TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAX. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1910. IS LOTOWHERSDEMUR Provision for Paving Kearney Street Brings Protest. WOOD BLOCKS ARE WANTED I-ilu? Petition of Majority of Property Owners Council Decides on Bllullthlc Remon strances Being Prepared. . Ovrr-ndlna of tha vltbu of tha proo-frr-ownr n on Kearney street, betveen Fifteenth a&d Twenty-fifth straws. . by tha City Council la.it Wednewlay has not settled the question of what pe. re men t shall be laid on that thoroughfare. A petition for wood blocks, stffned by more than So per cnt of the property owners, waa denied and an old one. sicned by a small number, for bltulltulc. was jrranted. Councilman Wallarc In whose ward Ufc street lies. Is one of the largest property-owners affected. He strongly favors wood blocks, and endeavored to Mcur action by the Council favorable to the larger petition, lie declared yes terday that the subject Is not to be dropped and that he will make a deter mined Petit to have the Council (rant the petition for wood blocks. "A remonstrance arainst the action of the majority members of the Council Is already bains; circulated. said Mr. Wal lace yesterday. "It will be signed by a very large number of the property owners, who are determined to have ownfrn. wno " V what thejr wtnt- I greatly disappoints f thm Council, and a. t wood blocks. I am rued over the action of ahall do all I can to seeura reconsideration. I think the prop erty-owners should have something; to say as to what kind of Improvements are laid In front of their homes and places nf business, and to that end shall work , to have wood blocks laid In this rase. It Is believed by Mr. Wallace that the remonstrance will be signed and ready for consideration by the street committee of the Council next Friday afternoon. Councilman Annand. who Is chairman of the committee, was on of the chief lead ers of the opposition to the laying of mood hlwks- Councilman Lombard was another. Neither have property on the street and live nowhere near the thor oughfare. It Is pointed out. Both urgrf the Council to vote for bltullthic. not withstanding; the petition of the major ity of the property-owners for wood block. Mayor Simon Is taking a deep Interest In the subject at this time, because be wan'a all the competition that the city ran have In the pavtnr btislns and be niue he believes wood blocks, properly treated, make an excellent pavement. While favoring wood blocks on the ground of competition and becauea he says he believes In majority rule of tha property-owners, he may take part in Ms official capacity when the subject officially before him. He has power to veto ordinances specifying the kind of pavement to be uin. EDWARD ROGERS BURIED Retired Minister Taken to Last Keating Place at Kivenrlesr. The funeral of the late Edward :n. of Hillsdale. Or. was conducted yesterday from the Hoimao undertaking parlors under the direction of Har mony l.odce. No. II. A. K. and A. M ef which the deceased was an honored member. The funeral oration was de livered by Itev. BrntAtnln Yonng. pas tor of Tsylor-street Church and chap lain of H.rmnnr Lodge. The body was Interred In Rlvervlew Cemetery. Mr. lingers died In Pan tdego, Cal.. on !- rember 31. bavin recently gone there hoping to regain bis health. He was born In Crnmwall. Fur. )ears ago. He had been a resident of Oregon for 10 years, during much of the time being an active minister In the Methodist Episcopal Church. Re tiring from the active ministry some) years ago. he continued his Interest In the work and was a regular member cf the church conferences. He leasee a widow, flrs sons and four daughter. His daughters are Anna E. Koger. a teacher In the Ladd School; Mrs J. Bartoscb and Nellie and Pessle Rogers. His sons are W. J. Roger. Ienvr. Colo.: Edward R Rot. ers. Jr.. of Hillsdale end Joseph. Charles and Arthur nosers, of Port land. MARRIAGE FREES YOUTH Frank Serialise Wl 15-Year-Old Girl; Jail Srrxhce Fnd. On hr Lith birthday Mts Crrt Myr r only gave hrrvctf to hr sweetheart. Frank tfchuttj. taktnc bta nam and station, but -urj hi rla from tha county ! whr h had b-n h.l for four month prndlrg deposition of th c o( th young couple. Indict-Mi after c'MMrt f rl itlrca of M ia f ver. ht'ta- wjj arrufcie al though th aVrnii iw girl were tll kJnc that a itiiinei crnany should Tjuh tb at a in, tlicli ihujititl'l jweetert. Sia ur.tlf t:.vw- rr. and van cMnpUcd to malt until yatrnay crvre in iaw vnuia sanction lior marriage and at tha samo llm frea tho brMecT-xi. Attorney J-ncca FojIi IrMucrd f-Uirlct Attorney amtrm t rc n.mnl Jia-mtv-tal of tl.e r. TNo crvmony in TMtrfcrmctl yritrl.r afternoon ty State Otrrult JiMc Oaten and SoaulUa wmj r-leased from Jail for his honeymoon. BOYS HOLD OPEN HOUSE Lart Who Work Are tiymts TouaxMers of Y. M. C. A. of The role of host to more than lw sight. se!r.g working boys was assumed last right by the by department of the Young Men's Christian Asvoctstioo. Lc!s d (fertruc in age. ie and nationality rubbed e;h5ws aa they were shown about the large buliding and aa they sat In tha aud'tonurn U.trnlng to a stereopticon lecture by Superintendent dark Mr. O.ark taiked at lengUt upon ths general work done by tha association, about its advantages to tha boys espe rlaJly tha working boya. and the different method of admitting members. TTe visit ended with a plunge in ths Urge tank by all tha boys. T.'-eee visits s large tana ry sii ir cwt y pnahly will occur period!. 1 Bight's event wes called an "o 'rally. Last "opes house.' HOOD RIVER'S FIELD GROWS Apple Situation Bright With Mar krt Territory Larger. HOOD RIVER. Or, Dec. 3 5pe-,-lel. Uncwi conditions affecting tha irpia market are encouraging ana tne I iood River Aplegrewers' I'Blon has about cUaned ap the largsit crop la J the history of tha valley. Manager Fproat reports that there ara about S. ooa boxes yet to ahlp ind that tha Eastern market la looking; up and busi ness Is mors brisk than at any time during; the past three weeks. "The eeason just closing-." said Mr. Fproat today, "demonstrates that no one Arm can handle tha crop of tha valley. This fur the Applegrowera I'nion baa ahlptwd apples Into S states and to t7 of the largest cities in the I'nlted States. More than .0 par cent of the returna so far on the crop have been received in cash and the remain der will be received in due course. We think that this Is a very favorable showing- and the wide market opened tsp will Increase In the future. The onion needs mors storage room and I shall recommend to the stockholders that a large chemical cold storage warehouse be added to the ertalnment with a capacity of ioo.noo boxes. By holding- tha apples In this manner bet ter prices could be obtained. The union has recently been shipping applea Into California. Arixona. Texas and other Southwestern states. Tba market on Ben Davis Is firmer and a rise of 10 cents a box Is In alght. The crop as handled by the union will ap- proxlrcate 400.000 boxes , The remain der of the crop outside, of the union is probably 50.000 - boxea and la shipped out .In about the same proportion aa that handled by the Applcgrowers' Union. REDiyiSION TO BE ASKED JUSTICE TO OREGOV IX RECLA MATION" FTVD WANTED. Commercial Club Backs Movement to Jleopen Apportionment With President. Tba executive committee of the Com mercial Club will meet today at noon In the convention ball for the purposa of taking up the suggestion of E. L- Thompson that effective and rmlck ac tsnn be taken to persuade Preaident Tart to make a redivislon of the :. 09.000 reclamation fund. Of this fund Oregon received only $:5.000. when it Is maintained by Oregonlsns that ths atate la entitled to IJ.OO'i.000. Tha meeting- of the executive com mittee haa oeen called by ths chair man. O. F. Johnson, and In making; tha call ha stated that the purpose was purely to discuss tha advisability of making- a demand for a revision. If It Is concluded to go ahead, the Oreg-on Ieve!opment League. through Its executive committee, will be asked to aslst and make the affair a state wide movement. A Portland man who waa in Wash ington at the time the President made the division, tells of being called to th. bite House and asked by the Chier Executive with regard to Oregon's hare. After going over the whole matter, the President Is quoted as Bay ing that he waa compelled to follow the plan used similar to the approprla tluna made for river and harbors, and that waa "for existing; projects In tha course of completion." "The President believed." he said, "that this is tha wisest policy and the one which would brine- to the Nation the greatest amount of good. 'It Is true.' Mr. Taft added. that some of the tates will auffer In the amount of their share, but ra the end tha Incom plete projects will be brought to suc cessful conclusion, tha land will be farmed and the money for ths expense Incurred will bs returned sooner. If that is tha case th (Sovemment will. In a few years, be able to pick up other projects fully aa worthy as the ones which were completed.'" - "I - do not believe." said E. L. Thompson, "that ths President under stands tha situation. Tha engineers. 1 really believe, are favorable to tha I'matllla project- It la a great country and will rival ths Yakima country, be cause It haa three weeks' advantage in the matter of climate. If the President understands that this project la only an extension of the old one. I am In clined to think that he will Increase our appropriation." BUNCO MJ SUITS IOWA GROCXD rOR OPERATION OF OLD SCHEME. Ic of $75 Collected for Makln Tender, Which Is Refused, and for Flllnr Petition. Tha oft-axpod land gambllnc schema. In which certain clever Lamyara ara tAklnjr advanlar of tha Government's autt in Ilea KViieral . Court again the Ore iron A California Railroad Company to reap for tharnaalv a rich harve at tMa xpenaa of their victims, is belna: worked la Des ilotne. Tha schema U to Induce a jruUlhle East ern investor to advance to the attorney's scant a retainer of Ma also advances hta check for t'X The attorney then tenders to tha Southern hiciflc Com pany I) in cash for tttla to Itio acres of land. Thla money la refused, where upon ITM a v it to this effect Is made, and a petition la filed In the Federal Court In Poftluid aj-kinr that the victim be made a party defendant m the Uovem merrt sutt la ranoct the title to the &0u).tXa) acres o Southern Iectnc land alone lt riant of way In Oregon. Tiae sharp lawyers represent that the ftllns; of the Intervenor'a petition In tha FVderal Court elves- to their victims a prior rtht to th land. It Is so un settled que ion whether It does or not. Awistant L'r.lted States Diet riot Attorney Ma iitr aald he did not think the RHns; of tha Intervener s petition gave the victim any prior claim to the land. If It does not, the victim la out bis '. and til check for Hon, and baa nothing; to a how for It. A Seattle man Is said to ne worxtrf this bunco srheme In Iowa, adverting In tl.e newspapers that he can secure valid title to the timber land In Oregon for Ca an acre. Clark Coalite Pioneer Die. VAXCTvrVER. Wash.. Dec t?pe- clal.i Wtlron T. Geary, a Civil War veteran and a pioneer of Clark County. 4!ed thla morning of pneumonia at the home of hta sis:er, Mr Anna Ieawa. Mr. Geary was a native of Indiana, but when a email child was taken to Missouri by Ms parentsv At tha early sge of 1? years ha en It-ted and fought throughout tha rebellion and was In manv of the rreatest battlea. Ha came to Vancouver in 157S and he haa been a resident of thla county ever since DA1LT METtOROLOCICAL KrrORT. PORTLAN'P. rc. Maximum t.mpee- satwre. 4T dtrrM; satnimum. s orc Hn.r reedlns . A. M-. IS fet: rMau I. st h u-m. Bn.. loist rminz. ' si V te B P. M. 1. o 2t Inch: totsj ralnfsll stftce fUpt.mber 1. lain. 1111 lnch-s: norm.l r;nfJl since snltlnNr 1. 14 ST Inches-b.-imct of re0nf.ll since Bept.mber 1. 1V1A. f.;e UKhea Tolat auneain. ue-nnw -- ne: t.MiMe aun.nine, nonrw j minntee. etarm'.r 4rdiKe4 te sea-l.oU at i P. M . U IcchM. WXATHER CONDITIONS. Tn has Na a marked decre.w tn at snrnenc prewre itw the fwcine pop l . A..ka t nM atom n.vmg m u vnu'.n. M..nt n v.nwt'.r l. antt. and tha winds ars Increasing along the Morta i'aciae Coast. Southwest storm warnings are being dis played at ail at&tiona 1:1 thla tilatrirt. It t Ing rxpcrttxl that high outhvrt winds will occur tint Kht nar the coaat. Another avre norm ts raulng rain and anow from thr Mn:lppl Ktver eastward to the At lantic Coait. Only liyhi to mfxlerate rain a hvj occurred over the North Pari tic SIoje. and anow In Aiberta and North Dakota. Tha weather Is cooler over tha central por tion of the country, where temperatures are 1 tj 21 d'gref beiow normal, and freexing temperature obtain as far south aa South ern UradOk Contiutoua are favorably for occadonal rain ttir.nicmit thla Ulatr.ct Krirtay. except In tfouthe.mt-Tn Oregrn and H--..ithern I.lahn. No Inipnrtniit chanca in temperature wttl vcrur and tnda wiil h rtm-hrly. lecomlng southwesterly, high to brlak along tha coast. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Occaaionai rain; aouthrrlv lncln. t rc -n CKviMlonal rain, except fair In FoiithejAJt port. on; aoutiierlv windti. high to bnk. pou'h westerly along the coast. n m-liinirt'-n O-rmiioiiAi rain: aoutherly winds: hifh to brWlc, ou4bweaterIy along the const. Idaho Occasional rain or wow north; rloalv and threatening.- prohiily followed by occasional rain south portion. ' TH K WEATHER. Ftate of Weather Pols. 44 o.fo! 4 M K'loudy Hoaton. Caignry 'hU'ago.. ....... Denver 1 Moines t)-ilurli Eureka Galvton Helena 6ttO.O PS Cloudy o."'' 4 sk i louny So.o 14 NWlCloudy 3. n.OOj 4 StV )t lear J ii. c 4 W Clear 1 V.l 14 XW ' " uay r.4 t . in rt .S Cloudy iti 3 XW Cloudy n o oi 4 V louay Jacksonville..... .o fl S 'Clear Kansas City Mamhflcld Montreal , New Orleans.... S4 O.MlllJ NW f'teir 4 0 . G. 1 il SV Rain L'S II iUI It XK SHOW 74 0.1U1 4;"WlCloud 41 T. 1 S'K pt cloudy js n.ets :;o N'wlrioudv New Tork North Head North Yakima. . . 3it i.ir 4 S (Pu cloudy Phoenix Pocatello , 'urtlar.d Roe burg , Sacramento. ..... fc i. cmi-lit x clear 8 o.in ivpb (fioudy 41 o.24 aoW lllatn r-oO.o-'i s h iRaln f.'j rt.oo: 4 PE I Pt. cloudy St. I-ouls ;ts 4.34 H Nv:ciouny 1H O.00 ,1S'NW jciourty ;. n .is t fiur IPUbp .St. Paul Part like Kan I'lego tan Kranctaco. .. . ttN'Oinnj 8;NV!Pt. clondy M..im. 4W iPt. cloudy Msklynu 8iM!kn Tacoma 4" 0 .OO 24 R It louci y l T. ll'S i'oudy 41 0.14 G S IRaln 4 0..V-S4 tv Jlinin ftl'l T. 'JO S IRaln CJ O.no-14 s 'Clear 4 0.001 4,N" iClear Tatnosh Island... Waila Walla Washington v. (nmyoK T. Trace. THKODORK K. DRAKE. Ohrnrr. Temporaril e in 'hRrf AICTION AI.R TODAY. At GMman's auction roorna. 12S Second street, at 10 JL. M. a. i juumaxu muc t Ion ear. At WHnon's auction house, corner fecnnd and Tamhlll: sale at IV A, M. J. T. wu sn. auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 63, A. r. AND A. M. Siec.ai com munlcatlou, Masonic Temple, thla ir-t.liv eventns. o'clock. Work in M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. By order W. M. C. M- STEADMAN. SeC'y. WASHINGTON I-ODGE. NO. 4fl. A r . AND A. - P'' c i a I com vniintcation this ( Friday I 1 n-tn.le rvtra 1 fATWluct funerS of our 'brother. John Heal, inte of Friendship i-oopce. c;-, 1 - ville. Ohio. Visiting brethren laviteu. i7 order W. M. . MOUNT TABOR I.ODOK NO. 41 a v a n; n a. M. A uncciai com inunicsllon this (Fr(iduy) e-enlng 7:30 o'clock, won tn . aeirw. , VksiUDg brethren welcome. i n v HAASALO LOIX3C NO. IS, mrla this (Friday! .vcnlng In Oddfellows -r.mnle. cor. 1st and Aldir sla, at T :1M) i . t- . i -. ... i to ( Initiated. r-om. and see how It Is d"ne. Visitors wel come. mn t.r,.J. ui...) niKu. MATHEWS la BtllwSokle. Or., umaw; S'j. Thomas J . ism... o ' months 1.1 dsys. It.mslns at A. B. Hm storks Funeral I'arlora, h 13th t m. tills sv.. tunrsl notice later. and fOX At residence, tut : and sec o wife of Kredrrlca Kos. Kunral will tske Ms.e from Dunnlns a Jlcuntees cnapci, titutday lccmbcr 31, at .ii - .t .1 t i,.nh'i t'hurch. l.Mh and Couch at... where nrlces will be held at 3 A. M- Interment aiouni I'.mel.rT. rnends respectfully Invited. nOI'l.D-In this city, lecrmnr i-. ' ...n of Mr. and Mrs. il.ncy 1. oould, . .. . miimhi .ml A days. Tn. fun.rsl irvlcc. will be h.ld at rmley's rn.ul at ; r. M. lodsy t-T!dy. Krlcnas Indued. Interment ln. ir .cai.irjr. WABNKR Oecember :d. st Anlloch. Cal.. w7Jh.OUInt.rment at The U.llcs. Or.. ie- cc ni t-cr Itl IONSI.TH I'LOKAL COw MAKv(lArt sU. IUIHAI. ll-.lu.N. rboae:. Mn UUi. A tlOS. banning a JJctattee, Kttnersl rlreete, a.4 iVlno. I'hoo. Mata 43W. Lar a u-.snl. Office of louatir Cexoaer. "tIW.JU HOIJtAS CO.. Foneral Dlrert- j r HM.C M'. ,d aad Msdls jirty ettendanu l-hoae Mata . ii KAST bll)E Kunrl Directors, eoecees I. )unnlng. Inc. E. aa. U tSita. LKlt -MJ.N tO. I ndertakers. LjMljr SS.ISI- sat. tnj Alder.. M. 6li3. A Xlitj. t i HU.U1HMH C O.. Fuaeral Dlrsct.es. a4 lllllains ave.i y""""i UJllu, laUert-ber. cor. Eaat Alder aad m. . ... :il u leas. -r " CLASSIFIED AD. RATES D.U, - -da,. Oae tlnse same ed twe eooseeeUee Unsee. ...... ..Jfe mA threw nmwallTt time ..see taut ad .Is or eeee. eoerutle times. .6.0 Bis weed, eeeals es ee line ea cash ad. sect isi as sola aad a. ad coasled tar leas than twe Unea. Wtaea aa adeertlaetneat le ant roa riiBSS sslee time. Ua. Keilu rete anoUes. Oa eiaarge BooB adertlMfu..ta to. eaarce will be baaed ea the aclwal tialM f hues wnearlnc la tba paper, recardleaa . tbe smsotf of words la each lies. la New ledajr aU adertUen.eita are rhurged br Bieu.are ealj. It liaea to Use BBcb. lee ab.ee rates aprr t. adiefllseuieals esidwr ".New Today" ud all etbes elesaltles). Cion. nceptlnc the followingt bltnatloas ta.ted. Mai. bUttSttona Sauted. resnalBL X ee Meat. Itoocne. frlTst. FamllleSk If Baa aad Board. PrWat. lanlUfa Moewekerpiaa aUKtasa. I' rival. IsmlUee. lhe rate o. tbe cleaaillcaatoa. Is 1 cants a Uae eaeb laaertteav 1. ease box office addreae Cs reeatred. ase regular foraa Bleea. bsm count tnis a. pwH of tbe ad. Aaxwers t. advertlaemeals will be forwarded te patron., provided eeif-asV djf.ua eWT.Iepr. ar. IseleMd. rw Ton at. 100x100 Park St. Quarter Close in In the heart of the section where prices are bound to advance. PRICE IS EIGHT Partially improved. Some income. CHAPIN & HERLOVV S32-S33 Chamber of Commerce. - "2 - 3 STATIONS. ; ; - I 2 . : f AMXSEMjyTS 800 Gallery Seats Cn Sale 7:30P.M. $1.00 TETRAZZIKI And Company Tonight 8:15 Heilig Theater . Prices $1.50 to $4.00 SEAT SALE SATURDAY 10 A. M. GOGORZA v BIIUQ THEATER. JAN. 3 PRICES $2.50 TO FIFTY CENTS HEILIG THEATER . "7 NIGHTS. .BEOXNNINO TOMORROW. Special prlc& New Tear's Matinee bundaT and Monday. Tmi Ifualcal Comady Buoceaa, HONEYMOON TRAIL Evcnlnrs. $1.S0 tn I!ic. Mstlnoes. $1 ta inc. Seats Now Selling (Alan ExrhaBge of Tickets) AT BOWE at MARTIN'S STORE. Vsahlngton St., Between lh and 7th, for 3- Triple 3 Midnight Matinees TOMORROW (SATT'RDAT) NIGHT. New Year's Eve.. AT nFILIG. BAKER. OKrHECM THEATERS. T..M. A's 'THIRD ANMTAL THIRD. VACDEVILLB SHOW. Feature Acta Yom Eeery Theater In the City. BOc ANY SEAT. ANY THEATER 50c RATRP THEATER a-'-f .-a..a l a-w. Sforriana and Elcreoth Main I. A 5360. Geo. L. Baker, Muster. Tonlguu all week. Matinee Tomorrow. Baker Stock Company in ths Powerlul Modern Play. "The Dollar Mark" By Cao. Broadhurat. Tha Season's B1 Sensation. Immensa cast: Intense situations: clever comedy. First time here. Matlneea, 2c. 50c Evening. 25c. 5c. Tc. Next xvek, starting Sunday Matinee "Girls." BUNGALOW Theater ITth arH Morr' Main 117. A 4221. GEO. U BAKER. Mgr. Tonlsht. Matinee tomorrow. Lsl iime w morrow night. Ben Hendrlck's xamous 8wedlsh dialect comedy. "OLE OLSON." Hss msda millions laugh. Hear Ben Holmes alns the swe.t Northland songs. Take the children. Evenings. 23c. BOc, 76c Hi Mat inees, at&c. ooo. Main . A 10?0. MATINEE It A a THEATER fft PK nKmiRIR eg "Tlonlta." a.l.t 4 by Iatw Hftrn and com puny, prescnttns Tbe Heal .lrl"t The Han loo Brotbera, rhnrles U. Lawlor and DaiiBbterS. Bownnsa llmtbers. loaa Kyan and company, ae lBa Ie Mitt. Male. Waif and Waldorf. EJE THE BEST AT T'nrvin.llfwt VandeTlUe. Week romrararinc Monday Matinee, Dee. I. ATTRACTION avjk 1 ttAUItiiAJt t, 7 MIIJTARY DANC1CRS 7 S OTHKB KATL'RE ACTS 5 Matlne. Daily. Curtain a .0. 7:30 aad S- GRAND WeekDec26 ROSA NAYNOITS TROPICAL BIRDS StubhleBrld Trio. Ixicy Tonge. Amertcaa Trumpet era Trio. Merrltt Lore, Stephen Grattoa A Co., ORANDAbCOPE. Queen of tha feathered Mlng-iW. Mstlnee every day, i:80: sny seat. 15c Evening performances at 7:0 and :15: balcony, 15c: lower floor, 5c; box seats. 50c LYRIC HOME OF MUSICAL COMEDY 8erenth and Alder Streets. WEEK C'OMMEXCINO UAT1SE1 Keating A Flood Present 1llXoN KING. IN THE WRONG ROOM." Th. .eeeamleat acream of screams. Two tr formanccs nlghUy. 7:411 and :15. Matinees 1 1 v .t 7:. aonaiT niaac uirei per formances commencing at 6:43. Friday night. i.norua .,ira- uuii. OREGON HUJME SOCIETY OFFICB CITT HALL Mala 591. A 15SB. HUMANS OFFICER. EA8T47T4 NEW TODAY. $2000 Reduction OWNER MUST HAVE MONEY AT ONCE AND HAS MADE BIG CONCESSION. For Immediate Sale Beautiful ten-room home, heavy 'construction throughout, on prom inent northwest corner, 100 feet frontage on Killingsworth ave., in nicest "Piedmont" section. Would take lot in first-class section in part payment. For 2 Days Price $10,000. Hartman & Thompson Chamber of Commerce. $22,500 Cash trill handle a close Inside corner, only two blocks from Portland Hotel and postoffice. E. B. ROXIG, SI Oak St. V NEW TODAY. ornmg- side Start the new year right by purchasng a building site onMt.Ta bor Heights 'the Port-, land Heights of i,he East Side. Terms, 10 down and 2 per montlu Hartman & Thompson Real Estate Dep't. Chamber of Commerce. California Lemon Grove IV EAR SAX DIEGO. FOR SALE 60 acres; 20 acres In fourteen-year-old lemon trees, 2 acres in oranges, grape fruit, etc., 30 acres in citrus or grain lana. Good 8-room house with bath, fire place, etc. Good barn and packing: house; also horses, Jersey cow, wagons, phaeton, orchard boxes, sprayer, cmcK ens. etc. 600,000-galIon reservoir, water piped over orchard, water rights In Flume company puaranteeinfr suriicient sup ly for all requirements: orchard in first-class condition and high state of cultivation. This ranch Is situated V mile from Lemon Grove, where there is a packing houe, postoffice, church, schools, stores, etc.; 2 miles from La Mesa Springs, and 8 miles from San Diego. Railroad stations at Lemon Grove and La Mesa Springs. These points are all connected oy tne new county jtsouie vard tsystem. The situation Is high and sightly commanding a magnificent view of San i-iego liaroor, tne ocean ana tne moun tains. The value of the crop for 1011 la es timated at fiu.ow. Owing to a sudden change in affairs the owner to compelled to leave San Diegn, and has listed the property at a sacrifice. Good Fort laud Inaide prop erty would be considered for exchange. or rood mortKage note or bonus. Write us for further information, or see Commercial Realty Company, room pany of Portland. HOMELAND IMPROVEMENT CO, 9.10 Sixth St. San Dlejco, California, '-CAREY ACT IRRI3ATE0 (ZY PUBLIC LAND1 Pf OPENING. i'il YOU ARE ENTITLED TO flit ON i? i lsnslfMtMlBBIatTIIMlUfS Itl' . I sV MAKE APPLICATION NOW BV at 1 . . K " - - M t-. 1 WE PAY YOU FOR BUYIXO OCR LAND CHOICE FRUIT LANDS IN 5 and 10-ACRE TRACTS $110 PER ACRE 11 miles from Portland, In Chehalem Orchard District, 65c fare; "red shot" soil. Timber worth more than price of land. Purchasers may cut and ship ua cord wood in payment for land; we pay oiiierence in casn. WESTERN FUEL CO. 287 East Morrison Street. 100x100 Nob Hill Restricted District, $11,000 3 days only. Goldschmidt's Agency 2534 Washington, Cor. 3d. 4 Fine Corners 1 rtfivlfin corner, stood house: lUUAlUU ready for stores and flats: on Williams ave. Price $8750. Cn V (iH corner south of Morri OCF A DO son: a dandy site for apartments, and a snap. 1 AAvl flC corner, 9-room house, on IUUaIUO South Third et. A bis; snap at X13.000. 1 fill v 1 nfi corner, with concrete J.UIM1UU block store building and flats. East Side, paying over 10 per cent. Price $26,000. CRrSST A ZADOW. 81 T Board of Trade Bids;., 4th and Onk. Irvington Home Rrand new. modern, swell 9-room house, ready to move into: furnace, firffninra. sleenine-Dorch. built-in china closet, window seats, nice combination fixtures, shades, DreaKiast-room; in fact all latest improvements, and is a hnantlful home on 0x100 lot. with cement sidewalks and street Improve ments paid. This home is worth $7500, and you can buy It for a few days for 97000, about . 1 4 u casn. oaiance easy terms. Tn the beet riart of Irvinsrton: nothing but swell homes surrounding. GRTJSSI at ZADOW. SIT Board f Trade Bldr-, th Bad Oak. 0 "Will buy a Bplendid quarter block; has' some improvements; close-in on Grand avenue fine site for apart ment house Half cash will handle it. OTTO & HARKSOar REALTY CO. ISSVa First Strcpt- $18,0 SEW TOD At. Mexico Preenr THE roldm opportunity of th st', tn the best of land, in tracts to suit. tU $6.o0 to 10 per mere, on the uiest; of tennt. A few ares planted to bananas, pine apple, cocoanuts, coffee. cacao. nmber, orances, lemon, grapefruit, tobacco, snKar cane or even common olu com. will make jou He Is. This land ban transportation fariUttm n wnfl. ,a healthy and aereeable climMte. no lrngration, can e easny cirBmi planted at small cant, and the certain re- urn a aiiini trutM irnni a nrn uuiir. ThU country Is a powerful macnet for t men of brains and money, nence tne recent I beary uiveetments tnere. Call on or write us for further Information. Our next excursion leaves Portland January I 14. ioin us. RABB t PATTO. S2S Isnzuberincns Bids.. &Ln and Stork. Why Not? Why not buy alfalfa land at .R5 per acre when one year's crop will net the purcnase price? vv tiy not traao your unproductive . city property tor a pro ductive farm with 65 acres alfalfa lam and 25 acres bearing fruit and modern house and improvements. GF.rSSI ZADOW. SIT Board of Trade BldK.. 4th aad Oak. RE VI. ESTATE DEALERS. Beck. William G.. 312 Falling bids. Birr.. A. H. A Co., 202-3 McKay bids. Real estajs. insurance, mortgages, loans, etc Brubakcr A Benedict. S02 McKay bide. M. E49. Cbapin A Herlow, 832 chamber Commerce. Cook. B. S. A Co., 508 Corbett bide. Jennings & Co.. Main 188 206 Oregonlan. PALMER-JONES CO, H. P.. 213 Commer cial Club blag. ScbsJk. oeo. O., 22S Stark st. Mala 392. A 2302. Tbe Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave. and Mujtnoman st. (Uollatlay Addition. M. 3. THOMPSON CO., cor. 4th and Oak sts. REAI, ESTATE. 'or Bale Lota. DESIRABLE BUYS AT RIGHT PRICES. 4uxl00, East 23th. North, and Sumner, 20 50. SuxIOO, East Franklyn and 27th, $1700. HixliiS, Kllioit ave.. near Hawthorne, $2500. 172x100. East Ttnrnside and fllst.. $3000. Sitae TS. KilUngsworth and Haight, $4Oo0. j UUXJ.IU, Will lama, a. w. cor. cumner, $4U0t. , 100x106. Front and Meado. 510.1500. 200x2aitf, Mllwaukia and East 17th, 14,UUU. MAKE AN OFFER. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. GREGORY HEIGHTS. Fine lots at only $200: $10 cash, $10 per month. Take Rosa Citv Parle car to end of line. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. A NEW YEAR'S BARGAIN "PO FAIR. Equity in four . lols of most sightly block in finest parked residential addition of Portland to exchanra for eood bonds. gllt-edee stock or diamonds; party has to leave city; equity amounts to approxi mately $a0t0; value of lots close to $0000; hub is a i ew xeara oargain ior au.ii, H ttT. Oregonlan. t $375 BELLE CREST lot. 50x100. close to car and stone gates; cement walks, curbs, grade, water In and paid ; above grade ; both phonea and electric lights; $:i7o cash, balance monthly. 6 per cent; It's a snap for home or for investment. See J as. C. Logan. 36 wash, st., room 404. A-l BARGAIN. FTXE CORNER IN VERNON. Two Jots. 17th and Going, will sell at a sacrifice this week; prico $looo for the two lots. Ia. W. MATTHEWS, 722 Chamber of Commerce. EAST PORTLAND HEIGHTS LOT. Nice lot, 50x100. east front, between 2 nice houses, loO feet from car, on E- 33d and Clinton, fine place to build or good speculation: price oniy GRCSSI & ZADOW. ai7 Board of Trade Eldg.. 4th and Oak. OPPORTUNITY FOR BUILDER WITH CASH. Seven nice lots at $375 each, close to car. ouiek buyer can net something: good. See Jaa. C. Logan, 32 11, Wash. sU, room 4H4. $It5 FINE, large building lots on the Ore gon Electric; extra large ana ciose to car; $10 down and Jo a month; also some verv choice quarter-acre tracts. Al. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. two sJirhtlv lots. East 17th and Skid more. - overlooking whole surrounding country. Owner will bulla to suit, on eay terms. phone C 2794 or B 1481, A 617. Oregonlan. A NICE lot In Rose City Park, close to car, on very easy terms. All improvements in. c. uo xoung, 432 unamoer 01 torn merce. PORTLAND HEIGHTS PROPERTY. Homes, lots, quarter blocks, tracts and acreage; all parts of heights, all views and prices; some bargains Main 3051. A 3&S9L A TClCrT lot. lust beyond Laurel hurst, in restricted district, wna an improvements In and pain, for oou, on very easy terms. C. De Young, 4oZ cnamoer of commerce. Mi:ST sell before Jan. 1 high and slehtlv louxluO n nigniy restricted aistrict near Broadway canine; terms, bee owner, 25 Lumber Exchange bldg. Phone Main 6645. $10 CASH and $5 per month; nice, level lot. 3 oiocKS Ait. bcoit ac car; city water, street graded and paid. Higley. Bishop & McClaskoy. 132 3d St. BAY OGEAN. One of the best lots, close to hotel. $200 below company's price; part cash. A ti4, Oregonlan. TWO lots. 50x100, on 5c carl tne; bargain. If taken at once. Aaareu owner. n eis, ure gonlan. NEAR PORTLAND RAILWAY SHOP SITE. Fine corner lot; an casn. j?rea W. German, 32 Burnside. Vain 277ft. CHEAP Two lots, Waveriy Heights. $775 each; tisuu aner new jcar. ot-o auisou for terms. 428 Lumber Exchange. - FOUR beautiful Irvington lota, two double corners, at special prices tor quiCK saie. S f32, Oregonlan. aoOxlOO, in Piedmont, at a bargain. C. DO Young, ioZ nam per 01 commerce. For Sale House. $50 CASH BUYS 6 rooms, large lot, 75x110 feet, 1 block from carline ; more groun d next to t h is place, if you prefer, at ii per lot; price $50 down, $15 month. National Realty & Trust Co.. 3U6 Washington St., room 516. COZY HOME. B-room bungalow, corner lot, 50x100, well butlt, moaern and cannot be dupli cated at the price, only $2250; can arrange eacy terms. C. B. Lucas, 511 Corbett bldg. For Investments cr homes. SEE DETSCH ft WITWER. Specialists in Real Estate For the man of moderate means. BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. Real Estate, Rentals. Insurance. 06 EAST COUCH. 9-room house, lot 50x100. near carline; all Improvements; $5000. terms. MERCHANTS. . SAVINGS ft TRUST COMPANY. $o0 FOR a new, modern, 9-room house In the riose ny ra uun n.-,, mo owner finds himself In financial straits and must sell at a sacrifice; will make good terms. Karnopp ft Kopf. 825 Railway Exchange bldg. Marshall 2574. - 0 ROOMS SLEEPING PORCH. Contains every modern convenience ; double constructed; full lot; one block to car; beautiful location; $37.10; $750 cash; worth $4500. Call Tabor 2S52. 6-ROOM bungalow; all conveniences; rir- f 1 lace, Deam ceilings, range, snaaes. 11 n il eum, chicken-house and run; H acrei $110 cash, balance long terms. Rainsford. Rlsley Station. Oregon City line. VERY MODERN Home, excellent oak finish, splendid lo cation, on Broadway, Irvington; suit doc tor. C 1S66. East 273. W. H. Herd man. WE WILL build and help finance a, bunga low, Ilat or apartment ior you. PIONEER CONSTRUCTION CO. Main 8399. 5u3 Oregonlan bldg. A BIG SNAP Income $25 per month. 20x 100 on Market St., near iin-. apartment house district; price $3200. David Lewis, room 2, Luxnbermens bldg., 5th and Stark. NLW. 5-room bungalow, all modern conven iences, close in. near canines, reason able; $250 down, balance monthly. Phone East 1257. BLOCK. NEAR 30TH AND DIVISION. price, $3750; reasonable terms. Fred W. German. 329 Burnside st. Main 776. 8-ROOM 2-story house, one block from 1. nion-ave. cars, uah i-bo. v-. u YAuntr. 4?i Chamber of Commerce. $1000 BEAUTIFUL lot with two-story house, close to nw i.mi nc, ivv aown, $10 monthly. 305 Gerlinger Wds, REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. $3200 WITH FURNITURE. Modern 5-room bungalow, paneled dining-room, built-in bookcase, writing de?k. china closet, woodlifui, linen closet, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, electrlo fix tures, large floored attic, full cemenl basement; small payment down, or will exchange for farm or city property. S lots, with modern bungalow, only a few blocks from Mount Scott car; full cment bsement. walks, etc, $270; $500 down, tAi. $i3 per month, inc. Interest, CHICKEN RANCH. Lot 95x250. with strictly modern, fur nished bungalow. 4 "blocks from car, up-to-date chicken-houses and yard; every thing equipped with modern conveniences. ;;:kk; small payment dov.n, balance easy terms. DETSCH ft WITWER. Specialists in Real Estate for the man of moderate means. Board of Trade bldg. Ral Estate. Rentals. Insurance. FOR PEOPLE OF MODERATE MEANS WE HAVE FOUR BARGAINS. Six-room house fn Irvington. convenient to two carllnes; lot 50x100, for $5500. Five-room cottage with modem con veniences; on corner, only two block- from tho car, at $4S00. Corner lot and six-room house not far from the Jefferson High School, tor $4500. easy terms. Six-room Southern colonial dwelling, beautifully finished; near car, In most beautiful section of Rose City Park, for $4000, on very easy terms. These are exceptional opportunities to get a home In the most desirable loca tions In the various sections of the city. HARTMAN ft THOMPSON, Real Estate Department. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $1900. I have 4. S and 6-room houses, all new and modern, close In; two good carllnes, W-W and Brooklyn ; close to where t he new S. P. shops are to be built In Spclns: also the P. R-, L. P. Co. shops. This Is the best chance you will ever have to buy a home on your own terms in this advantageous location. A small cash pay ment, balance like rent; no mortgage ta assume. Price, $11(00 up. Every one a de cided snap. Steady work within 1000 feet of your home. A great opportunity Xor streetcar men or mechanics. Come 1b and see me. E. A. McORATH, Sol Chamber of commerce Bldg. CHOICE RESIDENCE PROPERTY. $9250 7-room modern house, lot 100x 100, on E. Morrison street. $$0OO 11 -room modern house, lot 7-x 100; would consider exchange for farm property not to exceed $25 per acre. $5250 9-room modern house, full lot, on Corbett street. $4000 tt-room modern house, lot 50X-00, St. Johns carline. J500 6-room modern bungalow, new, on corner opposite Piedmont. $3500 5-room modern house, full lot, on Corbett street. OTTO HARKSON REALTY CO- 133 j First St. HERE IS A BUNGALOW. New, modern, up to date and classy; Ideas right from California; haa dandy den and sleeping porch, beamed ceilings in dining-room and living-room; living room has fine fireplace with built-in book cases, dining-room has built-in sideboard; Dutch kitchen with drawers, tipple raps, etc.; full cement basement; elegant light fixtures. IT'S A BARGAIN. Located in Portland's very finest restricted residence district. Finest terms. F. J. ROSENBERG. 618 Lumbermen Bldg. FOR THE MAN WITH. JJstiO Cash, who wants to stop paying rent; new, 4-room cottage, 20 minutes out, on East Side. In good neighborhood, 2 blocks from car; doctors have ordered owner to chnnga climate, ao must sell at once at great sac rifice. The lot alone is almost worth what he asks for entire property, which is only $1200. NORTHERN TRUST CO.. 270 Stark St. - IRVINGTON HOME. Modern 6-room residence In beat part of Irvington, with sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, laundry trays, roses and 5 lare fir trees; an Ideal home; price $6000; 52500 down, balance rent. Modern 5-room bungalow, nigh, sightly lot. between 2 carlines. 20 minutes out; electric lights gas, sewer, etc. In and paid; 515 ver month and Interest. H. W. LITTLE, 513 Board of Trade. Phone B 2471 or Main 2'357. NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE, $300. Brand new 7-room house. Just finished; has full cement basement, wash trays, paneled dining-room, built-in china ciutt, gas and electric, piped for furnaces; 4 bedrooms; street Improvements and ee-met-t sidewalks In and paid; on East 13th and Frederick, handy to two carllnes; price J35uu. $300 cash and $20 per month. GRUSSI ft ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Onk. BUY NOW. ROSE CITY PARK EASY TERMS. 7 rooms, 50x100 lot; Improvement in and paid; Berlin buffet and book cases, solid oak floors, baths, furnace, fireplaces, laundry trays, mirror doors, gas, etc. ; terms $300 down, balance $25 per month. National Realty & Trust Co.. 326 hi Washington st.. room 516. WE have for sale the best 6-room bungalow in Irvington; &uxiw lot witn aii improve ments in; large living-room with fire- Iace, beamed ceilings, hardwood floors, utch kitchen, full cement basement, tine furnace and large finished attic; the price Is $5500 which can be paid like rent. F. E- BOWMAN ft CO.. 22d and Bra zee. E. 935. FOR SALE Dwelling-faouao. 7 rooms, mod ern, shade trees, iruit, cement wais, paved street half block away. Corner lot, fell cement basement, housa furnished. Will lease for $35 per month; one year's privilege of buying. This is the snap you have long looked for. Richmond distriot. Call 507 McKay bldg Main 4710. 8fc PER CT. NET ON THE INVESTMENT. elegant moaern iwa-iaiuiiy imi, ucar Hall and Eleventh, rented at $65.50 per month; have fireplaces, built-in bookcases China closets, wood lifts, finished attic, 2 furnaces, laundry trays and full cement basement. Price $8000; $4500 cash. baL 8 years. Address H 624. Oregonlan. A LB IN A FURNISHED HOUSE. Nice. 5-room cottage, gas, electric, full cement basement, nice bath, lot 50x100, graded street, cement sidewalk, on Mon tana avenue; near Skidmore; completely furnished; $3150; unfurnished, $2S00. $300 cash and $20 per month. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. ANOTHER SNAP. $2300. 50x100 lot in Irvington Park, with a very fine 5-room modern bungalow- only 2 blocks from the Alberts, car; this is easily worth $3000; full cement basement, built-in china closet, beamed ceilings, elegant porch, beautiful trees. David Lewis, room 2, Lumbermen! bldg., 5tU and Stark. ROSE CITY PARK district; $250 off price; this beautiful moaern oungaiow, nara wood floors, furnace and fireplace, buffet, Dutch leitchen and all tinted, must go now at reduced price; $300 cash will handle. H D. Vincent & Co.. 417 Ch. of C. bldg. Branch office E. 43d and Sandy road. Tabor 2162. OWN a new, 6-room bungalow; have been asking $2006; I now propose to sell It at once; will take $1700 or any other old price; I don't need the money; you can name th terms; If you have nerve enough to make an offer, you will get it. Try ma on. E. E. Miller. 430 Worcester bldg. M. 1940. OWN a new, 8-room bungalow. The front is stone, large living-room with fireplace, bookcase, seats, dining-room Is beauti fully paneled, beamed ceiling, nine large windows, all the wood Is selected and hand-finished; if you want something very nic3 at a small price, see me; terms. E. E. Miller. 430 Worcester bldg. M. 1940. CRESTON. BEAUTIFUL SUBURB. 7-room, modern house, the best loca tion in Creston, $2150; if you are looking for a home and a big bargain, do not overlook this ; $900 cash, balance Ion time. Take Mt. Soott car to Clarks st ti on. G. H. Taylor. , $4500. win n nt thfl 11 ret tl est and bost- built homes in Rose City Park; has fl rooms, is strictly modern and up to date; walls all tinted, window shades and ele gant light fixtures all in. C B. Lucas, 511 Co rbe tt J Id g. , MODERN and attractive 6-room dwelling on Clackamas, near East 26th; lot 50x123: fine location, house practically new and very attractively arranged- price, with street improvement all paid, S400; good terms. McCargar, Bates & .Lively, &1& Failing blag. 47 EAST 27TH. ,, , . Well-built 7-room house, on 50x100 lot; Improvements all paid; price $4200; terms. - MERCHANTS ' SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. FOR 8ALE 6-room house at 364 Eugene st.; this is cloae in and must sell at once; nrice $29k. $700 cash and balance 6 per cent Interest, 8 years. Phone mornings or evenings. C 2429. t 4100 Correr 11th and Hancock; new bun- galow. Owner. East 4749. Acreage. 5 ACRES Multnomah acres, 800 cords wood, $300 below value. 430 Worcester. S ACRES, Base Line road, small house and creek; $425. 614 Couch bldg.. 4