0 ron ttxjrg. kf VUlamalla n...rl- hindMmt aad OS rv-aa. fura:a4l. a-w. muUWB hou . Si rooMta. beta, drlng-r-m. ti pOTC. Phaae Mela -:4. A rJ-. Hfrl.T fiLh.it-l uwt I't4 houM. S4 fcaU t t- Nort-u. Key ael tr. -I:OOSi he- lilrvintuui; MU leaae or ell. W. C IUJL MorTlaoa tboam Mala 0-11- l RMSHkO rtU4 FbOB $i.OO rwaa modera rarnltMd aeaeat lava, re . .? a- -- .-- fCR RENT .Tttrniehad house X T rooaiAW ttar car i:n. I uot.e Si SIX rooma modera. saw fv -tare. TM lOuF.l:N faraieaec, 4-room cottage; also t or 4-roora f .at- i a. "IVrr' TLAT. rompll: T taraJahd o'taae. -reikis dtsta.ce. IJlCal Main S4J e-ier a. frm lit E-.run!tur of new 4-room flat. reoae-.e. r-" $!. 141 Kaedell ru. Eat Mitt. fcV-at ADknr car. a-Rorttt fiat fr rnL furniture for eele; all new; part casU. .nce easy par msa'e Calu 442 ad t- P.et A- U fct.r af new? s-im- tr..-k. S'JtIOO; p.eie vtaaa fro-:: ana Marshall. sl:eb.e fn i r-1 wtain.. rufluf. t urine ar re-la. I will lmmm ea--hstf; divide !-e ta It .r.ar . r faint, A. t. lon. OfTtoee. FOR RK.M OH ALK Two rgintl rumuh-i ofTic-. w etab4lh4 real etate b-ainee; ow nm paw iui)i ru r rnl of both,- t aMa a.!din. rla-a A ; owner -U- rudl eaovfl-nt opportunliji . part Ji be, a nca. lrir. n rhjrgt for g'd wlii AdarM B avT, or-gon-sa and ma a ae poiatmra;. )OR R K ST -T are aca (Ti-e rwmi oa ee era floor Uabr E:tane eluding, -a aod tr a Ui-wre F H. UoiUrook Co. .3 14, Lumbar -icfcange bJd rilOU CRAl rround-U'vir efftea In (lnancia! di.trl.-t t r KtL Puree. Cfcaabr of 'uramarc. . MOOT ewoirally Icat ocTicaa, mll-aJc.K ala . vator aarvtora. 32 HaaUaad aide . ata aa hlaa loo- . DKK ro-m. hrtchi front offtca. oaar ata- Tfor f" ti-nry t-M t FOR hKNT A ftv officaa la Caaca bl5 fall V' Lawla bid. OFKICt'S -. lo-a rau:. furclura aa turma. i"ai rrnooa,3l"JAUkybidr. Omi'B room with dak and ua of tota " Catl CTUnifr bldg. K-K room in a ort'.oa. boto rt.K. 4:il l'r r-nt. brtck hMff.. I laruram-. buatocaa dtaiiict. i'hoaa Mar hail TO LF. AHK. FOR I.EA8F. 9Ua for manufacturing or aaatnraa buiMiac. aoUd ground, block bound-d bj fcvat 9th ard luih. Mill aad Ctphaa acraaia; low rnta. ton- la, or aH build to suit rpmaJ0la tn.inu. Hca ron Invaotmant Company, avd Concord aide.. Bacuod and btara ata, APARTUENT-HOrsK nrtprwf bid.. 1 rouiut. -2. 3 aa4 4-room bi.. atfrr. brnt. ht watr. ahatlaa, carpta oa halla. l.n u?um on iuiray and bat hrtv.m floor. Cm raaaaa. km aad a!trw- nttura; rrnt i par month; raf axaacra ratiuirad. C Xma, Oraconlan. LOST AXD FOCNlk, FOUVTV Waara 70a caa bur vaaalaa hair mattr iai 1a rat ail at wholraala pricaa: i raorata aaattrwaaaa aad ratara aama dar: a alaa rtoovitt faathara. fartlaaa Cartad Hair Fact 07. U. Mrtmar. Ua Fraot. Fboaa Mala 474. A 1S74. LT-ST Tarty who took iivar puraa M-.n-dar btwa 3 and 0 P. 3a. at Vrkr Fraak'a wMta linrn drt.. better ra tara to Mlr A Frank' acco-mrnolation rnuntr aad avoid troubla. a part la LAT Pair ar'ea oa prtland HaHtht r o" near aanmi;toa and i'arfc aout & T M. FlnUsr pjooaa T- turn lo Bctdins Hrn. and rera? reward. TMR aartiaa h- 11. k1 up a -"' Ittltr 4k Frank's toaturdar avvnln wtU . confer a araat favor to a poor aniuan by - lar in It wtrb auperintf nd-nt at torfc LOST Willow plumr. tikn from cl.ukroom at CorTmjtn'a It turn aama to Cuflman'a aad aTotd troaMa. ' LTSTAlra!atatarTlar puepjr ; lirenaa No. 11 : mm "Terrr. I"h Tbompfon t Phone laat M2. reward. LOS r Vltranta silver purs tialurtUy. re rmhrr 11. Liberal reward will be paid for its ratura lo S4 1 Waal Park alret. LAT .V small Xaoaitf chin. between 6th and II m-n. 4th and iark sta. I'houa Main Krwanl. . L4HT Lady's i. opan-fare Wlthatn watrh. fob atta-hrd: mnormm I- J- B. T;ward. 514 Abt n s; ton b Id y. I'MS 3J, st. jwT-A vounc Sptt do atmit 2 month nj.. Plraaa ratarn to 777 ifoyl st. ; re wsnl. HT A Ctek lrter fraternity pin. Pleaaa r.-lurn to lHnlkl Coilr. lth and Coucft, . phoaa Mala 3-vj. raward . LT tTot-hr ian!-l. females from 4 to I month old; rsturn 4d NvMh 3th u Ka a ard. WANTKU l-MXH). S jeara. T per r,-nt. Al renlaca aroperty sacurity. W pvv. Orvio nUn. UIlL peraoa who took the umbrella from Tio Hoard of Trade hatMin Satur day return and rt one lft inntrad LS1 MaVa pn-7j. o(J waUh; 8UI work. r-ijrn -0 V-n t jg.ttnery ; reward. L T iJe tmN watch nd f 1 li. U'ivs small ol4 pfton WvH)lwn 2t. Ls r 3 nrs and 75 rant In handkerchief Sunday Mrnini; reward. JJ5 M-iritet SU LUST Pansy pin. diamoad In rntr: liberal reward. C U Masttck. 7 Front St. prsixena orroRHMTirA W t; haa for-sale aa interest In a bardlns; and ronmtor-housa wtth bar la connection. Vx-atrd at a mal mine. Tha board btiis ana ear bills ara guaranteed be the com pany: want a man to take chart of th bar and remi and aw help on tna booka; ht of refrenraa tra and required; tljt'O wll! han.ll- this. TUB AM HKKi'ANTH K AGF.SCT. ld Ablnfton hMg. lUl'NO man wtth aaarteaca aa manarer af laraa pabllc aerelr corporatloa aianea to klenttfy himself with raponjtbla party la Wttimata bus mean; contractin ar ms fact arm pTforrl W &3Ayrecaataa. Riivf AT RANT and lunrh counter for anJa, a ni-a. rUaa piace. good UaJa. 40 seats; rent Lli. prica 437J vaah ouur. Call 3IJ North 17th St. fSr halk cheap. A atea live r-l atat ofltca, watt lo cated . oiflc furniture al aa . party laav In city. Y fela, Oresonlan. " TVANTEl PARTNER. Wanted, partner with stiiail amount af mn for the best m jn r-aak in propo S'tkaa In the city for capital invested. A a trr"Bt a n- Lf.NCM COL'NTfcUL Table and boe, ta center of city. chp reat. hM buaiaeaa, ft years' laaaa. pttc. luX,arma.31araUa.l30A. pt'TS you la poaaeaaloa or cash fur Blshlnc foa businaea la Suburbs- pay balance ll as oods ara aoid. Phuus owner. Marshall 3 1 offer permanent position to a reliable eiiaineer who will lot rest himself llaan- ls17 la factory. CaU 207-3 Mohawk aiu-. WANT rr Partner with I2vhW to taaa halt Interest tn bustnaaa that para Xm per month: rood security for money i uvea ted. is:1 between 10 and V N.Wth at. CVNfKCTIoNKKT lunch with modem He ine Mini, laaaa, cnaap for cash, owner. 3Jd I'.ussciJL . GK'X LKT New stovk. ood location boraa and waoa. tf takaa at aac. K sV;. tJrauBiaa. CTAHLTSItCO aaiooo for aaia to rloaa ea ttr: oo coraer. Independent Ucensa. ll S. Third at. CORNER store; confectionery. -iar and mrr; a snap; owner must aeii at trade, all "2 Willi arns ava. PARTNER wanted in pi an In mill to taka tive intereet in office ar ml-L AOOraaa AJ aia. uroaian. BITAfRXT t'oat flAOO two months ao; ion l'ae. ownr leattn. will taJca 4 9 for qui I- sale, phona A 1215. A SNAP If takvn at ncedeuUeen and hinch rwm; poor he.th reasua for aell lr. M 4-J. l-)fToc 1 a n. MINING AM) INI1'STRXAL aTOCIL. T updone and oter bond bought and oM. Fletcher Inv. Co., Abtntoa. FOR Bt:T-Lowsy k foot of Tamhlil and Morrison wtth watr front: a yra or less, PI 1': Mjr-uott. Miln 1344. FtK AL Tm-shop; a baraajn, la . 7 h st. FOR A l.K i orf. t(na,.ry ; socd location; (ood mma'B for M11r.1t. Phun E. .J. BKTAl;BAXT-.W4 baio.d or.a with HOTlN tiaivry. W tod laca ida Bl-STNT eaVdal f.00: TM must brt&a thia ad. Rasa Oty printary. 12 Tairu! mcaJNK orroavTXTyrjTsV., WANTED Man ta'-e atlv mB5"t!J. a waaderfuiiy proaparoaa op-to-ata nua. aaaa. established tare year .roJ0 p-ratad under laws cf OToft. Pare 00 rer cant oa Iniestmant. It will iwo, and the irraator must hava bra.n and ansry. Fplaadld inrf 'Inaaa maa. The canucuai Umm boainaaa aamaatfs as tension. M 2Q. Oregoataa, FOR 8 ALaV. . w. mUL complete with -- ?-!SjwaaI cca.ryor. .to.; alaa , wi riansr. with tttirhmaau roa " "1 faa been aaad oaiy " t oai parti co ra call at my afflaa, -3- t V ir.i.ac d. Or. MEKMA.V KTTMat. Qwaar. , IXVESTIOATar . If yoa ax loohin for a sound ravaart m"t in a isrumat maaufacturtna but naa. whsra 13 per ont or mora " aur- d. call at 31-31 B .Uand TblJ la ataoutaiy !it-eded aad wH staad thorouah InvaatlsaUwu. MIMMJ British Columbia mine produced 2Ve4.w last er. California oil wall produced aaariy hif th petrol sum out put of the ant: re world. I you sa ra la tha profit? band for fraa mar ket letter ivm re. labia informatloa ut c:iffe lavestment Co. OH aad Mlal l:rkers, Vancouver. V- r H SALS Cooirollir intereet f pavlc stram lauaury la oca of tn Daw Towns ta Ortcon. loln feO no nd over a week; maaascr wishca to retire; P' medera and anttrely new; estab.lshad for ers; a-ould tk 3Ow.0O to hiadla ooa trin tntaraat. Addreaa F ftia. Oraaa- alaa. " DriK.HOOT ERS." LOOK' HERB! 9J:ik for luu acre riitt on " himbia. on of th peat placa for duck, the hay you can sell from th fdc mora than pays tha Interest and u hava a epwrtliiK piac a bra all other ar m atron ban-la. P. n 'HS. SSI1! ' M orrVson S treL SCALP. BKIS AND HAIR TREATMENT I'ARUiK.n . Fine flxtarea and furaltora. lrff rtocK of tollat preparations. tb'",ua0(i J cars. b!ch-cla."S ptrani: pric f BITCH V. K HHOF for sale, roodera fixtures, a cood prohtabla baaaneaa la a town ot 1 fMo population. Imst aad low rent; IB brk bulldm. open to PraonaJ lnveaU catioa. Prica Itluu. Addreaa K Ora- 6iiENTVlD opponunliy for ilva advarti- in man iv v. ui . .. novel advert laa. buaiaeaa. includea rtchte fr tha titata of Ore 00. will require i or collateral. AL 61. Oraoniaa. . tVH sAl.E or trade, stock of dry rood and notione, tnvolca about A3000; located In the city; 1 ood lvatka; cheap raat; will el foy casa or tak city or oountry real estat In exchange- Addrsa T Oraconlan. . ' MOVlN i-PIt-Tt KB THEATER. Wa start you In business on easy tarmr ; hava soma ana locations; tha la r est stock of .machines and suppllea oa tha Coast. New York Movin-Picture tK.i2 W ash- r t it.ii 1 1 nb o 1 1 e Tha estate must be settled, fornltnr at Invoice, in new butlulnK. doing ood busl crea; all new stock and a money-makor. OKISSI A ZAIPOW. SIT Pord of Trad Bid:.. 4th and Oak. 1 AAn ri ai.c.-i-. Claartnff from 31 JO to 25 pee month; owner compel !-d tn aell on account of health; will taka rood land to exchange. Try it befom puttrne- any money In It. Oallroom iv l.uaiber Exchjigabldt . HALF interest la aa ld-eatabUhed basl ncsa. doln a ood bualneaa. wlta a al aried position of 310O par month. For full particular call Kinney A Siampher. Lum ber xcnaae biu. room 3l-a33. a ' MIULIXERf. ATTENTION. Bi baxxain: Bankrupt atock nna mill ; nerv grcjt value for llttla monev. Call corner An ken y aad Front sta.. between 9 and X lino SAl.AHT to right maa to superintend lerk-e fruit orchard; four years' contract; Investment of U-a acxea repaired; house and bearing orchard goes with salary. T 3401'V for baa t -pay In bualneaa In Portland on amount Invested: requlrea no evparl rnce. AUtr-e owner. l. Kmlth, K. Mala, or call betwaaa ltt aad lk a" clock; ...... ..... BtD k rrt v Make careful lavestKatica at cxpansa af aeiier before you Invest money In any propoalUoB. Advisory Iepartmaar, X. M. LL'N'CH counter and hort order house for saje; good i' " -j - man; .unch buslaesa now established and paying wtiL Efe Ada Pennington. Ill N. Jersey St.. ri. Juuuyi , Would yon tnveet m a buslnea that pa a from 0w to 4 per oalh net prOn-r If call 70 4;b . Helt- L-hm lilt. A dot D "cigar stand, good Vocation in heart - . Kmlnraw hut dawn tO bedrock prica on account of other buauieaa; tail and sea owner. 301 Mala vanrouvw. Wash. CONFECTIONERY, cigars, light grocerlea, .111. r.w.f-a rent S JO cood atock aad furniture: oo; bargnla. Room 7. V"14 Morrison st. W"CLt yoa like 10 get la on the ground noor with a local company of Portland business maa? Can make bl profits 1 on 1 aa m : ( an maaa 01a bwm of 300 to 3lovKX AF ava. Inveaiment Oregon tan. a living rooms; West bide, goad trad $800. ,,,, 331 Lumbennrn iilug HAVE t h beat bui n esa pro pool Uoa is Portland fr a Saie inveatmem w one with 3o: caa show you a profit of better thaa 3 pr cent: tib iva aanat rrfrr-n.es- Af 67. Oregoaian. nit 1 1 v I'W V fiTYlRK nt lore lease: good trd; hi- voir Ira about $llt0. 321 Lumbern.cni liiag. M T tnin wants newspaper; bar printing . w .a H...tna htit aa ttma ta get nut pater. good opening for right maa. v mr a ircsonlan. PARTNER wanted ffr a light manufacturtng tUBineW. aian- - to make Mr monev. H. M. carmen ei I'd.. 417 Hoard of Trade. C INVERT fur sale Ith tools for butcher shop: una corner . aw. - ltore ou buy. Phone' Eastjvi or is rei;onta.n FOR b-irain In clsr sta no a. rrocary store a. reat&uranta hoti. candy atore or gen eral merchandise stores, call at 32 Henry huilJtn. OiVEX away free, map of all th California Oil nciua. ato ri 1 w tlon "California Oil Fields." aar-Looml Cx. T01 uregonlaa bldg . Portland. Or. MOVING PICTURE THEATER. S good onea; caa be had oa term. MALL KICKLE. 321 Lumbermerta Hldg. ihiVERV STOKK.Niew stock, good location: will sell at d:s-unt or a ill trade: In vol. ahout U". Bloch Realty Co., 221 iAim- permrnabldg. . T HARDWARE ?TORE. West Sde; good tntde; In vole. UAl.l. A HirKLE 321 Lumbermen a King. ANTED Oood I oca 1 1 oa for poolroom. In or out of town: willing to buy half In terest experienced. Walter K. aaiamoa, r, 3d scPhpne Main 3o3. r-RLICATKSf KN AND LUKpK. West Side; trade to f. a day. $a3u. mi 1 a HlfKt.H ftOl Iumberrucna Bldg. UOOE honest yung mn wanted for offlo work. invpiimrui v. propoaltlon proves aatisfactory ; no loaX ra need aOnli. 'a tJlh. FOR SALE Real eatata boslneaa. property .. . .77 L-m rurnlture. fhup: good re'aan for 'aelitng; no agents. X OreKonian. , lOVlXtVPirTrRB theater, th only tn town, about SO milea out: : Prtra ;HAi. 1'aciAc Film Ox.404Kothchnd bldg. 'i,;ARS and confectionery store, clears $300 a month. K- M. Carlo k A Co, 417 Board of Trade. HALF interest In rood real estat atric. l eap: excaljrnt location; cduiv w nm :c-a mongy. 01a v-ou'-n uoa- . An nir .l.hllahA.t eaail i-it office doing 4a per month: wtil bear in vest lg tlon. g OOP. Qregonlan. i CHANCF to get Into a small realty and bumneas chance office; good location; prica f(M. T9 fH. Orea-onfan. MOVINl-PrCTl"RK theater, clearing 40 ta " . . It Ufnra rnu huv: roT to cheap. 4M RotbcMldjaidg. b PARTNER wanted, wood and ccal ru"irea; ieara - per - - nf Traile. CNtXCELJ-EU hi'lnea or-port unity tor a hustler Witn -W. "V ti'i mt-mmm Q. W- H-. Elks Tempi. btarT a nice Itttl bnaloea for yooraeir. 4 om aau -a w ncra 4 I13"1 ... - L- O V an till tfrill I ai BkAr- KS , fru terms. .u . -T- mi.. KminMi with soma ana with ew dl ara. Phone y031. aj ltiOLROOM. a axoaay-maker; a snap. .ii MeiirT bid. $o,Cl R FT A C RA N T. M a Jleon strea ; sraat bargain. t. aii - GROCERY bualneaa. S$4 alorrtatm atrt. THE MORNINO -OKKWIMAS, TUESDAY, DEVKMH&K SO, 11U. BrwiXE9 QPFOBTVyiTIKS, FOR PALS Oood 3&-rexa hotel. Including barrvoa aad poolroom. In good R R and county peat town; only 50 miles frrwn rr land; bain properly managed will net $3"" per month: competition very light; for good rsssoB will U caaap, 0 OOU. Orego- ROOX1NO-HOCSES. DIXTZ - MXTBL.LE R CO.. 313-317 Ablngton BuUding. ROQMJNO-HOl.oJC HEADgUAHTOS. If yoa ar la th market for a food hotl. ruasnin g or apartment house, call oa a for reliable inlormaUon. W pro teot both th buyr and tha llr. Be low 1 a partial list of what we can offer. PIErZ-ML ET.T.K'R CXk. 3ia-Aif AUngtoa Bulldln. BEST' BUT IN THH CITT TODAY. 33 room, new moo em brJek 01 Wash tngtoa St.; been open only one wtfW and avary room taken at rood prices: private hatha hot ad cold water In every room; g years lease at moderate rent: very rich ly furaisbed; nlca large close ta in all rooms. You can buy this beautiful house for glO.OOO: lvt cash, bain monthly. blKTZ-ML'KXaLEH CO.. $16-317 Ablngton Boildlng. APARTMENT-HOtrSE. 00 rooms, now modern corner brick, only opened on week; ail In three -room suite mnth private bath and reception halla; completely furnished with up-to-date fur clahtag. and It la certainly little beauty. Now IX yoti want a nap. bar It Is. It will dear above all expenses 2;. per month. Price $73O0. $HM0 cash, balance AlOO par month. 3 per cent Interest. DIKTZ-MUELLER CO., 1317 Ablngton. Building. 14 OO PER MONTH PROFIT. . 34 rooms, near brick apartment, rary elegantly furnished. 4 W years leas, very low rent. Including heat and bot water, private bath with every suit. Can ha handled oa term a. For particular pleas sail rIETZ-MVELLER CO.. 3IC--17 Ablngton Building. SOMETHING EXTRA FINE. 38 rooma new corner brick on Washing ton aL, vary nicely furnished, hot and cold water la all room, prlvata baths- 4 years' lease at low rant and clearing abova all expenses 500 per month. Can ba handled on terms, or will trade for good city property. For prices pleaaa call DIETZ-M TELLER tXA, II o-3 17 Ablngton Building. INVESTIGATE THIS ONE. to rooms, fin furnltura and carpels., lo cated on llth at. TItis Is fine proposi tion and a good money-maker. Prica $S.V0, terms. DIETZ-MTELLER CO.. $10-317 Ablngton Building. HOTEL SNAP FOR TOU. " 43 rooms with hot and cold war In every room, ateam heat. etx, fin carpet and rwall furnltura; located In on of th bt llttla cltle outalda of Portland; will clear $2M) very month outsU of ail expenses: rent only $100 pr month; 3 years' lease; It must ba Bold this weak, so 32230 cssh takes It. D1ETZ-MUELLER CO.. 310-ol7 Ablattton BuUding. ' ' EAULB REALTY CO. Msfn S877. 31d Board of Trade. If you wnt to buy or aell a rooming-house or hotel, see us. a we soil quietly and quickly, protecting both buyer and sailer. ' BEST BUY IN CITY. S3 rooms, modern brick, ground floor of fW. elegantly furnished, choice location, clears so0 per month: owner must Mil. Bee us for full particulars, A DANDY. 41 rooms, new brick, thoroughly mod ern. vrv beat of furniture, long lea, cheap rent; clears $2i0 every month; 14004 cash puts you In possession. 47 ROOJfS 27. Right down town, good lease, modern and beautifully furnished, clear $200 and always rented; mall payment down, bal ance Ilk rent. " SNAP EE THIS. . 10 rooms, Jefferson street corner, beau tifully located, large rooms, fln furniture, rent $42.30. good lease; clear $73 be side room for yourself; price $S50; $500 HOME AND INCOME room,. rnt $46. houMkeoplnc. cloM In: thl I. map. Sm It bfor buying. S. our frea Use baton buying. W caa plMH you. . 311 Board of Trade. THB OXLT 10-ROOM HOrSB In th. city with RVNXINO HOT and cold wat.r In room, and S1EA.M HBiAT; th. furnUhlni. ar. FAR ABOVE th. ,r.ra.; Aimitnter and Brul carpota. An Iron brt.. HAIR and KLAJSS mat tranM. .ic.ll.nt bmldtnic and .v.rTthln to corrvapond: you can clar 160 ovar all nponaaa. bld-a thre. ood room, for youraolf. Thla ta a nlca corner dwrlllnic. 10 muiuta walk from 7th and Morriaon. ITlc .1100. a EUI.I8 A SMITH CO.. ntti Waablnstoii au. room, S01-X KCTT APARTMENTS. Bl ROOMS. b-at part of Nob Hill, wary thlnc NKW. furnlahwl compl.ta, AXM. ana VEIA'ET cartel, metal bad, beat of baddlna. MUIJKRN In every way. roaa r celpta total aapnae incluiJlnc rwit: OXLt S: P-e cut to for quick aalc: cab $3."m: leaae a yaara. Thla to th. loweat prica on any apartment-house of lb. alaa and If you want It. oomo soon. T.LLIS. fUtlTH CO.. 82H Waahlnton St.. Rooms i.'01-ZOs. IVA A MONTH PROFIT. 4 ROOMS, corner BRICK bullufn. sat and electric lirhts. well furnished, much of th. furnlshlnss new and ood; well lo (..ted for both permanent and transient; leas. yera with VERY CHEAP KENT. If yon w.i.l a MONEY MAKER you will . never find a better oaa lor tha pric a4S0; time on part. KUUS, SMITH CO.. 2S4 Washlnjtoa St.. Roams S01-1O2. BRIOHT, CLE--V AXD A PATER. lO ROOMS. UAKGB AND LIOHT: fln corner residence; only few blocks south of Washlnittoa St.: lar,e lawn and Teranda; furnished with Brussels carpets. Iron beua: everything sood. and paylnc l" over AIA. EXPENSKJI. This la the bet clo In nlace bow on the market, and location can't ba duplicated. l'rice. S1OO0, tarma ElXlA SMITH CO.. 2 Waslilnton su. Rooms !-. NICE HUM E. 1 rooms cloa In, rent 3 and rooms Oiled Thla bouse has been newly reno v.tM (a In 0r,t-cla, condition. The fuml'hlnce are flrst-clasa and brand new Excel ieni reason for aalllna. Price .ou, "pok'tland ROOMINO-HOUSB CO.. 313 H-nry Bldg. HERE IS OCR BARGAIN TODAY. A nice clean 9-room house, aood fur nace, good nlgbborhood; sewing machine Included: party leatn city; 000. terms Hit CHaNDLER. ta Lumbermen, bids. I HAVE for tak. .legant U-room hotel .le. nntbr and completolr furnished. long u and low rent; M00 will handl. It: this la a snap; no agents, will deal only direst. K So?. Oregonlaa. WANTED Three to five acres, on Oregon City lln. or Oregon Electric, not mora than 10 miles out. I'M will suit better: want high, gently sloping ground, suitable lor ral.lng small fruit and vegetau.ee: alo would like .mall home orchsrd: profrr no bouse. Address SiJ Concord bWg.. Port- liind. Or. ari? TODAY. 15 rwms. One location, mahogany, rnta ston nd oak furniture. Brueeeto and At nilnater rugs: enough furniture to furnirh J rooms; rent u; leaee: house clears over loo a month. B. M. Carlock & Co.. 41 Bo.nl of Trade. FOR SALE Oood 2G-room hotel. Including barroom and poolroom. ID good R, R. and county Beat town: only ") miles from Port land; being properly managed will net :W0 nr month: competition very light: for Stood reasons will sell cheap. O ton. Orego nlsn. PARTNER wanted In real estate busmen: must ba a Uve man and a good worker: thla la a good opportunity for a good man. II. M- Carlock A Co.. 417 Board of Trade. " H E RE-8 YOUR CH ANCK. is enoms. b-4ck. stesm heat, long lense. new mmltttr ; ana carpeie; cie.r. $1000 cash. 19 Board of Tn.ne. BOOMlNt-Ht CPB of I rooms, rent HO; good Income, terms for quick sale. Call lis Henry bldg. f ALL rooming-house, good furniture, clean. brings .i'. i"iv ... wu.) opposite City HalL 1'03 Fifth- FOR 8ALC boarding house, 20 rooms, al wsys full; transient trade, cheap rent. 074 Mara dam at. 14 ROOKB. rent only $40. clearing $73 month, price rTOO; $O0 down. o4- 6th. a OOOD bur In a small rooming-house. Room 14. ai'S1 Washington su -ROOM hcose. we'.l sltusted and a moner- niHr. price $7QO. $300 down. S4M 6th-POOMING-HOCBE BAROATN 10 rooms. ana farattora. rant (ZO- Owner. Mala 8107. BOO.MyiO-HOCHEa. HOTELS AND APARTMENT-HOTJSIia. W. mention below a few of our bargains. 10 rooms, very good furnltura. 11 rooms, elegant furnltura rooms. lair furniture - 54 rooms, average furnltura. .i. 40 rooms, tine furnltura 32 rooms, steam heat. ...... ... .. $5 .. 1.250 . . 2.0O0 ..$ 2.W .. S.4J0 .. i.700 .. 5.5O0 ..$12,000 ..12.'5"0 . .$15.'J'-,0 ..$IS.5'.0 ..fls.OOO Jto rooms, apartment.. ... .... 1 i'O rooms, apartments. ... 80 rooms, hotel 74 rooms, new hotel ............ BS rooms, new hotel. .. 73 rooms, modern hotel . ....... Terms on all. ii. M. CARLOCK A CO 41T Board of Trade. CLOSE IN. , la rooms, completely and elegantly fur nlahed for light housekeeping; full ana ci.mxtrg $100 per month: rent 0. Thla la extra good; llooo cash refiuired. PORTLAND EOOVl.MJ-llOL'bh CO.. 313 Henry Bldg. ONLY M CASH. . room, very close In. modern, furnace heat, corner building; this place la a anap at $ft.V; only 20O cash rtQulred. PORTLAND KOUMIXG-HOUSS CO. J 13 Henry Bldg HPECIAL NOTICES. 1'rep.aas Anvlleu. SEALED blda will ba received at tha otTlce ot th. tjthool Clerk, room 403 TUtord building. unUl I P. U.. Tnursday. Decem ber 2-J, lulO. for an oil-burning plant at tha Elliot school. SpeclBcatloua may be obtained at tha ottlc of the clerk. A eertined check of 10 per cent of tne amoont of each bid la to accompany each proposal. The Board of Directors re aervea tha right to ri-jeot any and all bias. R. H. THOMAS. Clerk. Dated. December 13. 11H0- BANKRUPTCY 8.VLE. -Sealed bids are requested for the stock of millinery goods In my hands as Trustee In Bankruptcy of Hulen Maud Terry, bankrupt, at No. T2S Main street, Penale tcn. Oregon: bids will bo opened at 11 o'clcK-k A. M. on December ao. 1810. at above addrees: cerutled check for 26 per cent of bid must accompany each bid. block can be Inspected at above address. LJCON COHEN. Trustee. Dated. December 17. lwlo. latscaiianeooa. NOTICE OF SPECIAL' MEETING OF BTOCKHOLDERS OF THE OREGON RAILROAD AND NAVIUAI'ION COM py. A special meoting of the stock holders of The Oregon Railroad and Navl gallun Company will ba held al room 1101. Welle-Fargo bullUUig. Portland. Oregoa. on December 22. Wlu. at 10 o clock A tflratl for tha purpoM of authorising, consenting to. approving and ra.ltylng tha grant, aale, couveyaaca and tranafer to tne Oregon-Wastolnglon Kallroaa NavtgaUon Company ta) of all the raii roada and teltaraph Unea of ine Oregon Kauroad and Navigation Company, togetn r with all the rights, powers. Immuni ties, privileges, tranchiscs, and other properly appertaining thereto: tb) of ail right. Interest and eslaie of said com psny In. under, or to any and f l leases of any railroads or telegraph lines or other properly. Including the lease to said company of the property of The Northern Paciiio Terminal Company of o.e gon. and aU right of Tha Ore gon Raiiroad end Navigation company to purchase tha property of said terminal company situated on the east side of mo YUiainette luver at Portland. Orogon. and all title. Interest and estate of Ine Ore gon Railroad and Navigation company in and to said property, the legal title to watch Is in aaid The Northern Pacific Ter minal Company of Oregon: of an stocks and bonus of any sleamsnip com pany, or of any railroad or railway com pany held by The Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company. Including 114.oo par value of the bonds of The Northern pacific Terminal Company of Oregon, and I1O.0O0 par value ot the atock of tha ('mil Prairie Railroad Company: td) of ail atocka and bonds owned by The Ore- tun Kailruad and iAviguon Company and eld by the New York Trust Company, trustee, under the consolidated mortgage - of said The Oregon Kailruad and Naviga tion Company, dated August li. lJft. to-wit: S0O.O00 par value of the "?ck of Mill creek iiume & Manufacturing Company, jsoo.ooo par value of tha stock of the cascades Railroad Company, 'OU. 000 par value of the slock of the alia Walla sua Columbia Klver Railroad Com pany. gl.000.000 par value of the slock If the Columbia and Paiouna Railroad Com pany, and iay.ouO par value of the roods of the Columbia and I'alousa Rail road Company; (e of all appropriations of real estate and other property made by ln ore$on Railroad and Navigation com pany, and all suns, actions or rights of iction Instituted by said company for the condemnation of property for use m connection with any railroad of said com pany or any branch or extension thereof, aad f of all olher property of Tae Ore gon Railroad and Navigation Company real, ntrsonal and mixed, of every kind, except Its franchise lo ba a corporation, and except caah on hand, moneys due or to become due, bills receivable, accounts due or to become due. and bonds and agreements taken by said company from firms, corporations and Individuals to ae ' cure or Indemnify said company against loss or liability In connection wltn. or on account of. anything dona or omitted to be dona by aald company In the transac tion of Its business, and for -.he purpose of ratifying and approving any and all action and proceedings tuken or to be taken by tha board of directors of Tha Oregon Railroad and Navigation company, or any of Its officers or agents, relating to tha grant, ssle. conveyance and tia" fer of such property, to the Oregon-vvaaa-lngton Railroad & Navigation Company, and of taking any action with respect to such grant, saie, conveyance and trans fer ss may be deemed advlsab.e by such stockholders" meeting; tsecond) for the purpose of authorising the dissolution of ine Oregon Railroad and Navigation Com pany, settling Its business and dividing Its capital stock; and (third) tor tha transaction of any and all other business necessary or. appropriate to the purposes hereinbefore mentioned. Tha books for tne tranafer of stock will be closed for the purpose of such special meeting, at noon on the loth day ot December. 1810. and will ba re-opened at 10 o'clock A al, on tha 23rd day of December. 11110. Dated. November SO. 110. By order of tha board of directors. ALEX MILLAR, Secretary. FINANCIAL. I WILL buy purchase money mortgage to A limited amount: give particulars with re ply. X 00b, oregonian. Money t. Loan Real Estate. CAoH paid lor mortgage, or aellere intereet tn contracts on real eetate anywhere la Otegon or Washington; mortgage loans negotiated on Iniprovod property. H. a yeole, Lumbermena bldg Bth and Siark. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved or unim proved real estate; small building aad Installment loans a specialty; real estate contracts and bonds purchased. W. H. Nunn. 448 Sherlock blk. Main 6113L ON IMPROVED city property or tor build ing purposes; S to 6 years' time; llterai rpament privileges money advanced aa building prc-grenaca The Equitable Sav ings t Loan Association. 24Q Stark St. PLENTI of money to loan at and ? pas cent oa real estate aecurity. EDW. P. MALI. . 104 Second St. FIRST and second mortgages and contract. purchased on farm and city properly, anywnere In Oreuon or Washington. . L, Deverea ux. Fnton bldg.. 84 tilh st. wk HAVE plenty of money to loan on city property In sums from $1UM to 440.OO4 ,at loweat current rates. Morgan, Fuedaae ar Loyce. 6Q3-oOd Ablngton blug. 4500 OuO ON improved city or farm property; building or amall loans at lowest prices; large loans a specialty. J. H. Mceaale Co.. 014-lo-lQ Oerlinger bldg. - eo"LOAK. neveral amounts at S per cant interest, on good city real eetate. C F. Pfiuger A Co., room a, Muikey bide. 2d and Morriaon sta. f"MAKE loans from $250 to $5000; also buy .ood mortgagee. Attorney, 414 Spalding Bldg. ' iJoo ooo TO LOAN, large loan a epeciaity. building loans, lowest rates. W. o. UtcM. ili t ailing oldg. . i'haTS $400 which I wlah to loan at one. on improved city property. Call 414 bpald- Ing bldg. liou'itjJvtJE loans oa city property; lowest i alee. A. H. uirrail Co:. 2oa alcKay aiag. fca and Stark. DO YOU WANT MONEY 7 00 lo loan on Improved city property, money wsitlug: Room 3. Washington blug. TO loanlnsums from giwo to fsovo at to 0 per cent interest. p. yCCHa. 21 s Morrison Street. eJLAi. money loaned on real estate mart sagee. iL Miley,rooiu2u4 Oeriingeroiag, LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral aecurtty. C W. Pailett, ooa- Fealon. tti.ia funds loaned. 0 per cent. vv. E. Tnam aa, slate agent, Muiinoman foH eoo c O, MoRTOAlial A,OAiS iuvAflUAAsial KAiES. t ii. LEWIS. 3 La. id aiaio. VbUi loan $lo,uoo or leas, real estate eecuriiy. Sarriuglon. .16 commercial Ciuo mug. MokliOAOtS LOANS, AND 7 PER CliNX. Locta balomu.s. 2aa stara. bT. MONEY to loan in any amount up to $ 1U.0O0. ood Henry bldg. MONEY, any amount. 0 to g per cent. Good nuugn as Seits,' 10spaloibg blag. LO A N S 0 N1N SI DE PROPERTY AT S to 1 fER CENT. bi4 LEWIS BHLD1NO. MONEY to loan on real state. Harding A Reynolds Co.. 113 Chamber of Commerce, MONEY to losa. Karnopp- A Eopf. 325 Ksilw ay Exc bangs bldg. PLENTY OF MONET to loan by prlvata party; loves I rates. Phone Mais 2 WIS. FIN AM I Al Mower to Loan Real Estate. MONET T,i.r,rt Money to loan on Improved Portland real ealate. Let me plaoa your money for you on good mortgagee. B2i Lombermcns Bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salarlea, $ ,' Open Evenings. CHRISTMAS MONEY For All That Want It. Don't Walt TJntil We Ar. Bushed. But CaU Today. Loans from 10 to $100. and all wa . require la that you ara working. Our rates are tha lowest. Our paymente easiest. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSE puBLICITr Call today and b convinced. STATE SECURITY CO, Hj Failing Bldg. Open Evenings. $$$$ $$ BUTTON CREDIT COMPANY. 307 Spalding Bldg.. Sd and Washington Sta. Money. Money. Money. Mosey. Money. We loan money thal's our business. We have money for those who need it. Wa ail need money. Therefore, coma to? loan on pianos, furniture, etc. Why let your small bills worry y? We can advance you any amount front CIO up.'ard. , e Why go to other com puniest Sea ua Wise people DEAL wllh M When others fail, consult th. oia re- "'hPTTOX CREDIT COMPANY. i j $ $ $ $ S ARE YOU LOOKING FOR MONEY T If you knew how easy our terms are you would not ba ahort of money. Don t be bothered with a lot of sma.l debts, let us furnish money to settle them. we loa:i on Furnltura and pianos, atoraga recelpta, livestock, rooming-houses, life Insurance policies, .ail kinds of securities: terms to suit: also easv weekly or monthly in stallments. Wa buy and loan on first and aecond mortgages and equity in con- U.asREAL ESTATE BROKERAGE CO.. 312 Hamilton Bldg.. 131 3d. Main 2084. $ I MONEY loaned In amounts from $10 up on all kinds of securities, furniture, pianos or any personal property. Easy weesly or monthly payments. Low rates. Connden llal. Gray & Cunningham. 201 Rorhcnild Bldg- northwest corner 4la & Washington. MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names wltnout security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In 84 principal cities; save yourself by getting my terms first. TOLMAN, 317 Lumber Exchange. LOWEST RATES Loans on ail klnCs of se curity, chattels or real estate. Union Loan Co.. So Lafayette bldg.. Bth and Wash, sta LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry, furs, suit cases, trunks, overcoats and musical in struments. Uncle Myers. 71 8th, between oaa: and rino. kbiu ' ' J- A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. A no X.O.1 e-o.. .x. m-.., ... " LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and Jewelry, atarx s jaiocii. i. LOANS on diamonds and other securities. Wm. lloll. room 0. Washington bldg Loan v, anted. WANTED Loan of 44000 for 2 years at 8 per cent. Security is lot 100x72. the 100 foot being on paved, st. and the 72 on cross St. The Improvements cost $i000, tha lot worth $4000. State expense, pre fer to hear from principal. E,o03, Ore gonian. twa VT fijflO for S veara .t 7 Der cent, on unimproved riverfront property near Riverdaie: value of property $0000. CHAS. KUPPER. 8:12 Ctamber of Commerce. WE can Invest your money at good rates of Interest. Gilt-edge securities. First mort gages. Long-term Investment- PROVIDENT INV. & TRUSTEE CO. 524--o HJiirg or iiau. uiuij. 1 WANT to borrow $12,500 for three years at 6 per cent: best security in Portland; no agents. See me at once, J. H. Tipton Co., 1108-10 Spalding bldg. iVaKT $2000 for 3 years on 1 1 acres of ground and good house at Montavllla; prop erty easily worth $5000; will pay b per cent. See Attorney, 414 Spalding bldg. I WILL allow a reasonablo discount on a 322O0. 8 per cent, first mortgage, secured by a 32-acre farm, worth Suuo. Address C 605. Oregonian. 17000 wanted by private party on three new and up-to-date residences In Irvington; prefer to deal direct with londer. V tJOG. oregonian. 4500 ON $2000 security, printing shop and equipment, for 2 years, S per cent inter- esttosult,F606. Oregonian. WILL "pay S per cent for $4500. four years, on fine residence and improved lots worth tlO.OoO. C 6W). Oregonian. CAN place $1500. $3000 or $4500 on real es tate; borrower pays expenses. Johnson st Stout. 616 Commercial bide 1c LET us placa your money, good mortgages; references. F. H. Lewla 0 Lewis bldg. WILL pay 10 per cent for $500 on four full lots for six month. C 0Q2. Oregonian. .FERSONAX- KEN CURED QUICKLY. Modern Electric Treatment for nervous debility, enlarged glands, rectal, chronic, blood and skin diseases. Consultation free. W L Howard. M. D., SO4-301 Rothchlld bldg.. 4tn ana awmjiwu. HSA,l i.".'-". - - Leading wig and toupee makers; iroeat atock of human hair goods In tha city: up-to-date parlors for halrdressing. mani curing, face and scalp treatment. 147 iCb. J, bit- Morrison and Alder, phone Mala ui. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Disaasea of women and children, surgery- chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods; prlvata hospital accommodation; confinement r-d for: consultation free. Room 13 Grand Theater bldg. Main 8328. A g07. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfora graduate; rheumatlam, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician s directions; batha. masseuse. No. 7 East llth su. sec ond door south from East Anksny car llne. Phone East 260. B 1808. ' DR. D. L. LEWIS, th.... of women snd .children, alaetxia tiratment of nervoua allmenla prlvata hoe mtal. Rooma 505-oOfl Commonwealth bldg 1 Anleenv. Phones Main 4017. A 2411. T . -i. - ti , v-CPTTT OCCULT, new thought, scientific and holi day DDU... " ' " -- ' " " - Looks and lowest price list of magaxlne clubs. Jones Book Store and Magazine Agency. 24 Oak sU.Henrybidg. ERiiis suiis lor rent. 1.5i month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed. buttons sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 3"1) Stars. HAIR. HAIR The largest stock of pure hair. In all ahades to be cloaed out at lesa than wholesale prices. Fine balrdreas given. Axa H. piiy.ke-Grand Leader. 5th and Alder. BB A THuTHALIAK. I can teach you truth'e origin and how to find It In all thlnge; absolutely orlg call or address 1013 Stockton st. tSARTIES going to southern Oregon within lrt days will learn something to their ad vantage by communicating with B 0L Oretconlan. rTnliiS No danger with Loresm Analep tic Cones: are soothing, safe and sure. 11 box 3 for $2-50. Stipe. Tayior Drug .. 2 Morrison at. MME. FLORENCE URY. late of New York, mlntcure, face and scalp treatment. Suite 7 Bellins-Hirsch bldg., 3o6iaj Wash. st. Phone 3iarsba!j19!2. iifTED-The address of Mike Clark; last known Halton or machinist and engineer; reward. M. C. Rhoades, 286 J, Front su, Portland, or. MU. ceurtw right. Bkm and sca.p treai ments racial deformitlea corrected, piaa t.o surc.ry. 45a Morrison su Main 5uAA UANiCXRING, chiropody, scalp massai-, iSt Morrison U room 15, formerly jji eth su vmxu lady wishes to do hair-dressing, 0-l maMsrlT!Sr- I-' (l , 1 n Ua.n manicuring. 452i. tiTp can make you strong, healthy and pros Deroua Olympian Society, Olympian Tem- J!;eddmgjCal: iTijBne Jurvas Natural sanatorium, 173 E. iolu Apoplexy, appendicitis, luoerciuar giands, etc. a special.abor aoos. B2sl wtss WALLACE gives magnetic electric treatment; mental, spiritual scientist. j.ao llth at. jT" Turney. Battle Creejc treatments, re fined palroniwe. Appointments M183o. MRS. SOPHIE B. SEIP, mental and eplrttuai acientlsu 21 Selllng-Hlrsch. M. 6s24. BALM OF FIGS Remedies for diseases ot womea. 532 Davis su Main B-U.5. NEW beauty parlor. East Side: reliable, SClCntmC won oong. "J ..miauaj .VO. UP ROSA HOWARD, electrio massage and bath. 68 Selllng-Hlrach. Main 8728, M01.ES. wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D- Hill. 42V Flledner bldg. M 347a. DR. KETCHXTM treats women's maladiea 178a Sd au, eor. Yam.ilL PERSONAL. SPIRITUAL adviser. Dr. Jefferaon curea all troublca quickly: Jefferson guarantees to place secret knowledge and power in your own handa. to remove the causa of any trouble, doubt or misfortune caused by anyone on anything and open up a quick end sure way for the contentment bap pineas and good Influence for success that you desire. Cail and consult him daily or Sunday, 10 A. M. to 8 P. M., at 402 Wash ington sU (above 14th St.). OR. WALKER, specialist for men. quickly cures blood and akin ailments, kidney and bladder troublea and piles. Consultation free. 181 1st su. Portland. BUSINESS .DIRECTORY. Accountants. MACKENZIE. BAIRD & BERRIDGE. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND ALDIiORS (24 Worcester Block. Main i36. A 144. Counsel and expert In all matters per taining to municipal, commercial, factory cost and Industrial accounting. E. H. COLLIS & CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial. County and Municipal Auditing, Investigating and Sytematl!iln. 824 Worcester block. Phone Main 650i. Art and Craft. Artistic furniture made to order; repairing. - Jos. Wenzol. 211 Mill. French po.lshlna. Assayer and Analyst. Veil-aTFroebstel. mining engineers, chem- Ista and assayers. 204 Washington. HOSTAA'A ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 180 Morrison su Attorneys. L E COOPER, attorney at law; J0'1;? 'n all courts: abstracts examined. 710 cnam ber of Commerce. M. 71. A 2"TL "CHI-EO-PRAC-TIC TICK-NER"; say It tarl and remember Columbia nldg- 12to oJu. DR. EVAMARFH first lady chlro. Dr. in Oregon. 223 Fleidner. Hours B to Chlropocly, WILLIAM. Esteile and Flossie Deveny. tha only scientific chiropodists In JM mJl Parlors 302 Gerlinger bldg.. S. W. cor. M and Alder. Phone Main 1301. Chiropody and pedicuring. Mrs. M- p. HIU. room 429 Flledner bldg. Thone Main 34 iA Ctrcolatlnsr Library. LATE fiction. 3c a day. Woman's Exchange bldg.. 186 Bth St.. tx-t. Taylor and Yamhill; Coal. COAL $7.90 A TON. Others charge 9.50 and $10 for tne ami grade: we are in the transfer busi ness and sell coal to keep men and teams busy during the dull season. Order NO v . Van Horn Transfer Co.. M. lelSA 19S4. ORDERS taken for good coal. Main S8?i71 Coal and Wood. ' PORTLAND COHDWOOC CO. Special prices on green and dry coro wood NOW. PORTLAND CORDWOOD CO., Office 203 Corbett bklg. Phones Marshall 2309, A 46S4. DRY fir wood $5.65 per cord; Rock Springs coal $10 per ton. delivered promptly to aui parts oftha cityPhoneMarshall looo. "COAL-ALBINA FUEL CO BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 33D ST. WOOD. Commission Merchanta, TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. ship brokers, com- JatJhaandSwjmmInci Portland Swimming Batha 167 4th Elegant plunge, steam and shower baths. -PC Brass and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. 106 N. Bth. Main 302. Dancing. HEATH'S DANCING SCHOOL. 109 Second St.. between Wash, and Stark sts.: stage dancing taught: waits and two-step guar anteed In four lessons: class and social dnce Monday. 8 to 12. Lessons daily. 25c LESSON, four lessons ?1: waits, two step, three-step, stage nancing taugnt dally. Prof. Wal Willson's, Tort-apd largest and leading dancing school, acua Wash, eu. beU W. Park and 10th su Prof. Rlngler. Portlands leading dancing master, 2.'ili4 Morrison, priv. or class insu Dog and Home HoapltmL Dr. Erown. D. V. S. OfOce 324 Flanders SU Main 4088; res. E. 5440. Hospital 8 12th SU Drnglees Physicians C HOLMSTROM. Swedish graduate: digest ive, nerve and chronic disorders. 30-3 Ore gonian bldg. Phone Marshall 2S29. . " Electric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motora for rent or aale. 213 2d aU Engines ;aa and Steam. ROEER Machinery Co.. Coast acta Seabury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en-gine- 281-283 E. aiorrlson SU Phone E 515. Feed Store. ZICLER & MIsnor, hay. eraln. feed, ce ment, ahlnglea 294 Grand eve. E. 82. FINE tanning, fur remodeling, glaaa eyas. Finley. 249 Columbia at. Furniture Repairing. FURNITURE finishing, repairing.' packing; 3 8 years experience In city. East 5600. Hat Factory. HATS made to order cost no more. See ua Tioval Hat Works. 228 1st sU M. 8442. Horseshoeing. J)Er"NIKE. 283 "4 Front su, masts a s; ciallty of driving; liorF-s: 20 years" i perlence la New York City. Leather and Finilmga. CHAS. L. MASTICK li CO.. 74 FronU Leather of every description, taps, infra.' findings. j a. ETROWB1UDGE LEATHER CO. Ea tabllshed 1S5S. 169 Front st. Machinery. B TRENKMAN T CO., Hydraulic and spe 'dal pipes, screens, bagging, mining ma- ainery. All kinds ot repairs. 104 N. 4th. Manicurist. tui AXTCURING. face and scalp treatment. Mies Edna Kuhwarth. 423 Fliedner. Phono Main g-JU. Musical. EMIL THIELHORN. violin teacher, pupil Bevlck. 600 MarquarmA 4160. Mar.la28. ' jieurologista, Eye Specialists. ot'lCK relief for eye and nervous troublea, rira Freeze & Rice. 32;A Washington su OeteopatltfcPhyBlcian. dr LeRoy Smith, graduate Klrksvtlle, Mo., pi a. a of 1898, post-graduate 1007, under A. r alii, tha founder. 317-31S-319 Swetiand bida. Main 19S7. A 1985. DR. R. B. NOKTHUF. .15-416-417 Dekum bldg. phono, -Off ice M349; Rea East or B 1028, paints, OUsand GlaaaT SASMUSSEN & CO., joobers. paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Faient Attorneys. , ditknTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney .i law late of U. s. Patent Otiice. Book- let rree. . "'".- ,T k AND foreign patents that protect ara secured through Pacific Coast Patent AaTency. Inc. Depu A. ritockton. Cal. j3 c YVK1GHT. ' domestic and foreign pac en '., infringement cases. 604 Dekum. " 1 Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 60- tUO fciecum M.a. . , - .m.-. OjahREN Construction Co. Street paving, . , , nmcnlk, HIT H. 'u- ,. Pawnbrokera. iiMCLE MYERS- Collateral Bank, 40 years lnPortland. 71 6th su Main 810. i'liULUbiug. Job nlumblng, pipe titling colls In stoves ei xuritace; stove work, phone n'ast oi. j, icLawson. 71 Belmonu ' Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and ofneenear 24th and York sts. M. 34H9. Rubber stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, etc iLunnlngnam a 231 Stark. Main 1407. Rug Weavers. NORTHWES'l RUG" WORKS Rugs froth oid carpels; colonial rag rugs, jiaat Siu, 120U. 153 Union ave. nr. E. MorrLon. Eafee PliRCKLL SAi E CO., 85-87 Bth SU. exciuslva akenes Berring-iiall-Marvm saie Co.; manuiacturers of genuine Hail Sale fc Lock Co. s safes and vaults. THAS MOSLER SAFE CO., 108 2d SU Safes at factory prices, second-hand safes, "hliowcasea. Bank and Bi-jro Ic'ixtnrea." IMal LuiaH MFG. CO., branch Grand Rap lu. tuowcase Co.. 6th and Hoyu Au Lutae, manager. ZnST AiiRDSALL. J03 HAMILTON BLDG., showcases In stock; prompt delivery, feaiea .genu M- Winter Lumber Co. AAARoiiALL MFG. CO.. 4th and Couch, new and 2d-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet work. Shingles. BEST in the city; car lots or leas. S. a. Tnibert. 201 Washington sU - Stoves. STOVES connected aad repaired. Main 1110. i i,t. r . . Veterinarians. bTl. Brown avid 8. B. Foster, veterinarians. tlljAJikuny SU A 39. Mail 3403. WaU Pairer. ERNEST MILLER CO.. 172 1st SU. whole ..i. BBd retail. Samples mailed frea. XV " BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Typewriters. WE ara tha exchange for the largeat type-. writer concerns on this Coast; Investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typetvrtler if change. 287'? Washington SU . TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $60, fully guaranteed; easy paymeula; rentals, $i ' per month. . Pac.no Staxlunery A Prlntlug Co.,' 303 2d SU NEW. rebuilu second-hand, rentals at out rates p. p. c Co.. 331 Stark. M. 1401. Storage and Transler. PORTLAND VAN STORAGE CO, corner 13th and Everett sta. Just opened newer: and most modern storage warehouse la city; every convenience for sale and proper handling of goods: loaest Insurance rata in Nortnwest; free trackage; vans for mov- Ing. Main or A 1520. . ' MOVINO STORAGE MOVING. Experts, reliable men. no boose-rrghtere; will move you quicker, cheaper and bet ter than anyone else. Phone ua for an estimate: storage rate the very lowest. Van Horn Transfer Co. Both phones. C O. PICK Transfer i Storage Co., ofhea and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate Irou rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine ata. Planus and furniture moved and packed for ahipplng. Main 586. A 1898. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General trans. ering and Bturase; eafea. pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 87-80 Front sU Telephone Main 547 or A 2247- OREGON TRANSFER CO.. established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents Storage. Office 310 iioyt St.. between 5th and 6th. Phones Main 68, A 1169. GRAND CENTRAL STATION. 604lthorn pacific. Leaving Portland I Ashland Pa&senger '-............ . 8:30a.m. Roseburg passenger ......... . 4:15p.m. Sbanta Limned .................. 6:00 p. m. Eugene Local 6:30 p.m. Cal.tornta Express ....... 7 :45 p. m. San Francisco Express ..........1 l:0a.m. West Side I Corvallis Passenger. .-1 7:20 a. m, Sheiiuan isueucr ........u-.i 4:00p.m. sorest Grove r.uer ...j :50a.xn- Foreat Grove l'i.ji.r j 3:4V p. m. Arriving Portland Oregon Express ..... ....... .1 7:30 a.m. Portland Express . ..1 7:40 a. zu. Ashland passenger ,jlu:lo P- m- tiosuuuig i ac.er ............ i -:iiop.n- Eugene-Portland Local. ......... ill :00 a. .m. Snabla Limit.d Z:30 P. in West Side f Corvallis paasenger..... :20 iv m. Sheridan A-as.ai.er ......lu 2U a- ro- Forest oreve passsnger ......... 8:oo a, m. Forost Grove Paenger I 4:40 p.m. Nortliexa sraclfio. Leaving Portland I North Coast Linuted via Puget Sound il0:lQ a. l North Coast ' Limited via 17orth Bank I 7:00 p. i Atlantic Express via Puget soundI2:15 a. x Atlantic Avxpresa via Norm Bank 9:00 a. i Twin City Express via Pugetj Sound i :8P.i Twin City Express via North) Bank I 7:00 p. 1 Missouri River Express via Pugetl Sound Mrtl a. I Missouri Klver Express, via Norlhi Bank l..T:.i Portland, Tacoma and Seattle Ex- press. Grays Harbor, Olympiad and South Bend branches I Otaotwi Portland-Puget sound Special-. .10:i a. i Puget Sound Limited, Graya Bar-! bor and South Bend brancnea. .1 3:300.1 Yacolt Aasseuer j3:J0pt Arriving A'ertiand I North Coast Limited via Northj' ' Bank , :! Nor.U Coast Limited via Pugell - Souna : :- Northern Pacific Express vlai North Bank -I e:00a.t Northern pacific . Express, via Puget Sound 7:S0p.l Pacmc Coast Express via 'lSorthl Bank T i 8:13 p. I Pacitic Coast Express via Pugetf Sound 7:10 av i Missouri River Express via North, Bank 1:00 c, I Missouri River Expresa via Puget Sound 4:00 P. I PortlanU-Taooma-Seattle Express and from Olympia, South Bend, Grays Harbor and Yacolt. ' branches 1 4:00 P. Puget Sound Limited, and fromj Olympia and Grays Harbor. . branch 1 T:l Putfet Sound-Portland Special andl from South Bend branch 110:30 p.J Oregon Railroad 3 Navigation Co. Leaving Portland I Pendleton Passenger S: 0 Oregon-Washing ton Limited. ... .110 :00 a. The Dalles Local ll10?"- Spokane Flyer I,?1"- Soo-Spokane-Portland ...... .....111:0 P Oregon Express -I-8:00 p. Arrivlns Portland I The Dalles Local ,eiBXn- Spokane Flyer ........I o:0 Oregon Express .' ,...110:30 A. Soo-Spokane-Portland ll:J0a. Pendleton Local Passenger ......0:46 p.. Oregon-Washington Limited 3:00 p. nu m. m. m. in- Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Leaving Portland 1 . Soo-spokane-Portiand ...........111:00 p. l Via Seattle Ill :45 p. i Arriving Portland I " Soo-Spokane-Portland ...ll:30a.i Vla Seattle I 6:45 a. i Oregon & Washington . Railroad Co. Seattle Passenger .... Shasta Limited ....... Owl Arriving Portland Owl Shasta Limited Portland Passenger . . . 1:30 a. 3:00 p. 11:45 a. nv m, 6:45 a. 5:20 p. 3:15 p. m. m. m. JEFFERSON-STREET STATION. Southern Pacitic, t ...in, Portland Dallas passenger ....... Dallas Passenger forest Grove Passanger. Arriving Portland Dallas passenger ....... Dallas passenger Forest Grove Passenger. . 7:40 a. m. 4:03 p. m, l:to p. m. ...... 110:13 a. m. ......i 5:55 p. m. 112:00 noon NORTH BANK STATION. Elevenlii and Hoyt Sta, 6pokaioty'icl'oiutl Leaving Portland Lyie Passenger .,7:30 a. m. For Vancouver, Wash., SteveLson, Whua Saimon, Lyie, Goldenoaie and iuiermediatc Dointa. Inland Empire Express 8:00 a.m. l.'or Chicago, Su Paul, Omaha. Kansas City, SU Louis, Spokane. Wasntucua, Kahio Aue. Pasco, Roosevelu Grauudallea, Lyla, Vtiile toaimon and Vancouver, Wash. Columbia itiver Local 6:15 p. m. for Vancouver, sievenson. White Saimon. Cllfts and intermediate points. Nurta Aiank Limited T:00 p. m. For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha. Kansas City Su Louts, Billings, bpos.ane, .VV'ash tucna, Kahlotu Pasco. Roosevelt, Van couver. Wash. Arriving Portland North Bank Limited 8:00 a.m. From Chicago, su Paul. Omaha. Kansas City SU Louis, Yellowstone Park, Spokane, Wasnlucna. Kahlolua. Pasco, Rooaevell, and Vancouver, Wash. . ' Columbia River Local 10:30 a.m. From Clitfs, Goioendale, Lyie, White Sal mon. Stevenson, Vancouver, Wash., and. In termediate points. inland Empire n,xpress ..8:15p.m. From Chicago, su Paul, Omaha. Kansas: City SU Louis, Bliiings, Spoaane, ' Wasa tucna. Kahiotus, Pasco, Roosevelt, -Grand. ;aii ' ooldeudaie. . Lyia, White -Salman, Vancouver. Wash. - - , Lyie Passenger ................. .8:40 p. m. . From Lyie, Whlta Salmon, Stevenson, i Vancouver. Wash-, and Intermediate- points, : Astoria X Column 1. Hirer. Leaving r-oruanu Astoria and seasiaa Express... Astoria Express ............. Seaside special. Saturday Aeainier Passenger , Rainier passenger Arriving Portland -Seaside and Astoria Express... Seaside and Astoria Express.. Atainler Passenger , . .. Portland i . - .. s:.mi.i. Ernreu i a :00 a. i 30 p. i 50 p. i ;ls n. i 8 :4a p. i "P. 00 D. m. m. 1 m.; m. vmlnier - vv p. t .r-ut hortiiern Railway Company. ""Leaving r'ornaiid Aim and Boyt ota. I Oriental AJmiteu, via oclu. iv.-vua.nl, .r.nlAi Linuted, via Nortn Bank 2:vop.tu, r..r,tloiial Limited, Seattle, Ta coma ana Vaucouver. B. c. .. .10:00 a. as. The owl. Aacoma. .ili. . Vancouve, - - - - - " sfc. iads Express, Tacoma, Se- - - .rtie and Vancouver. B. C. . .11:80 p. m, .Vrivlna Portland llth and Hoyt Sts 0rfrnrtal Limited, via ttle :"-. Bhtm. Eapress .Vancouver , ii i - mism.!... - . fi'ational Limited, Vancouver, lnternauonai e. Tacoma 9:S0n.m. A. Time Card Oregon Electrio Railway Co. ira!Aitier Btatiou. iTrout and Jeflcron Sta. "woodburn-Baltm and Int. Points Locale . lav. Portland 8:30. 7:50, 11:00 A. M., 2:00. "ffi..B'rortlandBoio Salem and Int. Sta l..I2ii 40, 11:00 A. M., 1:15. 4:00. 4:50, i .?.?''0 10:60 P. M. Local from Wilson- -S.'m." Inu'lnu points, 8:40 A. M. daily ex--ii ? Sunday and 7:35 A. M. dally. 'Arrive Portland from iorest Grov. and Ktatlou 8:0. 9:50. 11:40 A. 11.. 1:3a. if 50. 6T20. 8:10. 10:00 P. M.. Sunday, only. . 4 DepoUMFront and Jefioraon. Portland. Oe. m" rem i en