Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 10, 1910, Page 20, Image 20

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Combined Today-Demonstration and Sale Nemo Corsets at Lowest Prevailing Prices
The Meier
Open Tonight
Until 9:30
Sale of 6 0 0 0
Juvenile Ard Gilt 1 Cjf
Books, center aisle
Open Tonight
Until 9:30
Sale of 600Q
Juvenile Ard Gift
Books, center aisle
ioc (bre&t a
Herers a series of powerful Christmas sales, planned to eclipse every former Meier &; Frank Holiday Record Starting on the
stroke of 8 o'clock this morning Every department in this great acres-wide store presents matchless savings on dependable
Christmas merchandise you are in need of. Shop at Portland's real Christmas store the accommodating store the store that
for 54 years has followed the policy ot mutual satistaction. vjniy it snore aays tm mi&imaa. vumc muay- xma umui6
L - ii t ! n i ice o a or I -
Buy Red Cross Stamps
Add your mite to help in the great fight
against tuberculosis in buying the Red Cross
Stamps for use on Christmas packages.
Miss Bertha Tongue, Mrs. John Cronan, Mrs.
Frank Freeman and Mrs. D. C. Lewis are in
charge of booth today.
Oiir Special $1 Dinner
Make it a point to try our special Dollar
Dinner tonight in the Restaurant, seventh
floor, from 5 to 8 o'clock. A special musi
cal programme by the Ileilig Theater Or
chestra. Unexcelled service; beautiful, quiet
surroundings. Invitation extended to. all.
Helpful Gift Suggestions
Ask for the Booklet of 500 Gift Suggestions,
to be had for the asking in any part of this
great store. A veritable storehouse of gift
helps for every member of the family a list
arranged for instant consultation. Get one.
Give a Merchandise Bond
When in doubt, give a Merchandise Bond
for Christmas. They do away with the old
perplexing problem of knowing just the
right thing. They are issued in any amount
and the recipient is sure to get the correct
size, color, etc. On sale in any part of store.
See Santa Claus Today
Bring the "kiddies" to see Santa Claus to
day in our big fifth-floor Toy Town I Old
Santa Claus will be here every day until
Christmas. It's a sight that'll set the little
eyes a-sparkle and gladden the hearts of
every little one visiting our great Toyland.
Today's Specials on,
Xmas Presents for Men
$1 Pure Silk Ties 50c
Nothing newer or more appropriate for the man's gift than these smart
nTwNoTT'SUk'KnTrFour-in-Hand3 on sale today at 50c. They come in all
plain and fancy colors". The wanted cross-stripe and other new ef-
facta. They're real $1100 Ties on sale today "atthe very low price of OUC
$2 Perrin's Men's Gloves $1-39
You can't bnv any finer (Moves than the famous Perrins' that's what makes
thU sDlradid offer so remarkable. Meu's finest $2 real kid dress Gloves
every pair bears the genuine trade mark. Extra special for Sat- J OQ
s , at ouiy, ine pair,. jj x Jk
urdav at the extraordinary low price,
Another corking good bargain for
men's day. Very fine quality pure
thread Silk Half Hose in black and all
shades. Special for Satur- q q
day, at the very low price tOC
smart new Silk Tie and Handkerchief
to match. It'll help solve many a per
plexing gift problem. All colors; ex
tra special for Saturday, at f
the extraordinary low price, OvIC
CHIEFS The sort that you will be
proud to give for Christmas. A fine
cross-barred Irish linen with hand
embroidered initial. Special Of?
for Saturday at low price, S3C
Consisting of a pair of arm bands,
garters and suspenders. Any man
will appreciate them for Christmas.
Reduced for Saturday only, fQk
at the very low price of, set, OiC
Men's and Boys' House Slippers
Extra Special, Pair 63c and 53c
A great Saturday sale of gift slippers for men and boys. Made
of velvet in Everett style, black or brown. They're mighty
comfortable to slip on in the evening and will prove very ac
ceptable Christmas gifts. These special reductions are for to
day only; bear it in mind and come early. Two special lines.
MEN'S HOUSE SLIPPERS, siles 6 to 11, today, pair at 631
BOYS' HOUSE SLIPPERS, sizes 12 to 2, today pair at 53
A Splendid Gift Suggestion
$1.25 Brass Piercing Outfit 89c
Include one or more Brass Piercing Ontfita on your Christmas gift-list.. The
outfits which we specialise at 89c for Saturday are regular $1.25 values and
include ten separate pieces everything necessary to start the work
with. On sale in onr Fifth Floor Picture Department at this low price OS Q
Tie Racks, lecture Frames, Panels,
Boxes, Candlesticks, Jardinieres,
Lamp Shades, etc., special. qq
price Saturday, each, only OiC
BOXES TO BURN Glove and Hand
kerchief Boxes of basswood, stamped
in pretty designs for burn- Of
ing. Sp'l Saturday, two for OC
lettering; fitted in artistic hardwood
frames.. Reduced for this A Q
great Saturday Xmas sale to T-JC
completed on them they make very
pretty 'as well as useful rf 1 (XC
pieces. Triced Saturday DxOLI
Great "Mysto"ftlagic
Last Day of Demonstration
Have you seen the great "Mysto Magic" 'Demonstration in Toy Town? This
is the last day that Mr. W. R. Richardson will present this novel entertain
ment, which reveals all the famous .tricks, including the Kellar Trunk Trick.
Don't fail to see him. Hundreds of Magic Tricks are on g m rr ff
sale here, the prices ranging from IOC up to as high as p .LOlavf If
"Mysto Magic" Card Trick Sets
Set containing five tricks, specially priced at only, the set 25
Set containing ten tricks, specially priced for this sale at only 5Q
Set containing sixteen tricks,' specially priced for this sale $1.00
Again Today at the
Grgain Square
In the Basement Annex
Men's Shirts
The Shirt Sale that has set all Portland talking! A
great Eastern purchase of 6500 Men's High Grade
Shirts the kind never sold regularly under $1.50,
and many up to $2. Fine madrases and percales
In hundreds of new patterns. Plaited and plain
fronts; collars attached and detached. Every size
14 to 18 all sleeves measured. Sale again today
Best $1.50 and
up to $2 Grades
Today's Specials on
Presents for Women
Women's Silk Hose at $1.39
Another big Saturday sale of women Silk Gift-Hosiery. Our No. 804
Is a fine quality of pure fast-dyed Ingrain Silk with wide lisle fearter-proof
top and lisle heels and soles. A quality which will surely delight every
1 . -w . 1 a, r- a.
woman who receives them tor unnstmas. An tnese great bj.v- OQ J
nrday sales tomorrow, extra special, at the low price of only, igl.tjl i.
NO. 803 SILK HOSE Women's fine
all-silk Hose, the kind sure to give
permanent satisfaction. A matchless
value just for Satur- fl 1
day at ' the low price u) A aO
A make that stands for highest qual
ity ,the country over. Fast black
with wide lisle garter (t OQ
tops and lisle soles. At
Thread-ribbed Stockings in black
and the desirable colors. Excellent
quality for gifts. Spe- J- ff
cial value at, the pair iDl,UU
weave with hemmed top; black and
the desirable colors. Spe- QC
cially-priced for Saturday, UC
Women's Up to $2.00 Gloves at $ 1 .47
Just for Saturday this special underpricing of women's $1.73 and $2.00
Gloves at $1.47. Extra fine grades of Mocha and English Cape skin in
several smart styles with embroidered backs. Black, white, d 1 f 7
gray, tan and brown. All in the wanted two-clasp style Pair J. H: i
Women's Union Suits Special at 87c
Women's warm fleeoe-lined Union Suits made in high neck, long sleeve
and ankle lencrth atvle. "Well made and nicely trimmed. All sires i
a regular $1.25 value, special for Saturday only, at the suit
Saturday Specials
From Pwe Food Grocery
Butternut Brand Butter, always "T I Royal Banquet Coffee, genuine A J
fresh and sweet; 2-pound square AC java and Mocha, special, pound"'
Port Toasties, special, the package, 8 Shelled Walnuts, pound for only 50J
Monkey Scouring Soap, cake, only 4k Shelled Pecans, pound, special for 75
Swift's Pride Cleanser, box at only 8 Shelled Ahnonds, special at, the lb., 50
Salmon Pudding, special at, the can, Extra Fancy Malaga Table Raisins 45
Sweet Cider, gallon, special, only 40 Fancy Malaga Table Raisins, only 40
Sliced Peaches, small cans, ea., only 9 Choice Malaga Table Raisins, for 35
Choice Breakfast Bacon, the lb., 20j California Grape Fruit, at only, ea., 5
Medium Sugar-Cured R, pound, 16? Oalifornia Navel Oranges, at, doz., 40
Small Sugar-Cured Hams, pound,. 18? Cape Cod Cranberries, the pound, 15
Small White Beans, at only, pound, 5 Early Dawn Coffe, choice blend, 33
Pig Shoulders, little pigs, tender "l A Paper Shell Almonds, special fl?- QQ
and sweet, on special sale, pound tC i pound lc; 5 pounds only V 'W
Today's Specials on
Girls' $16 Coats at $ 1 2.45
A really unusual saving today on girls' new full-length Box Coats, made of
fine all-wool cheviot, serges, tweeds-and fancy weaves, in colors of blue, brown,
red, gray, green and the natty black and white check. Lined throughout with
fine flannel; finished with velvet collars. All sizes 6 to 14 - .
years. Regular $15.00 and $16.00 coats, special for Saturday p X .rO
Children's Stormcapes Special Vals. $3.75
A really sensible gift Children's Rain Capes of sateen 'materials, in colors of
blue, gray, brown and red. All have attached plaid-lined hoods. d O 7 C
All sizes.6 to 14 years. Come in Xmas boxes. Special price, each O
Boys' $4.50 and $5. Boys' $4 and $4.50
Reefers today $3.65 Suits, special $3.40
Boys' smart new Reefers, made of all- Boys' Knickerbocker Suits, made
wool fabrics in tans, blues, grays, reds along smart mannish lines, of excel-
and shepherd plaids. All sizes 3 to 10 lent quality tweeds and cassimeres,
years. Every little fellow will appre- in new grays, browns, plaids, checks
ciate one of these Reefers for Christ- and mixtures. All sizes 7 to 17 years.
mas. Buy them today in dQ ?C 0ur best 4 and $4-50 A(
this great Saturday sale )3OD suits. Reduced, this sale DJxl
Silver Plated Fern Dishes
Real $3.75 Values $2.10
A rousing before-Christmas special today. Regular $3.75 quad
ruple silver-plated Fern Dishes complete with lin- J0 r
ing; just 150 of them on sale, 1st floor, today at P V
25c CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS In our big basement
store today, 1800 pairs of thin, dainty Japanese, China Cups
and Saucers in quaint native decorations. Special 1 A
for Saturday's selling a great Christmas sale, pair at ..V
Specials in Gift Jewelry
$ 1 .50 Comb and Brush Sets, 98c
Profit by these big savings today on Gift Jewelry. Regular $1.50 Ebonoid
Comb and Brush Setsbrashes have well set bristles and are nicely
finished. On sale today only in our First Floor Jewelry Department "oC
"Well set, stiff bristles in pretty ebony
effect. Reduced for Sat-. 1 Q
urday only, the set, at tft X A J
Sure to please every man who receives
a pair. Finished with 1- QO
aluminum backs. Special, .ft 1 c0
SETS Very pretty witn silver-plated
mountings. . especially
priced for Saturday, set,
$1.25 HAT BRUSHES Finished in
oxidized silver; also Whisk Brooms
to match. Special for Sat- j q
urday only, at low price of OlC
$1.75 SHAVING SETS Fitted with
mirror. Nicely silver-plated finish.
Special for this great (f -t QQ
Saturday sale at onlytj) L mJJ
CHILDREN'S $1.50 SETS Consist
ing of brush, comb and mirror, nice
ly finished in oxidized silver, q q
Special for Saturday at only OC
Big Sale of Sheet Music
Extra Values at 1 5c and 25c
You Must Make Good ' pwi In the Garden of Love JTT BbJ
to Me; Superstitious I - With You; Because of M I
Sadie, new; Put on I iV iO You; 'Mid the Roses; f IS Jfh
Your Old Gray Bon- .1 1 f Border Chief; Clock M 1 j
net; Mother; Zu Zu; )H . of Life, bass solo; m 0 U 11 M
Speckled Spider Rag; k 4 Pickaninny's Lullaby. LSB3 V
We carry Schurmar's, Woods McKinley
and Century Music. Rates to Teachers.