JUTE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22. 1910. JUDGE TAKES WIFE Robert G. Morrow Weds Mrs. Zoe E. Roby Perine. COUPLE LEAVE FOR SOUTH Reception Follows Ceremony al Which Telegrams Are Ked From Friends In East Bride Is Native of Boise, Idaho. Wadded laa$ ereniDS. Robert O. Mor row. Circuit Judge, and has brlJ hava rooa to San Francisco tor a short honey moon, axpoetlns; to return to Portland January t- The fertda waa 'Mrs. Zoa E. Rohr Perrlne and the ceremony mi per forms! at I: JO o'clock at VSO Johnson treat, which will be the. homo of Judge and Mrs. Morrow. The Rev. John EL H. Simpson, rector of Bt. Mark s Episcopal Church, officiated. There were In at tendance) guests. Including relatives and tha following Irlenos: juoge ana Mrs. EL B. Watson, Mr. and atrs. i. u. Borer. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge W. Haaen. P. B. Bekman and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. T nlrl of Krattle. Ths decorations compoaed a mass of Christmas greena and scarlet Dogoniaa. The wadding waa solemnised before a Areolae banked with flowers and ferns. while upon the mantel war. white roses and narcissus to matcn toe snower oou quet of asparagus and narcissus carried by tho bride. Palms. Oregon grape and mistletoe formed the other floral decora tions. The mistletoe waa tho gift of tho Judge's mother, Mrs. Morrow, of Ington. D. C, wife of the late General II. A. Morrow, who could not be present. The gown worn by Mrs. Morrow waa a handsome creation or heavy sue in an nHmt aharir. mad. with the long llnee of the jrncee gown cn train. Bands of gold embroidery and rare old taco weie used to relieve the simplicity of the cos tume. Mrs. Morrow waa formerly an Idaho girl, born In Boise, but has for the fast ten years resided In Portland, living for a short time previous In San Francisco, The Judge is well known n Portland, bavlng lived here since 18S3 and having been an active member of the bar since lwa A. araduata of the Vnlverstty of Mlchl gan In 'St, Judge Morrow is identified with the Portland University Club and la an enthusiastic worker In fraternal circles. He is a member of the Elks and the Knights of Pythias' and Is also the supreme master of the United Artisans. Following tho wedding and prior to the departure of the Judge and Mrs. Morrow for the South, a reception was neio, a nen i.lMnma were received and discussed and wishes for the happiness of the two expressed Among the telegrams were one sent by Mrs. Morrow, of Washing ton. r. C-. and also iajor ii-nrr . Marrow, of that city: Malcolm Morrow. of Cleveland, Ohio, and one from Major William Morrow, I rated Btatcs .Army. stationed at Porto Rico. A noint of decoration particularly ln- it eating wa the set of Klks' antlers over the fireplace, which had boen the property of the father or tne Judge, General H. A. Morrow. On their return Judge and Mrs. Morrow will go at onoe to their home ax V Johnson street. ARMY "PLUNDER" FOR SALE Homes. Mule. Stoves. K-tc, to Go t Vancouver Saturday. VANCOUVER BARRACKa Wash.. Dec IL(Rpe-laL) A regular old-fashioned auction of condemned supplies and articles of the Army will be held at this poat Zjeeember M. by captain ijrrara wune, o uartermaauvr. Among the 4 h legs to be sold will be 3 Oovernment Mlewourl mules, pillows, elaht hordes, bugles, stoves, fleld-deaks, lawnmowers, mattresses, harneae. hay forks, saddles, trumpets, fire-grates, car penter tools, rubber hose and cooking bollerst Captain Game will demand cash for all goods and warns buyers of mules or horses to be supplied with haltera or mpesi for none will be supplied. A large crowd la expected. Many Army officer of this) post, and post organisations, which had money, have been caught in the failure of the commercial Hank, which failed to open Its doors Monday. Many who were plan ring for Christmas celebrations will suf fer. WEDDINGS NOW POPULAR Linn County Folk Choose Tnletldc for Happy F.rent. AX.BA.VT. Or.. Dec. 3. SteclaL) From present Indications the number of Christ mas weddings in Linn County this year will break all records. Ordinarily several licenses are Issued Just before Christmas but the rush for wedding permits Is starting earlier than customary this year and many more than usual have been tuned during the past week. Eight licensee were bunted at the County Clerk's office here yesterday and today, as follows: Philip TV Brant and Addle May Monroe, both of Mill dry: Charles H. Wllkerson. of Lebanon, and Velma P. Llghtle, of Sodaville: Emmett E ArreU. of lacomb, and Gertie O. Russell, of Sweet Home; Fred L. Wood, of Albany, and Mary A. Oell. of Jiweet Home; Roy M. Hutchlns and Bessie Hammell. both of Albany: X. W. Lawrence and Alice Lawrence, both of Lebanon: Clyde H. Meeker and Vlra E. Orosbocg. both of Albany; H. O. Pugh. sf fihrdde, and Qnma A. Hunter, of Albany. SPRINGFIELD GETS READY Girls Will Debate With Cottage Grove Students In January. FTRINGFJELD. Or.. Dee. a. (Special.) The Springneld High School debating team has been selected and ronststas of Vss llutchinson, Rheo Rhode and Myrtle tVpenhaver. all girls. The orst debate wia occur with Cottage Grove In the latter part of January on the ques tion. "Are the labor union beneficial to the laborer?" The school ' supports the negative. During the past two days they have bean taking advantage of an extra vaca tion and have spent the time In the library at the University of Oregon In Eugene preparing for the debate. SOCIETY IS $3.35 TO GOOD Old Fort Dalles Historical Organisa tion Jlolds Meeting. THE TALJ.KS. Or, Pee. II. Spe cal. The Old Fort Talles Historical j Society, which Is an auxiliary of the I Oregon state Historical Society, held I Its annuel meeting- Teaterdaj and sub- mitted reports concerning the work of tne year. The treasurer'a report shows that a goodly aunt of money has been received and disbursed, but only JS now remains to the credit of the so ciety. The secretary's report mentioned the most Interesting of the subjects taken up by the aoclety during the year, among them being a narrative of the Cooper family eroaslng the plains by ox-team in 1SJ. which waa written and road bv Mrs. J. D. Cooper, and "Chronicles from the official record of the Methodist Episcopal Church of The Dalles from 110, and going back to m to is;o." Ezra Meeker, on his second return over the Oregon trail by ox team, oc cupied ona afternoon. An afternoon was glvsa In honor of Major J. O. Haller. who waa In command at Fort Dalles in ll and until the coming of Colonel Wright in January. 1836. Time also was given to honor the mem ory of Captain John Mullan. who died recently at his home In Washington. It. C at an advanced age. Captain Mullan outfitted at old Fort Dalles in 1SSS, for the building of the military road connecting the Columbia River at Fort Walla Walla with Fort Benton on the Missouri River in Montana, thereby shortening the wagon haul from St. Louis from the tOOO-mlle trail by the South Pass to TOO miles. This road, called the "Mullan Road," settled Mon tana. Idaho. Eastern Oregon and Wash ington. Traces of the original old road still exist up the canyon toward Wal lace. Idaho. The membership of the society Is now 48. an Increase of 1 since the last an nual report. ELLEXSON TRIAL DRAGS STATE TRIES TO SOLVE MVRDEIt OF PERRY AT CXION". Trial at La Grande Lacks Sensation al Features; Former Testimony Rehearsed by Witnesses. LA GRANDE, Or.. Dec 21 (Special.) Little that has not already been re hearsed, in one way or another, cropped out in today's trial of T. R, Ellexson. accused of killing Waldo Perry at Union. The evidence introduced thus far has borne out the early promise of the state to prove Ellexson was "smit ten" by the attractiveness of Mrs. Perry, and to show, as near aa possible by direct evidence, that he killed Perry to gain possession of the Perry ranch and Incidentally to have freer rein to woo the woman. It is being brought out vividly by witnesses that the love affair was en tirely one-sided and that no action on the part of Mrs. Perry could be con strued ss encouraging Improper rela tione between the two before Perry's death. Stress is laid upon the fact that the only letter written from Portland to Ellexson by Mrs. Perry was In har mony with a family desire to hire El Inuoo to work the Perry farm at Union, It Is being definitely established that Ellexson left Baker City with the In tention of going to Union to see Perry, yet he went on to Echo. To muddle matters more, he wrote a letter to Perry from Echo asking for work, when he had passed within six miles of the man. BRITISH "SPIES" ON TRIAL Germany'a Charge Broadly Admitted by English Officers. LEI PS to. Germany. Dee. 3. The trial of the British officers. Captain Trench, of the Royal Marines, and Lieutenant Brandon, of the Royal Navy, who are charged by the German authorities with espionage upon the fortifications at Borkumt waa begun in the Imperial court today. The defendants admitted they were gathering military Information at the time of their arrest. R.ULV METEOROfJClCA L REPORT. PORTLAND, rw. SI. Maximum timpw. tur. 4t desrees: minimum. 2 decrees. Kir-r rmdUc at A. M.. .! f.'t; chain In last "J4 hours. 0-S feet fall. Total rainfall H r. V. M t P. if. . trara: total r.tlntall sine September 1. 101O. 1&.2S Inch.. -normal rainfall .inc. septemoer 1. incnea; n-- fKleney of rainfall since b.pt.mMr J. isio, 1 rt-i Ineh.a. Total aunahln. December 0, 20 mlnutea: possible sunshln.. 9 hours, 84 minute. .Barometer treoucsa to ace level at P. M.. SO 32 laches. THB WEATHER. hVtBlS STATIONS, State at WeaUe Tt.,y.e Itoaton. OR!arr I'hinin. .. . ...... as 0.00. 4 NW. Clear 32 0.10.28 NTViSnow S 0.", j (!..,. !.: S S Iciear IWnvrr .v.- 0. SI In NFJ 'Know Molnea....... Iuiuth. .......... jci.mdy ll 1 a r 1-J O.VO'i: SW SO 0.031 4 N : 0.00 so xb 4 O.OOI 4'W 4s 0.00 e nw a;' T. 13. SE 4H0 OOl 4 NW 14 T. 14!W 49 0.001 I E Kureka . Pt. cloudy Oalreatoa. . H:.na. .......... ciouay Clear Clar Cloady Cloudy Cloudy tHear Jackaonvllie...... Kanfaa City...... Marehftrld ... lontreal. ....... New Orleans. ..... Now York. ....... North Head North Takuna. ... Phoenix. ......... Pocatetlo.. 22O.001NW 44 O.OJ. S'R SO O.Ooj 4,HW OO.OO! 4 W 2S O.Ok 14 SOT SOI T. I 1SW 4H-0. OOl 4 OT t O.OOl I S IO. Oil 14 SB Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy t a Portland. Roaehura. Facramente ..... St. Louia.. ....... St. Paul Salt Iak- San Plefo fran Prandsco..... lk!you Hpokan.... ....... Tacoma Tatooah laland. . . . TValia Walla. Washlnrton....... Wtnstps. . - Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Pt cloudy Cloudy Clear S 0.0014 S 4 0.04 4 S' 60 0. on 4 POT ftM O.OO t,W as 0.00 .. ... siO.oo 4 9 4J O.OO 6 SOT 41) 0.0O 4 8 42 O.OOI 8 B. 0. 0O14, NOT 8( 00l2 W icioudy WEATHER COSDrriOKS. High reaeur. flelda cover the Pacific slop. and me etate ociween tn. atiaataarppi River and the Appalachian Mountain., whit, low pressure obtains over the states Im mediately east or the Rocky Mountain, with centers of depreealon at Prlnc Albert and Pods. City. The northeaatern storm area has not entirely disappeared, althouch It has decreased areatty in intensity, and has caused only light snow flurries In New Knsiand within lbs last 12 hours. Uiht rain occurred in Kansas and at Eureka and North Head and licht snow in Southeastern Idaho and Colorado. i-st of th. Missis sippi temperatures are 3 to IS decrees be low normal, while In the Plains Statee and In the upper Mississippi Valley they ax. a to SS decrees above normal. Condltlona are favorable for genciallr fair weather Thursday throushoul this district, with only slight changes la lemparatura, and westerly winds. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Pair, resterly winds. Oregon end Washington Pair, westerly winds Idaho Fair. THEODORB F. rRAKB. Observer. Temporarily la Charge. T. Trace. 0 A FITTED SOTCASE. Will make an appropriate Christ mas gift. An elegant line of them at Harris Trunk Company. Albany Names Representative. ALsBANT. Or.. Dee. a. Special.) M. Serrdera. a prominent local business man. haa been appointed by the Albany Com mercial Club to represent this city at the meeting of the National Woo growers' As sociation, la rortland. A hotel in activity. la, Q. The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel 150 Rooms 104 Suites, With Private Raths. ' NEW FIEEPB00F BUILDING- Moderate Rates. THE PORTLAND P0RTLA5D, OR. EUROPEAN PLAN MODERN RESTAURANT i COST 0.E MILLION DOLLARS HOTEL SEATTLE S 'eTtT 4O0,OO0 Reeeatlr Speat ea Its Interior. All FuraUhlaaa and Appointments New, Modern end Splendid. Headquarters for Portland People. HOTEL OREGON FNSSS Both Hotels Conducted br MESSRS. WRIGHT & DICKINSON C. W. CORNELIUS, Proprietor. f OPENED SEPT 1POP. PRIVATE HOTEL LENOX E. D.' and V. H. JORENSEN, Props, and Mara. CORNER 3d AND MAIN STS. Hat and Told Water. IK IHstaae Phone la Kverr Booa. RATES $1.00 and Up A merles a Plaa 2.8o Per Day. from O. N. ity. ship wharves W. IX Wood, Mar. DANCE, SCANDAL CAUSE WILLASEETTE OIVERSITY IS STIRRED BY LIGHT FAXTASTIC. Prrsldrnt Iloinan's Order Not Coa idcrrd Even School Deans Lead Grand March. flAT.mur rte nA. 9 1 . -fSoeclal.) Be cause a dance waa given last night at the Auditorium Rink by students of the college of medicine of Willamette Uni versity, something: of a furore is prom ised, and suppressed excitement about the balls of the medical school today was accompanied by fear of belns; "plucked" on tne pan w " students. When the dance waa advertised Pres ident Horn an made public announce ment in chapel that any students In the liberal arts department that at- . . . . (, .TOAsit Immedlats dls- lenucu uubu, f - missal from the university. Now some of the medical students state that the president haa threatened a refusal to slim their diplomas and they are In a quandary. Dean W. H. Byrd. of the collee-e of medicine, and Dean C. L. McNary, of the college of law, were at the head of the grand march at the dance, and practically all of the medical students were present. One member of the col 1 ... iiK.r.1 arts anneared with a young woman, but left after being; re minded by medical stuaenis 01 mo warning; that had been given In chapel by President Homan. The dance was attended by many or . 1 .1 1. th, wwisl set of Salem. and Is reported as being one of the . ..i..Kia functions of the rear. But Willamette, being a Methodist In stitution, does not couniensucs au.au a of this kind, and there Is promise of developments. President Homan was In Portland today and consequently no statement could be secured from him. ft Is probsble that the affair win be 1 1 1 t,v the faculty and lta members will deoide on what action will be taken in regara 10 m. -indents. The fact that the deans of two of tho schools took an important part In the social function probably will re sult In a degree of leniency ior lue stu dents or It may bo the cause of fric- . 1 ,.niv.rjtv f nil t v is In clined to be stubobrn In Its position. John Hahn Appeals Case. ASTORIA. Or.. Dec 21. (Special.) Notice of appeal to the State Supreme Court la the case of John Hahn versus SSI NEW PERKINS Fifth and Washington Sts. OPENED JUNE. 1908 the very heart of Portland's business Modern in every respect. Kates, i.vu and up. Moderate price restaurant in connection. S wetland. Secretary and Manager. fB2rSSSr5aS r TO!" HINTS and TKAVLKd. Special rmts made t families and uln fle rentlemau The management will be pieaned at au umea to show room and Eire price. A mod ern Turkish Bath establishment in the hotel. H. C. BOWEBS, Manager. THE CORNELIUS "The Houa. of Welcome. corner Park and Alder. Port land's newest and most modern hotel. European plan. Be slnninc May 1st our rates will be aa follows: All back rooms without bath, single. 1.00 per day; double. 2-00 per day. All front rooms without bath. $1.60 per day, single; per day double. All OUTSIDE rooms. Our omnibus meets all trains. H. E. FLETCHER, Manager. HOTEL RAMAPO Cor. Fourteenth and Washington New Hotel, Elegantly Fnrntshed. Rates $1 and Up SPECIAL. RATES FOR PERMAXK.1TS. European Flan. Bua Meets All Trains. M. ES. FOI.ET, PROPRIETOR. BATHS. TOU WILL LIKE THE WOODS H- ewe C f European Plan f X rUi-t (l and $ 10 Per Day, "It's All Comfort." Onr Table d'Hote Meala One Feature. In heart of business district, center of city, half block ana r. r. rty. uepuu cures 10 u and C. P. Ey. Depot. VANCOUVER B. C. the Astoria National Bank was filed In the Circuit Court this afternoon.- This suit was brought to set aside the fore closure of mortgage and sale of the Warrenton Lumber Company's lumber Rev. V. S. Knight in Salem 63 Irs 8ALBM. Or.. Dec 31- (Special.) Rev. P. S. Knight quietly celebrated to day the anniversary of the 63d year that he has been a resident of Salem. The Rev. Mr. Knight is probably one of the best known men 'in this section or the valley and since his coming to 6a. lem he has married over 600 couples. Salem Won't Bee Class Play. ORBGOS AGRICULTURAL OOL LB9E. Corvallls. Dec ZL SpeclaL) The Oregon Agricultural College executive council at its regular meeting this week. denied the petition of the junior class for the presentation of tneir play. Brown at Harvard," In Salem. The out-of-town production had been planned to follow the presentation oj the play In. Corvsilla during the month of February, but the Council decided that the efforts of the junior players should be confined, to the two production) which will be given be fore the college and citizens of tJorvauis. LADIES' FITTED BAGS. In great variety at Harris Trunk Company. 132 Sixth street. MEETING NOTICES. TO THB NOBILITT OP AT. KADER TEMPLE. A. A. O. N. M. S. The annual meeting of Al Kader Tem- Ie, Nobles of the Mystlo hrlna, will be held on FRIDAT evening, Decem ber 23, at . the Masonic Temple. corner Yamhill and West Park, at 8 o'clock sharp. Matters of much Im portance to our great Oasis are to coma 11 n. and a eood attendance at this annual meeting la re quested. WILLIAM H. OALVANT. Potentate. B. G. WHITEHOU6H. Recorder. OREGON COMMANDERY. No. 1, K. T. Special conclave this evening at 7:30. The Order of the Temnle will be conferred DT past Grand Commander, Frank J. Miller. of Albany.- Oregon. Visiting Sir Knights courteously invited. H. I BANCROFT. E. C W. S. MACRUM, Recorder. FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLE PORTLAND AERIE. NO. 4, P. O. E. All brothers and visiting brothers are requested to attend the funeral of our late brother. Charles H. Pinks, member of Kelama Funeral services under the Aeri, auspices Portland Aerie. No. . F. o. tu.. which will be held at Molman'a Undertak ing parlors St 4 P. M-. Friday. December 23. LOUIS DAM M ASCII. Secretary. -w-nvtr a r VT Vfr a T nnflP Vfi T U, U, r . will JJI.ey tw auwau au aaau DaVlX, OWr Os v sev aauaa s. . Fa O. E. AMUSEMTVTS COMING! HEiLIG THEATER WEMF.SD1Y AND THURSDAY, . December SS and SO. Dobbs ARCTIC MOTION PICTURES Mr. Dobbs . lias spent ten years In Northwestern Alaska, and his collection of scenes of Arctlo life. Including- The Great lee Packs In tare Arctic Siberia The Polar Bear Fslrlmo Reindeer Moil Teams Mining All -Alaska Dog Team Race, giooo Purse, and others, moving as In life. Each picture ex plained. Nothing like this grand exhi bition ever seen in the world. Remem ber the date, DECEMBER 28 AND 29. SEAT SAI.K OPENS TODAY HEXLJO THEATER NTOHTS. beginning FRIDAT, Bargain Matinee I Xmss Matinees Sat.. 13c, xsc. Me. Soa.-Mon., l-So. The Musical play Success The Burgomaster Or!stna.l Burgomaster. O. Welnburg. Evenlncv 4L50. ft, 73c. 30c. 35c. 250. BAKER THEATER a--- M-J a. V jnorrtaa,, and Eleventh Main 4. A 5380. Geo. I Baker. Mgr. Baker Stock Company. To night, all week. Mat. Sat.; bar gain Mat. Wed.. 25c The Barnum ( of them all. . " ...... . ... v.- a t TY t , n n i o i. -Thafs enough. It has made mll llona laugh. Try It. Eve.. 25c, 50c 75c Mats.. 23c. 50c Next week "The Dollar Mark." BUNGALOW Z Theater lzth sun iii. a. , i- v. l. m. - ALL THIS WilEK. MATS. THURi. BAT. Dainty GRACE CAMERON, In her latest comedy success, "NANCY." A soul-stirring play; beautiful story of home Hie; full of pathos and comedy with special musical numbers. Excellent company, complete scenic production. Eveninga, joa. 60o. 73c fl; Mats.. 25c, 60c Next week "Ole Olson." MATINEE EVERT DAT. I MAIN . A 1020. -S-Sl IIHTS THEATER 15-8-5MS. WEEK DECEMBER 19 Alice Lloyd, Iew Bully, Harlan E. Knigbt end Co.. preaenting "The Chalk Line," 6-Marvelou snl!-6. Gu Hlbhert and I-red Warren, Parnum and Clarke Bisters, EI Cota, Orchestra. Pictures. GRAND-WeekDec. 19 Carter A Waters Vat-don, Perry and WUbur, Leo and Chapman, Kitty Edwards, Joe Lannlgan. OHANDASCOPE 2:S0; any seat. 15c. wLt T-&a ajid 9:15: PELHAM Hie world Great est Hypnotic Scientist. Ikfatineo verr day. S-en f n s prf o rma n ces Balcony. 15c: lower floor. 25a; box seats, 50a SEE THE BvEST THEN THE BEST. ANTAGES rrnM--liMa VandevlUe. Week Commencing Monday Matinee, Dec 18. ATTRACTION EJTKAUKUIaiil, MIXE. HENGIJ:rR'S KDUCAIED RUStUAN POODLES. 5 OTHER FEATURE ACTS K Matinee Dally. Curtain 2:80. 7:0 and LYRIC HOME OF MUSICAL COMEDY Reasrawnrh Bnr1 AIHmp Strccta. WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY MATINBH Keatine ft Flood present Ttlf TiiV A. KrA. With the ljric Musical romedy Company In "THR TOrRIfiTS.'' One continued scream from start to flh. Two performances nisrhtly. 7:45 and 9:15. Matinee daily. 2:sS. Friday night. Chonu Uirir contest, tnnnraai oay iiwwjm performances. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Baker's Auction House, 152 Park St., furniture, etc Sale at 10 o'clock, G. W. Baker Sb Co auctioneers. ftjneaax. zfoncsa. SKAXS The funeral of Mrs. John TT. Skans will take place at l o'clock P. M. today from th Swedish Lutheran Church. 19th and Irving- treats. Interment at River- vlew Cemetery. FTNXS In this city, December 21, at St. Vincent's Hospital. Charles ti, J-inns, agea 46 years 11 months. Funeral services un der the ausnlces of Portland Aerie No. 4. F. O. BL which will te held at Holmaji's ChapeUThird and Salmon sts., at p. M to morrow Friday). December 2-3, thence to Crematorium. Friends and brotner Ea- ffles invited. PETERSON December 91. at St. Vincent's Hospital, wrorge ti. peierson. agea -a years months, beloved husband of Kris tin petorson. Funeral services from his late residence, 910 Maryland ave Man day. December 26, at 1:30 P. M- Inter ment at Rose City Cemetery. Remains at Zeller-Byraea Co. parlors until Monday. jap, fjAOVll- AU tsasss Hi.', Dva eras, aw.. iMattie E. Anderson, agea a years, inm funeral services will be held at the Zlon M. B. Church, cor. 13th and Main sts., at X P. M. tooay ( rnurfevaanvy j ricnua au vlted. Interment Rlverview Cemetery. KBI'L'KR In th Is city, December 20. at 260 Bast 40tn, uasei A. uaxey A.euer, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Daley, aged 18 vears 7 months and 7 days. Th funeral services will be held at the above residence at 2 P. M. today (Thurs day), Friends invited. Interment Mult no- man (jemeiary. BARNES In this city, December 20. Annie ju arnes, or bdwwuuu, cuu, aCTi mi years. The remains will be shipped ta Wiuonvllle, Or., tor Interment by J. P. Flnley A Son. TON8ETH FLORAL CO. MARQCAM BLDO. FLORAL DESIGNS. phones:. Main 51ht, A llOt. Trimninr a MrKnteo. Funeral Directors, U7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lad a. sl&tapu oriice vx irumj www. EDWARD HOLMAN CO., Foneral IMreet rs, SZO 3d St. ataay Miisaiu. irum jw t rrjrt.jrv a hon. an ana jnaaisoa. XJidy attcnaant. rnow axau , a ww. f.ict Kir. it. Ftineral Directors, succesaors to I a. Lttxnning. inc. x.. oc, jo -ojo. riurKnv rn-:ndertaken. Ladv satst- ant. 409 Alder., M. 6183. A 223S. 7Ei T.EK-BVHNES CO.. Funeral Dlreetora. 0t4 Williams ave.; both phones; lady asst. LKRCH, Undertaker, cor. East Alder and th. Kast 781. B 188s. usdy assiatant DIE1X LAMBERT In this city, December 21, Charles Lsamvert, agea 4V years ana s 4 ays. The remains are at Fin ley's par lors. Funeral notice hereafter. TUCKER In this city, December 21, Nina C. Tuc or, agea year. -j. ne remains are at Flnley's parlors. Funeral notice hereafter. LA STCB ATJOH December 21. Jesse Robert Lashbaugh, agea years. unerai notice later. PALACIOS Wednesday, December 21. the infant child ot Mr. ana Mr, m. js. i'aia clos. " BOOERS At Ban Diego, Cal., Edward Rog ers, OT Bnaituca, w, r uuenu nouce later. PALACIOS Dec 21. Infant daughter of Mr. ana Mrs, M. a. f aiacios. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE- CITY BALL Main- 698. A 1589. ' HUMANE OFFICER, EA8TlT7 KEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS Lweflt rates an! terms to salts rial rates and favorable terms oa lars Wans oa baalsess properties. Funds Loaned for Frlvsts Iavestsrs. A. H. BIRRELL CO. an McKay Bids. M t Stark, M NEW TODAY. 1717 - "Nktional Addition" Hare you been out to NATIONAL ADDITION during the past few days of this beautiful weather, to see our tract in all its magnificence and splendorf NATIONAL ADDITION is certainly an ideal spot for a resi dence, to say nothing of the oppor tunities afforded from an investment standpoint. Every day new develop ments are materializing at KENTON, directly adjoining our property, which will without a doubt greatly enhance the value of. lots purchased NOW, in NATIONAL ADDITION. AWAKE TO YOUR OPPORTU NITIES, come out to the tract today and make your selection. Pay us 10 per cent of the purchase price, then pay 2 per cent per month. Phone us and our automobile will call for you and take you out to NATIONAL ADDITION. Go-Operative Realty Company 520 Railway Exchange. For Your Consideration 12.7 NET on $62,000 New and modern four-story brick apartment, consisting of 30 apart ments, with a gross income of $900 .per month; located in the most desir able part of Nob Hill district. Will justify your investigation. Excellent apartment site. The northwest corner of 13th and Market Street 60x100; a good buy, $21,000. Within one block of Olds, Wort man & King, a most desirable lot, where the greatest increases in value have taken place. $60,000 Half cash, balance 3 years, 6 per cent No trouble to answer questions. F. R. LEVEE 817 Spalding bldg. Phone Main 7387. $2900 Willamette Heights 60X112 One block south of car. Unob structed view north down Rugby St. Royal view for a home. Fine resi dences all around. Make a payment on this now and build when you get ready. CHAPIN & HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. Irvington Swell Home Very swell new S-room house; fur nace, two fireplaces, fins fixtures and shades, flreless cooker, cooling closets, hardwood double floors upstairs and down, bookcases, china closets, four bedrooms and sleepingr-porch; In fact, a very complete house; on a lot 60x100, east front;, on East 26th, near Thomp son. Price $8000, $3400 cash and $20 per month. Our auto will call at your borne and take you to this house and horns again. Phone us. GRTJSSI k Z AriOW, SIT Board of Trade Bldg., 4tfc and Oat, $8000 L SrPLE'Din FLAT OR APAETMENT. HOUSE SITE, S. E- Corner 4th and Lincoln Sts. 10S Fact oa Lincoln; 50 Feet on 4th. 'Riilldlnz- of new brldsre to southeast ern Portland section, and electrification of Fourth-street railroad will greatly enhance the value of thl property in next 18 months. Non-resident owner now In city for a few weeks offers this for sale. , Apply mornings on premises. ALFRED W. GLASS, B03 Fourth St. Profitable Farm in acres, all in htrh etate of cultiva tion, except 6 acre good timber; soil deep, rich and free from rock, stumps or gravel; elegant house and barn, two tA.mi worth $1500: personal property and crops worth $5000 go with this fine farm, located one mile from Canby, on . . j . -a ( 1 , fw-n ... DnrflonH srooa nun) runu, v i . . . . t ....... Price, including livestock, crops, every thing, $200 per acre. Terms. , CRUSSI ZADOW, 81T Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. . - . l.TltTKI V. . . . 11 V. XT nwnAI Business called him away. Thoroughly finished In hardwood; elegant design; a rooms, private sitting-room, two nreplaces. ( bedrooms. Irrtngton. East 273. C 1S66. W. H Herdman. . REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots EAST MADISON and 22d. lot 50x100, $500 less than value for cash. Phone East 4100. Main 475. t,OT for sale, 40x124, Tremoat, 50 cash. KEAI, ESTATE I Beck. William G.. 312 Fallll Blrrell. A. H. & Co., 202-3 31 estate, insurance, mongai Brubaker A Benedict, 502 : MS. Chapln sV Herlow, J32 Chamber! Cook, B. S. A Co.. SOS Corbe:t bl 1 Jennings A Co.. Main 1SS 19 Or,) PALMER-JOXBS CO., H. P.. 2l;J clal Club bids. Scnaik. ueo. D., 22S Stark St. A 2S92. The Oregon Real Estate Civ. Gran.j adultRomah St. fflouaaay Ailo M. E. THOJIPSO CO., cor. 4tn i REAT. ESTATE. For Sale Lota. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS BAll 601IIJ looking north down rl for only l'JUO.1: one block from c fine homes and has an unttrul of river and mountutna. This v. I you a wonderfully fine viow arj xo good car service; mane a it this and build when you get a CHAPIN A HERLOW! 332 Chamber of Coninierr " PRICE REDUCED. For few Hhvs owner tells 1 his lot. TiOxltlO, on E. Burnsidi j two handsome residences, du of 17th St., facing north, -4 nrice reduced from I40O0. GODDORD A WIEDRICKl 504 Concord ilds. Phone Main 245. A SN-AP IN LOTS. 2 lots. 40x100 each, at Lau Mt. 6cott car; 1 block from at lots are worth S&oO each: take of them at $750. on terms. GRLSSI t ZADOW. 31 Board of Trade Bids.. 4th !an t BELMONT STREET! - I Walkinr distanc. 40x100: -All ! Improvements in and pttld; yi?td, ' WAVBRLEIOH HEIGHTS. 1 Dandy lot, 200 eet to car, on Fr street; J675. eiusv term. E. B. -Mai' 205 Gcrllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. PROMINENT CORNER. On MislsslDDi avenue. !0xl00 wlt bulldisirs: income $40. price tCYMJ i5o4 Concord Bldg. GOING away, must dispose of $128' In two fine East Side residence. Bion. one worth $1750. the othe J1500; will take a good bond on AX 60!. Oregonlan. APARTMENT SITES. Some choice lots and -juart?H close In, Central Eait Portland, prices. W. O. WADDEfs, 309 Lumber Esc' A GENUINB SNAP. Entire block consisting of 16 loi 4200; retail value .I7K. GODDARD & WIEORICK. 504 Concord Bldr. A LOT IN PORTLAND FOR Teavintr fitv. I have fteveral S on United IKuilways, near Bur, wi! sell for $:t0 spot cash to fli.i Owner. P. O. Box 4S5. j FINE view lots, located near thf park in the city; the best street ice; good terms; price $150 to $li Tabor 529. j T $10 Cash and Jo per month, nicer near Mt. Scott oc car. city war graded and paid; price only $i Higley. Bishop & McClagkey. y? PORTLAND HEIGHTS PKCg; Homes, lots, auarter blocks.!.! acreage; all parts of heights, all vil prices; some oargains. juain aoox, B LOT3. 1 block from W-W car. stock; a bargain. B, R. Gardl Board of Trade bldg. Phone M l WILL discount one-half, for cash.j In the choicest Laureihurst lot $."00. AM 008. Oregonlan. For Sale Houses. BUNGALOW WITH PURXH ONLY $900 CASH DOWN new, moaern noma in nice district, block to Rose City Pari basement, laundry trays, full p., Hvins-rooni. with rfrt placv huffer wirh mirror built tn: comia equipment, Dutch kitchen. lecplH shades, larne porches, view ipri nst tkn nnH KtrRr 1 m Dro ve men t : comfortably furnished ; price o' monthly payments. Owner, Rl chants Trust blag., otn ana t i NEW BUNOAL O W. $ 5 (ft t s 1 Very swell brand new s-room fine H reel ace. china closet. It paneled dining-room. Dutch k i ti combination nxtures, launary fact nothing missing; on irapro cement walk, near Hawthorne E. 37th at.; price $3250 $500 cas per montn. GrtLioSI & ZAUUW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th an BUY NOW. ROSE CITY PARK. JiAfil i iKJin. fr' 7 rooms, bOxlOO lot; imhat and nald: Berlin buffet solid oak floors, baths, fur:l lanndrv travs. mirror door. A $300 down, balance $35 peiA tional Realty & Trust uo., Ington st., room 518. ANOTHEH CiKEAT BUY, J A new 5 -room bungalow loca Ington Park, 2 blocks from Ai linn: full cement basement, i dining-room has paneled beJ built-in china cabinet, etc.: tn4 ceiain bath, etc.; this proper worth $3000. David Lewis, roi bermens bldg., 5th and Stark FOR SALE Dwelling-house. 7 rils. ern, shade trees, fruit, cemi pa.ved street half block aw lot. full cement basement. hous Will lease for 35 uer month; privilege of buying. This is th nt S4a: THE Sir AN TON CU.. 200 Oak St. SWELL BUNGALOW "Vr-r Bwp.ll brand new 5-room with attic, ail latest improvemrf 50x100. eaat front, on E- 8th.aT and $25 per month. 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th inf PIEDMONT. New 9-room nouse. all mode: built, near cai'Unc; lot BOxlw terms. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COM PA NY. xcrr.r. tnlte Irr In citv as Dart D: a fine new 6-room Queen Ann; tuV meat, built-in book case, pollshedl fine and slphtly location, one blo car, for $3o00 and very easy terms. I 945 Vancouver ve. Phone C hall 829. FOR SALE An apartment-house that" duces ao per cent on twn-Btorv. new. frame i the purchase I e building; ail rcl irgain. I roN co.. 1 Idg. Phone Mai r or sell SEE) I 1 $8000 cash; great bargain. j. t. iHTUW 1108-10 Spalding Bldg. , 2745. Before you buy or sell DETSCH & WITWEB. EB. J EstatA. e me'ausvl Rnec la lists In Real Sor the man of mode rat BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. Real Estate. Rentals. Insurance. 6-ROOM modem bungalow; electric hot and cold water, bath, tollot, wo Winter's wood, shades, linoleum on l en floor, good range; all for $1950; e T50. balance $15 Dr month: 2 bloc Mount Scott car. F 599, Oregonian ANOTHER BIG SNAP FOR 3250. 25x100 lot with a 2 -story house brin in ti.i ner month: It is on Market stl near 14th; an apartment -house site; $ cash wilt handle it. iJavia .Lewis, ij 2 Lumbermena bldg., 5th and Stark s;j ' ftOOD INCOME PROPERTY, Corner Michigan and Skldmore, ISOiI with 6 houses; Income $70 per xnof i nr.r.s atSfUfllk b I GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 604 Concord -Blag. $50 CASH BUYS K rnnmit. laree lot. 75x110 ft.. 1 block f' cariine; more ground next to this pi r iron nrfer at S3 ner lot : price down. $15 month. National Realty & Tr, Co., "6 w asningLon bi., room aio. MISSISSIPPI AVE. SNAP. 2300 will buy full lot with small tage. between Mason and Shaver. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 504 tjoncora ciug. K-raom buneiilow. all convtnienoea: place, beam ceilings, range, shades, 1: leum, chlcken-nouse ana run; t $1150 cash, balance long terms. Rsinsi Risley Station, Oregon CltyNAnjy'l BY OWNER Good 7 -room modern h 10 minutes.' walk south of P. O.. on carllne; $4000; easy terms if sold be Dec 23. Owner leaving; a snap. Call Sherman st. Phone Main 2591. 4 -room house, nice laying ground fare, Brentwood; a fine little buy. 1 w German. 329 Burnside. , M. 2776. FOR SALE A large lot and 4 -room mo; i a at- TTnivrslI Is X-a r-lr . Ks r-srol. cash: will rent for $15 per' month. ( TRViMfiTON Attractive new- homte. East 17th st., N. See this if in ere. phone East 394; terms to suit. K RflflMS. tlSTiO. anv terms: icre h buildings; $1600. Box Stil, Arletal Tabor 2U(-y. $2500 RESIDENCE for $2000; clorj iUWl R1UC, JW L CUI 14 M1U URMUV have long lookea for. Kicnmoaj i Call 507 McKay bldg. Main 47! 4 J E. TAYLOR. NEAR 17Tfr.-.;l A choice home In walking .-"1 splendid, nearly new 6-room nioili including furnace; among flntf I think again of thiF location; it 1 train at S4a..O. XlKr0 CBfQ. Wf