Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 30, 1910, Page 13, Image 13

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Merchandise Purchased on Credit Today and Saturday Will Be Charged on Your Next Month's Account TaKe Advantage
Football TicKets Now on Sale Main Floor Best Seats on the Field for Washington High v. Chicago High Game
" " - : ; -
Tine (Greater Olds, Wortman & liim Store
For Today's 1124 Friday Surprise Sales
Great Sales of Ouir jEimtire Stocli Cloalls
Annual "White Fair" 200,000 Fes. Muslin Underwear
Rea'ular $6 Petticoats for $3.98
A a!e of preat importanre to women who love dainty tTndennuslina. Every garment
in tb Great "White 1'air" is perfectly made; there' no skimping of materials or
licfcticfc of the little details in makinjr. Regular lenfrth, shoe-top length and short
pettieoat. trimmed with dainty laces, embroideries, etc; some with 18-inch flounces
of fine Val. lare and insertion: others are especially designed and etit nar- CjO QQ
row for the d.w-ftttinsr skirts. In a prcat line of valaes to $6.00 for SJ'XJ
Regular $2.75 Values
nCf special tor 3i.vo
Wnmsn's Whit, a Petticoats, mad a of pood
quality cambric; cut generously full, with
'm. vc- riopn t onnpfi ot ana emDruiaerv: aitrac-
n 'lA 'ss tive and serviceable values; much better
. U vVV than you'd expect at $2.75. The 1 QQ
aVA V Vv r "White Fair" price for these is P
! 7- I . ,X " r
iiYatU Entire stock Gowns now greatly reduced
fJ fovlV'Entire stock of Chemise reduced in price
$i'fSQ$s& Entire stock of Drawers has been reduced
Entire stock of Skirts now at reduced prices
All our Corset Covers have been reduced
Sale 2000 Corset
Covers, Our Reg.
$1.25 Values at 71c
There is no end to savin? opportunities
at this "White Fair." Here's a show
ing of Coret Covers the equal of which
cannot be found in all the Northwest.
They are made of Cambrics, Nainsooks,
All-over Kmbrrideries. etc.; neatly trim
med in Val. ad Torchon Laces. Medal
lions and Itradimrt. Kneeptional values
to $1.2-); t-prvMl uunn? 111(71.
White Fnir" wile at, each
C0ESET COVERS of sheer Nainsook,
trimmed in fine Valenciennes and Torch
on Laeo, insertion and beading. A very
attractive line of our regular QQ
tlS0 values; specially priced for"-''
$5 Values at $2.39
$2 Values at $1.49
As the (treat "White Fair proirresses
the atteudaace increases. Such irresUt-
ible valine draw bijr crowds. A line of
attractive Gown msde of the sheerest
Nainsook, embroidered in floral and con
ventional designs and trimmed with
dainty lare. Our renilr CO 3Q
$.' value; cjecial at only
ANOTHER. LOT of fine Muslin Crowns.
my ted in manv different desijms and
trimmed with I:iee or em- ffl AQ
broidery; values to 2.00 for V
In Combinations
$2.25Vals. at $1.49
$1 Values for 71c
Women's Combination Ssuits of fine
Nainsook Drawers and Corset Covers or
Skirt and Corset Covers. Well made and
neatlv trimmed in embroidery. Lace
Beadmcr, VaL and Torchon Lace, deep
flounce with fine tncks.
Kecilar values for
COMBINATIONS Corset Covers and
Drawers, or Corset Cover and Skirts,
made of fine Cambric and neatly trim
med. Our reffiilar $1.00 rallies: 7 1
priced specially for this sale at
Sensational Sale of Fine Linens
Entire Stock Radically Reduced
$7 Dot; Naphins $4.9Q
A real surprUe for those who come for
Napkins. 300 dozen extra fine quality
Kinen in the choicest patterns. The
cloths which matched them have been sold,
so we put them out as odd lines. They
are the full dinner size. The famous
Richardson make; our regu- A Qfl
Inr .f 7.0(1 values; special doz.
ROLLER TOWELING Superior quality
of Irish Linen Toweling for hand towels
or roller towels the kind which sells
readily at 15c a yard; priced spe- 1 Q
cial for this sale at only, the yard
23c Towels Special 17c
Another surprise for linen buyers. 200
dozen towels of unusual quality and size
for household, hotel or rooming-house use.
Hemstitched Huck-a-back towels. Our
regular 2.1c sellers; marked spe- 1 "7
cial for this great sale, at each y
And a thousand other lines of towels in
all the wanted grades at SALE PRICES
BATH TOWELS Full bleached Terry
cloth Turkish Bath Towels, extra heavy
quality; our best regular 35c values. Spe
cialized during this . great stock OO.
cleanup sale at low price of, each 0
Sale of 6QO Long; Table Cloths
Reg. $9.5Q Values Special $7.75
Reg. $22.50 Values Spec'l $17.5Q
Richardson Table Cloths for ls;-ge dining tables. These Cloths are slightly soiled but
are the perfect quality. Values
2x3'.3-yard Cloths, $7.50 values
2x3A-vard Cloths. $3.75 values
2x4-vard Cloths, $9.50 values S7.75 2V2x4-yd
2x4-yard Cloths, $8.50 values $6.75 2yax4-yd.
ranging from $7.50 to $JU.UU reduced as follows:
S5.90 I2i2x3y2-yard Cloths, $3.00 values $6.25
S7.00 2V,x3y5-yd. Cloths, $10.50 values SS.25
d. Cloths, $22.50 values S17.50
Cloths, $30.00 values $22.50
$1.50 Fancy Silks 69c
Todav the 6ilk store will demonstrate its superior value-giving powers by placing
on sale a huge shipment of fancy silks which was picked up by our New York buyer
at 50 cents on the dollar. Hundreds of beautiful patterns, suitable for every purpose.
Waists, dresses, petticoats, linings, trimmings, etc. Women in need of silks fQgm
onnnf An hotter- than attpnd fliis sain. S1.00. $1.25. $1.50 values, sneeial. vard Jl
This great bargain sale of silks will begin at 9 o'clock to give all an equal chance,
Women's tf?4-5Q
Waists at $1.95
A large assortment of fine Lingerie Waists
with fancv lace yokes and sleeves. Plain or
elaborately embroidered. Tailored Waists,
Dutch necks or regular tailored collars. The
very latest styles. Tucked and plaited. Good
quality linen or madras materials. Our regu
lar stock values to $4.50. Special
surprise price for your choice only
Entire stock of Waists now reduced in price
OOO Tailored Suits pii Women's Dresses
-J r
'I. I , M ilfltl
u nr mi: i m i-hm
At Half Price
"Without exception this is the most
interesting bargain event that this
city has Known for a long time. It
offers the most remarhable saving
opportunities. For today 6QO
fine man-tailored Suits will be
selected from our racKs, all the
newest and best styles we have.
ranging in price from MO.OO
$65.QO. The materials em-
$ ployed are the newest now in
vogue. They are modeled on
artistic lines, neither too plain
$40 to $85 Val. fcd Our Entire StocK at
nor too fancy. Just the style
f Suits that fashionable
wo men are now wearing.
600 must go this weeK.
Actual $40 to $85 values at
$28.5Q Suits at Low Price of $12.98
$38.5Q Suits at Low Price of $15.98
$32.5Q Coats at Low Price of $13.98
$40.00 Coats at Low Price $23.65
$2250 Raincoats Special for $11.95
Half Regular Price
Women's $6 Kimonos Special $3.75
Women's $12.5Q Kimonos for $5.95
Women's $18.50 Kimonos at $11.25
$5.00 to $75 Kimonos at Half Price
- ' ' 1 "- 1 - - -
Grocery Specials
On Sale for Today
It's time to plan your New Year's Dinner. Be sure that all your
foods are of the very best. We carry the highest grade Groceries
obtainable. Handle them under the most sanitary conditions,
and price them lower than any other store. A few of our specials:
Bohemian Butter 2-lb. Square 78c
The quality Butter, made and handled in the cleanest manner,
assuring freshness and purity. It keeps longer. A very fine grade.
EGGS 45 Best Oregon Ranch Eggs, special the dozen 45
EGGS 35 Best Cooking Eggs, specially priced at dozen 35
Dress Goods
$1.75 Val's 98c
$14.00 Undermuslin Sets $9.98
And All Others Greatly Reduced
Set of 2 or 3 carments to match. Combination Oown and Chemise or Drawers and
Gowns, made of very becr nainsook, trimmed in German Val. late or ff Q QQ
Swisa embroidery with itu-ts of beading and medallion; $14.00 values
. - T. - -iff
f. 'VU
V ill:
Our Regular $1Q
Corsets for $445
$5 Corsets $2.45
The Bon Ton Corsets in long models with
medium bust, beautifully trimmed with lace
and ribbon. Made of excellent materials and
fitted with 6 pairs of elastic hose Qa A
supporters; $10 values, special at PtJ
Warner's Rust-proof Corsets, made of heavy
v coutil, with unbreakable steels; newest models
with pronounced waist line; a long corset,
modeled on graceful lines. Kegu- gr a c
lar $5.00 values, specially priced at
HAMS Eastern sugar cured, nice 1 T
and sweet; special at, the ponnd A C
HA ITS Picnic shoulder, Tei7 1 4r
choice; special at, the pound, only
ORANGES Sweet Navels, justOCf
what you want for New Year's
MINCE MEAT Atmore's Best inQC-5-Ib.
pails; special at, the pailO
BACON Choice Eastern for ymrOKg
New Year's breakfast; special, lb.
MIXED NUTS, the pound, for only 20
Men's 25c Socks Only 17c
Over 20,000 pair of our best 25c Half Hose today at 3 pairs
50, Every imaginable kind. Solid color, black or gray cash
mere, fancy hose in stripes, checks and embroidered ef- I 7
fects, clockings, etc. On sale today at 3 pair 50, 1 pair A C
Men's 15c Hosiery on sale today at the wonderfully low price 8$
Men's regular 20c Hosiery placed on sale today at, the pair 15
Men's 50c Hosiery bargainized for today's selling at, the pair 39
Men's regular $1.50 Silk Hose priced today at only, the pair 93
Men's Reg'. $2.00 Gloves at 95c
America's best $1.50 and $2.00 values in Men's Gloves, made of fine quality
English cape skin, in outseam 6tyle, with spear back. All sizes. Dur- q (
ing this sale they are priced at the exceptionally low figure, the pair jOC
Men's 15c Handkerchiefs for 5c
A "lean-up of all Men's 10c and 15c Handkerchiefs'; fine cambric, withpj
neat hemstitched hems. While the lot lasts they go at this low price, ea.OC'
Regular 5Qc Handkerchiefs on Sale Today 29c
Men's 5Qc Suspenders Now 27c
All kinds of Men's 50c Suspenders, made of live, new webbing; leather r f
and Cantab ends. In this great clean-up Bale are marked special, pair t I C
.Men's $20 Suits $9.85 Men's $15 Coats $8.95
RAISINS Layer Raisins, in 2-lb. 1 C
cartons; very special for today at C
APPLES Fancy Hood River, inOC,,
small boxes, for table use; special OiJC
for your New Year's; 2 quarts for
LEBKUCKEN Imported, now Of
reduced for New Year's; special"
all sell at 40c; special, the dozen ,
For today, in the Dress Goods Store, on
main iloor, a surprise sale of onr best
lines of Hop Sackings, Basket Cloths,
invisible btnped and Checked Serges,
full 54 inches wide. Actual $150 QQ
and $1.75 values. Surprise spe'Woc
Specials in Hair Goods
7.QO Puffs $1.98 Each
$8.5Q .Switches at $5.49
Today, in the Hair Goods Store, second
floor, a sale of Natural Hair Puffs in
all wanted shades. Our regular $3.00
$6.00 and $7.00 values; your fl QO
choice at this sale for, eachP'0
SWITCHES Natural wavy 20 and 22
inches long, first quality in most all
shades. Our regular $8.50 PC ACk
values; special for today at p"
SWITCHES Gray mixed, best quality
of Natural Hair; 30 inches P1Q f(
long; $25.00 values f0rPJ'Ow"
$25,000 StocK
of Shoes Reduced
$5.00 Shoes $2.69
$8.QO Shoes 35.95
For today we open the greatest of all
Shoe sales. To reduce our mammoth
stock, we wift place on sale 2300 pairs of
women's high-cut shoes, including many
beautiful samples in hand welts and
turns, made by the best manufacturers
in the country; tans and black, lace or
button. Values to $5.00, spe- PO ?Q
cial today at only, the pair JfciU7
MEN'S SHOES The famous Bannister
make; all bench made, the highest type
of shoemaking; box calf 6tock, calf lined,
vici kid, kid lined; 35 styles to select
from; our best regular $8.00 CJK QCJ
values, stock cleanup price PJ.J
Men's double-sole "Non-Aqua" Damp
proof Shoes, hand-sewed soles,- slugged
nailed; in tan and blk.; best C?Q CQ
regular $5 values at, the pais PJr7
Men's $1.50 Union Suits for 95c
Men's splendid $1.50 and $1.75 Union Suits, made of fine combed
Egyptian cotton in warm ."Winter weight, perfectly pro- QC
portioned. All sizes. Bargainized for today's selling at
Men's regular $2.00 Union Suits on sale today at only $1.35
Men's regular $2.50 Union Suits on sale today at only $1.9Q
Men's regular $3.00 Union Suits on sale today at only $2.20
Men's regular $3.50 Union Suits on sale today at only $2.80
Men's regular $5.00 Union Suits on sale today at only $3.8Q
Sale of 25QO Men's
Soft and Stiff $3 Hats
Special, $1.98
The very best Hats, sold regularly at $3.00.
The Derbies are the best American manu-
facture. All new blocks. The Soft Hats
come in every late shape and color, includ
ing smart medium and broad
brim telescopes. For today at
-i ill -