THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1910. nr.hL 5TAT. Arreaurw. 1T a In ih Wi!ia-nite Vaitr: pterdtd prop- it!a ta ct m a 1 1 tra-e; fowl ami. ocd dra!na-v buildinga. god road. - BtiH to R. K tttnn. 10 mii to cun:y 1 r1 ! with t!i!nn; ronntnt watr. V-and 3 aires In cultivation. 3. e-ra limb--. eaiane ptr; prlcei Vi p--r acr. km f.ror.s,-reie Co., -n1 f!-oe l s t-'dc. Port HD'i W. o p"R TilCAVFRIl t- r':' it LAVTX e,r Portland aed l.ina. ba Jut rb-Hldd acre f-arta from 7 acr-e up: prlc-ce rrnnf from i -" pr acre, easy ter ir PA?? N. . IrVKI,nrJIENT CO.. TJ: N" nd 2-e-i trc. sn!mp"pt. mrrmn oiurt ltnL special adaptM r ' yrorr. rer r.ntr r-i-i and no.t Tunilt.f wlr end I r; on jr mrw frm Portland: yfr pr acre, on easy terms. Palme. l - 0u- 33 ACKK. 0rt-clae port t a ad en-l etartom. erf-erf a J Bid, sull- a-.e for gaed-e."f'oit and c!efc ii ruck If mt it at the pric of $ ea a,c rv a--t at ? es u w t -- KINXCT "TAMPHEH ER. n BUt ? -r. gecd a--a. e-LamJd f"d. ,T rtr. IS "!- fw LfAnin iu ar.d 5 ' fl let. a rte ul' ! f Van t e.e- r it I la". rw,l -a cleared, enour'i ria'iinf ilri&r to riak f-rrn t- nil Owner. -d ; - TO i-acr tra-. S mM- from K. It eration J tw.v fr-Mn rttjr; runnln "tr ami rrtn. rktr'l UtiU. prl-- 1 -- t $ii. pin'ni fw quick lunu run nine r. xr ill t rr r-a on Mo oftr. Baor nhT at I'llim. I4 i io p--r a-r tvrna t auit. . i-s ArVAMA';iU t OKEOO. t3 pe tnh ftuinmi w dsi each a tha 14 rturre Is bast aUapIrd f C : iiBMat of tViMrsminl laal npn b -na-acad la ea'ti cuaty. map att'eaed. S snatn R. R. d loans, tat tuaA4 ..rn ard Central Ufln . couatlao to tfiToranl colors. drsn to Marc 4 I. 1IS. U:t sr.ap in L. A. pr!- Sic XIobda l:mr. JtJ Ilantoo bdt HuMhrtAD f i arta I I.iijiaa C.. tra; n. mils from railroad . 4 a rs rird. cai.ta. 4' r- iiJ tillable lanl and n,uvw ft f timber; cub road wnhut na m;te. U. P. l.MKH. il! Ctmch Mig. K:.INgi IHKKN f. 3 from Ha:.rr, Uaih koh! ti:nbr. buM. Pne i"U, run mn atram wua falls, price 1ujl Ivli Mttttlon ;. i7Jw7:TAL--t timter lairos. fai:aqua snects. pinear Lxmting ck, all aa4 Uad btda . I'oitlanJ. Of Har"ialo I rmit I Tin: a, " RlVfTRflDB HOME. J t-l seres at a tattoo on (rio City elec tric, lies hia and StgUt:. bear Wil lamette Rier. Improved witb new bnn- alow. worth $;:K peaxk aad Fran- q Matte wa.nut Irea yeara old. a beau itful plat to live and attend to busina in Pvruani; pcu'a "v on terms, or .J for raah. OUl ?sr A 7.ADOW. 8IT H"ard of Trade Hm.. -ith and Oak- llKH MAN S PKIZ An rrrnn ranch of r acrea and ary acre ricb; U-t vii)pmm( as rich man s hoot-y; located at InleraM-tloo of, Apy.egate Hirer with Mou Kiter: thU ram a is the ptli rr whl-b a enns tvaaia banker croaecd the continent, and now la obi.ged to releaat ; aiiartiftar wiil confer witn individuals or syti'itcate who hate ability to act quickly. C are on la a. XtRITtSH i'oU'VBIA fruit land yields to per cre and up a ard. annually; choicest Kilaewoo.1 orchard tracts. Arrow laico Ptatnct. W eat Kootenay. . per ar; terms over 3 ?eara without Interest; no Irritating. d-:ijtMful climate, splendid markeu i"t Hoolet "V." Investors' Trust A s!ortgae Corporation.. itd. 14 Hast! n g s W.. Vancouver. At. C "1NE V-acre fruit farm for sale at a snap If tka now; thT la l n rea bartn fruit, T acres In cultivation, balance pa turc and brvian: all bat of land: small buildings: one mile tn K. K. RK Nt;-iTE;i.K CO.. Ground floor. 1-wts bids. iO, li. t-ACRE tra.-ts near Portland, finest fruit land and cbl' k-n ranch, close to railroad station; good roads, otner farms a- er ty; 17 to per acre, part c-an, balanca to suit at Pr r-nt. MlAkLANU I.VVBSTM KNT CO 3lo t.'orb-tt Itldg Por . .a n d. jS-.YVRtf frnlt farm near MUord: trees In Brat class condition; f od butldlncs: i miles from town; will sell on e-a terma. C, W. T.A- BARRE, S" Commercial Blck. d and vVaMnetnn. For ?le r arms. FARMS AND ACREAGE. a $,(aa ti acrea. Clarii County. Wash ington: ha pew hom-i. - barns, running wat-r to all buildings; or chard. llHj rt-WIl. $ 12 ar-e tn famoua Tuatltn Val- 1-. only mile from carline; all under cultivation; ttiim la an ex cept.onal buv- 1 14 acrea at Pundee, Or. J rftom house, la ra barn and outbuildins: young orchard ; 3 head slot k. rhttkens. farm marhinery and household goods: fe casX I1J.044 li acres near Lents Junction. w'ri boue and everything ele. w tthoul doubt the best buy In the vaMey; this won't last lone: terms. 93. 44S it acrea. Medford orchard for sale or will exchange fr Portland property; Income from orchard stV0o ret yearly. Itv.aOe ie acres. h-eh and sightly ground, at Riverside: eaay trm. ill t :" acres ne Whit K.;mD, Wash., with H acrea in cu. illa tion; the most ntodl aitd upto djte farm In Washington: cash. I 7. o acree la i:itam County for sale or will trade for Portland reaidence. A'so the following acreage on ery de s:rM terms: 44 acrea. IK'tf Or. UM .e a--". .a kamaa County I1 4 - a-rea. l'o.:i. ir 10 5: acra. Voi aLa Khtr 3: i.r. l-l. Or. . 4te I arrra. F-u.lvHle. Or i ! a-ra Fruivile. Or lwe A ;o tracta of clae-ln acreage too bmeroua to mention F. J. ltos:yIFRO. jt Lumbermens liidg- Pnoue A l-7. DO rou want a fine farm la the rich Wood burn divtrlct C7 scrs, nil In curtltatlor. but two or three an a. b! k loum soil. abailttety no reck, tin old orrhard. fatr old build lite, tiia eotl is r. not worn oat. hui b-n grubbed out mostly la the p-t thre year, rlneat of sll (e berrt- a, frutt or m.l.iri that wtii crvw tn the W t named- Valiev; p-r a nice HTUe country t.aa . price tV W ill take Portland r"Mrrty up to '-jOO; b-alance lone time at w per ,-ent. ?- owner at Shoemaker neetment Cx. 3il lienry bid. WEALTH IX CALIFORNIA WALNUT LAN IK. i' per sere from 13-year-old walnuts and Fl per acre from a- yar-o'd tr--s rt tJken ft on Con. ra Ooata Courty laad tha r4i. Kotrry I w m ill orlrr for aa.c MM acres of 5')ear-old wa'nnt growa, a fot aoitl btid for map. t-rme snd our 'irani R. X. Rur. as l npn. 17 First National bank bldg.. ju it rr nrlM o. G 'I FARMING. to acres, a tn bt' stit cultivation, ciirl'-nt rntl. ei-ellmt builillne. fuiiy e.iipped wi:h stork. fed and Imptr-nenta. t.ght at electric It tie :.tlon. Rot far out: a cenuine bareatn at "0. a itl accept Portland propert f r part. n; nroe this to be a aenum barcaln. J. K. , rr. ith. 313 Chamber vf Commerce. Port land. tr .- ACRE farTO, with , rr of choUe bo' mm land, ef htth 173 acre arw cleared and in cultivation, over fourth a millloo f e-t of chou-e reron Cr la on the place, a fine stream run over a irtle and a half through the land: th's property i muat t sold et one, !!) take 1 per a rw Fn l Information at 414 aiding I hMe. LINN County ranch. MV4 f ru 1 1 land f or sa e n i a ken at once. Add Payne, Albany Or. of gram and per a- re. if wner. B. M. FOR ALE 10O crti of the cholera: a.nnla land In all -rr g -n. partlv improwd. W1L!N A Ml KKS. End of Hwth.orn eartlne. M- ACRE lnpro ed (arm In Rtgue Rtvr Vi!;rr; fl.j i per ac Mdg. act quickly. Call Henrv l. A TXS 1othir the Sun rest orchards, tn firni R'"ee Rtvr VaMe. for iit.-lt sa'e. lw per a-re Cait UJ Henry b'dg. VI i cei ISOeMM, Xn d f : r. k e ra. attention For n de.iar we will furulrn a cora P' and accurate Ilt ef all scant and unt tt:d tn C ark Ctv. Wash l.iat careful. y eompf 'ed from record a. N. W. TUsp Co.. 714 i;sther aee.. Vancouver. Wash. WTrT TO lEStT-rARMfi NTKD A farm of i to 4"1 acres within d':'-g d atanc of Portland suitable fi-r rn, Il-y and poult". Address No. TOl r ast tiitBr. F - Wood. IIVPIR land wsa led. & fed kcXx bdg- J. McCrwckeaw TO EXCHAX6L ROifK RIVFH VAt-LKT A'RFA3E KOB K'KTi.ANU I'UOI'KHTY. T a.r. a'l deap, b'ack H. .V r Vnttorn land. auliaM- fr )f!fa. balanr irntla aim :!; ll xc'ltnt fruit .tt: wail drdnd hy crk whi- runs Ihroab pl.t hirh 1 rr.""- Ionic: rvuntjr road on on aid and about 3" -r rlrd. bo buildin: a.intmor land b-i-l at an mm; our prit p-r mrrr: will taka up to In Portland pr-'Vtv batn- t--iin. For further information rlt W. C WAlUtldc. Cen tral I 'm .it. Ore ton. A Sir.W YKARS BARGAIN F'H FA I R. fjulty n four lata of mmt ihtiy hli in flnt prkl rrl1nill atMiMnra f I'ortland to ruhnf f-r "d bone a. "Ht-cd tork r dumondi; prty has tw -at rlty: acuity amount to piroi! rnAlrly .iiO; val j- of Iota cloa- to Mttl: ih.i l.-t s .x-r Years baisalo "for fklr. M 1?T. rBntan. A'HK rlarM land on alrlrtr Iln. cl-o In. to Urate for buainraa or property I cin UTt acr-a Ar. hartl at ilcdford- hlrhly lm p d. cood bu!!!tnri-. i irad for r.dnce. this Is tl-rdr property. t W. LA UVKHK. l ommrrrUI Hlck. :d and 1VahlnMn Til VVt'll VVl.E. leo aere. in bst part of Idah. S miles from ralloa 1 and ton: .t aTe In ciltl rim Kat aiorth of a!ardlnaT timber on balance: rne gt": til etchangt for Portland W- H l.lltl. 313 Hatd of Trj'le Mdg. phones A or Main JiEIrvKI VPINITT. PROPERTY FOR Wanted Portland cuy and ranch pmp- fiv tn nrhi n f.r orooerl V In f n T.i iTinui Kku K(er Valley, up to $Cin.ln; gtvi ftill d-. riplton and d- lall and ad' rir-ae hot 11 ldford. "r. 1IAVK a svd fvavinaj combinatlott lunch, rest auran t. 1 1 lard and cn f-t lonry bueines In d valley town. alue gJwi. to rchtrr for rlty home or sell on easy trnr r. Ft'Hf. jforrfaon fit. L-FI.r.KKATKO Rgu River Valley fruit larvle e.hnged. also bearing orchard ,-Mi'iArti at fiMhane and Vancouwr lar list of sieetiona: a'-so ldford city property. l"r. Enl et Co-. MMfW. v? of ih- b. at whr-t farms In hcrmen Cnuntr: K. K. fhroujth It. cxrhauge for Portland or Valley property. V toJ. Ore- goniao. --- sAiif Kit r nc irU for toriI-nd ororw-rtr. .-. a.-res of vell-impeoved wheat land la Frfstcrn Wash. Chaa. Pa u man. cy- FR iAt.K r trada. aha rea of Camp bell's af'tr ia Hurntr biock. cnear o nr leaving Portland, will trade f good prop-M y. 1171 falmon. MI ST soil at once 4 acres gotd timber and fnrlt land; will tAke oo. team of liorwl In on the deal. b-J tt &uin ftt. Phone Tabor ;j4- FIX f. homo In .-pokiK. strictly molerii. to ihnt- for Portland prrierty. wrtto.. T. tt.rr.-n A Co., 4-3 Eagle block, too- k-n-. Wash. W H il.rSAlJ1 and re tail buatursa. one of the tx-et stores In Portland, alue about f Io.oimj. t0 ,c bangs for farm, Y Ore g on tan. , El.lUT thousand dollars' w:rih of glU- edged real estate mortgages l- tirhnnw ror city property or rauco. a o-. niaxu EXCHANGE mr rM of acres farm land and gwd timber, close to r f. k. ru; on.y jr acre, for Portland properly, Iarllng :T Abingtoq Mdg. TO EXCHANtlrT Intereat In peach or- rha.d. r'A" trees. In full bearing. 7 years old for residence or bungalow In Port lard. Apply 34d East gist st. Nortn. MODERN ---room house, on choice sgnrly I kt. Is located bear good car: 1 will trade for acreasre or cheap land. Call 414 bpalding bldg. $20 000 FIRST mortgage bonds to exchange for Income bearing city property. Address p O. Hox Ity. lT Ai'KKS. Tlgard, right at station; par tially Improved for house and lot. 014 Couch bUlg. WILL sell for cash or trade my runabout car for reftl estate; am leaving the city. C Oresoninn. j WILL exchange gtlt-edgod securities guar anteeing -' per rnt, lir lots or other real eatate in Portland. 1 tf'H. Oreconlun. WANT to emchange 144-acre wheat ranch for city property ; prefer residence prop erty all or part. A Oregoman ClAR and confectlonerr store; good loca tion, to trade for rooming-house. Call and see owner. Lumber Exchsnge. WE eavhange your property regardless of location for that whun suits you better. Northwest Exchange. .a- UePry bldg. ' ITV of Ai In 13 acres 1 6 tn or chard. 12 miles from courthouse, for lots or house and lot. P Oregonlan. 4 ACRES. Improved, good house, right at station, close In. for equity In housa and lot. 614 Couch bids;. bEVKRAL small fruit land tra ta n- ar i'oit land ta trade for rooming-bouses. o4 i ttth. FINE list f real estate fnr exchange. NORTH KRN TltCST CO Z'v Stark St. WVLL trade my equity In Sson house and lot for Intereat In small rooming' nous-. Call Main 1121 between 13 and 2. bliEEP ranch tn Southeastern Oregon; trade f r anythinc west of the muuuiaJna. AH .x trcsjnian. j k. bu. sell or trade lor anything oC tulue 41 T Board of Trade. $3iib EQl'ITT In small bulnea corner for sal or will eirbane. E til. Oresronlsn. EXCHANGE Two good homes lor mowtng-howw. Bl Couch bldg. W E can trade your property or bus ( all SOS Hoard of Trade. good WA.XTIIK-UKAL KPT ATE. INVESTMENT WANTED. We have party wanting a f-o.OOO In vestment oe West ttldc. prefer apart n nt- house I oca t ion ; must be a bargain for cash; no asreniA. BKONi-riTEELE CO.. Ground floor. Lett la Hldg. wanted! Bungalow, west of oth street, with lot targe enough for garage; between tark a Clinton streets, price no object, o Cjn. treognlau, Bl'.N'iiA LOW'S and bouses wanted; my list ts entirely ld and I must have more. K you want to sell and want quick results, bring your property to me. f. J. Rosen berg. 414 Lumbermens bldg. CHEAP COTTAiiE-I want to buy at once, from owner, a small cottage on eaay t rmt line beet price and location. Ad dresa K Oregontan. l'viMsKa waiting lot cioae-iA acreage tracts. NORTHERN TRCST CO, S70 Stark St. I WANT to bur a lot on the east side of rlvei from ov.ner; give beat price, terms and exmct location la answering. Address L tT-4. Orrgonian. WANTED Lot In U1.1'i Addition nrr, Phone Sellwood 111. from FOR HALE TIMBER LAND. TrVtiEU LANDS BOtoHT AND SOLD. J..K"CRACJyKN. Oj4M,tKaBld. l7.oon ono IT5ET f Umber to trade for Portland propertv. K rt'JJ. e7onan. TIMBER menta CLAirJtx bomesteada. re.inqoiaa J Worcester bids. FARMS V. LNTLl). FARM property wasted; onty exclusive coDiract for quick sale considered; we have the buyer. If you want to sell, see r write us. Hall A Atcbiaoa. 3ig Ger lloger bldg.. ?d and Aider. FOR RFNT FAUMi NEAR Oak Grove, nice cottage, stable, fruit, etc. 14 First sL FOR A ALB. llocwew. Vehicles and Usris S230 EUI3 teeuxt of two horses, himsn and spring back: weigr.t 23O0 lbs.: are sound and tn Crst-claas condition. The hack and bsrnees are practicably new; urnr must sell at once a. Langenbwg. C.ackamas. Oregon. UvKES wintered or horses broken to drive or ride and city broke, at Turner's Stock Fcn-i, 57th. Fremont st. Phone O b7L Addre ss E. B. Turuar, Portland K. F. L. 1, box S4 7. FOR SALE 1 team ounT horses weighing J:W: S4und snd true. team ellmatched borers w a : h t ng roe. 1 i. ear-old mare weighisg l.-i. TH Russell au O' Mli work i-am. and vara. weight lbs., with ht-rrw. .2. if taken at onc. Mr.Sruit:,l tnlon avc, cor. Aeli. FOR HIRE. PORTLAND BTaHLES. 2 N. 15TH bT. llArHALL I". A1UKSES AND WAOO.NS BY DAY. WEEK OR MONTH. UCBLRT A BALLS feTABLCs. Front sc. livery businesa. rixs. borsee. hiraui was on, for sale or rent. klaln 320a. Ml ST 2.1" .".' t h r'l at onca ch'-ap, farm team, wretrht Inax. and douM- haraesa. 329 East n.. end of Hawthorne carline. C Ri.i'AD of bvi l- to 11H) Vmon. iv., cr rwes, just In. welching froni pound. Mr. I'eterson, 14 r. A.h st. TAM to at r . aora aud snaree for ss Isl 2 Btio-nrT. Marshall 2-487. SNAP--Go-I hrse. bare, and de'tvery Wsgon. iiX 139 K. Td su. MoatavtUa, FOR hAI.k. llurrm, Vrhirlnt and Ilatne, BIO BAHRAIN'S IS ."O I'lIKAP IOH-it.S. till A VII I'WAKDS. AH klnda anl wricni of borws and mar. -ichinaT from u-tf to lbHI lb, vral rh'iP I'.mn: horses will hiu-hd. pul.t d snd warranted arxordlnic I v. ai'owliiK a fneo trial. Call nl b con mfd i stan e. w. Alur nroi. ator taiiie for our money ttianauy stable in i-ortiar.o. RANCH OCTP1T COMPLETE. Cona;sttn. of lb. team bay horses. 1 and B: Irua to wvrk any wliore sin it la or double, set o? heavy brcei-htng harneaa In ckx1 c-ontlltlon Slirl .t-in firm wifinn, almost new. Inquire for my outnt at iOi Aider sl. uco. xicason. !t.V mure and s-eldlnr. with harness, ates 4 and 7. wfia'tt I'.'O lb. : rlos'ty n-.atd. true lo work and extra fr d .-i vers. A irood ntnrh. family or business t am: triul a:hei. ;. Afder st IlOHSK'S FOK BALE. All of Winston Uro. A Mr Do Of 1" horse a will be on sale at the Hnwtftornt taulea . for 14 da)fc Thev ranee weisliL leod to two. and from b to la years of age. As all of our work on the N. P. R. L Is done, all of our stock will be for sale. They will be sold unuer the guarantee of the Hawthorne btahles. Cadi and ini ect t iese after November L. AiAU THOItNt; STAHU. 42 Hawthorne tvc. 3o h-ad of drft and general purpose hors-s will arrive: can be s en at ltM" m iriiaam st. any time from Now Veer's dsy til sold; very horse guaranteed as represent id: all muiu: wciurh irotn to in Take Fulton car; c m find owni'f 10 M.icadmn at., at tarn, or -7 halmoil. .Main vud. BAROAIN 1 Itwi and on team mures 1K0 lbs. I'lioni and ono lior." Sell wood liS. Plmoe, organ a and Moalcal Inst rumeei t a 1 v.'ANT to sell my neany new player i tano. as I need the cash: cost new r reasonable offer refused If taken this v ek. K i-'t. Oregonian. N EV violins at than manutaci ur-r a price: great btrgains. Pee Chrlsteut-n . Ili'i and Yamhill. bLl'illTLY must lt. ti9ed Oarner l.V cash. -J3 A eon ;.th st uprttjlit PIANO; must be evenings. tJl i to be uppreclalcd. Ca M. C. A. Auromorjllea. roRTLAXD AUTOMOBILE 11ULSE. CLEARING- Arthur II. Herts, Manager. W are exclusive dealers In used auto mobiles. If you want a snap for the coin ing season, grab liila before some ouc else does: 1PM model Mollne. S3-H. P. touring car. purchrd new October H List at cost of -oH: has ad-tntb wheels. Warner si'Crdometer, top and glass fiont of course price 414T3. GRAB XT1 GRAB IT! A r-34. llala COX Sixth god Madison Eta, Fort land. Oregon. hak:ai.4 in al'TOVOBI LES. 2 Hart Kraft light delivery wagons. 1 3-Dassnrer Everett. 1 A-paasenger K. M. F. and 2 4-penger bodies. Tl.ese cars will be sold at a great sacrtflce. and If you are In . the market or oxrect to be soon. It will par you to Investigate. 200- ms nth l WE are going to close out every second-hand car in tne place reajnruieaa ox prict. - include some unusually fine prepositions In Pierce. Cadillac. Peerless and btearoe car a Come In and look tnem over. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY "WINSTON 8IX. Just overhauled, fine condi tion, freshly pa in tea. pew tires; eacrmco for cash, or will take real eetutu part puy tnent. Hy owner; demonstration. 410 Cor bctt bldg. xnv 1910 model Mitchell automobile for ale cheap: mohair top ana xig-xag wina shield. Call 67 Karl st. AM leaving the city; will sell my runabnut car cheap for rain. tau -i r.ast i.m s'reet. North, city. CADILLAC HMO dcml-tonneau for sale; per- f -ct condition; a bargain. 1. U.o, ore K 'u- la n. SKNGEK 4-cyllndir Franklin autotno running order; floo cash. M4 rtth. UllUn. tXig auu 1'et BUH-. FOR S A LE FInglUh bulldog pup. I'honi Woodiawn -V. LAR'iK. ficsh. Holsteln cow; ; gals, per day. k. l am hill. M lacel laneuus. AMERICAN CASH REGISTERS (that forced prices down) Seo our auto matic printed record; no crank to turn; pric.-s 4 'JO to $.'173, easy payments; ex changed NutlonHls $-U up. Oregon stete agent W. It. HigneLt. moved to larger show rooms. 3U Enst Morrison St., Portland. Phone B 1476. CLEAN-CP SALE. Bargain feast on clothing, men' suits, rravcneitcs und overcoats; Gu values for 9id.3o; iJ3 values for JU. -U aiues e7.1M. Jlmmie Dunn, "Knew" Sample bult Shop, room 313, Oregonian bldg. Take elevator. XUAS novelties, hand pass, manicure sets. work seta, aaiety raxem. cuiiry ana per- fumes. Any article reservti until ra upon requeat. bt!pe Taylor Drug Co., cut ra t edru k g Ir's. Satf Morrison st. CoFFKE MILL, large, U; wcgon. light rx:rva. 10; buggy, any price; smau aare. IS. spray dlvpiay rack, cost 3v. sell $:; tastlron coal heater. $4; all bargains. Spauidlng. grocer. Woodstock. MEN'S TROUSERS. Clean-up sale on men's pants. $3.30 to 4 alute for 4i30: 4.3v to go values for 3.3a. Jlinmle Dunn, "Knew" Sample bu!t Shop, room 116. Oregonlsa bldg. OLD Jew elry exenanged Zcr w atchea and diamonaa; u"i ueo u.wi original prices. Merx, 71 tfth au. between oak snd Pine. FOR PALE OR RKXT, LOGGING AND HOisiiNU niiii equip ment Co.. 74 First st. Both phones. CAKES, new and second-hand, low price, cash or easy terms. PORTLAND KEC0..S7 Fifth sL COW", ' fresh February, half Jersey calf 11 months, taaen on ueoi; vim w'kid, eo. Spa jiding.g roccr. Wwdst ?k,or; 1,-oh aALE U share .n.tea wireless Tele graph preferred stock, guaranteed trans terahle. Box 73. Little Hock. Ark. FOR SALE Showcases, wcllcaaea, counters. General fixtures m stock and imrue te order at lowest prices. -Grand ave.. "4. fTrVt-growth fir wocd, "l and $G.oO per cord. 4 foot limbs, - S3. 73. delivered. Phone East 24RIl FOR SALE Family cow. uuarte daily; .iw. Last ier.vey; testej; i bosue w est end Mtlilmnrc No. 87. FOC R choice California grown kumquots. one man xo and one alligator pear, postpaid 91. Addrvss Ed Harmon. Sherman, CuL FOR SALE Remington typewriter. No. 7, nrstcUs condition: chttp if taken at once. S Z. orcgon!an. FOV KTKEN 3-Ieced t a Idea, hardwood top, for sale. ISO N'r:h t'.th st. Lu7:ol.NO oocaeji. extu. goou cu&uitiwu. at a in -WlT- FOR SALE An International Correspond ence School sholarhlp. K nil. Oresontan. FOR SALE T pe-a rltr and desk, good as n.-v. t-aigitin. .""3 Lumbermen's blug. HI Y8 SO-key National cash register; good order. -ll Oak st. DIRT for sale at 11th and Mala sta., Sell- wooo. ONE sew drop-head sewing machine warranted 1& years. 133 1st st. "A FOR HALE Almoat new 0-hoIe steam tul la Apply at the Palm. 377 Washington st. A COMPLETE set of tinner's tools, lnclud ln brake. AN ti"S. oregonian. COl N collection, or cumbered property. will trade for unln AK Z'J. Oregontan. WAXTrti mrKT.rANorta. CLOTHING AND EVERYTHING W anted Merus cast off clothing and ahoea an-I bicycle: highest prlcca paid: we also buy Indira' clothing. Call up the Globe second-hand store. Phone Main 20 MX. 5. a. 1 nt st. .. uwujuiJ iui nilura to soil. cU Mp tiecrge Baker A Co.. 132 Park au Both phones. SELL our second-hand furniture Ford Auction Co. or yoo'U get leaa. A 2443. Main S9M. to the Phones Wanted To bur aecond-hand auto lng and inner tubea. Chaa. Elton. 443 fctar. st. WANT to buy a large trunk. Address West Park. WE buy most every thing and pay price., ton. Marshall TSiJ. 433 'the ME LP WANTED MALE. PHOlOGK.vPH coupon and portrait agenta; ttw orrex. Cutberth studio, Xekum bidA UTLP WANTED MAXJC WANTED TO L7NG MEN TO LEARN to ooerata tnnvln c-nirttira machines. rvac from 413 to o5 a week. OUR OPERAT ING SCHOOL RECOGNIZED ALL OVER TUB EAST AS THE STANDARD. We teacd each student on Powers, JJ'on and Douoie bt.reoptlon Dissolver macnina. ThJf tm ti.i nxiru nf in at ruction mO thor- oush on tli. Pacific Coat. WE ARB THE LARGBST FILM RENTERS IN luB WOULD: we re bavtng DAILY OAuW r OH OPERA TitS; get one or our sia:ia ard orteratora Lnrl Hook. ADDiy Laem- mie. &os Ccuch lldg.. Fourth aud Wah- In k ton streets, Poi-rland. Or. IJ.V-ONT.T THIS WEEK ONLY. Ijearn to operate motion -picture mt rhln.-s- mu.r, iap. u-rn S.".'. tn X.l.'i Dff Week w guarantee to teach you right In all standard movlnft-ulciure machines, stero- nnttrnni mtr- nnlv t 1 for A COIDDlet1 course. Ros City Film Co.. Slitls Wash, SL. near A V th at-.! t- nottt rrv man nt4 tn the T7. Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and S3 Must be native bo.Ti or have first Papers. Moothly pay 15 t S3- Addi tional compenratKn possible. Food, cloth- lc nrt m-r.A TrtA.ltral Attention tre. After 30 years service can retire with IS per cent of pay sod allowancsa. H-rTleo en toard ship and ashore la all part or tne world. Apply at U. S. Marlua Corps Recruitlug Oft ice. Breed en bidg lira and V'ashlngton xtx.. Portland. Or. GET OUR SPECIAL OFFER. V EN MEN WANTED 'WANTED To lem auto driving and repairing on ail makes through practical experience In our new aiid inrge garagu. Day or evening. ANGELES AUTOMOH1LL ACADEMY. OfTlce. 3:04 Washington St.. room 415. M..N Wa.UU, aae kt to Ji. for firemen; 4100 Diouitaly: brakemen. -S0. on nsaroy railroads. Experience unnecessary; no strike. Promo uoo to engineers, conduc- rs. Railroad Employing Heaaquariers - over &V0 men sent to positions mommy. btata age; send stamp. Railway Associa tion, car a Ort-sronlan. WANTED Young man Portland Com mere In a if., suporint indent's .and 11 A. M. as bell boy- Apply Cliih. ath und OuK orticc, between it MEN wanted Names and addresses of young men who are desirous of learning in au touipblls business. Educational Department, AMKKiCAN MOTOR CAR AGENCY. &00 Dearborn St.. Chicago. Wl VTVIWln )tfmUt nt .'j' ncr diem A com dc t Hive examination will oe item January 3. 1011. lor the purpose of nil Inn the above position. For further in formation address -Commandant, Navy Yard. Puget Sound.W ash. m WANTED A vounr man stenographer. about IS or 19 years of age; one that is familiar with bookkeenlnd: a KOOd Do utlou to right party; state salary and also references. Address D 631, Oregonlan IVAXTF.l) AHOI'T 4 MEN who can get results on a gilt-edged rem estate nroDosItion. sold on installments, unlimited possibilities. Call mornings. room "02 Spalding bldg. KAlLWAx mail cieia, post oflioe ClerltA letter camera, cui'.om house ana internal revenue employes, to prepare for exam inations; tce book. Pacific States ttcnool MrKey tldg.. city. WE want two experienced farm salesmen; must thoroughly unoersiana tarm prop- ertv: excentional opportunity to right man. Chapin A Her low, o32 Chamber of Com merce. WAXTKD Ur wholesale bouse, young man for general ornce worx; must ne accurate and lurnisn tne oest 01 reicreace. nii f regonlan. WANTED Chines? cook, private - family, PACIFIC EMPIiOYMEXT 12 Norm Second St. CO.. WAN a ED At. ,iici uu crtr. fcave your vulcan;aing anu retieaumg aa py Cha. S. Elton. 4J3 stark iu Phons A r,4. WANTED Assistant manager credit de partment; state .experience ana references; only h i g h -c la ss man considered. K 62 o, OreRonian. FINE opening for young man around auto mobile shop; experience unnecessary; email cnpltal rt quired. o-'Oi Washington St., room 415. luU aie wanted for Government position; So montn. rite ror iw 01 positions open. Franklin Inautute, DepL atf-B. p.ocaester, N. Y. WANT 2o or more acres land cleared by contract. auuuyn et wauou, 010 caam ber of Commerce. LOCAL OFFICE International Correapoaa- ence bcnooii, -00 Aiuer iu, open uu i p &end for freti catalogue. UNUSUAL offer to hustling real estate man who can get resuns; asa. iur jir. btrayer, 4t'3 Lumbermen bldg. BOOKKEEPING itapid. tuorougn, prlv.i -I union UJ V chants 'irustbldg YES learn driving autoa and all about them. n our k - vuki ih and Mam- YOUNG man to attend switchboard even ings in return xor room ana Doura. Apply 711 Washington sL BREAD baker wanted, bench hand for job bing. Apply Detween iu anu A. ai. Roal haiicry. 11th and EveretL MAN. with wife, to do Janitor work of small apartment-nouse tor rooms, neat, ugnt anu water; no children. Call 3s Hall st. WANTED Man or two at once to learn driving ana n-panus suiomouuea. m Union, corner Da via. See Jensou. WANTED First-class solicitor, standard business; state experience ana reierences; permanent position. J 2S, Oregonlan. MAN wunted lo aell horns and novelties lor iew X Cttl a cio. i. -si. iimu. street. Flit ST tenor for quartet. steady work. Apply V.UIUIUUUW cim U4Uf. AluU P. M- A COMPETENT younf man stenographer; , 1,.... Kiif Cinea I.umi.i- t Med f or U. Or. bALVEKFlELD CO., 4lh and Morrison ata.. squire tne service ui upauio young meu itli motorr cles. PHO'i uURAl'HEK, first-class all-round kumbldg. L YOUNG men, over 10 years 01 age, to learn businga. i- o.-j. vtaf WANTED Comedian for country road vau deville enow. v PQ-. urrypniao. MAN and wife, Germans, dairy, f-0 found. 1'ioner employment, n nortn zo. BAKbEK wanted; steady work. a4 Burn- idest. WANTED at once. . men to learn to drive Call 50-32 7th SL. N. and repair auius. UNION BARBER, SATURDAY. 573. WASH INGTON ax. WANTED Manager; must take small Inter est In business. 101a Board or irade. $10 MONTH Nice outside room, bath, heat. a 1 k . n g a is t a nee. ,n n su ANTED Experienced delivery boy fc meat markeu L 611. Oregontan. BARBER wanted Sa turd a v. 206 1st St. HELP WANTED -FEMALE. VANTiiI) A good loaJd lor light house work in a smau laruuy. Apply k. itfih si-. Nori4. RELIABLE young jrlrl to aeslst housework; pL-:tsaul bouie. 1 4 iast liurnside. Liut 2720. YoUNG and competent children s nurie; ref- cit-ncci require-- ruune 1, iuo. can oui Hancock. EXPERIENCED chocolate dipper wanted to dip and clerk in small retail store on Bast Side. AG r"27. Oregontan. GOOD, clean, all-around pastry cook, single, for small restaurant; good wages. Address, st once. X3a0. oregonian. GIRL to assist tail ore ss. Samuel Rosenblatt At Co.. 2d and Morrison. WANTED A girl for general housework, family of 2- 830 Overton. WANTED An experienced chambermaid. A pply rocm 222, Seward HoteL SERVANT girl wanted. German or Swedish preferred. Phone Sl!wood 1238. WANTED A 4 '.Mi F. ;nh., gin to assist In housework. N. LADIES' emplomcnt agency, 352i Wash., uuiri. rootu 4. Marsnail 30t6, A 5003. COMPETENT girl for second work; llheTal wages, small family. Apply 053 Jonuson. TRIMMERS, makers and . apprentices; also cirls to clerk. D 627. Oregonian. GIRL for ireneral housework, corner Market. East 32a, WANTED At Sisters Hospital In Chic, CaL. pupils to enter school oi nursing. H WE good home for school gin In exchange for services. m Phone Sellwood IdOo. U1T.L for Overton, era! housework. 22d sc Apply 710 "pPIVATE school. SHORTHAND and TYPE WR1TINO: 13 mo. JriQ Uth; Main WANTED filrl for general houaework; good wasrer. o.'rt Northrup. Morrison car. WANTED Nuraemald. Apply 407 Clay sL HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Young ladles for telephone op erating:, with or without experience. Ap ply Pacific Telephone & Telegraph! Co, 6U and East Auk an sta. WANTED TODAY. raner for vaudeville, no per week and expenses. Confc for country hotel, per month. Waitress for restaurant, $8 to per week. - Chambermaids, 90 per week and $.10 per month. Colored chambermaid. Si per day. Office girl to lrn stenography, 120. Cook for private family. ?:t3. Companion for Invalid, $! io $20. General housework, J0 to t'SO. Other good positions. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.; Indies rept. go.j 'fe Morrison. THE VEIER 4 FRANK STORES require experienced long-hour waitresses; good aiarlea- rtermanent Dosltions. Apply at superintendent's office, sixth floor, S to 10 A. M. GI.ILS WANTED. APPLY STANDARD FACTORY fX X Grand ave. and Eaat Taylor sta LADY AGENTS We have a good proposi tion to worK up Steady income; manx makin- t: ner week: exDerience unneces sary. Call room S10. Lumber Exchange btrfJC. ' WA NTED Exnerlenced saleswomen for rlnnkR nnri antta- nnlv thn Caoahle and possessinsr tact a'nd ability, with view of taking charge of department, need apply. P rt."4. Oresonlan. STENOGRAPHER, with some knowledge of book ktenin a : t-xcellen t oDDortunlty for girl wlio desires to become good book keeper. P. Q. Box 2u0q. WANTED One feeder and one folder In mangle room; also one girl In Ironing room. Appiv this morning at Pacific Laun dry, ai Artnur at. trwoni .tri f- h.hv after 2 P. M. and help about housework morning and evening: small wages. Phone Sellwood 2H4. SWEDISH or German girl to assist In gen eral housework; small family; time off. Take Irvington car. 6S0 Tillamook st. WANTED Experienced girl for care of two children and second work. 74 Irving sL, corner 24th. A 11S2. Main 8-35. , WAN'iKD Keunea. capable woman fvr re sponsible position. Viavi Co., 00 Bu- ctolld tldyr-. 4th and Washington. WANTED Girl to assist with cooking and general housework, 1133 xnurmaa, w 11- lamette Heights. WANTED Experienced laundry maid for private family, to reside on tn piace; good wages. Phone Main 7243. A S1W3. COMPETENT girl at once; must be good cook ; good wages paid. 7 1 V ousan St. Phone Main 345$. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 320 i Washington St., room 3T4. Main SHj or A 3206. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843'. Washington su, cor. 7th, upstairs. Pbone Main 2692. WANTED Good teacher for country; School Dietrlct 20, Clark Co., Washington; sena application to E. Rotschy. Yacolt, Wash. EXPERIENCED chambermaid wanted at Seward Hotel. See housekeeper, room WANTED A young girl living at home for llgnt bOUseworK mornings. rnone maiu 317S. PROTESTANT girl for general housework. r 15 MCAiinen st. rnonei n.ast toio, k, 1403. HELP WANTED MALR OR FEMALE. 10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year: men and women to learn oarDer iraae in 8 weeks, help to secure position; gradu ates earn from T5 to $25 weekly; expert Instructors; tools free; write for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 3fl North 4th st., Portland, Or - WANTED Able young men and women to handle real estate in city and m country towns; we teach you; no charges to pay. Applv for particulars or call on Ohio In vestment Co. 421 Ablngton bldg. COUPON agents wanted; new proposition. Washington Bt., Dufresne Studio, 200 4 Buchanan bldg. MAKE money writing stories or for newspa pers; Dig pay; sena ior tree oooKiei; tens how.' United Press Synd.. San Francisco. 1 i&H TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. Gil Swat- land bldg. BITCATlON WANTED -MALE. Bookkeepers an djC 1 erks. EXPERT will straighten up your books. close up year s business, maxe trial bal ance and statement of profits and start them for new year ; temporary work wanted; know how you stand and that your books are right at beginning of year; audits, labor-saving system, etc; best references, low charges. Powell. B 1S76. COMPETENT bookkeeper, cost and general office accountant, A ivo. 1 system a tizer, 12 years practical experience; desires per manent position; able to take charge of office; moderate salary. Address A o3l, Oregcnlan. BOOKKEEPER Just disengaged. 20 years' experience, total nDsiainer, nest city ana accountants references, thoroughly ac quainted with up-to-date systems. Phone Main 102. BOOKKEEPER and general office man, 2 years' bank ana 2 years- mmoer exper ience, desires employment. Remington operator. AE 024. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN, well educated, experienced as assistant booKKeeper in Dana; nest reier ences. Phone B 2368. from 8 to 10, morn ings, or 5 to 7. evenings. YOUNG man. 24. desirous of locating In city. wants position; experiencea au man, publicity, mail order, stenographer. B 031. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED young man bookkeeper will keep one or two sets dooks wnere regular bookkeeper Is not required; references. B 025, Oregonian. YOUNG man wishes position. 7 years ex,- perience in grocery ousiness; dcsi reier encea. Phone Tafcor 1S04. STENOGRAPHER, three years experience. thoroughly competent: also general on ice work. P 012. Oregonlan. WANTED Position by young man, legal education, in real estate or insurance of fice; salary. AD 628, Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly competent In all brancnes. a a areas Ai3u-ir.ure go man. STENOGRAPHER, experienced young man desires position; references, sellwood ink. A-l MALE stenographer, 8 vears experience, open for position.B 029. Oregonlan. BY reliable active business man of ability; best of references. AK 628. Oregonian. MJ ce Uan eo UN WANTED Situation as solicitor for gro cery or meat market; experienced in both; references if dwsired. Call Main 517G- SOBER, steady, reliable, middle-aged man wants steady hght work; small wages o3T. Ore gonian; YOUNG man wishes work of any kind; strictly sober; not afraid of work. S 630, Oregonlan- - EXPERIENCED laundry driver or solicitor wants position, either commission or sal ary. Address B 624Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS eheesemaker wants position ; makes grand mild cheese and warrant It, C. H. Spooner. 13 loth St. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wishes position with private family: can furnish A-l ref erences. 8 ni4. Oregonlan. GERMAN lad of kind. Address Sellwood 10&2. want! work of any Brooklyn st. Phone BARBER First-class. sober, country town. Address M., at.. Salem. Or. wants job 10SS Union JAPANESE, attended night school, desires any kind work for daytime, J 612. Ore gonian. Chauffeur, mechanic, wishes position driving private or taxicab. C 027. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED- Turkish bath man wants poettlon. Address J 625, Oreg onia n. EXPERIENCED Janitor wants window washing and office cleaning. Main 8Tvj. Japanese Employment Co. help. Main 4658. A 4073. furnisa ad Everett su GIRL wanted to do light housework. Ap ply 137 Eaat 20th N., Alberta car. JANITOR, with city references, want day or night arorlc C 634. Oregonian. SITUATIONS VT ANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. NEWSPAPER man. 25. married, with city and country experience, now editing lead ing weekly in North Dakota, open to engagement; city editorship on daily or on nrst-class weekly desired; references from men of National prominence. Ad dress S t29. Oregonian. ENGINEER wants position; best of refer ences: thoroughly understands boilers, pumps, and engines: will take job boiler tending or enttlnet'ting: have my own tools. Address M. H.. 1021 E, 0th North, Port land. COM MONS EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Wanted, position for good men; book keeper, stenographers. waiters, clerks, packer?, laborers- Phones Main lddO, A 1 46. 22 Nurth Front st. ; HUSBAND snd wife want go country: bar tender, cook, waiter, wife chambermaid, waitress. Call or write 8 to 10:30 in morn ing. 2:;i0 to 4:30 in afternoon. 07 H 3d and Pine sts., room 2. YOUNG man age 24, wishes position in city; some experience, in clerking and off ico work ; not afraid to woi-k; sood outside relci mces. "phone Sellwood 30 S. POSITION wanted by a young Chicago man, lo years' experience as skirtmalter; will work as skirtmaker or titter. V 62D, Ore gonlan. GERMAN. 34. sober, wishes employment in warehouse, coaly ard, or doing cnores; in fact, willing to work at anything. C 6"'fl, Oregonlan YOUNG, reliable sober man wishes position as Janitor or porter in hotel nanny with tool?; night worit preierrea. gonian. C b2. Ore- POSITION, by lumberman; have worked up as grader; bookkeeper, yard foreman, su perintendent; know the business from tree to market. S 020. Oregonian. MACHINIST First-class machinist. with years of experience, wants employment in sawmill. Address P. P., 232 Front sL. Portland. PLSTERER wants work by day or con tract; city or country, cheap. Box V 023, Oregonian. , YOUNG man desires work; four years' ex perience creamery and dairy business; references. 294 Going, corner Cleveland. EXPERIENCED cook, either meat or pas try work, wants position, city or country. Address B H25. Oregonian. JAPANESE boy, gentle and honest, wishes position as a schoolboy. W. K- Akiyama, 12S E. 5th st,. Portland. On FIRST-CLASS baker wants work. Oregonian. AK 627. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. WANTED Position as stenographer by young lady of experience; city or east of mountains. Phone Main lUo3 or R 628, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED, competent bookkeeper and stenographer desires position; collections a specialty; 7 years with, one firm. J 027, Oregonian. D rers makers. DRESSMAKER from the East will do day work; remodeling done. Phone Marshall 1795. DRESSMAKER, all kinds dressmaking done reasonable for next SO days. Marshall 24otf. DRESSMAKER, all kinds dressmaking reas onable for next 30 days. Marshall 1349. Bio uaeJteepera. WILL take charge of apartments for housekeeping-rooms, Jan. 1 ; must be steam heated; experienced woman, first-class ref erences. Address Box 695. Lents. Or. EXPERIENCED, capable woman wants to manage liiB.'-c.'as apartment or rooming house. W 626. Oregonian. PRACTICAL nurse with years' experience; $15 week. Phone Main 551L FIRST-CLASS cook wishes position with small family; no children; wages $40. 300 13th su Cai lattr P.M. . WANTED by a Swedish girl to assist In general housework. Call Main 40C2. Miscellaneous. YOUNG woman desires position private fam ily; good housekeeper and cook; no wash ing; wages not under $35. P OSfS. Ore gonlan. WANT a ilace as housekeeper In rooming house or chambcfVork. Marshall 1242, room 30. . YOUNG lady would like to keep lady com- Sany and help evenings for room and oard. E 030, Oregonian. . SCHOOL GIRL wishes to work for board and small wages in vicinity of Washing ton High School, lnone mat n.. LA DY of experience wishes to get to care for. Phone Tabor 1S72. DISHWASHING by the hour or day. Phone B 209S evenings. lady with experience iu chamber work wishes position. f oaw. uregonian. VAS TED AG EN' TS. ACTIVE canvassers can make $50 weekly selling trees lor the Oregon nursery com pany. Liberal proposition; good territory, j ddress Qrenco. Or. WOULD 3 to $7 Uer day interest you? If so. call 519 Lumber Exchange bldg. Ex perience not necessary. WANTED TO KENT. Houses. WE want ' the description of your vacant hmtRA. we have a laree numoer or oe sirable tenants on our waiting HsL See our rent department at once. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. ixr a vtrd to rent by a responsible busi ness man; wouia nae 10 rent 10 o-room f nrniahed house or flat : no children dogs; West Side preferred; state particu lars. AB 006, Oregonian. WANTED Furnished cottage or flat, three or four rooms, grounu noor. u oou ore gonian. WANTED To rent 4 or 5-room flat house, close in. rnone iast, 00 io. Apartment fa. RESPONSIBLE young couple want fur nished 3-room apartment or nouseaeepmg rooms or small lurnisnea nouse; give price and location, etc. B 623, Oregonian. Boo ma. MOTHER and two daughters want furnished housekeeping rooms; wanting uisiauce nun and Washington sta.; reasonable. R 627, Oregon's. YOUNG man wants inexpensive room in pri vate family, witn 1'acinc pnone; state par ticulars. D 633. Oregonian. TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms, two adults. B OJJ. vreKoman. Room With Board. - WANTED by young married couple, one or two rooms iurntsneu or uiuurinancu, witn board, private bath and sleeping porch pre ferred; references. FhoneA 100. AF 625, Oregonlan. WANTED First-class room and board in private family, musically inclined, by 6 or 7 steady young men, on West Side, near in. Apply M 629, Oregonian. WANTED Room and board in - private family, who will care for daugnter 4 years old during working hours. C 630, Oregonian. WVNTED At once, room and board lor 2 in vi'inlty of East 50th and Hawthorne sts. Address H 625, Oregonian. Business Places. W A. NT ED Space or store, 20x40. for light manufacturing. O 625. Oregonlan. FOK KENT. Booms. PORTLAND ROOMING BUREAU. Rooms, flats, apartments, furnished and unf urmsned ; table boarding, all parts of the city; we aavo you money, time and trouble. Let us locate you. 302 Buchanan bldg. Marshall 21S9. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. "MILNER BLDG.. 350 MOKKlSoN ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. Furnished Rod ma. HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th. Slrst-class lurnished roonxs, single or ea suite; all modern conveniences; 4tf weekly up. A 2047. Main 5647. CLARNO Hotel, 243 Holladay. one block east of Steel bridge ; moaern. 60c up ; weekly rates, walking aistance. Phone B 450. HOTEL ANSONIA. 124 14th St.. cor. Wash. F urn la bed and unfurnished rooms; pri vate baths, tree phones in all rooms. THE HOLLY HOTEL. 103 12th New and modern In every way; elegantly furnished; rate reasonable; transients solicited. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sta., well furnished sleeping rooms, $2.50 per weak; electric lights, hot baths free. MODERN outside rooms. $3 to $5 per week. Including baths: also housekeeping rooms, 648 Washington St. . DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. "MILNER BLDG.." 350 MORRISON St. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. ROOMS to rent furnished by day or week; gl to $2 per week. 415 North 24th. FURNISHED rooms, heated, hot and cold water; rent reasonable. 38 Alder at. FOB KENT. FurnUhed Booms. HOTEL CAPLES Residential. 350 Taylor. Transient. Bet. 7th and Park Sts. Opposite new Heilig Theater, one block from Portland Hotel; brick building, just completed; handsomely furnished; every modern convenience. elevator service, steam heat, telephone and hot and cold water In every room; single rooms and suites with or without private baths, etc; cent rail v located, near Postofffce; lust oft all carlines; very quiet; low rates by da. week or month. Phone Marshall 2200. HOTEL ALDER. Permanent and TransIenL We are devoting several of our choicest rooms to permanent guests for the Win ter; will make special low rates by. the week or month; transient guests given the best of service and shown every courtesy;: located in center of shopping district, con venient lor out-of-town people; rates by the week. 4TH AND ALDER. HOTEL SAVON, 129 Eleventh SL New, modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and comfortable, Kates very reasonable, call and see us. Regular and transient trada solicited. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. ' OPPOSITE PORTLAND HOTEL, 330 YAM HILL. FIRST-CLASS FURNISHED BOOMS. SINGLE OR EN SUITE; MOD ERN; TRANSIENTS SOLICITED. M. 3L. A 7177. tS WEEK UP. HOTEL NORRIS, 132 17th, cor. Washington, first-class fur nished rooms, single and en suite, run ning water, steam heat, rates by month, transients solicited; prices reasonable. THE SARGENT HOTEL, cor. Grand and Hawthorne aves. Beautifully furnished suite or single rooms, hot and cold water, private phone In every room; first-clasa grill In connection; transients solicited. LARRA BEE Hotel. 227 Larrabee st. walking distance; large, modern rooms, suitable for 2; also single rooms; reason- able, ' THE BELLEVUE. " 661 1st sl, new house and new fur niture; steam heat, $1.75 per week and up. Furnished ' Rooms in Private Family IDEAL bachelor quarters, modern, newly furnished and every comfort assured ; breakfast and dinner If desired. Tel. M. 6104. LARGE front room, furnace heat, bath, also smaller - room, private, reasonable. A 4379. 751 Kearney, near 23d. ONE SINGLE ROOM and one TWO-ROOM HOUSEKEEPING suite, finely furnished. 167 20th. near Washington. 350 SALMON ST. Furnished front room, heat, hot and cold water, bath, phone; also one large slngleroom. NICELY furnished front room with all con veniences, walking distance. 200 McMil len st. LIGHT, cheerful rooms in private house, 10 minutes from P. O.; rent very reason able. 434 7th st Phone M arshall 30S1. NICELY furnished room; heated, hot aasl cold water; $12 per month. 547 Yamhill street. LARGE room, private home, all conven iences, one block south Baker Theater; two or more persons. 181 Eleventh st. 1 NICELY furnished, well-heated rooms, from $9 up. 405 West parK, Mam CLEAN, well furnished rooms, close in. 20ii 14th st. . FURNISHED room, furnace heat, electrlo lights. 410 Park st. Main &59j. NICELY furnshed rooms with private fam ily; breakfast if desired. 52 N. 23d st. FURNISHED rooms, furnace heat, ; $50 up. 509 Morrison at, ROOM, well furnished, all conveniences. close in; $2 week. 88 10th. NICELY furnished room, clean, homelike. Phone, close in. 367 SdsL ROOM for rent in modern home, $10 per month; gentlemen only. 1S9 E. 14th sL nTcELY furnished front room, close In, free bath and phone. 473 Alder. FURNISHED rooms. 306 7th street. Unfurnished Booms. DESIRABLE UNFURNISHED ROOMS MILNER BLDG.. 350 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. RITA SON ABLE. Rooms With Board. PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year ; rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li brary. 610 Flanders. Miss Frances N- Heath. supL NICELY furnished room, facing park, for two; first-class table board. 374 Park. Bourns With Board in Private Family u-pi.T-vrTRVTSHED room and board ""In private family; ail modern conveniences, walking distance, g&od home for two young people cr couple without children, references. Phone Marshall 1010. b LARGE, pleasant room, good board, for two. block Morrison car. easy walking distance, $5 each per week. 163 East 17th. East 5043. SPLENDID parlor suite; also other room; excellent neighborhood, choice board. A 4920. LARGE, well-furnished rooms, with or with out board, for 2 gentlemen; furnace heat, phone and bath. Main 42S8. 571 Gllsan. ROOM and board, private family, $5 per week- 20 minutes" walk from business center. 89 E- 6th X. Phone E 722. CLEAN, well-furnished room, suitable for two; good home cooking. 432 3d St., Hat C. ; VERY" pleasant front room wjth board for two people; also small room; walking dis tance; modern conveniences. Main 3280 fTrST - CL A S S bo a r d and room for 2, in private family; all conveniences. 93 17th st. North. Mam ROOM and board, $20 a month, for young man to room witn auoi aiinfhpr- alne-le. rOOltl. $23 a month 605 6th st. Main 3wu-i. PLEASANT room, choice board, business people. 712 iioyt at CHOICE board and room for 2 gentlemen, close In. Fhone East 143. LARGE front room, also small room, mod- ern. finest location. 67 N- 20th St. ROOM and board for young women, $3 per week. Apply c- ' qq"- ROOM and board for two, 334 Hall sL Main 493. . FURNISHED room, suitable for two, with board. Apply 167 11th st. . 404 MADISON ST., cor. 10th Large double rooms witJgoodoardMai2006. COZY, warm room for two; modern and homelike; two meals. $50. Main 6485. LARGE, well furnished room, with breas fast and dinner. Phone Main 2071. FINE rooms, good board In first-class local ity. At 204 North 22 d. Tel. A 723a ROOMS with board furnace heat, reason able. 17Q North 16th. LARGE and small furnished rooms, with board. 515 Morrison st. A 3S28. Apartments. ANGELA APTS-. 37 Trinity Place, bet. 10th and 20th. oft Wash. One --room apt., beautifully furnished; one 4-room base ment apL.furhished. , FOR RENT 3 hew apartments, $45, $35, $20 per montn ; reierences requueu. v-i v ! i .r-r- ir, p nn Iv Ma 2749. 749. 348 4th St. THE most modern, up-to-date 2 -room apart ment in the city; furniture for sale; par ties going East and must sell Immedi- ateiy. ftione marauuu -iow. KiiELER Apartments, 14th and Clay sts.. new brick building, steam heat, electric elevator. Janitor service, etc; one of our finest suites now vacant. THE A LT A M ON T, 5th and College; one 3 room apartment and one 4-room apart ment, nicely furnished; private phone and ba th , J an nor ice. fvTTHfSHED APARTMENT TO LET. "Rose Friend ;" apartment of 6 rooms and bath; $65 a month. Apply to rent ing bureau of taeMeier Frank Co. RE -U KAN. Marshall, bet. 19th and 20th -Nicely furnished outside apartment; 3 rooms, private bath, private phone, steam . . hnTnclib-n Vain Hi 1.1 2 A I-lltll. THE STANLEY APT., cor. Washington and King 3 and 4-room apts., furnished and vnfurnished, ail modern conveniences, reasonable rent. CapL Schneider, prop. FOR RENT 4-room modern apartment. COmrortaoiy lurnisneu, yveti oiuc. ruuui Marshall 1175. IKIS APARTMENTS, 3d and Mill sts., 4- room, uniurnisneu, oo, juumiu uia- provementa; auuna umj- FIVE-ROOM steam-heated flat; fireplace, gas range, refrigerator and porch. 183 E. SUNLIGHT apartments, splendidly fur nished; 3 rooms, private uwlu, teiepnone, closets. Taijor 176S. ONEONTA. - Furnished apartment, i team-heated. NEW YORK Apartments, 2 and 3 rooms fur- nisnea ana uuim """ phone. East 7th and Belmont. 5-ROOM furnished apartment, 668 Kearney St. Morgan. neuner & jaoyec, ooo-euo au lngton bldg- BOZANTA Newly furnished 3 and 4-room apt. ; private pnonen ana strictly moa ern; 23d, near Johnson sL CECELIA Apartments, 22d and Giisan; S- room apartment wnn au moaern conve niences; rcnt reasonable. NEW 4-room steam-heated flat. $35; best car service in Portland. Main 5501. TWO or three large airy rooms, beautiiulX, furnished 63 Ex Ata41son,