. Evaporated apples, rery Inactive, firm: on the fpot farcy Is quoted at 12 r 13c;. choice, ll$Uc; prime. 9 6 lie Prunes, quiet, firm on . small offerins;s; quotations range from 7 c to loc fr Callfornlas UP to 30-4US and 9610c lor Orexuns. from 60s to 3oa peaches, quiet, steady. Choice. 7fcc; ex tra choice. SS4tt8c; fancy, 6c. New York Cotton Markets. NEW YORK. Dec. 29. Cotton Spot closed quiet. Mid-uplands, 14.95c; mid-gutC 1 j.-0c. balea. 4'K bales. Cotton futures closed steady to 6 points lower. Decern ter. 14..'9c; January, )4.6lc; February. 14-Mc: March, 14.91c; April. 15.00c; May. 15.11c; Juns and July, 15.13c; August. 14-&3c; Octooer, 13.44c. Cattle Market Is Strong Through- out Hogs Move Readily at $8.90 and $8.05 Good Demand for Sheep. The highest price ever paid for calves at the Portland Union stockyards was realised yesterday when a load of extra, fine Idaho stock was sold at $8.23 per hundred. This price is 75 cents over aha top previous quo tation. There were 78 head In the load and they avecaged 225 pounds In weight. There was not much trading, otherwise, in the cattle Una, as offerings were small, but the continued strength of the market was shown by the sale of a cow of extra good quality at $3.73. Other cows sold at $3.10 and a few steers went at $3.33. Top hogs were moved at $S-03 and two other loads brought $8.90. A bunch of mixed sheep wore sold at $4.83. The receipts for tbe day were light, con sisting of only 14 cattle. 7S calves, 28 sheep and 1S3 hogs. Shippers of the stock were Hugh Com mlngs. of Halsey. 1 car of cattle, sheep and hogs; George Kohlhagen, of Central Point. 1 car of hogs; M. E. Hotcjiklss. of Sugar City, Idaho, 1 car of calves, and Millard A Hutchkiss, of Arco, Idaho, 1 car of hogs. The day's sales were'as follows; Weight. Price, 4 steers 002 $5.35 1 cow lOliO 5.75 7 cows 911 5.10 1 bull m 1250 3.73 1 cow 9."0 6.10 ?H sheep, mixed 17 4.85 7S calves 223 8-23 3:. hoKs 131 8.00 4 hogs 22S 8.90 S4 hogs 211 8.S3 Prices current on the various classes of stock at tbe Portland Union Stockyards were as follows: Prime steers Oood to choice steers Fur to good steers Common steers Choice to prime cows tlood to choice beet cows... Fair to choice beef cows Common to fair beef cows. . Good to choice heifers Fair to good heifers ..$fi.75Si$7.B0 .. 6.00'tf S.30 .. 5.2! 5.75 . . 4.50U) 5.25 .. 5.502 5.75 . . .YOO 6.50 .. 4.50'(9 5.00 .. 2.004? 4. 1 HI .. 4.73 5.00 4.&09 4.75 Common to fair heifers 4.00-? 4.25 Choice to good fat bulls 4.25 4.50 Fair to good fat bHUs 3.50 4.0O Common bulls 2,5047 3.25 Good to choice light calves 7.009 7.50 Fair to good light calves 6.301 7.0O Good to choice heavy calves.... 5.234? 6.00 Fair to good heavy calves 4.75 3) 5.25 Common calves S.75f 4-75 Good to choice stags 4.50 $i 5.00 Fair to good stags 4.00 4.54 Choice1 hogs 8.75 9.00 Good to choice hogs 8.50& 8.76 Yearling wethers, grain-fed 4.75-&t 5.00 Old wethers, grain-fed 4.25j 4-30 Choice ewes, grain-fed 3.75 'ff 4.0O Good to choice ewes, grain-fed.. 3.2' 3.75 Feeders 2.25& 3.00 Choice 'Iambs. gralnfed 6.5on 7.00 Good to choice, grain-fed 6.004 6.50 Poor lambs 4.95 5.00 Hay-fed sheep and lambs 60c lower than grain-fed. Chlcaaro Livestock Market. CHICAGO, Dec 25. Cattle Receipts, es timated, 15LH); market, slow. Beeves. $4,659 7.25; Texas steers, 4.2045.35: Western, $4fj 6.90; Blockers and feeders, $3.40r5.84; cows and heifers, $2.50$i 6.25; calves. $7.259.25. Hogs Keceipts, estimated, 24,000; market, dull. 5c to 10c lower. LIs;ht, $7.44X7.80; mixed, $7.50 5i 7.82 ; heavy, $7.45&7.80; touph. $7.45$t7.0U: good to choice heavy, S7.wa7.SO; pigs, $7.157.95; bulk of sales, $7.03 i. 7.75. Sheep Receipts, estimated at 15,000; mar ket, weak. Native. $2.tiO&4.35; Western, $2.75 '4 4.30; yearlings, $4,756x5.80; lambs, native, $4.25 w. 50; Western, $4.756.50. STORAGE STOCKS OP APPLES MOSTLY IX FIRM HANDS. Real Market WiU Develop After January 1 5 Latest Sales by Northwestern Fruit Exchange. The market bulletin of the Northwestern Fruit Exchange, Issued yesterday, follows: Consumers have been paying more atten tion to wax dolls, drums, sewing machines, phonographs and safety razors than they have been to apples. During the past few days the apple market has been very quiet, but with a strong undertone, and the situa tion all over the country Is In healthy con dition. Storage stocks are In generally strong hands, although at some points there are quite a lot of cheap apples In weaker hands, and this fruit will come out in the near future. A careful stduy of the situa tion brings us to tbe conclusion that the real apple market will begin to develop after January 15, and we shall not attempt to draw on storage stocks to any extent be fore that time. Meanwhile, we are very nearly cleaned up ou rolling cars, having but three cars in transit unsold. Since our last report we have made the following sales; P. F. E. 634. from Council, Idaho, Decem ber 17, 22 fancy McAphee. $1.35; 21 extra fancy Baldwins, $1.35; S3 extra fancy Ganos, $1.35; 40 extra fancy Rome Beauty, 11.30: 6 xtra fancy Spitzenbergs, $L7o; 1 extra fancy Hoover, $1.30; 68 extra fancy Ben Davis. 30 fancy Ken uavis, st.iu; extra fancy Black Bens, $1.35; 15 extra fancy Winesaps, $1.70; 16 fancy winesaps. $1.60; 6 extra fancy Staymans, $1.50; 86 extra fancy Wh!te Winter Pearmalns, $1.50; 3 extra fancy R. I. Greenings, $L.15;3 un known, $1.15; 7 fancy Senators, $1.40; 4 extra fancy Jonathans, $1.50; 15 extra fancy Northern Spy, $1.25; SO extra fancy York Imperial, $1.23: 19 extra fancy Limber Twigs, $1.50; 10 extra fancy Genitons, $1.35; 17 fancy Grindstones, $1.25; all f. o. b. W el se r. Idaho. This is a particularly "top notch" sale. The car Is represented to be A-l In pack and grade, sold to a wholesale grocery-house In centraUTexas. P. F. E. &3. from Union, Or., December 16, extra fancy Black wigs, iji.au; extra fancy Ganos $1.13, choice Ganos 90c; fancy Vor-ir. 1111 choice 0c: rancy itcn uavis $1.03. choice 90c; fancy Willow Twiga $1.30; NTou-towna 1L50: K1DXS Sl.ia; .Blue rear- malns fancy $L30, choice $1.03; choice Red Cheek's 90c, jail f . o. b. Union Junction, to a hnver in Oklahoma. P. F. ET. 4392, from Crates. Or., 20th, 613 fancy, 31 choice Kaighns. Red Cheeks, mostly 150a and smaller, at $1 per box straight. Lab. Oregon, to a buyer in Georgia. P. f. E. 7632, 697 fancy. 73 choice Tel low Newtowns, from Ashland, Or., Decem ber 14, exported to England. P. F. E- 133L from Farmers Union Ex change, Union, Or., December 16. 49 fancy Ganos $1.33; 13 fancy Ben Davis $1.15; 3 fancy Giliriowers $1.25; 7 fancy Mann $1.25; 112 choice Rome Beauties, 22 choice Sena tors $L15; 6 choice Grimes $1.25; 19 choice Spitzenbergs $ 1.23; balance choice Spies Gillflowers. Manns, Walbridge. Bald--wins. Yorlta. Missouri Pippins, Utter Reds, Genttfms Black Twigs Golden Russets at $1 per box all f. o. b. Union Junction. Or., to a wholesale grocery house in central Texas. Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO. Dec. 29. Butter Steady; creameries, 23 29c; dairies, 21 ? 25c. Ecgm Steady; receipts. 19.9 cases; at mark, cases included, 19 22 c; firsts. 29c: prime firsts, 31c. Cheese Steady: daisies. 1515c; twins. 14S14IJc ' Young Americas, 1515c; long horns, 15 & 15c. Wool at St. Louis, ' ST. LOUIS, Dec. 29. Wool Unchanged: Territory and Western medium, SHrc; fine mediums, 17 19c; fine. 12 13c. j lumbermens National Bank CORNER FIFTH and STARK STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON . Capital $500,000 Merchants National ' Bank Portland, Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $350,000.00 r Aecounta of Banks, Corporations, Firms and Indi viduals solicited. Every courtesy consistent with prudent and con servative banking extended to our depositors. Portland Trust Co. Capital, $300,000 Surplus, 60,000 4 per cent paid on Time Deposits.' Cheeking acconnts received on the most favorable terms consistent with sound banking:. " H. 1m Pittoelc, President. Enrrr Olmatead, V.-P. Mgrr. B. Lee Paget, Secretary. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest. National Bank Westoftha Rocky Mountains Bank Notice Security Savings and Trust Company. Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison StreoU Capital and Surplus $900,003 Invites Accounts of Merchants, Individuals and Savings Bonds Investments TimberLands KcGRATH&NEUHAUSENCO. 701-2-3-4-5 Lewis Bid Portland Oregon You can do your share in encour aging "The City Beautiful" by asking every taxpayer to "boost for bitu lithic pave-ments." All Modern Safety Devices t Wireless, ete. LONDON PARIS HAMB0RG tAmerika Jan. C',Bata.via Jan l (Pres. Lincoln. Jan. 12 SHamburs via Cherbourg. fRItx-Carlton a la Carte Restaurant. Hamburg direct. GIBRALTAR, ALGIERS. NAPLES, GENOA, By new 17,000-ton steamers, equipped wltb all modern safety appliances. Electric Baths, Gymnasium, Elevator, etc. S. S. OTNCIXNATT Jan. 5. 12 noon S. S. CLEVELAND Jam. 8 Hamburg-American Line, 160 Powell St., San Francisco, CaL, or local B. R. Agents In Portland. San Francisco, Los Angeles- ani San Diego Direct north Pacific 8. 8. Co.'s 8. 8. Roanaks sad B. 8. Eldest sail .rsry Wsdaasoar alternately at P. at. Tlcltst sIUos Ui XAlra near AJdsr. ataJiTUI J.- B1GLH, Fasseocsr aVcaat, W. B. SLLteaiit, FieUht Asesa. fnonea as. Uls. 114. O. R. & N. . Astoria Konte. STEAaBH HA8SAIX LaTes PorUand dallr except Saturday as B:00 P. M. lialtea ail way laodlnsa. ArrlToe at Astoria at o:O0 A. tt, lieavea Astoria daily, except Sunday, at 7:00 A. M. Axrlsl Portland at 9:00 P. It. Makea direct cw aectloa with steamer Kancotta. tor Megier. llwaco. Lonr Beacb and all yolnca oa (As riwaco Railroad. - . . SAN FRANCISCO At TORTLANI) SS. CO. New service to Los Angeles via San Fran cisco every five days. From Ainsworth Dock, Portland. 4 P. M. S.8. Bear Jan. . Hose City. 7. Beaver It. From San Francisco, Northbound. 12 M. S.S. Bose City Jan. 1. Beaver 6. Bear 11. From San Pedro, Nprthbound. 6.8. Beaver Jan. 4, Bear 9. Hose CKr Is. . H. Smith, C. T. A., 143 Third St. J W- Ransom, Ajtent, Ainsworth Bock. ' Phones: Main 4ua. g6; A UOi. COOS BAY LINE ETKAMER BKKAK WATER sails from Alaska dock. Portland. 8 P. M. Dec. 13, 20, 27, Jan. 8. 10, 17. 24. 81. Feb. 7, 14, 21. 28 and every Tuesday night thereafter during th Winter. Freight received at -Alaska XTock until B P. If. daily. Passenger far. first. class. 110: second-class. ST, Including meals i and berth. Tickets on sale at Ainsworta j Dock. Phones Main 268. A 1231 . A,