21 TUESDAY, DECE3IBER 20, 1910. THE 3IORMXG OREGOZSTTAX. . - i - I r. : : i I: CROP IS OVERSOLD Not Enough Hops Left to Fill Short Sales. SCRAMBLE IS OI-TTO BUY Only 10,100 Bales Remain 111 Kirst ILiiwI In tlie Vnlted Mates. 15-Crnt TranMclions In Oregon. ' Th rc-m riant of th American bop crop icrmi to be lance! J" oversold. Tir r ir J0.UO bIr in th bands of to fcrow rrm lm the t'nttd Static and I her la ra mti to that a much larsrr quantity than tbia haa beo void by Eastm dfilry ta brvwrra and not yet dvllwrvd. Thar era orders in ih local market yterday for nor aopa than ar left In Orvga. Only TlO bal rvmatn nnaold. and aoroa of thao cannot b tone bed at any reaaonabla price. la Naw York state tnero ar but Zf aaJa In irowtnC hands. Twenijr-ftva canta haa bee a paid for .Vmt Tork bop, la Waahlnctoa tbara ra 1440 balea of Taklmaa and about 1O0 bale in the weatera part of the stale. California baa 9MQ baies ra maJnlnc Th market there la strona with IS centa beinc fraaly bid and for soma Iota 15H cents haa been offered. Hop dealera bav no record of any year when stocks were so low aa at present. Lnder the clrcumsiancea the market can not help be In a strong, and prices h IrheT thaa those now current should be realised ofoia th season ta over. Tt Johnson Murphy lot of 110 balea t Salrnr was sold yeteniy to th Kola Ncla Hop Company al 13 centa. These row rrs sold to ih same firm their crop of 1S bate ef iius at 10 cents. Klaber. Wolf Neiter bouKht tha Hart 'wan crop of 47 bates at SUrerton. 14 balea f balem bona from Jld Hack and soo balea from attarhler Orihbte, of Aurora. Julius Hincus has purchased th Stephen son Br crop of 30 tales, and 111 balea from TV. i. Murphy, of Fuena Vista, both it 15 c-nts. In aunt quarter th Impression seem to rerail that juliua IMqcu, who la a dealer jf rrtl4nd. Is connected with th firm of Isaac rMnrua tfons. of Tacoma. Thla fa a natfftah as Mr. IMocu has no connection v(iatc-r with the Tacoraa firm. 1IIJIAY Itl'LLNKM IN.GRAIX TfUDt A Heal Weak mmd Mixtly Lower - OsUa aad Barley I acaaaaed. Th holiday fvelinc was strong In th train market. Trains; waa at a low ebb. aa hi; -era a ere not dispoevd to take nold and elier were Ind.rferrnt about offering. la h-t, trie umlcrtone was easier than last ari-k and ler price were quoted. Oats and barley were uar.'.arKed. Lot -a receipts. In cars, were reported la -he Merchant Kschanxe. as fullows: ttbrat. KaxJey. K.our. Oat a Hay. Fndav -I. .1 Irt J IT .r a... . . I I 4ratn to dt. tjs Z7n 1T 1 -r aav .- 7 I wo I l"-0 Ih wevkly wheat statist lea of tha Mer . Hants' Riv htRM follow; American Visible Supply Push!. I..n.tr -I. I ettt be r l n.hrr Jr.. i m fxr r " I mtr - . cmb ?. I ' m r "T Leoemrr 2 I:... . , .'JHU. . . !"... I.H.I.. . !... . . I !, lv-t. .; i ... i. . .......:. .4.l7 J 7i . .3.1i4.ew . 4. 3 . .1.473.UOO IncreaMb .-:;4.h0 ST.t.tii'O I Itf.otm ;j.O"ii 1.1. .H-H Itu.ot-a .VM.la &l.f) Quaatitie em Passag Week Week Week end ins rnuinc ending tkvc 17 lec. lO lc. 1 S. pfr lluah'Ia TluhetB Huhfll r K 17. l.0 17.440 i0 J.r-MMU oatlaeat ..14.o.uou 16.imw.0wO .au0.uow Total . . 12.OO0.WO 34.240.000 24,020.000 World' ebipmats. Flour Included froaa Bushels Bushel Bushela Week Week Week ending ending coding lec. 17 1U Xee, r. raa...2.s4tooo 3.4twi.id J.4V0-a Argentina ... iovooo ;v" lrt.oi Australia ... 4 ai'nHiu SSu.wi) lanubiaa . l..0iO l.u.O 311.000 KuHi 4.31d.MM .4.000 4.-&M.0O0 iadia i.A.ovO 4.0OV Toiala ....aTa.aoo li.il4.aoo a.ft37.0oo Total arbaat shipments, flour Included from tha ptiarlpal exporting eountrla for tha aaaaoa to data compare with tha aama last yeax aa follow: Total sine Sam period JuHU. iio. Last ii-uoq. V. 9. and Canada.... 5.12l.o m. Wi amh Argvatln ZX444.o .1i,ihji Australia 1 1. . 0 12.074.1H0 lanubiaa 4 .. 5.1VJ.0OO ItuMit .......... ...121. 44 . 115.Su..O0 India Z-.7i.0o . 17.2U2.000 Total ... ..SVd.117.VOv 40,446,000 GOOD kKtrrtSQ ORPCKH ItR TCRUYS No lee4 D I as sd YetL-OOckowa Ar Elr Receipt f dreaacd turkey wer liberal yesterday, but they nearly all went ta fill out -of-low a order. Thar waa no local de nt and and probably wilt not ba be for Wed nesday or Inursday. om of tha retailer mad offer of CO and S3 cents, bat wer not c com mod a ted. The shipping business waa oa tb basis of S3 centa U turkey wer in good demand and cleared up ar so centa. Chickens were alow with the average quotation about 14 Sc. Ta cooler weather baa checked tha de cline la cgt. and Oregon ar moving out at 4St cent, which price dealers vxpect ta maintain for tb remainder of th week. There wer no new development ta tne butter trade. Local butter was in light supply. ftVUl.LT ARK LOVir TO AITfcAK. VWa rteatlfwl a4 Thla Tlaao Laat Year. A.THil V Or., twc. 1- tSpeclsl.) Ve smelt ha made the.r appearanca In th local market yet. although last year at this time they were quit plentiful. It Was ex pctd the. run wo:d be early thla Winter, aa fullr ta weeks tin several ere taken la a der net near tb moaik of Oray's nicer. Tb early m:t are always th cboievat of thfs clasa af fish and tb first ra I Wins eagerty watched for. A fw steelheads are being caught bat there hi not what mi!it rightfully ba termed a rua tn the rler. IICtlT AND Vr.t.Tni K T11AIE IJIBGC Arttvw MpaUaar aad lral Hi aiad far UIMay tiaoaa. to:lav baying was brisk In th fruit aad vegetable is J a. Tb deas wr al most swamped with out-of. tw T order and local ber also took hold freely. Th day a receipts included three cars of or ange, two f-ars of celery, car of miked vegetablee front Lo Aagelea, a miked car rmm fM Kranctsro and a rr of Cornl rkoa g-wpea Tlie latter offered at V1.73fS per aok. tMpmenis du last night wer two r of rangea, em of sweet potato, ea of celery aad oo, of head lettuce. LOCAL HIDE MUrKS ARK LOWER. OeTectag Ar Lars awd Quality Affect Th wskne In 11 hide market caused a dru of 1 cent ta local buiba prcea evterday. II idea are coming lo fast, as thre lm a general e!'.rng ntorrafil la th cvuntrr. and th quality of ti aVrtngt 1 ffe- it tho prt,-w. I. as hjir.ml rkies ar W,nning to ap- awar aad grutiiy iU a a hand next month, when th dealers expect prices will b lower. Unsrrj Oil Decliae. A e cent decline In linseed oil a as " Bounced yesterday. In the new lUt boiled la quoted at f 1.U3 in caaea and cents In barrow aad raw at H.Ol in cae ahd t4 centa In barrels. Bawa, Clearing. Bank clearings of the Northwestern dtiea yesterday wr aa follows: Clearings. Balance. :-vv.v.::::i:S?t:i T."-oni ". VTI1 1.1M ik. . rOETLUtp MMIIt " Ciatm, Ftoar, rni Ktr. WHEAT Trtck prlc: Blutem. 3c: club, klc: itl ftuuiu. soc; iic: t-ic; t row. ere. ' baki.ET rd. -'X60 pr ton; b re wine. i;i.V.4 too. MILUaTtKrs Brmn. C49:t per ton; tnldd.ln. hort ii.i0CM; rolled bsrler. a4.i2i.M) FLOUR fetenle. S-1S mrnr barrel; trajhts. Ilt)l; eporM. $.; v ley. i.SO: fiaHun. -0; whole whee.b ,JlAI Trk pree: Tlmothr. WUlnmett. VnMy 1 1 y x -1) pr ton; Ee.erera OrefdlL IKS; altalfe. 114: r.ln h. aliit; clover. (13ttl. . CORN Whole. ;t; crrli!. per ton. OATS- o. 1 white. :WIS.S0 per ton. Btrr Fred or. 14tt!4c: Sprlnite. Dairy aa. Co Pftl'l.TRT Mne. J4c; ducks. While. lTc; cw. 12ir.c; tur keys, alive, -uc; drtseeu. choice, -4.c. squat s. $2 per daxrn. tUtS Orrxon ranch. candled. 43 rU.teriu Aprils. SOtrSSo per Uosen; Easttxa fruh. .Ttteo per down. , CHKKSU Full cream, twins. 1T1TV per pound; rouse America. IS?1BC. Hinhit t.n y 1 and 1 pound prints. In boxes. STc per pound; less thsn boxes, rsrtona and delivery extra. J-OKK Ksacy. 10, 11c pr pound. VEAL Fancy, hi to 124 pounds. 33 8 He per pound. ' Yea-staktss aad Fruits. APPLES Klni. 40CT3c per box: Wolf River. Tcrl: Waxen. 7ct: Baldwin. T:cf U.I'V; Northern Spy. 7Jcvl-S; Snow. Kalians. L.3.S; Ited Chet-k Pippin. 73o "jack VEfiETABLFJ Carrots. tlLU huadrrd: parsnips, turnips. 1; beets. ll.13tfl.S0. OR1EN FKI tTS Pears. 1.S55 per box; Trapes. l.to2 per box; ilslaiss. f, ur bMrrm'l ; cr.librri., J1281-40 per barrel; persimmons. $l.s. per box. VEGETABLE! Beans. 12hc per pound: cabbsev. elsJLU Pr hunar.u; caulltloaer. 2.0Oa.2S per crate: eolery. Ci''l furuia. M per crate; cucumbers. per box; escplant. II 1.23 per rrat: csrllo. lo13o per pound: green onions, l&c per dozen: bead lettuce. ObjCio per dosen; hothouse lettuoa. tll.!t per box; p-pper. loo par lb.: pumpkins. lMiVie per lb.: radishes. 15J20c per dosen; sproota Ic; squash, ltflno per lb.; tomatae tl 25 per box. Tr.OPICAl. 'FRUITS OriDI-ee. navela " J'.r 2.7.-. per box: Janane. POcWfl Pr bundle; lemons. $4: Florida a-mperrult. ui; Csiiroruia mps fruit. 3 i0jt; bs nansa . ec -per pound; plnesppies. o per pound: poir.esrsnatrs, $1.75 per box. IliTATOta union. (I.-J..V1.U per hun dred: sweet potato-s. 0.."i0 per hundred. OXIOXd Buytnr prlc. 11.25 per hundred. CARLOfDEMANDCEASES kri it jobhkrs not 1xterest i:d i. appi.es Dr.otiufc Their Attention Now to the Itrlall Trade Latent Sales by Exchange. Th market-bulletin of tb Northwester Fruit Exchang follows; a nrwlicted In our previous advtcea, the carload demand has disappeared, aa fruit Jobber ar now devoting all of their ' at tention to supply te retail trad out of the stocks wislch thejr hara accumulated, and as a consequence are not buying further until they ar cleaned up. We hav a lew car la transit wtjlch will hav to b d. and may baa to- noid tne cara ior a w unt!I the demand revives. Meaawhlia w report sale made since our last report: PFK Tlt from Cove. Or., December 12. mled varieties and grade., many line In definitely graded, practically orchard run. s (oliava: Itabbltts. Kings. Spies. fl.Zfr; other varieties all 11 t o. k Oregon, to a buyer In Minnesota. FFE 43L from Th PaMe. Or.. Sth. 4S5 fancy. 17 chulre Kalghna $1.10 f. o. b. Oregon, to a buyer In Tesaa. 1KR . from Wollsdai. Or., December . Ti on-hird ran ho Ice Ben Imvii. The shipper neglected to check th -" In this cor. aad it m somewhat of a pi In a poke. fola u a ouyer is .ew i urt -export, at tl per box f. o. b. Oregon, sub ject to Inspection and acceptance at .-sew Torfc. HS t?014. from Fes hast In. December 8. most!? choice Ben lavia and Hlaclc Hens, balance of th car spilt up tn choic grades of 17 different varieties, th car running heavy to mall stxea. 1J e-tler, at a straight price of tic per box f. o. b. Washington, to a ouyer in inn-wia- CUy T4;T. from i'oshastln. December t. t30 boxea of mixed varietie of choir grade, on line unknown variety, mostly 4S and ll-uer. at a straight prica of II per box f. o. b. Waahington, to a buyer in Minnesota. EGGS "OFF TWO CENTS SE.VTTI.K MARKET DROPS OX LARGER SIPIT.IES. Turkey Trade Is Light, as Itrtallrrs Are Refusing to Contract. Fancy Apples Scare. BEATTUE. Wssh.. Dec. 1 (Special. As a result of a poor local and export de mand and lower prices In the Kast. wheat prices fell oft a halt cent all around today, rllarstero wss not qaoled above blH centa Oats and barley wera dull. Fresh ranch es dropped S cents. Open ing; st 45 cents, the market soon dropped to 44 snd bv afternoon 4 cents was the very o.itside price. California esss wer. freely offered. Turkey trade was lisjht. A lare lot of fresh dressed chilled KaalerTi stock arrived snd wss held ss bi(h as I centa Very tew locsl turkeys srrlved, snd dealers do not look for much aclivitv until Wednesday, Inasmuch as retailers arc refustcf to con tract. Western avenaa trad, was brl.lt. A few more California srapea are expected to ar rive for i he Christmas trade. A small lot of persimmons wer. offered at f 1 2i Fancy apple were scare, and firm. Ths aeneral rvin of apples, however, sold at concesaiona There I. considerable Inquiry for apples for export. Tua street Is heavily storked with Japa n's, oransea. ahlch sold all tb. from ev cents t. ft a buadle. rRODCCK AT BA!f FBAMCISCOw QwwtaUaaw Cttrtvwt la ths Bay City Mar krta BAN" FHVNCISCO. Iec. 1 Th. follow ing preduc 'IM ver. current today. Veg.tsMe t:urumbri, f'.Mflt.: aarllr. I j V ; sreen pe... sc; slrina beana T Ik-. t.mat.a. T5-lll esuplant. 09c Ktitier l"int) crraaiery. 34 c. F.Ke-BUr, jr-,c; fancy ranch. 38I.C. vr.evse louns anit:-. IB' SJlTc aiiiiatuffs lirsn. .;wJi. midulmca to jH. Hay Wheat. 14; beat and sata, II J alfalfa. ' Fruit- Apples. rnc1.e. a.c; rommoa. 4oc: MsxKaa limes. Kfi: Cailforala lemoaa c-iok-e. ; is; comm..n, I:: orsnrss. nsvel. ll.ji.llo ptaesoples. ln:. potatoes .aunaa Ittirbanka 9l.T30 1.ftS; sweets, ttomii Oreson Bur backs. (I.oOsi '""Snlons ll.lo ii l Receipts Flour. l"t quarter saks: wheat. ls centals: barlry. ctt; cents1.: oats. Co centals: potatoes. Ts5 sacks; middhncs. s .sacks: ha. 14 tuna Hopa at Nona Vsrfc. NEW TOKK. lec. IP ll.ej Firm: s'ate. Mnmnfl r. eh.t."e. ID1 ft 7-V ; I'.ej, o- I acifut voaal laaws; ltv. 11SJ14 COAL STOCKS F IRM Harriman issues Also Show Much Strength. GOOD INVESTMENT DEMAND Railroad Officials Report a Heavier Movement in Merchandise Im provement in the Bond Market Continues. NEW TORK. Dec. 1. Greater activity and hlchcr prices characterised today's movement In the stock market, with th. recent betterment In bonds well sustained. Tb. advance In stocks resulted laraely from extensive short covering by traders, al though commlssion-bousus reported a mod erate Investment demand. atuch of this came from Boston. Chicago and Southwest ern points. The coal stocks were especially strons; during the (Tester part of the day. although Lehigh Valley subsequently lost all its gsln. The strength of ths Harriman Issues seemed to come from the buying by Interests commonly recognised as substantial and may have bad Its origin In the excellent state ment sent forth by the Southern Pacific Company last week. The heaviness of I'nited States Steel was In marked contract to tha rest of the gen eral list and by common consent was as cribed to the prevailing condltiona In the steel and Iron industries. There, was, how ever, a good demand for Steel sinking fund bonds. , Western railrosd officials - reported a heavier movement tn merchandise, and the Kustern roads made a better snowing in the way of Increased tonnage. 1 Transactions for London account in this market were estimated at 23.000 shares, witii a fairly large balance on the buying side. London's cwn markets were featureless. Local monetary conditions are unchanged, while greater ease is shown at Western re serve centers and all fears of a stringency, however temporary, are now set at rest. The bond market reflected the general Improvement shown In that class of secur ities. Total sales, par value, S2.S00.OU0. United States bonds were unchanged. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sat"a. 10.1O0 Allls Chal pf Amal Coppor Ant Agrtcult Am Heet fiugar. 15.100 Am Can Km) Am Car I'dy. 5im Am Cotton Oil. lo Am Hd Jfc Lt pf 1"0 Am Ice Secur.. 200 Am Linseed Am Locomotive. 2t0 Am Smet Kef 10.G' do preferred. . 1U0 Am Stcl Fdy Am Sugar Kef. Am Tel Tel. J..KIO Am Tobacco pf 4iM Am Woolen lo Anaconda U Co 1. Atchison 3.SO0 do preferred... 1(H All Coast Line. ?oO Halt A Ohio .. 4111 It.-thlehein Steul 4"0 llrook K Tran.. 4.7"fl Canadian Pac. , 2, IS hi Central Leather . do preferred.. 2O0 Central of M J. Ches Ohio . .. Chlcaeo A Alton Chi at West .. loo do preferred.. 2" Chicago A N W r'l C. M Kt P . . 6.x C. C. C at St L. 2tHJ Col Pool A Iron 4ut Col A Htiuthern Consol Uu .... 2 2O0 Corn Products... 2.000 Icl a- Hudson. . Alio U a; R tlrantle.. :U do preferred. . 4sl Distillers Secur 4nl trio 2..-.UO do 1st pr .... "" do 2d Pf .... B" flenral Llec .. 1.3 Ot North pf ., tit North Ore .. 6O0 Illinois Central Intcrbor W"t .. 1.4O0 do preferred., l.rtoo Inter Harvester. :ioO Inter Marine pf. loo lot Paper . 2oO Int Pump '0 Iowa Central .. K C Southern.. 3O0 do preferred. Laclede Has ... T"0 Louis V Nash.. l.t" Minn 8t L . . SU0 M. S P 8 S H slo. Kan Tex. do preferera.. ilo Pacific .... J.leTO Nat Hlscult ... Kio National Lead .. oi Mrl N Ry 2 pf "t"0 N T Central ... 8.7s N Y. Ont A W.-e .".IH1 Norfolk A Wea. 8"0 North Am .... 3'") Northern Pac .. I.tKio Pacific Mall ... o' Pennavlvania ... 3.'" People's Use . . . . P. C C St L.. 2O0 Pittsburg Coal . ...... Pressed S Car loo Pull Pal Car .. 1"0 Ry Steel Spring -"O Reading 12S. 100 Kepubllc Steel ...... do preferred.. lOO Rock Island Co. .! do preferred.. SoO St L A S F 2 Pf f "0 St L Southwest. 2"H1 do preferred.. 100 Sloas-Sheffleld Southern Pac .. .700 Southern Ky . .. do preferred.. 2. t'Ml Tenn Copper .. " Texas A Pac . . fc Tol. St L Wea S'HI da ureterrea. . High. M 64 "42 ' ftl Its '37i 7.-s JU3- 142, H4 B24 40 ll'l t. 102 117 inS 2!' 7.1 l!!.'.1 32 H 10117s Low. o 3a 'ioti .Ml 2:1 17H "sii 74 1 103 141 P4 .12 "i ii i, lt2 11.-. V 2 74 i llllll. 31 4. SIM) 814, 80 22' 4.1 142', 123- ll. 32 i34S l.-.s lonis 2U ill's :i4 2S1 4i 15 IMVi 124- 4 675, "20 AS 111 104 13 31 U ioi 144 27 Vs 22 4.1 i. 142 123 11.1 31 132 ' 14 14 2'. 09 V, :tns 27 4A 34 '4 irs 123 07 "io !U 111 10 ' 1.1 40 4 ts 30 164 ti 144 274 Union Pscltlc .. 61.7O0 Co prererrea.. IT H Iti-alty ... IT S Rubber . -. U S Steel do preferred. . rtah Copper .. Va-Caro chem . Wabash do preferred.. Western Md Westing Klec ., Western Union. Wheel at L E.. L-hlKh Valley 8O0 32 31 4' 118 r.4 34. Ill 41 100 U 115 21. 128 lo.'. "io IBO'i. 31 148 "isii 30 1 3 20 00 ii4 2.1 2 3.1 2S 22 .11 170 U2 ".tit" 724 11 4.1' 2 1H "4 B7 '73 ""Hso'i 41 HI 406 S4."0 70 1.W o SOO 20 700 200 ' S'.ioO 20.400 47 119 .'. 34-4 113 41 101 .' 1114 124 nm 8 '36 1.10 XI 151 '.i 30 62 40 2rt 02 iis 27 a.1 3.1 2 22 R2 171 2 "34 73 11 4l 2 1 34 ? 74 Bi-f. 2 C4 46 41 CiO Mt 22 17 11 37 74 103 42 114 141 .! .11 3U 1111 12 lltt lo 2 7.1 10.1, 32 lo:i 20 81 2S 22 4.1 142 123 .1 :n .17 134 1C3 29 70 34 28 40 34 13.1 124 '17 134 20 (15 111 in 12 40 18 31 4 1O0 144 27 130 32 62 3 47 118 r.n 34 113 41 lo 64 11S 28 1211 10.1 "7 18 30 1.19 31 1.10 .10 3 30 1 80 25 1 4S 113 27 3 3.1 20 22 .12 171 2 88 34 73 11 43 62 16 .13 67 48 74 r.i 10 181V Total sales for tho day. 422.900 shares. BONDS. NEW TORK. Dec. 1. Closing quotations: U S Kef 2's reg.HN T C, gen 3's 88: do coupon 12 'North Pacific 3s. 102 1 S SI reg 12 North Pacific 4s. I do coupon HO Il'nion Pacific 4s. 100 U 8 4's re: ll.lt-HVIs Cen 4s B3 do coupon. . ..lir. Japanese 4s bb D 4t R O 'S 3 1 Tdoaey, Exchange, Ktr. NET TORK. Pec. In. Money on call, steady. 3:i per cent: ruling rate, 3 per cent: closing bid. 3 per cent; offered. 3 per cent. Time loans, weaker; 60 and 0 days, 3 0 4 per cent; six months. 3tf4 per cent. Clorlng quotations: wt.n. mercantile paper. 543 per Cent. I - Sterling exchange KLrong. a-ith actual bus rinee. In bankers' bill at 14.82500 4.8:00 tor 60-day bills and at 4.8So ior nemano. Commercial bills. 34.81 J4.8r. THar silver. Mc. Mexican dollara, 4.1c Uovernmenr. and railroad bonds, steady. LONDON". Dec 1. Bar silver Steady, 3 J, c-lfal per ounce. Money 23 Per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 3 914 per cent; three months' bills. JSls-14 per cent. . SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 1. Sterling oa London. dsvs, .:: sixht. 4.iS. Jjraft Sight. 4c telegraph. 8c CHICAGO. Dec- 1. Exchange an New Tork 13 per cent premium. C'aadlt'oa ef tha Treasury. WASH1XOTON. Dec la. At tha begin ning of business today the condition of tha United States Treasury was: Working bal ance tn Treasury orficea. $.13.476213: In banks and Philippine treasury. 347.&tlf.H.16: the total balance In general fund waa 38. 043.SAO. Ordinary receipts Saturday wer. 1.7-4. 73. with il.bureements of 13.347.9P1. The deficit to date this fiscal year la 36. otMlTan aa asalnst $29,900,433 at this time 1.t year. These figures exclude Panama canal and public debt transactlona Fast era Mlaisg Stocks. BOSTON. TTWe. 19. t losing quotations: . 18 Allouei Am crppcr 39 (Mor.sTrk (;.vvsda Con. A z I. a T ... "6 Arisona Com... 14 Atlantic .1 B A C C A C M 12 Butte Coalltloa 19 Cal A Ariz 49 Cal aV Hecla.. ,."..". rMl.i.nl.1 lull Copper Range.. 7 Euat Butte 12 Franklin ' 9 Girox Con 6 Oranby Con . . . 39 ireena Cansnea. 6 Isle Royale 16 Kerr Lake 6 Lake Copper... 8.1 LaSalle Copper. 7 Miami Copper 19 Nlpisslng Mines ,Nortn riutte... INorlh Lake. Old Dominion.. Osceola Parrott (S A C) Qulncy L Shannon ,pupenor ....... S A; B alining. . SAP Cop Tamarack Tl S S ec R M Uo pnstqrred.. l tan con 'T'tah Cop Co Winona ....... Wolverine .12 10 2U 12 71 11 42 -1 12 1.1 ! 122 4.1 1 j lib Metal Markets. NEW TORK," Dee. 19. Standard copper easy. Spot and December 12.20 to 12.30c; Januar-. 12.22$ 12.35c; February.. 12.30fl 12.40c: March. 12.35 12.43c. London steady. Spot. f57 2a 6d; futures, 57 18s 9d. Amv als reported at New Tork today. 73 tons. Custom Homse returns show exports of 17. 417 tons so far this month. Locally dealera reported otn unchanged market. Lake cop per. 13.00tr13.25c: electrolytic, 12.73el3.00c; casting. 12.50012.7.1c TU 6teady. Spot. 38.3.1S 28.55c: Decem ber and January. 38.2.1 w 38.50: February, 38.S3w 38.S3c: March. 3S.2 4t:1S.55. London. dulL. Spot. 174 17s Hd ; futures. 175 2s d. Lesd Quiet. 4.43tf4..Vc New Tork and 4 37 64.40 East St. Louis. London, spot, 13 .is. Spelter Week. r..70f 3.80c New York and 3.473.5Xc East St. Louis. London, spot. 424. Iron Cleveland warrants. SOs 10 d In London. Locallr iron was more or less nominal. No. 1 foundry. Northern. 1.1.2-i'tj 16.24; No. 2 foundry. Northern. $14.7.1 1.75; No. 1 foundry. Southern and No. 1 foundry. Southern soft. $15.2.1 13.75. GRAIN SUPPLIES GROW WHEAT PICKING TP AT PKIXCIPAIj CENTERS. THE Continuation t Bearish Factors Work Against Prices in the Chicago Market. CHICAtlO. Dec. 19. Although the chief item of .Immediate importance was the pil ing up of stocks of wheat at the princi pal centers, quite an Imposing array of other bearish facts claimed a share of at tention. World shipments were 1,000.000 bushels larger than at the corresponding time last year, but 3.400,000 bushels less than a week ago. Argentina was offering freely for early shipment and there' were reports of a good outlook for Russia and Australia. In both Canada and the United States the visible supply exhibited a lib eral Increase against a decided falling off 12 months before. The upshot was to keep tradera and prices most of the time in a state of suspense. May fluctuated between .1c and 93c, with the close c down at 5c. Shipping and export demand for corn to day was the poorest of the season. May ranged from 47c to 47o and closed c lower, at 4744c. Cash com was weak. No. 2 yellow finished at .10v30c. Oats followed the lead of other grain. May sold from 33OS3c to 340 and In the end waa o net lower at 33 c. Higher prices for hogs made provisions advance, but free, realizing acted as an offset. Laat sales were 2c net lower for pork. Be to loc tip for lard, and a shade off to 7e gain for ribs. The leading futures ranged as follows: . WHEAT. Open. High. . Low. Close. . $ .91 $ .!1 $ ." -M'i f !; .9.1 .95 Vs -9- Dec. May July... J .93 ..92 .91 COR-V. Dec 45 .45 .45 . .45 May 47 47 .47 .47 July t .48 .47 .48 OATS. Dec...;.. .31 -31 14 -IH .31 May 34 .34 .3:1 .33 July 33 .33 .3S"i .33 MESS PORK. Jan 19-10 1 19.35 19. 4S May 1S.20 IS.22 18.05 18.15 LARD. Jan 10.S7-. 10.40 10.33 10.40 May 10.10 10.19 10.02 10.07 SHORT RIBS. Jan 10.25 10.30 10.20 10.27 May 9.67 9.67 9.57 9.65 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. Rve No. 3. 81 c. Barley Feed or mixing. 6070c;. fair to choice malting. $2v?87c.. Flaxseed No. 1 Southwestern. $2.!3; No. 1 Northwestern. $3.36. Timothy seed $10. Clover $15. Pork Mess, per barrel, !19.!5w19..10. Lard Per lu0 pounds. $10.42 tfl 10.43. Short ribs Sides loose). $9.87 10.37 . Sldes Short, clear (boxed), $10.37. 1.S0. Oraln atatlstlcs: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 2S8.60O bushels. Primary receipts were 1.304.000 bushels, compared with 615, eoa bushels the corresponding day a year ago. The visible supply of wheat in the United States increased 328.000 bushels for the week. The amount of breadstuff on ocean passage decreased 2.816.000 bushels. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 48 cars; corn. 940 cara; oats, $60 cara; hogs, 27,000 head. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 14.700 7.500 Wheat, bushels 18.0O 27,700 Corn, bushels 770.200 187,200 Oata, bushels 444.t 9.1,700 Rye. busneis .......... ..uuu i.uv Barley, bushela .100,500 23.800 Visible Supply of Grain. NEW 'TORK, Dec 19. The visible sup ply of grain In the United States Saturday, December 17, as compiled by the JKew York Produce Exchange, was as follows: Bushels. Increase Corn 22,0112.000 634.000 Oats 15.711.0OO 362.000 Rve 478.000 7.000 Barley 1,622,000 122.000 Decrease. European Grain Markets. LONDON. Dec. 19. Cargoes, weaker. Walla Walla for shipment at 35s 6d. English and . French country markets, steady. LIVERPOOL, Dec 19. Wheat De cember, 6a M: March. 6s lld; May. 6a lld. Weather, milder. f ' Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 19. Wheat close: December. 99tr99c: May. $1.U2 4? 1.02 ; July, $L031.03. Casn: rto. 1 naro, ai.u)s; o- 1 nona ern, $1.00 1.01 : No. 2 Northern, ttbctf $1.00; No. 3 wheat. 96 & 99c. 4irala Markets ef the Northwest. TACOMA. Dec 19 Wheat Milling: Blue, stem. 84c; club. 82c: red Russian. &Oc Ex port: Biuestem, 84 c; fortyfold, S3c; club, S2c; red Russian. 80c Receipts Wheat. 34 cars; corn. 2 cara SEATTLE. Dec 19. Wheat Milling quo tations: Uluestsm. 83c; fortyfold, 81 c; club, 80c; life, 80c; red Russian. 78c Export tvneat: niueaiem. lonvioiu. 78c: club, 77c; nfe, 77c; red Russian, 73c Grata at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 19. WToeat Steady. Barley Firm. Spot quotations Wheat Shipping. $1.43 si 10 per cental. Barley Feed. $Lf7rl.0S per cental; brewing. 11.11 tr 1.13 per cental. Oata Red. $1.341.23 per cental; white. $I.47tl.S5 per cental; black. $L374 1.42 per cental. Call board sales Wheat No trading. Barley May, $1.14. New York rattan Market. NEW TORK. Dec 19. Spot cotton closed quiet. IO points higher. Middling uplands, 15.35c: do, flulf. 15-wOC. Sales. 4300 balea Futures closed very steady. Closing bids: December. 14.93c: January, 14.34r; Febru ary. I3.07e: March. 15.33C; April, 15.34c; May. 13.44c; June anl July. 15.45c; August, 15.15c; October, 13.47c. . Ctilcag. Produce Market. OHICAOO. Dec 19. Butter Steady. Creameries. 23f29c: dairies. 21 tr 25c Eggs Steady. Receipts 129 cases at mark, cases Included 19$12e; firsts. 29c; prime tlrsts. tie Cheese Steady. Daisies. 14 4yl5c: twins, 1447 14c: young Americas. 14e15c; long horns. 14 (J 15c. Wool at St. Louis. . ST. LOUIS. Dec. 19. Wool Stesdy. Ter rllorr and Western mediums. 21'e"-2e; fin. mediums, 17rlc: fine, 12 13c. Klgla Bolter Market. KI.GtN Hi.. Dec. i. Butter, flrm. 30c; output. 627, 800 pounds. - Ml LINES ARE FIRM Strong Holiday Demand for Livestock. GOOD SUPPLY AT YARDS Steers Sell Vp to $6.56 and Best Cows Bring $5.50--Choico Hogs Again Touch $8.85 Sheep Move Readily. V The holiday demand was strong at the stockyards yesterday. A liberal supply of cattle, sheep and hogs waa available and buying was on an active scale The mar ket was firm throughout. Cattle made up most of the sales. Steers had a range In price of $5 to $6.50 with the bulk of salea at $3.90. Cowa brought 14 to $5.50 and calves $6 and 7. Last week's top hog price was repeated when a choice load went at $8.80. Other hog sales were at $8.30 and $8.75. Fancy lambs' sold at 7 and mixed sheep at $4.50. Receipts for Sunday and Monday were: SOU cattle. 85 calves. 417 sheep and 259 hogs. . ' Shippers of the stock were: C. H. ehrs & son, of Jebanon, 1 car of hogs; Long & jjroclcman. of Lapwai. .Idaho. 6 cara of cattle: the 8. - a: S. Co.. from Shaniko. 7 cara of cattle and calves: William Shep ard, who drove In 115 sheep; K. A. Dun can, of Baker. 1 car of cattle; E. E. How ard, of Baker. 1 car of cattle; J. L. Baker, of Caldwell, 1 car of cattle: McKinnon & Chandler, of Enterprise. 1 car of hogs; Kid- woll CasweU. from Utah, IO cars ot cat tle; W. W. Cooper, df Union, 1 car of cat tle and calves; W. O. Cummlngs, of Baker, 5 cars of cattle; L. E. West, of North Powder. 1 car of cattle and hogs; Thomaa Seigel, of Huntington. 1 car of sheep, and H. E. Miller, of Thornton, Wash., 1 car of cattle. The day's sales were as follows: Weight. Price 12.1 lambs 8 11 '-nib. J'?? B4 cows .""..I "7 steers . . . 1" 8.90 "1 covcT T 4.90 33 cows : . : " 3I eers :.:.::.::::.::: low ?oo "4 steers 1050 B.U0 1 nun v.. o- 1 bu " .... 850 3.50 1 bu I 1870 S.00 1 bull . . . 1 J ' 0 tii-J 64 steer. . 30 COWS SojJ ; 15 steers-. 068 5.50 2 steerB lsft0 J "2 2 cows - II';''' -;" 2 cows .- 7o 4.-5 it cow! io.li -o5 :::::::::::.: iom -.; 0 hogs 303 8.-5 78 hoBS 20 8.80 iri c'e.-: ::::::::::::::::::: -RS - is8 14 ralvea .....286 7.00 4 eera 1027 5.35 !"..: :::::::: n; . A cows 4-75 10 cowS I. .' 1042 4.75 " eer. :..::..:::::::: ujo . 5.00 4 steers I202 r, ?,teer. i:': 1 1 . I . .1 1 nfi steers . .-- ftft0 B-45 HB1 i?ow.'::::::::::::::::::::::?5?o i:S8 1 cows 1240 5.50 s? co" :::::::::::::::: 2 bulls 1375 S.io 17 mixed sheep 118 -J-JO 24 lambs S J-- 12 lambs lOJ J-22 120 hogs , 1K -3 Prices current on the various classes of slock at the Portland Union Stockyards were as followa: Prime steers $6 .10-51 ,7.00 Good to choice steers 6.00 6.0O Fair to good steers fl? 5' Common steers 4.0oa 4.ay Choice to prime cows 4. i.Gj 5. to Good to choice beef cows 4.2- 4.i3 Fair to good beef cows 3 .. 4.2j Common to fair beef cows 2.00 S.50 Good to choice heifers 4.7os 5.00 Fair to good heifers Tit Common to fair heifers.. f !!? ? S? Choice to good tat bulls i i'SS Fair to good fat bulls...,, 3.50 4.00 Common bulls -" 2'SXS 2 ?5 Good to choice light calves i.OOSr 7.o0 Fair to good light calves 6.50ffl 7.00 Good to choice heavy calves 5.2.1 600 Fair to good heavy calves J J'S? Common calves J'lSX i 00 Good to choice stags f '5?g 5 ?S Fair to good stags 4.0O 4.50 Choice hogs S'SSf S Good to choice hogs....... i'52S iAX Yearling wethers, grain-fed Upg 5 2 Old wethers, grain-fed i-!? Choice ewes, grain-fed 3. .(& 4.00 Good to choice ewes, grain-fed. . 3 2..g 3. .a Feeders -' 3 01) Choice lambs, grain-fed-. S-?0.?? I'29 Good to choice, grain-fed 5 5 Io Poor lambs - 4.9o 5.00 Hay-fed sheep and lambs 50c lower than grain-fed. ' Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, Dec. 10. Cattle Receipts es timated at 19.000; market, 10c higher: beeves. 4.757.55: Texas steers, $4.109 5.25; Western steers, tt.lOt&o.SO; Mockers and feeders. $8.33 5 80; cows and heifers, t4.406.10; calves, $7.2-9.2B:. Hogs, re ceipts estimated at 30.000; market, 5 010c. higher: light. $7.40O7.5u; mixed. $7.40 7 SO; heavv, $7.406'7.75: rough. $7.40 J 55: good to choice heavy. $7.857.76; pigs. $8-80(S7.70: bulk of sales. $7.07.70. Sheep, receipts estimated, at 26.000: market. 10c higher; native, $2S0J4.40; Western, $2,650 4 45: yearlings, $4.40B5.75: lambs, native, $4.25tr6.40; Western, $4.5006.35. - Coffee and Siigsr. NEW TORK. Dec. 19. Coffee futures closed steady at a net losa of 6019 points. Sales "2 OOi). December and January, ll.ooc: February. 11.02c: March, 11.03c; April 10.95c; May, 10.92c; June, 10.83c: July, ia84c: August. 10.76c: September, 10.71c; October. 10.61c; November, 10.56c. Coffee Spot, quiet. No. 7 Rio, 13c; No. 4 Santos, 13Tc. Mild coffee, quiet. Cor-do.-a. 1315c ' The New York Coffee Exchange will ob serve Saturday, December 24, as a holiday. Raw sugar, steady at a decline; centfi fugal. 3.9Sc; muscovado. 3.4Sc; molasses sugar, S.23C Refined, steady. ' Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, Dec. 19. Evaporated ap ples firm, quiet on the spot; fancy quoted at 12rl4c; choice, 11 c- prime, 10 Prunes in good demand; quotations from 710c for Calif omias up to 30-40s and 0ibl0c for Oregons from 30-00s. Peaches firm on small supplies and the firmness In other fruits. .Choice, 7c; extra choice, 8r!4 fancy. 99c Dnlnth Flax Market. DULUTH. Dec 19. Flax, on track, to arrive, $2.32; December, $2732 asked; May, $2.37 asked. Bonds Investments TimberLands MATHMUHAUStNCO. 701-2-3-4-5 Lewi Bids;. Portland Oregoa lumbermens National Bank CORNER FIFTH and STARK STREUTi PORTLAND. OREGON Capital 15500,000 UNITED STATESDEPOSITARY THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SAST FRAXCISCO FOUNDED 1864. $8,500,000 $7,836,754 Capital Paid in". ... ...... Surplus and Undivided Profits .... -' . BRANCHES Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and Virginia City We buy and sell Foreign Exchange; Issue Drafts and Cable Transfers, Commercial Cred its and Travelers Letters of Credit, available in all parts of the world; make collections on all points and conduct a general foreign and domestic banking business. 4- INTEREST PAID ON T1MK AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. PORTLAND OFFICE Northeast Corner Second and Stark Streets WM. A. MAC RAE, Manager. J. T. BURTCHAELI, Asst. Manager. Ladd & Tilton Bank Established 1859. . . OLDEST BANK ON THE PACIFIC COAST Capital $1,000,000 SXTBJPLUS AND PE0FITS $600,000 1 xv. M . Lsdd, President. H. S. Howard. Jr, Ass't Cashier. Edvr. Cootlnsham. Vice-President. J. W. Ladd, Assistant Cashier. W. tf. DuBcaUejr, Casnler. Walter M. Cook, Ass't Cashier. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of tha Rooky Mountains CUNARD CRUISES ! W RIVIERA A VCf MADEIRA GIBRALTAR sO& -ALGIERS VILLEFRANCHE GENOA iF V CjStts A. LA CARTE SERVICE . kVAN i-HASi-uyniA ---- MAR. 11. I JAN. 7. JAN. 21. FEB. 18. F OR PRTICULRS A PSCV TO OUR ACCNCItt AX " I. YORK. .BOSTON. CHICACO-. SIMNIHPOLIt, SHILSOSLPHIS, ST t-OUIfl, assT rHANdiieo. Toaoaro. sflimiUL hp Wiwwiscc oa locsl scewts "The BITtJLITHIC paved street or road is a great comfort for one who drives an automobile," says R .' Johnson, of Dallas, Texas. TRAVELERS GUIDE. TRAVELER'S GUIDE. AVON' WaeUf uaUuiasfrOKi-e ':Jy4!!i"Jf A' Bermoit -Cnta- Jima-aa- w.-i i-iiss sLu ssd HMrrrMr fTUMm-p tff Ule aaderMo at Kun, I4 la-Sslle St., Chlcaxe Canadian Pacific Empress Has of steamers 'sallies; weekljr betxreea. Kontreal and Liver pool. Wireless on all atsamera Ass aus ticket acent or xrrtta W. K. JeonavB, a A, UJt Xalrd ,V rurUand. - COOS BAY LINE TEAMEK BREAKWATER sails from Alaska dock, Portland, 8 P. M. Dec. 13, 20. 27, Jan. 8. 10. 17. 24. 31. Feb. 7. 14, 21. 28 and every Tuesday night thereafter during- tha Winter. Freight received at Alaska Doclc until S P. M. dally. Passenger fare flrst class, 1: second-class, 17, Including meals and berth. Tickets on sale at Ainsworth Dock. Phones slain 268. A 1234: San Francisco, Los Anelss an! San Diego Direct north pacific 6. a Co,'s 8. tL ReaaeM and 8 B. Elder sail svery Wednesday alternately at P. M. Ticket ofllos 111 i ;ilra .t.. near Alder. alAitllN i. Hilii.fc.Y, Passenger Aa-eaa, v. Uu Sl.U-sskit. Fretuut AgaaM. I'Uoaes at. sale. A 1U4 8AN FRANCISCO PORTLAND 68. CO. New service to Los Angeles via 4aa Frau cisco every live daya From Ainsworth Dock, Portland, 4 P. M. S.8. Rose City Dec 23, Heaver 2. Bea jo. . From San Francisco, Northbound, 12 M. 8 8. Beaver Dec. St. Bear 27, Rose City Jan 1. From San Pedro, Northbound. S.8. Bear Dee. 25, Hose City 30. Beaver afrtjtniith. C. T. A.. 142 Third St. J. W. Ransom, Agent. Ainsworth Dock. I-honesi Main 4U2. iBB; A 1402. O. R. & N. - - Astoria Route. STEAMER HASSALO Leavea Portland dally except Saturday at g-OO P M. Makes ail way laadlnca Arrives at Astoria at 8:00 A. si. Loaves Astoria, Sally except Sunday, at 7:00 A. M. Arrives Portland at :00 V. M. Makes direct COO; neotlon with steamer Nabcptta for elegler. Lwaco. Long Beach and all points aa las Ilwaco Railroad. S. S. Golden Gate for TU lamook, Bay City and Garibaldi . Leaves Waah.-at. dock Tuesday at I FM Freight and Passengers. Phone Uaia !. A 24.SS.