13 Nemo Corsets, Spriiig Mo 321, on gale at $3.5Q Concert tonight from 7t3Q to 93Q pri the third floor y-Eyerybody invited Excellent prormrn'eAviH he rendered Picture "Framing p riders, should be 3S t o r e Open tonight Until 9t3Q Thousands of Christmas suggetipns in the Basement "',UnderpriceStore,' Beautiful novelties in Art Pieces and Brica-Brac in pur thirdTflpbr dept. Standard Sewing 'MachineV for Xmas gifts, sold on the $l-a-weeH cfub plan Santa Claus Headquarters in Tbyland brought 'in atonce-WorK guaranteed Demonstration Mechanical Toys, 'th Floor Grocery and Delicatessen de partmentsrth Flobr-rTaKe elevator THE 3IOBXIXO OREGOSIAX, SATURDAY, DECE3IBEB 10. 1910. mm MP LwJfl ft vi Radiaptican. Post Card Projector $1Q Values $7,95 Greatest d rtainar aver invented. EnuipvM ith new doutfi; lees', wbltn jaeMs Iatj;?. dis tinct picturV. ofmoiu urhiiji?! prThian."y7 Every modern device is ifico'rporated in" tbis rojee"- tor in farf it v J to besI J" Ju 7 Qft op the market; social on!-, each Vf . SmoKiiig' Sets $5 Values $2.39 Toay. on main floor. A sale of quadruple i!vcr.pUtd set, rocjisluig of match holder, afe jrav. supporting Uay and' oijrar tolderr-r-Uautifully designed. The best gift for tmier. He will appreciate one of CO AQ th'cYe fj.ftO" varJics Special aV scl P.O Cigar Boxes S5.QO Vals. $1.49 Kvcry time yea think of something else, you fei dial it's the only thing io five. These i 'igr lioxv are attractive ud ai)y smoker vili appreciate on, because they' teep the .cigars frcu. -they axe tumjrmm-unea, alt iiarawooa lou; mission style, in mahogany, oak aud tcpisu saiiuit; reiniiar vauuvs ri AM Io (3. on special saje al only V?? Crafts Wood.Qur S4.CO Val. $1.63 for tuiiav. main floor. KeautiAd designs in t'-rils Wood Toe Karkj, Pipe' Racks, Bon Rpn Bc5. ut. BowJ. Kose Jars, Vases, iT$y$, etc. c'farislnias iriTts for women' or meu, old or vouiiff. "RcjuIat values up tft"J .00. W special saje for duly, each T ?VJ Shaving' Sets, $7.QQ Vals. $4-89 Today, flii main floor. SiUer-jJated ShAyujz mirrors, superior quaiiiy bristle brjjaars 0 saap cup. Handy and attractive combiaatlon ?:(; five DeaxuiH tJio moot uu from; values to' f 7.00, special for-0 75c Button Boxes Special at 39c ea. For today, on main fjoor. Cbriijfmas shoppers should ma faiPf iTsee tfcis 4inj of tvJITar uUon and Trinket Boxes. .Made of Apo and "very ?Q u.1'iiJ ; autual t ud 7m valuas, tyJ.v "ganta" Suggests Mantel Clocks All ricrht, we rill do a; Santa Clans says. We will give everv one a chalice "io give a' good clock. A hiif assortment of Mantel Clocks in walnut, niahozuiiv aild block. They will strike hour and halt-hour. Ml pyrai)ed llqickeep- er. t'n sale on the ttiira lioor, a liP8 pnrej: $5.00 Mantel Clocks reduced" to. each" $3.95 $o.50 Mantel Clocks redaeed tQ,-aohrjg 4.39 $6.00 Mantel Clocks redurd to. eict, Jl75 $7.25 Maatel Clocks redncJlTtO.eh'STS Sii.OO Mantel Clocks rednce j'f fTct, S8.S5 Sp'cial bargains in Cuf '.Hj f Tijf s "J't'ia ware and Silverware. See them on 3d floor. Xmas Ribbons 12p Vals. Now 8c 30c Vals. at 19c iut received, for today' 'scllinc, WO pieces -" bM prnrte 'narrow firVsden ?JlSSon7 the "best ard daintiest to be found in rffe city 'WeT in vite eomparisin, quality for quality, price for price. Yon wjll find this line to be the very best in afl Portland. On sale a follows'; l'j-inch. tegulix lie Eibbons, special at 1 I'nirfKJiJ 20c Ribbons, special at 12 lirinch. reifuiar SOc Ribbons, special Tl9 Child's S3. 75 Bath Robes Now at $2.28 $1 Xmas Aprons 59c 75cXmas Aprohs 47c fhildrenV Bath Bobes of double-faced hlar.ket ... ,- , , clottt maruii, Main or xigTirea : colors, tan, red. pink and blue; iies ti to 14 years, values to social' at sizes 3 1 OQ to ti. recnilar $l-5 iiies, speciaj CHEJSTilAS APRONS of swiss dimity and lawn materials, daintily trimmed n lace, in sertion and Jul lies or snrferoidery; CO,, ptx-kets i:n tin: valuer U lor''' CHriSTMAS AFtOSS, i vircnlsr or square styles, witu beaiUUcbed tms or fjffijj; lacj and- embroidery Vrimiaed'; regular Valr A T ncs t 75c, on specif sa f& ogjy ea, " f $ Hair Barrettes $l.QO Values 47c Today, on main floor, several tiousand gold inlaid and fancy Hair Barrettes. in &heU and jurber. An endless yarity of desjgjjs ; A 7 p- regi3jx yalues np tp 1, tor only; ich" C . - At The ater - . -J tTewelry Cashets Sl.OO Values 47c Vnr todav. on the main floor, a large assort ment of Ormolu apd rrenca gray kteiaiij Jewelrv Cases: Deautuui ana appro-i -. nriflia infia: reeular tlJOO values ' for f X v - o r r - ' t 01ds,Wortman &, Ming' Store Portland's Greatest GHristmas Bazaar Welcome to the Toy World, 4th Floor Hurrah for Old Kris? Hurrah for the Toys! Hurrah for Girj and JBoys! If you haven't been there yet, don't .waste another day? We Know there Is not a larger or better Toy WorTdrin the Westlf yo:u"are 'little girl you, will dance with delight wKeh you s e et he dolls It youare ar iittleboy youyilf almost go wila when you see the MecKanical Toys, Flying Machines, Boats, trams; Guns', 'Horses, Wagons, etc., that we are showrpg 93;-75Dolls for $2.75 Pcaulif ul fkii greased in flowered chiffon pvejeslip picture tat to match, ahof: iid f toe kings, iigbt 01 dark hair, sle pirg tyes t3J5 xaiiias, ItZ fPCcjaJ At, ia- 9j f 5??75 Poll for $1.98 Jointed Bolls with tand somp lace dresses 4ut to SiMch, witi big fjvme; lib r dark iufly Jiaiiy sleeping eyes. i. regular f2.75 raJuii M qo jpecial iale -V P ?L?5DolJ TTT" Only 98c gceutiful Doll, dressed very Rretty; large ha( tha maleg dress; sleeping ye4 liflkt or dark tair J regular .value QQ. 6 b Don at 79 e ea. Jointed Doll, nicely dressed, with hat to' match dress; sleeping eyes, light or dark hair;'reg- 7Q 5S2 ular $1.00 yalue at 1,A5S; .JjT Main Floor jp Fine Go 1 f Shirts Wm-i Regular $1.50 Q O) irSr Vl Again we triumph for ylue giving by strengthen- J J ing thia special purchase of men's shirts by"addrig It a goddlot from pur regular stocKTKe'jft&iterials s ft Y are3French percales, madras, yy ported ginghams,' Russian cords, etc. M . ' Plain or pleated'bbsomscuffs at- ' ffl tached, coat styles" Values $1.'5P fb iv $'99 grouped or Bargain Circle" at jf jk 95c Ea. mm $2.25Mush Set $1.82 Baips Grasite "ilush'et, in 8 pieoes, neatly deoo-i-ate'd with att'rotiye pip turei TsFj" 6i?.?'nSt durable; regu- C"1 OQ Jar f 2.25 value P f l. Polar Bear 98c A yery rSff5 most interesting toy for a chHd. Polar Bear witfe a yofcj; ail' white plush pr hair cQveifti j"our QQ. regular 1.2a value A $3,00 Magic Janterii for $2,28 Very substantial if a, g i g ntern,""wlth screw "ad juEtmAat; makes good fV-a pictures: one dozen 'slides, fieguiaf $3.j0" tO "OQ yaCiui, at, ea- V!wt? S1.25CHair Horse 98 e y.oday, on the 4tl) floor, child's Chai: Hoxse, with padded seat and hack and good long rockers. A regu lar $1.25 value, "onTi"ff r sal si enly, ejicj $100,000 Christmas Sale Women's I Muff or Scarf at S3.79 Our etecK of fun as fresh and compLeteNot one old K. j J X. f' , $ garment in the whole jgtore to show you This lot com- f i .Jlj , -:. c j - -ra. prises scarfs and muffs A splendid grade of French y -vk-U l;'r&S&?' marten or blacK opossum, plain cape style collarette or ft with head in haeK Brown Isabella opossum fug muffs f .' ' : " i1" . i .1--" J if with two large neaos ana Hve iaii or piain rug mug, g jetjn Ijpd and ribbon trimroe4 Brown f sabglla opos sum, plam gape "style collarette or cut fancy inbacK Ith fgr Kead Exceptional values aP(f Q TCl xr T.Z;7.h-,- -i ' .. . W Bohemian Butter 78c From JUntil Q:Q p. M, GrocgryDepartrocnt4ith Flopr Qrocgry Dept. 4th Floor If yon ooce nu Bohemian Butter, you Fill have no otber. fJways eweet, " 2 'T ' TaT T"""-" .""'''." 'v "'!" keeps frsh longer than any other. ItjH two-pound squares t.day only 78 T C iR X3Ti 4 iC Sale of Men's Painia$ - v- - - On sale tonight, 10a tins f Del Mato gelid Pask Joniatoes; limit of S O- i9 'VV.1l -frr nl V c-s 5 S.n pnc.' can for gpvenjng price, '&' -Pv J Y" 47A.T V LU0JA QIIcrT-Crosse & BlaekelJ's Lueea Oil, put np in large bottles, T"- " : - . i-.,- " "" limit- of three bottles to a customer. jSee'ciaj tor today.7 & fl':MR tf.',"si f 9 V Far tfltlil, a gxE&t Xlristmaf sale of nwn's fine Pajamas in good quality soisette " " T . . f ' materials. inTlaln e.lors; 'yell made end neatly trimmed; ail sizes. CI 1Q gQPFPSrrOur ow 0. IJ. staple Coffee. Limit of fjy8 pogfid Jfl Q East regular $2.50 values offered a'uring thwsaTe at te fow price of P 0r reuias 0g ffd, fsepi f t 3 ISO P, Jf., jtha pound, Mil ft V Hats sl2.ffi Vals. $3f95 A sensational Saturday offering for shcewd Ghristmas shoppers, 'fhtj seaoud floor milling ery store offey3 yous ghqice of a,'ny' trimmed hat in the Jorfi ecjfit'ibe ttndx mkfiSr I b lines comprise vecy beautiful and attraatively tfjfflmei hats for street or dress it'S'QCJ yaJne to 12 for only Y? wear; any 5QOO Pr. Slippers, $H,5b Values 98c $23Q Valsl $1.9 Today, in the shoe store, an main floor, a sale of 60pg"pair3 af. SkpjaerST-ladi.es' felt JuUetUs at ess'thaq"fa9try pjiaa.. "Swing 1q iije mi date on which these were shipped, we were ajjowei addifionar diseounts anjl freight con-i ceefiiois; which" permit us" o; make." thit S ticual offer. Don.'t fail ta coma before the, 6izes are. broken. Bes$ regular $1-5CL yalu,a tar ta ; reguiar .yij yaiuea i.da ai r? and our regulas $2.5d values, aly pV $5Q,QQO Sale of Hid Gloves $a.5Q Vals. $2.95 S1.50 Values $1.12 T.hjs Kid frlpye sale has attracted great crowds of 'fihristmas gi seekers," a'nj rn'ny are 'sup plying their present needs at Iojjj prices quoted. IStbutton White Kid $ll.oe in" the famous ?&iiuecwm&ic$, all sizes and 16-hitton black Suede GloveJ. ii; te "R-eynjrVW.'CO Q C5 Regular "f 3.50 values, spesial, ps. ijfH,f CA?E eiiOygg for "womn: ej. guaJity, ia blaek, white, tan and inbde, shades. CI IO fiegular 1.50 values, on sale, pair V $5.QOO 5ale of Umbrellas $3.5Q Vals. $2.85 Gift seekers revel in these TImbrgll bargains. jBeJgfli ' Vny pge ii the entire stock and yoq will get it for less. A great stock of men's 6r WD'm.e'nVgS and gol-wcb, s.wes. Wg prise alo,$ of 30 values at $2.43, and $3.75' values at $2.8. "The .OO'piies are i3.'25, (fiO. QC and the f3.60 values are onlyf ea; P $50,000 Sale of Handkerchiefs 35c Values at 12c Entire stook of wQmfifl's TfandVftrchififa .at r-. duced crices. Visit te kerehief annex, see- with "neat embrpidered eerne actual Q 17c values, 5ijg4' tJ.w'pini flfei WOMEN'S hemstrtehed Initialed Kerchiefs, with embroiderfii 23SSt$, But Uft'lb gff h'eiea. Regular 25a yalues faeljj bps'ef CJ1 f"f si en sale fpj litre prijss yf pfllif 8 A tVf hemstitched lines (Jamtmo tiani- efehiof new hand-embroidered designs; our best redar stoek values at 35c, jflO special ale af'lbw piice'bf "onlyi'eacS Xmas NecKwear $2,QQ Values 96c Que holiday JSjeckweqr jg the most feegyfjfyj and attractive' in all Portland. Many, daintx stvies in Gibson Laeev GeUar designs : oas- eadej, 1'aWn, Persian Rpman and necptiihin-: tione; Venigfi, 'bn&Biase, t$k and tJlLny pattern effects, put pp ne eaeh in a AO " haasbwae" Cristmaf )ojj values to Boys' Rain Gapes $2.5Q Vals, $31,98 A timelv offering of bovs' Bain Canes, uiada very 11 aad. ipag and with pockets, if he best ; gape on the market. $3,.S0 fp-i Qh iaiufiig, WsT'ii'' ts? 'iagj 't In tbg Juvenile , Department, second floor, a greaf'salft offcj,'Uerwf, union sm'nd separate gaimeets, la Aeruy riuosa or neayy fleeced, natucal eeloce, all siaes. ta?tK7 $1J)0 value's on sale at, - the" garment V V Household Needs StrftW 'Waste Baskets, hh peeler V? YjdHSS te $3.00, speaial for oaly i? 4 f V? fatniiy size Food Choppers, our best QQ kgai $i-Sf vat's?? sBsi.a4 paly, 6?. v99 Jehnsea's 50c Floor Wsj:, sgecFal for 38j e Poar4s SP?GJai at 9ny each, 85 ilrs, fpjtts' Jrqng, spjecial fef oJay gt J)9 6fla Ffanued liiwois, Fl8! : 45