Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 10, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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. - ..p. . w Collars-"Stetson" Hats-"Cheshire" $3 Hats for Men-"Vassar union .xiuw
Agents for K. W. Collars Stetsc, n--' Shirts-Dr. Beimel s Linen Mesh Underwear
r-stfv uur rici ...v. - -
IO.OOO Men's Ties
&12.5Q Bath Robes $7.35
iTlhie Greater-BIds.Wortmaiift" Eiiag Store
SIOO.OOO Sale of Metfs Fuariniislhiiirs
M - . -
$6 Values
$3.69 Suit
For today, great holiday sale of men's
fine silk Pajamas, trimmed with braid
and frogs; blue, tan, cream, white,
lavender and rink; also fancies; cut
eitra full size, well made and finished.
Regular $5.00 and $6.00 val- fl3 gQ
ues, on sale at low pnce of r-,,v'
?nn dozen men's fine quality lisle thread
Hose, fast colors; blues, maroon, black,
dark green, etc.; neatly embroi- "1 7
j 1 .11 Ka t rt)m valtlps A- 41
rrru. an J f
SIO SmoRirifJacRets$5.95
For today Christmaa gift-seeker will revel
In this great showing of Men's Bath Robes.
There is hardly anything more suggestive for
a Christmas present. The patterns are pleas
ing: they are cut very foil and long, neatly
trimmed and tie in at the waist with large
cords; regular $12.80 values,
marked for this sale at only
SMOKING JACKETS A very new and at
tractive assortment of those comfortable
Honse Coats that keep the men from going
to the clnb at night. Each and every one is a
gem for valne. 'All well tailored; f QJ
itvled to please; regular $10 val., DJZJJ
nf What shall I givet BnTbonds for any amount. Tbey are good at any time.
5Qc-75c Values 28c
For today we have another sensational Christmas offering
of Men's Four-in-Hand Ties over 10,000 in the lot; every new,
pretty and attractive pattern, coloring and combination. Wide
End, Four-in-Hands, French Folds and Narrow Ties; beautiful
silks, well made and selling regularly at 50c and 75c each. OO
Buy 'all you want of them at this exceptionally low price c--
5000 Men's 4-in-Hands
$1.50 to $2 Values 95c Ea.
For today, a great Christmas sale of men's high-class Four-m-Hand Ties. They are
the very latest novelties in silks and designs in wonderful assortment; come in
checks, stripes and Persian effects. An advantageous purchase from a prominent
New York manufacturer enables us to offer you your choice o $1.50 to QC
$2 00 values at this extraordinarily low price. Now on sale at only, each'''
Shrewd buyers will buy them for Christmas gifts. Merchandise Bonds sold for
any amount This is an unequalled opportunity to get fine ties at very low prices.
In Suede Cases
At $1.49,
Special lot of 500 men's Handkerchief
Sets half-dozen Handkerchiefs, put up
in blue, lavender, green, cardinal, tan,
gray suede cases; good quality, all
linen hemstitched Handker- C ACk
chiefs; $2 values for only
Many more good values in Xmas sets.
Sale Men's Hats
Christmas sale of men's soft felt and
derby Hats in all the newest blocks.
Soft hats in colors, derbys in (tl QC
black; best $2.50 values, for
Sale Men's Reg. $2.5Q
$3.00 and $3.5Q Shirts
At $1.85
Great Holiday sale of Men's Hjgh
Class Shirts: both laundered and
p of flannels, with French cuffs.
The lanndered jhirta are m French
percales, cords and madras cloths.
Soft flannels and madras with
French cuffs.AUneW;pretty
patterns. All high-jilassshirts,
j to en Ttnv them for
'. m
" i v. mft. it this a. w
remarKAOi mw m v
S1.5Q Hosiery at $1.14 Box
$1.25 Flannel Gowns at 59c
For today, 1000 box, of Clarke', make Hose, half down pair, in
. box; black, bine, tan. gray; every pair fully lanteed to
better than any other 25e hose on the market. Medium C J J
weight, absolutely fast color, all sues; best $L50 values, box V
For today. 1000 doten men's outing flannel .Nightgowns military, roll
or "V" neck; cut full; light and dark patterns; good quality; CQ
sixes 15 to 19 best $1.00 and $1.25 values, special tomorrow at
$L5Q Mufflers Now 98c
$LQO Nightgowns
Reduced to 53c Ea,
For today, 500 Men's Fine Silk Mufflers in white and
cream; plain and brocaded silks; full sizeTwell made qo
and finished; regular $1.50 yalues, on sale at, each JOL
Today, on sale, 100 doz. Men's Outing Flannel Night Gowns in
Plait, rninrg, stripes and checks; made full size; roll
or military collar; sizes 15 to 19; very special at, each
Men's S2.5Q Pajamas at $1.49
Today, a great Christmas sale of men's
finePajamas, in good quality soisette ma
terials, in plain colors; well made and neat
ly trimmed; all sizes. Best regular $2.50
values, offered during this sale t -j a q
at the low price of only, the suit P
sette, madras and pure silk materials, trim
med with silk braiads and silk frogs; colors
tan, white, pink, cream, blue, t-in aa
also fancy colors. ?1.5Q to P
Men's Silk Pajamas at special prices.
Qxxr Boys' Res'. Boys' Rain Capes
S1.25 Pants at 79c S2.5Q Vals. $1.98
A rat oneway sale awp.
THis Season's Best Styles of
Boys' $5.QQ Suits at $2.98
Today, our entire stock of boys' $5.00 Suits all new, this season gar
ments, for little fellows 2ya to 16 years of age. Russian blouse, Buster
Brown and two-piece suite are included. Best patterns and materials,
enn 1 m V, nnrostri(tAd choice. With the CO QQ
: or.rl Ha-li. for todav at low Brice of, suit t7-
eXCCiL!UU Ul WUM " "
$5 Sweaters on Sale $2.49
$5 Underwear Today 3.65
Today a great Christmas sale of men's high-grade Sweater
Coats, finest quality, all-wool garments, in plain and fancy
weaves, solid colors and combinations; all sizes in d0 A Q
the lot. Best $5 values. On sale at the low price of t$)
Today, Christmas sale of men's- fine novelty Underwear, silk
and wool union suits, and separate garments, in a grand variety of
styles and all sizes. Great special purchase from an tO CC
Eastern mill enables us to offer $5 vals. at this price yOUJ
lOOO Boys' Sweaters $2
Values Special at Each 98c
Great Christmas sale of boys' Sweaters on the second floor; neat
styles, best weaves, colors and combinations; sizes 28 to AO
34. Eegular $2 values, on sale at exceptional price of ZOC
75c SUSPENDERS 43 Men's fancy Holiday Suspenders, put
in Christmas boxes; big assortment to choose from; good quality
elastic, with attractive buckles, kid ends. Eegular 75c ylO
values, to be closed out at the exceptionally low price tJC
Men's HandKercHiefs 5Qc
Value, Special Sale at 27c
Today, 200 dozen men's plain colored Silk Handkerchiefs
cardinal, brown, purple, navy, green, etc. Good qual- Q 7
ity. Best regular 50c values, on sale at low price of f C
Men's crossbar Initialed Handkerchiefs, full sizes, put up in
ipecial for today, for box of six, at the low price of ESQ-,
Christmas boxes of half dozen; regular 25o values each, tJ7C
Boys' Underwear
Boys' $15. Suits
and O'coats $9.85
A great one-day sale of boys' high-grade Suits
and Overcoats in all this season's most de
sirable fashions and materials. Ages 7 to 16
years. AU our $z.ou ana sao.uu wry wu
values for this sale at low price
$LOO Values 57c
In the Juvenile Department, Second Floor, a
great sale of boys ' Underwear, union suits and
separate garments, in derby ribbed or heavy
fleeced. Natural colors, all sizes. Best
$1.00 values on sale at, the garment "
C. C. Devroe Instantly Killed
Under Wheels of Trolley.
f.w mtnat.s afl.r th. killing- of Ivro.
two puMoon cuBht
moving car near th. cn. of th.
LMrrot wa .bout 41 ye.r. old ana
loarcs a wlf. and on. son. 11 rr old.
H. had brn janitor at th. City Hall
for about lx yrmn. Kim horn, wu at
((1 Eaat Fourteenth treet North.
City 11.11 Janitor Fall Between
Cars oa St- Johns line and Many
S HI. lOTe Crnhed ' Out.
Coronrr to Invrtlst.
While attempting to bord . movlna"
Bt. Johna car at Union and
Jalllmr Mreet. at oclock 7"
.Arrnoon. Clement C. Ijerro a J.n.tor
t th. Otr Hall, fall between th. car
and Ita trailer and wa. 7,und !ir
.tantaneou. unU.r '
th. cond car. which paaeed ly
Ir'r hi. body. H. wa. draped about
feet befr. th. car wu brought to
Theaccldent occurred mo quickly that
but few noticed It. tvro. U Mid to
hare alluhied from an Alberta car.
which had awltcbed back to allow an
Inbound St. Johna car to pa. It. H.
ran acre, th. track and attempted- to
board th. car a It paed him. H.
erldently Blowl hU foUn awun
la between th. car. , .t
Th. body wa. badly manrled. peath
waa Inetantaneoua. A lara crowd
leathered, and waa controlled with dlf
Iiculty by Pollc Beraeant ratton and
patrolmen Adam, and Croxford. Dt
roe'a wlf. heard of th. accident and
ruehed t. th. acene. Bh. became hy
lertcal. rrtenda took her to' her home.
Th. car waa la char. of Motorman
Ceore lMda and Conductor C A.
Ittalller. Uodae la held not account
able, u th. lenath of bla car had
paaed when leroe was cancbt.
tputy Coroner Iaa. waa oa a ear
Immediately behind th. on. that caused
th accident and took charire of th.
raai Th. body waa taken to th. un
l,nakln b.rlors of lunnlnf alo
ate. where an Inquest will b. held.
It la aald that the practice of board
ing. -Bo lo;' car. oa tb. Xt. Johna and
Vancouver lln.a la ceaereX .Within a
Street May Be Relocated to Correct
Error of Engineer.
Pxn, mmAa v- tha Cltv Engineer's
department In Uyin a sewer 19 feet
from the Un. for which a permit had
been obtained, caused the aewer com
mittee of the Council yesterday to
recommend that the proposed new
street, wblch miltnt ne caaiea a con
tinuation of East Mill street, be
changed to SO feet south of the line
originally agreed upon, mat m cnj
i V. nn ha rnmn.l A la HIT tCiT
damages resulting from the error.
A. M- Forest, owner ox oi diw:
t. Qrasmer. Addition, brought to light
th. error In th. location of the sewer
when h. filed an application with the
city for 1450 for the damage done his
lot as a result of the mistake. He ex
plained to the committee at Its meeting
yesterday morning that he had given
written consent to the city to use five
fret along the north side of his lot for
the north branch of the Brooklyn
sewer. The sewer, however, waa laid
IS feet within the line of his lot, pre.
venting excavations tor a basement for
a house. Soon after this error had
been made, he said, the proposed street
was laid out on the south side of his
lot. If the street Is relocated to con
form to the sewer. Forest's lot will be
In the street and he will receive pay
for It for that purpose.
Theodore Krnae) Gets Seward Hotel
for Total Rental of $70,000.
Theodore Kruse has closed negotiations
with F. Seward tor a 30-year lease on
the Seward Hotel property. Tenth and
Alder streets. The lease of the building
and complete hotel furnishings repre
sent a cash consideration of 170.000.
By the terms of the lease the monthly
rental Is tax for the nrst Ave years,
SS for the next five years. t for the
third live years and STM for the last
five-year period: aggregate for k years,
Mr. Kruse will take possession Janu
i ary V .
Has IKno Business la Marts of 'AU
World and Farmed Near Madras,
bat ow Walks Streets In Vain.
Although able to speak, read and write
the Kngllsh. Italian. French. German.
Spanish. Arabian. Hungaran. Portuguese,
Hebrew, Egyptian, Zulu and Roumanian
languages and "yet seeking employment.
Is the predicament m which Jean Schlffer
finds himself. Mr. Schlffer, In addition
to his lingual accomplishments. 1 an
expert wood carver and designer. The
only schooling he had was a grammar
school education, but he says he learned
his 11 languages by traveling from one
country to another. .
Before coming to Portland Mr. Schlf
fer owned a farm consisting of 160 acres
at Madras, Or., but owing to bla wife's
preference for city life, he moved to
Portland. He has been here nearly, a
month and has been unable to get work,
be says. , .
Mr. Schlffer has visited all the princi
pal cities of Europe. England, Africa,
Australia, Italy, India and Roumania,
From all appearance he seemed to have a
roaming dispositionior he had some of
the largest furniture establishments In
South Africa that brought him a largo
Income, but his desire to travel caused
him to sell his places of business and
visit some other place of Interest. He
kept this up and now he holds a record
of having traveled all over the world.
Mr. Schlffer seems to have lost his de
sire to roam since he came to this city.
Despite the fact that he has been look
ing for work during the last month with
out success, be says that this is the best
city he has ever visited and he hopes
to make this his permanent home. Mr.
Schlffer is a native of Roumania and Is
37 years old.
-v. - I LTV." W " ;
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f. e.-v v f t " -( ' 'r-j. . ..i ' - ;!. : ,(.,., i, Ms-Wu - -
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J . -wmMf m'T I 9 fri.-
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Baleful Ilght Gleam as long List
ol Police Casea Is Gone Over and
She Is Not Called.
An.elderly, portly woman appeared In
the Municipal Courtroom at 9 o'clock
sharp yesterday, morning and sat pa
tiently through the long. hours while the
day's list of drunks, vagrants, neighbor
hood feudists and petty thieves was gone
over. A baleful light gleamed in her eye
as time sped and she was not called up.
rPk. ti w a.. rfnwfl anil hAPJ,HSA DflDlltV
City Attorney Sullivan Is In mortal fear
of disease germs, tne winaows were
opened to the foggy breeze.
Literally frosen out. she retired to the
clerk's office, where sat Deputy District
Attorney Hennessy, sound asleep and
with open mouth, waiting for the call
for "the State of Oregon." Upon him
pounced the Irate litigant, with wrath
In her eye and burning words upon her
tongue. .hum
There he sits asleep," she said, and
me waiting here for hours for him to try
my case."
"Mr. Hennessy works on the night
shift," explained a bystander. ,
"And so do I, and on the day shift, too,
and I'm the bell-boy and chambermaid
besides, and here these people are suing
me for a bill and I have to wait around
while that big fellow sleeps."
"For a bill?" was asked. The woman
repeated her statement, and It developed
that she had wandered Into the wrong
court, while her opponent was wait'.ng
bearing In the Justice Court, on the other
side of the block. Thither she repaired,
muttering complaints as she slammed the
door behind her.
Impressive Story of Oberammergau
Given at Woman's Clnb.
, Perhaps the most Impressive and mov
ing lecture ever delivered before the
Portland Woman's Club was the account
of "Oberammergau in 1S10." given yester
day, for the first time In this city, by
Dr. William Hiram Foulkes. Dr. Foulkes
was present at the-Passion Play June 29.
He gave a vivid account of the wonderful
drama and lta peasant actors. Illustrated
by colored stereopticon pictures of re
markable beauty and artistic merit.
The lecture is to be repeated at ths
First Presbyterian. Church next Tuesday.
The large and appreciative audience
also enjoyed the. aria from "Le Prophete,"
sung by Miss Brown, who possesses a
contralto voice of much beauty and
sweetness, and one of Liszt's "Hungarian
Rhapsodies," played by Professor Good
nough. Saved From Awful Death.
How an appalling calamity in his
family was prevented Is told by A. D.
McDonald, of Fayettevllle, N. C R. F.
D No. 8. "My sister had consumption,"
be writes, "she was very thin and
pale, had no appetite and seemed to
grow weaker every day, as all remedies
failed, till Dr. King's New Discovery
was tried, and so completely cured .
her, that she has not been troubled
with a cough since. . It's the best medi
cine I ever saw or heard of." For
coughs, colds, lagrippe, asthma, croup,
hemorrhage all bronchial troubles, .It
has no equal, 60c $1.00. Trial bottle
free. Guaranteed by all druggists.
Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets.
DruKfl'ts refund money If it falls to cure.
You don't have to boil the
clothes when you use Sunny
Monday laundry soap. "Hard
water, soft water, cold water,
hot water all look alike to
Sunny Monday, and it does
its "work equally well with any
one of them.
Sunny Monday h white
and contains no rosin, but, in-'
stead, a marvelous dirt-starter
which saves time, and wear
and tear on clothes.
4 -r -