Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 22, 1910, Page 15, Image 15

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V .". ; 1 Pciesfic FaMcs; ! :., V 4
MuJr . nmra0 ajggjgg
Beginning this morning at 8:30 o'Clock the Greatest Bargain Event
ever witnessed in Portland will be inaugurated. Every garment is marked in
plain figures showing tremendous price reductions. For the benefit of Holiday
buyers, all goods are subject to change after Xmas. Three days of cyclone selling
Today, Friday and Saturday
I ik I IE? ID) ID) W T3 IC3
Hood ii
N t PSA ! I
650 Ladies' Raincoats 400 Men's Raincoats
Lot 1 100 Indies' $15 silk rubberized tf7 QA
mohair Coats and Cravenettes D JJ
Lot 270 Ladies' English. Slip-ons, fQ O"
values to $18 OO.O
Lot 3 250 Ladies superb sample O Q7
full-length Coats, $25 values ) X I
Lot 4280 Ladies' English Slip-ons A 0T
and superb sample Coats, $35 val D 1 T'.O
Lot 1 190 Men's worsted Cravenettes, d7 QA
silk Venetian lined ; $15 values. v JJJ
Lot 2 175 Men's rainproof Over
coats, $18 values
Lot 3160 Men's
Lot 4175 Men's $30 to $35 superb A yi o7
rainproof Overcoats D A taO
$25 Cravenette 10
Every Garment
marked in plain
figures showing
tremendous price
redaction. See
wonderful win-
dow display.
302 Washington St., Cor. Sth
These nifty English Slip-ons
for men and women
Girls' Storm Capes
With storm hoods; in
blue and garnet; val
ues , to
now on
Heirs of Jacob S. Giltner Di
vide $199,155.86.
t'oar Children and Fbor Grand
children Share In DlntribaUon of
Cash and N'olr Two Son
Draw Administration Fees.
PUtrtbutlon of an tt valued at
llJJ.Uji imoni the drwendanta of
Jacob 8. Giltner will b thlr Chrlat
nui prrvrnt. ioiniy JiKlce Cleeton yea
t.rdav afternoon authorised aettlement
of tfta catato by Attorney Itoscoo H
OiMnrr and Frank F. Clltner. aoni.
who mere named adroiniatratora la th.
Under authority of thta order, th. ad
mlnlatrator yeeterday afternoon ap
portioned the iiutrlbutlon of caah on
hand aad notea to the four children
and th four rand-hlldren aa folloaa:
Knaeoo R. tilltner. l.'i.Te and ll0 aa
fee, f.r admlnlaterlna-: Frank F. Gilt
ner. and liooo aa (ee for ad
nilnl.t.rinit : Mra. Martha U. Cook,
daushter.; Mrs. Fin ma a. Whit.
dunter. :T.o0: IJ7.iO to b. dis
tributed among tha fira a;randcbtldrea.
Jamea Uoloa GUtner. Paria Kdea Gilt,
ner. Kdna Uabella Giltner and John
R.u.1 Giltner. all rhttdrea of tba lata
Paria l. Giltner.
Ttie foregoing la only a partial dis
tribution, aa by temia of the will ona
Bfth of all the personal and real prop
arty la held In trust by Roacoa R. Gilt
ner and Mrs. Cook for the grandchil
dren until they reach their oth year.
Appraisal of tba estate of Mr. Gilt
ner Is: Money on hand. J 1 3 Si: owed
b tha I'iispoui Timber fompany. $3;.
!: Columbia County property. lil.SJO:
Portland real estate, I12.03S: 1 notes
valued at I77.SJ5: household " goods
valued at II Til).
Ljlsi Monday at a conference of tha
Giltner heirs before the County Court.
Vr. Cook and Mrs. White opposed set
tlement of the estate, believing It
should b kept open, aaylng It was In
safe admlntMrattve hands, their broth
ers having been assigned to that task
by their father. Attorney Giltner of
fered to give hla elsters the cash on
hand or notea aa they preferred. They
demurred, however, and after confer
ring over the estate agreed to the dis
tribution as authorized by Judge CI re
tort. Attorney Giltner save court papers
required will be complete In time for
the distribution to be made before
toat Congregational Cod. re Will
Mret Here Joue C to .
Anions tbe many Important gatherlLgs
0f rvpreantattve people In Portland in
l;l mill be the meeting of th. Paaidc
toast Congregational Congress. June 3
t. s. Tttia congress will be mads 09 of
the ablest Congregational ministers and
laymen and women from all parts of the
Facifle Coast. The first meeting of this
body waa held in Portland In lt8- Since
then sessions of the congress have con
vened In San Francisco. Seattle and Los
In addition to representative, from au
parte of the pacific Coast. It Is expected
that a number of abla men from th.
East will also be here. The Congrega
tional ministers of Portland and vicinity
met early In the week to formulate plans
for entertainment and to outline a pro
Two Mills Will Raise) More' Than
S.S Mill Did Last Year.
BALE XI. Or.. Dec M. (Special.) Al
though It probably will be the first of
the coming year before th. final state
tax levy at mad. up. It la safe to state
the levy will not exceed two mills and
may be a shade undrr that amount. Bas
ing this on sn estimated valuation of
ts3D.rtio.00O. the two-mill tax will raise Jl.
6tV.K for stste purpose.
This Is a decrease, In th. state levy
from Inst year of two-tenth, of a mill,
but will Increase the amount of taxes
by nearly Jliiv" Stale Tax Commis
sioner Galloway says the odd years havo
been productive of a greater amount
from taxation than tbe even years, ac
cording to the reports of the Stat. Board
of equalization.
' The levy of two re Ills for 111 will be
lees than for any years of the past five
vears. save In IMS. when It waa a trifle
ieasi than two mills, euid there Is a possi
bility that it wU go eveo lower for 1SI1
than for when the final figures are
niada up. but Commissioner Galloway de
clares, with assurance, that It will not be
higher than two mills. As a comparison
showing the conditions during th. past
five years and tbe ratio of the taxes
raised, assessed valuation and the levies
for the vartoue years, a table is append
ed. The assessed valuation for the year
previous In each case Is used as th. basis
for the state tax snd levy.
The assessed valuation for 111. esti
mated at tXaXOW.OOu 1 more than two and
one-halt times greater than five years,
ago. with the same ratio of taxes to
be rslsed. but at the aame time the levy
will be of a mill smaller. The state
ment for the yes re sine ISO Is ss follows:
" l 5 m s?
AMmmrat. :
I a : x
'M. . . . J I .TH. . 1 ll"T 1.
3 Chinese firemen of Steanier ro
se n Drowned Volcano Active.
VICTORIA. B. C. Dec zl. A heavy
typhoon prevailed when the ateamer
Aymerlc was st Hongkong. A sampan
containing 13 Chinese firemen of the
Oriental liner Henrlk Ibsen capsized
and three were drowned.
When the Aymerlc waa at Tokohama
a tremendous explosion waa beard, and
it was reported that Asama volcano had
erupted with much violence, but no
particulars were learned up to the time
of the steamer's departure.
Will make an appropriate Christmas
gift. An elegant line of them at Harris
Trunk. Company.
Ordinance) Prohibiting Buildings
More Than 160 et High Pasa
dena Man Might Get Permit.
Hulett C. Menitt. the Pasadena mil
lionaire, will not be able to erect bis
proposed 20-story office building In Port
land unless he can get a special permit
from tl.e City Council. He will face a
situation here very much like that which
confronted him in Los Angeles, where
his petition for a special permit was de
nied yesterday by the Council by a vote
of ( to 1.
The new Portland building code, which
will take effect at the beginning of 19U.
restricts the height of structures of every
character, excepting church spires, water
towers, shot towers and smokestacks, to
1(0 feet. It Is much more drastic In Its
provisions than the Los Angeles ordi
nance, according to Horace E. Plummer.
City Building Inspector, who says the
Southern California city Is really liberal
In building matters when modern con
struction conditions are considered.
"Our present building ordinance fixes
SnO feet ss the limit for height," said Mr.
Plummer yesterday. 'The new ordinance
reduces this to KO feet and requires that
no building shall be mora than 13 atorles
"Of course, there will always be two
parties to contend as to whether tbe
height of buildings should be restricted.
Persons of esthetic tendencies believe
that skyscrapers are an abomination, and
they would not only suppress them but
would also enforce some requirements as
to styles- of srchltecture. Then there Is
a great body of persons who declare that
a man should be permitted to erect on
his own property a building as high as
he chooses to make It.
"For my part. I believe that it Is de
sirable to place some limitations on th.
height of buildings. The only valid argu
ment In favor of a 30-story ofllce build
ing Is tliat It would advertise the city In
which It might be placed. There Is no
demand for such high buildings In Port
land, and the fact that our streets are
narrow Is reason enough against them.
With a few blocks of such structures Un
Ini our nsrrow streets the congestion at
certain hours would be a most serious
it l within the power of the Council
to suspend the balldlng ordinance and
grant a permit for such a hiniamg as
Mr. Merrilt proposes. At present -the
Pasadena man does not own ground on
wh.i h such a atructure could be erected.
but there are plenty of sites to be pur
chased. When he visited Portland about
a year ago. Mr. Merrltt purchased 1 23.000
of bonds of the Trustee Company on the
Olds. Wortman King department store
balldlng. and that is the extent of him
Investment in this city as far as known.
Petty Thieves and Crooks. In. Raids;
Judge Expresses Tietvs.
KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Dec. . 21.
(Special.) Klamath Falls Is overrun
Just now wltb petty thieves and crooks
of all kinds. The city has had an av
erage of one forgery case a week here
for the past several weeks and there
Is not a day but there are resorts of
something hsvlng been stolen. yes
terday a Mexican was arrested for the
theft 01 two Cues; aawa wnicn ne aataj
he stole to get something on which
to eat. He was given a 30-day sentence
In Jail by Justice Miller. After sentenc
ing the Mexican. Judge Miller said:
I am not in favor of giving such fellows
as that a Jail sentence- I believe that many
of tbem are simply committing petty thiev
ery to get free boarf! for awhile. I think
tbe best way to handle that sort is to ttke
them down to tbs railroad track and give
them notice ta.move on. We have no rock
pile and cannot work such fellows on the
streets or on publlo works and a few weeks
or months Jail Just suits them. There they
xet passably good grub and have nothing
to do but eat and fatten up where they are
kept warm and comfortable during the
Winter months. For this reason they do not
care If they are caught In their pilfering
so they can be sent od for a while. I
would be In favor of a law that would give
the authorities a light to gather In all such
fellows and give them a severe threshing
and then Invite them to move out of tbe
Annual Number of Jewish Publica
tion Is Meritorious.
In the Issue of the seventh annual
number of the Jewish Tribune, pub
lished by David K. Mosessohn, appear
interesting; articles on Jewish life, re
ligion, customs and education, contrib
uted by leading Jews of the country.
The leading article is entitled "A
Congress of Liberal Religions,", from
the pen of Rev. William Rosenau, of
Baltimore. Rev. Stephen S. Wise, of
New York, formerly of the Temple Beth
Israel. Portland, has an article on "The
Jew In Russia." Other contributors
well known in Jewisb circles are Rev.
Maurice II. Harris, of New York: Abra
ham S. Schomer, of New York: Dr.
Abrara Simon, of Washington, D. C
George A. Kohut, of New Yorjt: Dr.
Isidore Myers, of Los Angeles; Albert
Lucas, of New York; Edward N. Weln
bau and Rabbi Harry Weiss, of Ma
con, Ga. '
Among- tbe Portland contributors Is
D. Soils Cohen, with an article entitled
"The Tallow Candle."
The number contains many things of
interest to Portland residents.
Vancouver Faces Problem, May
Have to DraW New List.
VANCOUVER. Wash., Dec. a. (Spe
cial.) The question of whether the Jury
list for the January term of court will
be legal, because of the omission of the
names of all women voters in Clark
County, ie one that will likely be solved.
According to law, every one who is
entitled to be on a Jury list has a right
to have his name on tbe Jury list. The
lurv list for January was made out be
fore the fact waa known that women were
voters and were eligible to serve on
Juries. If the question is pressed by the
women. It may be that they will have the
Jury list declared Illegal and have a
new list prepared.
But the women of Vancouver are not
anxious, anoarently. to vote, because not
one offered to register for the recent
election, although they did in Camas,
where 138 registered within two days.
The outcome will be waited with Interest.
c . nAM. e nm f"l T-m o n v and
he knows what children love pfeffer
k uchen. marzipan, auflaut, springerle,
pfeffernnesse all the delicious little,
melting, spicy cakes German cooks are
famous for. We make them fresh and
ravishing. Order either branch. Royal
Bakery. ,
Vaudeville Star to Maintain Booths
in Stores Miss Cameron Will
Auction Off Red Rooster.
Another strenuous day of activities in
behalf of the Red Cross tubercular cam
paign has been mapped out for those two
zealous and apparently indefatigable
workers. Mice Alice Lloyd, the English
comedienne from the Orpheum, and Miss
Grace Cameron, the comic opera star
and comedienne, who is this week ap
pearing In "Nancy" at the Bungalow.
Their programme of events resembles, a
time table, so carefully are the hours and
half hours checked up and accounted for.
That oft-heardWof thing, a breathing
spell. Is only a speaking acquaintance of
the two young actresses, who are will
ingly and enthusiastically giving their
time nd services to further the Inter
ests and) swell tbe fund of the Red Cross
This morning Miss Lloyd will sell seals
at the Hotel Portland from 12 o'clock to
1 P. M. and again this afternoon at
Olds. Wortman & King's store from 4:30
to 6:30. Miss Cameron is going to make
an unusually interesting effort to ln-
. V. Ktr ,afflln rift " Tlhnile
Island Red rooster at the- Oregon Hotel
this afternoon between the hours of 6:30
to 7:30. The bird was donated to Mrs.
Chester Deering, who has charge of the
Red Cross booth in the hotel, by M. K.
MacRae, the clerk, to be sold) or raffed
In the interest of the campaign. During
the raffling a musical concert will be
given by the Hawaiian Orchestra.
On Saturday afternoon Miss Lloyd will
sell seal In the tea-room at the Meier
ft Frank store, from 13 to 1 o'clock, and
at Liprnan, Wolfe & Ca's store from 4:30
to 6:30 of the same day. Tomorrow Miss
Cameron will conduct a sale, with head
quarters at Swetland's, from 3:80 to 4:30
P. M.
Possession of Sofa Pillow and Bank
Book Brings Arrest.
. .'P TCaflh . Dec 2L fSoe-
VJinv.uu".i '. ' - -
clal.) Thomas Atwood is being held in
the City Jail pending investigation 01 nia
possession of a sofa pillow, a manicure
1 i.n.v An thtt TflnnillAn Rank
get, n Uailfh-uvwn w,. ...w --j
of Commerce of Portland, No. 20 is thaw
number of the dook, ana a cnecs. iur w
wa- drawn from it December 17. It Is
thought that the property was stolen from
On the softt pillow Is worked, "Smoke
Delicately formed and gently reared, women
will find, in all the seasons of their lives, as
maidens, wives or mothers, that the one simple,
wholesome remedy which acts gently and
pleasantly and naturally, and which may be
used with truly beneficial effects, under. any
conditions, when the system needs a laxative,
is Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. It is
well known to be a simple combination of the
laxative and carminative principles of plant3
with pleasant aromatic liquids, which are
agreeable and refreshing to the taste, and
acceptable to the system when its gentle
cleansing is desired.
Only those who buy the genuine Syrup of
Figs and Elixir of Senna can hope to get its
beneficial effects, and as a guarantee of the
excellence of the remedy, the full name of the
company Calif omia Fig Syrup Go. is printed
on the front of every package, and without it
any preparation offered as Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna is fraudulent and should be
declined. To those who know the quality of
this excellent laxative, the offer of any substi
tute, when Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna
is called for, is always resented by a transfer
of patronage to some first-class drug establish
ment, where they do not recommend, nor sell
false brands, nor imitation remedies. The genu
ine article may be bought of all reliable drug
gists everywhere; one size only. Regular
price ou cents per bottle. Get a bottle
to have in the house when needed.
r&z? i.? ec-r
. mfei r ?k
j i
"1 r jrtni lr"tTiff.J6?
and forget, for day by day, trouble, like
smoke, will pass away."
If any one in Portland has lost any
such property and should notify the Van
couver police Atwood will be prosecuted.
Elegant fitted traveling bags and
cases at Harris Trunk Co, 133 6th St.
Welch Anthracite beats oest and
lasts longest. E. 303. C. 2303. " ;
"Merry Christmas"
"How like Jim to remember .
r me, and how typical of his
taste to send me a case of
the best beer in the world
Pabst Blue Ribbon."
Among your circle of friends,
there is surely some one, who
really appreciates good beer.
Why not remember him with a
case of
The Beer of QuaLV
It is not possible to make a '
better beer than this. Pabst
Blue Ribbon has captured the
approval of connoisseurs every
where because of its absolute
purity, delightful flavor, smooth
ness and sparkle.
Made and Bottled Only
by Pabst in Milwaukee
When you order the case for
your Mend, have one delivered '
also at your own home.
S. A. Arata & Co.
104 Third St
Main 480
BOME A 1481
E3 1 07.01