THE MORNING QREGQMAX. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 191Q. FRAZlEn DECLINES TO CLEAR LOHIMER Tennessee Man Says 7 Votes Were Tainted Regular Report Whitewash. SENATE HEARS FINDINGS Conclusions Place No Credence In Confessions of Bribe-Takers, but Colleague Ilcnts, Holding Flection Is Annulled. WASHINGTON. Thk. It. Conclusions of ths sub-commltte appointed to Investi gate the charge of bribery In connection wtth ths election of Senator lorlmer. of Illinois, mere presented to the Senate today by Senator Burrows, chairman of tlie rommlteee on privileges and election, as tbat body's report. These conclusions are that there was no bribery In Senator lrlmer's election and are supported by everr member of the subcommittee ex eept Senstor Frailer, of Tennessee, who msde public his rleos. holding; that seven of Lorimer s votes were tain lea anu mil. therefore. Larimer's election Is Invait dated. Senator Fraxier's statement, which amounts to a minority report, although he has not offered It as such, did not ac- rompany tlie report whitewashing Lort mer submitted by Senator. Burrows. I'raxlcr Makes Statement. Pens tor Fraxier's statement follows: "It is with great reluctance that I dif fr with mv ioIImsum nn the Sub-COm- mtttee. but feeling Impelled to do so. I bt leave to state briefly my views and conclusions In this rase. "I understand the precedents so estab lished by the annate and the other branch of Congress and now recosntxed as the law goternlng such eases. 1 hey are. Tint tr lha hmnf tmhllfched the fact that the member whose seat Is In ques tion because or auegeo prioery or - .......ti,--- r--nrtH in in his election has hlnwelf been guilty of bribery or corrupt practices, or anew 01. """ tioned such corrupt prartlces. be may be unseated without rei'rence id ber of votes thus corruptly Influenced. Tainted Votes Can Oast. 'Second-Tf the proof falls to jhow that the member knew of or partlcipa-.ed In or sanctioned such corrupt practices. then. In order to jusriry inmum .w- . , -Knw that rnnus'l metn . ... . ..II.. Inr him were bribed, or Influenced, by corrupt practices, that deducting tneir vura .w . - -i -- t.w him. would reduce i i m ivi i j ...... - lit vole below the legislative majority renutred for ins election. .ii-t.ii-. -r- mM facta and clr . 4. .!. - l.nHinr to abOW that Senator Uorlmer may have heard t or anew that corrupt pr-ipsi -being resorts to. and while Senator .ii.4 . 1 1 Kttwi!f of the opportunity of going on the stand as a witness, and dfnyiug any such - 'xlge or sanction of corrupt practices, tf any aueh wre Wrt practiced, atlll t am or the opinion that the testimony failed to establisa the fact that Scn- -. i 1. 1 . 1 f v . a i-l 1 1 V of bribery or other corrupt practices, or that he sanctioned or a rnnuini tl.e tact that bribery or other corrupt practices were bclna usea oy oinvr Influence votes for him. A yuetkn Arises. -This being true, the question then . ! - hriharv or porruDt prac tices nsed by others ia his behalf to influence votes for him. and If so. were enough votes thus tainted wltn iraun and corruptly Influenced when ellml- .-j t wa Kia vote below the legal majority required for bis elec- tlonT -The legislature of Illinois con . i. . - n ,ik- members. There were present and voting on the occasion of the election or senator unnrr -v. members. A quorum of both houses being present, in my opinion, he must bave received a majority of all those present and voting or 1! votes, to bave been elected. Senator Larimer re ceived Its votes, or six more than necessary to elect. t our Held Bribe-Taker. "The testimony taken by the com mittee satisfies me that four members tf the legislature were paid money for voting for. or consequent of having voted for Mr. Ixirlmer. t'nc Senator and three Representatives admitted un der oath before tbe committee that they were paid, and on the admissions the fs-ts and renditions surrounding the transactions satlsfv me that they re ceived It as a bribe for or In conse quence of having cast their voles for Venator Ixirlmer. The four confessed bribe-takers lrrpl.-sie three other members of the Is-zisUture who voted for r-enalor I-or Imer as the persons who bribed them. Te testimony satisfies me t.'iat three altered bribe-elvers were guilty or tnat offense. To my mind, the man who bribes another la ss corrupt ss the ene who is' bribed, and bv his corrupt art of bribery he demonstrates the fact that he is noo too honest to receive a bribe If offered him. I roof ot ionclule. vCi'.Ue the proof Is not clear or con elusue that these three alleged bribe givers were themseles bribed or cor ruptly Influenced to vote for Senator ..oriraer. when I tske Into consideration their corrupt conduct as bribers of others, toe-ether with all the facts and circumstances surrounding llie case. I tannot bring mtsclf to agree with the majority of l.'ie sub-committee that tht ir votes were free from taint or cor runt ion. -These three votes added to the four confessedly bribed would make seven talnteJ voles. Kllmlnate them and the vote received bv Senstor Irimer n less than a majority of the votes cast. As above stated. It ia with hesi tancy and great reluctance that 1 dif fer wtth my colleagues. I have felt empeled t d-i so. after the most care ful, ami. 1 trust, unbiased study of this record. tu view of thla and tbe fact that I appear to stand alone in ttie views herein expressed. I make no recommendation to the committee, but t Ha ask that the members of the com mittee, not members of the sub-committee, rarefully read all the testimony before forming an opinion." (nuLua x.4vs..-,rv'fJ-r4l i Committee's Conclusions tilven. The conclusion reached by tbe committee vi s ss follows: "Tbat in their or In Ion the title ef )Tr. Larimer to a seat In the Penate has not been showed to be invalid by tbe tise ef empioyment of corrupt methods or practices." Charges that four members ef the Illinois Legislature were bribed and three other members paid bribes are rot Ignored bv the committee. Tbe re port declares tbat those who confessed receiving bribes should not be evilevsd ' " I and that the rotes of teose who were I . . .... , L-ik.. should be cnargeo. wim pajinn ' - ---counted. In relation to the charges that there was a corruption fund used In the Illinois Legislature, the report says there is no evidence that It was used for the benefit of Mr. Lo rimer On the floor of the Senate. Mr. Bev eridce made the statement that he . had not been able to concur with or from the findings because of th . vol uminous character of the testing ion. He said he would digest the 1 P4 Inas from the Investigating committee during the holidays. The report to the IVn.W rut the memorial filed June 7. 1110. b Clif ford W. Barnes, president of the Legis lative Voters- league of rhlcaao. charged that "the election of William Lorimer. Senator from the state of Illinois, was . . . . k.lharv." broiicm iwui " ' - .1 t V. in-t ructions Of i nen i "i . " ..." - - , i - -a rilrM-t ns senate given wn 1 t commltt-e on privileges and ,''t,.0,,, to investigate ins crai that a subcommittee wss spnolnted. com posed of Senators Burrows. Gamble. Heyburn. Bulkeley, Fraxler. Painter and Johnston. Testimony waa quoted by the report to show that at the outset of the Inves tigation, counsel for the Chicago Trib une I who conducted the Inquiry against Senator Lorlmer). announced that he did not expect to connect Senator Lorimer with any acts of bribery. the the DRILL HALL IS WANTED OREtiOX XAVAI; RESERVE CAN HOT I'SE ARMORY IN HI I. Good News Comes From Rrernerton, However OrganlTJitlon Gets War Vessel. Is Message. Effective January 1. an order has been Issued by Major Dunbar, of tbe Oregon National Guard, that tbe Ore gon Naval Reserve must seek other quarters than the Armory In which to drill, because the work of the naval militia retards the drill work of the National guard. Recently a disturbance was created at tbe Lincoln Illgli School where class work was done and the reserves .were notified by R. If. Thomas, clerk "of the School Board, that use of the school building would be revoked. The work of the reserve hindered that of night high school. Without a drill halL the reserve finds Itself embarrassed. Class Instruction work will probably be conducted at the City Hall, tbe Mayor, council and Janitor giving Cap tain George S. Shepherd use of the rooms for a limited number of nights each and the Police Club has tendered the band the use of Its dubrooms for practice. It wilt be easier to locate the class rooms and the band practice hall than a place In which to drill the recruits, there apparently being no place large enough to quarter the men. unless they again drill at one of the local wharves. Official notification has been re ceived by Commander McNulty from the commandant of the Bremerton Navy Yard that the sale of tbe cruiser Boston and gunboat Concord has been stopped and that one of these vessels hss been ordered to the Oregon Naval Reaerve. Also, a letter la In his pos session stating that 1:0 copies of the Blue Jacket's Manual and 100 copies of the Recruits' Handy Guide bave been sent to the local reserve. Lieutenant Blomberg. drlllmaster. had a complete division out for prac tice at the Armory last night and put them through drills with the field piece sud swords. I'nder leadership of Bandmaster J. S- Abbott a band of nearly 10 pieces practiced In the Armory gymnasium for nearly two hours last night. GBILLSTLfHIGH TIME OPEX A IX XIG1IT IS PROGRAMME FOR NEW YEARS. One Pt-oprictor Will Close at .Midnight and He I'rges Others to ' Do IJkewlse. Tbe new year will be ushered with the usual flood of champagne in the fashionable grills and rivers of beer In less fashionable, but none the less, pop ular cafes. No set programme has been announced In any of the resorts. The usual high kicking, promiscuous kissing and hilarious felicitations, with which the elite baa greeted the New Year, will be duplicated by sisters and brothers in the more comely rendesvous of the North and South Ends there will be no difference except in dress and the brand they drink. Then everybody will swesr off for the year. Although no edict abrogating the Sun day closing law for thla special occasion haa been Issued by the police, a com mon understanding has gone the rounds of the cafes and grills that revelers may go as far as they like. In tbe "swell" places tables are being reserved and It la announced by proprietors of some of these places that none but the select will be permitted to greet the New Tear In their establishments. Cafes and grills, more of the proletariat type, will give anybodv a chance to see the New Year In to the best advantage. Standing out and aloof from other pro- sprlctors of gtlils. Tin Adklns emphatic ally announces inai ne win ciuw promptly at 1- o'clock. "I don't see why we should keep open after 1- o'clock." said Mr. Adklns last nlaht. "We have Just passed through a strenuous campaign to prevent Oregon going 'dry.' we promised to clean up this grill business, and it is up to us to do it. The law says we shall not sell liquor on Sunday. We should obey the l.i w. I haven't talked with the others about It yet. n fact. I don't think It should be necessary- "A'e ouaht all to get together and set an example keep our pre-election promise to the people. When II o'clock comes my doors close whether anybody else's does or not. I think all ousht to do the same thing." W00LGR0WER5 LEWISTON MAN KEEPS JOB Taft Reappoints B. C. Barber Re ceiver of Public Monet. WASHINGTON. Dec. a. President Taft todsv sent to the Senate the nomination of Benjamin C. Barber, to be receiver of public moneys at Lrwlston. Idaho. This Is a reappointment for Barber, a ho. four years ago. was chairman of the Nea Tcrce County Republican cen tral committee. He la a young man and a lawyer. REAL POETRY. The time la ripe To buy a pipe For blm. for Christmas day. -Twill please his soul To stuff the bowl. And waft bis cares away. 1 We have all kinds or pi peal Stg. Slrhel aV CO- 1 Third or Third snd Washington. Free deliveries, riumoier Drug Co. j GLOOMY ATTITUDE Tariff Agitation and Unfavor able Natural Conditions Hurt Market. YEAR MARKS BIG LOSSES Published Report of National Asso ciation Recounts Adverse Situ ation Brought About by Ic mand for Low Tariff. BOSTON. Dec. 11. The passing yesr has been an unfavorable one for wool growers and wool manufacturers alike tltrougnout the country, due to agitation over the tarlfT. natural conditions that effected sheepraislng and high prices that restricted tne market, according to the Hd Annual Wool Review. Issued tonight by tUs National Association of Wool Manufacturers!. The Review says In I-art : "The year opened with probably .0.000. 000 pounds, or 40 per cent more wool, in cluding that in bond, carried over than was the case In the beginning of 1909. The wool market was quiet In January, with prices fairly firm. The market sagged in February and the first quarter year closed with grave disappointment. The heavy weight season was a failure and prices remained in favor of the buyer. Holders Part With Holdings. "Through the Spring months the de pression continued. There were some what larger sales in April, because many holders wearied of holding their wool. American purchase In Sydney and Vic toria showed a great falling off. while during September the central feature of the market was the sale of moderate quantities of the 110 domestic clip for shipment to England. The exports were the direct result of persistent political agitation for a reopening and reduction of the tariff, particularly of schedule K. "The year 1910 was one of distinct pros perity in European manufacturing and of a brisk wool and woolen trade all over the world, except In the United States or those markets directly affected by the American situation. Domestic Prices Ixw. Low prices In the domestic wool mar ket and the Idle machinery In American mills simply reflected the demand of bos tile Interests that the new Aldrlch-Payne tariff law should be overthrown almost ss soon as it haul been enacted, before there had been any fair chance for an actual, honest test of the law In opera tion. "A terrific Winter for sheepgrowlng wss followed1 by a Summer's drouth and altogether the natural end political con ditions warring against them, the wool growers have good cause to remember 1910 as a yesr of sinister experience. "The local wool production of the United States for lfl'X including pulled wool. Is E3.:CT pounds, or .U7.S&) pound less than the estimated product of last year, and this total product is equivalent to 141.M6.S13 pounds of scoured wool. . "The total value of the wool product of the United States for the year, estl msted on the scoured price in Boston, the chief wool market of the world, October 1. waa 7:.tS3.83H. Last year the estimat ed value was IM.K9.T4S." EXPRESSMEN TO STRIKE New England Railroad Employes Demand Larger Wages. SPRINGFIELD. Mass., Dec. II. Fall ing to obtain an increase in wages and a 10-hour day. the expressmen be longing to the New England division of the. railroad expressmen's union will go on strike at C o'clock tomorrow morning. DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING in a MAN'S SHOP Your gentlemen friends will appreciate your gifts if purchased at a store that makes a specialty of MEN'S WEAR Our stock is selected specially for men's needs No bargainized articles in our entire stock. We are Showing complete lines of house coats $5.00 to $18.00 LOUNGING ROBES . . $3.50 to $25.00 GLOVES $1.50 to $3.00 TRAVELING BAGS . . $5.00 to $35.00 SUSPENDERS. 50c to $4.00 BATH ROBES ..... $5.00 to $12.50 NECKWEAR ........ 50c to $2.50 UMBRELLAS... $1.50 to $12.50 HANDKERCHIEFS 25c to $1.00 PAJAMAS $3.50 to $6.00 Plenty of Courteous Salesmen who will give you all the time you require to make your selections You avoid the crush of department stores by shopping here, GREAT REDUCTIONS IN LADIES' MAN-TAILORED SUITS AND DRESSES BEN SELL ING LEADING CLOTHIER GIRL SEES MAN SHOT "CENTRAL'S" EVIDENCE AGAINST C. KIRK AT EVERETT. Defendant Says He Was Telephoning Wife at Time of Shootings Wit ness Denies This. EVERETT, Wash.. Dec. 21. Miss Nellie Caddy, 1 telephone operator at Monroe, testified today against Charles Kirk, on trial for the murder of Charles Montrose, a shingle-wearer. In Kirk's saloon November (. She swore that she was looking out of the window of the telephone ex change shortly after midnight. She saw Montross approach the door of the saloon from the Inside. As he reached the door sue heard a shot. He opened the door, lurched through It, staggered on the step and grasped the" Iron bare across the win dows for support. A few minutes later, she said. Kirk came out of another door and went to Montross assistance. Behind Kirk In the saloon, she de clared, she saw smoke, but it was not moving. Mise Cady declared that no telephone call had come over the wires after 11 o'clock that night. Kirk in sists that when the shot was fired he was telephoning; to his wife. VENAL VOTERS PUNISHED Fifty Ohio Republicans and Demo crats I-oe Franchise. MANCHESTER. O.. Dec. 21. Fifty Republicans and Democrats of Adams County today pleaded guilty to Indict ments charging; the sale of their votes at the November election and were dls- franchised from five to six years and fined $15 and costs. These pleas came with the return of 79 indictments for vote-selling, making a total of 41 personal Indicted on this charge. HOTEL PORTLAND. Monday,' December 26. will be ob served as Christmas; an elaborate table d'hote dinner will be served In both dining-rooms: orchestra and vocal mu sic in grill and dining-room. Reser vations should be made at once. H. C. BOWERS. ' Taft Attends Crnz Funeral. WASHINGTON. Dec 21. The Presi dent and Mrs. Taft, members of the Cabinet and virtually all official and diplomatic Washington attended the funeral today of Don Anibal Cruz, the late Chilean Minister, at St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church. "Jusi Say " ORLICK'S It Means Original and Genulna HALTED IV1! The Food-drink for All Ages. More healthful than Tea or Coffee. Agrees with the weakest digestion. Delicious, invigorating and nutritious. Rich milk, malted Brain, powder form. A quick lunch prepared in a minute. Take no substitute. AskforHORLICK'S. fiST Others are imitations. I IVM ItA Waa an r.3ssaa Harris TmnV Cn I 1 - 1.1..-W c.. " ""' ' " ss i Charge your Xmas Piano until after New Years 0 You need not make your first payment on your Christmas Piano until after New Years, if you get it from Kohler & Chase. Q We wish to put several hundred Pianos in Portland homes between now and Christmas this is our method of doing it. 0 Just let us know and you can have any of the following Pianos de . livered to your home without payment until after Christmas: q Weber, Steck, Fischer, Kohler & Chase, Kohler & Campbell, Weser,' Hoffman, Andrew Kohler. Q Steinway Pianola Piano, Weber Pianola Piano, Steck Pianola Piano, Wheelock Pianola Piano Stuyvesant Pianola Piano, Fischer Player Piano, Aeriola Player Piano. 375 Washington Street Kolhler Cease OPEN EVENINGS Santa Claus Has Interesting Information in Our Window I