Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 09, 1910, Page 9, Image 9

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See Bulletin of 1 088th Friday Surprise Sale on the Back Page
R.estaurant-7th Fl.
Make it a point to lunch today at onr
big, beautiful Restaurant on the seventh
floor. Everything the best. Music from
12 to 2 o'clock daily by the Ileilig The
ater Orchestra. Your lunch enjoyable.
Pitre Food Grocery
Our big Pure Food Grocery is brim
ming with good things of every kind.
You'll find the market's best here at
all times. Careful, courteous salespeo
ple prompt, reliable deliveries made.
The Greater Meier
Big Special Demonstration and Sale of Famous Nemo Corsets
k Store
Two Advance Spring
I J ill1
eis we
Show Them NowPriced at
The makers of the celebrated Nemo Corsets every year bring out new Spring models to be announced
January first. Our big stock Just arrived yesterday, but instead of holding them nntil J anuary, we're
going to give Portland women the chance to buy now. Both models are fitted with the famous Lasti-
kops self-reducing bands, which make the Xemo a world-wide favorite with those inclined to stoutness. Remem-
ber, our splendid corset service includes personal fittings by expert corsetieres. An early offering. Read on.
No. 321
A model for tall and medium stout fig
ures; high bust, very long hip; broad
Lastikops bands reduce and firmly hold in the hips and
lower limbs, insuring the acme of style, comfort and
durability. Every pair personnlIjr fitted. CJO
Special marked for this sale at only, the pair pOJJ
TT i Q Designed for short-waisted
1 s Women; very similar to No. 321,
but with lower bust and lower under arm. Made of fine
imported white coutil in every wanted size. E?f"
Remember this is an advance Spring model POOU
2000 Corsets-Nemo and oilier
Wei! I
Makes at Greatly Reduced Prices m Today's
A $3.50 Nemo or
Other Corset $ 1 .98
A large assortment of staple models
in the famous Nemo Self-Reducing
and other well-known makes. .All
sizes in the lot, but not in any one
style. White or gray. Today only
$3.50 Corsets $1.98
A $10 Nemo or Our $2 Nemo or $7.50-$8.50 Nemo
Other Corset $7.50 Other Corset $ 1 .67 Corsets Only $3.98
High-grade Corsets in the approved Our own best $2.00 Corsets the No, it's not the printer's mistake!
models, including many of the fa- celebrated Nemo Self-Reducing and Regular $7.60 and $8.50 Corsets of
mnus Nemo Self-Reducing. Made of other standard makes in the correct the famous Nemo Self -Reducing and
fine imported coutil; hose support- models. Supporters attached; today other standard makes. Odd pairs,
ers attached. Great special, today you should take advantage of this, in today's extraordinary sale buy
$10 Corsets $7.50 $2 Corsets at $ 1 .67 $8.50 Corsets $3.98
Sale ill nil
Price $3.50
uccess of 15 Stowaways at
Bay City Cayses Shake-Up.
Honing Capture of Celestials by
Customs Service. Sister Ix-part-
meut Order Strict Watch
Over trry Vessel.
SAN FRANCISCO. Vtc . (Special.)
Th. fart that the IS contraband
ins, stowaways In tb. hold of th.
amer Manchuria war. oTerlookcd by
migration Inspector when they went
board th. Yessel In quarantine last
nday, and that the Chines, men and
men vert captured by customs In-
ctora after a thrilling midnight ex
it on th. waterfront, hare caused
shaaeup In the local Oov.rnm.nt
niaratlon department.
'ommUsloner Stewart baa decided
n an entirely new system In con
tlon with th. boarding and search
of vessels from the Orient. lie
also decided to har. steamers
trded by a much larger fore, than
l. new order of thlnics will be In-
urated tomorrow when th. Jaia-
e 1 ner Chlyo Mara arrive-. It was
1 today that .very available Immi-
tlon inepeclor In th. local servlr.
1 board th. Chlyo Marti when sh.
tves in quarantine, and no on. will
permitted to leave th. ship nntil
Inspectors have thoroughly satis
1 themselves that there la no one
ar.i who will attempt to land In
Utton of the Chinese exclusion act
the Immigration laws.
Vhll. It was said by Immigration
tala at Angel Island that no ad
i had been received which would
ale there was any contraband lm-
Lration aboard, aa waa admitted In
case of the steamer Manchuria.
ry precaution will be taken to pre-
t a repetition of the startling af
- which developed after th. arrival
the Manchuria.
emigration Commissioner Edsell
.ares that In hla opinion S Inspec-
are non. too many to search on.
he larg. Pacific liners thoroughly.
hll. neither Commissioner -Stewart
hla assistant would discuss the
ills of the new plans of Inspection
he Oriental liners. It was admitted
: the course which will b. pursued
th. future will b. decidedly ex
ult. eads ef th. local Immigration and
:oma departments ar. said to be
rtung- to harmony, but it is known
there had been a lack of accord
purpose among Inspectors of th.
departments. That petty jeal--es
and quibbling differences may
corrected Immediately, there have
i conferences held in the last few
between Collector of the Port
vttcn. Colonel Bltnn. special sur-
r of th. port: Chief Boarding Of
r Stephen, and Immigration Com-1
mlssloner Stewart and his assistant.
Harry KdselL
Walla Walls Poultry Show Expected
to Eclipse Past Exhibitions.
WALLA WALLA. Wash.. Dec. .
(Special.) With modern coops ordered
In which to put feathered aristocracy
of th. Inland Empire and unusual in
terest being shown by poultrymen of
this section, indications ar. that the
Walla Walla Poultry Show, to be held
her. th. week of January Is. will be
a record-breaker in exhibits of the
barnyard "400."
Expectations are that th. entries will
reach more than lOvo this year and
exhibits are expected from all parts of
th. Northwest. There will be four
special days at the show, entries for
which clos. January IS. Th. special
days follow:
Wednesday, Kennewlck. Richland.
Pasco and Wallula day; Thursday,
Pendleton. Athena. Weston and Adams
day: Friday. Lewlaton. Clarkston. Btar
biKk. Dayton. Waltshurg and Pres
cott day; Saturday, Walla Walla, Mil
ton. Farmers' and School Children's
Carl Abranis, of Salem, Elected
President of Organisation.
EUGENE. Or.. Dec. . Special.) Ira
mediately following th. adjournment of
th. convention of th. Oregon Butter and
Cheesemakera, the Oregon Dairymen met
in th. St. Francis building today and
perfected their organisation for th. an
nual meeting.
President Yorsn. .of th. Eugene Com
mercial Club, welcomed the visitors and
President Kent responded for the asso
ciation. President Kent's address oc
cupied th. meeting until noon. Tb. fol
lowing officers were elected this sfter
noon: President. Carl Abrama, of Salem:
first vice-president. J. ' M. Dickson, of
ShedJs; seoond vice-president. William
Larson, of Astoria: secretary andatreas
urer. M. S. Shrock. of -ortland.
Woman Elected Secretary.
MARSHFIELD. Or.. Dec. (.(Special.)
The newly organised Chamber of Com
merce of Marshflrld has elected th. fol
lowing officers: President. Dr. J. T. Mc
Cormac: vice-president. C F. McKnlght:
secretary. Miss Violet Henderson: treas
urer, James H. Flanagan: chairman of
executive committee. R. H. Jennings.
Miss Henderson is probably the only wo
man in Oregon who holds an office In
a Chamber of Commerce. She has been
secretary for the last year. Substantial
monthly subscriptions hav. been pledged
by the leading interests of th. city.
Take Care!
Remember that when your kldnevi
are affected, your life Is in danger. M.
Mayer, Rochester, N. 1"., says: "Foley
Kidney rilia are a wonaerim aiscov-
ery and 1 nearuiy recommend their
use. My trouble started with a sharp
shooting pain over my back which
grew worse each day. I felt sluggish
and tired, my kidney action waa Ir
regular and Infrequent with a fin.
sand-Hke substance. While the disease
was at its worst I started using Foley
Kl.'.nev pills. Their prompt and effi
cient action waa marvelous. Each dose
seemed to put new life and strength
Into me. and now I am completely
cured and feel better and stronger
then for years.' Hold by ail drug
Nomination of Cummins for
President Predicted.
East Does Not Comprehend Vastness
of Resources and Future of Pa
ciflc Coast, Says Partisan,
of Insurgent Senator.
Having complete faith that the cause
of the Insurgents within the Republi
can party will prevail ultimately and
rule the action of the Republican Na
tional Convention, which will meet in
th. Summer of 1911 to nominate
President, and that the nominee will
be United States Senator Cummins, C
Q. McCarthy, of Des Moines, arrived
In Portland yesterday to be the guest
of friends. Mr. McCarthy was one of
th. managers of Cummins' campaign
and was foremost in the 12 years
fight which landed th. lo wan in the
United States Senate.
"We have great faith In Mr. Cum
mins," said Mr. McCarthy yesterday
"He Is to my mind the ablest man in
the United States Senate today in in
telligent public capacity. We believe
he is the strongest man for th. Presi
dency, and hop. to see him elected.
His training In corporation law and
knowledge of the facts which go to
fix the relations between th. public
carrier and the people ar. far superior
to those of any other man in the West.
He Is only part of the evolution going
on in watch the West will soon get its
Just dues from Congress. For years
the East has ruled the upper house to
suit Its own Ideas. Take Aldrtch, for
Instance. While I am willing to con
cede that he la an able man In many
respects, I also believe that he Is far
from the people and knows little or
nothing about the residents of the
West from personal contact. Aldrich
baa been In the Senate 30 years. He
paid the Missouri Valley a visit a year
ago and It was his first visit west of
Chicago in to years. How can he get
a full grasp of th. Middle West and
your growing Coast by visiting it only
once in 24 years? His views are all
baaed on what he has been told of
this country.
Aldrich is no exception to th. rule.
The Eastern Senator does not appre
ciate the West that Is. he has not
formulated a correct mental picture of
Its strength and Immensity, and the
result Is that we suffer for want of
better laws to meet our requirements.
it is time that the West had a
President of its own. and should one
be chosen at the next convention 1
believe that he will bring to us a con
tinuation of the growth we are experi
encing now, and that the Coast will
go forward by leaps and bounds.
''Senator Cummins has many friends
In the Middle West and his strength is
bound to be manifest as the delegatea
are cnosen."
Mr. McCarthy Is heavily Interested
In gold mines In Sonora, Mexico, to
gether with hla 'son Marlon, who Is
chief engineer for th. Manhattan Ex
ploration Company, with a capital
stock of 12,000,000, in which J. Flerpont
Morgan and other New York financiers
are concerned. The company has 37
mines and has been engaged in ex
ploring the property th. past seven
Prominent Citizens Charged With
Buying Cattle From Indians.
.KLAMATH FALLS. Dec. 1 (Special.)
Marl Hamaker and "Buck" Anderson,
prominent citizens of the Klamath basin,
were arrested today by Deputy United
States Marshal T. B. Hammersley on a
charge of having purchased cattle from
Klamath Indians to whom they were
Issued aa blooded stock some t!m. ago
by the Government. They were each
placed under J600 bonds to appear In the
Federal Court in Portland and, giving
bail, were released.
Stoma 2000 young full-blooded bulls and
heifers have been issued the Klamath
Indians in the last two years and it Is
said many of these were sold. This Is
against the law as the cattle were not
given the Indians ss their Individual prop
erty but were placed under charge of
the Government agent for use in raising
the standard of cattle. These special
ones were kept under the thumb of the
Indian agent, but eereral head were
driven oft and sold to whites.
Citizenship Is Not Extended to Men
of Such Character, Is Ruling.
EVERETT. Wash., Dec. 8. (Special.)
A man who is cruel to his wife can
not become a citizen of the United
States, according to the ruling yester
day of John Smead Smith, special
agent of the Government, at a hearing
here yesterday, at which only four of
the 12 applicants for citizenship papers
were admitted. John Goodreau was
the man who was refused papers.
Judge W. W. Black, candidate for
Congress in the last election, who pre
sided at the trial, was hard hit when
1 1 . wr.ttA It wn news to
, him. Another thought the election held
In November was a cny eiecwon, iu.
one did not know who was Governor
of the state. Three were denied papers
and the cases of five were continued.
If You Have
a Prize Piano
Contest Check
We'll Redeem It
No Matter
by Whom or to
Whom Issued
As hag been announced, we arranged to redeem one hundred and
forty piano prize checks. We have taken forty-eight of these
bo far. Can use ninety-two more. Bat will not take more than
that number. Bring your prize checks to Eilers Music House
without delay. Here we accept thein the same as spot cash.
Here are the best pianos. Here at the ery lowest prices, com
paring grade for grade. One price to all, and that the lowest.
Our easy payment plan enables any householder to have a piano
a good piano now. Every instrument sold by us is covered
by our unconditional guaranty.
Oregon's Home Piano House
The Biggest The Busiest The Best
353 Washington Street
-This is Talking Machine Headquarters. All the makes and all
records can be examined side by side here. Talking Machines
cost from 10 to $200, and some special styles at $250.
Talking Machines make splendid Christmas gifts.
Rich, luxurious, flexible furs eves suggest them
selves as acceptable and appreciated Christmas gifts,
aud are obtainable at the Style Store as easy and
convenient as mere trifles are obtained elsewhere.
ill SET
Stoles and Muffs of se
lect and beautifully
matched solid skins of
.Alaskan, Eastern and
Northwestern mink.
Shawls made in plain
tailored and fancy orig--inal
type effects. Best
rubber heads, natural
tails and sable paws.
Muffs made in the bar
rel, pillow, empire and
rug styles ; mounted on
best eiderdown beds;
splendidly finished;
very rich look
ing; priced
from $100 to
Black Coney, Chinese
Lynx, American and
Russian Fox
Sets, from $12
Jap. Mink and Marmot,
Fox and Blue
Wolf Sets,
from $12 tq. . ,
privileged to select any of these desirable pieces,
making the most acceptable Christmas gifts and per
petual reminders of your generosity and pay later
onin as small weekly or monthly payments as may
best suit your convenience.
"Washington St. at Tenth.
The Store "Where Your Credit Is Good.