- -.. ... . TOE MORNING OREGONIAN. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1910. 17 OREGON IS IDEAL FDR DAIRY FARMS A. H. Raw!, Government Ex pert, Sees Opportunity in Valley Lands. BETTER COWS ARE NEEDED Bmqnrlrn at Commercial Club .--sarr-tl There Is Room Here for Vast Army or Milk and Butler Producrr. In the presence of transportation of iV'ata. bankers. eijerts In otl culture .snd tubercular testa. business ana dairymen. A. H. Kawl. chief of the dairy division of the Bureau of Animal Industry. Department , of Agriculture. "WashlnKton. t. C lt night told. In a speech of an hour, at a banquet a-tven in his honor, the needs of Orearon In developing the dairy Industry. The banquet was held In the Commercial flub and was Klvcn by the promotion commtttee. "What Orea-on needs," said the sruest of tJia evrnlner. "Is stood cows. Rood men and goo J drainage of Ita soil. Thoeearethe fundamental things which yoti need to build a great Industry. I arn told you have 13.000 cows In Ore gon. You ought to have ten times as many. The plain farts are that yon have Just as good, rows as any state: ou have the beginning of a wonder ful career In one of the greatest indus tries of the state. It is an Industry In wht.-h there are over Invested In the United States and one In which millions of people are gaining their rhlef sustenance. It. therefore, la an Industry which needs the attention of the Government more than any other and command, sometimes. I think, the smallest of the varied lines In whlrh tlovernmental help Is extended. Being so. It Is hut little that the Qovernment fan help you at present, but I want to assure yon here that when I go bark to Washington I am going to see If the Coast cannot get Its share, of the appropriation devoted to the send ing of a specialist to talk dairy to your farmers until he goes Into the business. Personally. I want to see that $50,000 Is given to the Northwest Coast. Preawh Cows, Me I'rpvs. Too have the greatest Valley In the world. I have Just (pent the day in It and to me It seems Ideal for the " creation of one of the moat Important dairy sections known to the world. "I am in favor of Installing local Institutions for the propagation of dairy Ideas, coupled with demonstrations to the farmers. That will people your valley with families, bring you wealth In abundance and do more to bring support to your city than anything else. There Is. primarily, only one thing to a dairy, and that Is cows. That Is what I would preach to the farmer. Talk eows. preach cows, dream cows! With roe It would be cows all the time. "And In that there Is this Idea, that there Is Just as much difference In cows as there Is In human beings. One man ts not worth hi salt, another is worth fortune. It la in the man. He Is a producer or he la not a producer. The man who hangs around the saloon or chewa tobacco and spits over a dry foods box Is not a farmer. 'So a cow that will not produce enough milk to pay for her feed Is not worth the keeping. "Of the Si. 000 rows yoo have In Ore gon. X would say nearly half of them are not dairy cows, but their owners in not know It. lie keeps on feeding t.'ie old cow and milking her Just as he did the years before, thinking that she Is a producing animal. Hut she Is a. not worth the keep and should be dls- tarded. . ' IVrn't Impoverish Soli. "Therefore I say. talk cows better cows more better cows and bring the lirrd up to the highest stand.ird pos sible. It Is onlv through this system of hlsh breeding, watchful care and the strongest efforts possible that you will reach, the highest standard. "It Is a sname and disgrace for any man to impoverish soli. I belong to the conservation claaa when It comes to paying bark to the soil the nutri ment that you hare taken out." "Soil !s the heritage which we give to e-ur rhlldrrn. It lis a rank Injustice for u to take from them a chance to make telr own living and that at Just what ou do when you do not glvo back to tha soil wtt )ou take from It. J I would sjjt that you have room for lTVV'l cow In this state and ynu must s.op riirc tie I pound-a-uionth milk : s-t the 3u-pound milk row. That wi:l put the money In our tllL She is the wor'd-winner In the point of com forts and toe bread-winner for your fam ily. See thai she is on your place. "The old Ion x-homed. bushy-tailed, lerg-ea.-ed and Inp-sMrd cow Is not for Orcon. If you wish to stay In the milk buttress. ru-n hrr out over the cliffs and let her si J en to the unknown with out giving her much of a thought, no lor a sw-iey g-m the Jersey or the Guern sey or auuie fine mi;k-proriucer. and If yoo wb sums breed that will bring yon milk as well as beef. Government Can't Io It. "The Oovernment cannot g:v you a dairy. That Is your work, gvntlrnien. 1 I-eaxd one of your boosters talk of set tlers for your ranches aa If Oregon war t'te only country that needed them. That Is ail poppycock. Kery t.to irt the l'nlon has the same cry. The same con d't'on prevails everywhere. "I honor the. young man who le.tves the farm for the city. T.-.t Is what he Is tlo'ne. I arreo l:n von that we must g-t him back to the f.rm. but you never n and never wilt until yoti make the Irvlrc on tho farm as attractive aa it ts In is city. "What a III do that? Lv.Il.irs. gentlemen. It l.e ti e coin that will put him back on t ie farm. You nm make It attractive. That s the way. Now. I am going to bid you jkvi nliht. Think over what I have said." Pr. J. It. Wrthrrbco acted a toast T?i.,ser ard sr-ee-hes were made by R. R. Miller, trnffic manager of the Ilarrlman svstem; K. U Thonipwr!. R. Kabln. it. r- -v t ier-e and ir. Calvin S. White, secretary of the Srafe, Hoard of Health. PERSONALITY IS DEFINED C. C. Chapman (.lr lecture In Lincoln ITIjh Nrhool. In a speech thai few of Ills hearers v. 1.1 soon forcet. c. V. Chapman, mana ger of the 1'ortland Commercial Clubs promotion commlMee. told an audience In the Unrsln High 8 hoot ,,, nirht what he understood by tlie word "ir sonsltty ' Tersonalitv ts something tiat can he ciltnated by every lmidoa) to anv degree." was the text of his lec ture, and lie brought fco.ee to Ma bear era a message that was Tital to their fut're success. He defined personality as "the win ning quality that springs from with in" not the appearance, the outward address of the man. but the soul shin ing through the clay. And It can be culUvated In twe ways, first, by being true to the best that la In onsa self; second, by showing consideration for somebody else. Truth toward ones self, tie said. Inspired confidence: con sideration for others brings Influence. It Is only by understanding the trou bles and short-comings of others, by seeing things from others viewpoints that one acquires power over his fellow-men: and sympathy and consldera . , w- iTtvKtsii. "Personality Is the winning quality that springs j from witnin. . Squareness and slncerety Insures per manence of power, sympathy and cheerlness brings with them the liking and consequent miiuence msi vuw i waya associates with striking person ality. Mr. Chapman ahowed tliat all of these attributes can be trained and developed Into success. "The man who understands bis workers la their lead er." M.avvA.nmA nf the svaninc OO- ened with violin and vocal solos that brought round after round OI appiausa from the audience. Next Tuesday night W. F. Woodward will lecture on "Salesmanship." srrREMK COURT CAN' SEE XO I.EASOX FOIl ACTION. Justice Kins Ftlew Diaacating; Opinion, Saving1 Tribunal Takes Step Backward. SAJ-E.M. Or.. Dec 20. (Special.) Re buking petitioners for presenting mat ters which oo not belong In the high tribunal, the Supreme Court today de nied the petition 'of habeas corpus pre sented by William P. Lord. Jr.. for Archie SI. Jcrmsn. who wishes to free two convicts. Koberto and Martines. from the penitentiary, but Justice King dissented In an opinion phrased In scathing language, concluding, aa fol lows: "1 deem the result announced by my associates a long stride toward the sus pension of the writ of habeas corpus. It Is a step backward In the progress of law. and I think, clearly Incon sistent with the reason and the spirit of the habeas corpus provision of tne Judicial amendment to the Constitution. The writ should Issue and final out come be determined upon tha showing made thereby." Tho majority held that the recent amendment makes It discretionary wun tha Court whether or not It acts on a habeas corpus petition; that no action should be taken except wnen tnere is good reason why It should not be heard In lower courts: and Justices McBrlde and Kakln. In concurring, refer to the conjested condition of the Supremo Court. ' Koberto and Martines, - the petition stated, were sentenced for larceny from Marlon County without limitation, tne clerk also falling to state the crime In the record of Judgment Justice King says: There Is nothing In the record before us from whlrh the offense to which defendants pleaded (Ullty may be ascertained." He and, that Kooeno ana suuoa 1 " teneed to orison until the and of tlius with out authority of law and the proceedings by which they are fceia era voio. "Unless, therefore." Justice King says. "w are te turn a deaf ear to the well established principles of law applicable to writs of habeas corpus, we should, und?r trie showing by the petition, allow the writ no the return to which, the real status of the prisoners could be deteraUaed." Justice King also says tha argument about the suffering and overworked court should have no weight. "It Is not for the courts to say." ho adds, "what work should be thrust upon them by the law-making department; that Is a legislative and not a Judicial matter." VETERANS ACJ TONIGHT Spanish W mr Heroes Will Show What Minstrelsy Means. Better than any previous entertain ment frtvn by tha Spanish-American War Veterans pro mine a to be their Merry Military Minstrels- at tha Hel- 1IK Theater tonight. Their programme promises to be repleia with good thin cm. Titer win oo caicny eon pit. troad manic and fane drill inn and wall-scaling. Following la tha pro gramme: 1 HE C A r : Incerlx-tor. Mr. Jmy H. Vpton. Tho Kfir Mm With Tatrabo sV'red Jonas. Jo Hfcr. A. J. Fllbury. Dr. irriluv bnra Fouu, run xmiij Vr. liydt. Th t oon Bel!.W1th Smiles. H. E. WIN llama. B. frtniry. C. P. lloirhklaa, A. O. Iavldoo. ior K. Can-, U. iu. Claaasa. Walter i'tauMa. K. Waters. Tht Vorsl.ata With ton. Georas E. Rvant. om Griffith. Walter C fcddy. Mf Ur U. k"nnL H. II. Andrrxw. Brt O. Carl. i;.oria V. SfrUj. J. C. LrVScla, W. (2. lopiry. H. W. lt,-karJ. in i rurui vun m a.rm"Tj mm iims. W Ws.lh ii. HaJdain. F. W. HuaiDhr-T. liarvy K. Wl;. O. A. JSivaa. W. II. TfTv. l. Walker. Olaf W. Jenaeo. W. C- t-yon. H. r. Ixloran. F. W. .r. J. . Thi-mp-vn. C- A- TtcL Grt Hubnatatn. H. P. Itunter. Caoraa II. Win. t. K. Brunoar. J. iL. Iiuifrl. J H. Pal on. A- E. 'txpr. J. C. Wa.an, E. B. Wnht, II. i Km kin. K. t r.vtni. a . jai. inpun, m rata at ui n. Mrtrarmod. lucuU Toatilner. A. Klna. Frank Batter. Andy Vaufha. lieors K. AlcC'ord. 1. Cpenuic Caorua, "Mr tioii Knur Co in pan & "iiy Uttla Otrr Kn4 yo and Coon Ballos g. "Vail Urn Vp Soma Kalny Afi-rnoon' End Alen and Cooq BUS 4. "Hot Time In tha Old Town" Entire Company a. My 0a Unlta-J tttauar Maatr Mcinnn a. HrTadr Bustlraa B -Fr-d Jnne T. n 1ea. of .atjr Prfami"....Iroi Grtflitn a. -M hat'i tha Mattrr With Katbrr . bnocs Ftmts a lTr,, ivva font" Bart O Carl 1 -ilin Uay la June; Town"....... 1U (i) "Wh'B th Btl lA tUrn eUsnthoua Kmc uinaj &enar ih "hroan Ocibcr Al"-lo. E. Krins IS. Prody on "Any L-Utl Otrl e. 1. arr. tt- r- v iniaji r. i-.ajs- berry. C r. Hot-hks, A- O- David-a-n. F. Waters. 1L E. C.aua. Wal ter ciattn. IX "Band. Band. Band. .. Knitrs Company rnaia mr i-hiiip.f iapo- 1 THE fECUNn 1'ART: t. Xl.phfna iolnt. . . Mr. Jean PttftorhS 2. tteth Htnry and Harold Owraanui, pop ular entertafnera g. Vim MafCUrit Eshrt In her ertalnal 4- WfhMfi Jmnl'. Orcheaira. reTriposM of V2 Portland Tftova and 1rl. under tha laderahip of Mr. H. A. Wehr-er. In rp"r nir of ilripiv ae!"-:iont. ft. Phla-0av quartet: Fosa -irtftHh. Kooert Ki-k aro. Leouia waacnnn-ini-r. Fred Ft. In comedy and claaaic vocal rvriiliMoni C Farvev drtiiina; and wall-srallnc br the K-mt pn drill tvam of Vanroover r-autara ef "5 men from Cn panr c- First Infantry, t . R. a., rommandeo hy Lieutenant Ruttenrnttr. Fnal. "amp Ufe" Written snd ar-rna- at.a;tjr for th .Spa man-American War Vaterans Mlnatrela by M. Mirka. Jr. In this act appear the drIM t-im, alao tha f A. W. V. quart at In ale-t.ona. and the Bus'i and Fifa and Dram Corpa frjm ancor Barrarka i treat parada at soon today. OFFICIALS L0SE APPEAL Connections I nder Anti-Trust Law Are Afflrmrd. NKW ORI-KAXA Dec. 10. The Uni ted States Circuit Court of Appeals here today denied a rehearing to convicted officials of the Amerlrsn Naval Stores Compear and tUa KaUonal Traasporta- ACKJUSTA8LE SHA 35 M Sold in Nearly 30,000 Stores When yon make the "hoa"-like mo- m- tioa that ia natural m with a salety razor, thia rasor gives the slanting cnt that coaxes the beard off easiest The blades are real razor blades Jj of the finest steeL Try It Without Expense Nearly J0.000 drug; stores keep this razor In nearly every town. Write to us. VTa will direct yoa to the nearest store and arranga a trlaL Complete aatflt, auadrnple Sil ver plate, bladea and atropper, ta Mororra rase. S3.00, SSJ5, $5-00 and BT.SO kr saall, ssaer back If yoa vraat It. Is first cost U ta OLT cost aa added blade ex pease. Tha 'Williams Shaving; Club saves all sharpening;. We would like to send you our complete description of this suc cessful rasor. The Williams Company Terminal Balldlog, Uobokea. If. J. Sold at Fifty Stores la Portlaad. Hon Company, under sentence for vio lation of the Sherman anti-trust law. A writ of certiorari probably .will be asked so as to have the case reviewed by the United States Supreme Court. The officers under sentence are Edmund Nash, of Savannah, Ga., presi dent,. lined 11000; Spencer P. Shotter, chairman of the board of directors, fined ' tsOOO and sentenced to three months Imprisonment: J. F. Cooper Myers, president, fined J2500 and sen tenced to three months imprisonment; UeorK M. Boardman, of New York, treasurer, fined $2000, and Carl Moller, Jacksonville. Fla.. agent, fined $5000. " They were convicted at Savannah, Ga., In May. 1909. on an Indictment which charged conspiracy to restrain trade. ruins WeOjbder THREE CHARRED BODIES ARE FOUND IV BURNT HOUSE. Negro Arrested and Rushed to Pen itentiary, bnt Angry Mob Forms, Keeking Vengeance. DCRHAM. N. C Dec. 20. The charred bodies of J. L Sanders, his Z3-year-old daughter. Alary, and his 4-year-old grand daughter. Irene Norton, In the ruins of their home at Hester, near hero, gave startling evidence todsy to one of the most atrocioue crimes committed In this section. Nathan Montague, a young negro. Is ac cused by a Coroner's jury of assault, murder and arson. Tha negro is safe tonight In the state penitentiary at Raleigh, but angry mobs are reported gathering. Sheriff Wheeler evaded a crowd at Hester lost night In rushing his prisoner to Durham. Sheriff llardaood at Durham, not wishing to take any chance bustled the negro to Raleigh in an automobile. It la said the negro, who had worked at a bog killing In the afternoon, which Miss Bandera also attended, went to her home at night, killed Sanders snd his granddaughter by means not yet deter mined, attacked Miss Sanders) and after wards cut her throat In a struggle In the yard. He Is then believed to have put her body In the house, net fire to the dwelling and burned the bodies. The charred remains were found early today. The finding of Miss Sanders ssxlrt. covered with blood in the negro's pos session, and a knife at the scene of the tragedy, identified aa the one used by Moutague at the nog Rilling, Torm me chief evidence against Montague. Near tho ruina of tha Sanders house, a path of blood leading to a nearby well Indicated that an attempt was made to cast the girl into tba welL Strands of bar hair were found on the well posts, and give evidence of tho girl's vain struggle for Ufa. EUROPEANS TRAVEL FREE Hawaiian Commissioner of Immi gration to Charter Steamer. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 10. For the purpose of chartering a steamer to carry European Immigrants free of charge from Sallna Crus. Mex.. to Honolulu. V. S. Clarke, Hawaiian Com missioner of Immigration, arrived here today on the steamer Sierra. Referring to his mission, he said that the question of reduced fares for Euro pean liomeseekers already bad been taken up with tho Tehuantepec Rail road, and with free transportation from Sallna Crus. the western terminus of that line, he figures that tho class of settlers wanted In the Islands can be brought from Liverpool or Hamburg for about $24 each. DAILY XCTEROUsGICAL KLPORT. PORTI-AND. Tec. -1. Maximum temper ature, decrees: minimum. 21 df re s. River reading. 4 A. M-. 4.2 feet. Changs In last S4 hours. O.ft foot fall. Total rainfall IS P. M. I 4 P M l .02 Inch. Total rain fall since September 1. lsto. 13.2. Inches; formal. 1 3 Inches: deficiency. J.Jt Inches. Total sunshine, none: psslble sunshlns. S hours. 3 minutes. Barometer reduced to tea Isvsl) at P- St., 34!3 laches. WEATHER CONDITIONS. There has been a ronslderabla Increase In pressure alons the Pacific t'oast. and the Vi'estera Canadian storm has mnred east -mard to Alberta, tiavfna rmtM rain In W-etem Oreron and Western Wsshlnston. and Itsht snosr In the bisktyou Mountains In bVut.isrcstem Orison, and In Northeast ern Washington. The northeastern storm bas decressd In intensity, but It still con trols wathr conditions to the Northeast, and has caused llsht snow over the north rn portion of the Appalachian Itlsblan.l. X4ght saear has fallen, also, la colnrsrio, m err, . -77rr t- ' Tumi ' iSJr ; here, to x& ; angle : lnstant- ; ly. Stays ,1 where .1 leave il : until changed. fix.; Spring ' pressure ; joint 5 ' never 171 ?uet!rV ri hi - w - - es-a v I r.W iWAl. nc.iij asiail. AMUSEMENTS I 11U o I , I " T r SEAT MLE OPENS TODAY HfTILIO THEATER NIGHTS, beginning- FRIDAY. Bargaia Matinee fiat., l&e. JSC. SOe. Xsu Matinees Sna-Moa., l-tie- Ths Musical Flay Success The Burgomaster Original Burgomaster. G. Welnburg. Evenings $1.S0. L 750. 50c. SSe. 25c THIRD ANNUAL BENEFIT Rpanixh-American War Veterans BIG MINSTREL SHOW HK1LIO THEATER " December t. 10 One nigh only ' Tickets One Dollar WATCH TOR GREAT STREET PARADE R A V P R THEATER IJrllVLtLV Morrison and Eleventh n . . i si... t. leaker. stain -. a -,uu- ' i,---Mgr. Baker stock Company, To right, all week. Mat. hat.; bar .i vr., wed.. lie The Barnum ( of them alL . "CH.tKLEl'5 That's enough. It has made mil lions laugh. Try It. Eve.. 2oc.. 60c. 76c Mats.. 25c 50s Nest week The Dollar Mark." BUNGALOW VZZZZ Main 117. A 4?U4. OEO. U BAKER, Mcr. ALL THIS WEEK. MATS. THUR&. SAT Dainty GRACE CAMERON, In her latft comedy uccea. A soul-stirring plky; bsautlful story of home life; full of pathos and comea''wI " sueclsl musical numbers. Excellent company. eompJate scenic production. Evenings, -oft 60c 70c Hi Msts.. 25c. 50c Next w..a -Ole Olson. MATINEE EVERY DAT. MAIN 0. A loao. THEATER WKEK DECE1IBER 19 AUce Uw. I'"" Bully. Harlan E. Knight and la, preseniins "The Chalk line." s-Marvelous anls-i. (ins Hlbbert and 1 red Warren, rarnunf anu Clarke bisters. El "ta. Orchestra. i-U-tures. GRAND WeekDec.19 PELHAM tsrwr ar Vardon, ferry ana Wilbur. Leo and Chapman, Kitty Edwards, lne world's Oreat est Hvpnotlo loe GKANDAbCOrE oeientisfc. 11 usa.iuov" Matinee overs any. z:S0; any seat. 15c Evening performances at 7:S0 and B:' balcony. I4o: lower floor. 26o: box seats. 50a BEE THE BEST THEN THE BEST. ? Week Commencing -ilonday Matinee. Dec 1 ATTR ACTION EXTRAOHD 1MRY. MLLE. HKNIiLECR'S EDUCAIED E1SMAS POODLES. B OTHER FEATURE ACTS Matinee Dally. Curtain 2:30, 7:80 and a. LYRIC HS Seventh snd Alder Streets. WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY MATINEB - Keating A Flood Present DIXLON KINO, With the Iiyrlc Musical Comedy Company in THE TOl-RloTS,'' , . On. continued scream from start to "nlsn. Two performances nightly, 7:45 andstlo. Matinee dally. 2:45. Friday night. Chorus Girls" Contest. Christmas day special performancoa. COMING DO'BBSand HIS ARCTIC MOTION PICTDRES Mr. Dobbs has spent 10 years in the North and his collection of Arctic scenes depleting; life among: the miners of the northern gold fields.' rreat ice packs In the Arctic, the midnight sun, the great walrus hunt, showing: a hundred thousand of theae monsters of the northern seas of Siberia. The Polar Bear, Eskimo, Reindeer mall teams showa aa In life. COMES COME! COME! to the top of the world with Dobbs and his camera. Hell ig: Theater. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY SKiHTS DKC. 2S and SO. Prices. 60c, 75c and 1.00. TODAY id-We:k Changes-Big RyeTheaters BT4Jt "The Lesson." "Joke on Bumptious." Light at th. Window." Song production. ARCADE "John Doe and Th. Cherub." New York Police." "Max Goes Skl-lng." Confer the Singer." OH JOY "tittle Maiden of Spraewald." "Winter's Bide." "Down on th. Farm," Song. OI r O V "Tyranny of Florence." "Hunting Chamois." "Old Norrl.'s Gal." "Wer Indian Mother." Song. TIVOLI Friday. "Western Welcome." "Betty's Fireworks." "Cain and AbL" Song, etc. Utah and Manitoba. Llsht rain oocorred at San Diego. CaL In the northern plains states and een-tral-wostern Canada temperatures ar. 2 d--reas to 24 degreea above th. normal: lse whre th. weather Is cooler than usual for this tim. of th. year especially In statu east of th. Mississippi Klver. where tem peratures are 2 degrees to Si degrees be low the normal. Conditions ar. favorsbl. for occasional rain Wednesday In Western Washington and near th. Oreron Coast, and snow flur ries In Eastern W'ashlngton and Northern Idaho. No marked changes In tempera tures will occur, and southwesterly winds will obtain. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity: Wednesday fair; westerly' winds. . ... . . , Oregon: Wednesday fair, except oecaslonal rain near th. Coast: westerly winds Washington : Wednesday oecaslonal rain west, occasional rain or snow flurries in east portion: southwesterly winds Ilano: eair in suuiii. iyvw rnuira " nortlt portion. TUB WEATHER. a m x2 V . Sk. - -a- wind : i - O ? 2; f j s ft i. I - e r to o 5 ?f : v ; ; II ATIO.N1. Stats at V.sait Boise Hoston Calgary Chicago Denver Pes Molna Duluth Eureka .... ;aiveston. ....... Helens .lacksonvlll. Marshflcld Montreal New Orleans..... New York North Head North Yakima... Phoenix Focatello Portland Roseburc. ....... Sacramento BU Louis St. Paul rait Lake Fan Plcgo San Francisco... Hlsklvou Spoksne Tacoma Tstoosh Island.. Walla Walla.... Wsshlngton V!nlrcr.- oi T. 110 42 T. 12 (4 O.OOl 4 NW s w NW NW W N NW NW NW NW Cloudy Snow Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Cloudy - Snow O.OO 18 PI 0.00) 2S. T. V' O.OO 62 n.nol .:i.00l 2rt O.tfO 60 o.ooi ( 111 4 32 O.OAI W !m 0.00 12 NW Clear an T. W (Cloudy NW Pt. cloudy ?E Cloudy PW 'Cloudy NWjCloudy E Cloudy NW 'Cloudy NE 'Cloudy 4 n.io!:s S2 0.00 0.24 P2 0.OO 33 0.02 44 0.04 54 0.OO o o.ooii; 20 O.OO' 8 vw Clear SW ICiear sn o.ic 5S 0.15 NW Cloudy Clear Cloudy Snow W W r.o o . oo aot T. SW Know SW ICIoudy W ICIoudv f ICIoudy W jClcar yE icioudr 4IS 0.4S' 4 4S n. Iit.30 .tfc O.OOI 4 I 34 II OM 4 J 2ft' 01 1 1. Traa."- THEODORE F. DRAKE, temporarily in Charges At Wllson-a Auction Home, eorn.r Id and Tamhlll: sals at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson. auctioneer. ' ' DIED. . '. BJtANS At th. family residence. JST Stan ton street. December 20. Mrs. Tonl Mi randa Skans. age 68 years. Funeral an nouncement later. - . KELLER In this city December 30 at th. family residence 20 East 45th street. Hazel A. Daley Keller, aged 18 years. 7 months and 7 days. Funeral notice later. ROBINSON Mrs.- Helen Robinson (see Yar wood) died In San Francisco. CaL. Dec ember 19. Funeral from Dunning 4 Mc Entee's chapeL Notice of date later. . MEETING NOTICES. HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. 111. A. F. and A. M. Stated communi cation this (Wednesday) evening it 7:30. West Park and Yamhill itreet. Election and Installation of .m,.rs and nayment of dues- visit- tat brethren welcome. r m1lleb Scct. SAMARITAN LODGE. NO. 2. I. O. O. T. Re8Rmeetmg this (Wednesday) evening at S oclock. Second degree f"'.0' aX receive petition, for this yeara admission. VUltor. always wslcome. OSVOLD sec. HASSALO LODGE, SO. 15, I. O. O. F. Memhers will tajt. car this (vVednesday) evening at 7:80, corner Second and Aider atrJeu" to pay a fraternal visit to Kntn Kigc No. Zll. I. O. O. F. .V.tor. InvUed to accompany us. F. COZENS. Sec n-voeT.Aicrh r!TA PTER. NO. 8. r. a. M. Btatcd convocation this (Wednesday, evening at 7:30 o'clock. Election sad Installation of officers snd payment of dues. A. M. KNAPP. Secretary. FCNERAL NOTICES. NUESSLER December 19. Otte Nuessler. aged 70 years, two months. Members oi th. German Aid Society ar. requested to attend th. funeral of our late member, which will take place Thuraday. L-ecem-ber 22. at 1:B0 P. M., from Dunning McEntes-e, Seventh and Ankeny streeta. ' Friends are cordially Invited to attend. H. C. BOHLMAN. Secretary. PALMER Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services of the law Mary J. Palmer, of East St. Johns, which win be held at Zeller-Byrnes Co. s parlors today. Wednesday, December 21. at 111 A M. Interment at Columbia Cemetery. NUESSLER Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend th. funeral services of the late Otto Nuessler, at Dun ning 4 McEntee's Chapel, at 2 F Thursday, December 22. Remains will be taken to the crematorium. MAUPIN Th funeral services of th. late Thomas J. Maupln will be held at Fin ley's parlors, it 11 A. M., today. Wednes day. Friends Invited. Services at th. grave private. HICKS At Pullman. Wash., December 1. Arthur E. Hicks, aged 23 years. 1 month and 11 days. The funeral services will be held at Kinley's parlors, at S P. M-. today. Wednesday. Friends Invited. In terment Rlvervlesr Cemetery. HOLZER In this city. December 19. Made lene Holxer. aged 71 years. Funeral from East Side Funeral Directors" Chapel, East Sixth and Alder, at 1:30 P. M. today. Friends Invited to services at chapel. Ber vlces at grave private. TON8ETH FLORAL CO. MAKyUAM SLUG. Phones:. Main 6102, A 1102. runnlng a McEntee, Funeral Directors. th and lino. Phone Main 430. Lady as sistant. IX flee of County Coroner. " EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Funeral Direct ors. 20 3d st. Lady assistant. FUone M. 607. j. p FIN LEY- SON, 3d and Madison. xady attendant. Phone Mala , A 16V0. EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, successors to F. fl. Dunning, Ino, E. 62, B 2626. EK1CSON CO, Cndertakers. Lady aaalst snt. 4Q9 Alder.. M. 8183. A 2236. ZEI.LER-BYRNE8 CO., Funeral Directors, 694 Williams avci both phones; lady asst. LEKCH, Undertaker, cor. East Alder aad Btn. East 78L B 1888. Lady assistant. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE CITY HALL Main SU8. A 1S89. HUMANE OFFICER. EAST4774 NEW TODAY. WE PAY YOU FOR BUYING OUR LAND CHOICE FRUIT LANDS IN 5 and 10-ACRE TRACTS $110 PER ACRE SI miles from Portland. InChehalem soil. Timber worth more than price of land. Purchasers may cut and snip us cord wood in payment for land; we pay difference in casn. WESTERN FUEL GO. 387 East Morrison Street. Four Fine Corners Q TGf 100x100, on Williams tt Ul f aSVS ave., ftood house. - busi ness corner; worth $10,- 000. 1 sj enn 60i65. Market et. corner. OXasOvvl fine for apartment house; a snap. 1 e fff lOOzlOS, corner, on 3d DIOjUUU st., with 9-room house; bis; bargain. An; Aflfl Fine business corner, PaSDrUUU 100x100, concrete block bid?., paying; over 10 per cent. GRCSSI ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bids;., 4th and Oak. "CAREY ACT" PUBLIC LAND OPENING Ton are entitled to take up ISO acres of Irrigated Land in tha DESCHUTES VALLEY Central Oregon. Application can be made NOW. Central Oregon Irrigation Co. 415 By. Esch. bids;, Portland, Or. Ladd Addition A Swell Home New strictly modern 9-room house with all latest Improvements, furnace, fireplace, den. sleeping; porch, break fast room, built-in bookcases and buf fet: In fac nothing; missing; which makes a complete room, on an 80-foot street, with sll street Improvements In and paid. Price only $6750; about J2300 cash, balance terms. C.KCSM St ZADOW, 31T Board of Trade Bldar, 4tb and Oak. SEASIDE NOME 10-room modern house, elesrantly fur nished, fronting- on board walk, at . tresaely low price, If taken before first of year. Write or call on J. E. OATES Seaside, Oregon. Why Not? Why not buy Alfalfa land at $85 per acre when one year's crop will net the purchase price. Why not trade your unproductive city property for a pro ductive farm with 65 acres alfalfa land and 25 acres bearing fruit and modern house and improvements. ORCSSI BADOW, 817 Board, of Trade Bids.. 4t and Oak. . A fine lot on , . Hoyt Street near 21st. Good for flats or an apartment. ri KEASEY tlUMASOMJEFFERY 232 Chamber of Commerce. CJ $2900 Willamette Heights 60X112 One block south of car. -Unobstructed view- north down Rugby St. Royal view for a home. Fine resi dences all around. Make a payment on this now and build when you get ready. . CHAPIN & HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. BUSINESS PROPERTY ON HAWTHORNE AVENUE It's a decided bargain. ,'WhyT Because the owner wants to sell and. has made the price right. , ,,Per . . Month. Grocery, rents for $ 44.00 Plumbing shop, rents for ' 18.00 Confectionery, rents for i. Delicatessen, rents for 22.50 Four flats, rent for 60.00 Total $167.00 If taken soon will sell for $17,000. easily worth $20,000. If interested call at 1021 Hawthorne ave. Phone B 2967. A VEBI ARTISTIC home built by owner. Business called him away. Thoroughly finished In hardwood; elegant design; s rooms, private sitting-room, two fireplaces, t bedrooms. Irvlngton. East 27S, C 1866. W. H Her dm an. BEAJL ESTATE DEAUJM. Beck. William G., S12 Falling bldg. Blrrell. A. H. & Co., 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate. Insurance, mortgages, loans, etc. Brubaker 4 Benedict, 502 McKay bldg. M. M0. Crispin A Herlow. 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook, B. S. A Co., 508 Corbett bldg. Jennings A Co.. Main 18S 208 Oregonlan. FALMER-JONES CO., H. P., 213 Commer cial Club bldg. Schalk. Oeo. D., 228 Stark St. Main X A 2392. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition.) REAL ESTATE. For Sale lots. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS BARGAIN. 60x112 looking north down Rugby St., for only $2901; one block from car, among fine homes and has an unobstructed view of river and mountains. This would give you a wonderfully fine view and so close to good car service; make a payment on this and build when you get ready. CHAPIN & HERLOW S32 Chamber of Commerce. VIEW HOME SITE on Portland Heights. This Is the best to be had. Nearly one-quarter block. $8000. NORTHERN TRUST CO.. 270 Stark St. NEW MAPS. . 1, Latest map of Portland, Or., grrlBf sew sddltlons. electrlo lines, etc. 2. 20-mlle circle of Portland's surround ing, giving townships, ranges and soctios numbers, new electrio lines and railroads, etc. Price 60 cents each. Send stampa The Crossley Co.. 709 Corbett bldg. T-NICE lots, only 37S each, suitable for small bungalow; close to Rose City Park car; can be sold before or as soon as completed at nice profit; water In; owner Is building on lots adjoining already sold, for full particulars see Jas. C Logan, 60x100, north front. In a fine residence district, on E. Tamhlll. near 28th; street Improved, cement sidewalk. Price $2o00; S1O00 cash, balance yearly. GRLSSI & ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg.,4th andOak. A SNAP Two cnoice lots, SSxlOO, faelng east, between Tillamook and Hancock, on East 27th, In a choice restricted district; nrice", for both, $2230: one-third cash, bal ance 6 per cent. McCargar, Bates & Lively, bio ramus .u"s- And terms on 50x100 at S. E. corner of Tlbbet and E. 20th; excellent site for a horns. NORTHERN TRUST CO.. OTA Rtrk fit GOING away, must dispose of 11285 equity in two fine East Side residence, subdivi sion, one worth $1750. the other worth $1500 will take a good bond on account. . n . . . -r- citpb Some choice lots and quarter blocks, close In. Central East Portland, at low W?CQ? WAPPET-. 300 Lumber Exchange. Tq down $5 per month, beautiful lot 3 blocks Mt. Scott 5c car; city water; street HIGBx BISHOP M-CLASKET. 132 3rd St. FOR SALE Two iota, restricted district. 50 per cent money Invested. Call 603 Cor- bett bldg. too BUYS 74-acr, close In. West Side, only 16 "minutes' car ride. 5 -cent fare; S35 cash, $10 per month. M. E. Lee, 411 1 orpMi NICE east-front lot in Rose City Park, close to car: imMDYBuioiiB 1 " .... - -' easy terms. Room 432 Chamber of Com merce. Will sell my contract to one of the best lots In the tract, 50x118. Price only $2350 before Jan. 1. M. 622. FINE view lots, located near the largest nark n tnS City; "IB uci irt-iia lce: good terms; price $4.V to $1000. Call Tabor 529. ' ' PORTLAND HEIGHTS PROPERTY. Homes, lota, quarter blocks, tracts and acreage; all parts of heights, all views and prices: some bargains. Main 8551. A 8839. TWO-sightly lots. East 17th and Skldmore, overlooking whole surrounding country. Owner will build to suit; on easy terms. Phone C 2794 or B 14S1. A 617. Oregonlan. WEST PARK STREET. Comer of Taylor, 100x100; fair Income or might lease. Vanduyn A Walton, 615 Chamber Commerce. EAST MADISON and 22d, lot 50x100, $."00 less than value lor cash. Pbone East 41AO Tain 475. WILL discount one-half, for cash, equities ' ki,.A, T.aiii-Mhiirst lots lin ta .U--.. ... art l-.nl.i 3 LOTS, 1 block from W-W car. In Wood- StOCK: " a Pars""- xv. . , ; , - . Board ot Traqe oios- r-nontr ..xaiti i-q. 100x100 IN Piedmont, corner Rodney ave. ana Jsrreii at., e-w. - OI v-ommei tp. BEAUTIFUL building lot In Laurelhurst. close to canine; cwr . J .m. Room 432 Chamber of Commerce. r.r aaiew-Honsea. SAVE MONEY BY BUILDING THIS WIN-rr-r-i tn-iii hnlld snd finance. A. C. Fur long, contractor, 6S Ch. of Com. Main . 15500 MODERN" S-room house. West Side, walking distance; $1000 cash, balance to suit you. ji. - aa- TJOWN buvs 2-room house and nice lot it Ken. Park; price t4M. Portland Homes CO.. 2U Mon-wiiPi. 6 ROOMS. $1,150, any terms; acre home with buildings; eiouv. xo v-. . Tabor 2000 FOR SALE By builder and owner. 7-room bungalow, just i""--"-. a asa or terms.. Y 606, Orcaooiaa, SWELL HOME. $5850 WORTH $7000 TRVINGTO New house. Oak floors with 2-strlp mahogany border, plate-glass; six large rooms and den. pantry, sleeping porch, six closets. 2 toilets, bath-room. 2 porches and large garret, fireplace, full cement basement and A-l furnace, wash tubs, wood-lift; every built-in modern con venience; beautiful electric light and as fixtures; lot 13 In block 102 of Irvlngton, size 60x100: wide parking, asphalt Btreet, cement walks and curbs, sewer, water and gas all paid and Included at $585u; -a swell home and a real sr-ap: read de scription again and then, compare with others. v t A. BACKUS. 519 Board of Trade Bldg.. A BEAUTIFUL CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. On corner. IOOxTCo, on Hawthorns ave. carllne; 7 rooms, hall, bath and storeroom, full basement, fur nace; . line finish; a small amount down and balance In 4 years at T per cent. If you buy this for sn Investment, we will rent it for $40 per month for 3 yeara The price la $0000. NORTHERN TRUST CO., 270 Stark St. ALBINA AVE. HOME. -Very swell 6-room two-story house, with all latest Improvements, butlt.ln closets, bookcase, fireplace, etc. corner lot 50x100. some fruit, shade trees; on Albina avs. ; price $5200, $1500 cash and $25 per month, or 100x100 with same house and good 4 room cottage for $7700. Fine property. GKUSSl & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. SUBURBAN HOME 2 ACRES. All improved and under cultivation: modern 5-room bungalow: good buru and other buildings, all fenced, a fine home, 6-cent car fare, 25 mlr.utcs out. Price $400U; terms. THOMPSON SWAM, 206 Rothchlld Bldg.. Portland. Or. Bet 4th and 5th on Washington, snd 6tn and Main sts.. Vancouver. Wash. BUY NOW. ROSE CITY PARK. EASY TERMS. 7 rooms. 50x100 lot: Improvements in and paid; Berlin buffet and bookcases, solid oak floors, baths, furnace, fireplaces, laundry trays, mirror door. gas. etc: terms $300 down, balance $25 per month. Na tional Realty & Trust Co., Wash ington SL, room 616 ANOTHER GREAT BUT, $2350. A new 5-room bungalow located in Irv lngton Park. 2 blocks from Alberta car line; full cement basement. 50x100 lot;. ' dining-room has paneled beam celling." bulll-ln china cabinet, etc: fine large por celain bath, etc.; this property Is well worth $3000. David Lewis, room 2 Lum bermens bldg.. 5th and Stark sts. NEW and handsome 7-room house in one erf the best Irvlngton districts, on East lOtn st.; very attractively arranged; three bed rooms and sleeping porch, attic; modern In every particular; furnace, flrep(ace and oak floors; beautiful llvlng-roonV dining room and den; price $6100, reduced from H500. McCargar, Batea & Lively, dlJ Falling bldg. EAST TAYLOR. NEAR EAST 17th. Walking distance; attractive 6-room house, furnace, and modern ail through; built 3 years; excellent neighborhood; aa an investment a good profit can be seen; $4350, $1830 cash. THE SPANTON" CO., l6Oak S t. 1 FOR SALE Dwelling-house. 7 rooms, mod ern, shade trees, fruit, cement walks, paved street half block away. Corner lot. full cement basement, house furnished.. Will lease for $35 per month: one years privilege of buying. This Is the snap you have long looked for. Richmond district. Call 507 McKay bldg. Main 4710. $1200 BRAND new 4-room cottage, ideal for family of two or four persons, de sirable location. Two blocks to Rose City Park carllne. Almost any payment down and the balance on easy monthly payments. Owner Edward Hynson, Mer chants Trust bldg. " BELMONT STREET SNAP. Good 8-room house with 5 bedrooms, an In good repair, or a corner lot 50xd0 on Belmont St.. west of 28th. Price only $3150; $1000 cash and $25 per month. GRU.SSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg- 4th and Oak. FOR SALE An apartment-house that pro duces 20 per cent on the purchase price, two-story, new. frame building; all rented, $8000 cash; great bargain; J. II. TIPTON CO.. ' 1108-10 Spalding Bldg. Phone Marshall 2745. Before you buy or sell SEE DETSCH t WITWER. Specialists in Real Estate For the man of moderate means. UUAKU Ul .j ..... - Real Estate. Rentals. Insurance. R-ROOM modern bungalow; electric- light, hot and cold water, bath, toilet, woodllft. Winter's wood, shades, linoleum on kitch en floor, good range; all for $1950: equity 8750. balance $15 per month: 2 blocks of Mount Scott car. F 599, Oregonlan. ANOTHER BIG SNAP FOR $3L'50. 25x100 lot with a 2-atory house bringing In $25 per month: It Is on Market street, nea" 14th; an apartment-house site; $1250 cash will handle it. David Lewis, room 8 Lumbermens bldg.. 5th and Stark sts. PRACTICALLY new 6-room modern house on Clackamas street, in attractive Holla day district; hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement and furnace; price t.V'50 easy terms. McCargar. Bates Ac Lively. 315 Falling building. $50 CASH. BUYS 5 rooms, large lot. 75x110 ft.. 1 block front carllne; more ground next to this place if you prefer at $3 per lot: price $0 down $18 month. National Realty & Trust iriM. Washington st.. room Bl. rOOM bungalow; all conveniences; flre place, beam ceilings, range, shades, lino leum, chicken-house and run; acre. $1150 cash, balance long terms. Ralnaford. Rlsley Station. Oregon City Una. BY OWNER Good 7-room modern house. onuTes- walk south of P O., 'on loth carllne; $4000; easy terms if sold before Dec 23. Owner leaving; a snap. Calf 312, Sherman St. r-none jaam jji... KFW s-rbom modern house on corner, 415 14th st. opposite Portland Academy; ilew of mountains, choice neighborhood. 1S500 $3250 cash, balance on time. OwnT Ir H. M Tomllnson. 316 City Hall. K . lOEl ' to, eight-room bouse, two lots with flenty of fruit close to river and car. For sale or trade for smaller place..- AB 605, Oregonlan. BUNGALOW, near Patton boulevard. This is a gem; modern and up to date; must sell, however, will take $2750. $200 cash, bal ance In monthly payments. See owner.414 lipajdingbldg; , STROOM modern house, on 57th street, near Montavllla car ne, rent $!. per month. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth St. . Main 85. A 3500. 4-room house and 2 lots, cheap for cash,- S inlnutea- walk to Kenton factories; must be sold at once. Inquire 1870 Bayard St., Peninsular station. J 4-ACRE HOME, $000. $250 CASH. -4room house, nice laying ground. 50 fsre Brentwood; a fine little buy. Fred -W. German. a23 Burnside. M. 2778. . KFAUTIFUL 5-room fcungalow, close in, 50 feet from WR car. easy . terms. Call 333 Gerllnger bldg.. or phone Main 7oll. " GRAND AVE. Choice corner with 7-room house. Vsn duyu Walton. 615Chamber Commerce. IRVINGTON Attractive new home, 4S3 East 17th St.. N. See this If Interested. Phone East 394: terms to suit. 82500 RESIDENCE for $2000: close In oa East Side; $1000 cash and balance on time. O 5115. oregonlan. Business Properly. BUSINESS PROPERT1. On Williams ave.. stores below, apart ments above; Income nets over 0 per cent above all expenses; better than a corner; investigate this: price and terms st office. ZIMMERMAN. 310 Board of Trade Bldg. Acreage. "LOOK HERE" . S 1-5 acres near Tlgsrd for 1225 per ncre, only 8 miles out, all cleared: ideal. 10 acres on the Barnes Road, close in. Give us an offer. , "0 acres near Hlllsboro. all cleared. A nice little house and barn, only I mile from good station; $3000. half cash. SEE HALL A ATCHISON 213 Gerllnger bldg.. Second and Alder. 40 ACRES, close in. unuea . ? e. good public road. 15 acres cleared, balance very light brush, soil rich, land lies well, well watered bv never falling stream, good school adjoining land: $200 per acre and only $2000 canh. balance to suit pur chaser. E6S. regonlan. . 44 ACREsI 2 miles west of St. Johns, all good heavy timber, wood estimated 12. 000 cords, on good public road, well wa- tered one-fourth mile to good ptibMa school- $150 per acre and one-fourth, down, balance to sult; E 588. Oregonian. ACREAGEFOR SUBDIVIDING. " V Fractional 80 acres on carllne close to city running water; buy now before tha raise sure to come in the early Spring. Vanduyn tt Walton, 515 Chamber Com-mi-rce. ' ' ' " BARGAIN COUNTER-PRICE I have equities in on or two sores sear I.ents that I must sell before Xmas, and can give you a price that will astonish you. .Write me today. F. BS5. prcsTonlan,