THE SrOKXTXO OHECOXTAy. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 10. 1910. is ONLY 3 CARRIERS TO RUN TO ORIENT Portland & Asiatic Line May Not Replace Norwegian Steamer Selja. . WEIR SEEKS ENTRANCE With Harriman Tonnage Ileducl Waterhouse I.lnrs Mar Offer In ducements to Loral Shippers for Regular Iluln. There) rpJr to be slicht prospect Ttat the Portland Asiatic Steamahlp rompar.T coniinue four carriers on tl Oriental route from this harbor and w'th the departure nest f'li of the Hsltlsh ilimtr Straihrillan the. fle-t will consist of three vessels, the lienrlk lb en. RyrJa and Hercules. Snippers say that the company Is ac cepting carroes for the Far Knat as of yore, but no more has Wen m.ide to re place the Norwegian steamer Svlja. other than to charter the Strathflllan for the one voyage. Steamship men arcue that with flour being carried at S3 a ton. which Is the same rate secured for han dling; It less than 1000 miles on the Portland-Nan Francisco route, and cargo for the Pacific Coast being handled on tar iffs that do not allow a profit, the Hnr rlman Interests are falling behind and that the business will not show a clear sheet, much lesa a gain. It Is also argued that with strong com petition from Puaet Sound and the fnct two rail lines haul there from the In terior, there la no longer an incentive for the Harlman rail tnteresta to Insist on a large Oriental fleet as nn outlet from the port for cereals and their products. and that a three-steamer schedule will fill the requirements. There are no prnili held out that a fourth Teasel will be permanently added and so far as can be ascertained no negotia tions have been opened for the charter of one. Hut the disinclination of the Harriman Interests to provide more tonnage will not work a matrriul hardship if the W. terhouse fleet la operated on a regular schedule. It Is rumored that the latter lias referred to the Andrew Weir In terests a proposal to enter the Portland field strongly by accepting cargo In the orient for delivery here. So far the TVaterhouae liners have confined their eperations solely to loading; here, coming In ballast after calling at Puget Sound points, but with a reduction In the Har riman tonnage It Is believed thst they sell! offer stronger Inducements for con signee to patronise their service on promises of regular sailings. JAr.l.iE MAY COMPETE HERE txnr Steerage Coast Rates Will Help tight for Hu'lnrM. Competition for passenger business to the Orient from Pacific t"oat ports that will follow between the Pad :1c Mall and the Toyo Klsen Kaisha when their rela tions are severed January 1. may draw 1-ortland Into the arid on an Indirect line, as it la admitted In ateamsuia circles that the Japam-s. undoubtedly will reach Portland for patronage among Chinese and Japanese returning to t't? Jar East. What the rarlrlc Mall will do has not Vcn announced, but as Its toast atly. the San Kranclsco at Port land Steamship Company. dte not tarry Chinese from here to the Oolden Hate. It mar give the Toyo Kis'n Ka.jca an opening. Other steamers plying between Port land and California ports se'l steerage accommodations to Clilnrse at times, and arrangements may be mailt by the Japan ese Interests through which pjurngcrs can be booked from Portland to the Orient. The trans-Pacific rate from San VrincHco la t". and as the steerage tariff between Portland and San Kran Cisco Is i. while the rail raid M Puget found, where other passenger steamers ran be boarded. Is the Tojo Klsen Kaisha will have to cents the !t of northern lines and will retain 12 of the through rate. The Japanese have not teen satisfied tiiat under the agreement with the Paclllc Mail they have been getting a rightful percentage of the Pa cific trade, and wlien they oerate on their own responsibility a rate war la probable. K. P. Schwerin. head f t;s Xarrtinan steamer lines, auvs that rela tions between the PacUlc Mall and the Japanese are friendly, but the fact that he baa been In the Orient five months and visited all agencies. In addition to that at Manila, is assumed to mean that fee has strengthened his forces with the expectation of meeting keen competition. b alt riu:si:iivi:s tigs hill. SIdllh'a ttr Frames Arr J'ounil Solid Alirr 30 Years or Sort Ice. Irescrva:i. oualltles of salt in hull construction have been demonstrated at Joseph Supple s yards, when an examina tion of the fir frames of the tug t.d'tn which is jears old. proved them to be. absolutely sound, while the Inner skin r planking wss found In tlie same con dition. The tug was launched yesterday after laving had some of the p'.acklng renewed at the water line, ber stern practically rebuilt and repairs made to the clanking at the stem, while a steel s.oe was placed and a steel rudder sMpped to rrpUce fie wooden one that fcsd been used for years. There remained In the hull of the tug bout three tons of salt, and while It is rol known how often the treatment has rcen renewed since she first took ihe water. Its value was strongly Illustrated Tne iO!t'l is now the property of the I'cion Towing Company, the stockhold ers being mostly owners of logging on the Ixiaer Columbia, and she will be operated in the vicinity ot nam It. She has been repainted and her machinery has been overhauled. INLAND EMPIRE IS DAMAGED Carpenter Ru.-licd to Crlilo to Ito pair Moamrr'a Hull. When the steamer Inland Empire, of t'.ie Open River Transportation Company's feet, reached CVltlo yesterday she went out f commission for a short time be cause she stove a hole m her bottom near Page Thursday, when en route fiom Iewiston on her first trip of the season en the Snake River. About l tons of freight was discharged to lighten the steamer, and with the aid of her pumps, wl l.-h were operated continuously, she made her way slowly to tte end of the run. c.eorre Maple, a local ship carpenter. was notified yesterdsy by telegraph of the accident and directed to asscmo'.c a crew and leave for CelUo last night so that repairs could be nurriea. Tne steamer recently was overhauled and nlaced In firsl-claas condition. It was n'.anned to haul out tie :ititr Twin Odes this month for repairs, but she wtll be manned by ux luland Empire's a v.- ct . i-. River run. The steamer J. N. Teal will be placed on me waya ntrs as - - - " n (ha xti.ti Columbia the latter part of the month. sua Is due for repairs. CONGRESS IS ASKED FOR SHIP Elllcott'a Recommendation Backed by Strong; Resolutions. t II-- t . v. Mwimmtniiiiioni con tained in the last report of Commander J. M. Kllicott. Inspector of the Seven teenth Lighthouse District, to the Light house Bureau, that a light vessel be es tablished off Cape Blanco, where what . . w.F.r" .elata for mariners iniu .v.. - several miles because of a rocky forma tion that partly projects irom m . i t . ... rha Chnmher of Com- mo ki u. . . arfnnfed resolutions peti tioning Congress to appropriate sufficient funds for the construction oi suuu au to navigation. The Oregon delegation at Washington will be communicated with and urged to work In behalf of the appropriation. It i - . - - .e Mil lmnnrtance to the shipping Interests, and Commander Elll cott says there is no point on the Pacific . . I I Int..- Coast that is in greater p i . -- nmn i a nromonitonr In the southern part of Oregon that extent's Into the ocean a consiuruw .-o..v. o- . ... in.,ni that mariners C.O K I H ' . - often report conditions of wind ana weather on one sioo at " -those on the other. . - - i . k... ; v, e eonrse from San Francisco to Portland and Puget Sound divides, roruana-oouuu "standing In" there, while those for the .w i i i There is no light-vessel available for the station ex cept one without steam power, so ' suit able one will nave to do ckmuuv Marine Notes.' r. W. McXear Company have char tered the German ship Elfreda, which Is at San Francisco, to load wheat here for Europe. Later In the day the lighthouse tend er Heather, which is at the Willamette Iron Steel Works for repairs, will t-e hauled out. Th tui Samson will be lifted there tndnv to have a nesv wheel shipped. at she lost her propeller on the Lower Columbia Thursday. Cantaln McLeod yesterday cleared the barge Amy Turner for San Francisco with "tfO.ooO feet of ties, which will be loaded at St. Helens. laden with 1S1.333 bushels of wheat. valued at 1103.000. the British ship tllenholm Is due to leuve down today. bound for Queenslown or Valmouth for orders. There was nn end to the repairs on the ateamer Shoshone yesterday when she was floated for the last time from the Oregon drydock and proceeded to St. Helens to load lumber. In ton- of the .use Wallula the Ger man ship Frieda, from Santa Rosalia, left up from Astoria yesterday and was anchored npatream. where she will be taken In tow by the steamer Ocklohamn and brought here. When the steamer Golden Gate sailed last evening for Tillamook. Captain Fry. formerly master of the vessel. went as mote, because First Officer Valbush was detained here through the death of his four-year-old son. Sailors needed on the barkentlne Jane L. Stanford, which put in here In dlstresa from Grays Harbor last montn, were yesterday signed at the Custom housff'and she will probaily get away Tuesday for Brisbane. Australia. CaDtaln Thomsen. of the steamer Al liance, which eatls tonight for Eureka, via Coos Bay, says that on the nortn bound trip but two socks of bran were damaged of her cargo, which was heavy, and ha asserts she Is a good sea vessel. Captain E. II. Works, who has been on the steamer Hassalo. will resume command of the ateamer Elmore today and ply for a time on the Oregon City route handling paper. Captain Olney will return to the Hassalo. and Cap tain Oliver, who has been on the Klmore. will be "fancy free." C. O. Anderson, steward on the British ship Scottish Moore, for beating whom Captain Parry and First Officer llosklns were given a hearing before STfcAUKK 1NTEI.IJOESCK. lwe te Arrive. Nsnie. From. late. gtrathflllsa. . .. llnong. . . la port Alllaace Eureka In P-"t liea.w en reare.... In p.t See H. Elmer. Tillamook. ... Lc. I't Hoenoko JSsa Pedre.... 1C. 11 Xruksl....Cool Hw Dec. It Falcon. ...9-3n Francises Iwc 14 hear Un relrs.... I. I lold'n Cste. . TliUmook. . . Dec. 14 Ceo. W Cider. .Fan Pedro.... It- ' w.o.eit San Pedro.... Dee. 1" Henrik Ibsen. . Ifonxkorts. .. -Doc. Hi BCbedaleel te Depart. Name. Tor. DalSi Alliance Eureka Dec. 10 Sue ti. CIBMrt. Tlilajnoox.... Dec, 12 PreaKwaier. ...Ooos Hay Dec. II Heater. ....... Hi Pedro. ... Dec J Poaaofce. ......han Pedro. .. rc. 14 tt'.rathfillan Hongkong lo. 15 4i:dea Gate. . Tillamook. .. . Iec 14 Falcon...... ...Fen Franctscelec. IS Bear !a Pedro... Dee. 1 Ceo, W. t dor.. Sea Pedro. ... loc Zt WoeeClie .....een pedre....lec. IJ Hrnrlk Ibeen. . llongkoag. . . .Jan. 10 British Consul l.ildlaw. says he will carry the rase to the highest authority In tlreat Britain, because the Consul fined the mate and himself five shil lings for fighting and relraeed the skipper. The steward charges he was brutally beaten by both officers. Hind. Itolph Company, said to be charterers of the British bark Forfar shire, which ks coming to Portland to load wheat for the United Kingdom, have again taken on the British bark Inverness for barley from San Fran cisco, with the option of wheat from Portland at a rate of :Ss d- The com pany had the vessel engaged early In the season, but her charter party was forfeited because of delayed arrival. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. Dee. t Arrived 8teamer Baver. from riaa Krsncleco. tialled otcam- ar iloldvn Gate, for TillamooR. Astoria, lcc. U. ('oodltlon at the mouth of the river at 5 P. M.. smoot b ; wind, north. west. 4 miles, weather, cloudy. Killed at 7 A M.. steamer Shasta, for tan Pedro. Ar rived at and left up at 0:JO A. M.. steamer Beaver, from tfsn Francisco, e'alled at 7.44 A. M.. steamer Hose City, for San Francisco and San Pedro. l.efl up at 9:4.1 A. M.. ticrmra ship Frieda. Arrived at 30:45 A M.. Frenctt bark Pierre Antonlne. from Newcastle. N. B. W. Arrived down at 1 novn. athooner U. D. Foster. Arrived at 1:13 p t . steamer Klmore. from Tillamook. Sailed at 4 P. M.. Norwegian steamer Itygja. tor Monskong and way ports. San Francisco. Dec . Arrived at 1 A. M steamer Halnler; at 6 A. at., steamer Washington: at A. M.. bargo Gerard :. Tobey. from Portland. Sailed at 11 A. M.( steamer lloanoke. for Portland: St 2 P. M.. steamer Netwlem. for Columbia Klver: at '4 p. steamer Col. . L. Drake, for 1'ort- iontereT. Pec. P Palled last night, stramcr Hosecrsns. for Portland. fan Pedro. Dec . Arrived Steamers Bear and Yosemlte, from Portland. Wellington. Dec. s. Arrived previously1 Aorangt. from san Francisco. rWdney. N. S- W. Arrived previously Ceniarv. from esn Francisco. Adelaide. Dee. . Arrived previously, Sark. from i-n Francisco. Sil Krancls.-o. Dec. . Arrived Steamers Chlyo Maru. from Hongkong: !lalDIr. from Astoria- Hysdes. from liouolulu: Washing ton from Columbia River; istrathtay. from Port Townsend: Hedondo. from Coos Bay; bark Gerard C. Tobey. from Columbia River. -alle-l el earners Roanoke, for Portland; Daisy Freeman, for Grays Harbor; Serak. f.r Nanalmo sad Seattle; Nehalsm. CoL E. L. rrake. for Asloris; scboonsr Oregon, tor Coouille River. Tides at Astoria Satmrday. High. T -1 A M 7...T5 feet'0:Xl A. M I I feet 7il l at.' 3 fset.l: P. M. tact GUILT IS ADMITTED Counterfeiter Found to Be Old Offender From East.. OFFICERS SEIZE MOLDS Man Who Operated la Klamath I-Us Is Identified by Secret Serr Ice Agent Frank Watson, of Portland, Again Caught. Identified by Secret Service Agent Connell aa George H. Hamilton, a no torious Eastern counterfeiter, the lead er of the Klamath Falls duo yesterday confessed to his criminal record and announced his Intention of pleading guilty to the charges against him. He was arrested by the City Marshal of Klamath Falls and brought to Portland by United Slates Deputy Marshal Hum mersly. The prisoner was known as George Duffy while making and passing spuri ous colna In the vicinity of Klamath Falls and was accompanied by Mike Ryan, an 18-year-old lad from Oakland, Cal. Hamilton maintained his Innocence until confronted by the Secret Service George II. Hamilton, Leader of Klamath Frills Counterfeiters, W ho Proves to Be Old Offender. officer, who hailed the prlspner by his right name and asked him when he was let out of Leavenworth Prison. Hamilton was sent to prison from Peru, Ind.. in 1908, after being con vlcted of making and passing counter felt money, and was discharged .from the prison last August. He Immediately came to the Coast, and after attempt inr to get started again at San Fran Cisco he engaged Began to help In circulating- the coins. They chose Klam ath Falls as their field of operations and used their room for preparing molds for both halves and dollars. Their eaulDment was seized by the officer. together with 38 pieces of bad money. "It seems to be an Impossibility for counterfeiters to refrain from working at the business." said Mr. Connell yes terday. "As soon as they get out or prison they hunt up a field which to their understanding appears to be safe for circulating the money, buy a Quarter's worth of plaster of Paris ana get to work. We knew that Hamilton had come to the Coast, and I waa mor ally certain he had gone back to work as soon as I heard of the case. The offi cers of Klamath Falls performed a creditable piece of work in capturln the man.' Substantiating the theory of the Secret Service agent that counterfeit ers alwavs return to the "easy money method of earning a living. Federal officers were Informed yesterday of the arrest of Frank Watson, of Port land, made In L'tali. Watson was re leased September 15 from McNeill's Isl and, where he had served a term upon a conviction in the Oregon courts. Watson went direct to Utah and on October IS wss arrested as a member of a gang of counterfeiters. PERSONALMENTION. John StulL, of Salem. I at the Lenox. Fa. R. Fuller, of Aurora, as at the Itamapo. Dr. Alfred Kinney, of Astoria, ie at the Portland. J. W. Burke, of Sulein. ! registered at the Imperial. "Will Wright, bank examiner, or Salem Is at the Oregon. Dr. H. E. Beersk of Wisco. arrived at the Perkins last night. R. H. Lacey. attorney of Colfax. Wash.. Is at the Lenox. Miss Ervlna Schoenfcld, of Sheridan, la staying at the Jlamapo. W. G. Davis, of Goldendale, arrived at tha Portland yesterday. Ia K. Waters, the Eugene railroad con tractor. Is at the Cornelius. A. te Flynn. Tacoma timber owner, reached the Oregon yesterday. G. Scott Anderson, tha Wallace. Idaho, mining man, is at the Oregon. L A. Long, editor of the HUlsboro Argusi' waa Portland visitor yester day. Bert C Holt, accompanied by Mrs. Holt, of Walla Walla, are at the Port land. A. W. Petera and E. R. Pooley, of Hood P.lver, are registered at the Port land. Louis J. LAchman. a well-known die tiller of Kansas City, Mo., la at tha Perkins. Sara M. Garland. Democratic states man from Lebanon, is staying at the Imperial. Dr. and Mra A. P. McLaren are up from Rainier and are staying- at the Cornelius. C. J. Haynes and EJIJa Smith, timber magnates of Myrtle Point, reached the Imperial yesterday. C. D. Hartman and Mrs. Hartman. of Sllverton, are staying at the Perkins while lnveexlgaLlng holiday offerings. J. H. Collier, wife and daughter, of HUlsboro are doing trelr holiday shop ping In the city, and staying at the Lenox. George W. IBradley, Klamath Fulls merchant, registered at the Cornelius yesterday, and Is accompanied by Mrei Bradley. J. R. McCracken. a well-known Port' land cltiaea who recently engaged In hor ticulture at Husum, ash., is staying at the Portland. E. S. Turner, wife and daughter, arrived from DevlUs Lake. N. D-. yesterday and are at tha Ramapo. They will spend Christmas at their new home in Albany. M. ' A. Miller. Lebanon'a well-knovm State Senator. Is staying at the Perkins while investigating the political align- ' : -ssssllli si filiwii-nwiiaai'"-'- il ment for the next session of the legisla ture. R. Jf. Stanfield and Frank Sloan, of cr . i . aft lh. Tm-nArlal vee- terday and declare that without padding their town will show a census lncreaee of lotto nor rent- A. Branln. for many years aseistant su perintendent of the Belllngham Bay A: ; u,iti.h iviiimM. nallroad with l:eod- ' quarters at Belllngham, Wash., but r.ow a retired merchant or uiacier. vt inn, is spending a few days in Portland. ..l-l.. v.i -VCnTfee anrt Charles Branln. Mr. Branln is on nis way tu i Southern California, wnere no ana jam. Branln expect to spend the Winter. CHICAGO. Dec. . (SpeciaL) The following Portland people were regis tered at local hotels today: Con gress H. G. Keats; Lasalle P. A. Williams. - a a xr T7r5 vfTSPn Tiee 9 Sneclal.V Portland arrivals at the Palace Hotel to day were: William iteiai ana wne, i. Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Clark. B. D. Townsend. AppnnvTiV VEWS TtlTREATT. Wras:- . l Q E Tt piixsek. of Al- lllgkUU. -s V - v. v - bany. Or., spent today with Kepresenta- . . , . , i v. . res tive iiawiey. na Lomaofc troit. ,-i...-T7.T.c.i -ne m. TV a CJHT VfiTflV Ra. LiMIEilWll 1 UC . . n t a T TeiAt of the Bllie. xec e. wcbu ... - - Liberal Arts College, In company with hlu wife, has for several weeks been traveling with ESlen Terry, the English actress. iney. srroeu ii 4 - night. NEW YORK. Dec. . Northwestern travelers registered here are: From Portland, at the Victoria D. u. Ste vens: from Spokane, at the Cadillac M. Campbell; at the Grand Union C. I. Irvine. From Seattle, at the Algonquin A. P. Savage: at tha Martha Wash ington M. L. Milkelson; at the Murray Hill W. Bigelow; at tne imperial F. P. Kendall. GREECE FACES GRISIA FIRM POLICY IS XEEDED TO GUIDE NATION. Constitutional Government in Hands of Weak Monarch Proves Dan gerous In Balkans. BT CAPTAIN C WIENER. iTHFA-s Dec. a. (Special. How much have recent events changed the face or Greece: in tne epnns i aoot a tiM..nt at the. first revival of the Olympian games Then there was much talking and the modern Greek Is good at talking of the regeneration" of their t neHnm. I no next vear came mo war with Turkey, culminating In a few brief weeks In the cowaruiy rout oi Domoko. T)l JvhmA In "Ta t-nA nnlfl revolt in Crete, outbreak In Samoa; discontent In Cyprus and mutinies in tne eryraa then the hrentened Armageddon: small en..i.f tho nntion We uneasv. filled with discontent and intrigue ana aominaiea v... w,.iannarta rne 'i iirKisn Tor Kiaiu lAlttle cause is mere in mo tit i iw Violet Crown for rejoicing now. There are but two solutions to nw nKI. s.r MMnnnMnn The first romea from without and this only the T.-inie w hie nou-erful connections in Russia and in England, can effect; the second lit in the hands of M. Zaimls. "the ancient fisherman or epnj, who i. i.. smnti ffliinsHrr of .Moderates. Truly the fate of this ancient state rests on the knees or tne goas. Unfortunately for Greece, the recent declaration of a constitution In Turkey has been far from bringing a general pacification and industrial Incentive to her people. The Young Turks appeared A huv. thnite-ht If nulta aa easv to build up a new . government as -to overthrow an old one. Both Greece ana oervia demonstrate that constitutional govern ment In the hands of a weak monarch la altogether a meagre reed to lean upon. Rumania and Bulgaria, on the other hand, show that with a strong sovereign a constitutional government may be the best form of control for the Balkan States. Klamil Pasha, the "Grand Old Man" of eptb-a.. woe not the Irieal ami enlightened statesman the foreign newspapers de scribed him to oe. Bnemei rasns Immense Influence, winch, up to Se- . ! .- .TArUll tnwnrrl DfiBCe. But even he has at last tired of the Cretan Question and lately ras aammea xnar. n can only find its solution In the sword. Both Bulgaria and Rumania would be pleased with war between the Ottoman Empire and Greece. So isolated la the Hellenic state that an offensive alll- k.,,..-aa, ,ha e.h(e Tlfllkfln staten and Turkey would sign Us death warrant. In this lies the greatest danger, jvna such an alliance Is on the cards even cow. WOOLMWLUES STEADY TRADING IS NOT ACTIVE IN THE BOSTON MARKET. French Worsted Spinners Are the Best Customers Staple Clips Are Neglected. BOSTON. Pec. . The Commercial Bulle tin will aay of the wool market tomorrow: "There has been no change In tho situa tion. Demand Is moderate snd trsnsfers lim ited to small quantities. French worsted spinners are the best customers. Strictly stspla wools are temporarily neg lected. There Is no ImmMlatw proypeet e,t Don't Wear a Truss ant fas .TttelTf rlAJTt PAIt'trt r M Sl21eri VW ea eea-le, rn T Ik, li f ikl reser la pleee wltaeeA Meeee, PyetssS g-j I - senam ede. aealaH lee peine seas. Tee H isiaatu mim sn Is taeprl. eaerefato eeaw. Tbawli bsee nil ' ") tneteS Oj in vitaees Slsiiliw tnm wrt Beft erfeel iiij s eeeiy aiiwlii. r ef ear. Is eaters!, a. ee farteOT is Ne mi il. We ewe 21 Jim sat iBjaaf-tetAiirmtnse-rlipei I niAi. vr n.nrn ,i.eHr rsxx. erases ess SMSl TOBAT. ASdreee PLAFAS LABOflATORlES, lleck ", IL Lenla, Ha. ' ,,, , i i i I" i ,i aetaea raaB srtn arias Vvee trial riAiae. a DO YOU NEED A KIDNEY REMEDY? Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not recommended for everything, but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble. It will be found Just the remedy you need. Swamp - Root makes friends quickly because its mild and immediate effect is soon realized. It Is a gentle healing herbal compound a physician's prescription which has proved Its great curative value in thousands of the most distressing cases. All druggists in 60c. and 11.00 sizes. you may have a sample bottle of this always reliable preparation by mall free, also pamphlet telling all about It. Address Dr. Kilmer Co- Blnzham- J ton, N. X North Coast Limited The "Sooc or the Kail" la a charm ing one aa rung by thia luxiirioua home on wheel m. ouT Comparunent or Drawintroora ia the acme oi coztoem the Observation Car Invite to a delightful hour with nature tine I'Pi" Car ad da a crowaini eve Portland 7.00 pm. Tacoma 7.00 Fm.SeatUe 310 pm, arrive Minoeapolij 3d am. St. Paul 7-55 am on the timd day. Iminediate conneciioa with iaat trains to Chicaco and Ea-t. A marniScent tnp over the way threnahtheLeandof Fortune. Several other daily tranacoounental flyera one thruuih to ieehacaco and one through to bt. Lsttuia. Tirkttt: Portland. t$ Morrison St.. Tacoma, 925 Paetjie Ave.. Staltte.lri At. i v-..r a,. 7 ill Sotommm. Northern Pacific- a change for the better until the goods situ ation Improved. Tho hesvya-elght season Is expected to develop sufficient activity to force a larger demand for wool. Values are steady and there Ib absorataly no pressure to unload deslrafcle wools. Wool at St. Louie. j 8T. LOUIS, Dee. . Wool, stesdy. Terrl- mnA n-estern medium. 21022c: fin mediums, 1719c; fine, 12lic. Hops at London. LIVERPOOL, Dec. . Hops at London (Pacific Coast), firm. 13 lSsfe 4 10s. Kops at New York. NSTW YORK. Dec. 8. Hops quiet. GRAIN MAJUCET Station Agents to Read of Oregon. A - l.-hnnlr fn, atntton AZPlltS OD the Harriman system, 1200 copies of the UbamDer OI uomineruo uxjvb. Oregon will De sent out wimi" u . e ... Have aeenriilnff t O a reSOlU- tton passed by the Chamber of Com merce yesterday, lnsrruciiuiia given to the agents to read carefull the contents. They are urgred to make . i.. A ih. .mliimA fiCI aS tO - DO BlUUJI VA lua able to answer questions as to tha resources and the opportunities state. The Harriman system officials are working; With the Chamber of Commerce in this effort to inform the agents, and it was upon their request that the donation of the books was made to the railway. Anderson Brings In Bark. ASTORIA, Or.. Dec. 9. (Special.) The French bark Pierre Antonine ar rived this afternoon, 83 days from Newcastle, N. S. W., with a cargo of coal, 1000 tons of which will be dis charged here before the vessel pro ceeds up the river. The Antonine sighted the lightship November 29, but was compelled to put offshore. Pilot Anderson boarded her Saturday, since when she has been beating about awaiting an opportunity to cross In. , e set eAfttala Onlates Th PaorLii's BEatror for Couehs, Colds. Croup. Whooping-Coush. Bronchitis. Gnppe CotiiCn. Hoarseness. etc Safeandsure. 25 eta. SAMPLE SENT FREE n , a a M ... J jt a, tea eiansvr A r1nrItl Write lOr It lOUiy. l-ICMUVM fc ' . r.Y " A W a7f V C MEYER & CO- 3AL11MORH. AlU. NO CURE, NO PAY OCR KV ROPE AN METHODS CrBB. 5.00 A.XU $10.00 IS OI K FEE. fliKK X-KAV EXAMINATION. Diseases of Men and Women "We make no roli Uadinr statements or deceptive prop Mttlons to the af flicted, neither do we promts to cur them In a Tow days In order to - ace. but we eruar- entee a COM PLETE. SAFE and LASTING CURE i th- OniCKEST FOSS1BLK TIME, i without leaving In-. jurlous alter et fects In the myu tem, and tho low est coot possible .- 14 ft v n s T A- r - TT T TTT A XI I-! -, Acute. Chronic and errous Blood Folson, 'rrro-Vital Troubl, Stomach en i saL-l n 1 tlsASass aa. t m i rouoir - wtiut - - tarrh of ail forme 5.00 ixrr month; Ec sema. lUee cored without the knife: bwollen lands. IS erToaenesn, Iebllity. V ari co-ed Velne, Bladder and I'roetatlc aud Contracted Troubles and all Actrto and Chronic Diseases of Men and omen. Bain MJiavum fc C rtii todir for free X-ray examination. Jf you cannot call, write your symptorms. Many cun curea oy our nuiu .. caum-ui. once and oe curea. . tsniTifiU UHT4Vir MEDICINE CO. 2STH Washtncton St., Portland. Or.. 4th floor Rothcblia Jiuuainf, tw. -ator. BtSG CHOONG. CHINESE DOCTOB. Strowbrldre blaa.. First St. room 11 . and 225 Ma Alder St. Chines Root and Herb Medicines. Cures Cancer, Kneuma ttsm. Consumption, Dropsy. Catarrh, Stomach,- Luna, Liver and Kidney Troubles. All Chronic ailments of men and wo men. Examination free. Drugstore, 283 Slanders St. r,-' uL v mm i afaw 1 f Bonded Golden attJ m m. A safe and simple remedy for -a w BromdritiM, CmiarrK Hoy Fcscr W i (L i 1 lnfla-mmmtlona. Irritations, uloer I "y I atlons of ALL znuooot zneiii brines I I or itnintrs of the now, throat. I I suxnaoh or other organs. I y- I AT DRUOOISTS S 1 (Q t Wkf netertymrelf mmmmwmm: .s-Xreat1ewttheaeh bottle or mailed on request. 1 TU Enss (Meat Ca. ' 0sejs4a, I ..sOSsav v' 1 sibV. , L LM3 A PHYSICIAN'S SUCCESS may reasonably be Judged by a crowded waitlnAr-room, TouknowIhiTS been In the same location for many years, still enrery day Isa the week my offices are throng-ed with the sick and afflicted, availing themselves of the liberal low fee rate expended to the public by this eminent spe cialist. "Why is this so? Simply .because my reputation for cures has stood tho test of years- There are no extra feea for complicated cases. You may have one pr a dozen ailments the price Is the same. I have a special treatment for each aliment I treat. A patient remarked in mr reoeptlon parlors: "Doctor. I do not see how you can give such thorough and painstaking: treatment and devote ao much care and attention to each patient for such a very low fee." I replied: "My profit lias in the larg-e number I cure every year." Many cases acoepted for less than 10 now. Not a Dollar Need Be Paid UNLESS CURED CONirLTATlO rREEKT HONEST AND CANDID ADVTCB COSTS TOU NOTHING. I cheerfully give you the very best opinion, ruidedby year, of successful practice. &v cures are permanent and lastinc. o tonics that stimulate temporarllly, but thorough, scientific treatment fSrU removal I of conditions re.ponsible for functional derangement. ' Call If you can. Write today for self-examlnatlon blank If you can. not call Vo business 'address or street number on my envelopes or packages. MMiclnSi from U-5 to $.B0 a course from our own labora tory Hours from A. M. to S P. M. daily. Sundays from 10 to 12. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL CO. 239 y& YAMHILL STREET My Cures Have Built My Success Oldest, Most Reliable and Longest Established Specialist on Coa st In 'all my work I am thorough, painstaking and careful to give just the right treatment required In each individual case. For 25 years I have been proving my ability, and my business methods have always been strictly reliable. My unqualified suc cess is due to a thorough medical education, supplemented by years of experience in men's special ail ments only. My treatment is as correct as modern science can make It. Others may offer Inducements b,iYi an h e n. n treatment Or Quick treatment, but mv foremost claim is for thor oughness, which hi the long run in EVERY CASE means, the cheapest and the best. MY SPECIALTY INCLUDES blood and skin aliments, eesema, kidney and bladder ailments, rupture, varicose veins, despondency and special nilmenta and tbelr complications. EXAMINA TION AND ADVICE FREE. The DR. TAYLOR 23414 Morrison Street, Portland, kV. H- WAI JINO. MEN CURED $10 ISOURFEE Pay When Cured Wa heavs every knoairn remedy ap pliance ior Tit t; All A ti YOU. Our sx Cerience is se great and varied that aa ens ot tho allA.. -1. of ale la saw to as COBst: I. A.U'TALK IT OVBK, General WcbUM, Weak Nerves, 1st. ae lull la Kesuiu oi exposure, overwork and otner Vlulatleaa I Nature's lasss, AAiseaea of atladder and Klaaeye, Vast, sen Veiaa, sjaloauy aad irersaaaaAiUy cared at small expeauw and ua liaa- uos from business. aruciAi, ailments Newly COB' traded and cnronio cases cured. All ii u r n 1 a a. Itching and inf lamination stopped lu 2 hours. Cures effected la seven days. Consultation free. If us. Ible to cill. write for list of question. Office Hours A. M- to r. Ji. Sundays. 1 A, M. to 1 P. M. only. - PACIFIC COAST MEDICAL CO. X2tt WASHINGTON STUkltTl, Corner sTlrat. , THE DR. GREEN GVABASTEB TO MEN Our g-uarante No Money Required Un til Satisfied i your absolute protection. Consultation, exami nation and medicines free. Our specialty Is All Ailments of Men. -aha r van tvtnt is B cure. Come to us and fet It Hours a ally, a fi. EvenlnffS. 7 t 8. Sundays, 10 to 1 DR. GREEN CO. Set Washington St.. Portland. Or. T ryl VET CHUTESB Tee Sen's Medicine Co. spent lifetime study of herbs and re search In China:- was aranted diploma by the Emperor; guar antees cure all ailments of men and women when otBer" I write to tb sOS' MKni. a.n-0 s"-k llLL Klrtli. CoA Im X. XHE Alder l'ortland. Or, 1 ass- 1 -(fa llaW J His Special Low Fees Will Interest Yen Now I concentrate my faculties on a single line of ailments. I treat Varicose Veins, Hernia, Kidney and Bladder Ailments, Piles, Blood , and Skin Ailments and their AL LIED AHaMENTS. I am certainly prepared to cure by experience and equipment, which are the keystones to success. I have the best-equipped medical office in the city. Contact tvith many patients has given me practical knowledge. I have records to show that I have treated more cases in my specialty than any other specialist in the West.. A few hours or days under my treatment may add years and health to your life. If yoa are. suffering from any ailment I 'will examine you free. Every man should take this opportunity to ' learn his true condition. PORTLAND, OREGON Co. Orecon, The Leading: Specialist, Pay ' Me When Cured NEW CHINESE MEDICINE COMPANY OPEN This Chinese doctor and pharmaceutist, of Wal Jlny Chi nese Herb Root Medicine Company, is American born and a citizen. When 4 years of age he went to China with his parents and sot a good education in the schools of that lano. Obtaining the honors of Doctor of Medicine, he was permu ted to practice in the Canton Medical College and to etuflr the eminent physlclana' prescriptions of centuries. For six years in New York City he was president of the Oriental Hospital, where he had such wonderful success Willi his medications. While there In New Tork City he inet sem Back, Jr., of Portland, and was Induced to come to J ""'a"0 and open an office. Any man. woman pr child with any in ternal, external or eruptive disease who will come to my fflce can secure free consultation and examination. If you can't call, wilte and get diagnosis and remedies. S. H. CVAI JING CO- 801 First near Columbia. I Am the Man that weak, ailing; men have sot to con sult after they have failed to receive a cure elaevrhere. I positively cure Varicose Veins, n . ...-..-..-..i,, .1 Snaplfll Ailments X1UJJIU1C, u . . ...... . - 1' w J.. of Men, Kidney, Bladder and Blood Ail ments and nervous w easiness. If you want a perfect cure, cure to stay cured, treat with the old reliable -. ,, .A wnnaV with Iirm. UOn L " jwu. ...w..rf - , cheap and unskilled specialists. Get the best always. The best is none too good for you ana aiwae m 111 Lilt) euu. Remember, we treat only cases we can cure. Cure or no pay is our motto. What more can you ask? , w. .m ura vmi of vour trouble never to return if wo tell you so. Re-f mweeare specialists In our line, not Call at once and let a true specialls examine you touay, not luumi u-- Stop suneriiiB.' ci . ' rL ous. What more to be desired than heaitn; rioiiims- Come and consult us fres of al charge. DR. LINDSAY The Old Reliable Specialist. Corner Alder and Second streets. En innni 1284 Second street, Portland Or. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. luJ Sundays, 10 A. m. to i r. ai. MEN AND WOMEN CURED! The famous Chlneee. Dra, S. K, Cliau, with their Chinese reme dies of herbs and roots cure wonder- a-?. .Na T , rVVri Tiri l CHli r ail when other reiueuie hTva faiTad Sure cure for chronic prl have taiiea. .,.. blood Dol ?h-matism, asthma, pneumonlJ hiarider kidney, throat and lung trou blei consumption, stomach disorder ind other dueases of all kinds. Kerne harmless. No operation. Exam lnation free. Call or write to The S. K. Chan Chinese Medicine Co., J26V. Morrison St., between First an ; gscond, PorUand. Oregon. -JrJtlf7S.