THE MOKXIXG OREGONIAX, SATURDAY, DECE3IBER 10, 1910. 19 HOP OFFERS HIGHER Bid of 13 Is Made fcr Choice Grants Pass Lot. AND 131s FCR REMAINDER L'nMM Mmk la Orrpon 1 Now Ke ducr-d to Bale Sher wood Sorllon Cleaned OoU Sugar Advances. l!-p prices are maintained at a fire level bKoM of a aood dtmud and lb small supply now available. It was learned a rood authorllir that S cent vu of rd for 100 bale at Grant' Pass Yeaterday and centa for verythln ! la tha district. Amoaatins to a boat TOO bale. Among tha transactions reported during lb- 5 a j was tho ami by O. W. Johnson, of (Us tea. af 44 bale to Ktefcor, Wolf Netter at 12 centa. K. I Hart cleaned out tho Hhrwood actHna of the few ho pa remain C r touring S bales from oooro Mur ray and tho Campboil crop of 21 bales. Mo. Nff Broe. bouxnt tho DeLashmntt lota of Iftwo and liis at Reed nils, AO bales lo oach toe Tha unsold atock of tha current crop la Oregon I bow reduced to acts bales and will bo under 50O bales by tba eloao of tho year. The now crop will very likely coma a aa atsolnt.y baro market. rVITEAT I WT-AK AND LOVIXIL Uoi Dratoro lok for Ovrllaeo ao Holi day .ppmavra. Tho wheat market was weak and lower rasterdj. Loal dealera quoted alub at Ofc.Hl fntt and bluoateTn at :o U rents. As tha holiday to usually a dull period. Its approach 1 expected to brtnjr lower prices. Last year, ho. ever, there was .treat deal f activity during tho holtday season. After New Tear's, according to, tTjo calculations of th local tra.t, thoro may bo Improvement, bnt that will depend oa tho world's ship ments and supplies at that time. The barley market waa firm yesterday at the adriBr rrf me precedtnr day. Tho oats market was qjlrt and nnchanged. Weekly fnreisn wheat shipment's, as re - ported by tho Merchants Exchange, aero: This wf k. Lat week. Last year. Arntina .. .:;vt i.trz fi r..tno led a sj.iik thi.0 tNU.O'0 . mi receipts. In car. were reported by tbf Merchants' Kirhrr aa fallow: Wheat fctarley Flour Oats Hay V n! v 1 " ilar 7 Wln'!uy i,r- V-hI-ht S-asn ( date TrJf J Jo fV--T .1 11 3 Ml 6-T 1 1 TT 1 10 3 Itimim Are QiMted 3 Centa a Bos C'beo per. Apple Trade lraa?. So many Japanese oranges hava been lumped on the market that prices broke !ijf vstertlay. Frm pee bwadie, :h- tiu tat(na of tho preceding day. tho ?-h-e diopp-d as low aa 5 centa yesterday. thoush the bet lots were held at $1.15. Nt- frl ormr-s wre Arm. It waa reported that enme atnek haa been ordered from Southern California. The supply of Northern Cali fornia orancea la about exbauated. Lemona were reduced M cnta a box yeaterday, $5 beng thO htjfheat price. The oemaad for cranberries waa acttra. Apples mo fed slowly. The atre.-t is practically cleaned ap oa awret pocatoea and ao rccelpta ara expected before next week. OMEf.ON CC.tiH COMING IX BETTKR. But tho Demand la Artlvo and Prfcro Firm. mVkena (Ml Well. Oregon ears have beonn to arrlre mora froely. but the demand la so a-ood that tho market hotJa atrong. Eaatern ara quoted firm. Tbo poultry market was Arm throttirhont. bens selling readily at 14 cents and Pprtnga at 1 cents. Veal waa In good demand, but scarce. Pork waa atlll weak. There were ao changes In the butter mar ket. BaoJi Cleauiaga. Pank c'.oarlnga of tha 7Corlhweet4ni cltlaa yts'-erCay were as follows: Clearing Balaneea. Portland .$ l.."T.4T $iH.3 'tle ............... !. I. vg V,l Tacoma . T71.S.S ".1.402 Spokane 71.1.V 44.3u acar Adrnarea Cents, Aa adranve cf 2 centa a hundred tn all gT'lee of rrflned lut&r was announced by the Jobbers yeaterday. The ad ranee was eipected tn view of the strong pool t Ion of the Eastern market. POT A to K ( n son. tl wr hundred ONIONS oreroa. lubbtsg price, ft. 40 91 1-30 per hundred. Groceries. Dried Fro He. Etc. DKIFD rRt'IT Apple. lOc per ponnd CUr.Mtiu i:ti4l."H- uorlt-Ota. 14'itll'"' datea. parka re. ij- per th.; aga, duIk. ahlte or tl a. by .irk. Tiv. !.. bALMON-Columbla Illvar. 1-pound tails. e .. ,tnn- -..nnH tall. 1- pound flata. 42. 25: Alaaaa pink. 1-pound lallit. $! 2.". red. 1-pound tall. lbc- CuVKEK Kuaattfd. U drama. It 111 xrt-T; W Innla .tT t, Tier DOtind t PfS' u iw- Miirts. lic: almoode. IAISc; pedant. UK: corMnuti, OAci! per duxen: chestnuts. JOc per pound; hickory auta. Idiuc per pound. aal.T nranu'aled. 13 per tn; Hlf gro-jrd. les. 400 ton; .Va. 0 per tnn. EEA.VS d:nall whlta. 4Sc; larre white. 44c: Lima. Ac pink. 6';c. red Mexicans. RIE No. 1 Japan. 4r; cheaper grades. 4Ji4jrf4.65; Foulhrn neaa. iuc HON ET Choice. 13.7i per case; strained. Vt'iJAR Ury granulate l. fruit and berry. b-t. 4 u: extra ... roiurn .ii..r i i.vio cubci (barrelst. 4-4. p.t derrd. u.V Terms on rrruiltnnc.'S with in li iya. U du t ?c p-r puna. u 1'. .1,. v. wfthln dvt. d--dUCt 1 pr pound. laplo sugar. ioc per pound. ProTlslosM. in mu 1A a 11 bound a. ISc; 12 to 1 pounds, lTr; 14 to 10 pounds. 17c; skinned, loc: pirn Irs. Ufec: cottage rol. 15c BACON Fancy, Wc; standard. 2c; choice. Sic; fcni.liQ. -ic. SMOKKU MEAT Beef tongtiee. 5c dried i-or aeta. 22c: ou is I ilea, none; In alda. 2Hr- knurk!. 22c. tKT SALT CVrfKD Rralar short cTears, dry aa!t. I-V: smoked. IflSr; barks, llcht. !k lln smoked, liic: ba aa. neary, wti, 14c: smoked. 16c; export bellies, salt, le amokeu. Ipc. I,AU1-!. kettle rendered. I24e: stand ard pure, lac; choice. lSo; sbortenmg. 13ac Mops, vveot, iiiaev, r.ic. HOpf luio crop. UUc; 1909 crop, 7 con tracts. 12 91- -jC. I'AH'AKA BARK 4 Pund. HU'K.h iAlte.l nitus. usc p r pounn. aalted calf. 14c; salted kip. He; salted e'ags, a-reen hldea. 1: leas; dry hides. 14H J 17c: dry ealf 17b IV;; dry tags. lli:a k i -r 0 r ini.- 1 1 hufchori' take-vff. 407Sc: Spring lambs. - il t Oils. LIXSKKD Olt -Pure raw tn barrels, $1.0' kettle rolled. In tar re Is. raw. In rosea. $1.12: kettle boiled. In raara. SI 14. Lots of i:o callons. 1 cent lees per galMn. COAL OIL, Watr White. ras IT.t. wood bbl-, UWc. iron bbla. Vc; Ha4:iabt. caaea o-c. wood bbls , use iron bbla., ll'-jc; Eocene, casra -o-: special Water White, vood 17e. Iron bbla. 1.1c; Klaioe. cases 27r: Eatrn Star, rases 2uc: V. M. A P- Napth.t. c:iee, I'lr: Iron bbls.. 15 Vie. tlAS' I.INH R-l Crotrn or mtor raanllne, eaa e. irn bbla.. lo; Ml ioiJnt, cae at'ji. iron bbla. 3K-; Amti:ry, rases 4'k-, Iron bbla., !tr; engine distillata, cases l&c, iron bbla., -. FEB GARS IN TfiiSlI NOKTIIWESTKRX FRIIT E CIIAVGK SOLD VP CLOSELY. DecliM la Cawolln. A drcUue of 1 tent In motor gasoline and a;htha waa announced yesterday. Engine d 1st 11 ) ace wa rduced S cent. No changes wrre snado In coal oil prlcea rOKTUiM) M ARJLETS. Grata. Flo nr. Feed. Fir. W tl V. AV-Tnck prtri : HTur -rn Z 9 M'-. lub. red Kusataa. lc; Vaiic, f.r:r-ro:j. HAKU Peed. 12.30 per ton; brewing. -i . ;.-r tor. w : i.i..-Tii.-KrB. i:a:i per ton; i met 1 ir.s. -"- ,. U. aborta, l.Ca0d; rolled KI.i'CK l'4t-nt. Ji.lS per barret: li:rt '.l. iK' ri;nrta 13-44; Val- f. 4 J", gaiiain. .. whoe wheat. urtrm. l KV T-a. k prU-e: Tlmor. WlKamatto 4"-t. r too. I-:r-n ur. n. ... a f f gram tur, 414.0 .:..; cl -r. Si J V M. Whole. I :; r-a-hed. $3 per ton. V? N 1 white. f?i Z J 2 pr ton. Dairy w4 Cvmntry rtedma. !n I.TP T M-na. IrV. Upr'nea 13c: a. bite. I Ti . gee. l"u-. turkexs. 2uc, Ureae-d. --o-V; eq-a! a. - lr anc. can1!ed, 4Se; 'C per do4n, Has tern K. ;. ;-t Orio a' rii pril. 3' i . . . . 1 v p r uovu. I t p"-;n.1. yoira Amertra. llilHS. ) l Ilt.K 'li creamerr o!ld pai. 3.0 t r'.n i : b'ttr fat. :-" J per pound; . '. a. 41 i 4 pr ptmnd. I - k K nrr. lulOS' per poun?. VL.AL Vnf. SO I pouuda 12 J '-; u prr pound. Veariablr and Itmlta APPLES Klac- 4(7ic per boa: Wolf :-.; vi. Ticeit; tk!d;a. v uJt '3- rtbrn Spf. "icuX 2i. Soow, !p :inberg- ILJ; Winter 41 71 o k!' J c. T A ULK Carrots. $10123 at i.-ni . psrvo .pa, 4i 4 l.UO; turalpa. $1; - . i a i .ol OKeEN FHl ITS Pears, $1 21 0 3 per box; l u I Ji per tKL ktaUsaa. $ 0 7 p r trrl . . ran -rra. 4 i t 3 Pr k.-rel; qatnr, $112 pr box; bucks-rri-. n c v. iMl.nm'ut 4 par box. VloGlAb'U; It ana. lo J X la tr pound; rf. S;411 per huadrd: raullllo er. ' CO a 2- -j per crate; colere. Cli rrta. IJ'iXJS rC era; cucumbers. 4 - ta; p:uit. ifVl -3 par craia; car He. (l.c p- ptuni. fren n;ana lc prr jo : bra t ttuce. t jq pr doaea; i.r.uM lettuce. I) si . pr box; Tpvrs, ioc par ;b-r pumpkins. lslH per radiahaa. 12 V 3c per d-sen; eproutav I; NUAth. Agilto per tb; lomatoea r 3 per boa. T ICa L FRUITS Orargen. nare!s. tr X 7i per boa. Japan, a -car II 15 per i-i.-. l-roiii M-'ui. -ri''a ra;Crui:. i; ('it.'orn': trpa frutt. It l4(r ; ba as. 4c per Vad ; piaaoppiea, 4e per AdvsMilMKa of the F. O. Fl. R)U'm Icmonslratcd -Season's Work Has Keen Satisfactory. Tho dally market bulletin of the North- eat era Fruit Exchanre folio s: We are sold no rather close Wo have In!t unaold only 11 cam. It takea aev era I dav$ to get the descriptions in the hndi at our aalM tctnii In various narta or the country ana y.teru.iT we cieaneu up ail , cura, descriptions of which had rmchl our enles aa-ents. Tomorrow wo will nrobahlr ail a number of the few re. maintna rar. and In a varT fe-.r dava the shipping business will have dwindled to a scattering car. here ana mere. Looking bark orar the season now com Ing to a elose, we convtder that the sea son haa ben generally favornblc, although by no meana oxtreme: neither very higli nor rerv low Brieve have orerailoo. but moderate prices, waicn nave inuurcu a very conaumot on or aootea anu wmm therefore promises steady . hentthy markets for tha balnnr of the consuming ?.uon Tho eaehanae feala particularly x ratified at Ita own Root fiirtune in manv rcDpects. it has been surcraaful In avoiding the disas trous conditions which have pre vn! led in many of the large E a tern auction mnrketa. nd weather conditions have been xavor aba. laua far. there haa been only one car on whl.-h tere haa hfn a complaint on thft e-o; of frosty eonultion. Apple snippers will remember tnat ia.t year excea inciy stvere wewther prevailed during the months of November ana Lerember. ana tnat nun dreda of cars of Northwestern apples pa its -lnx through this very avrro weather ar tvrd In the Eastern markets more or lr froataa. and shippers sustained very heavy loasra. neaio an en tne maraeia were ae- moralised by having this frosrn fruit thrown noon intm. A carrtui comparison or tne r.o.o. metnoa or art Lid a. wnicn tne exenange naa em' played, and the consignment and the auc tion matnoa. wnicn naa oern lonnwwi s frealy by a gre:it many XorthweFtera growers, but demonstnitea the tremendous advantaae or tne i.o.d. system, ana in rssi i T ror ciosr co-opf ration oi im principal fruit arrowing districts. and the strong control of the Industrr by tne pro ducrr themelv. The N'orthweatern Knilt Eirhange te a grower exchange, unfler the manncament of the (rowers, and operated r the beat Intereats of the Industry- The ti-nanct Is th nucleus on wnicn tne oprmtive movement, now mattor of su-h r discussion among rruttsrowera tvfrv- where, mar bo eucrruiy lounaeti T Krhange haa blaaed the trail : It hue shown what ran be done: it haa established precedents: It naa round ways and means, and Its support br the (rultarowera promises gre-tt mines ror tnei irnusiry. Toe seneral market la practically un changed. We have only sold one car since lat report, as follows: ON 912tX. from KiesMng. Wash., pec. 2, mlaed varieties and XTwdt-a. Ban Iavia. uoc; Champions. S1.2V: Ne towns. I1.40: cholra Newtuwns. 90c: R-a h. tl.20; Wincsaua. I1.30. ah f.o.b. Ktcaiiiitf. Wash., to a buyer in on 10. N ew York C at ton Market. NKW TORK. Dee. f. The cotton market opened stesdy at an advance of 2ffi points. Cottin futures cloaed firm. 'loinc bid!: LH-r amber. 14 Mc: January. 14.S7r; February, 14 1.-; March, is 14c; Aprii. i.vitc; May. li -K-; June 15 2eC; Juiyk 1J.-.V; Auuat, 1 4- "c. hpot cloeed stesdy. 30 points advance. Mi 1. uplands, li-l'c. do gulf, 3..t5c tfalrs, 7JvO bales. Dried Emit at New York. NKW ToKK. Ie. St. Kraporated anp'oa firm It heid with email ofTerUia. pot fancy qurrj nt 1 W ac cnolce, liw: prune, 4 y l l c. ru;i e Strong on reports that Western operators are bu if g In the Ens tern mar ket, quotations rr.;ln from lc to 10c f- r Cai forniaa up to 34-44 and li s lftc fur 40 to -'Oa Orcgone Ivaohea la better demand and prices f.-n. 7)utc; extra chw4ca l,e. fancy. IS c CoeTeo aad Unvar. NEW TORK. !. . COee futrjrea closed weak at a net of 1? to 21 rdn:s. a.-s wer reported of i.5)0 bags. Closing bi.m: Ieceil'-r. 10i-; January. Itf.Soc; KebrUr. lv lv: March. is.s.: April, :r. May. IV ?rr. June. 10 63c; July, 1. S .-: Auaust. IS Mc; September. 14.4c: October ar.j November, le.xrc. ;P'f V'it. No. 7 lt!o. 13Sc; Pantos No. 4. USe. Mtld q-ilet. C-rdova. 13adl5c. Haw encar Firm. Muscovado t et, I Zlc : ran ;r. final te.t. 4 . 5c; inolaasea, .AS test. 4 3Uc. Hfiaed steady. Antef Wan Cottosi Crop. WASHINGTON. Iec. 9. The to:a produc tion of cotton In the irnited tit atea for trie seaaon of lfIo-ll mill amount to 5.4V4.317. vv pounds tnoludlnir llntersk whirh ts ejuivaient to lt.4.:.o bales of oOO pounds Kres weisni. i.i a imate or in crop re port Ing board of the raited 8tates Depart ment of Areulture issued todsy. The li9 croo was li.Ot'4.1e44 bates and the llMoj crop 13 i7.3o bale. Tne estimatcu production tor cairrornla Is t.9vK Chicago Dairy Prod ore. CHICAGO. lec. Butter Steady. CT-merie, 23:r: dairies. r:KSa Jteau? . Kfreipi. i. j cases At mark, cases Included, 19 H v hc; firsts, )U': prime firats. Wt r-ee jlauy. iaiaiea, a r; iwina. 1U u-,c; younc Americas, 14 m 14 c; lona; Dvlulh Flax Market. ri'Ll'TH. Dec. a. Flax on track ard to arrive. 42 42; December. 443 asaeo: May, $.40 asked. HEAVY CUTTLE SOLO Largest Steers Ever Marketed at the Yards. CME FELLOW BRINGS $126 Shtpiuent I From Gazelle, Cal. and Sells for the Christmas Trade Market in Oilier Kcppeota Is Steady. Among the arrivals at tho stockyards yea terday m-aa a car of cattle shipped by Ooodale 4t Casaldy. of Gazelle CaL, which contained tho heaviest steers aver shipped to the yards. Two of them averaged 2113 pounds and two SOOO pounds. Tha heavier pair brought 4&T3 and tho other two f3.E0 per 100. The heaviest steer In tho lot, which welched 2210 pounds, realised for tho owner $12, These cattle were bought by the Frank L Smith Meat Company. In the same shipment were two unusually heavy etags. one weighing 140 and the other 1760 pounds. They brought $$ and 14.00. In other respects the market was not out of tho ordinary. Cattle sold within tho former rang of prices and several good slzo bunchea of bxmbs brought $4.85 and 5.:i5. Hogs again sold at S. Receipts yesterday were: 21 cattle, 9 calve. 22S sharp and 37 hogs. Shippers of the atock were: E. E. Bells, of Roland. 2 cars of sheep; Tatton 4b Over ton, of Malsey. 1 car of cattle, calves, hogs and sheep, and Goods le 4e Cassldy of Gu selle. CaL. 1 car of cattle. Tho day's sale were as follows: Weight. Price. .2115 Rye. bushels . . , Barley, bushels t.50 7a, Ova 24.044 Minaeaoolla Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec 9. Wheat D.vtm ber, $1.00; May. $1.03 t 1-04; July 11.01-. .Cash No. 1 hard. Jl.lKiH: No. Northern, $1.020 1-0.1; No. 2 Northern, fefl.Ooi: No. a wheat. fSc&i.oi. Europeaa Grain Markets. LONDON, Dec. . Cargoes, easier; huers holding ofT. Walla Walla for shipment 3d lower at Jtfs. English country markets, quiet, French country marKeis, Quier. LIVERPOOL. Dec. cem ber. Us 9d; March, lld. Weather, tine. 9. Wheat De Us 11 Vd; May, Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. . Wheat, steady. fsariey, nrm. spot Quotations v neat: amp ping. il.4591.A0. Barley Feed, $1.07 tf; brewing, gl.ig & 1-12 uats Kea, $1.07'4nl.30: white. $1. 471.57 : black. 41.37 U ti 14 J 'i. Call board sales W heat, n trad ins; barley, December, $1.10; May, $L137s. Grain Markets of tba SorChwest. PRATTLE. ' Dec. 9. Milling quotatloni Rluoatem. 78'c: forty-fold. 76 V-c; club. 74c; fife. 7.iSc; red Russian. 73 'c. Export wheat uiueetem. Hic: forty-roid, 7o rlub. 7s He: fife. 78c: red Russian. 76L-o. yesterdays car receipts Wheat. IS cars oats. 1 car; barley, 4 cars; corn, 0 cars; bay cars. TACOMA, Dec. 9. Wheat Milling bine- nort blnfl'.ni. 84c- fortv-foid. 83e: club. Sc; red Ruseian. Mc Receipts Wheat, 34 cars; oats, 1 car; hay, 1 car. 2 steers 2 steers 'Jm'nt 9 steers 1 J stan 1S4U 1 stac 17 so 17 ewa 1041 'J COH ...................... L'.t 2W cows U7d tl cows w 4l 1:1 cows Ins I caif 2.-.0 S calves 402 17 calves 1 sil 10 Citlvea OTIS 1."o lambs 7S .' lambs 77 $.' lamua 20 hogs 1 ho Prices current on th stock at the Portland wes as follows: Prime steers $5.7 (i'toO to choice steers $.2 Fstr to rood steers 4.7 Common steers Choice to prime cows.... iiood to cholro beef cows. Fair to good beef cows... Common to fair beef cows ti'Hid o choice hetfers... Fair to aood hetftr Common to fair heir 4.25 r.iK 4.50 4.73 4 2r 4 40 4.011 4Stl a. so 4 .Ml r. .-.ti 3 .'.It ...a PROSPECT IS BRIGHT IMVhTRIAL ADVAXCK EXT YEAR IS ASSIRKD. To I'M I) various rlnaaes Union Stockyard, 4.V H.OO SOU $.oo 0.73 .23 4.75 w I.!Vi 4.S3 2 iX'i 3.50 4.7r. -f J.00 4...0S 4.7 (M et 4.U Olv, ICO to (nod fat bull, 4."!' 4 :5 Fair la ooj (at bull, S. W f 4.01) Common bull. Good choice light calv.s Fiilr to food Usht calv,,. . . .... Good to choice tit-avy calvea.... Fair to koo1 heavy calvea...... Common eaives Oood to choice etait,.. Fair to pood ata.a Choice hog, oood to choice hog" y.arllnv wethera. grain-fed.... OH wethera. grain-fed ........ . Choice ewea. grain-fed Good to choic, ewea. grain fed. Feder, Choice lamb,, grain-fed oood to cnoice. grain-zea. .. . . . Poor lamb, Hay-I"d sneep ana larooa ooc lower uu grain-reo. 2..-,o a 1 11 7.00 a 7.50 a.30 9 1.rx 0.UU 3.75 a 4.7J 4 so 4 00 5 4 SO 7.T5W 8.00 7.M) T. 4.75 t.OO t.Xt 4.S0 3.7.. 4.00 3.::. J 3.75 2.i'5tt 3.00 6.75 6.00 o.;oo o.ta 4.1(50 5 0U Kaatern Cattle Market. nrtCAOO. Dec. 9. Cattle Estimated re ceipt. r.OiH. Market, steady. Beeves, J4.40'', Texaa atfora, S4.1fe 5.34); We-rn ters. S4.10f0.20: fttocktjrs and feedera. S3.'J5U 6.o; cows and hellers. sZa'a O.10 u e.. IT.CO'fl U.OV. Hur Ksttmaled receipts. 18.000. Market, ronerHr l"c hlgner. Ignt, ?j.sarT.u.. mura. S7 25417.C5: heavy. 7.-'.-.f 7.80: rouch 17. .5 4o; koo to cnoice neavy. Tr.nnw 7 1,.'.; pigs. 10. 70 u 7.55; bulk of sales, 7.40 T.O". . Kheen Esllmated receipts. 10.000. Market Western. X75ef 4.4"; yearlinira. S4.2Ai 0.50 latnba. native. 44.560.50: Western, 14. 75 6.50. CLOSES NEAR MOM WHEAT COV7XTES TO MXIXE AT CHICAGO. Favorable Xev From Argentina the DrprcssinK Factor Cash Wheat Flrmlr Held. CHICAGO, Dec. 9. Wheat finiahed within a ahad. of bottom prices. During most of the session, however, stubbornness cropped out whenever th. market approached fioc for the May option. At that point there wer. resting orders to buy. and no break below occurred nntll tha last quarter of an hour. when the prlco w,nt to ASHc. pry weather In the Winter Wheat belt of th, United States acted more or less aa a counterpoise th, news from Argentine. In quMui. cash wheat was firmly held her. and elsewhere, although the demand could not b. classed as anything but poor. Mar fluctuated between 5Hc and 900fec, with th. clo.. at W4fct5.c a loss of S compared with -4 hours Complaint of car scarcity tightened op prjrra for corn. May ranged from 47 Ho to o and closed exactly tn. aatne as laat nUht. 47Hc asked. Cash corn was easy. No. 2 yellow finished at 51 trill's. 8horts In oats were inuucnced by th. strer.sth of corn and turned buyers. May had as high and low levels 34Vi3 34t.c and 34c. with the finish at 31tf3414c, a net ain of a There was a lively trade In provisions. Tork rl(cd 4"c to Mc blgber: lard, 134 up and ribs at an advance of 22c to 30c Tn. leading xuiurea raagea as louow,; WHEAT. Open. High. . I .3.' CORN. .45S .46V. 47V, .47V .41V, .48 V, OATf. .51. ,J1V .34'. .:is ,J4'. .34 V. MESS PORK 15.54 117S 17.7. LARD. 7H ia.1 :s a., 7v, .9;v, SHORT RIBS. S S7V, 5 77i, t.i7v. VJU J SO Cash quotations wera aa follows: Flour Mieauy. ftv. No. 3. ItHr. u.rl.r K..1 or mlTT. s barley. fair to cnoice ma.iing. njuc. Fiasseeu o. i eouiaasstern. ,2 .3: AO, Northwestern. gi.4. Timothy seed 110.00. Clover 114.15. M'SS pork Per barrel, ft 1. 50 O 11.70. lrd Per 100 pounds. 110.10. Short ribs Sides (loose). !.: 4 S 10.53: Short clear sides tbox,d. elO.uvsj 10.1a. i.raln ,:attsiics: T.:. elearar.ces of wheat and flonr wer. equal to 171.000 bushels. Exports for th. eek. as ,nwn or armnnreri b, wer. equal s 00, bushel. ITImtnf reclma wer. SS.00O bushels, compared with 21Z.0V0 bush. ! the corresponding dsy a year airo. The estimated recrlpte for tomorrow: Wheat. 17 ars: corn. z. cars; oau, x cars; nogs. Dee May uly Dec U-iy uiy Deo Mar uiy Jan. . May an. . May. an. May. Low. $ 1 47V. .41 .its .14 .3 IT. K.SS 17.43 Close. .H5 ", 45 47 V, .41 JV, 0.13 V, SIS V 34 1J.7S 17.70 10.10 s f to C07:c; 1.000 bead. Flour, barrels . heat, bushels om. buMiels . Oats, bushels Rscelpta ... 11.100 ... IS.! ...s:7.ion . .. .4:1.100 Salpmsnts. 11.100 14.100 f'O.SOO :o.3oo Basis Is Uie Nine Billion Dollar Crops Harvested This Season. Holitlny Trade. NEW TORK. Dec. . R. G. Dun Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will say The year now drawing to a close will be notable for its harvests, the money value o; Its farm products being computed at close to 19.0o0.000.000. a record figure. This fan forms the best possible basis for Industrial advance next year. There Is. however, little change in financial and business sentiment, which remains conservative and cautious. Ccntfnued restriction of output has not prevented steady accumulation of pig iron storks, ana tne movemeut to curtail opera. tlona la exoecteri to be carried still further. In the dry goods market the holiday trade Is shaolua un well ana re-orners lor mer chandise are going Into Jobbing houses steadily. The cotton roods and cotton yarn markela are hampered by the difficulty of setting prices commensurute with high cot ton costs, and curtailment thereof continues. While there has been some improvement of th. shoe trade, business is stli consid erably below normal for this season of the year. Prices on footwear are not strong, but no concessions of consequence are reported. as values are already low, considering the cost of production. TRADE IX HOLIDAY IJNK8 OOOD. told Weather Stimulating Sales of Winter t.oods. NEW TORK. Dec. 0. Bradtreef tomor row will say: now or rain, followed by cold westher throucbout considerable areas. have tended to stimulate aales of Winter poods and wearing apparel, while the ap proach of the holidays has helped business in specialties adapted to that season. Job bers and wholesalers caterinc to this class of business have apparently done well as a whole, replenishing ox oroKen stocks glv- seasonable roods. In regular wholesale trade, th. approach or the Inventory season made for Quietness. and Spring buying in genera, is reported of rather light volume, with conservatism still ruling trade for distant dates. Collection aa a whole will not class better than fair. Business failures in the United State for the week ending December a were 267. against 217 laat wek. 259 in the like week: of lattj, ?vs in ivus, ;m in isui ana In 1000. Business failures in Canada for the week number .in. which compares with 32 last week and 30 for the corresponding week in 190 Bank Clearings. Btadatreet'a bank clearings report for tha week ending December 8 shows an aggre gate of 13.426.S43.OtlO, as against 13.180. 587. goo last week and 33.432.1bl,O0O In the corre sponding week last year. P. C. Inc. . . $2.n.",.V0! ,00O 2.8 2M1,3fH.OOU - 5-8 New York Chicago Boston Philadelphia . St. Louis Kansas City . . Pittsburg Ssn Francisco Baltimore ..... Cincinnati .... Minneapolis New Orleans . - Cleveland Detroit Omaha Los Angales .. Louisville Milwaukee .... Portland, Or. .. Seattle ft. Paul ....... Buffalo Dener Indlanapolla Atlanta .: Providence .... Memphis ..... Richmond ..... Fort Worth . .. Salt Loke City. Washington, D. St. Joseph .... Columbus . . Albany Tacona Savannah Spokane, Wash Oakland. Cal.. Sacramento ... Helena Lulutb. Minn.. Houston Galveston 177.007.000 1IK1,750,0X 80.4115,000 r2.71M,ooo 50.71ft.000 4fl.B70.O0O 3.5S.O0O H5.42W.OtlO 25.12!,0t0 24..r.000 lD.37ll.0O0 lfl.!OS.OIO IR.423.tyx) 10.235.000 12.Dft2.0OO 14.2ttfl.000 11,436,000 1 13.550.000 lo.i.-.i.oon 9.571.000 .27.1.000 17, 8.727.000 7.II4S.00O 13.5 9.102.000 10.9 8.&O4.0IHI 8.0S7.OOO 6.347.0W r..747.0dO 8.407. DOO 4. 4X5. IX. 0 8.2.10, IHI0 5.l71.O0O 8.73U.OOO U30.OOO 954.000 3.7fl0.lK0 2S 3 38.801.000 30.5 18,935, 000.2S.6 0.9 2.8 11.4 9.0 4.8 12.9 59 '10.5 9.8 2.4 S.7 2S.4 11.9 3.6 20.5 6.2 31.3 11.1 24.6 7.5 2.0 6 3 20.4 7.3 36.7 6 C.3 .1.4 20.7 i::,7 25.3 24. S 6.1 85.0 3.1 18.9 Decrease. WHEAT MARKET EASIER KXPOllTKItS WITHDRAW AND PRICES .LOWER IX NORTH. Hawaiian Pineapples Received From Portland TTnsaccessful Efforts to Advance Onion Market. iSEATTlsB, With., Tc. 9. special.) The wheal market wan raalt-r today. Blue torn waa offcrrd m half cent lower at K4 rant and other varietlea In proportion. The easy ton was dua, to tha withdrawal of exporters and the .restricted purchases by millers. Oats and barley sold at tha bent prices of tne season, tne inrmer foinc at $29 . and tha latter at SJS.&u. A small lot of Hawaiian pineapples, ar rived today from Portland and were of fered at from 6. to 8 cents per pound. Th potato market waa steady, but un changed. Sweets sold back at 34 cents In moat Quarter. raJifornia ara pes were not as atronc. rox3 stock. oln as low as sM.&O. Out of town Ksvies of Japanese omnRea have been heavy. All errnrts to un ine price ox onions nave so far been unnuccesaful. Fresh eirr receipts were materially in creased. Dealers, however, held the price SO cents, ani sre not nicety to cut it until Monday. Butter and cheese were weak. FBODVCE AT SAX FKAXCISCO. Quota lone Current tn tba Bar City Mar ket. SAN" FRANCISCO, Dec. 5. The followlna produce prices were current today: Vegetables Cucumbers, 2 42.5; garlic. 4 V 5c ; green peas. 6 b Sc : string beans, 7 0 12 Vic; lomatoee, Sc 1-2S; eaa plant, 6 (gf 0c. Butter Fancy creamery "c. EKCfitore, 4lc: fanci ranch. 4?Ho. Cheeie Young America, 14 & 17c. Mtllstuffs Bran. $j;30; znlddiincs, $31 St. Hay Wheat, f 95 14; wheat and oats, $9Q 11. oo: alfalfa. IsvU. Fruit Apples, choice, 45c; common. 40c; Mexican lines. $4.60 3 5: California lemons. choice, H.OO; common, $2; oranges, navel, $1.S)6 2..4; plneappls. $2 J. 50. lotato.0 aiinaa xxuroacKa. 11.1ag1.11; iweets, S2.T0O2.s0; Oregon Burbanks. 11.50 unions ti.iwQ Receipts Flour, 1S10 guar tar sacks; bar- m- centals: oata. Jiaa centals: D:a- toea 12-28 a aacksi . bar. 240 tana. RISE - IS GENERAL Stock Prices Are Advanced Throughout the List. COALERS ARE STRONGEST Effe?ct of the Decision In the Temple Iron Case Most of the Trad ing in Pleading, Union Pacific and Steel. NEW TORK, Dc. . From the decision of tha Federal Court of tho Pennsylvania district, enjoining the Temple Iron Com pany. the selling agency of a number of large coal-carrying roads, but acquitting the latter interests of evasion of the interstate commerce law. Wall street professed today to derive much satisfaction and gav. vent to Its feelings bv a general rise In prices. The stocks most affected by tho news made the greatest gains, Reading and Le feigb Valley advancing over two points In the Initial transactions. The market continued dull and narrow during th. afternoon In the sens, that three-fifths of the business was in three Issues Reading, union Pacific and United States Steel. In the final trading, revival of gold im port rumors imparted fresh activity and higher prices, with substantial net advances throughout the list. A rise of 13 points In American Tobacco common "on 'the curb" excited some at tention. London bought quite extensively here, purchases being reported at 15.000 to 20.000 shares. London's own market steadied at the close after an irregular opening, consols participating In the rally. The weekly statement of the Imperial Bank of Germany showed a decrease of fis. 000(000 In loana and discounts and a de crease of about $2,000,000 In gold. The bond market was firm; total sales, par value, $2,237,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOM.NG STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. High. Low. 4i 46 39 57 m 3.-.H 74 H 14Hs 04 ' 32 40 '4 10Oi 102 54 foii 20 74 I2v 30 S-H4 45 87 4H 07 11 "4 8514 73 114i 140 04 31 3!4 JOrt 102 105 29 7:m 1021, SOU 10.100 81H4 70 Vi Allis Chsl pf Amal Copper . . 27,300 Am Agncult .. 000 Am Bvet Sugar 10.3OO American Can .. 0o0 Am Car & Kdy. 1.2H Am Cotton Oil. 200 Am Hit & Lt pf Am Ice Securi Am Linseed Oil. 300 Am Locomotive. 2oo Am Smel A Kef 15.5O0 do preferred.. Am Steel. Fdy.. 300 Am Sugar Ref.. 2tH) Am Tel & Tel.. 3..SOO Am Tobacco pf 200 Am Woolen 4O0 An ironiia M Co 700 Atchison 60,100 do preferred. . 300 Atl Coast Line Bait Ohio . . 7(10 Bethlehem Steel 300 Brook R Tran.. 2.1"0 Canadian Pac .. 00 Central Leather 2,300 uo preferred Central of N J. Chea A Ohio . . . Chicago & Alton Chi Jt West .. do preferred Chicago Sc N W C, M & St P .. 10,700 C. C, C 41 St L. 100 Col Fual Sc Iron ' 200 Col ft Southern Consol Oas .... 2,H00 Corn Products .. 200 Del ft Hudson.. :too DAB Grande.. 500 do preferred. . 400 Distillers' Secur 2.500 Erie . 5.000 do IM pf do 2d pf .... 1.OO0 Ren Electric ... 200 fir. North pf . .. 1,000 (it North Ore.. 200 Illinois Central. lou Interbor Met .. 7K do preferred.. 1.4:tO IntoT Harvester. 300 Inter Marine pf Int Paper 200 Int Pump 2.5UO Iowa Central .. 0 K C Southern .. 300 do preferred. . Laclede Gas .. 200 Louis ft Nash.. 100 Minn ft St L M, 8 P ft S 8 M 100 Mo, Kan ft Tex 600 do preterrso.. Mo Paclilc . 2.4O0 Nat Biscuit . . 400 Nat Lead 100 Mex X Br 2 pf 1O0 N Y Central . . . 0,200 N T, Ont ft Wea Norfolk ft Wes. 2.TOO North American 100 Northern Pac .. .fH0 Pacific Mail . . . 200 Pennsylvania ... 7,200 People's Gas .. 100 P. C C -fc St L Pittsburg Coal... 200 Pressed S Car.. 600 Pull Pal Car I'.y Spring Reading 165.200 Republic Steel.. 100 do nrererrea.. Rock Island Co 6,100 ria nreferrcd. . ...... St L ft S F 2 pf 800 St L Southwest. 300 do preferred... Sloss Sheftield .. Southern Pac . . Southern Ry . do preferred.. Tenn Copper . . Texas ft Pacific Toi, St L ft Vies do preferred. . Union Pac 13 do preferred. U S Realty V S Rubber , U 8 Steel ll,Muu do preferred., i.zihp Utah Copper .. Va-Caro Cbem.. Wabash do Dreferrd. . Western Md ... Westing Elec .. Western Union. 1- V. ...,1 J. I. Gl . Lehigh Valley... 32.BO0 17H" 177 600 410 1S.600 9(10 200 l.GOO 300 30O 700 :,700 l.OOO 500 300 4O0 ""lioo 100 00 22 122 65 i4 80 133 15 163 28 i 69 82 H 28 44 84 153 1224 55 1.10 20 54 110 'ii' ' 4V 1814 30 f03 142 128' 31 "irj"" 111 01 85 112 '7 62 114 31 129 104 Ti 17 30 147 so?, 'so "so" 24 61 40 114 24 59 35 25 21 55 109 21 121 C5 30 132 15 103 28 A8 81 27 42 .13 133 121 54 130 20 54 110 'is" 40 ir 30 ios 142 128 30 '44 11014 51 35 111 'iwj 62 114 31 128 104 "i 30 143 30 '29 "08 24 09 49 113 24 59 34 25 21 54 168 73 116 45 60 In 33 "67" 70 72 115 45 60 15 S3 . "flf "" 70 Bid. 28 64 41 39 9 50 57 20 17 11 85 74 103 42 114 141 04 80 40 100 101 115 105 2 74 1U2 3 log 205 80 30 21 43 140 122 05 30 56 183 15 163 27 08 82 28 44 83 151 122 55 130 20 54 110 JO 13 40 IT 30 64 103 142 27 127 31 6.1 45 'i 1011 51 85 111 40- 61 114 30 128 104 5 17 30 159 32 147 - 30 30 61 38 24 61 49 113 24 58 34 25 21 50 19 90 67 82 73 116 45 0014 15 S3 44 6C 69 S 178 Total sales 'for the day. 630.800 shares. BONDS. NEW YORK. Dec. . Closing quotations: V. 6. ref 2s reg.lO0N. Y. C. g 3 89 do coupon . . 1.0. l-acjuc oa lux . S 3s reg 102 No. Pacific 4s... 100 da couDon ...101 Union Pacific 4S.1O0T4 U. 8. new 4s reg.ll5Wls. Central 4s. 93 do coupon .. .llS'ilJapancse 4s .. oso D. ft R. G. 4s. 4B4 Money Exehssfe, Etc. NEW YORK. Dec. B. Money on call easy, j3 per cent; ruling rate, S per cent; losing bid, 3 per cent; offered, 3 per cent. Time loans dull. 60 oavs and u nays iffered at 4 per cent; six monuas onerea at per cam. Close Prim, mercantile paper, 3S0V4 per nt. Mt.rtin. exchange steady at a decline, with ctual business In bankers' bills at $4.S223 6 4.8239, for 60-day bills ana at 4.aoo ior "commercial bills. $4.8184.82. Bar silver. 64 c. A Mexican dollars. 48c. Government bonds, steady: railroad bonds. Orm. losnox. Dec t . Bar silver steady. u A njip mince: monev. 2144l3 Der stent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 3 per cent. The rate of dis count In the open market lor three months Ills la Per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. . Sterling on London, sight. 11.85. Drafts: Sight par; o. teisgrapn, .uz. Stocks at Boston. BOSTON. Dec. 9. Closing quotations: Alloues 38 IMohawk 45 Amalg. Copper.. 3i Nevada con. ... J si. A. Z. L. ft Sin.. 2iNIplsslnr Mlnea. 10 Arlxona Com. .. 14 .North Butte 2 Atlantic 5,North Lake B ft C C ft S M. lniOld Dominion... 37B Butte coalition. 18 (Oeceola 123 at. Ar. ex-a. ft iarrott ts c (Jj liift Cal. ft Hecla...530 'Qulncy 70 Centennial 10 Shannon 11 Cop. Ran. c. CO. 60 superior 4 iuite t-n. Jts. aup se no. aim.. a t Franklin Sup ft Pitta Cop. 13 Glroux Con. ... 0 'Tamarack Granby Con. ... 38 U. S.S. R. U. 32 Greene Cananea. 6 do preferred .. 40 Royate I cop. 17 lutan coi Kerr Lake 6 Utah Copper Co. 45 Lake Capper S3 HI Winona 8 Metal Markets. NEW YOHK. Dec. . Standard copper easy; spot. 12.20 & 12.35c; December ana snuarr. 1: -b b L'-.c: feDruary ana saarcn. 12.25&12.40C-; London Slrm; spot, 5i ts 3d; Lumber sviens National Bank CORNER FIFTH and STARK STREETS PORTLAND. OREGON Capital $500,000 THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus end Profits. $800,000.00 OFFICERS: r. AISTSWOrtTH. Prcldrat. R. W. CHHKElt, R. LEA BARITBS, VlccPraarldent. ' A M. WHIUHT, Aaalatswt Cashier. W. A. filOJLT, AssUtaat'Caaklaa LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on all FOREIGN COUNTRIES Ladd 8 Tilton Bank -"F i v ; Establfshed 1859. y. i ' . . OLDEST BANK ON THE PACIFI0 C0ASI ' Capita! $1,000,000 V ETOPLTJS AND FB.0FITS $600,000 XV. M. L,ad. Presiaent. H. Howard, Jr, Asa't Cashlen. ri. Edw. Cookingham, Vlce-Prealflent. J. W. Ladd, Assistant Cashier, yj XV. U. Dnnck.ley, CasWor. Walter St. Cook, Asa't Casblar. J, First National Bant Capital $1,500,000 , Surplus 750,000 - Oldest National Bank Westof thp Rocky Mountains CUtMARDi CRUISES w. at 6 MADEIRAVJGIBRALTAR AUCIERS-VILLEFRANCHEICENOA" . . NAPLES ALEXANDRIA FlljME:i AiLA CARTE SERVICE JAN. 7. f . IWITHHIIT CUADnr. asal JAN. 21, FEB. 18, MAR. 11, rn.'nSTICULSRS XPPCV T O OUR ACCSjCICS AX a a M VRANlftlCO. TOMONTO. MONTRCSL AND WINNIPEG ON LOCAL AGENT I i i i Jkfm futnres. f E7 lis 3d- Lake cooper. 13.00 i.r5: lctrolrtic. 12.87 V IS. 00c and cast ing-, 12.60 12.75c. Arrivals reported at New vnrk tnriftv. 90 tons. Exoorts. accortlinic to tha custom bouse returns, ,403 tons so far this month. . Tin Easy; spot, 3S.40.94Oe; December, 3.25S5c; January, February and March, 8S.2O038.3Sc; London firm; spot, 171 16s; futures, IIS 3s Sd. Spelter Quiet, 5.S0 5.90c New Tork; 5.70 96.80c East St. Louis; London, 14 2s d. Iron Cleveland warrants, 49s 9d in Lon don. Locally, the iron market was very nnsettled. and Quotations are uncertain, iso. 1 foundry iNortnern, .o. l xounary tooutnern and jSO. 1 xounary- ooumern Buit, 9 h 16.25, nominal ; Sso. 2 f ounary ortnern. Bitulithic streets cost moderately TRAVELERS' GVIDE. San Francisco, Lea Anfelss ani San Diego Direct irortb Pacifio 8. s. cc's a. A Roaaom ml 8 8. Elder saU ry Wednasdar alternatslj at P. At. Tleket office UJ Third t,. near Alder. UAIiTUI J. HIGLEX. Fasseaaa ArOBtV W. B. SLLhStB. Trelsht Acest. fiusua at, 114. A 1314. TflAVELEKS" OCIDE. Tiie Royal Mail Steson Packed Company Cruises da Lux to Cuba Wefrt Indies Panama DwmnJ 6EVKNTT YKAitS Kxperlence In ths West Indies Passenger Trade R.M.S. P. "AVON" U-Z. Jan 21 dt days) 140 up Feb. 18 (3 das) 1S up March S (IS dars) $S up. The only Steamer CruHlne: tn the West Indies specially constrnct,d for service In the Tropics. Weekly sailings from Kew Pier 42, 29. R N. Y. Bermuda-Cuba-Jamaica LmTiAsm-e' On Alternate Saturdays by West India Matl Steamers and Intervening- Satur days by the SOWlAMOtl "TRCWT" B.525 B. L S. P. IXCl' a Ton, Sanderson A Son., 149 LaSalle St., Chicago O.. R. & N. Astoria .Route. STEAALEK HA8SALO Leares Portland dally except Saturday at S;00 P. M. Makes all way landlnrs. ArrlTsa at Astoria at 0:00 A. M. Leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7 :00 A, M. Arrives Portland at 0:00 P. M. Hakes direct con nection with steamer Xahcotta for Megler. Ilwaco, Long Beach and all points on tha liwaco Rail i oad, BAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND 83. CO. New service to Los Angeles via San Fran cisco every five days. Prom Ainsworth dock. Portland. 4 P. M. 8. 8. Beaver Jeo. 13, Bear 18, Bose City 23. From San Francisco northbound, li! M. 8. H. Bear Dec. 12, Kose City 17, Beaver 22. From San Pedro northbound S. A. Bos City Der. 15, Beaver 20, Bear 25. - JUL u. Bmita, U. X 1 Hiiro oi T. W. Baofiom, Affent, Ainsworth Dock. Phone: Main 403. gag; A 1402. COOS BAY LINE PTFAMKR BREAK WATER sails from ila.tra Arvlr Portland. 8 P. M. Dec 13. 'JO. U7, Jan. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, Feb. 7, 14, 21, 2 and every xuesaay ninv merejuwr uurmg int Winter. Freight received at Alaska Dock until 6 P. M. daily, passenger fare flrst class, $10; second-class, 7, Including; meals and berth. TlckeU on sale at Ainsworth. Dock, phones Main 203. A 1234: ; Canadian Paclno Smpreas Una of ataamars salllnc weekly between Montreal and Ltrsav ' pool. Wireless on all steamsra Ask am ticket aaent or write F, R JOhAJrVB. fk .Am ia fflaint ib, Porti and, rw