Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 10, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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PAStrl '
rtitttnMMia stata T07
Ctty tlmlillol Mela T079
KuIU Editor Mala JJIJ
iisdar "'if ..........Main 7-rro
Ceaoetnc-rooea Mala TO.
. kiUaolaaa Mala ,u'
A ar"
A "
L'r.lereltr of Uwo Gl-e and MAndolla
Club Is "Concert ul CoUece StunlA.'-' To
mcat a 1.14 o'clock.
l"NJALOW THEATER rrwelfth and
Xormgnl -Tho Tln-o. tho Plare and the
GirL" Alatlnee At I I ABA tonight At S.l.
BAKER THEATER (Eleventh And Mor-r..-n
Too llaker stock Company la "The
barrier." Alailaae At 2.1 And tonight At
S 14.
lata and SarantAl Vaudeville. Thla All
eraooa bi 1 Ji and tonlsbt at 1:1a.
CltAND THEATER (Par And Washing
tan) Vaudari.ia. ThlA ateraeoa a 1 14
Insight At T 0 and ft.
LTRIC THEATER (Seventh and Alder)
l-Trta Muslral Coraady Company, la -TIa
N Guaxda Thla afteraaon at ISO, to
alsat at I II and A.
TAX THEATER (Park sad Waahtagteat
Afottna pictures, Coatlnuoua, from 1:10
f M M f. M.
Ai?lillnann Intra s4 tor tha Ctty
Steam ta Brief ra la easts la SajaaaT-a la.
ana ah aat a-a kaneee! la Ta Oraajaalaa
feaststsea) eltaea r "aaack Salaraaa
Howdt Car Passemgehs Fixed. For
.luturbing tha peace of streetcar poa
nini on tha St. Johna line. ThursdAjr
night. Charlea .V. Watts And Stephen
livers vera arresard by Palrolraan Mas
well and vera llaed SIO each In Muni
cipal Onirt yesterday morning. Con
ductor Ticker. Id charge of tha car.
complained that tha men refused to cease
amoktng when requeued to do so, and
drank whisky. Inspired by bold John
BArleyeorn. tha roisterers curaed tha
conductor, who hi a small man. until
tua car reached Portsmouth station,
where Maxwell was called In.
Oraoom Gets AxrvaaTtstxo. Tha Cnl
eato land l:ow was tha medium through
which Oregon received a irreat deal of
advertising according to a te lea-ram re
ceived yerterday by WUilara alcMurray.
general passenger agent of tha Harrlman
lines In Oregon, from H. V. Smith, who
was m charge nf tha llarrtman system
lertura and information bureAU at tha
a now. Tha total attendance at the show,
which commenced November 19 and
ended Pauemlwr a. waa and of
thaee 7ft.S3 attended the lectures, which
dealt principally with Oregon opportuni
ties GsmcERiaa Con Ijsr. At Smith's big
market that runs from Alder street
to 1S First street: Two loaves of sweat,
fresh, choice bread for Sc; one quart of
cranberries for hoc; three cana of toma
tneai or peaa for 25c. ten pounds of hard
wheat flour for X-c; six bars of Fels
Naptha snap for 15c: seedlea ralslna are
four pounds for Zt ; good rice Is 4c
pr pound or 30 pouncia for 11: email
white beans ara 6c per pound; mustard
plants, turn'pa. carrots, beets, radishes,
lettuce and onlona are three bunches for
V : sptnach. yeairr pLant. watercreaa and
celery roots for 6c a bunch. You can
fcava tha auto truck deliver a big box
of grocerlea to your door for only 1".
Hiotttot 8aumii Vnomx B!ger
SAlArtes for I'nlted Statea eluprema Court
jMrteree and for I'nlted States District
anl Circuit Court Judgea furnished a
topic of rilactMlon at tha meeting of
t f.e trurteea of tha Chamber of Com
merra yesterday and re-nilted In tha
paaaaae of a resolution favoring, tha
advancea. Tha resolution will be for
warded to Cbntrem with other reemlo
tions of a similar chsracter from other
bodies throughout the country la tha
hope that Congreiai will take atlon.
WowAie Frueo for Rtiinino fTREmrra.
Iria Frrdentcal. who sara that ahe Is
real estate agent with oltlcea In tha
W'aahlngton building, waa arrested at
First and Yamhtl! Atreets. enrly yeater
day morning by Patrolman Henneasy. on
a charge of being on the streets after
hoars. Hennesey saw the woman make
the circuit of a block with no apparent
object. She said that she lived In Al
berta and had missed tier car. She waai
fined $10 In Municipal Court yesterday
. morning.
Old RraiDE.TT Piaa at Mottrr Taor.
Mr a rora C. Ilium died at her home.
1133 EAat Rrerett street. Thursday, aged
4 years. Phe aiwlxed her husband In
eondurt'r.g a furniture buslnea In l-Taat
Portland In early dAys. Ha died several
years aro. Charles Blum, a son. sur
vives. Tha funeral will be held today
at t P. M., and tha Interment will be
made In Ine Fir Cemetery.
Maxt PrciEOATtta Coxruo. When tha
Oregon Good Koads Association meets
Monday morning, at the Conrmerctal
4lub. many delegatea will be on hand.
Stlattera of great Importance to the state,
rltiesi and counties will be dtacueeed.
The findings of tha association on Al ou
tlay will probably be presented before
tha State Legislature at lta next
slon. Auranii Called to JJimtt.
The grAduAtes of the Monmouth Normal
are requested ta meet In the library of
tha T. M. C A at 1 o'clock tonight, to
consider a banquet to be given at some
time during tha meeting of t!ie State
Teachers' Association at Portland De
cember a to m.
Mo-tet for Church Impkui i.miii a
The campaign to raiaa money for lm-
grovlncthe Vernon Presbyterian Church,
ZAa-t Nineteenth and WyfAnt street a, baa
resulted In a fund Of llUX With this
sum the church will be repainted and
the gymnasium for tha young people will
be completed.
Houura Vrrwrns Fti. Hefort.
Viewers for ' da extension of Holgate
street, between MUwaukie and Uast
Twectyixth streets, have filed their
report. Holgate street has been a nar
row county road along the south aide of
the Southern Pactno carshops.
FRnerpr RavrvAt. to Cloea firxDAT-
T ha revival meeting being held In tha
Friend-- Church, on the corner of East
Main and East Thirty -8 ft h streets, will
cKa-e tajnday night. Martha -B. Curry,
evangelist, will preach at both morn
Irg and evening services.
Cbaix or gai awe) CatrLfraD. Tha
chain of sewers on EaaI EVghih, Cast
Ninth and Boat Tenth streets, south
from Tagirart. baa been completed. The
cost la :S31 Th'eJ completes all the
eewsrs between MUwaukie street and
tha WlllUunetta River.
Ar-ToaroBU-a Owxers.
Have your car repaired, adjusted or over
hauled, at T. M. C. A. garage; minimum
coat: careful work assured. Phone educa
tlonal director, private Kx. aS. A aQ. T.
il. C. A. bldg
A. J. Lot wis Wrtx. BraUJC- vA J. Lewis,
fruit Inapecta'-r fr Clackamas County,
will aoMrees) the Estacada Fruitgrowers'
Association today at the KetACA.lA Com
nerelai Club a ball os fruit culture.
Tag Orzoox Kerahic Cuts announca
the annual exhibition ard sale of chtna
at Kellers art store. 464 Washington, De
cember. a-ML Open evenings.
A. A- Cabxsok. agent for The. Orearo
slaa. at Vancouver. WaslL. la new located
with A. J. Ailquieft, U Main st. Phone
Alain 4.
Edbt- Braq.
The famHy health bear. Phone Mala Tat.
A A&i. Portland U rawing Compas-r.
Da. T. M. pROotca. physician and
surgeon. Oregon las bid. Phones: Mar
shall a. a - -
CarRiSTatAS Boors. 'OIcLongnUn and Old
Oregon." "McDonald of Oregon," "The
Conquest. " a a
Watcwi-a. DiAJtowDa. JrwruiT. W. H.
Xveh. fifth floor Drkam bklg., open
8 an as TTatoi Pxrarar-ea. C. Chrlaten
aen, V floor corbett bldg. Take elevator.
Hot.T Cross Mtrarcat to Cukiikls. The
Holv Croaa Fathers will continue me
Advent Mlaann (ma mora Week In Port'
land. Rev. J. O. 8. Huntington will
nnuh lhla nunlir at Trinity Church,
and Kev. Roger Anderson will preach
at fct. Mark s. They will preach In the
Bishop Morris Memorial Chapel la Good
Samaritan Hospital, at 7JS A. M. Be
ginning tomorrow noon. Addresses to
men will be given In the baAement hall
of th Railway Excnange ounaing.
trance on etark street, at U:l oclock.
The childrena catechism and afternoon
and night mission preaching wiir be con
tinued every night at St. Mark a Church,
corner of Tenty-flret and Northup
streets. Strangers cordially InvltetU.
Meat Prices are Lower. Hardly a
day pum but Frank L, Smith cuts the
price on some kind of meet. During the
past week he has dropped the price 1
cent per pound on pure kettle-rendered
lard, a three-oound pall Is 46c. a five-
pound pall la Tic and a ten-pound pall k
11.45. The "real thing" oreaxiasi oacon
( -t-o ami Se- dry salt oork Is 16c;
Smith's excellent bams are 17c and a
half a ham Is tha same price; the end
cuts of shoulder roast pork are ic ana
the center cuts are ITHc: pot roasts and
nvan maata of beef are 10c. 11c and
nue- nrlme rib roast beef Is U:-4 and loc
norterhouse steaks sre 15c And ISc And
tenderloin and sirloin steaks are
and 15c; butter Is 70c and 76c and Smith's
Oregon freaa Norway butter Is sue ine
above nricea Drevail at every one of
Smith's 30 markets In Portland.
Father Seeks DAtrairrm. BJioda
Cooley. a young woman, la being aought
In this city by her father. A. W. Cooley.
of Sll Waverlr Place. Spokane, because
of his fear that some calamity has
happened to er. The girl arrived In
Ponlasid from San Francisco on the
stesmer Roanoke, on November 17. and
wrote to her father that she had taken
todirtnss at a hotel, waa going to aeek
a permanent place and work here until
after Christmas. Hearing nothing rur
ther from her. he came to this city yes
terday and enlisted the police In
search for his daughter.
Fa Li, From Window Fatal. While
washing windows In the second story at
ST-Ji Alder street yesterdsy morning, an
unknown man fell from the window sill
and alighted on his head and shoulders
on the pavement. He was rendered un
conscious, snd Patrolman Leavens called
tha Red Cross ambulance and sent mm
to St. Vincent's Hospital, where he died
at S o'clock. A memorandum nook in
his pocket contains the namea D. C
McKay and U C Nelson, and the ad
dress 2a Burnrfde street.
Priests Occcft New Home. Rev. J,
H. Black and the other priests of St.
Francis parish. East Eleventh and Eat
Oak streets, hsve moved Into their new
bom. The old building has been the
home of ail prlenta since the parish waa
established. It was moved, to ine mia
dls of the block to make room for the
new church, and A fine building has been
erected at a cost of ilO.OMk. All parish
business will be carried on in the new
edifice. The new church, will be dedi
cated soon.
Weumr s Hall Selected. It
decided, at the Wood Roada meeting In
the Beck building Thursday night, to
hold tue Good Roads convention, wnicn
becina December 12. In Wemme's hall,
on the third floor of the Wemme build
ing. Seventh and Oak streets, entrance
oonostte the Oregon Hotel, the con
ventkon hall of the Commercial Club
beins too small. This hall will hold
large number of people. Mr. Wemme has
donated It for use.
Portland Wo4 Writes oh
Bai do a.' A text book on "Auction
Bridge" la now being complied by Ml
Annu Blanche Shelby of Portland. Mi
Shelby la wldly known as an authority
on arhlrt. having written two books on
the subject. "Standard Whist" and
'Bridge Abridged." The manuwcrlpt for
the new book will be in the publishers
bands within SO days.
Wovam'b Clvb to Hear or Naples.
The current events department of tha
Woman's Club will meet this evening
at s o'clock, at the office of fxla Crlm
I.vnrh. vui Third street. Dr. Lola
Jnhnaon mill sneak on affairs In Italy,
showing radloptlcan viewa of Naples and
Rome. There will be A prelude on Port
land theaters and lectures.
VENDERa Ana Restricted. Popcorn
and fruit venders will not be allowed
to stand on Fifth street, between Stark
and Washington streets, between 2:30
and i:30 P. M.. according to Instructions
iMud bv Chief Cox yesterday, ine
order la brought about by tha congested
condition of the street.
Rav. J. D. Corbt. pastor of the Unl
versallst Church. 84th and East Broad
way. will give en address on Sunday. De
cember 11 tt 11 A. M.. on the work of
the Portland Humane Society. All
friends of this great movement are cor
dially Invited.
First Coworboattowal Chttrch. Dr.
Dvott. tha DAstor. preaches tomorrow.
Themes; U A. M. "The Worth of Wo
manhood": T:46 P. M.. When the Moun
tains Ara In View." Practical sermons.
Helpful services, welcome.
Whose Sow Is Kb?" snd "Christmas
Olfta." Sunday sermon themes of Dr. V
H. Foulkes. First Pretabyterlan Church,
AWer and Twelfth. Toung men Invited
to Bible class following morning worship.
For Salb. The best Income-producing
aDartment-houae In Portland, two-story
frame building, ground Svxluk Call Mar
shall res.
Wooster'b iButter, ergs, tnllk. cream
Entertainment and Dance Follows
Reception at nail.
Over 1000 Woodmen gathered In )he
lodge room of the temple of the Wood
men of the World, on Eleventh street,
last night to participate- In the 20th
anniversary of tha founding of the or
der. An Informal reception waa held St
t o'clock, after which, came the enter
tainment, consisting of a piano solo
by professor Bettlnger, address of wel
come by George M. Hyland. a piano
solo by Mlaa Dottla Smith, instru
mental music by Neighbor Llndsey.
vocaI solo by John Claire Montleth,
reading by Mr a Sylvia McOuire. ad
dress by George K. Rogers, monologue
by Mrs. McOuire, vocal solo by John
Claire Monteith.
At the conclusion of tha entertain
ment there was dancing. The com
mittee on arrangements consisted of
F. M. Reynolds. Dr. H. J. Harris, Dr.
F. H. Dammasch. O. T. Phillips and
W. ReldL The affair was given un
der tha dlreotlon of the Webfoot Camp,
No. (.
East Slda Expect Car Relief 'When
Bridge Is Opened.
Better cat service Is promised for the
South Esst Bide as soon as the Haw
thorne bridge la opened. The Sellwood,
Waveriy-Rlchmond. Woodstock. Haw
thorne avenue and Mount Scott llnea, on
which wide gauge cars are to be used.
are affected. Completion of the bridge
will make available about 20 cats now
used for the trsnsfer business at Haw
thorne and Grand avenues. The Brook
lyn car Una, concerning which ther has
been serious complaint, also will teceive
some benefit, as It will be relieved from
carrying paAsaugers with transfers to
these wide-gauge llnea
Persons using the Brooklyn carllne are
waiting to see whether there Is any Im
provement oa that line as a result of the
opening of the bridge before making
complaints to the company.
Plant Slbaoa rosea Phone Sellwood K.'
Rhode Island Reds Have Good
Day at Poultry Show.
Wlndel Brothers Show Best Buff
Plymouth Rocks Attendance Jjs
Increasing Many Owners
Sell Birds at Fancy -Prices.
Rhode Island Reds a comparatively
new variety of chickens had their Inning
at the Oregon Poultry and Pet Stock
Show yesterday. U D. Elliott, of Port
land, who has made this variety his spe
cial hobby for a number of years, took
first prixe for the best cock, while E. S.
Russell, ot Centralis, Wash., won the
first for the best cockerel, and L. C.
Hoover, of Monmouth, won first for the
best pullet and the best pen. Mr. Elliott
was al?o credited with having the best
The attendance yesterday was very
large, compared with other days of the
week, and Secretary Murray declared
that It was evident that the poultry show
was going to be one of the popular In
stitutions of the state and city. The
scorers finished heir work In the after
noon. The final awards will be an
nounced tomorrow.
Many sales are being made. One
breeder disposed of a White Wyandotte
cockerel for K0 and an owner of Plym
outh Rocks sold eight birds for (12S.
Those prices have never been exceeded
In Oregon.
In the Buff Plymouth Rocks, Wlndel
Bros., of Lents, won first. The Volght
poultry yard, of Portland, won In- the
White Plymouth Rorks class. In the
Golden Wyandottea, H. A. Simonds, of
RothwilL Wash., won all the prizes, and
In the Columbian Wyandottea, H. C.
Forbes, of Portland, and the Simpson
Pheasant Farm, of Corvallls, took all.
In the Partridge Wyandottea. E. H. De
BrowerNand S. E. Jackson, of Portland,
were given tha swards."
Awards Are Announced.
The following awards were announced:
Barred Plymouth Rocka, beat cocks Flrat,
J. C Murray, of Portland: second. Berntsen.
Euirene. Peat cockerel Klret. B. F. Keener.
Eusana: second. O. W. Spaelght. Hubbard;
third. J. M. Oarrlaon. Foreet Qrove. Beat
hen Flrat. A. C. Iteration; second. O. W.
Fpaelgnt; third. B. F. Kaeney. Beat pullet
Firm, J. C. Murray. Portland; second and
third. A. C Berntaen. Bast pan Flrat. B.
F. Kaeney; second. A. C. Berntscn; third.
A. C. SpaelghL Beat collection First, A.
C. Beralxen; second. J. C Murray.
White Plymotitk Rocka bt hen. pullet
and cockerel Flrat. Volght's Poultry Yard.
Buff Plymouth Rocks, bast cock No flrat:
second. Wlndal Brothera. Lenta: third. 8.
F Smith. Portland. Beat cocker! Flrat.
Wlndel Brothera. Lenta; second and third.
8. E. Smith. Beat hen So flrat; second.
Wlndal Brothera Bast pullet First, Wlndel
Brothera; econd. 8. C. Smith.
Whits Wyandottea beat cock First. H.
ftlneliouse, ClAckAmas; sacond. J. A. OrlfTln.
Eugene; third. W. D. Keller. Portland. Beat
bn rirat u. Lea PaseL Portland: second.
D. N. Lash. Woodlawn. Best cockerel
First, second and third, H. Rlnghouae. Beat
pan Flrat and second. H. Rlnshouae.
Ctolden Wyandottea Flrat. aacond and
third. H. A. Slmonda. Kotnweil, nun.
Columbian Wyandottea, pullets No nrst;
second ana third. Blmpenn Pheasant rarrn.
Cnrvallla Beat hen First. H. C. Forbls.
Portland second. Klmnaon Pneaaant Farm.
Partridge Wyandottea. first and aecond
E. H. CeBrower and 8. . Jackson, ron
MitvMe.taced Wyandottea best eock First.
Charles Mlenser. Portland. Beat cockerel
No met; aecond. P. J. Kelley. rortiana;
third. I. E. 8tnplee.- Portland. Beat ban
N3 flrat: aecond sna tnira. . c. p'i"
Best pullet Flint And third, L E. Staples;
second. P. J. Kelley. Beat pan FlrsL L E.
Staples: second. P. J. Keller.
Rhode Island Beds, beat cock First. L.
D Elliott. Portland; second. Filberts Poul
try YArds. PortlAcd; tnira. l. n, aaoi-ria.
RAihi w , . Ttoat cockerel Firrf, E. S.
Ruaeell. CentrAlla: second. L. D. Elliott. Beat
pullet First snd second, L C. Hoover,
Monmouth heat nfn Flrat. I C Hoover;
aecond. 1 D. EIllotL Beat collection
TCrin T V!1llott.
Pit Games, beat cock First. L. P. Llm-
erlcA. Portland. Beat collection rirai.
H. BecbelL Portland.
-n-hit. Ialtorna. beat cockerel Flrat. W.
B. Brown. Montavllla; second. Calkin's Poul
try Varria Vortlana: inira. inauairiai rvui-
try plant. Portland. Bast cock First. Ira
Alcorn. MUwaukie. Beat hen and pullet
Flrat, William Hhanaa, romano.
R. F. Keeney. of Eugene, made ef
forts to secure exhibits for the Eugene
Poultry Show to be held from December
I to 17, Inclusive.
Among the out-or-town visitors were
Alma C Craig. Newberg; C E. West.
Canby; C L. Phillips, The Dalles;
Byron J. Grimm, Aurora; airs. u. m.
Knrdenat. Oreron City; Charles E.
Vandfet, San Francisco:; H. O. Hays,
Sherwood: A. King Wilson, Oswego:
M. Matthew, Gaston: H. C. Shellhouse,
Vancouver, Wash.; E. E. Hope, Oregon
City; M. C. J. Renhard, Col ton; L. S.
Machel, Albany.
First Press Clob Show Tickets Must
Be Exchanged Promptly.
Press Club's entertainment, "A Night
. . . . . - 1 1 ... I tl . !..., Tt..
: i, at ine xitinia -"-- ". -mber
18. will conclude tonight at
lerman, ciay ec bwic ima oh
les only to the tickets sold to busl-
ss men at a preliminary canvass.
All other tickets are to be exchanged
. anA -rt a Vi-I d a v December 16. at
tha box office of the Helllg.
Awards for Condemned Land Fall
far Short of Owner's Demands.
Opening and extending Alder street, to
connect directly with Washington street
Christmas Umbrella Sale
Men's, Women's and Children's Guaranteed Umbrellas
Every one new and the best selected stock in the city
$3.00 Talues, special $2.55 $5.00 alnes, special $4.25
$4.00 -ralues, special $3.40 $7.50 valnes, special $6.37
$10.00 ralne special. .. ,$S.50
. X . I OUI12 Bet. 4th and 6th. Corbett Bid
at Nineteenth, In accordance with the re
port of the vlewera, was approved by the
street committee of the City Council yes
terday Afternoon. Cost of the land to be
condemned was placed by the vlewera at
H5.000. The owner, Katherine A. Daley,
had asked for an award of S86,000i and
when denied she filed a protest The'
committee overruled the protest, as It
Bid also the protests of several property
owners who were assessed to pay for the
extension. v
The committee also approved an ordi
nance giving the Mayor and the City
Attorney authority to begin condemna
tion proceedings for a right-of-way for
Broadway bridge.
At tho last meeting a resolution was
adopted giving the Mayor and City At
torney the right to negotiate ior mo pur
chase from the O. R. N. of the desired
right-of-way. but Councilman Lombard
exnlaJned to the committee that the
Mayor wanted authority- to condemn the
The Mftvor told me yesterday, said
Mr. Lombard, "that he had taken the
matter nn with MV. O'Brien, of the O. R.
& N. and had asked him for terms: that
Mr. O'Brien promised to give the Mayor
an answer, but failed to ao so. it is
-,,. that tha rlaht-of-way ehonld
be obtained soon, and I have prepared
this ordinance to facilitate tne matter.
The ordinance will go before the Coun
ell next Wednesday.
District Attorney Professes to Have
Evidence of Vile Conditions in
Bnslness District.
Evidence of not less than 20 places
In downtown districts
ki m aa hafhored and lloUOr SO
without license, will be given to Chief
of Police Cox for action, says District
Attorney Cameron, ine auiivuU' ..
follows a promise irom co. "
, i i i,Finl, into court any one con
cernlng whom he received Information
warranting arrest.
District Attorney Cameron's Informs
.V. Ai-rimr tha session:
V1UU was ft
of the November grand Jury. Many
Keepers or ioagina--iiouca, --..
roo an vn admitted they were selllni
liquor, and were even delivering It to
trnated customers outside. Sunday
was the best day of business, at top
prices. Dissolute women were. In every
case, associatea witn m
-.- i T -il tin., nieces were 11
7t I i J ail lJ i i
supposedly respectable districts, among
fashionable aparimeni-i.uuoca, v
blg stores. Women were harbored and
plied their traae, wernea omy
Invite notice.
Some placee had. Government liquor
II . ara nn the Hat Of 418
alleged '"blind pigs" circulated by Miss
Marie c:. urenm, a i-m ic ai. v. .u.v
cate. who made charges of neglect
against Chief Cox. '
The Chief adheres te his promise to
make arrests in every case where the
evidence Is suppnea.
Sinn Convicted of Shameful Offense
Sent to Rockpile.
a,u ...,,U waa Rant to
Join the growing colony of his kind at
the Llnnton rockpile when Alford
Lampshlre answered oerore juace
.11 waatavav a hflrr Of VAO-
rancy. Two women appeared In court
. . . V. aata lma fin. waa the Wife.
who told Judge Tazwell that she was
the mother of Lampsnire's live cnn
dren. ail of whom are being cared for
by a secret society. She told a pitiful
tale of his brutality and -broke down
In the midst 01 tne teinng.
t Uap.ii who haa been tha
M-aH'a anmnanlnn racentlv. and who
was beaten by him because her Illicit
galns-'were too small, waa- arraigned,
nlaaa a-lllltv tfl IflfittinrV And V8J
fined $25. Lampshlre was sentenced to
SO days at the rockpile and a fine of
Pat McClure, convicted of highway
robbery In the Circuit Court a few
days ago. Is said to nave Deen im
plicated with tha woman before she
met Lampshlre, and, though sentence
of McClure's partner, Klrohner, was
passed yesterday, McClure's sentence
waa reserved, penaing an invmuga
tion of his relations with tha girl.
Tiotirea taken at aline. Columbia bldg.
between now and Christmas, will be
finished promptly regardless of weather.
All the delicacies of the season at ta
Portland Restaurant, Fine private apart
saints for ladles, tot Wash., near itt sh
Given all repairlmr. Walter A. Lord
Co., Ill Sixth St., near Washington.
Douglas School Population Grows,
K08EBUB.G, Or., Dec . (Special.)
With the reports of the school oensua
enumerators from 102 out of a total of
130 districts In the county. In the hands
of th'e County School Superintendent, it
la estimated that there are at present
about 6500 children of school age in
Douglas County. On December 1, 109,
there were 6500 children, showing an In
crease qf 1000 during the past 12 months.
In the Roaeburg school district there are
about 1400 children of school age, as com
pared with 1171 a year ago.
Rock Springs CoaL
The best house coal. Liberty Coal A
Ire Co., exclusive agents. IS .North
Fourteenth street. Main 16SJ: A IU.
Flsrant fitted traveling bags and
cases at Harris Trunk Co.. 131 6th St.
sHi itjHeJa ntHci k$jHi
Chicago, $
Milwaukee, Jj
St. Paul f
The above named railway,
spoken of usually as the Mil
waukee, Is coming to Portland
not all of it. Just the West
ern terminal. Perhaps next
we will have the M. P. and
then the T. & 8. F. Any
how, this will be the great
railway center of the Pacific,
and why? Because the rail
way kings know that It la the
only point on the Coast to be
reached, after the Rockies are
crossed, by a water-level
grade and because they
further know that Portland Is
to bo a great city the New
Tork of the Pacific Call and
let us tell you what the build
ing of the Milwaukee means
to Irvlngton Park.
Room 214 Lumber Exchange.
AVe have the largest line and the
greatest assortment in the city. All
the newest ideas in Directoire handles.
Good fast-color English gloria, para
gon frame $1.00
Rustproof, English gloria, finished
frame : $1.50
Pure Silk, real Umbrellas, spl., $1.85
Hercules rust and wind-proof, $2.00
Ladies' Directoire Umbrellas $1.25 np
Full length gold and pearl, tape edge,
' silk gloria $3.50
An immense line Ladies' and Gentle
men's Umbrellas $5.00 up
Fine presentation Umbrellas to $20.00
We have the largest stock on the
Coast in this line. All goods our own
manufacture. Rust-proof, Wind-proof,
Folding, Detachable, Self-Opening
Exclusive Umbrella Bargains
312 Washington, between 5th and 6th
Compare Our Prices
With these l
te too hsre been In the habit of parlns.
rill aea that a offer joa e aal-atantlal Bar.
I work and yea cannot B-t better paiaiaaa
and too will
Hoik anjahere, bo matter now mnoh job paj.
I Wa flnlch plate and
Datrona la
one day ft deaired.
PainJ rM oxtractloa
free when platea or
bridge work la order
ed. CwMulUtion ire.
SolarCroaal $5.00
GoldFilluin 1.00
Enamel Fillings 100
Stiver Fillings .50
Good Rubs K nn
-., lA '
. -v -r.i.r.: , miaa u.hv
',- ' Bart Ri Ribbw r a
ry-fr--aaV.l,-di PlatM 7.60
in M
H. W. L Will, rmnt tm Miaula
runiatt Enr-ma .uu
AH work fully cuaraataed for fifteen years.
Wise Dental Co.,inc
Painless Dentists
fsninf Bolldini, Third snd WMhlmtoo. PORTlANDjO Rt
Cluoaaaara: tAILUII.a ondara.ttol
If Yon Contemplate PaBhaslns;
First See
701 Couch Bids, Fourth, Near Wash.
One of the larrast best equipped plants)
In Portland offers rou unexcelled serrloe
at prloea exeeedlQrljr low. When you want
It will be te your adraataaa to consult ua.
Our facilities ruarantea beat results. Our
Samples will eaavinoe you of our quality
Phones: I 2281, Miio 6201, 388 Tijlor Street
Millions Say So
When millions of peoplo ose for
yean a medicina It proven it- merit.
People who know CASCARETS
value buy over a million boxes a
month. It's the bigeest seller be
cause it Is the best bowel and liver
medicine ever made. No matter
what you're using, just try CAS
CARETS once you'll See; sir
CASCARETS 10c a box for a week's
treatment, all dmrelsts. Bitrraat seller
in the world, Atlilioa boxes a moath.
Vail? half bar charxna Ilea la tha
lory ot her hair. Tha
Imperial Keg-en eraor
Is responsible tor moat of the
baautlCul ahadea of hair you see
today. It la Absolutely hArmleaa.
easily Applied. Its use cannot be
detected. Sample of hair colored
free.. Privacy aAaurad oorraapon
dnce. Imperial rfcem. Mfc. Co., US W.
tii Ji. X.
Stetson Hats, Dent Gloves, Cheshire Hats
Dr. Deimel's Lirien Mesh Underwear
At the Greater Olds-Wortman-King
Men s $3Q Suits
Special at $17.45
Today in the Men's
Department on the
main floor, will be the
scene of the greatest
sale in high-grade cus
tom-tailored Suits
ever held in Portland.
All the -. latest and
most distinctive styles
of the season to be
found in this lot. Wide
variety of patterns,
one for every man's
taste; tweeds, Scotch
mixtures, fancy mix
tures, fancy suitings,
etc. . Our regular $25,
$27.50 and $30 Suits,
now at
$25 Overcoats $13.45
Today we are offering unheard-of values in the Over
coat section on the main floor; absolutely the best op--portunity
of the year to buy your coat or Cravenette.
The highest type of tailor's skill is in evidence in these
garments. They are the product of the leading East
ern manufacturers, all of their latest styles, with or
without Presto collars. Sizes 34 to 44, 50 to 52 inches
long. Without reservation; your choice m- q
of $20 and $25 values for the low price of 4IOtJ
Special sale Men's Dress Pants, cassimere and worsted
materials, splendid patterns; $5.00 to $6,00 4jO QC
values, on sale for Saturday's selling, at PJ?Q
OnrHrtsed aade
Urm Food
mm powder I
Stands for
In providing- the family's rocals,dcmt
be satisfied with anything- but the
best K C is guaranteed perfec
tion at a nioderale price. It
t.-X'V!. r-L'-J matpq rro-vthinfr better. S:
H 2rr. 9 - F
, H ' For Sale In Large and Small Tracts by
Owners of the Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain Wagon Road
Land Grant.
E, L. MARVIN, Western Agent,
288 Stark Street, Railway Exchange Building, Portland, Oregon.
Just arrived,
Rock Springs Coal
Order of three tone for immediate
delivery, $10.00 per ton in your base
ment, first district, for a limited num
ber of orders.
Banfield-Veysey Fuel Co.
M. 353.
A 3353.
Oriental Xmas Gifts
Phln.,. Vanatr floods. Silk Klmonoi, sll
kinds ot Embroidered Silk Handkerchiefs,
Brassware. Sandalwood Carved Boxes. .Em
broidered Table Covera, Mandarin Coats. Silk
Shaarla. shirt Waist Patterns, Lima Sollies
and Chinese Teakwood Furniture.
89 North fogr-th St.. near Paris.
Neth & Company
Established In 1900.
How about those old aocountaT
635 Worcester Bids;, Portlaad, Or,
JaqtM M. 0
- .1HtMUia.r. I' i.iirtj ' f: D i-HW -
Get Exhilaration And
Energy From Your Bath
It cleanses and refreshes the skin, Ists the)
pores breathe, removes dead cuticle
and stimulates circulation.
. All! Grocer tad Druggist
SPECIAL ATTENTION rlrsn to rstorin
old violins, repairing bows, mandolins, gui
tars, cello or baaa.
J. Ia COATES-. Expert VloUa Maker And Ka
Dalrer, Third St., near Morriaoo, room
B. Portland. Or.
afany violins are weak on some strings. 1
strenrthon them and equalise the tone.
California Metal Plating Works
A. Meyivicr, prop.
Metal Coloflng- a Specialty.
Mais 7111 Portland, Ores; on