Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 20, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Navarro Held Prisoner by
Revolutionists, Who Also
Take Mountain Guns.
Indications I'olnt 10 Situation In
Northern Part or .Mexico Being
Much More Serious Than
Plat Government Admits.
MKXICO CITT. Dec. 11. Spclal-
General Navarro ha bn captured by
rrbls aot la now held a prisoner.
This Information, which reached her
lodsr. la contained In a letter from
lit en authority at Chihuahua. H n
raptured at the last battle of Peder
aei. It la said that the rebels captured
two mountain e-una durtne- the same
battle. They lassoed them from their
horses and draaa-ed them away. It la
said that during- the six hours of fllht
ln. the rebels ehsrg-rd the Oovern
tneot troops twice.
Troops Thrown Into Confusion.
The second time the Federal troops
were throenn Into confusion. It was
on this occasion that Navarro and bla
cannons were captured.
The rebcla now have the troop shut
bp In redernel. which I practically
surrounded by pickets. Strong- efforts
are being mad to prevent the Govern
ment from -el!n; reinforcements
through from Chihuahua. The rovern
tnent la rushing- another rea-lment from
Mexico City for Chihuahua tonight.
Indications all point to the situation In
the Northern section being much more
serious than the government admits. The
governntenr bse now taken complete
charge of the Chihuahua raclnc Railroad
ani las put its- own men on the run
trains, all American trainmen refuses to
serve under the government.
Alarming Ilrports Ienlrcl.
An alarming report is In circulation that
cartrMcr turned out st the government
wwrksi in Mexico City are absolutely tm
T'lUble and that tre sovernnicnt Is not
uing them In ttte North.
It Is sail that the first scouting party
which was defeated at IVdernelcs
supplied sltb. I Vic cartrhlsea. for which
rv-Mnn they were eaIy beaten.
Attorney Suicvt Santa Roa Wom
an Wis Once Ills Kmiloe.
HAN'T A RA. Cal.. Dec. l.-Spwlal
I n ioount tf the Illness of Juror J. M.
rtjen. necessitating a continuance until
U'liwlr. IT. VY. P. Burke, on trial
charsed with having dynamltrd the home
of Iu Ktla !nlttl at the Burke Sani
tarium. Is allowed a much-desired
Jivlg Kmmet feawcll sas also plainly
pietiie when given an opportunity to
rent for a day or to. and he granted
the sick Juror a day's additional time to
Attorney I B. Iteecr. who formerly
practiced law at l"emlleton. la of the
opinion that I.u rtla Smith Is the same
person who worked for hlin aa a stenog.
rapher In lai. lie says sha wss about
2S year old at that time and that ahe
was tall and light rnmplexloned. The
description given by Ir. Reeder corre
sponds with thst of Miss Smith, of sUota
The reung lady who lived at Pendleton
was a sister of the ileceased wife of T. IX
Taylor. BherHf of t'matllla County.
ilr. Reeder says Miss Smith left Pen
dleton in isat on account of 111 health,
romlng first to Portland and later going
to California.
Yakima loanril Grant Franchise
After I .one Ichie.
XOKTII TAKIMA. Wish- Iec. 1.
SpeclaL) After n e months', discus
sion the City Council tonight passed
the North Coast franchise.
In Its final form the franchise pro
vides that the city shall pay damages
resulting from construction of overhead
or underground crossings, a point
which has caused much or the wrangl
ing. The common-user clause for fcelah
avenue, another bone of contention was
omitted. A feature 1 provision for
constrnctiou of crossings as far south
a Tsktma City, Ave miles) south of the
- business center.
At the conclusion of the meeting
Titght of Way Agent Wood of the North
Coast Invited the Council and news
paper men to dinner, and Councilmen
who had previously refused the rail
road's hospitality accepted.
A. B. Newton Will Ilai Kancjr
Chickens Near (ioldendale
GJLIENIALE. Wash.. lec. 1.
Special. The Pick 1 Fever place,
located three miles cast of Uoldcndale,
has been sold to It. E- Nichols. This
place contains 40S acres and will be
cleared at once.
Mr. Nichols sold SO acres ai'Joinlng
the Uoldcndale Heights Orchards
Company tracts to A. B. Newton, of
. Kansas Cite, for 1S0. Mr. Newton
will plant 10 acres to apples and the
balance will he put Into chicken pens
for the raising of fancy chickens.
Germans' to do training
Uilitary Instructors Will Be Given
to Brailliau Arm).
FKRI.TV. Dec. 1 Twenty Germsn
ar.ny off I -era. headed by a major, will
selected from a number who have
volunteered to go to Brasil and give mili
tary Instruction to the Rrastlian army.
Home officers delegated will resign the
cvmmimon tliey now hold at home.
Rracl requested the' services of Ger
man officers aa a result of popular dis
content sith the present training of Its
army and nay.
Mot-Lion' Man Only Called to San
I'rancisco on. Business.
STOCKTON. Cai. Dec. 1. Special.)
.Declaring; that fee had" do Intention
of deserting his wife and greatly sur
prised that the report had been cir
culated that he had dlssppesred. Frank
D. Arnold, styled "the bridegroom of a
day." arrived here today, having re
turned from San Francisco, for which"
city he left the day following his mar
riage to Miss Demey. of this clt;-. on
Friday last. Mrs. Arnold stated today
that her husband had been unexpect
edly called to the Bay City to tralghten
out some business matters that re
quired his Immediate attention.
Previous to his marriage, he deeded
her tTS.oOO worth of Denver property
and gave Rev. John Stephens a check
for 118 for the marriage fee. The min
ister on presenting the paper to the
bank was Informed thst the signer of
the check did not have an account
there, but tills was soon explained by
the fact that a draft for II SOD had
not arrived previous to the drawing of
the check.
Mrs. Arnold says today everything
has been straightened out to her en
tire satisfaction, but further than the
fact her husband wss In San Francisco,
she refused to discuss the case, which
is still creating no end of talk.
Eugene Stewart Fights Requisition,
While Denylna; ife Got Over
$309,000 Dishonestly.
BOISE. Idaho. Dec. 1 (Special.)
Charged with selling valuable Idaho
land twice, and thereby fraudulently
securing between $300,000 and ltOO.000.
Eugene Stewart, a prominent attorney
of Chicago, has been arrested there nd
will be returned to Caldwell. Canyon
County, this state, as soon as the legal
battle over his extradition Is fought
out. Sheriff F. M. Breashears. of Can
yon County. Is now In the Windy City
with honored rquelaltlon papers.
Ieclarlng the charges false. Stewart
gave notice of habeas corpus proceed
ings, hearing of which is ecsfor the
latter part of this month.
Stewart Is alleged to have operated
quite extensively In Southwestern Ida
ho, particularly Canyon County. As
counsel for John Young, a real estate
dealer and relative, Stewart Is charged
with pooling- lands which be later dis
posed of. giving alleged title to two
parties, after which ne went to m
caca "As far as selling Idaho land is con
cerned." declsred Stewart. I have
never sold a dollar's worth . of Idaho
Isnd to anyone not even onci, let
alone twice. I can figure the arrest
onlv as a move to harass me because
of the land litigation with which I am
connected In Canyon County.
The date of the alleged offense is
named aa December 18. 1900. That Is
about the time that I filed the first
suit against several persons In Canyon
County to compel them to transfer
back to John Young tracts of land fliat
had been transferred by him to sliem
for no consideration or for Insufficient
"Mr. Young originally had SZ0 acre
of land near Nampa. a town in Canyon
County. He was defrauded out of most
of it. according to our claims, and I
brought suit for him against G. F.
Mook. president of tho Bank of Nampa:
p. Getter, S. Kesl and the Bank of
Nampa to compel the defendants named
to reoonvey the land to Mr. Young. I
also got an injunction to restrain the
defendants from transferring the land
to any other persons.
"Mr. Young gave deeds to some of
the land to myself and other relatives,
but It was never sold twice.-
Settlement Can Be Effected Now
Onlj bj Direct Meeting of Prin
cipals in Quarrel.
CHICAGO. Dec. 1. Hopes of media
tion in the garment-workers' strike
passed away today when the Chicago
Association of Commerce and H.trU
Scbaftner ft Marx, the clothing nrm
most affected, announced thai a set
tlement can be affected only by direct
meeting of the strikers and manufac
turer. The clothing company Informed
Mavor Busse and the City Council
strike committee It would Ignore nego
tiations under wsy looking toward set
tlement, and In the future would deal
only with Its former employes, offer
ing, however, to take back such strik
ers as reported for duty at once.
Mayor Busse refused to dissolve the
pears court, which will be ready to
offer Its services at any time.
The inquiry committee of the Asso
ciation of Commerce, after Investi
gating the strike and seeking a settle
ment, withdrew Its services todsy. sav
ing the original cause of the strike
wss of minor importance and had been
loet sight of In the sympathetic labor
war. settlement without the aid of any
third party was advised.
Schlff Sajs Railroads Should Obey
Interstate Commission Only.
NEW TOIIIC. Dec ll.-An outline of
English method of railway control was
given today to the Hallway Securities
Commission by W. Acworth. a Parlia
mentary barrister an an autnonty on
bigllsh railway affairs.
Mr. Acworth wss followed by Jacob
H. ScblfT. of New York, who said rail
road companies should be protected
from conflicting orders from state and
Federal Railroad Commissions.
"The Interstate Commerce Commission
alone should be obeyed." he aald. "We
cannot serve two masters and prosper.'
He suggested to the Commission that
stock be not Issued under par. He sdcitf-d.
however, that there should be no experi
mental legislation, but that the Commis
sion ehouid use discretion in its recom
mendation. s
Thieving Bigamist Sentenced.
NEW YORK. Dec 1. Harry B.
Keeler. a dentist, who is under indict
ment for bigamy, was sentenced to four
years and 11 months' Imprisonment to
day for the larceny of tll.Sle from
Mrs. Wllhelmlna Lynch, one of his vic
tims. Keeler pleaded guilty to the lar
ceny charge several weeks ago.
Judge Bean Presides In South.
liams, alias J. E. Clayton, charged with
embessllng funds of the patients of the
United State Marine Hospital here,
while he was in the employ of that in
stitution, was placed on trial today be
fore Judge Bean, of the tailed Slates
District Court. ' - ,
Alienist Expert for Woman
Slayer Talks of Prenatal
Denying He Went to See School
Teacher Intent on Killing Her,
Prisoner, Without Emotion,
Says, 'No, I loved the Girl.'
RrTZVTI.LJ2. Wash., Dec. 19 'Special.)
Was Paddy Holland born to be a mur1
Were pre-natal influences such as to
give him a brain, dfstlned to lose its bal
ance? Was the tragedy of November $. in
which Mix Joeophlne Putnam, pretty
school mistress, lost her life, foreor
oalnHl over 17 years ago?
These questions arwe from the testi
mony of Dr. F. K. StcDowell, of Spoksne,
which lasted over four and a half hours
today, and beside being convinced that
the defendant charged wUh murder I
now hopelessly Insane and was insane at
the time of the tragedy, he believes, that
his insanity wis caused by condition
previous to his birth.
As a basis for his belief Dr. McDowell
gave the fact that the father of 1'e.ddy
was a heary drinker, especially at the
time Just previous, to Paddy' birth, and
that the alcoholism of the father was in
herited by the son.
Man's Life Is Retraced.
The further fact was offered that Just
previous to the birth of the man facing
the charge of murder, the father grew
suspicious of the wife and caused her
great worry and distress of mind, which
had nn Influence on the boy. The wit
ness traced the life of the defendant by
the testimony in the case, from the time
of hla birth to school days, when the
hoy was dull and slow to learn, then to
the time he Joined "Coxey's army" and
thereby showed his stability of charac
ter, hl enlistment In the Army for
service in the Philippines, and the later
arts of his life in which he showed that
he was iosing his Judgment.
All these stages showed to the mind
of the witness a gradual degeneration of
mind which was never strong.
The entire morning was given over to
the preparation of the hypothetical ques
tion which will be given to all the ex
pert witnesses and the rending of the
0'iestlon this afternoon took 45 minutes.
The objections to the question and
amendments another half hour, and the
examination on the question until C
Dr. McDowell Chief Witness.
Dr. McDowell examined the defendant
two weeks ago and again today, and.
1 . I . . an alinn.1 linhAllitVAH (1 1' 7 ri.
of degeneration has gone on in that time,
although ho pronouncea mo nua uc
mentcd at the time of the first examina
tion. The flrst words of the defendant con-
i i . nimtMl rinrinsr Iho
trial, and from, the condition of the wit
ness no', It seems Tliey w ill uv tun
onlv ivs during the trial.
"Paddy, did not you go there with the
intention of killiug the girl and then
voursolf?" asked the doctor. Illustrat
ing in loud voice his manner. The room
bushed to hear the answer.
,.vA inr th eirt. was the snswer.
and the witness swJd there was no more
betrayal of feeling or sign of excitement
i. . r th. Ath.r stmnls Questions
man in " 11 - . , ,
that had been ssked. This is probably
the only aeiense m ""'
. . ti tha man whose life lei
irom ins ii v.
at stake, and these words, together with
the assertion or acciaem ana mo
. . in..tiltv Attorneys W. W.
ing to ytvwv . . j .
Zent and J. M. Cannon are using - in
trying to save him from legal death.
Trip of Witness Costly.
... ... TTAmrA A Davia conducted
a vigorous cross-examination of Dr. Mc
Dowell. The Sidney Sloan murder case
was brought Into testimony in an attempt
ah-. Up. n VB m'llH tilin hSfl Tl O t
to snow i 1 ; ;
been made In the case on trial to deter
mine whether the oeicnoani a "ui
ming or not.
tcotty Henry. be witness for the de
fense who talked himself Into JhII on tho
witness stsnd on 'ne ensrse m
How I Made
My Hair Grow
I was greatly troubled with dandruff
and falling hair. 1 tried many adver
tised hnir preparations and vkHous
prescriptions, but they ell signally
failed: many of them made my hair
greasy so It wss Impossible to comb
It or do It up properly. I think that
many of the thinas I tried were posi
tively injurious and from my own ex
perience I cannot too strongly caution
you against using preparations con
taining wood alcohol and other poison
ous substances. I believe they Injure
the roots of the hair. After my long
list of failures. I finally found a slm-
rle prescription which I can-unhesitat-nglv
state is beyond doubt the most
wonderful thing for the hair I have
ever seen. Many ef my friends have also
used It. and obtained wonderful effects
therefrom. It not only is a powerful
stimulant to the growth of the hair
snrt for r,tnrinir o-rflv hslr to Its nat
ural color, but it is equally good for
removing dandrurt, giving me nair me
and brilliancy, etc.. and for the purpose
nf!nir Ilia M.aln In fimt-clasS Con
dition. It also makes the hair easier to
comb and arrange In nice lorm. nave
a friend who used it two- months and
during thst time it lias not only
stopped the falling- of his hair and
wonderfully Increased its growth, but
It practically restored all of his hair to
Its natural color. You can obtain the
Ingredients for making this wonderful
preparation from almost any druggist.
The prescription is as follows:
Hav T-Mtm C ni ' Menthol Crystals. A
drachm; Lavona dc Composes'. 2 ox. If
roti like It perfumed add a few drops of
To-Kalon Perfume, which mixes per
fectly with the other Ingredients. This,
however, is not neresisar.
Ra, Hiiro in ask the druggist for all
tha enclosures In the Lavona de
rnmnMaa' nncks&re. One Of them eil
titles you to a handsome free sprinkler
top for your hair tonic bottle and you
are alo entitled to receive the free ad
vice of an expert on the hair by sim
ply writing to the address you will find
enclosed in tne carton.
Apply night and morning; rub thor
oughly into the scalp.
tJo to your druggist and ask for an
Alirhf minis hnttla containing six
ounces of Bay Rum: also one-half
drachm of Menthol Crystals, and a two
ounce botle of I.aavons do Compose .
Mix the Ingredients yourself at your
own home. Add the Mentnol Crystals
to the Bay Uuiii and then pour in the
Iaavona do Composee and add the To
Kalon Perfume. let it stand one-balf
hour and it is ready for use.
liquor without a license In the famous
Ben Johnson roadhouse. pleaded guilty
today and ws fined 12S. He bad 22 due
him in witness fees and the court made
an exchange whereby the trip to testify
in the case cost him $3.
rrox two womex.
Bride of Week, for Defense, States
She Heard Shot While Talklns
to Husband.
EVERETT. Wash., Dec. 19. (Special.)
With circumstantial evidence the main
reliance of the state and two 'women
scheduled as the principal witnesses for
the state and defense, the trial of Charles
Kirk, charged with the murder of Charles
Montross, at Monroe, was called In the
Superior Court today.
The state relies on the testimony of
Nellie Cady, telephone girl, who say she
saw the murdered man leave tne caiK
saloon, owned by Kirk, under a cloud
of revolver smoke, while the defense will
have the evidence of Kirk's bride of a
week, who says she heard tho shot while
sho we talking to her husband over the
telephone. ,
If the brido's story is correct. Kirk
could not have fired, the shot.
Against this testimony the telephone
girl will testify that the conversation be
tween Kirk and his bride took place be
fore the time of the shooting.
So It will be largely a battle between
two women. Today was taken up in the
examination of Jurors and when court
adjourned about 6:30 o'clock this after
noon the slate had exhausted three per
emptory challenges of the six allowed
and the defense six of the 12 allowed.
The defendant took an active part In the
selection of Jurors.
Kirk's bride sat beside him.
In the examination of Jurors it devel
oped some of them were opposed to con
victing on circumstantial evidence and
several were outspoken in opposition to
the death renalty.
Captain Gray Home From East.
PASCO. Wash., Dec. 19. (Special.)
Capt- W. B. Gray, who has returned
home from attendance on the Na
tional Rivers and Harbors Congress in
Washington, said today that much
good had been done toward an "open
Columbia." sshlch he predicted for the
near future.
Established in 1868,
Toilet Sets
La Vallieres
Peaxl Brooches
Signet Rings
Bar Pins
Gold Fobs
Mesh Bags
Puff Boxes
Vanity Cases
Very Thin Watches
Gold Thimbles
3-Pc. Coffee Sets
Fruit Dishes
Bread Trays
Shopping Bags
Mantel Clocks
From this store have more than ordinary merit. They
can always be looked upon as the most refined in
quality and style and we herewith mention sugges
tions from ourVarious departments that are suitable
for Xmas greetings and at the same time become a
permanent remembrance. Prices will interest:
In splendid variety of designs. An ideal gift.
Mounted in platinum.
In all'shades and colors. Locket chains to match. A
gift for the future.
The world's foremost timepiece. In 18-K. solid gold
cases. Also in thin models.
An array of beautiful designs for inspection. See the
many plain effects.
Diamond Importers Silversmiths Manufacturing Jewelers
M -l
Desk Clocks . I 1
a 1 1 '- j i: 'J
Paulson declared after her husband
disappeared that she had learned he
had been gambling.
After lie disappeared a cheek which
he had cashed at a saloon for $100
was returned marked "no funds."
Paulson said today he stopped payment
on the check.
Paulson asserts that he was either
drunk or temporarily deranged when
he left his home and business sud
denly. -
P. C. Paulson, or Hoquiam, Says He
' Gambled When Drunk and
Threatens Revenge.
rrr.rii;TM. Wash.. Dec. 19. (Spe
cial.) Reappearing as unexpectedly as
? dleappearea buquu'" -
ago, P. C. PaulBon returned 10 nu4j
and to the bathhouse 01 ni "
the proprietor, last night, and after a
stormy interview with nis vine
locked up by the ponce i m
of Mrs. Taulson.
Mrs. Paulson on Saturday received a
letter from her husband irom isan
rancisco asking her to sena mm
for fare home. waen ne otp
Paulson left no money in the bank and
cleaned out the cash till at the bath
house, leaving his wife only 50 cents.
Paulson today deciarea inu no vuu.
swear to warrants against
t r .. i m.n fhArrlnsr .rambling and
I w i ,!. nnt of his money. Mrs.
DUill-VUlfi ...... w.
T 1 ' T Packard Service Bid?., Cornell
fmHK I1QQS Road 23d Washington Sts.
liaf Cold Moohm
on toe side of the bouse wnere
winter blasts strike hardest always
has a lower temperature than the
rest of the house. There are times
when it is necessary to raise the
temperature quickly or to keep the
temperature up for a long period.
That can't be done by the regular
method of heating without great
trouble and overheating the rest of
the house. The only reliable
method of heating such a room
alone by other means is to use a
.sL: j?vvli
JX Smokeless H
Ahxolntth tmokeless and odorlest
wnicn can dc nepi ai iuii or iuw uc im ouun i mw.
Four quarts of oil will give a glowing heat for nine hours,
without smoke or smell. . .
An Indicator always shows the amount of oil in the font.
Filler-cap does not screw-on; but is put in like a cork in a bottle,
and is attached by a chain and cannot get lost.
An automatic-locking flame spreader prevents the
wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and is easy to
remove and drop back so that it can be cleaned in an instant.
The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, and can be unscrewed
In an instant for rewicking. Finished in japan or nickel, strong, durable, well
made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental. Has a cool handle.
Dtalert Evtrfwhtri. If KOI el yturt. wife far dexnfOt arautr
A tkt ntartst eftney of ike
Standard Oil Company
A satisfied palate and a feeling of invizoration will
compensate you for having ordered
"It's the water" that gives Olympia Beer its smooth,
it's tbe Water." mellow navor ana energizing qiutiiij.
When you want a case, ask central for Main 671, Ind. A 2467.
Olympia Beer Agency