TITE 3I0RXIXG OREGOXIANV TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1910, 13 kfal r-frrc OREoot fatc and fruit laxt In the ktrhutM Valley. Central Orcos. are nm of tho matt frt no laads In the state. tl4Bjr thousand Tmm of tbeso lands a r now uixr IrrlcatMfi and prodtKtfig targe cropa, MhK I bouMnOi of tcrH are npia Ijr being put un4r imiition. Your "XARKV ACT" BIGHT e title yoo to l'U Bcrvt of this land free. If yoo wiil withis three years. Improw port of It. livo oa It three) inontM sad pay I In easy Install ments your share of the root of tho Irrigation system. Central urvfoa Ir rit)oa Co.. 41 Railway i X. bid Portland. Or. For ooTo cheap, lo-are farm, only 10 piilq (Tom Poriend. eioeo to nitric p and railroad all uDlr cultivation; baa nrrhkM O. r.um ! etlin. Ml bam: e-iute barge n; i'l take Portland mi' dcnce as nr pa meni. ". J. R Oi K.NBE r o. (.TO l.o niberTnene Rldg. TO E XCHAXti C 1 AfRRS rtr Una .All ah rntinfr road. 1 m11S from Portland. 2 mil lo railroad; 4 acre) lo Mfh atste of cultivation, balane ttinrxr: good sprtog and w-U water; -rom hiiuM wliti pan try and - iorae .. lr i.srn and other out' buildings, good faintly orchard, all "tra ptetuems. 3 h or oca and 3 cows go with tho pl-e: pric $l.uoO; m ill eirhn lor I'ortland prperr jr. K A I FFM ANN MOORE. 3-5 Lumr Exchange. A iou LOME to exchange for dairy ranch. x 7 aTes. adJHn!n Med ford, to exchange for Portland property. 1.V acre orrhir.i nd $1000 rash I chant for s5ooo bom. Wiu tab W'M hoogalow as first pay ment on smhn irvingion nome. .NultTMKRN TRlT CO, 270 Stark ?t- fXAP r tikn tnle month: rnf to Call fnrnia: o"jmO roofrctlonrT. fruit. rlar. rtrttru. bakery, rvitturani. an rwiom-o mm and wife ran clear J5AO per month vii banc fr hnuc and lot. land !' fort;and. or Riverside rtty property. aL and iNumo $imp to l-"0 m .rtg.g-: wn r oalv attiwrr. East 3014. Address km 17 Ruwl b'dg.. !.', 4th st. TO KX.'HAN.iK FOIt 1'ITT PROl'KKTT Eastern Oregon wheat farm. 1-11 acres. Slt-room house, barn. 1 head of horses; -am n tat a al of farmlnc ImDkmrOU: 14M afro la cultivation, with average of o bushels to aero; one sails from railroad. - AW lO I J A. M- CiHK-PEVEFtI.T COl. 1 Lowia Mlds. XR ALK or richarc. "20 a-reo In Kaat ra Oragfln; all I1 plow land, a res la crop. M ara plowed ready for crop, a-ood 4 -rom house, atablo for o horses "and row. era nary and collar, inqtnr or vtnr, artheast corner 4'Jtn and Karl. Addraoa W. L rowers, ycoeral dalivry, J'ortiand. yr. BAX a party who has two f.oo bultdinc lots In biahiy reotiirtd realdenro dutrict on Kaat ridev on which bate paid about oo-third. Impoawtiuo to kp np pay tovots and will tthanit equity fr oo4 diamonds or take city lot rue ray intereot. I'h.Ki a iij or Mam lOJ, ask lor air, Hurttnme. W1M. Tllnr SJUA EOfITT In flK t'ouncil Crot lot. filll. faring kM iwa iirMti will krrrDl laonrh. houaw bnat. autv What have a T cr wHL a-ll hap. H. A. 'handir. ttio l.umbermcna bids, otb and tftark. Hln 7od. IK AK. tlf irlnl ootl. near Krlta TVh.. part 1 rrprvrrd: 4 are suo-l orhr!: prlro . fr rrr; will tahr I'nrtland property la exchanee. pof til fx-renc. k.M FV !d ANN MOORE. l.umb-r Krhane. ! A' llKS of land to fuMni for eouitr tn svd lot or house and lot. said land ! Situated rtahl on the Intt-d ItailwSNS snd 2l3 n.n S W. of Buri:ngt"t: pru f land. fJje per acre. K. Tflug-r A ronm Mulkry bldg . and Mor- rtinfl WILI. tak lt in cll aa port payment fr a An n-w w-rom VJu-n Ann. full li - tr.ot. buin-ln tvHk raw. pith floora, fine and Hs'iil) I nation, o-w Mock from ' rar. Ir and ery a erma. Owner. Pi Vanouer ae. rhoas C Mar liat! ."V. .'-A,KR WHEAT RANCH. ratio from tbo Jhn tae Kir and onlT S m I from t'ondon R. IU; will ficfint for Portland property. tsvld ta. rwtra X Lumbermans Lldg.. 5th and IKATTI.R rooldenro lot lo fifhinm Two beautiful buildlug lots ta restated reol dore addition tn Heat tie. aPrty will em rhanfe for Portland property or will lake jEoml dlsmomlf or automoMle. I' hone Main .K r A laia; sak for 3Jr. Hurlingams WHAT he o to o'-hanit f-r ray euuy of anprovlmatelr I In two aplcn.lld tts In net rl-ln Section of Kaat SM. albed at U carh? R Orego- niar. "trr.nn. WIU trade mv i;.t0 equity In -room thoroughly mo4lern bun;aU In Hrattle fr ni or hnpnivwl Portland property. Addnre d Vmi Td St.. Portland. f AHTT-leavlna; rHr. will emrhsnso $10 M)mtT in two aihtTv siHt lota In one of ?:ie tpnai attra live of Portland hlch ! re-.iri t"l additions, for diamond. Ft Ho itnmn. vVmo ITV in tore anl flat bulldtnc. I- cacd prtokIn. N. V- for real fatal In Portland or Wrlnltv. Mr'.rhw. JTe WMh i pit ton at. Phone Mare 1 . ftipACR :.". far l.lnnton. u.tbl for aub llttrn: value .; an a-re; will a-H n "ov terms yr e'-hante for cite prpert. W. C. WaddVt. Lumber Erhane. ft A farm for aale or trade for thii rwt. new Impro ementa. aij ullri north nf Vancouver Krrry; owner. Phono Lorna W-nt. Main l'-VI. Olt"KRT. ttw a'ock. nxturea. corner k rwtton. a'ue S 1 J-"m. will fi.-hnnif for ml rrn coltoso ap to l-joo. phoas Woodlawtt r.n- W AXT:i-T trsde a full corroepondenco evureo tn atn wrltmc and lettertns for ma1 1 wnm onarlne or ty pew rile r. Call C r77 sfTr i.J't P. M. WML HI It.D 111 NOAI.OW or bono and fl-an.e. If ou hse lot. A. C Kurlon. ion! r -tor. 444 Chamber of Commerce Vi'n :.4. KX "H A Ni'.E- For four or Ae-pamencr auto. J 1 roultv in 11 a- rra of fine fruit land. 3 miis from Vancouver. Phons Marjhs;irJU. !' K Ut of rra rata: for exchange NORTH KRN TRfST COw. :: stsrk I fc;H istio, new. -rote. hlsh-grad tua ioJ. al new lctrola. to exchngo. T(U ' Frof : at. W ANTl.rv A roomlne-liouae In ftrhmt f.r g mvI real eetate nwrtsares. from I1W0 to aorit rC4. Oregonlaa. t-hanct your property regard leaa of lattoo for that wblch aults y bettor. Northwest Frbsnge. 22t 9 Henry blds W r 00 v. !! oe trade for aay thing of mJus 41 T Poard of Trade. W F ran trade your property or business. ran M Bord of Trade. Al TOMOPI-K In aood running order to ex- rNtr.' f..f an? ihlng of eiu- 1 'j Cth. II A RK. Tigard. Improved, for ho UTS ao t bt4 .ou.-b bids. FOR tAU-TlwBK L-JU. itXM'I-LtON feet of .mellow plro timber tn etra part of Kaoiath County, for a ch.ap. Address M. . II , ColumDta Hotel. er. 1st and lsy eta. Portland. Or. " TIMHElt LAN BOl'UHT A NO WLD, r J- xi CKACjwEN. 004 Mcslay Bldg. CHE for rah. a timber claim relnq jlh ment aa I am going East. E . Ore oman. Ft R 9 I.E is a . -es tin ber laud, LSK.g loaa loasty. C ttW. Oregonlaa. T I wttCR CLAIMS, homesteads, relinquish ment CIS W jr-eet- r bidg. TARVI WANTED. FARM prvporty waaied; oair exclusive rootri t foe quick aa.o considered; wo bavo rh hujer. Xf vow want to i-il, see r writ ua. Hall A Atcmsna. 31 Oor 1 1 s g rb:g . td and Aider. If 4E a bujer for a stock and grain ranch in W sew ibi-rmn or Oilliam cowntieav Addreos W. W.. A19 Board of Trade. W IXTFD TO KENT FAKMs. W TKt To rent s frw with ths lm. pimrnn to ran aanae, from sa acres op fe l John Mftboswr. tiL Johns. OrM iu w. . harieatm st. r ' 13 row wrvT fa km- Mi K rwi r t r-r borne, rowniy mad. oao ml!t ouh MMwauki. neor "oortney: lo acre, s-roont hooe. taMe, heahouoe. fruit, etc; t.. rem. Ie First St. WANTED TTH BFR EA PH. TIVRER lands wanted. C McCra.kesw ave aiwsvajr WAXTXIV REAL ESTATE. ACREAGE WANTKD. If prlro and terma sro right. I will boy A lo 2 si-rea. In-ide clry 11 mite, aoitab.e for oisttiog; do not call, but write, giving exact location, price and trrma. et-. Addroea Mr. -i Dick son street. WANTED To buy S" ciiy lot worth lton. rioar of inoi'O'rnfw. wm wj . for same by turning In 7 1 years' leaso 1 on buaiowaa comer, including reel esta , orrtc and buelnees In one of tho beet uburhan diatneta in Portland. AG blu. TfnlAn. WANTKL lorner lot with adjoining lot If poealble. In Lpper Alblna. If you have this, come quirk, for I want i right away. K. J. ROSKNBEP.O. Z'JO ' l.ombermens Hldg. CtPToMERS wsttlng for closs-la acres gs iracts. NORTHERN" TRT'ST CO, 7o rsrk Ft. WANTKI To bur s. good C or . -nom modern crnr bout In touih Portland. f.r rain, from owners only. C W. Ur gonlan. FARM clooo to Portland; will trade houM atd lots; ralue Stot. w. S. Karris, ltf-i Klna at. Thone Main yt . I WANT a gwMl Ttrtnt lot within blocks of K. 'h and Morrison, fc'ce Jdr. Beck nt 270 tftsrk 9U W II. I take lot valued $iOrt to $2000 aa first payment on residence. W d"M. Orcgonlsn. FOR PAIR. Koroew. Vehicles aad Harnews. HOHSCS FOR BALE. All of Winston Hroa. McDoogat's horses will be on salo at the Hawthorns sti:ea for in da vs. Thee ranee tn weieht. to iXK from b to 11 years uf a re. As sll of our work on the N p. R. R. Is done 'all of our atick will bo for ssle. They will be sold unJor tbs guarantee of the ITswtnorne msdics. vau and inspect rheee after November L UAWTIIORNE STABLE 4? Hawthorns ave. TWO mares. snd T years old. sound new-milled dollar. -Mo ids., neavy in iwi prt e reasonable. Two gelding. CJ0O right In erery respe-t prlre $2ZO if taken this week. ;ood all-round mare, loio lbs., bred to "a roa-h horse; prlro $5o. W f. It o y d hales Ptsble. 3M Second st. 250 BUTS team of two horsea. hsmesa and spring bach; weight -voo ids. : are aouuu and In first-class condition, 'lbs back snd hrn ars practically new; owner muat sell at ones. A. Lang en berg. Clackainos, Oregon; ON K two-seated sorry t-X one single bnnsy one email wagon il'i. 13 w nits w jmn tot re pullets, very fine, SI each, wurih 9 1 5o. li7o Ilolgais st. Phono tell wood 4UL - UAROAIN 4-5 will bar a well-bred. 7- year-old bay driver, about ii": guaran teed every wsy. Inquire JCkl titanton sL, near Vnlon ave. rOR HIRE. PORTLAND STABLES. 2 N. WAGONS HY DAT. WtttiK tH MONTH. blhLUT A HALLS bTABL&o. M Fruat at., llvenr buaicoss. rigs, noraes, narnaaa, yil'tn. for sale cr rent. Main S2U4V. Hlii barRain; fo for mare, lino lbs., sound; 940 for horse. 1 1 M) lbs., souno; lor horse, 1075 lbs. phone Sellwood 17S. ONE grocery wagon and harness, la use Id dajs. roet 1 10. sell ror sivu. rnou ww law o 3110. TbAM.S to hire; horsea and mares for sals. o Montgomery: Marshall abi. 0D horse, wagon and buggy. $CC COO north wick it. : TEAMS wanted at once. K 1-th And Hraxes. We are going to try u again.puttargc. TtP busry. horwe and harnets, ff. Colum- bla Mab U s. o'y. r ront. rianoo. Orrano and M uaW-al Inst rumen ts. TWO high-grade pianos and several me dium grade instruments reiurneu irom one of our outside sgencles. which, wo have discontinued ; we w III aacrlAcs and you can save mane dollars. KoHLKIl CHASE, 373 Washington St. AM In hrd-up clrr umstanre. ao will a-il my nne. almost new Chli kering piano at a hrrain If money la forthcoming at ones. ! M. Or gonta n. RESENT I h Is ad at the St ore. of Reed French Piano Mf. to., nth and Hurnaida sts.. and receive a lull art calendar free. FOR PAT-E or trade, fins upright piano. In quire c. O. flea iransicr st oioraav .u 5"i Hecond st. Auto man I lea. WE are going lo close sut every second-hand car in me piacs reamruwa 01 f"-- Include some unusually nne prcpoamoM In Pierce, Cadillac. Iter less and btearns cars. Corns In snd look them ov w. COVEY MOTOR - A 1 i VUX r A iN X A S KV B I" AiS R Vti EA Packard, overhauled and newly paauted; guaranteed; used as demonstrator. Frank C Klggs. 4i North r J'l at. CAOILLAC I 1 0 automobile, perfect condi tion complete equipment, mcmum- uw mountable rtma. Must be sold before Jan- tarT I. AL -Ml. Oregonian. OOI NO Kaat. will sell -paen;er tourist car; run iesetnan ;w"i muca. n" good order, for P0, Phono Main 3Z9 or call 3.13 2 st. S I I DtHAKKIl olectrlc coups in Al con dition; less than half price: extra open t-p for Summer season. Frank C. Rtggs, i N. 73d st. O TRADE for good real estate, a 49 h. p. StudeUakcr In nne snap; s:ao . n. p. Firestone. Frank C iligtfS. 4i N. ZZd mU W ILL trade corner IOxlrH. outlying city property. fr a good macnine. Auuren o Ore son la n. E. M. F. "30." good as new: a rare bargain; will go quick at tne price. rraua, Riggs. 45 N. :3d SL F I V E P AS SENGKR Packard, overhauled snd newly painted; a oarsain; guarantees. Frank C Kiggs. i N. :3d st- AM leaving the city, will sell my runa-. bout auto for cash or will consider trade nn real estate. E CIS. Oregonlsn. OVfc.ItLA.XD, 34 H. P.. 4-psssenger. In fins conn r ton. 1 eeo. it. r mra. nv c. Birds. logs and I'rt Stock. Tit K Portland Bird 10.. Pi union svs. Hlrd I'hone Kaat T.tl. urrers xor ine .xmaa trade the flneei lot of imported German Roller can-irr. English Fancy. All kinds f pets, roonkevs. Siamese cats. etc Everything guaranteed. PAIRS of R. I. box ifowla for sale. Milwaukle. Or. Ad Ureas A. WANTED Male cocker spanlrl.two or thres mntiis oiu; state price. 1- w, vitHt Vllsrrllanewus. CLAY OVERCOATS AND SUIT. Mens hij:h-grads clothlrg: it suits snd overcoats for 17. Cut; 40 v aiucs ror IX5; my -TO-a-month rent snd e stein of buying does It. Jtuimls Dunn, room 13. oregonlsn bldg. X M AH notsltirs. nsnd bags, manicure sets, work sets, safety raxcrs, cutlery and per fumes. Any article reserved until Xmas upon request. Sttps Taylor Drug Co., cut rats druggists. Morrison st. PPEIAL FOR XMAS WEEsL I C. tmlth t pe writ ars, $)w Remingtons and K. Premlora. 1-3 to $40. Northwrait Typewriter Co.. 10 5th St. OLD jewelry exchanged for watches and d ism on da; unredeemed pledges for bslf original prices. Indt Myers, 71 6th St.. between uk SDd PUS. DRY block wood delivered mnr place In the cltv. 4.."o per load: 1-Inch wood, stove letigtn. ga pvr load. Portland Wrecking Co. I'hone Main Z1. feA FEA new and second-hand, low prices, or ) terms. PORTLAND SAFE ta. M Fifth M. FOR frA I-V; Six reentered lied pole to . two fresh, on frvah ix wr-ks. price esch: must eeli Inquire torbett A Co IVstorTlce bMg.. Oregoa Cltv. FOK bALK lo el. area United Wireless Tele graph preferred stock, guaranteed trads ferahle. Rox 75. Little Rock. Ark. FOR SALE Showcase. wa.lt.a-M-. counters. General fixture ta stock and merue to order at lowest prices. Grand ave.. a, GENT S bi-cle; dou't fall to see thi one; pi act leal tv new . very cheap; also snaU , . iwl. Jd ' , 4t bs l " AFPT-ES APPLE?. Nrtern SP- Spitsenbcrgs. Baldwins. s bax- -fr- E. water. 14-K A HAT solid 'ld watch wth 17-Jewel adjusted Hart tell Wait ham; Locie Mt-s. 71 gth st.. bet. Oak and Finn, UFM'INK Martin guitar, original cost only f JO. Washburn mandolin. fl Uncle Vlrerw. 71 6th SL UL Oak and Pine bo few. flrv and burclar-proof grnulbe Hall Mf Lao toni-btliil safes, low prices, easv terms. Portland afe Co.. hT rrh : JI-JEWELEDrsdj"ustedr 14-fcarml gnld-fllled 2-yar watch; original e-e. oaly gio. I'rv-lo Mvera. 71 rh at COIN co i ic 1 1 on. 01 eumbered property will trod for ubIb AK 3. Oregoclan. IMIORTED music bos. cst f'eO. will sell f..r :. E ". '"n-conlsn. Lu owkf, saltt. god coadiUo Matull. ONE new drop-beadsewlTlg macbiaa warranted 14 ea rs. 3 33 lsi SL tiS. CONCRETE mixer for sa!- David Dow A won. 203 Lumbermsns bldg. FOR SALE- Ml COMPLETE I.OOOINO AND SAWMILL EQUiPMENT. W offer fr srle a complete lorglng and sawmill outnu conalattng of one large road lug engine, with approximately one mils of mln lino and titxeo combination road Pi and yarding cngtnea, each equipped with about 1W feot of main line: all of the engines having neceaaary amount f trip line; alao neceaaary blocks ana nnsmi for this number of machines; cabls on all tnxrhines In excellent shape. On sawmill 41 i U. lanir'lr OOr dST. equipped with heavy power, steam feed, edcr. lire rolls, etc There Is also Included In this outfit nil the pumps and piping necessary fr do Iirerlng water to engines and power ana Ore equipment for the mllL None of this equipment 10 exceed tnreo years old and i obaolutely complete In every detail and Is at work at lbs present time. kM.i Miiinmmt for cash at a very reaaonable pries on account of partira owning same ieing ouappvinsu n-t getting more timber; wo are prepared to deliver this plant on cars at Portland not later than February 1 1011. and can make ct tractive proyoaltlon on same. ZlMMtKMAN-WKLLS-BHOWN CO., Second and Aah bU. DtX.'TOirs office for aale: everything guar anteed In good working onlr; 24-plats tatlc machine. X-ray, high-frequency outnts. motor, rheostat, oxo no generators. galvanlc-Faradlr cabinet, vibrator, thera- twuli latnn nnorm Inr table. offlCO f UT- ulahings. fixtures, etc; fine opportunity for vlertro-therapist: no reasonable oner re fused. ;w Morchsntr Trust nmg. CASH r..glter, Amernan. the register that caused the sznssh in prices; no crank to turn, no electric motor needed; separata total adding counters. Oregon state agent. W. R. Hlgnett. moved to larger store-at IU E.ist Morrison st. Kxcnange ra tionale at bargain prices. Phone j 7rt. B 1478. Owing to a backward season, must sell mv Isrre stock of fins fura at pricos that will make a clean sweep; take advantage; buy genuine furs from tho manufacturer snd get the best at special price, bale ail the week, open evening. A. Reiner. Practical Furrier. V29 11th St. VEN'A TEOI'fcERa Economising men cat buy their trous ers from Jtiamls Dunn and save money; S4.50 to to pants f ir tXM; value up to $4 for f'J.&O; Ins 53o a month rent and svatera or buying does it. noom jio. gonlan Mdg. FOR SALE One kodak, gtizxly bear rug, nn .fiUi hoae rue mounted, full head", never been used: each measures over 10 feet to length; fur In prime condition and now: will sell if taken this week fr 125 each; worth $300. Phono East 34, FOR KALE Cedar fence post and bolts. J. H. bin 1 on. Barton, or. WAEBMTWrELINEOrS. n nrutw. AXn KVKHYTH1NQ. Wanted Men's c a toff clothing and v.am and hievclea: hichest prices paid; we also buy Indies' cloth! nc- Call up the Globe semd-hand atore. fbos Alaua zuav. iV in au IF TOL havs household furniture to selL call up Georgs Baker A Co.. 132 Park sL Both phones. then call Marshall 2S..3 snd get rid of vour bouse'urnlshing goods. feELL your second-hand furniture to the Fd Auction Co- or you'U gel less, phones A 241.1. MSin p-Joi. WANTED To buy second-hand auto cass !n and Inner tubas. Cbas. B. JClton, 409 Ktsrk st. WANTED Movlne-plcturo outfit, gas sutflt. fllra, etc AN oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN wanted Names and addresses of young men who are desirous oZ learning me au tomobile business. Educational Department, AMERICAN MOTOR CAR ACIENCT, m Dearborn at., Chicago. WAVTKI) Flrer-claa solicitor for City have oxeceiirnt opportunity for compe tent, reliable man. Address D 00i, Ore gon inn. EXCEPTIONAL opening for live wire real estate salesman who can devote hla entire time to our proposition; liberal commis sions, exclusive aalea right. Reply giving past experience and rciercncss. aj sou, Oregonian. KAlLUAt mail clerks, post office clerks, letter carriers, custom house and lniernai revenue employes, to prepare for exam lratiuns; free book. FacUio b tales Scaool MrfCar hldg.. city. WANTED Three flrsl-claas meat-cutters; must be steady: good positions ror steady men. Granville Public Market, Boa, 1u37. Vancouver. B. C. Torso man for listing properties, renting and collecting: salary and commission; r-r-erencrs and cash security required. Call room 7. 211 H Morrison at. A HOOK K KEPER, who la a neat penman and can operate a typewriter, uooa sal ary. Reply In own handwriting and slats experience. B tWrt. Oregonian. AM t.o All au:o ow nets ana drivers, bate vour vulia nixing and retreading doas bv Cbas. S. Elton, 4Jj it ark sU Paone A Cd4a. WANTED By a firm of public account ants snd auditors, a capable accountant with exprienf-e: no ot tiers ncd apply Call a t 224 Worcester bl ock. toda y. TOi: are wanted for Government position; sho month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, DepL o2-B, K oe h est cr. X. T. WANTED A. young man bill clerk; must l Kood at flrurrs. writo a good hand and understand Remington typewriter. E. C. " Atkins . Co.. t0 First iL oOLlCITORH wanted to stll our Xlt Hood photo, the best and largest sell .r on 1 he market. Call at 310 McKay bldg. com mcrcUl Photo Co. WANTED A Janitor; must be used lo apart ment work; must be able to take caro of heating plant nnd have some knowledge of plumbing. 42t E. Morrison. NUMBER of young men wanted to learn w ireieas and K. R. telegraphy, easy to learn, positions as soon as qualified. Call or address Te i egrap h Dc p U. 148 0th SL WANTED First-class bookkeeper, exper ienced In corporation vork; must be good man; write, stating experience iuid aaluiy. D UtKJ. Oregonian. EX PER I ENCED ac-wlng Ynachlno salesmen. NO HOO.E OR CIGARETTES. Cash confmtasion and R. U. fare Phone Main 8010. bctwrtn 10-11 today. W AN :TED V ou n g man. lo to 20 years, to learn moving-plcturo business; $0 a month while learning; ltw cash required. oK Couch bldg.. 4th aud Waalu WANTED Sign writer for window show carll: only those that are thoroughly competent and able to do first-class woik 1 wppty tu a nt " j WHY slave for olhcrs? Work for yourself; ;,0 rents starts you earning $25 to 41(A) wreklv. Call room 14. 2ol', Yamhill. ItKAL ESTATE SALESMEN Liberal com mission . flnu prupBltloii. Call bvtwecn 9 and IL u2 Spaidlng bldg. W NTED Freight man. one who Is or has been connected nn rate clerk with i&re transportation co. Inquire ling & 9 jiXpERLENCED markers wanted at tho L. S. J-aundry Co., Grand ave. and East Yaxn- W NTED AT ONCE Three men 10 Icarn to repair and drive automobiles, call after 9 orlt'-k :'.o. E5t Washington st. A YOL'NO roan wishing permanent position can obtain same by Investing some capital mith us. Csll 207-S Mohawk bldg. JOB compositor, turo-thlrder. steudy Job for right msn. Chrlstic-Hoge Co.. 12S Sec ond s t. , R V PA III vour shoes. 107 t51tinn St.. coi ner ,tn. men s half soles OOt; tlist-claas work guaranteed i.iK'AL O K K 1 1 -E International Correaponu ence Schools. 233 AIdr st.. open tia y htnd for tree catalogue. BO OU KE E PI N G Rapid, thorough, private tuition by expert accountant. 5oi Mcr ihants Trust bidg. VKtf learn driving autos and all about them, lo 9uT garace. dy or evening. OSUce 2J a.!i and Main- W ANTED An sdvcrtislnc solicitor, news pier experience, capable of earning SOU ce k. Dai ly Ne es. DELIVERY boy w antral ; wheel not nccrs sarr. Portland Cleaning. Tailoring Co., Si J Jeffersru SOLICITOR!. ew article, good seller, big money. Room L TUe Dormer, izih and .1 r tf e tnrt. Ml- N wanted to sell Christmas bells. L B. Marks. 47 Washington st. WNTKD Mn to sell Xmss wreaths- rood money. Call Q to 1J -V. M., 172 E. 12th. WANTED A first-class m-ii cutter; mar rted man preferred. 2'?7 7th st. B AKHER wanted; steady Job. Wasb Ington st. WANTED leood hotel baker. Address, giv ing referencee. i. O- Box S2L FIRST-CIASit machinist wanted for out of-town, Csll 2-'2 Commercial Club bldg. Tutiio. peicum b : d a. W ANTED Movlng-piclur oeraror; stat atury exp-ctcd. C Ho I. Oregon tan. WANTED st once,. 2 men to learn to drive Snd retair nu'-.a. an 00-.j an SU. X. BARBER wanted; loth nnd Washington. HELP VAXTEP-MAIJt EASY INSIDE WORK. EIG SALARY. The New York Film Co. A Moving Pic ture School will muke a reduction on regular price on lesson In moving-picture operation during this week; fittest snd largest equipped school on the Coast; com petent Instructors who tesch tho business in every detail; competent operators are In demand and earn 425 to weekly; we help to secure position.; Investigate our pian of starting pupils in the moilon pfcture business free of qharg?: motlcn plcturo theaters make from 4 10 to SlOO dally; theaters fully equipped on essy terms. Information and terras gladly gtv en. S2fH Washington sL Ope n evenings. CUAl' FF EVRS! CH AL" FFE L'RS! CHAFFEERS! The demand for competent repairmen and chaffeurs is greater than ever impos sible to supply the demand. We have the largest snd only p met leal day and night automobile- school In the Pacific North west. Wo want sober, reliable men that we can recommend to take our course iu repairing and driving automobiles. This course covers all gasollno engines made, AND IS UNLIMITED. Special eourse for Indira. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL OF OREOON. Office room 2Ht Merchants Trust Bldg. "-; Washington at. phone Ma rshall 2513. WANTED TOt'NO MEN TO LEARN" to operate moving -pictute machines, wages from 41.1 to SX" s week. OL'U OPERAT ING SCHOOL RECOGNIZED ALL OVER 7 HE EAfeT AS TH E STANDARD. We teach each student on Powers. Edi&on and Double btereoptlcon Dissolver macntnes. Tiiero ts no course of Instruction so thor ough on the Pacific Coast. WE ARE THE LARGEST FILM RENTERS IN THE WORLD; we are having DAILY CALI-3 FOR OPERATORS; get one of our stand ard operntors hsnd books. Apply Lacm mle. iO Couch bldg.. Fourth and Wasn- in g ton streets. Portland, Or. MOTIONPICTUREbpERATORS' SCHOOL Visit nil the 'would-be and "so-called" MOTION PICTURE SCHOOL, and then see OUR MODERN. PRACTICAL AND UP-TO-DATE SCHOOL We teach on all STANDARD MOVING-PICTURE MA CHINES and give practical "show ex perience'" with your two weeks tuition; terms very reasonable, payable In Install ments as you leurn ; good operator get from $2.1 to $40 per week. PULSJFEK't THEATRICAL BOOKING EXCHANGE, MARQl'AM BLDG. Open Sundays THE MEIER A FRANK COMPANY TtE QUIRES TUE SERVICES AT ONCE OF SEVERAL FITTERS FOR PICTl HE FRAMING DEPARTMENT. CALL AT 8 O'CLOCK AT SUPERINTENDENT'S OF FICE. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the U. S. Varine Corps, between the ages of IV and S3 Must be native bom or have first papers. Monthly pay Sift to S60. Addi tional compensation possible. Food, cloth ing, quart ore and medical attention free. Afisr 30 years service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances. Service on board ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at U. S. Mirlue Corps Recruiting Office, Breeden . bldg 3rd and washrpgion sts.. pornana. or. MEN WANTED, age 18 to 45. for firemen; $100 monthly; brakemen, '480. on nearby railroads. Experience unnecessary; no strike. Promotion to engineers, conduc ers. Railroad Employing Headquarters over 400 men sent to positions monthly. State age; send stamp. Railway Assocla tion. care Ore gonlan. THE demand for competent drivers and men to fix cars Is so great that we will teach soy sober and trustworthy man In the driving and caro of all makes through practical experience tn our shop; a thor ough and complete knowledge, day or evening. Angeles Auto Academy, office 8-6Vi Washington at., room 415. WANTED Chauffeur for private Yamlly living In the country; will furnish board and room; slate anlury expected and ref erences In first letter. C tioS, Oregonian. $5 REWARD offered for Information as to whereabouts or bianey j. iixrru. uow, Oregonian. CHANCE for salesmen; energetic men will find tins sn exceptional opportunity. Ad dress V 0b7, Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT with experience as senior In public sccountants ornce. Aaaress xuu particulars to Y 000, Oregonian. HELP W A' T ED FEMALE. SOLICITORS wanted to sell our Mz. Hood photos, the best and largest seller on tne market. Call al olO McKay bidg. com mercial Photo Co. YOUNG ladles wanted lo learn telegraphy. easy to learn, good positions as soon aa qualified. Call or address Telegraph Depu. Ha olh cL f WANTED Competent woman or girl for genera! housework; good wags. goou dome and steady employment. 1U27 Cleveland ave.. Piedmont. WA NT ED Girl for general housework; Swedish or German preferred. Apply mornings, 6S1 Thompson, cor. E. 10. (Irv- I n gton. WANTED Refined lady to take care of baby and help with housework : pleasant home for the right party. Seward Hotel, room sod. GIRI-ti r women to pack candy one to flvo pound", fancy hoxes; must r ex perienced. Call after 11 A. M. Swctland'a, 2! Morrton. BY wholesale house, a capable, reliable woman who is willing to learn ine busi ness, C 610. Oregonian. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages, o u im aukui GU0. . MAKERS, apprentices and operators for rramo department. Appiy Aowensart . Company, 11 7th st. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. xamuy or two. ua ocaujier bl. uiuudj car. WANTED Kenned, cpabt, woman for ipcns.ble position. Vlavl Co.. 60& Rstj child Hilr.. 4th and Washington. WANTED Practical nurse or companion ror convalescent ; good place for the right partv. Address D ."!KI. Oregonian. WANTED A good manicurist. Apply at ;; d st.. Tuesday mornin g- HANSEN' S LADIES' AGENCY. SlSlfc Washington sc. cor. "tn, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. S20, Washington at., room U14. 'Main HSliQ or A 3200. COMPETENT woman for housework; must be icood cook. i.aji m eu ciia. at.., uvut Washington. j WANTED Maid for general housework; must be gucKl cook, ovo ciuutt ave, Auia a Additlon. STRONG German or Swedish woman to as sist on ranch; $0 and keep. Address L O. Co., LA -ayetie, jr. LADY solicitors wanted; nothing to sell. Call lor V a 1 son. ruvra iui iwci. aj. 13th and Jefferson. W A NT ED Skirt and coat hands, ladles' department. It, Al. Gray. 273-275 Morri- ton. NTED Neat, experienced, short-order v-aitress. Apply Woman's Exchange. 1S6 1 11 th su V NTED A young girl or middle-aged woman to asairt with housework. ."rd st Ml DlLE-AGED worran to care ror invalid mil bany. rnone t.?t MAID for general houaewjtrk. Two in fam ily. rf 'Jr.K lax r"- ' 1 ' " WAITREFS WANTED; 143 FIRST STREET. NEAR AIUhK. : ; EX PERI ENEI help and apprentice 'anted: dres.maklng. parlors 12th St. UPSTAIRS girl to assist with care of child. 74 r.viTMi. 1' A NT I CSood pi 'h cook for general ..rk. 7S l-st Purn.sldc. Ea.t 2i2H. 'ANT E D A altrcss t aural t. Union Depot Res- WANTED Girl for general bouseworK. ad py 3IA Uth st. WANTED Girl for general housework, fam ily of two; goodwages.W7 Northrup st. GIRL wanted for housework; small family. I'hone ovv w u iw t ANTEo 4Sirlfor second work; family f Apply i?l a. WANTED At Sisters' Hospital In ChtcOv CaL. pupus io ciutf . . 1 ""''"j- WANTED Experienced waitress. Alexandra i ourt. .0' room pui. GIRL wanted for shooting callery. Cor. eth and towen. PRIVATE school. SHORTHAND and TYPE WRITING; ' mo. 14th; Main 33. WOMAN for g-eneral house worW; fgood wmjs; c o n 1 pe t eni pari y. rov-u e LADIES employ mr.t agency. 352 S Waao upstairs, room ainrinun .inn. v w G'RL lor general housework. biti John son st. WAITRESS wanted. 7 Alder sU HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Toung ladles for telephone op erating, with or without experience. Ap ply Paclnc Telephone it Telegraph Cc in and East Ana en y sia v GIRLS WANTED. APPLT STANDARD FACTORT ?0. Grand ave. and East Taylor sts. WANTED AT ONCE Salesladies for fancy -r..H Bna mYrt nn hits, h no wrilDDers ana es f 1 1 girl risun sis. Roberts Bros., Ud and M or WANTED A nurse for children. 1120 Thur- man st.. Willamette Heights. HELP WANTED MALE OF FEMALE IU.000 POSITIONS tor graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade la 8 weeks, help to secuie promotion; gradu ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly: expert Instructors; tools free; write for cata logues alohler System of Colleges. $4 North 4th -ic. Portland, or. XfAKR ninnev writing stories or for newspa pers; big pay: send for free booklet; tells nOW. Tjniieu rrens Ojnu., utm muvi.vv. FiaH 1EACHEKS' ASSOCIATION. 611 Bwet- Jand bidg. SITTJATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. TEMPORARY BOOKKEEPING- WORK WANTKD bv high-Class DOOKKeeper. Charges by Job or time taken; errors straightened out, new systems, business statements and trial balances. Save on salaries. Call Powell. Main 27ti. AtKS. Ti'irr.T. .ilnnatad vmtnir m ;i n elean charac ter. earnest worker, desires-position with view to learning the business; small sal- ary to start. A QUI, oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, all-around office man, ex perienced In different lines, competent salesman ; reierenc.es iumibueu. ow, Oreganian. MlMellsmcous. HOTEL PROPRIETORS Hotelman and wifo want management good hotel in city or country; would taao assistant, man agement city. Write for particulars and references; tuey are tne uesu. wo, wro gonlan. WANTED Position as night watchman by a man 42 years of age who Is ober and Industrious; can give references; wagea reasonable. Henry RIddy, care 310 Lum- bemens biag-.furuana. ur. HONEST Japanese boy wants position at housework ; wants no wages, provided short time to study is given. K. Shiba- sakl, 92 N'. Vifth St., Portland. sicrTEfiS"KTTi- salesman wishes to change lines; can show clean record and tine personality; only legitimate lines con sidered. P oua. uregonmu. AUTO OWNERS. Experienced man wants private cars to pollen, was a ana ep iu icjiau. v wi( Oregonian. YOUNG man with good education wishes position as assistant on ice man or vui lector. C CU3, Oregonian. YOUNG foreigner wants to work with very mul tune.-, in nrivate nouse or resiuu- rant. Answer, 275 Burnside st. J.-Pappas. L-lffHtfTIAUT n-antAI at DllVt lllnfF hV lflflUS- trious. reliable German. A 002. Orego nian. Japanese Employment Co. will furnish all heln. Main 4659. A 4073. 268 Everett St. CARPENTER Can do most any kind of WOIX B wicfeuinou. LAND TO CLEAR wanted, 5 or 6 acres Htate particulars. D 0O7, Oregonian. JAPANESE; good cook, wants place as . . t -1 1 & o!i:l sen 001 poy. iviaui. , M v"- AN experienced grocery clerk wants position; good reference n vi-o, g,...... EXPERIENCED painter, paperhanger, wants WorJc Iiom ownejaieci wu"wu GOOD, experienced Japanese wants to do cooking and housework. S 600. Oregonian. 61 TC ATI ON WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. WANTED Position by inexperienced sten ographer; salary no" object. AH 615, Ore- gonian. TYPIST wishes copy work; would call for. Kast osou. Pre makers. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants engage ments by day or week; does alterations; PL.AIN and fancy dressmaking, tailored and evening gowns, alterations made. 275 7th cor. jiutio"". DRESSMAKER Competent. wants few more engagements by day. Phone East oiao. N POSITION wanted as children's nurse and assist with sewing in Christian Science family. A 539. Oregonian. THO ROUG H L Y experienced nurse for in fant or small children. Phone Tabor 1203. POSITION wanted by a good, experienced nurse. B 3037. References. Housekeepers. REFINED woman wishes position as house keeper, elderly couple, widower, bachelor, Invalid or semi-invalid. A 600. Orego- nlan. . Domestics. TWO Swedish girls want positions as cook and second girl. Call at Hotel Midland, 0th and Stark jSts., betweenl and 5 P.M. EXPERIENCED girl wants housework In small family or adults: wages $25 per month. Phone Sell wood C1". MlM-ellaneous- WA NT ED Position of all-round cook In small hotel or boarding-house, C 60S. OrcgMiiian. GOOD cook wishes good wages In family or hotel; please leave phone number. B OUS, Oregonian. COMPETENT woman wants work by day or hour. Main 6427. room 31. WOMAN wants work by day; I hone Main 716. A COLORED girl wishes dish washing or chamber work. Main S0S- MOTHER and son. aged 18, want work on . ranch. Phone Main 8135. 104 17th st, K. DAY work wanted; first-class laundress or house-cleaning. Phone 2746. WORK by day or hour, by colored woman. M 609, Oregonian. FIRST-CLAPS laundress wishes work Tues day and Thurs; references. Wood! awn 1611. LAD Y w an tsd a yw o r k. Call up East 859. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS WANTED. If you are a hustler write us regarding the San Diego Kerosene Mantle Lamp, it In the most economical lamp on the market- H sells Itself. Exclusive territory and good commissions. Lea. Hartley & Co.. Inc.. l'Uo'x First ave., Seattle, Wash. ACTIVE canvassers can make $50 weekly selling treea for tho Oregon Nursery Com pany. Liberal proposition; good territory. Address Qrenco, Or. SA IESM EN Ten experienced that under stand mines and mine stocks; good prop osition. 525 Henry bldg. WANTED TO RENT. Ws furnish tne renter, collect tho rent, vir taxes, insurance and keep up repairs, the same for you as though the property was our own: references, any. bank is Portland. . THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 245 Vi Stark St. Phones A 3500. Main 3L Mouses. 1 WANT to rent a nicely furnished 5 or 6 roora bungalow at once: Irving ton, Port land or Willamette Heights; must have fireplace and furnace. F. J. KOSEOBERG. 520 Iumberroens Bldg. WE want you to list your houses for . rent with us. Wo have many calls, houses for rent. ,T. H. TIPTON CO., 1108-10 Spalding Bldg. Rooms. WANTED One or two furnished housekeep ing rooms, modern, near Holladay School reasonable. AN 622, Oregonian. LADY, employed, desires light furnished or unfurnished room ; ft earn heat or apart nieut or nau West Side, B 006. Oregonian. YOUNG man requires eomfortahle room; Katit Side clo5 to Morrison and H car. Apply B 604, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. BuMnes Places. TO RENT, in fine location, space for corset Jere' or dealer In ladles' novelties. Occu pied by an exclusive business at present time, E 60S. 'Oregonian. FOR RENT. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. "MILNER BLDG.. 300fc MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL REASONABLE. FOR RENT. Furniaued Rooms. HOTEL ALDER. Permanent and Transient. We are devoting several ot our choicest rooms to permanent gmsts for the Win ter; will make special low rates by the week or month; transient guests given the best of service and shown every courtesy; located in center of shopping district, con venient for out-of-town people; rates by the week. 4TH AND ALDER. HOTEL SAVON. ' 120 Eleventh SU New, modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and comfortable. Rates very reasonable, call and see us. Regular and transient trade solicited. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. OPPOSITE PORTLAND HOTEL. 330 YAM HILL FIRST-CLASS FURNISHED ROOMS, SINGLE OR EN SUITE; MOD ERN: TRANSIENTS SOLICITED. M. 3L A 7177. 5 WEEK UP. PORTLAND ROOMING BUREAU. Rooms. liats, apartments, furnished and unfurnished; table boarding, all parts of the city; we save you money, time and trouble. Let us locate you. 614 Buchanan bldg. Marshall 21Si. GRAND UNION HOTEL is7 East Burnside St. Modern steam-neated rooms, hot and cold running water: 2.50 to $7 per week; one 2 -room housekeeping suite, (6 a week. Phone East 5040, B 1275. 'XiiE SARGENT HOTEL cor. Orand and Hawthorne aves. Beautifully furnished suite or single rooms, hot and cold water, private phone In every room; first-class grill in counection; transients solicited. TRY tne Hotel Maxim's If you want nicely furnished rooms ; close in, al I modern, steam-heated,-with private phone and bath in each room; 3.50 per week. 151 Seventh st..' between Alderand MorrIsoii8ls. HOTEL BUSH Al ARK, Washington and 17th, first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern conveniences: 3 weekly u p.A2 647. M ain5 64 7. CLARNO Hotfil, 243 & Holladay, one block east of Steel bridge; modern, 60c up; weekly rates, walking distance. Phone E 450. . HOTEL AN SON 1 A. 124 14th et cor. Wash. Furnished and unfurnished rooms; pri vate baths, free phones in all rooms. ROOMS weli furnished. STEAM HEAT, - HOT and COLD water; everything neat and clean; excellent beds; $3 to $4 a week. S41 Harrison Et., corner 7th. LARGE, light and nicely furnished rooms, s2 to $3 a week; transients. b7H Rus sell st. , HOTEL IRVING. Steam heat, hot and cold water; rates $1 day up; $5 week up. 312 Oak st. THE TEMPLE. 343 Yamhill St.; opposite Hotel Portland; turnished rooms, rents $2.50 and up; transient. - THE BELLEVUE. 661 $4 1st St., new house and new fur niture ;jteamjeajl5jejr up. FURNISHED rooms, steam heatedrunnlng water, $15 to $18 per month, Davenport Apartments. 505 Jefferson st. Main 5455. LARRABEE Hotel, TXtVi Larrabee St., walk ing distance; large, modern rooms, suitable for Z : a ISO Single roouia , 1 euiia.wic. THE BEAVER, 12th and Mai shall sts., well furnished sleeping rooms, 2.5u per week; electric lights, hot baths free. . MODERN outside rooms, 3 10 o per week. Including baths; also housekeeping rooms. 648 H Washington sU DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. MILNER BLDG.." 350 MORRISON ST. MODER N. CENT RAL REASONABLE. 2S8 10TH, near Jefferson Newly furnished large front room, also single room; run ning water: steam heat; central location. THE HOLLY HOTEL, 105 12th New and modem in every way; elegantly furnished; rato reasonable; transients solicited. - NICELY furnished rooms to rent; 10 min , utes walk from Postoffice. 434 7Ui st Fnlshed Rooms In Private Family. FURNISHED flat, 3 rooms and bath; no children. Call Sunday or evenings after 6 o'clock. 400 4th st. Zhhb GRAND AVE. NORTH, newly furnished .. t CA anrl nop woalr- nan at m't- tlnsr-room : Bras. bath. Phone East 2112. NICELY furnished front room, modern con veniences, ceniraiiy ivgnicu, juybid pai vj. 404 Clay aL FURNISHED room. heat, electric lights adjoining bath, wanting distance, jnaiu FURNISHED room, suitable 'or gentleman; within walking distance. Main SOUL 5S6 Wovt st. NICELY furnished rooms furnace heat, suit- aoie ior iwo, vm u, uuu. . w Phone Marshall 2802. ' FURNISHED rooms, free phone and bath, $1.00 to 5.00 per week. 2 North 14th, Marshall 2oMi. DESIRABLE place to room; clean house; 33.50 to 9i to per wees., gcuutmcu yio ferred. 305 12th st. NICELY furnished front room, suitable -for two young men; $10 per month. Ap ply 570 4th st. ONE small, nicely furnished room; bath. pnone. -u inn ei. "NICE front room, $10 month, 327 West Park. NEWLY furnished rooms, steam heated, hot and cold water, nrepiaces. on r laauera, NEWLY furnished; can accommodate one two or three ladies. 569 Flanders st. $10 MONTH Pleasant sunny room, every- tning convemcut. a FURNISHED room with modern conven- I .. c 00 u. iftth xt- TCnrth. ' Unfurnished Rooms. DESIRABLE UNFURNISHED ROOMS MILNER BLDG., 350 MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. Rooms With Board. PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year; it. v -. T-rl iikA of p wine-room. 11- braiy. 610 Flanders. Miss Frances N. Heath, supt. NICELY furnished room, facing park, for . . a . lahl. Knar,l 'tTi Pork Rooms With Board in private Family. ON WEST SIDE, eaify walking; distance. room is elegant ly iurnisnea anu targe enough for two young men or couple -without children; home comforts, phoiie Marshall 1010. . TOUNG man of good habits desires room mate in renneu nvme. first-class and reasonable, A 607, Orego nian. LARGEr warm room, adjoining bath, suit- l 1 . ... kvBalrfact If Hfslreri ririvate. quiet, reasonable. Phone A 4370. . 751 XkBCUUW --- 333 MONTGOMERY St.; one large double - room: also several other nice large rooms. suitaoie iui i i " SPLENDID parlor suite, also other room; nr naiirhhArhnni: nhoicfi hoard, con genial home, 761 Marshall. Phone A 4!C0. , BOARD and room for two or three; good home place; panur, uiuuo. ui Tamhiii. 432 3D ST., flat O., Clean, wen-i ui iiisutu front rooms, suuauiv w - - uvu. cooking. , LARGE, light, well-furnished room, suitable for tWO; gOOQ UOttlu, 1 vaBUiuwia pioyea peupie. . BOARD and room in private family, Ger man geniieinaiJ i"' 4S0S, 703 Multnomah aL LARGE, well furnished room. with break fast ana aumei. x - ROOM and board., two wasniiigion su, t per nook. kf.WLY" furnirshed rooms, with board, rea sonable. 505 E. Oak. B 2610. ROOM and board for lady or gentleman. 204 N. 22d St.. A 723Q. FURNISHED rooma with board. 015 Mor rison 81. inuiio vv Apart mems. FOR RENT 3-room turnisned apartment on tne II rofc 1 iuvi ui iiiu itia'jio'ju ra.ru. A pa. -House. Inquire of manager. Main 6556. " KEELER Apartments, 14th and Clay sts.-. new brick building, steam beat, electric - elevator. Janitor service, etc.; one of our finest suites now vacant. FIVE-ROOM, eteam-lieatcd fiat: fireplace, gas range, rei ri geraiur ana puicu, joo r. 15th st.. near Yamhill. THE LEONCE Newly furnished 3-room apartment ; private pnune, uiuucm cou venfences. ISO 22d st- N; SPLENDIDLY furnished 3-room modern apts.; private oain. pnune, janiior. i-'io Belmont. Tabor car. Tabor 17tiS, B lO'Ji. BOZANTA Newly furnished 3 and 4-room aptS.; private pnoiiea n euiL-uy muu- ern;'23d, near Johnson st. TWO or three large airy rooms beautifully luxnia nea, 00 a. aivu. FOR RENT. Apartsaents. THE EVERETT, 644 Everett St. Just opened and furnished complete tor housekeeping. 3 -room suites with reception hall, sleeping porch and veranda. Pacifia phone In each apartment, every room out bide and surrounded by beautiful homes. electrV elevator and the best furnished apartment-house In the city. If you want something extra nice, come to the Everett. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. 4 blocks south from Morrison st.; new brick building, fcoinpletely first-class; fur nished in 2, 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone. Jan itor service: rent very reasonable. " OKDEHLEIGH APARTMENTS Cor. Grand avo. and E. Stark St. New fireproof brick building beautifully furnished. Two and three-room apart ments; private bath, bot and cold water, steam heat. Phone East GoO. LILLIAN APTS.. COIL 6TH AND MONTGOMERY. New. modern, elegantly furnished 3 room apartments, light outside kitchens, private telephones. Phone Marshall i;7l. NEW and beautifully furnished apartment of three rooms; ideal location, at 1S7 Green street. Just one block west of Ford and two blocks south of Washington street. Call at apartments or phone East 2701. ANGELA Apartments. 37 Trinity Place, be tween 10th aad 2utn. off Washington: one 2 -room apartment, elegantly furnished; elevator and phones. THE STANLEY APT., cor. Washington aad King. 3 and 4-room apts.. furnished and unfurnished, all modern conveniences; reasonable rentL FINE furnished apartments in new brick. - building; steam heat, disappearing beds, private phone, private bath, etc oS3 "Wil liams ave. Take "U" car. ONEONTA. 187 17th, near Yamhill. Furnished apartments, steam-heated. Ftats. FOR RENT New. modern 5-room upper Hat, largo front porch, urcplace and Dutch, kitchen; easy walking distance, within three blocks of tho best car service in town. 3S61- East 1st N.f between Schuy ler and Hancock. Inquiru at 320 Weidlcr or phoue C 2703. FIRST-CLASS 5-room and finished garret Hat; fireplace, range, gas plate and fur- nice. 18: h and East Aider. Inquire at flat A. Phone East 3113- m NEWLY furnished 5-room ilat, strictly mod ern, walking distance, on 7th st-. una neighborhood, call 420 aweuauu iuM Main i770. MODERN 5-room upper flat; large screened porch; furnace and fireplace; East Salmon St.. near 23d. Phone Sell wood 453. MODERN 5-room flat, all conveniences, oi carllne, lo minutes from business center. Inquire at 488 E. 12th st.. orA 53 S3. t A FLAT of 5 nicely furnished rooms sll conveniences, including piano; on car line 4tla 6th st., cor. Jackson. FOR RENT Five-room upper flat. and water furnished, corner East l&ta. and Main. Inquire 626 East Main. 6-ROOM modern flat,, good condition; fire place. 688 Northrup at. COSY 5-room furnished flat, including; piano. Call 202 N. 16th. A 3437. MODERN 5-roora flats, steam heat. waterr 3 , ... Pniarnl r.K7 TC. Main UUU gttj w " '-J" -"- NOB HILL Modern, unfurnished upper 6- room 1 1 a. l , a uuiis .. . - -- 6-ROOM modern flat, 213 "A Cherry st- rnone sr. it-. FOR RENT Nice 7-room flat. Nob Hill. Key. at 776 Johnson St.. bet. 25d and 24th. 514 .-.-room furnished flat at 36T 7th aL Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER, 32th and Marshall Fur nished for housekeeping, gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry all free- $15 per month up; a clean placei best In the city for money: short distance) from Union DepoL Take "S" car, f or 16ta st. cars north, get off at Marshall sL.No flogs. ' WELL furnished 4-room lower flat, $17.50) month. 2 housekeeping rooms, $10 month. Apply 364 North 6ih. "W" car from depot, 5th or Morrison to 26th, block north. -. Two unfurnished housekeeping rooms, nica and light, newlv painted, decorated, etc.; can be had very reasonable; don't fail to look these up. Stephenson Court. Main 5110- 515 Mill st. SI 50 TO $2.50 WEEK; clean. furnished housekeeping rooms, free laundry, batn. phone, clean linen, heau 406 Vancouver ave.. and 203 Stanton: take U car. FINE DOWNTOWN HOME. MILNER BLDG.. oSO'A MORRISON ST. MODERN, CENTRAL. REASONABLE. BEDROOM, sitting-room with an adjoining; kitchen. 574 E. Ankeny. Apply side uoor on liinsu FURNISHED rooms, single and housekeep ing apartments at reasonable rent. 10S 208 17th st. Phone Main 723. m 2 CONNECTING housekeeping rooms; walk- in distance. 3Q8 Mm st- HOUSEKEEPING rooms In new concrete bide- Phone Woodlawn 2007 or 23.9. 461 EAST MORRISON, cor. 8th.. completely furnisld housekeeping rooma and suites, Honekeeplng Rooms In Prleato Family. LARGE, light and desirable rooms in prU vate dwelling; nice grounds, reasonable; walking distance. Nob Hill district. 6-S Flanders. . TWO-ROOM furnished housekeeping suit with private bath, gas and phone; $18 per month; easy walking distance. 410 Hall. he t w cen 10th and 11th. BEAUTIFUL and newly furnished house keeping room with gas, bath, phone ana laundry. 271 McMillen st 6 blocks from , Steel bridge FRONT-suite, furnished for housekeeping; running water, $13 month; no children. 512 Ms Williams ave.. near Russell. 0"C7 EVERETT; 2 clean choerlul front rooms furnished; ground floor. gas, electric, plenty of hot water, walking distance, "HOUSEKEEPING rooms, modern; sewing: Vnachine. reasonable. .776 East Taylor. Phone East 5083. m HOUSEKEEPING room, all conveniences ; also parlor sleeping room tp accommo- qaie , 1 a" 14TH. Light alcove housekeeping "rooms, free light, bath, phone, walking distance. TWObeautlful rooms, large, airy, well fur nished, good location, both phones. Bo Morrison. , . , two clean, furnished housekeeping rooms; gas, bathJ$15 month. 602 Front. TWO-nice rooms; heat, light, phone and bath. 3707t NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, 104 .ast 18th at. - TWrO housekeeptng-rooms, gas, olectria light, bath. Phone East 350ih NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, fres phone, bath. 242 Montgomery. foCELY furnished lower floor, modern rooms. 705 E. Salmon. East 6366. SUITE "of "three large furnished rooms, two beds, furnace heat. 301 7tli at. 3o4 SALMON Two very desirable rooms. furnished for housekeeping: no children. NICE housekeeping rooma, close in. 271 7t st.. near Jefferson. Mouses. THE GREATER MEIER A FRANK STOKfl RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. Home-hunters, visit our up-to-dats rental and information departmenL 4th floor, main building, and aee the va cancies we have listed of desirable nouses and flats. You'U save time In getting properly an comfortably located. We keep in touca with all vacant houses, flats and apart ments in the city. We also keep a list ol new buildings in course of construction. ' WE CAN FURNISH YOUR HOME At a great saving. Get our prices. Lookers shown every courtesy. M. OSTROW & CO.. 64-66 North 8d SL Reasonable prices. - Easy terms. HOUSES and fiats for rent, soma furnished, MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY, S. W. Cor. 6thand WaahingtonSta. MODERN-6-room house, good location, on carline, large lot for rent to responsible tenant. $25. No. 125 E. 28th N.. corner E. Glisan; inquire owner, 806 E. Yamhill; phone B 2-30. FOR RENT If you want neat. new. aix rcom house with all modern improvements', fine neighborhood, close in, take a look at o0 E. 22d St., North. Key next door. WILL rent to the right party without chil dren a beautiful new bungalow, near car, with fine view, $25 per month; referencea re q u I red. W. H. Ross. M ai n 1902. $16 MODERN, 6-roora collage, walking dis tance, gas, bath, basement, etc. 430 Ross st. Inquire SOU Stark. East 4866. $25 Newly decorated 7-room house, 2 car lines, E. Salmon at,, near 20th. R, L.Ray. 440 3i st. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house, walking distance. nic lawn. Apply 172 East 15th st. S. Tel. East 4195. NEARLY" new 6-room modern' house, ready for tenant. 2.10 Halsey; rent $50.. J-KOUM house, close In, on East Side, fur nace, East 4240. FOR RENT New four-room cottage. 6S4 Sandy road, corner E. 10th. Phone E. 25oL furnished House. $32.50 NICELY furnished 4-room"flat. walk ing distance, good neighborhood. 444 K0d ney ave.. ear Tillamook. East 4S66.