Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 20, 1910, Page 22, Image 22

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Glove and Merchandise Bonds for Any Amount on Sale on the First Floor-Visit the New Handkerchief Annex on the Second Floor
pPri On Stamps for Sale-on First Floor Seal Christmas Packages With Them-Lunch in Our Restaurant, Open Evenings This Week
" -
Kid Gloves $1.39
Women "t Gift Glovet. of acknowledged reUabUity. Fine Mocha and
Catx GloTtt ta one and two-clp rtylei; rach ftmoni makes m Perrin's.
AH guaranteed to glre tatlaftctory on
Olirer'a, Ireland's.
wear. Come in black, white, tan and good thadea.
It U (SlHil
Portland's Greatest Christmas Store--We Urge
Early Shopping Santa Clans, Is Here Every Day
Why Not a T Silks?
Tew women who won't appreciate a beantiful Silk Dress or Waist Pat
tern Christmas. This week we offer extraordinary redactions on thou
sands of yarda of loveliest new Silks in every wanted shade and weave.
Waist and Dress lengths in dainty holly boxes. Presents worth while.
Seek Artistic Gifts in Jewelry, Leather Goods, Etc., m This Sale
Rhinestone Hat Pins, Special for This Sale, Each 98c
Regular 65c Gold-Filled Beauty Pins, Special at 39c
Solid Gold Beauty Pins, Special for This Sale at 98c
Solid Gold Signet Rings, on Special Sale, Each $1.98
$1.00 Children's Bracelets, Gold-Filled, Special at 49c
$5.00 German Silver Mesh Bags, Special, Each $3.49
$2.00 Sterling Silver Manicure Sets at, Each $1.19
Sterling Toilet Sets l-5th Less
Children's 75c Handbags, Special for This Sale at 49c
$1.50 Leather Card Case and Bill Fold, Special at 98c
$1.00 Music Rolls Priced in this Xmas Sale, 69c
$1.50 Playing Card Cases, One or Two Decks at 98c
$1.00 Holiday Box Stationery at the Low Price of . 59c
$1.50 Gold Inlaid Hair Barrettes, Special Price at 98c
50c Eastman's Perfumes, Special Holiday Price 39c
25c Packs of Playing Cards, Special Price, Pack 1 9c
Traveling Cases 1 -5th Less
Men's and Boys Slippers
Extra SpecT5 3 c and 63c
Two extraordinary values for today in Men's and Boys' Gift
SUppers. Made of imitation alligator or embroidered velvet m
Everett stvles; black, brown and other colore: Comfortable, easy
Slippers that will make splendid gifts. Special for today only:
Men's House Slippers, sizes 6 to 11, at the low price, the pair 63g
Boys' House Slippers, sizes 12 to 54, at the low price, pair 53
Continues All This Week
All the good things you want for Christmas dinner at splendid
pavings. Fresh Fruits, Shelled Nuts, Candied Fruits, Raisins,
Fits. etc. Sale in force all this week. Read this list of prices:
n r
75c Values Today 39c
Handkerchiefs that will make the daintiest sort of gifts. Lovely
hand-embroidered designs with initials Thousands of them to
choose from today; regular' 65c and 75c values, choice, 3 OQ.
for $1.00, or each at. the very exceptionally low price of
Women's 35c Pure Linen, Swiss and Armenian Handkerchiefs 25
Women's Pure Linen 'Kerchiefs, initialed and embroidered 19?
Women's Dainty Gift, Neckwear, special values, at S7 to $1.47
Women's Famous Keiser Neckwear, in boxes, 50, 75 to $2.Q0
California Navel Oranges, dozen 40
California Navel Oranges, dozen 30
Japanese Tangerines, the box 75 O
Candied Orange reel, per pound 18
Cranberries on sale at, ponnd 15
Franco-American Plnm Padding,
nearest to home-made; 1-lb. Qf
cans 30c. 2-lb. cans 5Sc; 3-lb OuC
Brick's Fancy Mince ileat, 5-1 b. 85
Mixed Nuts. 1 lb. 20c; 5 lbs. for 93
"Walnuts. 1 lb. 22c ; 5 lbs. for Sl.OO
iVeans, 1 lb. 22c ; 5 lbs. for 1.00
Filberts, 1 lb. 22c : 5 lbs. for only 95c
Brazils, 1 pound 20o " 5 pounds t)5t
P. S. Almonds, 1 lb. 22c ; 5 lbs. $1.00
All are .new nuts and are very fine.
Shelled Walnuts for only, the lb. 50?
Shelled Val. Almonds, the pound 50
Shelled Pecans for only ,the lb. 75
Hickory Nuts on sale at, the lb. 18
Black Walnuts on sale at ,the lb. 10
Butternut Butter at, the square 73J
Ex. Fancy Mala era Raisins, pkg. 45
Fancy Malaga Iiaisins, package 40
Choice Malaga Rainsins at only 35
London Layer Clusters, 2-lb. box 25?
Fancy Seeded Raisins, package 9
Baskets Cresca Figs on sale at 30
Umbrellas for Christmas Gifts
Large Assortment Rediiced
We don't know of a gift acceptable to
more people than , Umbrellas. Our en
tire stock of fine Silk Umbrellas
greatly reduced for Christmas selling.
Scores of beautiful gold, silver and
hand-carved handled to choose from
every one guaranteed. Note the prices:
All $9 to $11.50 Silk Umbrellas $7.98
All $12.50 to $15 Silk Umbrellas $8.98
All $16 to $25 Silk Umbrellas $12.98
In the Basement Annex At the Sign of
m square
Sale Women's Neckwear
Another day of this Extraordinary Sale of Women's Neckwear
Women came from miles around to share in the sensational bar
gains yesterday Thousands of dainty pieces for gifts Jabots,
Rabats, Stock Collars, Lace Coat Collars, Coat Sets and the like
Worth two and three times the sale prices Bargain Square Today
Women's 35c to 50c
Today at
Women's 65c to $1
Today at
Xmas Sale Oriental Rugs
A Rich Gift for Home-Lovers
What gift will be more appreciated by home-lovers than a beautiful Oriental
Rug? For this week we offer choice of 500 rich Rugs, including many rare
and antique weaves from the Orient. The sizes range from 3-6x5 to 4-6x8.
Up to $16.50 Shirvan Oriental Rugs. Specially priced for this at $10.75
Up to $30.00 Cabistan Oriental Rugs. Specially priced for this sale $19.25
Up to $37.50 Mossonl Oriental Rugs. Specially priced for this sale at $22.50
Up to $50.00 Kurdistan Oriental Rugs. Specially priced for this sale $33.75
Up to $100.00 Sarttk Oriental Rugs. Specially priced for this sale at $67.50
Toy Town's Big Special
$3;75 gsSg Skates $2.98
A gift that's sure to please either boy or girl. Solid frame, ball
bearing, nickel-plated Roller Kink Skates; our own d0 QO
$3.75 sellers, specially priced for to-day's selling, pair P70
French Canvas - covered Footballs-r
Today, $1.75 values, 98S A Q
regular $1.00 values for only t:JC
French Paint Boxes-r-Slightlytturtbut
just as good for use. Specially
marked for today at exactly
Wood for Burning Hundreds of
pieces stamped for burning. Un
restricted choice of entire stock
Brass for' Piercing Our entire stock
of new Brass Craft Pieces ,on
sale today at a reduction of just
Crokinole Boards Full-sized and
nicely finished ; regular t no
$2.00 boards, today at t X J
Toy Tea Sets Very prettily- O Q
decorated; 50c sets today at OiC
Mysto Trick Sets Showing all the
famous tricks ; just the thing to amuse
a, party; prices range df? flfl
$1.50 up to as high as o3Vrlf
Sale of Pennants A gift for sister or
sweetheart. All colleges, local High
Schools, lodges represented. Prices:
$1.25 Pennants priced today at 98?
$1.50 Pennants priced today $1.13
$1.00 Pennants price dtoday at 79
75c Pennants priced today at S9fr
50c Pennants priced today at 39fr
Dainty Fancy China Vases
$ 5 and $ 6 Values at $ 2 .98
What housewife who wouldn't appreciate a gift of fine Fancy. China t Today
we offer beautiful Fancy China Art Yases in: a large assortment !V QQ
of, dainty, artistic shapes and decorations. ; Actual $5 and $6 vals. j0is7O
$2.50-$3 German; Steins $2.17
A big lot of fine German Steins, secured by our buyer on his last trip abroad.
Assorted shapes, decorated in quaint views of the Fatherland, d0 T
drinking scenes, etc. Regular $2.50 and $3 values, today at only Dd, X
Sale Gut Glass Bowls Today
$ 6.00 Value at Only $4. 1 9
Beautiful large Cut Glass Bowls
that'll make the best of gifts.
Choice of several . brilliant, new,
deeply-cut patterns. Bowls sold
regularly for $6. Ex- -dill Q
tra special Tuesday for P" :
$4.75 Silver Comports The new
est designs, of splendid quality
quadruple-plated silverware. Best
$4.75 values, specially fcO 1 Q
priced for today only at PJ
Furs aa Luxurious Gift
You Can Choose for 'Her'
with extra large muff, trimmed
with tails. Spe
cially priced only
coney with long scarf and plain
pillow muff. Spe- (to er
cial price at, the set pJ.OU
Sale of Alaska Mink Fur Sets
$450.00 Values at $350.00
Set of rich mink fur, extra large cape effect collar, trimmed with
natural tailsand claws;jgefancy rug muff to dOEf flf
match. Reg. $450.00 vals., on sale this week only POJlAJU
Roval ermine sets, scarf long and
SESSstSS $103.00
Muff to match, reg- J?Q7 flfl
ular $93 values, spl. PO .UU
Alaska mink, large &AA ff
stole, $55 value spl. P.UvJ
$45 muff to match, special, $33
Fine American black fox stole,
extra large. Reg- f OC
ular $55 values, at PtxU.JJ
Pillow muff to match $33.85
Japanese'mink dl -1 QC
muff, regular $15, pl LOO
Japanese mink stole tfQ QC
to match; $12.50 val piJ.OO
(Hfe 1 y
Our Entire Fur Stock
Now Reduced in Price
MISSES' SETS of Isabella opos
sum, a regular $10.00 value.
Specially priced this
week at only, the set
stole, fancy rug muff. Special
ly priced for this t q a i-
sale at orHj, the set POJ
Sale Fine Russian Pcmy Coats
Priced at $44.50 to $245
z: : i ,
There isn't a woman in Portland who loves rich things to wear who
wouldn't be delighted with one of these luxurious garments. They
are Skinner satin lined, and some are trimmed with lynx, fox, Aus
tralian opossum and marten on collars and cuffs. We also offer a
goodly assortment of Hudson Seal, astrachan, nearrseal, Japanese
minK ana urowu coiiey coais. ju saie ai cAuauimuaxj iy ii
$ 55.00 values, low price $44.50
$ 65.00 values, low price $52.75
$ 75.00 values, low price $59.85
$100.00 values, low price $80.00
$150.00 values, for only $120.00
$200.00 values, for only $168.00
$225.00 vahfes, for only $181.00
$298.00 values, for only $245.00