TITE MORNING OREGOXIAX. FRIDAY, DECEMBER SO, 1910. 11 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF oket.oxi.ix ttureoxti Ceratfnc-re'rsi ... Ctr circaiaTia ... S(4ri:Df Editor auadar E'litDr .... ftupc. tuUlsf .... . Vatta T?e eeS rr....:i i"" Mam T T0 A eo5 . .. ll:a T"T A e"-J Ma a 7o7S A OM iitj iw; a evi HFrri.m THriTKR-ISnrald Tev!"rJ ailni T.lraaaml aaa t :s Stn.jaLo THEATr.R (Twr:ft!i 3 Morrison! Pen ll;rnr1sj v Olson. Matlne at l. IS r.d ion!ht at l:li- STf TMK.tTrR F'.v-nt! tul Me ra. Th itak.r sof CoupanT la Do:lar Mara." Toolsbt at C:'PHKlli THtATrlP. Mrr?'oa. sum and f,otri Vau'ievin. Tat eft maoB at ? 13. and tonlfht at 9:1V CVAND THCATEil 5ar an,t washinr fnc) Yaic.-r::!. TT t aftarrjooa at X.IJ, tnelffht at T:30 aBd Lir.r: theateu isrntr i amv l.vrte forr.Jjr Company In "To K"!-! I:onm. Tm, ajtar&ooa at aad tuait&l at 7 .30 aad A. TAR THEATER Par1r aod Wabtntto Htl"B picture. Coollaueus. from t 10.30 P. at. advertlavaseate tafewaed fee- fa City Matte la Brlt hIiu, la St7" la. sa aaast fc kaaaew la Taa Orestaalaa kaalaea alOca Z T a -lsrfc aataraay alaa et. The 1 Oregon, I Bt ac lap. Rni ?aloo 9ra. RnrKlara eutered t! e r-lon of Puatiee Huonn, at rrnri anl fl.iy trrw-w. yeeterday irmrnlna-. o;-er."d U.e tare and ar'.rar;ri In mn-). a aau-li an.l a revolver, j Ju:: Is certa.n that I e l' act tie anf-, We.1ne-.iiy nlc.it. Iwteetlve 1W- j br and Moloney think iliat ha la mis- I taken, but coccrif mat the Job misht be I d"r.e by a aufe eprt no mum pi' . o-rt ti e eomtin.i?'"ri by li-terinc to tl'.e fall o l.'m lumSiun. Th s lie t; L-i attack ui.o tms pla. e a'.ihin a ear. Ilmmc a r.tld T In t- s:il"n !. December by a lMie rnM'er. but aii.-r struss.irs: a:ih l-.lm. et:ured a ,4Pn ami uot the man. alio was t.-ramr't ronvli t"l an'i a.r:eiH-ed to , years' lrr.pri!rment. An nlt-nint was to pry the Ux.k vlt ot the aafc tour rnonthe ar. I'uoRjii. Fjtiukwt to B PtrN.i. A r."nrAl rjli-rarwa a ill bf nunc SJturriay tilart. on ta rv of the N-;w V-r. he- no ne t l'.J o'r!i-k. In it. IAVWa -Li:nh. Kutt Twelfth nr.il HeSmont ri Th reiebrant aill h l:ev. II. K. Talbl. and t.- t rejiher llr. t;eraM I'ofA. Tre mulc l!" In c a: of !r R . il'-ntaiue. ehrnr nil:rr Tha al"!rra KI be .Vr: ;ur r;. r rt-u toCi: and Mr. IU O. M nt.irne. T!e muw a I.- be: Price;tn.tl Hymn, T.nou IMt 1. ave Tl y Tyrone' : tn trr.it. S.n (h Heaven- lTour: lT"!o T'irl; offertory. -V! te t!ie lrt!) l nia neth - T ir: S im :us Tur. Acr.u, Pel lTnur. C.I..M In 'jl- M rhant. retrw-e'Ui.al hmn. "Hark. II. e H--r;.t Ansela S;r.." Wi.rniM.Tta rut a-h An -iirriA-r Moai.-Tne bL.!.!ln conmi.U." "t Vetmtniter fret terlan Chunh ha appolnled K- y. I.-wr.-n. a arclil-te-t for th new IT? atone t inri rt to ba eraser! on bl k on S. huvler between E-tt HUteerth an.l K.vt tv enteertn etreeta S. I". Uk'!. rhalraian of le voinmlttee. aaid yes terday tUat AriMte.t Iwrence lia1 ba-n lven an om:!n of t le kind of rnur.li bull'luia that wa wanted and Mr. Urrn. will pr-pnro aome pre Urrlnary aket.-hea for ubmllon to th b'lil'lina- rorr. nlttee. rr.:M.lin alll be tra.le for from ; to toi-i j: inilay .hool rhildren. It will be aeveral north before any contrart are let. rrr.L to IXr. Hr.u Tifit.-The fu neral of Mr. Jtarv K. Johnaon. who died ii l,:. nly In S!. Vlm-ent a Ho pital. Tue.iiv. wl'.l be he'd thla morn insr from her te home. 371 I'nlon avenue, and thetlloly Kosary ("hurfh. S.ia n tie wife of (rjni J. John aon. h i In the re! eetate blline aitri M brother. Mr. Jorinon waa In excellent healtl up to Monday nichr. but wa tek'n very l k and removed to the ho,pli.l w here an operation waa performed, but he ?led Tue,!ar after nivo. S -.e . aine wtth her hubnd In I'ortlan.l from Vl.-toria B C ono year ao. f!IIXt7f! f.AMRLtTl FIN".. When Ta tromien Kill i:el and l.!! rabied A 'h!ree ctnUdmc hoi:ne. at ST lArrond etrert. '.'dne,l ly n'c-t. I.ee Cfn. tno N. itunbler. offered Kt:n.d I'OtolKrora t.'ie : iation of ihe law. Klme-'l took II money and tha prl.ner too. and Ik, ed an ad.lll or.-ll charae of ttempt.-d brtt.ery aicAlrnt Mm. iT.n paid tin.- of on t e (r.imMIrif tl'-irK", and when l!:e bribery .-ii.e w.if f atlefl irp. fa:!.d to retvnd. I' bail of 4 dcrlartd f..rf.-l:rd. Charley Tor.i: wa arr.t'Hl at kk sn.1 :rvet on a r.'ar: of condui-l-loit a lottery. ri pa:"! line of la, tTKTtrito Mil. a rf Clove IIili. Fanst l IrsiT. IVhtT ITa-AK IT I rarvri--Bl rrtm THi M'r I'tnrtaT O npitiox or AT M:i.a it tub rrT. Vd HOTKKNMBKT-IX'.lfC.-rCn 1 1 ERD. IlA!trtj:t tLT t rniii-rn I'AiHiaES, AD TUB FisrsT CT M"DC! A'HrTART kAlfirVlMT. Ir Ui No fai At. a rB iNrAxra. Mtiichs KconmsD It. ICaxiu.w oof incm Oi. I'tnTiniinor. I'm vat a i-v.. A '!. Joiu rt. Inai.-Jhn r-al U'-d at Ms honta In oo.leto. k e.:ne!,iv at Iho axe of year. H.- is jrvlver! by li: widow and t:i.- f.' ."win ic children: Vra i ll.im I!. Muk.n. Mr. Iroy H "re.,n.r and Mr J. I'lKmart. of Portland. Mr 1. K. Ii.if. of llarn.--Mlle. 1 : William t'. .-a!. of Grant l'a. Or T'-e funeral will ba con ducted front ll..ln:an' chapel today at 1 P. M. and the aervt.e at the frit, will be von Iu t.-.l by WaMngton Llt. No. A. y. and A. M. trier to Fs I'm.r.KmTri..-T" a PtivJ- leca vt fr--ed..m'' ws'l be tJ;e top!? of K.fcMd :.e rmtn at lle:h Inel. Twelfh and Main tree" . t onlcM. "The Micabee' will be the ar;evt t-r-or-rnw mornlrc Th aTba w;.l relbrata ! reat of IVdl at. on or ann ikah. .MuiC wlII nr.der llre,-:on of Mr. Kre ri.-h-r.u.'r. fi.-rvlra beclna to ntiit at o , lix k and toniorrow morn -Hi at 10. ja. A'l men and women irt welcome. Ct.t a to ri"t' W'ATnt Mix. T' a Nert.i A bin l i:rrii fnt Ao.-l.itlon wilt meet tor.i-::t at l.la (Irt l:o IM on .Mna avrrue t coi.i.:.:t .tl.e wtr main j'ie:!..n. K,Mcnl of io-:a Ai.lna wanted trie H-'ar'i of . duration to purcl.ae t la crourtj, between lha JefTera.m IHrl h.ol and Kllllno-aor-a avenue T.1 rrvjvwa! aaa .1 r.'a:c 1 at t e taxravrr" u.etlns. and t!;e ma'ter will e considered. ( ui I'M,'!-."!, creamed co.,"fi. ecal. i.r-"d f a' l.ut ant or. hot wnfrles m-.tl map mrup. lAd beirui a-rf Ion brown breal. OM r patta. crenmed CtoxrcKCNCK PaoprBTT DrviDEo. nine eomn: lealoners from the Washlncton and Iriaho conference of the Criurch of the Brethren (formerly rnirkerdni. appointed to divide the property. and arranite for three conference. rlnlsrt.ed their work In this city yeaterday. and adjourned Ifvllon of all properly waa amicably adjusted. It was arranged to have one more mee'.lnz of the aeneral con ference frcm the three states next July at Myrtl- Tolnt. On . where, the Onal organisation of threo conferences, one for eact state, will be effected and the division made of the prop erty ratl.led. The commit nloners were: Washtnirior. li. D. Kb jr. Oeorsre VI and Amos Peters: Jdaho--J. H. Gray. bill. o. Kahrney and J. U. Bockwlth Oregon Howard II. Kelm. T. tL Decker and ttcore C. Carl. Card Gamb Kxpa SfPDvt.T. On th eve of a harvest In which the victim hnd already been seoured. fttr allered card-sharrei who recently arrived in the city, were picked up In a North End saloon yetterday by Detectives Coleman and tjr.ow. Just after they had dealt John Neea. the proposed victim, four aces. No;. waa wary and eluded the tnvltina chance to take, off the limit and bet. Ke threw down has car and n fused to play. Then the detectives s;erpcd In and placed under arrest Ed Strom. John Maimer. Charles Bundeen and Claries Stone. A fifth man escaped. The four are said to be professional bunco men. and are held at the City Jail on vagrancy charges. Mors Mime.-Ka. trancing music roll fVcni U;e new orchestrion In Krank L Smi'.lfs b!g market. Alder street and li First streot. Brlnar the children down. It 1 here you set that ever-de I.BhtfuI Norway Creamery butter. 'ic Oakfann butt-r also line end also Sue: Itiirtcrrup butter Im TOc; Cloverleaf and Kureka butters are a?. Small white !e.ns are 5c a pound; rice C'c; six bars Kris Nuptha soap for 25c: three old Dutch Cleanser for 2ic; trnve cans of os:ea. corn, tmiiatoer pumpkin or ni'iliumi for I-: three can of Country Club milk for 35c: three pint bottles of catsup for 2.-; two loaves of absolutely fresh bread for 6c. A.-robat HelxitoGhasd Jt'KT. Mnmiel Fonsisro. PortujfU?se - Hawaiiun acrobat. a as placed on trial yesterday In Muni cloal I'uul a-u-ed of .-ndinjr a letter to Misa .Marie Hamll. A In Iavls street thrcaienlnK to kill her if she d'd not consent to marry him. Shortly before bis arr-r. at Kiisene. recently, he attempted stilciflo by iisiiiB carbolic arid and bore deep bums on hi face when he appeared In court yester.T.iv. Ml?ei Hnmil declared that Fonsteco had anno)cd her with many love Irtter. leadlnx up to an annnyniou note In wiikh the threat was contained and which a liar.tlwriilrs; expert doclnred was written by Fonslearo. Ho was held to the arand Jury. FfcAXK U SxtTB s Goon Meats. All over the cltr In Smith's I: m.trke'w !'ort rl! of beef re lie; I anibuns Keak. Wye; trk aaiMKice and veal sau.ag. lac; light weight breakfast bacon la Z-c and the oualltv Is the primert: heavy breakfast baron la Mo and th medium qunlltv is i;ic; corned beef is c. lc and VI'tc; prime rib roast beef Is Liic and 15c: pot roal tee. I ltc and 13'tc: shoulder roasts of pork are l.V snd IT1..: hould'rrs of mutton are luc and shoulder of Sprtrc lamb are i;'-c; Icki-i of lamb. 1: sirloin, tenderloin and round steak are 15c. CuniiANrnRT DRit-u Corf Klicts. At the mee'ii.B of tuo drill corps of Oregon tVmman.lery No. I. Knlghls Templar, in the Masonic Temple last nlcht. the fol lowing officer were elected: Command ant. Genra-e F. Robertson: senior warden. W. M. Davis: Junior warden. Albert H. las; s-cretary and treaaurer. D. G. Tmas;nl. Yc Orkx Grille Intends to observe bo'.h SjndAy and Monday as Now Tears, by serving an elaborate dinner both the) day from an especially prepared menu. Make reservations early. Also make your reervatl n at once for New Years eve Pwkmsh Natiosa-, Troit or St NO FIR and pl.iyers. ho anenred here with such siu-rets Inst nlsht. by reoucst will rive a second concert this" evening, at Christen- scn's hall. ll:h and VamhlU strecta I IIavr 34 choice II sea'a for sale at Tctrsiinl performance. No Tremlum. R (SI. Oregonlan. Woostcr for notions. 4'ig Wash. TETRAZZINI TONIGHT. t.r-ent Soprano Mill Sing to Big House; at Iloilljr Thralrr Tonight. Tonight at :15 o'clock at the Hellls; Theater the greatest soprano In the world will sing to one of the largest houses ever gathered for a musical event In trie hlftory of the city. Tet-rar-clnl comes here under the special management of the Tlvo'l Opera Com pany, of which W. II. Leahy Is the man. RK-rr. and It Is throuch Ids finesse In foiling Oscar Ilammersleln that the Northwest Is enabled t.e have the great prima donna come at all. The crowds and the ovation which greeted Tetrax atnl everywhere throughout the south will hardly be out.lono by those that she will sing to In this rart of the country. Her programme for tonight's concert is one of the most liberal and beautiful that any artist has ever pre s.ntcd here, and beside such great arias as the "'aro Nome." from "Klgo letto." and lna voce poca fa." from "The llarbcr of Seville." the Mozart Vol cl e Saj.etc" and "i I.uce dl quest nnlma." front I orlret'l. she will give the "inad scene from "Lucia." not Just the usual ex.-crpts tl at most sopranos give, but the scene Itself, which takes nearly lia!f an hour. The concert, on account of the length of the pro gramme, will begin promptly at 8:U. and at T:J' there will be put on sale the tickets to the gallery. The con cert here Is under the direction of I-ols Mcera-Wynn Coman. NOISY DRIVER FINED $50 Citizen Complain of Man Who Spctrdu With Siren Wide Open. fnd'gnant protests from drowsy cIM sen poured into the poil.-e station early vesterdvy morn!.-., occasioned by the boist-rous conduct of an automobile driver, who went honking about the street at a high rate of sped. sound Ir.c h' tren without Intermission. ratrolnian Koyle. af:er a ciiase of ten bloc, overtook the driver at Sev enth and Main street. lie gave the name S. it- Montgomery, and was charged with exceeding the Speed limit and wlih driving a ear without a ll.er.se. Judire Taswell. though In- I formed that the man had been arrested I for speeding1 only a short time before. I let htm off wltn a fine of J0. I . rcss. Vir.'rlin b.txec? ham and cah'a-;e. .alaTrair H'ld 'vasberr, i STARS ON MIDNIGHT BILL on ivr menu t W vtn xr m KxcUAnn. I1 1-. ? t !-t jT:.t. -rtnivia t To Rrr. J. A. MoVffi. Kl.k b-rctn pr-l,! rrvli- in t rm tcf - Avr r n Prh jr!crtan i'n arc ft. .s'.l . f-iind-iy. Jnuar jr t, to contina for tout on .. TV ftm'ir lWftlth brr. rf!dn Maib n rortlj.rl Drv t Comp&ar- mi h:!. Armory S kt trx'&y, Lvt-. ix. ro:i"w t rrci V rvsn.i."Trt b;l. Tenth -n ! T ior. 5 t- n. f.vr Cof't tld Tak t.rT.tor Pat Ott l(iitrT A ORocrfiT Co. start ll!vr oa KtM S.u jAuu--ry X Triple rs Year- !: latlntcs I n clttilc l"lnr rrrformrr. The theter-g.er of this city are to b given a treat tomorrow evening, wl.ea the triple midnight matinees, given annually by t.1 Theatrical Me- hap'al Association, will take place at the H-lli h It.vker and the Orpheum theatera Tha Mils at each of the above plavhouse, will be made up of the leading acts from every theater In the city Following I the programme for tha Paker Tiiea'.er: Opening address. Thurston Hail: Fran.-s ltl-liter. the eminent pianist: Virginia Dorothy Hill. Ameri. a s phenomenal soprano, cour tesy Charles Zl-Sch-e; the Rose City THE PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY Will open a Savings Dept. Jan 1, 1911, through which it will pay 496 interest on savings deposits. Interest computed semi-annually This Bank Is the OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IN OREGON And Has a CAPITAL of $300,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS $75,000.00 TOTAL RESOURCES over $2,000,000.00 Accounts of Individuals, Firms and Corporations Invited. H. L. PITTOCK, President. F. W. Leadbetter, Vice-Pres. Emery Olmstead, V.-Pres., MgT. A. S. Nichols, Vice- President. B. Lee Paget, Secretary. Trio. Fred Bauer, Cy Confer and Leo White; Stockhrldge and Fraien. cour tesy George L Baker; Fred Lancaster and Chorus, courtesy Keating; Flood; Bonlta and Hern. courtesy Manager Cofflnberry. Orpheum The ater: Woodford'! $5000 statue dog. King and Queen, courtesy Manager Johnson. Pantages Theater. Tickets are now on sale at the Rows & Martin drugstore. Washington street, between Sixth and Seventh, for any one of the above theaters. The programmes for the Orpheum and Helllg theaters will be announced tomorrow morning. Persons holding exchange tickets must take them to the above store before I M. tomorrow. After that hour the tickets will be on sale at each indi vidual theater. YE OREGON GRILLE Will serve an elaborate New Tear's din ner both Sunday, Jan. 1. and Monday, Jan. S. 1911. from an especially prepared menu. M.ike reservations now. Also se cure your rerviit!on for Saturday evening. New Year's eve. WHERE JO DINE. all the delicacies or th s.aeon at U Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart a, aula tor ladle, sue Waatt.. near aia Articles of Incorporation Filed. Articles of Incorporation were filed yesterday for the w. J. Clemens com pany, with a capitalization of 125.000. The new firm will engage In the fire, marine, life and casualty Insurance business, with Its main office In Port land. It will also act as agent for surety and fidelity companies, deal In real estate and act as adjuster of losses. Members of the new concern are W. J. Clemens, jonn - nan anu W. Miller. Rack Spnags CaaL The bast house coal. Liberty Coal or Ice Co. exclusive agents. IS Moru onrcnth street. Mala 12: A Slat, nt assortment of trusses in the city. Prices reasonable. Private fitting; room. Plummer s drugstore, a nira ana aiani son streets. . . Plant Gibson rosea Phone Bellwood 9J&' L MAYER & CO. Portland's Oldest Grocers. 148 Third Street. A 4432. Main 9432. New Year's Grocery Bulletin In THIS STORE yon will find your New Year's dinner complete. Romanoff Caviar (The only reul Caviar) Pranco-American Soaps Ripe and Green Olives Artichoke Hearts French and German Vegetables Brandy Figs and Peaches Bar Le Due Imported Cheese FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY DEC. 30 AND 31, WE OFFER Shelled Jordan Almonds, lh. 7J Shelled California Almonds, per pound 50 Shelled Pecans, per lb 75 Japanese Crab Meat, per tin 30? New Canned Shrimps, large, per tin .20 Xew Canned Shrimps, small, two tins for 25 Port and Sherries, regular 7oe quality, per quart 50J 'extra NEW ARRIVALS Turinjrer Blutwurst Ootha Cervelate Braunsliweier Leberworst Pouierisfhe Gansebrust Truffled Leberwnrst Nurnberger Lebktiehen Bat.ivia Arse Swedish Punches Rhein Wines in all prades We deliver to East Portland and Portland Heights Daily. SPECIAL NOTE We do not use this department as our "bait." We give yon ."pure food groceries' at a little special price, and do not bny "special sales, inferior, so-called pure-food groceries." iP.W.BALTESl j AND COMPANY! 8 Main 163, A 1165 First and Oak Y. M. C. A. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOLS New Term Opens Monday, January 2 Building Corner Sixth and Taylor Sta. Winter Class Term. Accounting (see Director)....... Aivertlsing-. t0.00 Algebra K.OO Assaying 10.00 Apple Culture No Fee Hall Architectural Drafting 7.00 Arithmetic. S.ou Automobile rc.00 Bible Study Bookkeeping .M Boye School S.OO Bricklaying 10.00 Ruslnem Cor.. Eng. Comp fl.raj Business Law I.00 Carpentry and Woodturnlng 12.0U Chemistry 10.00 Civil Service (See Director) Cooking. Hotel and Restaurant... 10.00 Klertricltv nnd Electrical Mach.. 10.00 English, for Foreign Men S.00 English. Grammar and Keading;.. 3.00 English Literature a.oo Freehand Drawing. 6. 00 French 6.00 Forestry and Lumbering; 10.00 Geometry..... H.0O German . B.00 History. . K.00 Latin B.00 Mechanical Drafting;. T.OO Penmanship. 2.00 Pharmacy ln.00 Physics T."0 Piano Tuning and Repairing 2S.OO Plan Reading and Estimating;.... SOO Plumbing Shop Practice 1B.O0 Public Speaking t.0O Real Estate I-ft w 10.00 Reinforced Concrete Construction IS.00 Rhetoric S.OO Salesmanship 10.00 Spanish S.OO Sheet Metal Drafting 8.00 Shorthand. . .) Surveying and Mapping K.OO Show Card Writing. is.oa TelegrapW and Dispatching 12.no Trigonometry and Col ge Algebra 5.00 Typewriting ,. . H.00 Vocal Music 3.00 Similar Schools Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane. Compare Our Prices With tboM 70a have teen -n th bsbi or t). and rtm will m thrt oflpr joa m tub.triti4vi . lair on all work And yen cannot - poiier pimiim liurk asajwhrs, tM matter how mucn joa pv. 0 naion plat ana bridkte wore for out IHS.Hllll.HI.IU HI Jg t f ' - - - : : 1 ;.t:.r " am dav If drslntd. Pai&les oxtractioa frcs whea plate or brldse work is order 34. CoasulUtkia ha oarCnms $5.00 22kBridraTwui4.00 jGoMfJitan 100 j Eauml FiHisis 100 i Sihar Fllnnis .50 J6os Rosbar i Pl.t- 6.00 f BntR.dRiUar Pilnl.il Eitr'tlos .50 BKST MCTHODS An work rally guaranteed for flrteen ymara. Wise Dental Co.,ic Painless Dentists raOlnc BirlMlrf. TMrt tos Wttfltirtoa. PORTIAM0. ORE. Ottuaaaars; a. M. la . at Saaaara, ( tol Ah: "A' f K Sk... ML W. a. WlSt rwjatsr aa E avast MORvSK Seeds 85 The bst e(li. flowers, plants, hrab. and treeti Droduced In California, are illiHtntted, or-eribrd and priced in oar ow sLrcaia aa Copy mailad free to any address oa re quest. alone Seeds Sold ETerrwhera. C. C. Morse & Co. to great Oailnwiua SMd Hoosa Ul Market Street Saaftaadsea Order Coal Now Do not it ait for a time when deliveries are impossible. BAKTIELD VEYSEY FtTEIi Ca tdain S53. A 5353. OAKS RINK DOINGS Special Matinee afternoqns this week. Watch party Saturday night. Skating- New Year's Day. all day. Grand masquerade on skates Mon day nlKht. Most signally successful year-end sale in t he history of this store. From the hour of starting up to the present time the response has been tremendously gratifying, a fact which clinches the argument that clean, ho nest methods are appreciated, and that A. B. Steinbach & Co. enjoy the fullest confiden ce of the Portland people. Men's Suits, Overcoats, Crayenettes, Under wear, Shirts, Pajamas, Night Shirts, Sweater Coats at Greatly Reduced Prices MEN'S SUITS $50.00 $40.00 $35.00 $30.00 $25.00 $20.00 $18.00 Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits now. , now. . now. , now. , now. , now. , now. , .$36.50 .$30.00 .$26.35 .$23.35 .$19.35 .$15.35 .$14.35 UNDERWEAR $1.50 Cooper Underwear. . .95 $1.50 Winsted Underwear. .95 $1.00 Cooper Underwear. ..75 SHIRTS $1.50 Fancy Plaited and Plain Front Shirtsr. this season's pat terns ... .95 MEN'S OVERCOATS $40.00 Overcoats now... $30.00 $35.00 Overcoats now. . .$26.85 $32.50 Overcoats now. . .$24.35 $27.50 Overcoats now, ..$21.35 $25.00 Overcoats now. ..$19.35 $20.00 Overcoats now. ..$15.35 $18.00 Overcoats now... $14.35 SWEATER COATS $3.00 Pure Wool Heavy-Weight Sweater Coats now $2.15 " EXTRA SPECIAL FOB TODAY AND TOMORROW $1.00 Finest Pure Silk Ties, in rich colorings and beautiful patterns. Gen uine $1.00 Ties 55 AH Fancy Boxed Suspenders 2 Price Special Reductions Boys' Suits Overcoats, Raincoats, Furnishings and Headwear HOTEL DEL MOM ON MONTEREY BAY, CALIfOBMA 18 Miles Sowth of San Francisco The Paradise ot the Pacific Where It Is Always Summertime Offers More to Do and More to SeOi EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR Titan Any Other Resort la tbe Worfd Mild and health ul climate. Winter temperature 45 to B degrees only. VaexeeUea Iw Golf na tke flnesrt 18- hoJe. all arras Mi Come im Aawartea, wttfcta mlnatea walk aat tse hotel. Motoring over 40 miles of majrnlnoent scenic boulevards over mountains, through pine forests and beside the sea. Bathing, sailing, deep sea fishing, ten nis, horseback riding, and all other out door sports. Perfect service, un equaled taoie. UNDER SAME MANAGEMENT PACIFIC GROVE HOTEL likewise on Monterey Bay, 1 miles from Del Monte; with all Del Monte privi leges and soenlo attractions. Good street car connections. Kates America Fan aaly. Motel Del Monte, 16.00 and fs.00 per day. Pacific Grove Hotel. I2.&4 and (1.00 per day. Special discounts by week or month. H. R. WARNER. Manager, Del Monte. California. HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square Just opposite Hotel St. Francis European Plan $1.60 a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up New Bteel and brick structure. Furnished at cost of $200,000. Every comfort snd con venience. On carlines transferring all over city. Omnibus meets trains snd steamers. Send fox Booklet with map of San Francisco FINGER-TIP SYSTEMS FOR EVERY BUSINESS LARGE OR SMALL No matter what you may be doing In terviewing a customer, talking over the phone or dictating a letter, If you will use Wise Decision for 1911 What to give for New Years is wisely decided by the pre sentation of a Bank Account with Ashley & Rumelin Bank ers. It will bring the great est joy to the home, because it is something most substan tial and lasting. We cordi ally invite you to open an ac count. 496 Interest Paid On Savings Accounts.' Accounts of $1.00 and up received. Open t A. M. until S:3o P. M. Eaturdays until S P. M. i COPVSIOHTEO ISIO THE SHaW'WAIE.COJ you will have all your business records at your "finger tips" where you can get them quickly. YOU DONT BUY FUTURES when you buy "Sectlonets." Buy only what you need today, add to it as your business grows. BUSHONG & COMPANY PHONES: MAIN 104, A4104. 87-91 PARK STREET Neth & Company Collectors Established In 1900. How about those old accounts 635 Worcester Bide, Portland. Or. ICCHWAB PRINTING CO MS0LICITS YOUR PATROMACE 2-a.Vi STARK STREET Start at Boy 1911 m HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE WINTER TERM OPENS TUESDAY, JAN. 3 START THE NEW YEAR with a clean home. The "Regrina" Pneumatic Cleaner Is not only the easiest and most thorough, but the cheapest way. The Reglna Is perfect in con struction, and Is the most pow erful portable vacuum cleaner made. For prices and particu lars phone or call O.B. STUBBS Electrical Supply Co. Phones A 1696, M 1696. 1