TITE MORXIXG QREGQXIAX, SATURPAY, DECE3IBER 10, 1910, 15 T SECRETARYSHIP Same Man Can't Serve Both Republican Committee and Republican . Club. CHOICE TO BE ALLOWED Connty Organisation Tmgrr-9 No Pactional Differences and Won't Allow Affiliation With Bodjr That Opposes Bourne. W. Rr Appersffn. secretary of tha Republican Central Committee and like win secretary of the Breater Oregon Republican Club, la to ta kItcd the privilege of restanlnic from one of tnos positions. The necessity of mak ing a choics will be put up to bim by the Republican County Central Com mute a. a special meeting has been railed for that purpw and will be kieM next week, noasinlv lley. Chairman LKftn. of the liepubllcan County Central Committee, hna called tha special meeting because of tha at titude of tha so-cailej llvpubllran club of which Apperson la the secretary. The main purpos of that organisation la tha oppoaltlon of Jonathan Bourne when be runs to succeed Himself, in tne Vetted States Senate two years hence. Amocr members of the Central Com mittee there la much objection to Ap pertains taking Dana in sucn an or ganlxation. In view of tha fact that he la aecretary of tha regular committee, which Is sTpposed to take no part In factional dtff leultlea. It la contended, furthermore, that the real purpose of turh a elub will be to benefit bourne s causa Irameasureably and that the aen - lor Senator could want nothing; better. When called on the carpet before the committee, Secretary Apperson will be Bitten an opportunity to explain fully his relations with the new organiza tion. Inquiry will also be made con cemlnc- a $J9 Initiation fee which Is charged those who stjro the roll cf the club. The meeting- was to has been held last night, but delay was mads necessary through tha Inability of Chairman Logan to attend. An effort may be mads at tha com leg session of the Legislature to abol ish the Multnomah County Court and consolidate It with tha Circuit Court, giving all the Circuit Judges Jurisdic tion in probate and domestlo relations eases. Tha act. as contemplated, will be framed so as to transfer County Judge Cleeton to the Circuit bench. Acting; Governor Bostrmin, who Is serving as such as president of the State Senate. Is going to make an ac tive fight for the Presidency of the Senate in the coining evasion. It Is learned from authentic aources. While Pen Selling; is generally reputed to have the Presidency sewed up. Bower man supporters ssy the Acting Uov rou has nine rotes pledged and Is laying wires for the capture of the seren ethers needed to elect. Selling has the solid Multnomah delegation, ex cepting C W. Nottingham, who has declined to make any pledges, although saying he would ote for the choice of lb delegation. Sailing. With talk In the air of Governor eteet Weet receiving a Federal ap ."ointment. Interest In the presidency of the eate haa gone up a notch or two, for In such an event, unlikely as It now seems, the president of tba next Senate might be thrown Into the Gov ernor's chair, especially In view of tha fact that Secretary of State-elect Ben son is unable to atten.l to two places on account of his health. Naturally local Imocretle lawyers are heartily In favor of the creation of new berths in the Circuit Court the more the merrier. There Is much speculation already as to who might bs appointed should the Legislature grow a crop of Judicial plums. SHIPPING BILL FRAMED Chamber of Commerce Will Ask l egislature for New Laws. The last lick In tha chain of ad vantages to be secured In making Portland a popular Institution with tha carriers ef tha oean traffic, was or dered at a meeting of the trustees of the Portland Chamber of Commerce at Ita session ycslerdsy afternoon. When these have been accomplished through the aid of the Legislature of Oregon, say the members. Portland will take Its proper plsce among the ports of the world. The plans outlined yesterday provide for the Introduction Into the Legisla ture of a bill regulating the charges of shipping masters and making tie the maximum fee for securing sailor for outgoing vssnels or steamers. The other provision is for the licensing of boarding-houses for sailors, for their Inspection and their control. The Chamber of Commerce haa se cured efficient and reasonable towage. Free ballast has also been provided and In addition to thla the matter of public docks Is no longer a mooted question. GENTLEMAN BURGLAR SHOT Meellby New Yorkty Vtionds In trader Woman Ills Accomplice. NEW YORK. Dec. . Shot after he bad forced an entrance into the home f Theodore Tapley, a wealthy manufac turer in Pastulc. N. J., last mcht, a well Srvssed young man. U uM he mas Junes llacKy. of Phl!sde!pl:ls. is dying lodzy In S. Mary's H"p:tnl i" Pas elc lie was taken tueee when found b4alnlr.g treatment for his wound in a drug suics In company with a young woman of prepoeslr.g appearance who id she was his aife. Taplcy shot t.'ie "gentleman burglar" as the latter wm uter:r.g the parlor window. Hanley toppled out and Into the arms of a woman who had evidently he. a standing guard and maa waiting on the porch. IMPATIENT FATHER SINGLE VWfe f-ajs Jester Broke Children's Gifts and Assanlted Her. Earl Jester, a fisherman. &roke two tta horns given his children as Christ n.as presents, because t:.e children auade too much noise, according to the statements ef Mrs. l.lule Jcsirr before Preslilln Circuit Judge Cleland yester dsy. ffhe waa suing for a divorce. She said the horas and seme candy were the only presents the children had tor Christmas, and that ehe remonstrated when her husband broke them over his knee. Then he a tck her In the eye, she said. She als alleged be choked APPERSQrJTO QUI 0UEG0N PIONXERS CELEBRATE WEDDING ANNIVERSARY AT SON'S HOME IN BOISE. IDAHO. rv. i ... 4 .'- ,. . 2 m E a 7 .. v . - MR. A3tO atH9. CHARLES RII.EV. BOISE, Idaho, Dec. t. (Special.) The t2d anniversary of the wed ding of air. and airs. Charles Riley was celebrated at the home of their son. Miles Ktley. hers November 19. The couple have seven chil dren. 19 grandchildren an J five great-grandchildren. Charles Ktley wss born December 20, 183U. In Hampshire County. Vtrarlnla. He Immigrated to Adams County. Illinois. In 1S48. crossing the plains to California In 1850, and became a pioneer resident of Oregon In 1S. He lived In the Willamette Valley for 10 years, when he moved to Unn County and lived there seven years. Since then he has lived in Eastern Oregon, and been engaged In stockrnlslng. In 1858 he married Miss Susan Sears. Mrs. Rllcy was born in Jefferson County, Iowa. In 1S40. and came West in 18 52. Mr. Riley was a Councilman in Albany and a stock Inspector for a number of years In Malheur and Urant counties. He is one of the most experienced horsemen in the state, owning one of the best horse ranches on the Malheur Klver. He has also experienced some exciting times fighting Indians In Eastern Oregon. During (lie Bannock War, his ranch was raided by the soldiera. Thelr children are Mrs. Francis KareJ, Mrs. Ida Kelly. Mrs. Mary Copeland.. Miles and Charles and Carl Klley. now living. Mr. Riley ha been a reader of The Oregonlan for over 40 years. ber at another time: that he Is fre quently drunk, and spends his money gambling. She said she was married to him at Cnehalls. Wash.. July S, 100. She received a divorce. Git others secured decrees from Judge Cleland yesterday morning. P. O. Marks complained that Eleanor M. Marks deserted him In July, 13u6. tell ing him when, she left that she wasn't his wife anyway: that she was nsver legally married to him. because she was not legally divorced from her first husband.- He said the ceremony of his own marriage wss performed In Port land. February 4. Hot. X divorce was given him. Belle larllch secured a decree of separation from Arthur Earllch because she eald he waa convicted three years ago and served 18 months for an of fense Involving another woman. She said further that although she was married to him believing his name to be Earllch. his real name le Arthur Norrls. She wss wed September X. 1K01. Divorce waa glvn Clara E. Van Fickle from Joseph Van Sickle because she said he came West from St. Paul to take up a timber claim, and that she had not heard from him since. She said ahe was married to h.lm at St. Paul, leeembr 1$. 1300. Mary M. Vogel complained that J. W. Vogel had been drinking the last five years. A divorce was given her. She said she wss married to him In Sep tember. 1SSS. Insertion was the ground upon which Louise B. Green secured a divorce from Roy A. Green, and Thomas M. Ltarmsn from Lydla May carman. The Greens were married at St. Paul. Minn., Aug. X. 190. and the Learmans at Vancouver, Wash., April 14. 11. RIGHTS-OF-WAY NEEDED CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS DEMANDED BY CITIZENS. Broadway and Railroad Bridges Separated From Other Issues by Improvement Association. North East Side Improvement Asso ciation's right-of-way committee, of which C. II. Thompson is chairman, will ask the Mayor and Council to start condemnation proceedings for rights-of-way for the Broadway bridge. This action Is In accordance with proceed ings of the last meeting, when It was voted that further negotiations with the U H. A N. Company should continue without reference to vacation of streets In East Portland, right-of-way for Sul livan Uulch sewer, or the park In South Portland: and that the only mat ter to be conaldered would be the rights-of-way fur the Broadway and railroad bridges. it waa decided that In future the question of vacation of the streets in East Portland should not be connected with the Broadway bridge. The committee also decided to ask that the O. K. A N. Company be re quired to seeure what rights-of-way H needs for Its rallrosd bridge through condemnation proceedings. This action is practically In line with the conten tion of M. G. Munly, president of the association, who still holds that the railroad company has proceeded with the erection of its bridge without rights-of-way and ought to be stopped. SOCTII BRIDGE IS COXSIDEBED E. L. Mills' Estimate of Cot Is Lower by Nearly 91,900,000. Waddell Harrington, who prepared plans for the Hawthorne bridge, will furnish tentative plans and sketches for the proposed bridge on Ellsworth and Mead streets. E. L. Mills, of the bridge committee. South East Side, says a representative of waddell 4 Har rington examined the landings on both sides of the river recently, and would assist the committee In forming an estimate of the cost of a bridge at that point. Mr. Mills said the pro posed bridge will cost between H00.000 and 1700. 009. and that a bridge cost ing fi.ooo.ov to 1.509. oea, the cost first suggested, waa not needed or desired. Walter Adsmt, of the Sellwood Com mercial Club, announces that agita tion for a bridge at Sellwood will be gin the first of the year, to connect the boulevard systems of the West and East Sides of the river. The importation of laces, ambroid. ries, etc.. as a whl. ticnrtttd. In lftlO. S44. wck, U f.iud,wi la lfVT s4 twv.ooe la ivU. : ) ;- tf . , TITLE DUE Vancouver Resident Likely to Get Millions, as Well. ESTATE IS IN IRELAND Claims of Mrs. Esther Campbell to Share In Wealth May Give Her Klght to Be Called Lady Campbell-Crawford. VICTORIA. B. C, Dec . (Special.) uciucs proving ner claim as ens tue tour rigntrul heirs to an en tauea estate that was valued at !. 600.000 17 years ago. there Is every pruoaoiuiy mat airs. Esther Campbell ot Vancouver, one of the claimants to tne famous Crawford estate in Ire- nu, .in aiso Decome the possessor oi a lung unused title that goes with ma estate. Airs. Campbell has Just received ad. vices from her attorneys In Dublin that irean proors nave been discovered to suostantiate ner claims to the estate. nu these proofs, which are not be ing disclosed for the present for ob yious legal reasons, are also claimed to estaoiisn ner claim to a title held by her great grandfather, the Earl of ieicarres. Steps are being taken by Mrs. Camp- s solicitors to press her claim to tne ranK which goes with the estate. If the efforts are successful, it will mean that Mrs. Campbell will be known as Lady Campbell-Crawford, and sbe win nave one-tnira interest in princely fortune. A short time ago Mrs. Campbell re turned from a year's visit to the home ef her ancestors, an ancient castle near Dublin, known as Mervlne Castle, and which has many stirring historical associations connected with it, for Mrs. Campbells ancestors took a prom Inent part in many of the doings of King- William. Prince of Orange. It was while there in company with, her lawyer that the most important step was niaue to estaonsn Airs. Campbell's Claim lu uie c.iaie. Through the energetio probjng of ner attorney into ancient and misty records, the discovery of a long-lost and missing will was made in a vault of the high chancery division In Dub lin. This will, which had lain there forgotten for just years, established Mrs. Campbell's claim to a clear line of descent from the early Crawfords of noble blood who fought with King William. Tale Reads Like Fairy Story. One of the most Improbable-sounding fairy stories ever dreamed of could be written from cold, hard fact In connection with the long legal battle ever these valuable but entailed es tates and the picturesque castle that stands on them. The other three heirs to the property are J. S. Crawford, of Kansas City; C W. Crawford, of Burton, "Wash., brothers of Mrs. Campbell, and one sister, Mrs. C. Walker, pf Montreal. Seventeen years ago the estate was valued at ft.bOO.OOO. and It has In creased in value to a large extent since then. There Is also a large sum due the heirs pf the estate through rentals secured from leases ' of the property, which were granted by the land commission of Ireland, which as sumed charge of the estate, Mrs. Campbell intends to leave In a few weeks' time for another trip to Ireland In connection with the estate, as the pther heirs have given her full power, as the oldest daughter, to rep resent them In the fight for the treas ured millions. An Excursion Into Pedagogy. Indianapolis News. The Topeke. (Kan.) Journal, rffsking an oxcurtsVon into pedagogy, says that Its "Idea of nothing to listen to." Is a man eneol teacher telling a company of wo men teachers tiow to teach. The woman teacher, says the Journal, "knows more about the art Instinctively than the he teacher will ever be able to learn." DAILT METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Dec I. Mtslntiini tempera ture. 4t e.-re: minimum. 3S dcr.a. Kivcr reaaias, S 4, M a.S kess la taat -t MA HOTEL SEATTLE 400000 Recently Spent on Ita Interior. All Farntshlnm tad Appointment S'ew, modern and Splendid. U cadqanrters for Portland People. HOTEL OREGON Both, Hotels Conducted by MESSRS. WRIGHT & DICKINSON The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel B50 Booms, -104 Suites, With Private Baths. JTEW FTREPB00F BUILD IN3 Moderate Rates. Ptfl Metochan ft Sons, Props. THE PORTLAND fORTLANO, 03. srrBoniaJf rtAS MODKICX oen on soixiox norj.amt THE all trains. mm a W: coEinxrus, i Proprietor. OPENED SEPT, imp HOTEL LENOX E. D. mad V. H. JORGElHSN Prop a. and Mgn. COR. 3D AND MAIN STSL Hot sod Colt) Water. Lose; Distance Pboaa is Every Room. RATES $1,00 and up fclPi' .y, a, Weed, Maau. hours. .2 foot. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 6 P. sr.). .02 Inch; total since Peplcmb.r 1, 1910. 14.80 Inches; normal. 1..1C Inches: ex cess. .S4 inch. Total sunshine, none: poaslbie, 8 hours. 48 mlaut.l. -Barometer (reduced to sa-leval). at & P. 11., 30.23 Inches. THE WEATHER. Wind State of Wcathe STATIO.NS. Boise S? 0.20, 4 S 5 W 10 NW 12 BE 12 E 48W .SE 4 N Rain lioston. . . .. . S8 0.00 21 0.0(1 Srt o.0 800.00 Clear alry Pt. clouoy Pt. cloudy unicaKO 4. . . Denver C lear Cloudy cloudy Cloudy Clear res Moines SO 0.01 Duluth Eureka 180. 001 Galveston. ...... 70! T. 10:3 Hclna 38 0.00 H2 0.00 40 0 .00 620. 00 8,W IE 8'a 4;nw Pt. cloudy Jack.onvllU.. Clear Cloudy Cloudy Kansas City.... Marshfleld Montreal New Orleans- New York North Head . North Yakima,, . Phoenix Pocatello Portland Hoa.burg Sacramento a.U.QO 16'SW IClear 70 0.0"! 4!E Clear Clear Cloudy IS 0.0O20jNW 460.08 4410.00 4;NE 4N 4 W 4 9E 8 NW 4NW H 128 8 SB 4i?E 4 NW Calm 4!NK 4iSW 6 8W S.SE 4'NE 6;NW Clear Ti'O.Oo 44 0.8 42 0.PKI rt. ciouar Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear 48.0.01 eoi t. St. LajuIs Et. Paul Bait Lake ban Diego San Francisco. .. eiskiyou 44 0.00 24 0.80 54 0.02 720. 00 C4 0 .00 Bain Clear Cloudy S8I T. Katn fipoksne 420.001 Clear Tacoma Tatoosh Island. . 4S 0.04 Pt. cloudy 46 0.OS Boo.oo; 2S;0.Q0 iCloudy Walla Walla ;iear Vi pshlngto.p Winnipeg .Clear 801 T. 1;W Pt. cloudy WEATHER CONDITIONS. The Nortn Pacific low pressure srea has moved eastward to the region north of the Dakotas and tne oarometer is now rela tively high over Idaho snd the nearby por tions of vthe adjoining states. Another high reaaur. ares overlies in. aiihjii Dlaiea. h oreclDltatlon durius the last 4 hours has 'h.en light and mostly confined to the Northern ana central btates west ox (lie Rocky Mountains. The temperatures In the Paclnc states have remained nearly station ary. It la generally warmar between the Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi River and cooler In the Middle Atlantic States and In New England. The conditions are xavoraDie - ror rair weather lu this district Saturday, except in Southeastern Jdabo and in Northwest Ore gon and Western Washington, where cloudi ness will increase and be followed by rain or anew. t FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair, nrobablv fol lowed by rain during the afternoon or night; easterly winas. urigna air except ram norxnwest por tion: eaaterly wlnda. Washington rair east, ram wear portion: easterly winds, shifting to southerly along the coast. Idaho Fair north, rain or snow, followed by fair south portion: cooler southeast por tion. EBWAH8 A SEALS. laAJCTlNO NOTICES. OR EGOS LODGE. NO. 101, A F.'AND A.. ll.-Specisl eommunl catikia this 4baturday) evening at 7:30 o'clock, Masonic' Temple; work In M. It. degree. Visiting brethren cordially invited. By or der W. M. A i. U1NOUK, Eecretars; A. PIONEER SQUARE SEATTLE PORTLAND OREGON NEW PERKINS Fifth and Washington St. Opened Tune. 1903. A Lot el in tla very-heart of Portland's business activity. Modem in every respect. Bates $1.00 and np. Moderate price restaurant in connection. is. Q. Shetland, Secretary and Manager. ,gsaa .5.5.: iSfS8M : hw iS23 a 'a'a'illasllis. BIAIIOCIRTEBS fOR TOl tiSIS as COMMERCIAL. RMdal rates to families and sin gle geDilemen. The tn&nkewent will be r leaded at all times o show rooms and give prloce. A mod era Turkish Bath CtmbUsbmest In tba U. C BOWKBaV at an agar- CORNELIUS -The House mt Weleeine." eoroar Park and Alder. Port, land's newest and most modern hotel. European plan. Bf Tuning Ma" In nil rates will be as follows: All back rooroa without bath, sinsle. tl.oo per day; double. $.00 per day. All front noma wtthout hath. 11-50 Per day, single: I1M per air doutle. Ail OlTTIOa soema. Our ttmnlDua meats S. E. FLETCHEB, Manafgz. HOTEL RAMAPO Corner Fourteenth and Washington Kejwlrio ted. Elegantly Furnisiaod Rates Sl.OO and Up Cpociail Kavtea for PerrnnnenU Bos Meets All PeUVATS BATHS r tov vmx, 1,1KB THE WOODS Americas Plan UfirPT7T European Flasi IIS Per Cay IIVJ I dLi ft tU Per DsjS "It's All Cemfort. Oht Table eVHote Meal One Fewtwra. In heart of business district, center of city, halt Tleea from O. N. Ry. and N. P. Ry. Depot, close to ail st esse, ship wharves and C P. R. Depot. VANCOUVER, BX, BOBX. N1SSEN To he wife of Carl B. Nlssen. daughter, at University Park. PIEU. I..1HI1... , , o Tnhna T mVlr 0 Fred erlrk Spring, aged 72 years, i months, 2 davs. Remains at Dunning A McEntee parlors, Seventh and AnKeny streets. o n.rsl notice later. . DAMON In this city. December , at t! ciiv rMnr. 21 tia.lsev street. Ellxa- beth Jane Damon, aged 67 years e months and 24 days. Announcement of funeral later. LANGMACK In this city, Dec , at St. Vincent s Hospital. Mrs. Mary Langmack. aged 01 years 7 months days. Residence 21o Mil. at. UL.INE At residence. 69S Wilson St.. Dec. 9; Ellen Christina Ullne. aged 3 months. FliKEBAL VOTXCB8. BLUM At her home, 1422 East Everett st, Dec. 8, Dora C. Blum, aged 83 years, 11 months. 12 days. Ifuueral will take place today (Saturday), Dec. 10. from the par lors of th. East Slda Funeral Directors, East Alder' and East Sixth sts., at 2 P. M. Friends respectfully invited. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. CHESSMAN Funeral services of the late Mens E. Chessman, wife V. G. Chessman, Of this city, will take place from the par lors of thtr East Side Funeral Directors, corner" E. 8th and E. Aider sts. Sunday, December 11, 10:a9 A. M. Friend re spectfully Invited. Interment Rose City Cemetery. VAHL.BU5CH At his home, 8$2 East Morri son at., Dec fi, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vahlbusch, Henry Arthur Vahl busch, aged 8 years, 11 months, 8 days. Funeral will take place from the above number today (Saturday), Dec. 10. at 2 P. II. Friends (pvlt'ed. SPICK ELM IE R At the family residence, 71. Tenino ave., pec. 8., Asa M. Spickel mler, agfd 00 years 8 months lo days. Friends invited to attend funeral services, which will be held "at the above residence at a P. M. tomorrow (Sunday), December 11. interment MilwAukie Cemetery. TRAeEY Funeral services of the late James Tracey, aged 45 years, will be held at Dunning A McEntee's funeral parlors, Ttti and Ankeny sts., today (eUurday), at 1:30 P. M-' Frlenda Invited. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. - pEVROE At 8fil Shaver street. December , Clement Devroe. Remains at Dunning at McEntee parlors, Seventh and Ankeuy streets. Funeral notice later.' POL AN At St. Vincent's Hospital." Peter Dolan. aged 83 years, of 765 Union ave., N. Rcxnains at Zeller-Bxrnes Ctf.'e p.rlora. Funeral announcement later, NELSON In this city, December S. L. B. Nelson. Remains at punning & UcEntoa rarlors. Seventh end Ankeny streets. Fu neral notjee later. MERRILL At her late residence, 871 14th " street. Mrs: Mary Failing Merrill, in the Sd year of her age. Notice of funeral later. TJONSETH FLORAL CO. MAKtiL'AM BLDG. FLORAL DESIGNS. Phones:. Main S102. A HOT. Dunning A McEntee. Funeral JMreetora, Tth and Fine. Phone Main 4.10. Lady aa- sUtanu Office of County Coroner. " EDWARD HOLMAS CO.. Funeral Dlreot ers. 2i0 3d st. Lady aaslatant- Phone M. 01. J. P. FIMiV Si SON, 3d and Madison. Lady attendant. Fhone Main S, A 1500. AT SIDE Funeral Dleeetora, successors to F. S. Dunnine. Inc. E. &3. R 2323. LUJ1 MX CO ladertakers. Lady aaslat ant. 409 Alder., M. 6133. A t23. ' tl'U.EK-Bl k'ES )., Tunerml Directors, B94 Williams ave.; both phones; lady asst. 4AJCCU. Undertaker, cor. Xaaf Alder and Sin. aost 781. a IMS. lMdf assisusat. 1 AMUSEMENTS. RAH! RAH! RAH! OREGON Heijlg Theater. TONIGHT. 8:15 O'CLOCK. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON GLEE AND MANDOLIN CLUB Concert and College "8tunts." Prices 81. 75c, SOc. 35c. goc HEILIG Theater, 7th and Tslor. Phones Main and A 112!. f NIGHTS BEGINNING TOMORROW, Special Price Matinee ' Saturday. Wm. A- Brady Co. (Lt d) Presents "THE NIGtJER." New Theater. N. Y.. Success. WITH FLORENCE ROBERTS, Assisted by Thurlow Bergen. Evenings, 81.50 to 25c. Matinee, f-1 to ijo. BAKFR THEATER A V jKorrijmn and Eleventh Main 2. A 5380. GEO. L. BAKER. Man Matinee, 2:15. Laat time tonight. Baker Stock Company In "THE BARRIER," The thrilling Alaakan tale by BI Beach. Dramatized from the fam.ous novel. A superb offering, splendidly presented. Eve., 25C. 50c, 76c. Sat. Mat., 25c. 50c. Next week, starting tomorrow Mat., "The Honor of the r amiiy. BUNGALOW :ater lia and Morrison Jittl. J 1 , , n . - Geo. L. Buker, Manager. Today, 2:3; tonight, last time; the roost brilliant musical comedy of all "THE 113LK, THB PLACE ASD THE IJIKL" With Geo. Ebne as Happy Johnnie Hicks, the gambler. First time anywhere at popular prices. Evenings. 25c. EOc. 75c. 31. Mats., .jc. 5oc Next attraction, opening tomorrow Mat., "A Broken Idol." MATINEE EVERY DAY. fc MAIN 8. A 1020. TusiTFJl 1S-95-5W5I WEEK DEC. ff. Edwin Arden and Co. pre senting 'taptaih Velvet," "A N'tn't', Monkey Music Hall," Alexander and beptt. 'A joe rfacason, t.UII jertii m ( hance for Three." Hilda Hawthorne, Misses Milch, Pictures, Orchestra. The "..ft,, . T T B.n ViTTnPVll.LE. Week Comtnenclno; December 5. TJrLIi MOBTON-JF.WEL TROUPE, "AN EVENT IS CLUBDOM." Matinee Dily. Curtala 2:30. T:3Q and GRAND Week Dec; 5, 1910 The iMaslcal lUKh arlriail Faaffitirfl La thevalier ULorH )VorId'a Champion Marksman. Three Rational lOUsaCari, EcUhoff A Gordon, TfniiU Trio, Grorge Y corn" a, Comiqueis GBAKDiSCOPB uronn ai.iiis, i usvauisru.'. Matinee every day. 2:30; any seat, livening peciornjances at ( balcony. 15c; lower floor. 25c; box seata, o0c ;i5; I Y1 Some of Musical M-d X JL JL Comedy. Wttr Pomm mcintr MaHnMi. Dec 5. Keating 4 Flood present extra. added. attraction. "ARIZONA JACK.' The greatest and biggest bronco-bustlnff act ever presented 'on any stage and' the Lyric Musical tomeoy uo. in "THE 3EW GUARDS." Dilinn unri Kin a- as the Guards. Tvtn nt.rf n rm a n ecus nltrhtlv. 7:45 and 9:15. lafatlntes Daily. 2:45. lday mcht. Chorus Girls contest. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS Attic HEi.rr AT THIS OF- PlCEFROM THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHtChS AND MAY BB HAD BY FBE- finvnv mrpirr.- A 848, 643. 654, 66. 658. 562, 563, 567, 574, 678. 51. . Ron mix Ria. 528. 551. 552. 5o4. 653, ' 667, 550, 500, 601, 662. 6 So. a6S. 572, 574. 66-i. D 51U. 61. 562. 671, 675, 676. B78. 5S2, 683 E 547. 680. 661, 662, 565. 668, 574, 676, F 3T4, 6S5, 657, 658, 560, 662, 565. 668, 575 5. 0544, MS, B70, 671. 575, 576. Kr, .; nrt2. s7. 3551. 554., S66. 657. 660. 661. ' 563. 566, 672, 676. 679. 6o2. K58. 6S9. 562. 575. 677. L 273. 547. 654.' 556. 583. 569. 671, 572, 673, C-74. 677. Si". M 556. 6S1, 663. 673. N 537. 545. 546. 647. 560. 661. 565, 567, 668. 571, 675. 581. 5S2. O 559, 667, 570. 572. 573. 576. 677, 589. 1" 4S7. 533. M.6. 5.-8, 560,' 5S1. 571, 5S7. R 314, 656. 6i. 563, 571, 574. 575, 578. 387, 8-M2. 644, 558. 561, 664. 688, 571, 572. 574, 1 507. 526. 644, 549. 652, 662. 569. 589, 573. V 545. 561. 664, a'iil. ti. an, oo. W 545, 557. 662. 60. S75. 576. 577. 380, 681, 682. 58S. 566. X 312, 551, 562, 584. 585. 681. 582, 6S4. Y53tt. 54U. 554. 559. 663, 567, 56U. 5.0. 673, AB.l.. :! ,"M. 560. 561. 562, 563, 0B4, OW, Oiu, Kill RC1 AC 60S, 650, 560, 663. 665. 566, S71. 577, 678. 579, 581, 582, 683. AD 501, 538, 502, 553, 556. .5o9. 561, 565. AfclfcS!). 663. 504. 568. 571. '672. 573. JVF-53l!553"9:53480"52. 663. 566. 689, 574. AG'Sif.VaS1!- 561. 562. 508. 56S. 667, AH-i33o!3-5l3.7,ML- 665, . 669. 674. 577, ASJisS. 60. 562, 693. 671, 678, 677, 83 588. egg 6g3 B84 Ar513. 53. 546. 54 661, 562. 668, 670, ajfr!i440.S'300.7'5o9' 554. 556, 660. 667. 568. 571. 574. 680. 5S2. 587. ' A!f 509. 544. 649. 657, 666, 583, 568, 567. - 5B9. 571. 674. 590. If abeve answers are not called for within six days, same v.lil destroyed. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OtllCK. CITY HA1X MAIX SSS. A 75SS. mmAHE OFFICKU. KAVK 4T1S, I The one BEST place In Portland to buy. QEQGRAPHIQAJi CENTEX i-nil MOST DESIRABLE rcsldeoca proper! cf tha city. SEEINQ IS BELIETIXO BETTE3 go and see the many CHOICE real ceDces under constructioa and caa Im provement going on. The Oregon Sea! Eslata Company CRAMP JtVE. AMD MBI.T!OMH T. MoneyTalks We bave some aereagfl ep oar line in city which will make you 100 per ceat in tw ears od investment. Call if you mean business. No phoning. Brong-Steele Co. Ground Floor Lewis Bldg. Ladd Addition - SWELL HOME strlntlv modern, 9rroom house. with ail latest lmprovnments-rfurnace, fireplace, den, sleeping-porch, breakfast-room, built-in bookcases and buf fets " fact n"thrne; "Hi4eisT whih makes "a complete home; on an 80-foot street, with alt street improvements In S-Hd "DRia."" Price "en!y I6"d(, a'iout $23tl0 eash, balance terms. GRl'SSI A IADOW, Sir Board oX Xssdc JJid., dtk aad ealc . a. HoIIaday9s Addition jiXW TOPAy. Factory or Warehouse Site Containing 20 lots with 640 feet frontage on 0. R. & N. Co. Best buy in city. $15,000 The Hart Land Co. 146 Second St. JUS At. ESTATE DEALEItA Beck. William 31 FaiUns Bids. Blrr.ll. AH. Co.. 202-S McKajr jjldav Real estate. Insurance, niortgatfes, loans, sta Braoaker A Benedict, Mi JicKay bids, at, " 64X Ckapln s Berlow, 83 chamber Cotnaarss. Cook. B. 8. A Co, 60S Corbett bid. Jsnnlnss St Co., Mais 188, Z4 Oresanlsab PALMER-JONE9 CO., H. P. SIS cial Club kids. Schslk. Geo. D. A 2392, IIS Etark St. Mala OS. Tne Oreson Real Estate Co., orand aea, aaf Multnomah at. iHoUaaaj Addition.) M. E. Thonipeon Co., cor. 4th snd Oak sts. REAL F.STATB- J-or galc-Iots. FOB BALE. ' ,M 50x100. on Morrison St.. 'West Sids businesi corner; 660. ouO; uart cash. 100x100. in Holladay Park. .",0QQ. 100x115. near Irvlngtou. 4 blocks from carline. $1800; part rash. 50x100. 3 blocks from Broadway, carline, S900. part" cash. F, RIiTHET. 840 Chamber of Commerce bids. WEST SIDE HEIGHTS LT. 00 cash. 10 per month. 13 minutes' ride, one block from car, beautiful view; price S5U0, In cluding sidewalk, water and graded street; full JOxlOO lot. ' CLOHESSY M'GriRK. M. 1068. 516 Aldington bids- A 1146. " "" IHVIXGTOX LOT SNAP. A One lot. 4oxl0O. eaat front, on E. 23d St., between Knott and Stanton, one block from car; price fl600, $300 cash and per month; a snap. GRUSSI & 2ADOW, 31T Board of Trade Bids-, 4tn anaak S4000 ONE of the best rlew tracts on west "slope of Mt. Tabor, containing pearly four lots snd just off canine; easy terms can be arranged. We invite comparison . with anything on East Side. The Jia" land Co.. 146 Sec6nd st. TO'J" can buy" a 16c' near " Boss "Utts Pifl " lev S426; graded streets, cement side wiSka' and curba. Boll Run water, elec tricity, telephone, building restrictions. Provident Inv. t TnisteS Co.. 024-42 Board of Trada bldg. . BELLE CREST View lot, fr0100, ' close to car and stone ates; a snap at S57o, worth $800; no finer lot to be bad in this beautiful district; go see It. Owner. Main 7661. A BARGAIN". Three lots. Rose. City Park 1 district, splendid view corner; Improvements paid Owner. S10 Board of Trade. Phone ilur- shall 88. JS000 PORTLAND HEIGHTS S Iota all improvements' in and paid for; lower por tion of Heights in settled neighborhood: a fine homo site. Phone owner, Marshall 1585 or call 146 Secondst. APARTMENT SITES; Some choice low and quarter blocks, close in. Central East Portland, at low prices. , w. Q. WADDEL, 803 Lumber Exchange.. ACREAGE, close in. on the West Side. 5 to 0 minutes' car ride; on terms to suit you. Price 600 to $1300 per acre. M, E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. $800 LOT, Just beyond Laurelhurst. two blocks off carline; easy terms; will ar range to build house on your own plans. The Hart Land Co.. 148 Second st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS PROPERTY. Homes, lots, quarter blocks, tracts and - aoroage: all parts of heights, all ylewa and prices; some bargains. Main ISobl. A 3S3P. rrrT: BARGAINS In Piedmont, Walnut Park and Hlgh- laap. B. LEIT, 417 Corbett bldg. il 25 PER week buys a nice, level lot," near Mt Scott car. in city limits, water, street graded and paid. , ... SACRIFICE Belle Crest lot. near cur: make an offer: will go cheap. Brown & fitaver. J35O0 BUYS a choice D5xl00-foot lot. 8 blocks from Jefferson street. Good for flats or tenement-house. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE Lot on Eugene St.. 50x150. at a bargain; also 60x100. on 16th, price 450. Fheng C 2429. ' Tor Sale. Homes. ANOTHER GREAT BUT I OJ,LT 150. 33 1-3 by 100, on E. Slst, near the Al berta carline, with a 5-room house, rent ing for $13 per month. This Is a snap at this price. T50 will handle It. pavld Lewis, room 2, Lumbermens bldg., 5th and Stark sts. "' BUNGALOWS. BUNGALOWS. BUNGALOWS. BUNGALOWS. Easy 'terms like rent. F. J. ROSENBERG. b2s Lumhermens bids. C .i 1 X D.'AI . Good S-room house' with 3 bedrooms, SII In good repair, on a corner lot. SOxjO. n Belmont St.; west of 2Sth St. ;' price only $3150; Jiooo cash and $25 per month. GRCSSI & ZADOW. 31T Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak- NEW"BuSgALOW. 15B DOWN. Balance "monthljr. This is near 3th and Clinton, few steps from the' W. R. car: nice, modern; five rooms and bath: full lot; prloe S3000; might consider tot or equity in lot as first payment. 41S Rail way fexenange. Strictly . modern, hot water, beat, flrst clasi plumbing, polished ' floor, paneled dinlns-room In quartered oak. beam cell ing cement basement, 50x100 lot Mr S3700 Call and see this snap" s,t 875 Brooklyn st.i W. W. car. "luSEW BUNGALOW. 20 CASH. Hew modern, "5-rocm bungalaiy. an nice lot. 40x100. East front, on g'h st. near Alberta; a bargain at J-400, SOU cash and 20 per month 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak ELEGANT, "new, modern 12-room, family sr 10 per cent.' Price 75O0,". V, cash han dles this excellent proposition. For par ticiilars write or call at 417 Rothchlid bldg. -n- m pt, U F ' I U' ' -' arge lot, 75x11 0 feet. 1 block from" carline; more ground next to this place If you prefer at per lot: price, $jp down. !15 month. National Realty Trust Co.. 826 Washington st. . room ol. Before you buy or sell SEE - DETSCH & WITWER Specialists in Real Estate For the man of moderate means. BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. Real Estate, -Rentals, Insurance. 12100. ' 6-ROOM HOUSE, LOT EOxjiO. EAST ISTa STREET, NEAR ROSE CITY PVRC CAR LINK. cob. craxp'avp. AN'P 'g- ankeny -KUUJ1 uu11aiui . , r.iuwc"i Aii - blace, beam celling, raoce. fhtm, lino leum. chlcaten-Iaouao und rua; 5 acre; S1150 ceifh. baUlice long tsruis- HiuaiorU 7, uteimn rirpsrnn Citv lln. SAVE money by buildins now. We aym r n j flnanc a buniralaw or fiat toe yFIONBER CONSTRUCTION CO., Z ACTBE. 3-RO0M HOUUE. $950; iyoo cub, $10 -monthly.- touy xbUt, In "Brentwood," near Trrnont; 5c fare; all cie.a"ia- Fred W Gej:oiaa' 32a Bui-Jiaide. Ualn 3T36. k ' 60IN3 TODAT-BlEBfist nalh Pofilaia; fcrHt. Call early. 54 6th at. - - mt'ST sell my new modern' 7-ropm houi; price" JT50 casn. oaianc ort' easy teriTLS- J.-,'.eywC naxwau MT'ST sell my 6-room cottage in Sunoyifle, . . . ill!Aii s I JAA ArtMa- a . within 0 atw; a.wW vkau. . 585, Oregon. an. fao)M iuouse. full lot, 11300; 'Dart cash, )W aU aUH at. h'ojtn. X)wnci. 585,' Oregonlan. I