lg THE JIORXIXG OHEGOSIAy. THURSDAY. DECE3IBER 22. 1910. EDUCATOR URGES IL SCHOOLS Tenth Annual Convention of Oregon Teachers Meets in Portland. 1SOO TEACHERS ATTENDING Special Lctur Will Be Delivered Pally by :hucators From Kant and California Oregon' School Law Praised. It U Tldnt to any thinking proa that ona normal school In Oriron Is not onouah to supply th number of tachra necessary yearly. Ilenco It would seem to be In keeping- with good reason to ask the Legislature to set aside sufficient funds to employ a tactier who could work In a Man s.-hool in the county and whose whole time should be taken up In teaching pedaroe-iral subjects. In this way the immediate needs of the county could be looked after." Thus spoke & T. Moores before the Moth annual conrention of the Oregon Plate Teachers' Association yesterday. lr. Moores Is president of the associa tion. The sessions of the convention, which will continue three days, were called to order yesterday mornlua; at the JelTer s..n lllKh School by President Sloores. The a. social Ion Is held this year In conjunction with the annual Institutes of Clackamas. Columbia. Multnomah. Washington and Yamhill Counties. More than ISO teachers are In attend ance, including ail of the prominent a. hool men of the state. Ir. Margaret rVhIIenbcre;er. of the State Normal fchool. San Jose, and Dr. David Snrd den. Commissioner of Kducatlon for Massachusetts, will lecture each day. Two addresses were given yesterday morning, the Drat by President Moores. superintendent of the Oregon State Blind School, and the second by Dr. Margaret Schallenberger. The rest of the time was devoted to department work. Oregon's School Uwf Best. Mr. Moores said In part: -Oregon's rstem of eduratloa has been keeping pare with the development along all ether lines, as might be shown by testi mony of William t- Chancellor, ex Supertntendent of Schools. Washington. D. c After a visit to this slate, he s.ild In one of his lecture at Johns Xopklns I'nlverslty. which was pub lished In the Atlantic Journal, that he had read the school laws of every stste In the I'nloo and that Oregon had the best. Other writers equally as prominent aa Superintendent Chan rl lor have made similar statements. Thre Is a growing tendency on the part of all those who have to do with .ln. st on to give credit for work done, whether It be all done within the four walls of a school room or not. and this. t mr mind. Is the broad and correct vtw to take. In reviewing some of the Important school laws which have brought the Oregon schools up to their high stand ard. Mr. Moores said: "The compulsory educational law. whiih has been In effect only a few year, has been one of the Instruments for bringing the people of the state to a correct understanding of the fact that the elate wants educated citizen ship, and that a child's first duty is to his state. The percentage of en rolled pupils In actual attendance has Increased very materially since the passage of this law. In 10 the per centage rf attendance was 72 per cent: In Die 2.S per rent. "The course of etudy for the public school has unified the work and has been Instrumental In conserving the time of both teacher and pupil, before the adoption of the course of study, patrons of the school would dictate to teacher as to how much arithmetic or grammar was to be taught. If the teacher was by nature timed, she would quietly acquiesce: If she vm obstreper ous she mas usually dismissed at the end of the term. Now this has all pasel awav. for the teacher has only to produte ner course of study and cite a I'areage from the school law. Coral School Improve. The uniform eighth grade examina tion, which Is a natural outgrowth of eiuily. well planned and carried out. sa ha.l the effe.'l of t.htl.hinv the roire of study firmly and causing the4 children to reim.!n In school for a longer period. Before these examlna lions were held, children in the court, trv schools would rover the same work term after term. "The eighth grade graduation exer cises which are being held In every little country schoolhouse throughout the state, esch yesr. have had a good effect In bring the people together and to a better understanding of the Importance of keeping their children In school. tine of the main themes at tnese graduating exercises is the ne reit of a higher education. This has assisted verv materially in the es tablishment of high schools. The num. Ir of eighth grade diplomas Issued In ! wss about .; In 11. over (. "Among the most Important of the e.lMratloual laws passed In Oregon I ttiln recent years, was that of 19V5, making compulsory the purchase of hooks for school libraries. Jt la gen ersilr considered the best state school library law in existence. Meeting Help I.rrailjr. T'ie taw providing for school board conventions, which liaa been In effect for four year. 1 producing much good. One rniinlr superintendent, writing of the effective work being done In his ruur.lv by the ifc-hool officers' Associa tion said. The county high school fund law carried in this county by a vote of five to one. This splendid showing Is r'ie Isrgely to effective work done by the School Officers" Association.' "t these meetings are ronstdered surn questions as better buildings, bet ter healing, lighting and sanitation of school rooms, and questions of finance. As a direct result of these meetings almost every county In the state haa at least ore model school building equipped with all modern conveniences for both teacher and pupil." .ATIVK Dtl liHTES we , T COX DIES, -LEAVING unT nr rniEvns. T t . . - '., ' " . I I"" ' . j " sa. - i T j - l ; : -V J I 1 i J'TT . t I $P V : "M I.ale vn. lea Scbeese Tweker. Mrs. Nina Schoeps Tucker, wife of F. B. Tucker, of lMVs Fourth street, died at the Good Samaritan Hospital yesterday. Besides her husband. Mrs. Tucker Is survived by a daughter. Roma llean. two and a half years old. and her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Schoeps. Mrs. Tucker waa born In Oregon City. June . 18SI. She leaves a large circle of friends. made next year on Kllllngsworth ave nue between Vnlon avenue and East Fortieth street. The street has been made feet wide and the City Engi neer has prepared plans for this Im provement, which will be nearly two miles long. It Is planned to have the contract let o that work may be started on the Im provement In the early part of next April. Cnion avenue also will be paved next year between Alberta and Bryant streets. In El Tovar. near Woodlawn. These two Improvements alone will cost about HOO.OOtf. MOTIVES ARE DEFENDED ROSEBl'RG BOARD TELLS OF IaOCATIOX OF NEW SCHOOL. WOOD BLOCKS TO BE USED ImiMirtanl Street Work Is Outlined for Xext Year. A cumber of highly Important street Improvements are projected for the en suing year. East Morrison street Is to be pated between the Morrison bridge approach and the east line of Vnjon aienue with wood blocks. It Is esti mated thst this Improvement will cost l.'l.lll. The pavement will be classed as a wood. block navemens. the cJiv Ceneure of CiUaens Met With Denial That Silo Ii Chosen Through Selfish Motive. ROSEBURG. Or, Dee. 51. (Special As a result of the attack made upon Judge J. C. Fullerton. chairman of the Roseburg School Board, by Attorney B. L- Eddy, on Saturday, when the lat ter declared that the chairman of the school board as well as several of its members had voted to locate the con templated Central High School In North Roseburg. through selfish mo tives, feeling Is Intense among local factions. In a lengthy article In a local publi cation yesterday. Judge Fullerton de nied emphatically that the board had acted through selfish motives, or that thev had decided to locate the school In North Roseburg with a view of dis regarding the wishes of the taxpayers. On the contrary. Mr. Fullerton says that a 'majority of the board voted In favor of the suburban site In order that the congested condition of the schools might be relieved without ex pending ITJ.OOO. the sum authorised, by the taxpayer at the time the bonds were floated. Mr. Fullerton alleges that In erecting a graded school In North Roseburg it will be necessary to spend less than .30.000. thus leaving $41,000 with which to erect a central high school when the occasion de mands. Those opposed to Mr. Fullerton's plan are persistent, however, and de clare that the high school should be centrally located, and should not be erected In any extreme portion of the city. They also say that, according to the bond Issue, the board has no legal right to apply any part of the money In erecting a graded school, but Is bound to expend the total sum In build ing a high school. Those opposed to the North Roseburg site also contend that the board will be unable to sell the bonds unless they proceed accord ing to the conditions of the bond Is sue, which specifically provides that the bonds shall be floated for high school purposes. Since Saturday's indignation meet ing the school proposition has been the chief topic of conversation In this city, and there are many who declare that the frarue will result disastrously. It Is stated that the board probably will allow the matter to rest until such time aa peace and quiet Is restored and the taxpayers can reach some agreement. PUGILIST IS EASY VICTIM "Bod" Anderson Opponent l"n consctona Five Sfltrnte. VANCOUVER. Wssh.. Pee. 51.J(Spe claLt Knocking out hie men after two minutes of fsst fighting. "Bod" Ander son here tonight won in the first round what ma to have been a IS-round battle with John Luwe. alleged Canadian light weight champion. For five minutes I.uv e was unconscious and It required a retinue of negro rubbers and a doctor to bring the young pugilist back to con sciousness. A crowd of V sportsmen, among wrom were Mayor Klggine and the Chief of IV.Ire. saw the preliminaries and the main bouth of the boxing tournament. From the sound of toe gong Luwe : ii 1 1 riroTCa to maintain It for four years, and th block are to be laid on a concret ooritic.n iv inches thick. East from Union avenue East Morrison street Is paved with bltullthlc material. Hawthorne avenue la to be paved be tween East Flfty-Ofth and East Sixti eth streets, formerly West avenue, this Improvement to cost $7434. This im provement takes in the Jog between East Lincoln and Hawthorne avenue on East Fifty-fifth street, and thence to East Sixtieth street, and will make Hawthorne avenue a hard-surface pavement between the new bridge and East Sixtieth street. An Improvement district has been formed between East Fourteenth and East Sixteenth. Division and Clinton, and Includes Ivon street. The cost of this district Is estimated at I3.04. The Knapp-avenue district, between Mllwaukle and East Sixteenth street, has been formed, to cost I11.SJ0. In North Alblna the Mason-street dis trict has been formed for hard pave ment, to cost I11S.3SS. which is one of the largest Improvement districts yet formed. In Swlnton. on the Peninsula, the Congress-street Improvement dis trict has been formed, to cost IJi.471. A hard-surface Improvement It to be HOLIDAY WINEJ 3, LIQUORS Remarkable reductions in fine Wines, Whiskies, Brandy, Gin and other attractions too numerous to mention. If you are mak ing any purchase in this line of goods you will be well repaid by finding out something about our offerings as to quality and price. We cannot be equaled. Mi 60c Claret, reduced to. gallon 40t 75c Claret, reduced to, gallon 55 $1.00 Claret, reduced to, gallon 75? 75c ZinfandeL ' reduced to. gallon 55? $1.00 Zinfandel, reduced to, gallon 75 $1.50 Zinfandel, reduced to, gallon $1.15 $1.00 Bungundy, reduced to, gallon 75 $1.50 Bungundy, reduced to, gallon $1.15 $2.00 Burgundy, reduced to, gallon $1.50 $2.60 Burgundy, reduced to, gallon $1.55 $1.00 Riesling, reduced to, gallon....'. 75? $1.50 Riesling, reduced to, gallon $1.15 $2.00 Riesling, reduced to, gallon $1.50 $1.00 Port or Sherry, reduced to, gallon 75d $1.60 Fort or Sherry, reduced to, gallon $1.15 $2.00 Fort or Sherry, reduced to, gallon $1.50 $2.60 Port or Sherry, reduced to, gallon $1.85 $3.00 Fort or Sherry, reduced to, gallon $2.25 $4.00 Port or Sherry, reduced to, gallon $3.00 $1.50. Angelica, Muscatel, Tokay or Madina Wine, reduced to, per gallon . ..$1.15 $3.00 National Rye or Bourbon Whiskey, reduced to, per gallon $2.2o $4.00 Hillwood Bourbon Whiskey, reduced to, per gallon $3.00 $4.00 Multnomah Pure Rye Whiskey, reduced to, per gallon $3.00 83.00 Pure California Brandy, reduced to, per gal lon $2.25 $4.00 Pure California Brandy, reduced to, per gal lon $3.00 $6.00 Whiskey, reduced to, per gallon $4.50 1000 bottles, five to the gallon, of Sunny Brook Whiskey, bottled in bond, per bottle 85 1 1200 full quarts Sunny Brook Whiskey, bottled in bond $1.00 WARNING! Solicitors going from door to door taking orders for liquors in the name of the National Wine Company are frauds. Our soliciting is all done through advertising.. Protect yourself from injurious goods and fabulous prices by ordering direct from us in person, by phone or mail. National Wine Company Phone Main 6499, A 4499 N. E. COR- FIFTH AND STARK STS. PORTLAND, OREGON landed on Anderson"! nose. The member bled profusely and caused Anderson's temper to rise. Wading into Luwe. he fought fiercely and, placing a beautiful uppercut. knocked Luwe on the ropes and to the floor for the count. CREDIT MEN HEAR TALKS After Horse Is Stolen Poor "Time to Lock Barn, Sajs. Smith. "Iocklng the stable after the horse Is stolen is not the best way to handle a credit condition." said I- R. Smith before the meeting of the Portland As sociation of Credit Men last night at the Commercial Club. Mr. Smith's sub ject was "Investigation Avoids Prose cution." Other speakers were B. K. Knapp. on "National and Local Prosecution Funds;" F. B. Fisher, on "Kxplanntion of Property Statement Blank," L. L. Paget and E. M. Underwood. , The British admiralty has developed a rstem of wireless telegraphy for ub-insrlnes. A Chance to Save ON YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Talking Machines at Less Than Factory Cost Instruments will be sold by us at prices never before offered to the public. While they last' you may have your choice of any instrument in stock at great saving. Some of these instruments are made by -well-known, standard companies, and these prices mean a big saving to you. Make a selection from the list: - Regular $10.00 Regular $17.00. ....... .12.50 Regular $25.00 $17.00 Sefular $30.00 $20.00 RefSar $40.00 ?28.75 Regular $55.00... $42.50 Refular $75.00 ?50.00 B00 standard make 10-in. Disc Records, 15C e1 wniie inejr laaf. Every machine is new and the opportunity to secure the greatest home entertainer of the age at so great a saving will be welcomed by many, so come early and secure an outfit cash or easy payments. Graves Music Co. ' 111 Fourth Street, Portland, Oregon. Aids Nature The great success ol Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Die - - im.Im.. msImI kndtee. weak camy m i lungs, end obstinate and lingering coughs, is based on the reoognitioa of the fundamental truth that "Golden Medical Discovery" supplies Nature with body-build-mi, tissue-repairing, muscle-making materials, in ocm deased and coaeeatrated form. With this help Nature supplies the accessary strength to the stomach to digest food, build up the body and thereby throw off lingering obstinate eooghs. The "Discovery" re-cstablisbee the digestive and nutritive organs in sound health, purifies aad enriches the blood, and nourishes the nerves in short establishes so and vigorous nealtn. It year afeaer offer asef hint " lumt mm doorf." tt la prbmolY ee FOR HIM It paym erfer. Bat ym mr tklnklat of fe cre a-or tarn profit, mo . (.ere'a mothlm "oaf iomd" tor yon. Smr . Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, In Plaia English; or, Med (cine Simplified, 1008 pages, over 700 illustrations, newly revised "P'0". Edition, paper-bound, sent for 21 one-cent stamps, to cover cost of mail.ng eas. Cloth-bound, 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. If. Causes Sickness Good Health Impossible With a Disordered Stomach. There Is nothing that will create sickness or cause more trouble than a disordered stomach, and many people daily contract serious maladies simply through disregard or abuse of the stomach. We urge everyone suffering from any stomach derangement. Indigestion or dyspepsia, whether acute or chronic, to try Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, with the distinct understanding that we will re fund their money without question or formality. If after reasonable use of this medicine they are not satisfied with the" results. We recommend them to our customers every day, and have yet to hear of any one who has not been benefited by them. Three sizes, 26c. 50c and 11.00 a box. Sold in Port land only at The Owl Drug Co., Cor. 7th and Washington Sts. Mendota Coal Makes but little ash. Of some coal it is said that it is near ly all ash. Not so with Men dota. , No dirt no clinkers a good coal a satisfactory coal. Phones: A 3887, Marshall 2635, or Order From Your Dealer Today Get Exhilaration And Energy From Your Bath BY USINO HAND SAPOLIO It cleanses nd refreshes the skin, lets the pores breathe, removes dead cuticle and stimulates circulation. ' ill Grocers and VragiistM CALIFORNIA HOTELS and iWINTEJl MESORTS 3? WHERE SHALL I SPEND THE WINTER? ALL ABOUT .5. V-l'-i rst&AJMCTA Uye WONDROUS ISLE OF THE PACIFIC IN BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET which vrlll be cladlv sent YOU OX REQUEST. WRITE FOR IT TODAY. BANNING COMPANY Pacific Electric Bide Los Anffeles, Cal. HOTEL VIRGINIA Long Beach California A b solutely fire proof. Conducted on American plan. One of the most ideally situ ated hotels in America. Overlo oks the Pacific Ocean. W inter bathing in perfect. Golf, tennis. Vina vrkoil fnr oiitnmnhlllniT. Th famous VIRGINIA Country Club. Write today lor oeautuui musiraiea Dous.it; u CARL ST AX LEY, Mr., Ocean Avenue, Long Beach, Cal Offers Every Accommu d ation. Hotel Metropole Avalon. SANTA CATALIN'A ISLAND, YOUR HEADQUARTERS WHILE SEE ING the SIGHTS of WONDROUS CATA L.INA. Booklet. BAXMKG CO, P. Ji Bids- Los Anseles, CaL :1 VsT-rl5.5vV.-2 .J 4 'a i 511 SAN DIEGO, CAI. 11 t ARSOI.tTTKLY FIREPROOF Conducted on Kuropean plan. ali rornis'a iwn 1 1 1 1 f:i 1 tip w m&minoth 1 hostelry. 500 rooms, 300 with ii JE? bath. Every accommodation. "A liZ city within its waits." Beautiful hnnklet on reaucst. J. If. Holmes, Mgr.. formerly of HotH irrn. Iadena. LONG BEACH SANITARIUM At the most beautiful beach resort on the Pacific Coast. Long tseacn, i,ai. Established on Battle Creek plan. PrfiuH hrirlt buliaines. -weaicai at- tentlon very best. Graduate nurses only. Tennis ami all outdoor aniusa ments. The Pacific Ocean but a few blocks from Sanitarium, where Win ter bathing is ideal. AlaKe tins oeau tiful institution your Winter home Beautiful booklet free. W. RAV SIMPSON. Mgr. PASADENA'S BEAUTIFUL HOSTELRY HOTEL GREEN ThrM. Mnnimot h Klrenroof Hotels In One. Open until Jlay 1. Many additions ana improvements will be noted this Win- tr Convenient to nil DOlntS Or Inter est, c u f s i n e acknowledged the best. Noted the world over for PERFECT SERVICE. Beautirul illustrated tsuuiv LET ON REQUEST. Under personal management of DAVID a. ru .yir;n CALIFORNIA Is the place to visit. Orange groves in full bloom, tropical flowers, famous hotels, historic Old Missions, attractive watering places, delightful climate, making this favored section the Nation's most popular retreat. You can see this section at its best via the . 01 T" m and "Road of a Thousand bnasta Koute wonderv SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY Up-to-date trains, first-class in every respect, unexcelled dining car service, quick time and direct connections to all points south. SPECIAL ROUND TRIP RATE OF $55.00 Portland to Los Angeles and Return With correspojding low rates from all other sections of the North west. Liberal stop-overs in each direction and long limit. Inter esting and attractive literature on the various resorts and attrac tions of California can be had on application to any S. P. or O, R. & N. Agent, or from WE McMXJERAY. Gen. Pas. Agent, Portland, Oregon To the lonely wife who waits at home all day long, day after day, an A. B. CHASE "ARTISTANO" lib:. ,,-.V!f.'i Would be a ' 'god-send' CHRISTMAS!!!! Come in and talk it over; we are Portland Agents Sherman feay& Co. On Morrison at Sixth Portland, Oregon UKN COUNTY CROOK COUNTY HARNEY COUNTY MALHEUR COUNTY 800,000 ACRES, GRAINALFALFA, FRUIT and TIMBER LANDS For Sale in Large and Small Tracts by OREGON AND WESTERN COLONIZATION CO Owners of the, Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain Wagon Road ' Land Grant. E. L. MARVIN, Western Agent, 268 Stark Street, RaUway Exchange Building, Portland, Oregon. ASK FOR MAPS AND LITERATURE