THE MORNING OREGONIAN, gTTJRD.VVi - DECEMBER HQ, 191.0, 7 DR. CDE SUES FOR ALLEGED 01 AGE! Sum of $1400,009 Bfiriajidsd From Moody, Furnish and Lr-r'33l'PJl Companies. ! BASE TRICKERY CHARGED"! 1 Itlgatlon lDTolri leelup-uicnl jid I hale of Acreage, Value of Which, Plaintiff fcajs. He In creased Knorrnouslj. Ore, tcl'iipr luux tuilxc4 Xtoiiaaud dr-llars ! trie ar-mint sked in tliree jits f!Td Tn "TTrcTTTt "TT urt yester day by Dr. Henrv a'Jo le. mtlrl director Vr lr" Crystal Sortrgjf Sanl-' lirliim. from' his "fjrmlr associates". W. J. Fuml7!.-cr P-T-na!.'T."n)rr."X"Jr.dy. c-f Spokane. Charges of confirm w wreck h"m 'financially' and damage to bis rf putatlon arc made and less Ald-t? have teen entailed Ip the abrogation" Of a con tract Involving many triaunaBda 0 acres of land at SMr.fielJ. I'nlattl! County Ts aNo nith 1 Ijtii of action. Within the C pa- of typewritten rorn plaiot la a' story of tbe alleged roii doing by J.'H. Raltr. an attorney at I'enf etwn. 'who. Vr. foe alieges." played a sort of shuttlecock am to the final fSIscumfltute 'el ' IT. Cue's Interests by representing the. two faction Involved In ti eutl. There are also allegatlona of conlrecy to deetrvy duceits. wreok dams uj eieut .'e u lands to sxos j?vtlv purchasers.' The tw6 Irrigation j rejects weTe-"known as the Inland Irrl jitiim and the Kufuiab U.tca' cuaianUe. Selling Contract Made. Dr. Cp rji'tti jbat he nj Furnish ''e c- li'jSiSlc iCiiuf l4 " to tiJ great Mtultnce In these relation, wi.ich mjrjta ia lo ecxsx iatq a ceo-trac-t wt'.i furnhh. February :S. 19' 9. to band'e"tbe lar.Jj ol the' teie Irrigation companies on4 hy f'cratsb for .which he w"T "re'eTve a "commission of 'IS jer eerj cjj Ijhe jjly. t'vXiU'lJ ' 5 " o iSe advertlsinc and conduct the gen eral pciiftwe aaency of tEe companies'. " Dr.' Coo declares that after alsntng the cyr.ttart be foupj IK! con-S'VJf '! v4 hare, tangled and dleorgau! jed. Fur r.isb. he aaya. had been unji.fiiuj lq bla attempt to dispose of the lanU. Tba project at that time waa gx"cjtv djMcl and the property apparently had TO market value. X) prprJirtan J-id $CC3 nado fr the const rue ilou of dame or Tor reservoirs. Ir. Co atS; lUf . tcm of dtt'-hea was defective and Ir.atSe tl'iata. IS "U't J h WCtiacl ar.d July ll'. fir. .lf de-lares ha tvid tH.000 worts "of land 00 w'fcluh :TJ.(i waa paid In caib aa pit pay nvt upon the purchase: Jpfltfoof t3e contract. To 'iuaJta good math lb Inteodlog aettlera. reeervolr tUtchea'wera con structed, dltchea were rrbullfand In tonaeyuenft" thV prlf of 'land had ad vanced "Real 1i0 lo '1 vl 'ac3 Iroia" iol t S0-'arT" a'.Te." TTie property ia wld'lv advertised and aa a result f waa accumulated on deposit in trie Hlbernla .avinaa Bank aa a guar anty for the payment of tha bnm1!rbf the companies, amounting to IJlS.OiO. Thre were other debts. ronalaUsg at ;'K for expenses, fJO.noo due the plalnttfX oix 6f tbe con jlructlop fund J 3d fZLrfiD for corn missions. Thore are ! acres of land Irrigable." FO of non-lrrlsaMe. and ats worth 1 1.000.- JO. Iircrmrlng TrtioTi"i'or ttitt "pdrcbale of Iaa4a worth IlKi.. ' -' Conspiracy Is Charged. Or. Toe (ays In his conijlainl (lijt when lt"be;3rire "aprafert thai he was going to make ro"J. l-'urnlsh bea-an consptrln .tddefvat" him '" anU' deprive Mm of tha profitj which mlunt accrue. To aid aim tn'this conspirnry. the cum plain t-i Sj Kurnlsh eolijij the mp rort of J. it. Ifjtty.' ah "attorpey t Indll-n. who acted as- attorney for thp consBaplsJ. It la ircs.l. Jjj- wb.Qin r. Ch ftad praced copflduce and whom h bad aip)ojrfi' M rereM b!m In , me f U traDsactioos."nOl knunlng theji Ihot I:a),-y was "10 the prsonat employ "of FTirmsh.' "In' tk tberance of this acherow, Xe'says. fur nish rffi I the uteres gpi ahoaved 1 1 1 r m T i r .-c 1 m e ' Jf fee 1 1 v e and dry and thus dlscourejrjd IntcrsJlng settlers. As TSJ7T'X5"t i.0je:t'a tb name of b?- - a n cj SvIUyg icjjume and of net b&r- a "ketia ei-tr ri,terrf"e " """ ci.'sitlt-s. J.siji. it Is aasurttd. epast ri.'fi'bif ncy f:i fVv?1 of tbe terms of tk;' co-. fci.-J tuny lbvuaads leas Ihj r'c'oj iiJ erj as cumsuaaioss u;"rrr'H c' T7e awsVrr;itj: caoie to Dr. Coe. be ? I'-'ptcn f lr,f'tn)d In a lrgaJie w-rTtcn""(rtK-uTiiVnt elKned by Kurplsb and Ua!(y tbat an icyunting most be wiiiiTt! 00c" It hs 0ttJ July i 1T0." Trcj!" t Jiilv Ul- kag h'lTJ a Cert u"T"ur. jrstaoJius wltU t"ur itb ! t:ij -K'ani'iinta of oi'iitr aa )r IshiS. out of jbj luiic' ald Ca ontracts "ny" lo tTnt ivUlu fr the Jmprovementa o?thfl Iroprrtv. b-Tlevlng tkt trje if jer cCIt"as O"! 'f ft.""-rt ta rasel lae rejntremnt "At fortify1 1:n:fv. Ir t'e aesertv. told him that 'vl il:Ll 'r )traJind:c" waa Jamlul aud u?t ret-.TvUi the notice for an arruU('' Ju.u ("d'fo the" other si te of the I'gal (jiiiailon and declared tat the verbal contract was xiot legal, , if' wat'a'nl avers, al-.erere.-'per-s-jjtd be"ka4e. be aniened Into an fl'.rr rKIUWt. But advastagsous to riV.. In jVJej'f " ! t f. .5 cnot-iitii I- Moo ly. yf JtSi.jpe. .it Y;11-r'r;'.' of he n. uuatiy or bera-ne a puPT't 11 ti; f vhls f Kurnlsh. bUC teere-If- Furnljp fjr ug ua selfish purposes. -' lefaniatjoo Alq .Mlc;r- -;-ortJy ij'cr Mi'Wy a( elected H .' : J l t. It. i'v gajs. be left XI: f-'L- ii-Zf Jo'Jeifn g rest, and b' l d nr T. j s f Ut (eo4 iialot Myody. tiuj-.r Jt'urr.i,ii"g tCivtlvn. be v-uy b:i,-.s. lur;d a fi3uB ef ta:..-t:.ori i-4 niif vf nJ-vnsiJiict. t.' Uf'S! i Ur- Cy 8X U..Jf ;bi. nlj aj a dca!t- erft.J Awj e.-::c..e.4 ij tviliafJ: t'.l t was" bJif-kt, 1 1 Xjj LJ ateglfstd" Tblj "i' J J i.a . eV Ij ui: tfv. i i.. 1. !.Tl ti-.a C: 1 :'r-"b:'a tes-J V-rifV Ei KiifCJ; :ie ."-.T..4 . 1 . J.i, -.r. 4 n: ney"wl( i.;t t. c kr.owicdae cr j tMuritr of t'e msfiiil i had mis- aoorornatr 1 t; e- "u;ls t hie own v. and' thaf h ta 3 - defrauded the lurchssers of te 1J. leav Its, I'jrtlaaJ. ir "i; f det'.ar.a. he HiiT ip":i""urc.h. n" iloojv told them of 'V.t tvi::i a of Jc'n tior.s f. ft".f;:TT." cTc;ra taT Jrt loTj tsui 1 la lit-i sgjj 'l-": tciTtns' get" kiliT levlir.BT.' bftfffrn La iM they wrat le the bank and clt c..ii;4 st..-ie a:.icb leaded o lr ii I'l kiCl a'-J P:e-', 4S e la'.se '.!s:t bi.'ote tbe ' public and tbe people wKb hviu be waa'dolag hi;l-n-s. AUar .i ' tie 4xMBiea ad Vj.kIj t.fcjJli4 the eviotrecta and have rei33Jt?' alltfw giro to -carry lien out rrjcluslun. Le aa)a. dJ.'tfi so ifl' u cfw.'T t de- fraud of him of the dues from his work a t IteJU loi lie "Eyrjiiii tas- erties. ' Dr. Coa asks S3?9.000 from Furnish and Moody as actual and 1300.000 punl damages, and from tb lio com tWMes TTre TnTarrfl 'Irrigation and the rSrTTrfsh"-fMterf--u.00 actual dam ages, making a total of Tl.t00.00. 5LJJ AITiChS f&SSV.XXTlQS : Lcgalilf SlJsaJi-MoiuU Zloa tiec- tloo Is Questioned. - . 1 j O. F. C'ookJ. representlnt; himself and i oxbir resi Jajiia" of Sltan aud Mount Zlon. filed in the circuit Court yesterday"a auif agalnsTthe ciry. Mayor Simon and City Auditor garhur. .asking t! at gn Injunction be Issued preventing them and tr.e City Council rom annej 1 n g t o Tort M ' r rf" n'f" Sylvan P?ecTWL-t "SiT TTR "arrd-rnnmt Zlfrrr-rTectnci "vu. - The ground lor this Is the aUega tron tfcat 'the1 general election as re gards t"be annexation of this section was' "DotrrffP'rTy'c'o'tfaulteJ." It Is aJlfKeX- Or."" ttt lie pe-JLUon to place the qfiestron on the ballot was CoringTleTiT"T3peT Fet'oTTrTe'quirr1 -SU'-KP. WBHK AND PHY IS SI BJECT OP APDBKSS IT I. e. f. f t l -v - r " t . -J - Dr. W. T. Wllllas T W T" n-nit,n.,.in.-!M rfrtllV- er an address "at t o'cloc k to- J Portland Toung Men's Christian A s o cl a 1 1 o n Dn' the suoji't. "i-leep. y?rk gnd-pijy" Ihi aduress Is One of a series of health talks vndi auspice j of the physical dcpartment or the T. M.-p. A7. moi 1 free to the public. Dr. WllllaniSnn was to tXf IPkeP on "Jfpyd Ip tfula tlon to Health." but ho exchanged subjects with Dr- Andre c. fmlth. who will deliver an ad dr.fl, later 10 Ite sexJcs. Bed votera within the district. Tbe next contention Is tbaj the section to be Jakeh Into The'cTty limits" did not In cide. ejxaix oae or' w.ii wfcolo pre cincts, b-it only firts of prectnit. and tTinlTioMTs'-rrnnnd.tlon was nia3c"by The Jf!ager oT"crilB arTiir persons' try ing outalde tbe territory. The Jqtnates of - the almshouse, living outside tbe precincts. It Is alleged, 'were ' allowed to ru Ub tba 'bU-.ats. Another allegation is tbat the sep gaate ballots cartrng" tie' annexation question were not in rea.llty ballots, ticiuse thti ifti not of pie ts- color or quality of paper required by the state law- 'No plat or Description of thVterrltory to "be ahneVr'd "Was fur nished the Judges of election, it Is al leged, and they mails no effort to learn tbe addressee of tbe, voters, who were Supplied with" ballots, it Is alleged that onlx 12 vote awe caal hy quoUUid istsst uiiiiU He Uirtnfi nsd 3; xui?m by qualified voters living outside, al though the count ahgws the totsf vote cast to have be,d fl. The City .Council Will tncis tba territory uulcs i rf -atralnc J." ft lg"allVged. woi mrKAvnicn, she says Ilealty t'ompany gtied for Annul men I of Contract on I-utS-Alleging she ha been defrauded of a roomlrTg-aouse at "4 3 North Seventeenth street, for which ahe aays jlie paid H'OZi.' Mrs. Joaapb Shales brought suit In the Circuit .Cwurl, ygtleitlay gginst jhe EtD CiJAlU' iIBJIiUI li llS realty contract set aside and her fur niture returned to her. Sirs. StiaTilf"sas"dhe and her hus- baa iise3""i"seXa'""otr rasco Jn Clackamas County, gnd when they sold oul an.f came to Portland were n&faci qualnted vltb sharp praoUcea. jm Induced her to trade tbe rooming house for lot one. block' ene. Country Club addition to Portland, ahe aaya. representing- Jo ber Jhe lot was worth fiSOc. and that (1:00 had been paid upon It. She aaya elie thought Le was to' the 'Ucal Olrcclly Willi th o-wner." lut ' that "Kate r Hart transterrtd the real estate lo tjfle C. Kwen. eiwen'a l(e. 6teivier S. end she In turn made a contract to Mra. Shafer more than a wjek Ijiter. Mra. Shafer aaa that the contract shows the purebnse price of the lot to Hit )e,jj i"t: bf Vihfcb'onTy iu4 was pBt.F. "fTie wtnt k;-tt TesVMrTcd frnlil selllna the rooming-house, an account ing of the receipts a-ad eipenses. and J.iO attorneys' fees, and aska that her r.rpe,rtv b rfturped Xo bet aed tbe lorronrrsct nuilltlei.' " " Aulo Osvjjer .uea JJallrwad. Because a worktrgin of the United Kallwaya"Compiny raced past nls autn nioblle. aa It atood at the Lakevlew House, and tore the top off the ma chine. W. II. Powell brought suit In tl4 Ulrcylt CousI rysteresy agjlnat tbe railway V'rnpahy to t:o-e'r Jl.J riam a'. ' The' l-awevleis- If three pUef OUl the Uanton Coad from Purtland.-Pow-eH ays his guiomohlle waa a few feet Uuiu lbs track S 3 tnuliiptd wjth Uj byovL! tnJ 5 ".d "'ht ids rear. " KENTUCKY B0QMS CLABK ij5onj-l a Hj V0,.J riedteJ to Win pvakery lilj. r . w vfU'f!e!. bee. Tve first state dc:.i:Ku en' fe CbampT Clirt, 'of ITtivuTl. tie reehl ruusort.e leadort for t'e" bj(ealieiCilp' of tiie "rut tin pre is. was tuncbed tv4r wkeo't KVMU. feruoerale fc-ranaHy tadersed him "lor Ib'e' oBieer "' Friends of Mr. Clark say hie e!cet!on Is aieT elaikihig p wUfVe (NeJaes f-om 1TI winM-ntM ReprsiiilU-e; atd p'.eae" rt-Jre '-or toeexjiWoea3' Jeoiaj" U Potato la rait-r Beat Kaln. .W ANP. Vaa(, ec. .-gee-f clal y-Wes"riy-'the entire golsto tre of lv's section- w'ai' h'arvested taie seaeew befcri-the ratny weather set pi. bt sev- - eral lar growej-; ij.a ppi ".T" ;"?:V3; eT c S.I fsjl was c;ts r irj jiiysi im ICtUO a baa eee aee 1 J4J,g jl, a in BONUS SEEKERS ARE NOT WANTED Portland -to "Factories" Guard That Against Take Money but Never Operate. BAYMOJJD ON WAV EAST KixaJry of ClUcs o Secure Jety Jpn terprlses Has eyeloped Smooth Proruolers Who Move Ahottt Bcaplng iflch Harvest, 6l2$K li'S tiS modern industrial development of'citles oTIllie Xvest has come the-"migratory f aclory" aft in stltuUe aVhlcS seeks .the bonus oered for lqsIl.Qn and atlfiX A l'fr SX 2 moves on to the next toss fox anptUci bonus. These promoters are satl&fted with the bdn'ug and1 'cre 'noLblug 'Xof the prof Us 'of their laclprr PS U growth. To protest against this class, li. W. Baympna. rngngger pf the jjon- Venfion Bureau or rue romans merclal Club'.' left las; night for the East o co"nTult"wlth In,Jusf faPorgaYll; lalloa oXXIciaTa. " " 10 one California town the promoters realised I40.'e: Inveatlgatfon reiealeS Uie JVct I4af tbe "factorj- wis not bine more than a ct officers w-bo hav gone Trom town to town during the past 10 years. This Instance Is not the only one. It Is declared. "Tr." TTa y"m dntPwIlT TIT I upon promo tloTT coWrtiTtr"' rrr Stnraulr-Mlrroeerpo-lls. Chicago. St. Louis. Kansas City, Cincinnati. -Plttbur. ' Phlfidelpblg, Nenr Xork and Bpstus. " ''. Reciprocal Agreement Possible. He will make a thorough Investiga tion" end secure, if -posajb-te. a recipro cal' ggrecrnerjt between the wtffkrng deharrhiehrr-Bf tire' TommeTclai clobs so as to be protected against this class of tUiThes's. "agents. - According to-let-terg ricejv'ca -from the Khtt It 'seeing that this field ls-growlngTarger year by year." "" 1 "" '-" 5" "SomethJrjg myst be Ann," said Sir. Raymond -yeatcrday. 'Vou would he surprised at the number engaged In this" work. VsCia'lly" -promoter -works our tjje details wjjh Ih irjrewOness tf a brilliant factory manager. I am told thai h'clty In fb Middle JVesl -ag held up for 10Q.010. Portland haf had severUT tempting offers In this direc tion but'o far has escaped. We need factories, bof we "pYopbse" to ecurt them "upon the 'jnrit of 'our location and the wonderful ' oP-Tortuntties w offer. We" arb"no't"stronly ln"faVor ot hTm-Qaes."-ItH not trreTfght wayto go after a-f aotory. If the outlook -for fu ture development is good t seems J hat all a factory needs Is management. The Industrial organizations of the country are 'nor furpfahjrlit th; brains lo 'run's) man" business. He .would riot w3ijt thai kJsd vl Jsiecfeuovs U t sixt iiy right kind of manager. city'? upptioritj to ite siioio. 'TortJand is tbo place for factprlcg. We'berrerd we can show tjigt lt"r5'lid while'In' the East f I can flild the fac tory man .who wants to come to the Co'aet"r"can'h6 'nWln Dlhcav ahd white where It will be to hla advan tage la locale but" ' . On his Journjj through the East Mr. Kaymond wlfl visit the STflcTals of many of the National organizations which hsve Vol fixes) th difes ci thelf annual mceflnKa. Jn Hie Jiut'e tf "se curing dome 8T "them TfTT PdrTlaria. "A list of 76Jpf theje SfWI,le?i2Sl beta prepared. " YOUNG MEN TAKE PLEDGES C. H. Drum, ot Y, M. C. A., Boe; huccessful Vork In Portlgpd, Charles R. Drum, ef the International committee of the Toung Men s Chris tian Association, left f.'prtlaod yester day, after two bosy days wTth the local association' In which" much 'waf accom plished. Mrr PrUm" "gdarcssea " sev?n meeticga In the' tiffo days' iii'as a rt- sju ikszs it aceiili!xbJfl lBvrejatil SALEM GIRL DOES NQT gARE FOR"THE STATES Xwelsg Yean Ahioad and Acq.uiaition of English. Accent Make Oregen Drpary Pljc for Miss Portia Knight. JJT LJCO.M CASS FA KB. ACJv 'of - the rwv'."wherB Bilep B Icrry ?a exdcjrirg oerecii gu nJr ff"nin' to"a aiaunch body ut adjulxer?; Mips Portia Knlgbt. a alcneicr diik-'eis'i KirJ riuddljd' forlornly Jn jT;e none-ieo.-eiiros'embrac8 of a aleaojar ct'.air. ' '.tLttt Terry is JKrl" .flo12,?f.d-' Sf'S sialtl llie" 1awJli'.li, I-Jiat P ' - , , . . . n . 1 ' n d pair O I OIB urvwii ' v- i She "rosy arc yoM g few moments "Bai'-tbis 'lj t "Mlrt" Tfrry-s;' Interview It's yours," r-jald: -nmsiug' a roenml picture J J! fearmljig yi face, clvil Htlnned. wu not a xuuOi of color lV In the vivid red lip, gad expressive gyes, frauiK clgsejy In low-dj-awa seai-ekifl "just'at this Juncture the eyes opened very wide stared rcalls. and n l'P.'t. of honey seelnasa. hut sfltb an unr ntlstawable Eiigligh acceal. aald coolly. -Oh. I-'ta never iiitxrvlewed. thit Is, go lmq Vllkl BhojJV ima'gur auy 'gtri boro right (P gj- . iv v,in from bef pTttlvC'neith and ot chaxlbg out with "hef "pfafograoh 'cd a efrap book full oTpfthted efTualoffs to tha peafeeV' newspaper oTUca h pjlnute - - ,T3e VI am. It .ev ----- "'T . . . i . ' at-arv iirA v X mKrliU fl lor t lung Xtt. re!)y. U usj jlinMt I ke corult-K back to a ftrinas place. And. Too. li)9'Vjts "dedd-'tlred-ouf; She sSl3'. bctfig 'conrtaptly on Jbe Jump. la octpoer ... - -- t frflih U!rjar.-h -Miss ' Kqlfhl aiid hex vert' best" rrlerjd 1n -the wprtd. Kllea TTVIy All oveftbe Kat tbe latter Jec. tured. Miss Knlqht traveling- with the 'Then they Jumped from St, Jpula to lit Angeles; then up 19 VaacUM-W. .Vic. ,o" 'aX Tcj':iii."Bn to "Por-tlaad: and ii.'r bark fof Vr -rbtt: f fprtus; at ipVar'aHllui apd M!?pifla. fn rflutf. so ltViTo if on o'er ra so' t1.r"3 )"P har'y'fU" in. ' fi-TtT'-'iftiestloced; the dSVtoe; oftJhjiexr fbU'cttlnr the luLTJ a-rce-Sr "f fpeh'fai; tfce time ao We' IV ifyreiaitr balh. " Fut Mla hhlpht is i-gsttv-'Klfrent oh." yasfly. .rt-v. --li-' . -f. Hl-aiV nwav from activity In the religious work depart- rpept of jbe-g-ssscigtipr. " ' "At Mr. Drum's meetings," said R. R. Perkins, religious work director Pf the association, "those attending "were iiked to take keveral specific pledges. The pledges made and"" the -number taking mam -were arfollow: So" pro ject women, 706; to promote purity ot speech, 570; to abstain from alcohollo drinks, iib: to serve Christ, '434; to Joln-Y. M. -C.-A.-Blble -clsses.-lM; to join the y. M. G. A, 151. . t " m ' SNEAK HIEEsIJrE BUSY Several """""' Hejort XAeses, Mostly of Wlnler Clothing. Soeak-thlevery. mpstly of' Winter clothing.' began Thursday night after sev erl3ays; "siajtcaJJonJa crlml'gal actlvi Xles. "Two pTaces onTVqrth tnion avenue were robbed, an putjit of clothing from C'hgse Bros., "cleaners and flyers, and eight pairs pf shoes, four'siilts of clothes. Shirts 'bats "ahd 18 In money from the Ttobison Mercantile Company. "j7'f7 ?feifer. 501 East "First street FUNERAL. OK WEtleKSOW, ALHIA WOMAS "IS HELD 'Al" CRpMAipRfrM.' I V - -,.fe . V -'" ..'. . - - . -. .;.! Mrs. Loaetta I Adams. Tbe funeral of Mrs." Luzetta I. Adams, vile 'of T. Zu Adams, Of liajinard i Adams,' of Albino, was h'Sld yealerdai' morning from Zcller-Byrnes' cliapel, on Wil liams avenue, and the services were completed at tbe Portland Crematoriuip. bear Sellwood. Mrs. Adam had been a resident of the city The past 15 years. She Is' survive by her husband and One child- ' North, reported Jha( a thief gained ep txance to lila' bouse by breaking a win dow nave, and tiol? ISO euJU Af cJolhes. Jbomas J. Golden, living at the Cos mopolitan HotcT. "Kst KFs shirTan"d" shoes to'ao" mknown"prosrler. ' An" blercoaf waa'fiolen from C. H. Spraauej at th Y. M. C. A. building. Mrs. H. M-' Rpyce. HO'A Fifth street, repofted the-losB-of three--aiihiMe rlnge. abrtroch and tS fa :jrfOTey,-"ofen from her room- ' Tlie apartment pf l M. Blllpn. 91 Irving street, was entered and four stick- piin gnd'ji'p rair'pf fW-feytjaP wer? stpled. " . LeiVha Schon. of East Eeventy-third stret.'"rep;pTtertlte tSeft of a -sU?b from the dresyU;g-foom at Jhe Slofe of Closset &. PeVe'rV.'" ' " "" HENS SQUAWK; MEN IN JAIL ' 1 . -v. -'' Sounds Cooilag IPxow Sack Attract Officer, Mini Axtfists Duo. The dlscordatit squawks of a half dozen chickens' were reffp'on'ifiBte fr The arres of iohn CiSyaer'ana Uaude' ilenfee at Nineteenth and Johnson Btreet by Pa Xrolmap Tbprpe JjlS li5t JijiShL The prlsonars : and Iblr plunder nere penj. to th'e "tfolice'statlou -where it was dis covered That pf thj sfeven chickens In the iack'One hid 'filed of suffocation - Patrolman Xiiorpe' collided with the nieri"VHHe"oo"'lihi bea, Immediately the bewildered ehlckes In a sick carried by Menfee set up a cbtfrus. The men ran with' Thorpe Jrr hot pursuit. After a ciiaia kxltiiintc oitr e'era) blocks th nope pf Iy frtepds chanped, but. oh. the city! t ayeuld rvr iiave knotvn l)j place had someone dropped me ItSto It unaware. " wish you would correct the impres sion that I do not care for America nor American people" "any more. I went abroad 12 years ago. Just at tbe most critical, the most liuportanX turning solsl la'iuv career. ' li I JiiCa "1 Bid ii": pressionable. then I would have lost all my memories of the States; had I gone later when all tMofeliiipivynions had been formed while here, nothing, not even 12 yeara' life abroad, culd have chapged lV "Bufn "iln-hat "ffly yeaTg' "kbToaa haw U)d Btf. ??'' yeanj i; really a very lojig time taken out of one's life, you rodw. ' ' "People eey I am pngllh. As a matter of fact. I liave -spent-t'ne' greatest part pf those 12 years in Paris. I have always thought and thlo trip has only em phasised my belief that America la a tevinderful country. If cerlaiuly Is Ills p:acet9'tpi'Se jnobty. put'nry Rngllsij fiiclds flxS"tall)jfuT."tay T;om4,"mj,- hui B. " is XTjcreT uTiholfid l"So 'Irrtq b-tercs 'avlpg' an Anmrlcarf .flag; .and utpui'iirl- a p"atrIotS;ij-I 'cajfriot teir"My fcjeuiia as Teglun "ftcre':" iy,fH are nJt avu a baker's 'dozen' ilTBurnoer P6 this side' the" water." TrT LonJop-.-'T bsve"g (Ittie afipp, ob really a arriaxl ' llttlV Vlaee. aiiSi "clfier"" fi-cbeb" tfoijj'ijn fcfcJJe grc.-es gr.d "cloaks for 'me-' I J1'? '$ Vjjv g'rjjaV'masv gt the tfiiejses. " " "i ll eie tg m! frJcccJ.-of courj;. lu iMi .hj si)?? is tight in'mV prlVti h.imv. I never aayenrse. That la s Vulsar. and nV'pawcrCiif woul3 li In k fbt aa Jiigt ;s.ta ec stoplr.g at my snop. i iiye yeii y4M tdi tl)S ff r f TfAJ yttf- Ttf-ii ""da iHe" by ojie pf fffiXr ja.-fuf tble'aas'Ja" 'g in ' jjd "SlssJon. J X', v Vork macasvf 1 - r.Keag'--il.-3 pcsiriy, is Jiuo'e -iA v "" at Jilt Ji4nc i2e SSi c7 i ;-iiZr. 1-Ai( XInow "when IT left Bre I -.Hi!", (r e Bi'lSa e?'aT'fSm ;.' ?ld Jiome.r jVs'S -r.s'M,! 5; Kjj.e&t. e-o tel L4S."a Si!f, ?J Pregon's sblest lawyers. At one time Ml w nlti " ajtended school aX ""ST tat Ski;r?ilc I .?-fcS34r 5tt NEW CONCERN TO RUN MANY PLANTS Oregon-Washington Corpora tion Will Operate Extensive ly in" Two States. WELCH . OUTLINES PLANS Philadelphia Capital Will Finance $5,000,000 Company Water, Gas and. igbt f stems In Many Towns 19 Be Included. ' TJip Oregon-Washington CorpgraJJon iaa "" beeiTrganlred "in "the""State pi Wgsh'lngton : 'tFlth capirai stoc"K pj 15.000,000, to takp over the .yu5Uyef "iVatef''C?on-rpa"ny,' fjje "V'anco'ut'er 'Gas Company,' Uie'Va'ncouver Biajlway CS'm pany. the H411porj- wafer" Srid light sjrstejns. the Fortst Grove lighting eys tew; spvra.1 pljjer similar proper ties fij both 'states. Articles -pf ln cprnorkyon were flleij .Ti)jtfrdy 'at Olympia. and certifjg.4 cgpis 3J'iH t f lied' today t Salem. ' ' - '' The 'ncorpo'ra"tors'""are: A. SVeicb, of PortiandT head' of "the A. "WfiJth' Com pany; IE. -vV.'AIall, Henry Jflffilschbaeuy. f. Bpykln? C. ,T. "B.crryman and A j. Pitkin, also 'pf ' Porilapd, and 'IsaaS. Anderson, Of "famja.'Wash. ?Jr.-Welch ggs that "fiieey po'rppratlop Is J" cciVin"th"''greVter part of its flnap cTal' support frp'rh the "fjrra of ginltler Br'os.r of Philadelphia," Pa. 'bf the stpek $5004)00 is pef cent preferred and-the balance pommon. - -i.. . - . . - htocthoiars ileet Jodaj. A meeting of the' incorporators will be "held ih' Yahcouver, "vVagb., today, at w'hlgfi' o'fllcerj and' directors vlll be el'etled. ' ' " ""' " " . 'The properties mentioned In t'he in corptilrauoh "apSrs " haVe" aireadj' Jiein fJu'rchaed-'by "myfeertahd" others, and yflll P& iurneddyfr' tp'Hie' n'ew'corn- w'Wer"'syx.teiris'.'"!gh"tIpg" plants ""arid power sites." "Some "or theT'lle'ils g'll) pe clpsed, wbjle pUjers Tnay npt." ' " The"Hpoa -TUyer- tigjtj-tipa ' Power CoTtlpan'y,- which alsor actiordlbg ta VplcTi." otv:nrtfip"llgh-tIng-SjtJem"-pf the-nown.-' hag been contrpjred tS' Jfi-. Welch for spme rfme,' 'Pp liarals'p Jia'd arrmterest rrl'-the' TancO-qyeTl-'Erht and Power"" Cb'mpany; jfieVanepoybr' Gas Cpmpajiy and 'the 'Vancouver- RalKraj Company. -Ther:aricVuveT w-ater"sy-to'rnr rhrsr'beeri cpfcrrpned lly '-Vlincpiver sr4 Tconi peojfle. ' The Ylew -corporation ik e'Sent&ilya hdrdrrig'"'prganiza; tton. Ip; -sbme 'instanrres -stoplf -'hold-Ijtc-s have been purchased pu fright; but In- the- majority :pf cases 'stockowpers Will simply tier-Issu'pd'jtock' In Ijie new cofnp'atly in'excliange for" thelr-lntef; titr.--'" ' '' ' '' "' : Mr. Welch said that the properties already" controlled have an aggregate value pf tl,S00,9PO: '' '' '' ' " YaJuablej icc.vred. !' bays spvera) valuable ppwer sites'al0flgv trtc Columbia-,-1 hot f am unprepared to "sayJuljTVhat our plans are in " tbat" iopnec'tloa,'.' " s13 ' ' Mr Welpb. when. asked IP S-eylfy "a y.umpr curreTO In'pctmVjsr to the effect-that IT!? rbJT lpTerttp'' of'the- pfffces"pf the" Oregim-Washlrgnon Cprporatlon to harness Ihe 'Coj.nrnbla. cascades-ah develop electr1ca,r-?ni?r?y-lrom them, lie was piiually retlclent when re duested to say it his cpmpapy IS' back pr th 6 water right filings on thg porth Jjork'-Pf tba-Lewrs- River, but intimated that the rumor might be correct. "The Oregon-Wash1ngfon Corpora tion U a close coropration.' he said. "We "will not put an?"1tock- on'THe market, aiul "Xhe " tpotltlF"ir What Is already sold has been placed In the East among financiers whom we know. That which Js fo be fold as we acquire additional "properfles or undertajte" de velopmaat 3k'ot' iv'iH he disljoftfd HI in the East, prlpclpally In Philadelphia. Steamer lost in Storm. VICTORIA, B. C eo. S.--Th Japa nese exeamer Siumatuoto 4Urja. " 13? tons. wee lost -wifS her Cfew pT 31 men November ' "13 off Sado ' Island ' while bound from Muroran' to Tsinslao with tie Irl ' the" samp 'atoraa tht steamer Taihel JIaVu' weh't ddwp Off Aklta'-fxeS-feciure aid 10 Pf ' ' "araw ere drowbid-" ZX slaamei pebsaji Mawj Wad damaged off; Sado rslpnd, " but reached shelter. - 1'niversity 61" Annomncejis Sanee. HOOD ftiyjSB- CT- ES- S JiPPr clal.l-Cardg atp out annp.unclng Ipe third aphul dtulxg ptm Pf thr-Hod River UDiyectity Club; for fiPcewfefr If H. JiU, ? Cook Book i-J& on receipt pi ? 'v iJ fF&& ' niled fre V yow'Adca'ess. s2v( Wj Tegs How to Make 178 Kinds f Cake S f Cakes of all kinds for all people 11 l arjB et niade with Royal 11 SPECIALLY Fiffg M FQR LAYER CAKE M KERSH TRIAL DRUGS ON EMIXATIp"y pi? JUKpKS pO; TIXEES AX SIGHT SESSION. Jude SIprrow Aqlous tp Hayg Case .Concluded Before Holidays, as He Tbe trial pf -Sirs. Carrie Jtersh fpr rnurder in the' firsi degreev for alleged pompllciiy avith Jaasa -p. .Wpb'b io the klllins" Pf -WlUlam' "A. JohBsop. hi the Neit piand PenfraJ HpteJ, diaggei wpaylly; pjj-jpstefdary, ther entire- d"iy beipg cftpsumpd i the e$amioijtn pf InroJ-s. As WlliWfiai night, .cijsuit Judge JlorVeiV held 'i nighj. -eessjon Jat ijiShi- i WiS iEPSSfVftl- IP hasten the trial of the case, s0 1J. Jfil) Pt extepd thropgtj 'the holidays. 'Jtidge M6rrpv figs a-spfsiii' Jf3Spn' ar Jt)'$, fqf jj"i5 thep XhaX the 'sfeddlpg -pells ili Xing for him. ' '' ' ' "-AYhen court adjourned at S o'clock las ' plKhtrTHe "'Iprptj 'fijjir )p" te"Bpx were as' fpllofys: 'yranlc Halloclf, J: G. Steyensr James Kenney, .r.' Totfi assthi, -Sumner- Is'st-glT, " Jojin Mlller,t;. V. Anderson, J. A. Brant, G. N. Howell, D. V gou'thmayt, ti. H. Vore and M. M. Spaulding. Of these G. N. HoTvell wgs peremptorily 'cjjajlenged by the defense'. Witffarii Montag-. 'U. -'-Arpdt and A. Jd. Pee a'ere alsp gxamined apd perempterlIi'"chan'eneedTy"frl'e- defense. The; state 'jwed one- pprnjItofy cpal lSPBfi. isjecitpg ,Ch8.rJps Ashpele. -ia dpfens - - hap eigbj per? IPBtorj lepges le anil- Ui f.ivg. Durljisr the day 40 Jurpra were ex- anjlnsd 'for cas. "g. Qeorge was t caysfi. -g. i George was hen he said Jt .would bo dij hlm to - find i 'verdict of expuse, I'll, w.iiit .nlaltr iinnn el mil msrartt laA evt- iOgjtcJL ppbyrt I.ntoih wag Jxcuoj sa:d nH"rurn--erdJeS of ful'iy lecrei muraej ' where iSg ae?4ndapi first tVi'o fateT Kil t.hfl. agjtto 'f fiej opinio?. Hrlr? ' fftf ?? .5gSS3-' ' I.h3 merjt"f fRe cafe yth anyge. SCHOOLS COLD TJQ JWDJANS JSyilsoii Sai5 Counties Collect Money hut Don't Welcome Kcds. CHEMAWA, Or., Dec. . jfEpeeJal.) Superinten'aeVlfHora'CS G'."WTTs'bh, who has charge "pT "p-lliJUid-and ytfeer Jjj diiDg lfi -Weatw iQregpp-a'ncj JJortJiern CjLlfQXpla.!' -4'Jllj headawertVP rr Kg8: We-, has been yiBUipg tiemawa and Ki'imri rof several days past. Mr. Wll- H rt. . . i .... - . - i i -......(.-,.... f.nm ll.a enthnrl. upper ijisi-fcfc-nw-w tleVat '3Vas!irigtDh'"3)x. "Wflifori-T- fp d'ofiny'npgggrfta'Oj ' XB'e"xiVfrpsr yf WE ABB BPADV TO le'atl'thorr- ties of tEe' j$mawa ,c1o".. HftHf Sunerfptendent vT- L Fmfth of SaTgh 6d"5uperTnepdsnt o( "fhEtlo 7ntf uc: tfon "J. fi.'Ackerinan. ' ...udson M Howard Gofim's M&Wvige$ ill ,vhee ase. 1ft 5P?j ff'i" Baii-barvt) gtra iLjm isgipo. , Sl-iieh stbijeta. Soseh maanetoj Rouble ignitign. THg 19.11 ggpfgAfJQN L, Keats Auto Indian phildreo who are atlendipg public schoola pf the "state and also to leacn sprnethtpg ahpilt tbe iscbopls they attend. Be states that it is the desir of J.he Gpyerprijenf to hay Ihe Indi&p cbildreij attepo ' We pulillc schpoij arhepe.v-er ppssJWe, Pd IX ia his pux PP9 lp get lp IPPPP JW the teacbeis of ihe publip bcpooIs io lb districts whexg jig Ipdja'os fra llyips and "to gX their cq-c.pgra.llop. ' He states .that he finds IJje sentiment in favor of Indian pjijiHs attending the public scbopls better in Oregpn than lb" Korfh"el ir'Carrf?JJJa:- In :"spuie "pls tricts'Pr"'CaJrrorfiTa''ff? fpunT-cOnsia-efJWe prpju-dlpe'effaillst isiTpyyiriS trie Indlanstff"atteOd''ihe'ScTio"ol$,' alfhoiffeh ttif" were 'enrOjle'a -bI"7Ee"scTjhorifu'-rTOMtigs 'tp'd''the"hione.yl'rr'thetr ?n;-rdlTrri-pht cbTTeCte-a Tlpm.trl st?te. Wis PVrpbsVl3"to-ETt aM'Jibdeir l'J?arsPI a'gpaha'wrr6 areose-efipugB'W tij.6 !MStrTa' spBPors :'tp' B.ttehd'"thenj," and tKPSe pver-14 no'at!;eniJ-tbe -ChndrW. In aiap-school pr f he-KtvergiTs"5:hppn Mir Wirsrin-'will evoten'h'eTriest-rn'ofrth ih -visfimg tire' cohrfty speTlrrferiftrhts In Iths two -states and eettlflg- "JJrelT beln to this en3. - REGATTA SUIT SETTLE? Astoria Intewsli Will Divide $200 4c;rujnjr from Dan.;e- ASTORfA, Or.. Pec. StSpecial.) The Euit""i)'rouh t "fiy &T& ThI" ' ctalrjojaiojt It's giXi9?Goi&mlix$p and representing the Astoria.' Motor Boat Uluh," against Karl Kaeblech, Charles H."'Abercrompie and the "Astoria ilili tary'CPmpany,':'h'as',ife'eh atnlcab'iy sqi .Ued. ' "'A -stipulation '"was -filed- today agreeing that eacH"si3ff"sliall pay its d' posts' 8jd Xfie'Djijacy lg "&t6 "hand of the Clerk of the Court, amounting to $200, shall be divided between the Uii&apls, each taking" llofi. Uter'iti the day ah order srg.'s made by Judge Eakin, inr accordance ivrtti 'tne-terms of the stipulation. Tbg guit was hrougijt IP restrain JbJ defend anfsfjorn ffer-fe'rfng-witn the ' plaifrtrffg' In usjns t"ft ATfgiorjf jjaH'ior ho'IaTps dances" during th'e 're'gatTa. ""Vsf "pie"6r'ier iroin tpe Court,"" the money - received IVom rp"ntin"jr'"t"fae "Ball, "?20"0, -yas d'osited wffh"tue'"Clerk", "pendlhg of 'th'e case. ''Whn Jiidge' CarapBeU' wajf here a few days'aeo, ha suftalned a demurrer 's'iTii'"a'faw lb befe was some talk of appeallBS uje ciie to The Supreme Tjpact, cui too cShtendlpV 'iiarffe's oecldpif IT .jja's" b'fP ter' td "settle "the"' affalf Jniicabiy agd ftls haSbeeg"J5ne." """ Piirtie Aaia jn Jail. OREGON JCITX, Or.. Dec. ?. (Special ) HaKle Eurrie." fviio insists 'hsTs! a' "scion oi"V'ftotTd "family "in 'tscpnaiid.bDl jyho was arrested and toprjMiJeT Tl'Vap. oduver.r"W'ii'B..'"for larce'ny. "as '6irpp&ut tS'this" cftTast rtlgat'fS'answer' a c5j.g Co- to the 'cbmplalnf, staUng In his fuunf: that the suit waj'iofai suiiy lu'at xerapa tt'e'-prpier" way'"jaS"""t' bring nsiTifal-faw rbr" breach" or conVracT T 1 J