TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1910. CLERK EMBEZZLES TO BUILD FORTUNE Tacoma Teller Succumbs to Lure of Opportunity and Uses $20,000. CRIME FULLY CONFESSED National Bank of Commerce In Sound City G Money Back Whrn Theft Is niroer Br rai IWanlirr I Thrifty. TAi'OMA. Wash.. Dec. a.-"Speclal. Rfnr I n I ted Ptatra Ownrn Imioner S. D H:lilir today, a warrant u orn out for tho arrest of Joseph Prank Fuhrman. for tiln yrana paylnit trllr in th Na tional lUnk of Commrr. In thl city. Tha complainant l Itimrr Thorne. presi dent of t!i bank, anil the warrant ebar me embeub-raent of tJX'Xw br hVnnin. The warrant waa irivrn to I'nltrd States, Ik-puty Manual CYoaijy for arrrk-e but at a lata dour tonight. Fuhrman had not been apprehended. aIthotis;h. hl arres wtthln a few houra la aald to ba a cer tainly. He will ba arraigned befora Com missioner Brldicre tomorrow. Defalcation la Vnlqoe. Tl.a defalcation la decIJrljr unique In banklnc annala In that Fuhrman stole not for srtne and women, or to (-amble, or peculate In storks, but Instead aum e Limbed to the lure of the lumber In dus. re and atole the money to buy tim ber Kinds. lorclnr out (1 la and a. little anwmlil. ho Inveatmenta belns mostly very ctinwarratlve. Hla shortage waa quickly dlecovered br the hank's officers- Confronted with he farts In the case. Fuhrman broke down and made a complete confslm of mljaleeda and turned over to the bank all hi property holdings which will aU Bioat. If not wholly, cover the total thefts. Bank Kxamincr Summoned. Three daya ego. t? banks officers summoned K. T. Wilson. I'nited Statea Tank Kxamlner for thle ditri-t. who a wr maile a thorough Investigation of luhrmans rase. fuhrman Is single, about 3S years of ace. and known aa a yount man rt wnusually esrellent habits, apparently devoutly religions and not siren to put ling on any enow, or to the usual follies which SDraettme lead to the downfall of Lank employee. Not a penny of the stolen money did he squander, but In Yted It where ultimately It would have triad him Independent, although how he thought his ahortage waa going to escape undetected Is a mystery. Fuhrman' Reputation Good. Fuhrman haa a mother residing be re. io bad been with the bank since ln. Vora a aplendid reputation among alt who knew hire and was regarded aa an employe to be thoroughly trusted. "The bank ts absolutely undamaged ty the defalcation.' said llxaminer Wil son, before leaving for home tonight, -and I am frank to say K l one of the rleaxest and beat managed banks In thiai d.auiit. -uhrman' case la unique. I v had dealings with all kinds of de faulters but never with one who took the money snd put It In safe, conserva tive Investments. Vsually they gamble It In stocks or squander It on wine, wo men or something of that kind. The property Fuhrman bas turned over will ' almost, if not wholly, cover his shortage." The penalty for Fuhrman'e offense la five to ten years In the Federal prlewn at McNeil's IsaVand. Friends say he will take hl medicine and get It over with as quickly aa possible. overlook the School for Feeble Minded In the coming rrsston. Arms that have been heavy bidder on supplies for that institution sre becoming wary and It la now almost assured, that several of them will fall to tile tlielr bids at the proper time for supplies at this institution. This fact jeciune known todar through a reliable authority, and It leads to con aiderable speculation as to the future course which will be adopted toward this Inal Ituttun. The lat legislature appropriated liT.JOO for buildings at the school lor me teem minded and v.i.i as a maintenance num. fund is not only ex hausted but In round numbers a defl- ci.nrv of UJLOul Is shown. One of the principal alms and objects of the Institution was to provide a place for Imbecile patients at Uie State Insane Asylum. The fapld growth of the asylum and the addition of hundreda of new patients made It necessary not only to add conetJerajle room to the lnrtltutlon. but to make arrangements whereby the class of cases known ss "feeble minded" might be cared for. With the establish ment by the people 01 a Branca ini asvlum In Eastern Oregon and with the assurance that the new administration, or reception ward of the Central Asylum, will be completed within a few months, or some time during the coming year at least, there Is a sentiment among some that the institutions should be combined again. . VETERANS ARE ACTORS SPAM II WAR HEROES DELIGHT BIG IIEILIG AUDIENCE. DEATH SOUGHT; PENNILESS " Walter Would Die Because Can't Ba j Mttlltcr Present. T n ralesm. despondent, unable to pur chase a t'hrietmas present for bla - mother. Walter A. f.rown. yeara old. 1 a waiter, recently from Idaho, attempt j ed suicide by swallowing a glassful of J laudanum In the presence of a dosen . patrons In the Jersey lunchroom. Btxth and Stark streets, where h waa serving k aa dishwasher, late last night. Ehfore the poison acted. Dr. W. B. ; Hare gave him an emetic and Brown was taken to iall. where he was forced ; v other prisoners to wslk several hours through the corridors. Kartr this morning Brown aaM ba, was glad he was alive. Brown's mother resides ar T34 'Web ster street. Alenieda. Cal. With the small sum given him for ' Ms labor esterday Brown went to a i drugstore and bought laudanum. j WHITTIER'S POEMS FOUND i-s-Wbolw Xeet" of Hitherto Unpub lished Vcrsea Dlscotcreti. AMESBURT, Uaaa, Dee. 11. Samuel T itckard. the biographer of John Creenleaf Whlttler. and now living In , the eld Whlttler home In thla town, tells of Ms recent discovery of a "whole nest of poems by Whlttler never before ' recognised as his." la commenting on 1 Is study of a volume of the New Kng land Review of 11-31. Mr. Plckard . Bays: i -While It waa edited bv Whlttler. I !flnd much that has escsped me hitherto. have found a whole nest of poems by Whlttler. The signature was the odd , one. 'Feramora' I And thst Fer amors toems are Whit tiers, and that be used I this sts-natnre before and after he be ' came editor of the Review." , MOOSE DISCHARGE EDITOR ilV l-c Rouses Ire of Members s 2 and Discord Ensue. Discord disturbed the Loyal Order of f Ioos at a meeting last night, when I K. J. Btnney. publicity promoter, was i discharged. Trouble followed the first i publication yesterday of the Moose Re- lew. The paper had been adopted aa the official organ, but certain articles were not pleasing to the members, who i repudiated the publication and severed official connection with Blnney. j Mr. Blnney declarea he will not re t !nqulh his contract right to publish t the paper. BIDS NOT FORTHCOMING j Legislature May Overlook Freble i Minded School. ALKM. Or. Dec. H. Speclal.V-Be-rsuse they fear that the Legislature may Minstrel Show Proves Great Winner and Army Drill "Brlnp Down House." Appreciative applause followed every feature of the long programme presented by the United SpanUh-Anierlcan War Veterans at their entertainment last night at the Hellig Theater. The affair was a rfnclHed triumnh for the men of Camp - Young.' The bfg theater was crowded to capacity ny an auoience m kept up Its demonstrations until the . -1 . m.. An ih. Imst number. the drill given by regular soldiers from Vancouver narracaa. The flnst half of the programme 'was a minstrel show given by the veterans of the camp. It waa replete with .witty bite concerning local conditions and peo ni. rh. f.i.nhnnii service, the street car service, the Mayor and tlie Council- men, and even the new lkm-k umniw elon. were alluded to In the joke of the endmen. Tlie sascond half of the entertainment opened with a number of songs and musl ... i hit... K rv f.atum being the music given by the i Portland boys and girls forming Webber's Juvenile Orchestra. The Phlxs-Ossy ijuartef was alio an Im portant part of the last half of the programme. The drill of the regular nKtlrrsv however, was a fitting end to the excellent entertainment. A part of this was the music by a fife and drum corps of IS men. Tlie crack squad of soldiers not only weni inrou .. 1- a l.rnn.1 exercises . . t. . ..ttln. nn vrrlseB but theT scaled an Improvtsod wall with skill. Thla was the third annual mmexrei .i . v. 4...n Kv fh flnanlsh War Veteran-, and It is believed to be the bees. The veterans taking P" in ure programme were: - Jar II. fptoa. Fred Jones, Joe Ba-er, A. J. Salisbury. Dr. Marcellus. Senca Fouls. Frank Beatt. Fred Peters. Dr. HvJ". H. K. Williams. E. Stansbery. C R- Holch kuu A. O. DavldRn. Heorse H. Carr. H. E. Clauasso. Walter Clsufn. F. Waters, George E. F.Taas. Few Grtfoth. Walter K. Eddy. Matter MrKenna, H. H. Aaderson. Bert O. Csrl. Oeorse W. Sweeny, J. C. Lach. W. l. Copley. R. W. Plckard. w,. Walsh. O. W. Baldwin. F. W. Humphrey. Harvey W. Wells. O. A. Elevens, W. H. Terrr. O. Walker. Olaf W. Jensen. W. C. I. yon. B. T. lielovan. F. W. Waley. J. C Thompson. Georse H. Wlgg. Oeorga Ruben ateln H. p. Hunter. Joseph Hoeye. D. B. Brunner. J. R. Hulford. J. E. Ballon. A. K. Cooper. J. C. Walsh. E. B. Wrlsht. H. C F. mkln. E. E. Evans. W. M. Coplan. Frank Cibrlen. W. McDermott. August Toellner. A. Klng. Frank Batter. Andy Vaughn. George K. McCord. RA1NEY. LEADS ATTACK rooseat:lt tratelixg ex pense UNDER EIRE. Representative to Bring Question Be fore Cmifrrews and Will De mand Action. WASHINGTON. Dec. a. A fight will be made by Representative Ralney. of Illi nois, to bring the question of ex-Presl-dent Roosevelt's traveling expenses squarely before Congress. One of -the stockholders of the Southern Railway wrote Mr. Ralney that if Mr. Roosevelt hsd paid for all the transportation fur nished him on his orders. It would, have cot JTj.O on that line alone. - Mr. Ralney's recent resolution demand ing Information regarding Roosevelt's traveling expenses while President has brought out a large correspondence. In riii.im letters from several railway stockholders, who agree with Mr. Ralney's view that the railroad snouia not oe saddled with the expense of the special trains and special cars ordered from the White House at passenger department expense. Mr. Kalney proposes Immediately after Congress reassembles to move to dis charge the rules committee from further consideration of his resolution. If. as he expects, the committee pigeonholes the measure. FATE IS IN HANDS OF JURY radtly Holand Grovra Weaker as Murder Case Ends. RITZVILLE. Wash.. Dec. il. (Spe cial.) Bright and cheerful outside, but close and crowded Inside, a breathless throng leaned forward to catch every word of argument which was begun In Superior Court today before Judge O. R. Holcomb In the case which means life or death to Paddy Holland, charged ii.. I i-..Vi (n j, ,,.. sua 1 1 uriij iii.ii" . i . " " - Vara at a rural school near Hooper. No vember s. 1 ne esse is now in uro nw"i of the Jury. Hollund grows weaker each day and many think his days are but few. his pulse being high each day aftor the trial The Jury was given the blood-stamed garments offered in evidence, and with a serious look on all their faces filed out of the box where they had sat for more than a week, up to the Jury room. Auto Hits Brccn Adarv. Brcen Adaev. Austrian laborer, waa struck by automobile "Oregon 13S." near the west end of the Morrlson-etreet bridge last evening and several ribs were fractured on hl left side. He was sent to St. Vincent's Hospital Witnesses say Adaev was hurled 30 feet In the air. Elliot R. Corhett. S Sixth street, owns the sutoroobtle. according to the register. ' LADIES FITTED BAGS. in great variety at Harris Trunk Company.. 151 Sixth street.. . What Gill's Ad. Man Saw on His Daily Trip About Portland's Ideal Gift Store Today You See, Too! CROWDS He saw hunureds of people in every department looking for suitable (rifts. (Later: He saw the same people ifo inp out with just the rij;ht presents under their arms.) DAINTY GIFT PIECES In the Fancy Stationery Departm't the all-the-year-'round gift section he snxr dainty Calendars, exquisite gift pieces in Imported Metal nd Leather Goods, beautiful Hand -Craft Jewelry and Novelties, charming hand toolcd articles and & hundred and one other items that will make ideal gifts. FOR MEN Over on the Commercial Stationery side be saw a gift Husestion at every tnrn, es pecially for men. You want to come and see for yourself. The gift you are looking for is sure to be here. , BOOKS He saw thousands of Gift Books, conveniently arranged for selection. Books on eyery subject Xew Fiction, Books of Travel. Essays, Belles Lettres and Literary History, Western Literature, new Books of Adventure, Poetry, Fine Arts, Bibles, Diction aries, etc., to say nothing of elegant books in sets and books for " little tots" and bovs and girls on the second (2d) floor. . It certainly would be hard to find a greater variety of books than are on display at Gill's. Of course, no other store in Portland has any where near the showing, and the prices are right in keep ing with the Gill quality. G-W BOOKCASES Up on the Balcony, in the Furniture Departm't, he saw the famons Globe-Wernicke Sectional Bookcases, the kind yon see advertised in all the ieading magazines and the kind Gill's- have been su? gesting that YOU give THIS Christmas. -FOUNTAIN PENS- At the front, on the first floor, he saw a big Christ mas cas of Waterman's Fountain Pen,tlie kind that are guaranteed by the mak ers la n L Gill's. Styles. for every hand and prices for every purse. . - STAR BARGAINS- And now; whisked tip to the sixth (6th) floor, be was taken to the Christmas Star Bargain Room an entire floor overflowing with beau tiful, useful gifts at Star Bargain prices broken lines and samples from the whole sale department. Everybody in Portland is talking about Gill's Christ mas Star Bargain Room hundreds are finding just what they want here. YOU can, too. . GILL'S FIRST . If you don't want to waste time in hunting around for something that will just suit, something nice enongh to give and not too costly to get, come to Gill's Portland's Ideal Gift Store first. It will save you time and worry, as well as money, to begin at Gill's. 1 tils 36tal5iftStot& the J. K. Gill Co, 3d and Alder BOOKSELLERS STATIONERS ON CHRISTMAS MORNING Wfll the ChUdren Find the VICTOR They Have Been Looking For? Don't disappoint them ! It's easy to make them happy and the whole family will enjoy the Victor's delight ful music and fun. There's a Victor at every price $10, $17.50, $25, $32.50, $40, $50, $60, $100; Victor-Victrola $75, $100, $150, $200, $250. And easy terms can be arranged if desired. Open evenings until Christmas Ik "OSS Sherman May & Co. steinway and other pianos Sixth and Morrison Opposite Postoffice 1 laV I 1 AtHomeWith THE KODAK i . J If 111 Make Kodak your fam- 11 ill lly historian. S t a r t the I W I f J h(tnrv.nn nhrlstmfta dav. the day of home Kather ing and let It keep for you an Intimate pictorial history of the home and all who are In It. Make somebody happy with a Kodak this year the pictures will serve to make many people happy in years that follow. Unless you are already familiar with Kodakery. you will find the making- of home portraits much simpler than you Imagine o simple. In deed, that the novice often Arpta the. rrerllt of heinar an ex pert. To make It still simpler we have a beautifully illustrated little book that talks about home portraiture In an understandable way that will, prove helpful to any amateur. Whether you already have a Kodok or not we would like you to have a copy of this hook. Ask or write us for a free copy of "At Home With the 'Kodak." COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO. 13S SIXTH STREET, OREGONIAN BI.DG. on rer i Delivered Notice Extraordinary We have on hand 5 cars of excellent grade coal, run of the mine, and -while it lasts . will deliver it at $5.00 per ton, C. 0. D. Our best i grade of lump coal $7.50 per ton delivered. TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS IN QUICK, AS THESE 5 CARS WILL ONLY LAST 3 OR 4 DAYS. . Mud River Coal Go. MAIN 821 A 2821 GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC Wlater Schedule Effeetrre October SO, 1810. Steamships "Prince Rupert' and.'Prince George' . FOR Victoria. Vancouver and Prince Rupert. Connect ing at Prince Rupert with "S. S. Prince Albert" for Stewart and Queen Charlotte Islands. DAYLIGHT RIDE TO VICTORIA LEAVE SEATTLE WASH. LEAVE VANCOUVER, B. C. Every Sunday at 2 00 P. M. . Every Monday at 11:00 P. M. Northbound. tver .Bnahyb,nuw r Every Saturday at 2:00 P. M. Southbound. MKALS AXD BERTH ISCLl'DEO SOUTH OF VAXCOCVBR. Korth Pacific Coaat Commercial Exnraloa" to Hawaiian Islands and Return on S. S. Prince Rperf February 2, 1911. Rate $225.00. For Tickets and Reservations Apply to Local Railway Ticket Agents or J. H. Bnrarta, GeaT A seat, Ktrst Are. aad Yeeler War. Seattle, Wash. It Is the Purchasing Power of Your Dollars That interests you. If the standard makes (and they are standard makes) of the Shoes we sell are good values at $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00, they should be a mighty sight better at $2.00 and $2.50 Should they not I "We sell the factory samples of the best American Shoes manufactured. NOTICE! Our upstairs rent is one-seventh of the rent paid by ground floor stores. No fancy fixtures, no heavy ex penses, but just perfect - fitting, stylish $4 to $8 shoes for ladies at $2.00 NOTICE! Our upstairs rent is one-seventh of the rent paid by ground floor stores. No fancy fixtures, no heavy ex penses, but just perfect -fitting, stylish $4 to $6 shoes for men. Pair $2.50 Portland's BRANCH New Busiest 150 Third St., Bet. Morrison and Alder Shipment. ov Upstairs. WmH, Bn0P OPPOSITE SKIDMORE7S. W CUKiy OPEN DAILY 8 A.M. TO 0 P. M. ON SATURDAY 8 A. M. TO 10 P. M. Sixth Floor Oregonian Bldg. Booms 600-60I-602-603-6034- ITAK'Bl ELEVATOR BBBBavaaaaaH You Can Work Near a Window in winter when you have a Perfec tion Oil Heater. It is a portable radiator which- can be moved 'to any part of a room, or to any room in a house. When you have a J1 I J taBBmaBfaaalBWBBBBBBH Absolutely smokelesf aid odorless you do not have to work close to the stove, which is usually far from the window. You can work where you wish, and be warm. You can work on dull winter days in the full light near the window, without being chilled to k the bone. The Perfection Oil Heater quickly nivAe hpot end with one. filling of the font burns steadtty for nine hours, without smoke or smell. An Indicator always shows the amount of oil in the font, i ne niler cap, put In like a cork In a bottle, is attached by a chain. This heater has a cool handle and a damper top. The Perfection Oil Heater has an automatic-locking flame spreader, which prevents the wick from 'being turned high enough to smoke, and is easy to remove and drop back, so the wick can be quickly cleaned. The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged and can be unscrewed in an instant for rewicking. The Perfection Oil Heater is finished in japan or nickel, Is strong, durable, well-made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental. Dtokn enrrnatar. tf r.of af yam. write for Onertplm circular to the nearest agency af the Standard Oil Company ( Incorporated ) ' lauwuiup p.a.BWBBwni eJFKfMi nif i-'t"-' W W-?1 ,n - -f j- Jtr-1rA.i.-i ...... T7 v AND Soo Lime THE POPULAR ROUTE TO ALL POINTS EAST Through solid train to St. Paul. Electric lighted, library compart ment, observation cars, standard 6leepers, tourist cars and high back day coaches. 'Best, of 'Service Try the Soo-Spokane-Portland Train De Luxe iy Days to St. Paul For rates and full particulars apply at 142 Third St., or address Prank R. Johnson, (Jen'l Agt. Portland, Oregon. Order Coal Now ' Do not wait, for a time when deliveries are. impossible. BANFIELD tTEYSEY FUEL CO. Main 353. A 3353. THOSE BEAUTIFUL Auburn Tints. o uoticeabli Jmoni fashionabl women, ar - - - ! nroduced onl by IniperiM Hair Regenerator th cleanest 'and most luting Hair Coloring- known. It Is lly applied, absolutely harmless, unaffected by baths- Any Shade produced. Sample of bair colored fpAB Imperial Chemical Mfff. Co.. 135 W. 23d St.. rrw x or k.. ft. ' Chancellor L,1oyd-Geort is on tn right track in showing up tho "American dol lars" scare, says the Springfield Republican. Not a few dukedoms and earldoms, as he points out, have had their ancient dignity restored fcy Yankee gold.