THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY", DECEMBER 10, 1910. LU ETTA SAYS SHE LOVES BURKE YET Dramatic Declaration Star ties Crowd at Trial of Man She Accuses. LOCAL MAN MENTIONED Woman Testifies She Went to Hospi tal After Working aa Typist for Portland Lawyer Parentage of Child la rnsettled. SANTA ROSA. CeX. Dec . Special.) 1 loved him then, and If the chart (aioat him Is not proved. I would lovs him stin. declared La Etta anlth, on th witnessMtand this afternoon, while under cross-examination, during the trial of Dr. WlHard p. Burke for the alleged attempt to murder the woman by blowing up the tent In which aha and her uiegiu mate child were steeping. It was the only time during the trial of the mm that Lu Ktta, cold, atern and apparently Immovable ao far as her feel lr.Mi are concerned, bluehed. Her head monk neon her breast aa arte made th statement, then looking up ebe giggled like a school glrL Dr. Burke. th venerable - look ing proprietor of the health resort. Mated beside hss wife, carefully noted in his private note book the woman's declaration, but did not raise his eye Jlim Burke watched hlra closely as the declaration of love for her husband was made oj a woman many years younger than so. Views on Affinities Introduced. The sensation of th morning session tiv whiu I-n Etta was still In the feaiula f the District Attorney. the Introduction of the leccthy communi cation, written by Dr. Burke for the perusal of La Etta In which his Ideas regarding the ramuy ana ine soc are put forth and In which he expresses hi. Ideas resardlns sfflnitles. Lone before the time set for the open- Ire of court this afternoon, tne comaors of the Sonoma County Courthouse wers crowded with a curious throng ot men. women and children. Intent upon hearing the recital by La Etta of her relations with Dr. Burke. The opening- of the courtroom door was the signal for a mad rush for seets, but there were not half enough, and the aisles were lammed. Questions seeking answers Intending to show that Lu Etta Fmlth made her declaration that Dr. Burke was th father of her child only after she saw samples of gold ore taken from his mines near Orovllle were propounded by Attorney Leppo. The dramatic manner In which the woman once thrust the baby Into the arms of the man she declared to be Its father was described by Lu Etta. Love Said to Be Imaginary. Attorney Leppo arose and announced that It was the Intention of the defense to prove that the woman merely Imagined Dr. Burke to be the father of her child and that It would be shown the woman became violently In love with another man and Imagined that be reciprocated her affection. The name of that man was not divulged by the defense, but It was announced that It will be brought out later In the trial. The witness told of two occasions when she took ber baby to the cot tage occupied by Dr. Burke and left It there for them to care for. charging again that Dr. Burke was Its father. The relations" existing between Dr. Burke and Lu Etta were alluded to as Immoral and Illegal. "You might call It that." suggested Lu Etta. "What are your views?" asked Leppo. "I don't care to give ray views now," replied the woman. Soon after the examination of the witness was started this morning by the District Attorney, the lengthy communication prepared by Dr. Burke and given to Lu Etta Smith for study during the time she was employed as a stenographer at the sanitarium, was introduced as aa exhibit In the case. It Is the contention of the State that the communication was Intended to bring Lu Etta Smith to a condition of mind In which she would be less likely to repulse th Immoral overtures of the sanitarium proprietor. As such, It was Introduced. She Worked Here Three Weeks. After tracing Lu Etta from her Lake County home to Oregon, where she studied to be a stenographer, the witness stated she had been employed tn the office of an attorney In Port land for a period of three weeks. "Was that the lawyer whose wife criticised htm tor his relations with you? demanded th attorney for the defense. I The District Attorney objected to th question and the court sustained him. Following up the line of questioning. Mr. Leppo secured from the woman a statement that after leaving the law yer's office she went to th Portland hospital and underwent an operation. Later aha returned to the hospital as a nurse In training. There will b no session of court In th Burke case Saturday. he straightway proceeded to make good. He approached th counter and he touched not a single thing. Arrayed In splendor thereon were rainbow labeled bottlea of violet hued perfumes, and neatly bound cakes of soap. Heavy was th air with attar of roses, the aroma of tooth powder, orris root and hair tonic He would bar none of their charms. He priced not a single bottle, can or tube with a new patented squirter. I want some soap." he beamed. In pursuing his unlooked for tactics he did not ask whether that cake of cerise-colored soap would chaff the skin "mine Is so delicate that I never can get the right nourlsher" he didn't want to be nourished; be wanted to be washed. Neither did he say: "The last I got here was so greasy." Neither did he ask the saleswoman If It meant three cakes for a quarter when the placard said 16 cents apiece. With all the soapy galaxy coquetting his nostrils, he did not sniff a slnglb sniff. He did not compare labels with an analytic eye. What he did do was this: he walked straight up to the counter, extended his right hand; he, put It on the box that was nearest him. and said: "I'll take this, please." He had lust the right change. He did not ask If they would take a Canadian dime. "No petticoat shop ping for me." he grinned. "1 don't care what I get." And when be said "much obliged" the saleswoman nearly npset th hair tonic "Thank heaven for a man once in a while." she exploded. "I don"t wonder he didn't want to be like a woman." HAMILTON BOND IS PAID SCRETY COMPANY TURNS 9C0, 000 INTO CO CRT. Dispute Over Bank's Claim Is Not Settled Dashing Adjutant Serv ing Prison Term. OLTMPIA. Wash., Dec 9. (Special.) By paying 130.000 Into the Thurston County Superior Court, the sum rep resenting the face of the official bond, the National Surety Company has dis posed of the Orris Hamilton shortage so far as It la concerned. The surety company advises that an Olympla bank ia contending for 18955.61. while the atate wants to collect th 120.000, rep resenting th full face value of th bond. The bonding company declines to settlo the dispute as to the appor tionment of the money, and. In paying, asks to be relieved of all further re sponsibility. The payment of this money Into court will settle one of the most sen sational cases of embezslement ever brought to light In Washington. Orris Hamilton, the handsome Adjutant-Gen eral of the National Guard, was found to hsve made way with more than llS.ooe of the state's funds, having squandered the money on an "affinity" he maintained in luxurious apartments Seattle, and for whom he bought jewels ana automobiles. After Hamilton had been convicted nd sentenced to serve from one to ten years In tbe State Penitentiary at Walla Walla at hard labor, which sentence he is now serving, th state demanded that the National Surety Company pay the bond. The com. pany delayed and then the state start ed suit. In the meantime an Olympla bank Intervened. The bank waa non suited In the King County Superior Court, where the atate began Its action. SEVERE METHODS CURB DESERTIONS War Secretary Attributes Im proved Conditions to Cer- . tainty of Punishment. JUST THE FLYING MACHINES NEEDED Fortification of Panama Canal Is Recommended In Annnal Report. Death Rate of Army Low est In Its History. BEDOUINS KILL GARRISON Massacre of 100 Christians Follows Capture of Town. CONSTANTINOPLE. Dec ft. A tele gram from Jerusalem today says that Bedouins have massacred the Turkish garrison at Kerak. a town In the Turkish vilayet of Syria, and killed more than 100 Christian Inhabitants of that place. In revenge for the execution of a Beuouln. The Bedouins, the dispatch says, now hold the fortress. In the vicinity of which there has been desultory fighting between the tribesmen and the government troops for the last year and a half. Kerek. formerly the capital of Moab, has a population of SOOO, of whom 60 JO are Moslems. The town Is the last on the road from Damascus to Mecca where Christians may reside. It stands on the mountains of Moab, and may be seen from Jerusalem. SO miles away. There are no American missionaries), the only missionary station being that of the British Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East. This Is a branch of the organization at Es Salt, and Is composed of one missionary, his wife and one native worker. MEN HERE TO GET IDEAS Tacomn Commissioners A11I Look Over Portland Bridges. TACOMA. Wash.. Dec . (Special) Commissioners Lawson. Woods and Preeland left for Portland this af-er-noon on a Junket. They will srnd tomorrow Inspecting the ne jt bridges across the Willamette Hlver. Njr.ner Mayor Jr'awcett nor Commissioner Ko;s vii able to go with the party. Commissioner of Light and Water Lawicn has his mind set on another drawbridge on Eleventh street amiss the city channel, but a majority of the members still prefer a :ackknlfe bridge. It a drawbridge Is erected. Mr. Lawson says the city will be able to us th big pier holding up ths pres ent bridge. This pier rests en ft pil lar s. Commissioner of Public Works Woods calls Lawson's talk about us ing the pier for new bridge "foolish." The Commissioners want to see how th Portland bridges are working. A MAN - SHOPPER BUYS lie Make Good Bis Boast to Be An tltbesls of Woman. Boston Herald. "A want to be the antithesis of a woman r declared a breexy looking man with red cheeks who was buying soap at a large department store. Then DUFUR EXCITED OVER OIL Drilling Company Xow Reports "Un mistakable Indications." There Is considerable excitement at present In the little town of Dufur over the prospectant finding oil there. A company was formed several years ago, and $20,000 was subscribed to test the field, and now the Beavls-May Drilling Company Is enthusiastic over what are termed "unmistakable Indications." C. p. Batch, Oeorge Johnson and others, Thomas Glavey, Dr. Todd and other wealthy residents are behind the enterprise. There la no richer wheat belt In Oregon than the country for 60 miles around Dufur. It Is also fast de veloping into "a fruit country, and if in addition It becomes an oil field, rest dents of Dufur are confident their town will develop Into an Important commercial center. J. F. Gross Critically III. ATHENA. Or.. Dec .-J. F. Gross, prominent citizen, has been very III for th last few daya with cancer of the stomach. Dr. Suttner. of Walla "Walla, last evening performed an operation. Mr. Gross heart Is very weak and he could not take any ether, so the opera tion was performed by freezing the ef fected parts aa the operation proceeded. Mr. Gross condition critical snd his son. Bennle Gross, who has been at tending the State Agricultural College, has been summoned. Time for Bond Sale Extended. UNION. Or- Dec. . Speclal.)-Time for the sale of the bonds of th City of Union for th construction of a lighting plant and the improvement of the water plant has been extended to December 21. at which time It Is expected that the bonds, amounting to tB.Xja, will be sold. Following this, the Council will proceed at once with the Installation of the elec tric plant and tbe Improvement of the water system. Saloons Still Operate. BEMIDJL Minn.. Dec ft. A squad of special agents of the Indian Bureau came here today and Issued closing orders to the local saloons in pursuance of the enforcement of the provisions of th old Indian treaty. Fourteen of the local saloonkeepers resisted the order and obtained injunctions against the Federal officials. The saloons are temporarily allowed to continue business. WASHINGTON, Dec . Reduction In the number of desertions from tbe Army In the past year, a decrease of SO. per cent as compared with the previous year. Is noted with gratifies. tlon by Secretary of Wat" Dickinson. In his annual report, which waa sub mltted to Congress today. This Is believed to be the result of the extraordinary effort made by the Department In the direction of prompt and vigorous pursuit of a deserter by means practically certain to result in his apprehension and subsequent pun Ishment as a military convict under the hard and rigorous conditions of prison discipline. The attitude of the Department Is that Its duty Is to safeguard and pro tect the interests of the Army to cor rect tbe evil rather than to reform the evil-doer, and to Impress the fact that desertion from the Army, which In time of war may be punishable by death. Is In time of peace a criminal offense, and that the punishment of the de sester will be severe. Altogether there were 3464 desertions In the past year, or a percentage of . of the strength of the Army, which was less than any fiscal year since lt 9. The decrease was most marked In the engineers, field artillery and cavalry. Airship Service Essential. As might have been expected after his personal flights In aeroplanes in France, Mr. Dickinson comes with strong Indorsement of the flying ma chine and with a recommendation Congress for an appropriation to pro vide the Signal Corps with a reasona ble number of the better type of ma chine for Instruction purposes and field work. s He recalls the fact that the United States was the first Nation officially to recognize tbe aeroplane for mill tary purposes, and conducted at Fort Myer In 1908 the first public flight of a heavier than air machine, yet It has since that date made no addition to its aeronautical equipment, which at present consists of one small.dlrlgible balloon, on Wright aeroplane, and three small captive balloons. Nor has It added to Its trained personnel. which at present consists of one Signal Corps Lieutenant and nine enlisted men. on duty In connection with aero nautics. Ttfere Is only one officer who la a licensed pilot for free balloons. The Secretary calls attention to the fact that the entrance to Chesapeake Bay, one of the most Important points strategically on the Atlantic Sea Coast Is wholly unfortified, not a single gun being mounted to defend the channel between Cape Charles and Cape Henry. At another Important point the east ern entrance to Long Island Sound additional guns are needed. Except for these Instances, so far as guns alone are concerned, the Sea Coast defenses st all home ports are In a very satis factory state, but much remains to be done In providing such auxiliaries as searchlights and In developing the fire control system, which will require about 14.000,000 of expenditure Canal Fortification Ad-vised. Congress Is asked to authorize an expenditure of $19.64,843 for the forti fication of the termini of the Panama Canal, including the construction of posts for the permanent garrrson, and 17,000.000 of this sum should be maae available Immediately In order to com plete the project within three years. The death rata in the Army last year was th lowest that has ever oc curred. A remarkable fact is that no deaths occurred from sun-stroke or snake bite among the troops In the tropics, nor from cold among the troops In Alaska and along the Northern iron tier. Alaska, as in former years, had the best health record, decidedly ex celling the United States, which came second, followed by Porto Rico, Hawaii and tbe Philippines. The rate for the Philippines Improves year by year. Dealing with the regular Army or ganization, the Secretary urges the adoption of a provision of law, similar to that governing the Navy, for the elimination of Inefficient officers. Tiie most serious feature of the present military situation, and one th4t should be corrected Immediately, is the short age of field artillery material. There' Is a very Inadequate supply of guns. carriages and ammunition. Touching the progress of the work of uncovering the wreck of the Maine tn Havana Harbor, the Secretary says that the plans for the construction of a cofferdam piling around the wreck have been approved and are now un der execution. It la proposed to draw off tbe water as soon as the dam Is tight and remove the overlying mud and other material In order to permit a thorough examination of the condi tion of the wreck In present position to determine the cause of the explosion. Mllltla Must Be Instructed. Little more can be done than already has been done In th very Important work of Instruction ot tn organized mllltla until some provision Is made by Congress which will allow the De partment to assign officers on the ac tive list of the Army to duty with the mllltla, which Is now Impossible owing to tbe pressing need of officers tor regimental service. Success has attended th efforts of the Department to secure one-half of the personnel, necessary for manning the Coast fortificatlonsrom the mlll tla of the Seaboard states. All of the Coast states have provided for these Coast artillery reserves except New Jersey. Delaware and Louisiana. Unfortunately, the Secretary points out. the existing lsw does not declare distinctly the exact extent to which the mllltla may bo employed In tbe serv ice of the United States, and legisla tion should be had that would enable the War Department to determine In advance of war Just what officers and troops ot the mllltla can be depended upon for service snd their suitability. Th Secretary says that a comprehen sive act providing for the organization of s. volunteer Army only after Con smess has made a declaration of war would be of Inestimable value. Government Stands by Old Claim. COLORADO SPRINGS. Colo- Dec 1. D. p. Strickton. attorney for the exe cutors of the estate of the late w. s. Stratton. leaves tomorrow for Wash ington, D. O. where he will argue be- Because of L a u r e lhurst's exclusive char acter, n e a r - In location and the low prices that still prevail, and b e c a u se of the growing demand for home sites of character. Is not amiss to remind you to make, your In spectlon of c-AireIhir5l The Addition with Chdracttr at once. If you would not fall to get "Just the place that suits" for the home you Intend to have. P. S. We- bave a beantlful art calesw dar for 1011. We waat to present these calendars 1o persons earnestly seeking "Jmt the place mat nits.' Messrs. Mead & Murphy Sales Agents, B23 - S CORBETT BLDG. fore the' United States Supreme Court against the claim of the United States Government for $4833, alleged to be still due In revenue stamps upon deeds transferring the Stratton Independence mine In Cripple Creek to the Venture Company, of London. In two former trials the case has been decided In favor of th estate. FISH LAWS DEMANDED KLAMATH FALLS WILL ASK FOR SPECIAL LEGISLATION. Thousands of Salmon Enter Klamath River, but They Refuse to Bite Hook Grabhook Is Needed. KLAMATH FALLS, Or, Dec 9. (Special.) Oeorge H, Merryman, hold over Senator from this district, says he does not believe It possible to se cure any special fishing laws from the Legislature for the .count v of Klamath. although some of the hunting laws might be amended, he says, lie says a strong sentiment developed at the last session of the Legislature to cut the fishing seasons all over the State down to' a much narrower margin, and If the same feeling prevails at this session he believes the State laws gov erning the open and closed season for fish will be chopped down until fish ing will only be allowed In any waters ot the State In the future during a few months In the Summer season. The Senator, says that owing to the fact that the Multnomah delegation is so much stronger In numbers than the more Isolated port'ons of the State, the laws to a large extent are formed and dominated by them. . 'The sentiment there, as well as In many other places In the State, seemed to be strongly at the last term In fa vor of making a fish protective law that will give a shorter fishing season. and as those lawmakers have the Idea that laws that are suited to their part of the State are suited to Klamath. I am much afraid the local people will be disappointed In their desire to get any special laws passed for their espe cial benefit." said the Senator. The Klamath County Rod and Gun Club desires a special provision lifting th protection from salmon to permit Klamath people to get at least some benefit from the lsrge salmon runs here during the Fall and Spring months. Now no one is allowed to fish other than with a hook and line, and as a salmon will not bite a hook this law gives people hero absolutely no benefit from the millions of salmon in these waters. It Is desired to make It lawful to catch salmon, not to exceed two In one day. In any manner except with poisonous substances, dynamite or seine. If this were law ful the grab hook would be permissi It was also desired to have . all the waters of the Klamath country open for fishing lor trout at ail times, ex cept between February 15 and May (ft o It often requires heroes at the stoke hole as well as a master mind at the bridge to bring success to the fighting ship. But whatever your position in life you must be in physical trim if you are to accomplish your best. That means you must have foods and beverages which will strengthen your brain and brawn, your muscles and nerves. - COCOA is the favorite beverage of men who plan and men who work because it is delicious, satisfying, strengthening. It is the best beverage for the delicate growing child because it is all. nourishing, contains more real nutrition than any other food. ' Made from the best cocoa beans, by scientific processes, with the skill taught by fifty-eight years of experience, Ghirardelli's Cocoa is absolutely pure. Costs less than a cent a cup. D. Ghirardelli Co. Since 1852 15 of each year. During Summer the trout in the lakes of this country are practically worthless for table use. Chehalls Rebekahs Meet. MONTESANO. Wash.. Dec 9. (Special.) The Rebekahs of Chehalls CoSnty hem their semi-annual meeting Wednesday. Degree work, addresses and papers were the order of the day. The officers elected are: President. Mrs. Carlson, Hoqulam; viee-president. Mrs. Sparks, Montesano; secretary, Mrs. Buchanan. Cosmopolls; treasurer. Mrs. Bowes. Aberdeen. The next meeting will be held In Oakville. Forestry Board Fund Exhausted. SALEM. Or.. Dec. . (Special.) Accord ing to a statement Just prepared by the Secretary of State, the appropriation for the State Board of Forestry Is exhausted. Onlv 1500 was allowed by the last Legis lature and the expenditures Just balance this amount. Liquor License Fixed ak$1000. UNION.' Or., Dec 9. (Special.) The Council of the City of Union has adopted .. Avln, h 1 1 HHA ttT the sale of Intoxicating liquors at 0000. with restrictions thai are in line wilii ujc home rule recommendations. Saloon men -r- .in! nltnpnther nleased with the new ordinance, but the Council Is Arm, and it l. thought the orovislons of the ordl- h, .nfiri.1 tn the letter. No limit has been placed on the number of saloons. Montesano Druggists Fined. MONTESANO. Wash., Dec. 9. (Special.) The proprietors of the Owl Drug Store and of Esmond & Esmond were arrested yesterday afternon on charges of violat ing the city ordinance by selling liquors TOO MANY PIANOS TOO MANY PIANOS WE MUST UNLOAD i Now is your great opportunity. Wo prefer to cut the price and get them into homes, rather than hold for regular prices. It matters not what inducements others are offering, we are in a position to do better, as an investigation will prove. We make no statements but what are backed up with the facts. Whatever you do be sure and see us before you decide on a .piano. We have the very best makes of pianos and player "pianos, and notwithstanding the low prices we are naming this month, if you are not prepared to make your first cash pay ment, come in anyway and select your piano and make your first payment next month. Tor the convenience of all, our store will remain open evenings the balance of this month. HOVENDEN PIANO CO. 106 FIFTH STBEJET, NEXT TO PEEKINS HOTEL. without a physician's prescription. They were fined J12.50 each. Brandy was ob tained by a woman who said she wanted it to put In mince pies. It's Worth Something But costs no more to make your selec tion for holiday gifts from a brand new stock of JEWELRY DIAMONDS WATCHES SILVERWARE - and up-to-date novelties at prices that are right. NO OLD STOCK. Every, article we have for sale has been purchased from manufacturers " within the last month. - . "We will be pleased to have you call and see the prettiest little jewelry shop on the Coast. No trouble to show' goods'., H. A. FORBES ' JEWELER New Perkins Hotel Cor. Fifth and Wash. Sts.