TTTE MORNING OREGONIAN. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1910. 6 EVIDENCE PROVES C NT RAD IGTDR Eye-Witnesses to the Porter Tragedy Testify at La m Grande Trial. GUN QUESTION UPPERMOS Can (State riwe or Defriue Disprove Thmt D-rad Man's Son-la-Law Ilad Wrtpon In PoKwwolon When Latter Shot. Is Vital. I -A ORAXDE. Or.. rVc. S. Sre-lal Evidence of eye-witnesses to the kill Ins of 'William Porter by Ma on-ln law. Je Farker, waa Introduced to- dir by the atata. and la flatly contra dletnry to what tha defense hae) said It would attempt to prove. - KvidVnra for tha atata Introduced durin tha day u both conclusive for tha state- and colored with llht vic tories for tha defniie- Mr. and Mrs. Buaaar each testified that Parker ram to their home, near 'tha Porter home. Immediately after th hnottna. and that Parker waa com poaed. cool and collected. Durlna con reraatlons Mulnit. while tha murder er'a father waa runnlnit out to tha farm to aa automobile. Parker repeated time and time aa-aln that If 'Porter had kept hl dlatanc It would not have happened. re-w1tnea paid that Porter ruehed up to Parker, who waa quarreling with hla wife at the time, and with flata clenched and In a fight' lna attitude. said: . -I will ft him. State witneaeea at firmed emphatically that Porter I-a. I no weapon In tola hand then or Immediate Iv afterward. Mra, lluaeer testified that Parker told her Immediately after the ehootlnrr: "1 aaw Mm comlnc at me. How AM 1 know what he had tn hla band. 1 mljrht be a knife or a run. What mtrrht do I had to do tn a hurry, so 1 f:red." The pivotal point which will, to appearancee. hana or tar Parker la Van the atate prove or the defense disprove that Porter bad a (run la his possession when Parker a hot?" The caaa will continue fully another week. all SMALLPOX CLOSES SCHOOL fcllvrrton Kami J v Strk-krn ar Rnlldlnic, Vacation Ordered. BILVERTON. Or. Pec. S. Ppclal Directors of School Ilatrlct No. la two ml lea south of this city, have ordered a vacation In the school until after the holidays, owing to the presence of eer "era! cases of smallpox In the neighbor hood of the school. The disease Is said tn have been broujrht here by a family that arrived from Iowa recently. Mr. Herr. a septuagenarian, with his wife and daughter, came here three weeks ago to visit his son. 8. & Herr. a farmer near Pllrertorv. Shortly after their arrival Mra Herr fir., waa taken 11 L After a few days Mr. Herr. Sr.. was s'rirken In a similar manner. He died Friday. At preaent 8. 8. Herr. his slater, wife and (-year-old son are stricken with smallpox. Tha entire school In that dis trict had been exposed before the nature of tha aliment In the family was known. PROTEST MAKES TOWN DRY Only Saloon in Prjad Closed) by I"u Is County Commissioners. OimiAIJ.S. Wash . Dec. t. (Special.) The Levis County Commissioners yesterday opposed a petition of Speaker e Brossard of Dryad for a renewal of their liquor license. The protest pre sented to the board Is said to have been signed by every business man of Dryad. and by mill company officer. The closing of this saloon makes Dryad a dry town, and leavea but one saloon In Lewis County west of Che halla The remaining aalooa la In tha suburbs of Doty. The County Commissioners have re cently adopted a policy of refusing to renew any saloon licensee tn any of the towna of the county not Incorpor ated, ever which thry have Jurisdic tion. It Is reported that the new board also favors the same policy. WOULD-BE SLAYER INSANE Little Canyon Man Rana Amuck. Laoda In As; lam. RTs?EIU'R". Or.. Pec. . (Special. V-A--usedi of threatejiln to kl!l Dr. Oil moor, of Oakland. Herbert Shook, a resl eaat of the Utile Canyon country, north ef Keeeborg. was brought here by a depcty sheriff this week ar.J upon b-lng examined for insanity yeatertlay. was ccmmKtrJ. to the tftate Insane Asylum. According to wlinassvs Shook has raued rorsideraMe trouble In the vicin ity of hie home of lata I 'poo cumeroua occasions ha took the liberty of entering reatifcpnees of others and uMcg the tele rlone wnhout asking At other times he is paid to have usei obscene language over the telephone and threatened to tn-Pk-t bodily larra In the event of Inter frreoce. . FACTORY ACT SUSTAINED Supreme Conrt I'pholda Verdkt for IU00 IlimsiT. OLTVPIA. Wash, Dec. . (Special V Cn sustaining he Pierce County Su perior Court, which permitted the Jury'e verdict for ITJ-H). awarded & U. Good against the Dar-aher I ruber Com par. y. to stand, the Supreme Omrt upholds without reservation the factory act. Oood loet an arm and his leg was In jured perhaps permanently because neces sary guards prescribed by law were Cot h pla.e. The Supreme Court eavs that the Jury waa tn a position to pass upon the evhience. that the court's instructions gere not prejudicial and that another hiry would no doubt return a verdict for ihe same amount under the factory act. so the Judgment stands. COOS COUNTY RAINSWEPT Malls Delayed and Traffic Dcmoral lied. by Torrents. MAKSH FIELD, Or.. Dec. . (Spe cial. The rains In Coos County In the last week or 10 days were extremely heavy. Although there bas been sun shine most of each day tha rain cams down In torrents at night and bas eauaed arrest Inconvenience In overlan travel. The mails have been late for several days and the roada over which the mails are carried are In naa snaps. In Brewster Vallev the road was en tirely under water for SO hours. On th. stare road between Myrtle Point and Roaeburg there have been bad land slides and part of the time the roaa nae been alrnoat Impassable. A new road was constructed laat Summer ana tn heavv rains toonled the sides of th mountains. The railroad tracks from alarahfleld to Myrtle Point were untie svster for a day and traffic was de- laved. While the rain has caused Inconve nience It has also been of advantage to lumbermen. Freshets were caused on the rivers and many logs were brought down to the bay. Logs belonging to the Smith-Powers - Logging Company and to the Simpson Lumber Company were brought down from the he waters of Coos River and are now held In the big boom on the bay. In a few rKOORK-HSIVK BrsTNTSSS ELECTFT MAYOR OF TOLEDO. ? v . cz ! V - 'r--f:.' L L ,J: 1 1 ii - I luiai-a.a I I. K. Wtsoart. TOLEDO. Or. Dee. S. (SpsdaL The recent city election here resulted tn the ejection of L R. Wtsbart aa Maror. Mr. wish art hea been In the drug buslnese here two years, la a prearesslve business man and la one of Toledo's leading "boosters." days 10.000.000 feet of logs were car rled down Coos River. 114,000 TREES PLANTED APPLKS LEAD IX 6TATIST1CS OF KLICKITAT COUNTS". Raisins of Almonds on Flateaus Along Columbia Becoming Pop ular, Says Inspector. HC3TTM. Wash.. Dec I. (Special.) In round numbers, there were lie.tto fruit trees planted In Kllcltat County' during the year lS'.o. These flguree were given out by A. A. Quarnberg. horticultural In spector for district No. IS. comprising the counties of Clara. Skamania ana Klickitat. Apple trees to the number of 63.000 were planted, the Spltsenberg and Newtown varietlea predominating. Apricot trees came next In order, there being 11.300. In peach trees, there were 11.300; almond swo: pears. i; cherries, saao. From personal Investigation, Mr. Quarnberg says the raising of almonds Is becoming quite an Industry on the plateaus along the Columbia River In thl county. Aside from the MOO slmond trees planted last season, there are hun dreds of acres of these nut-bearing trees producing excellent yleldex English walnut-growing Is also a new industry ber. Almond trees begin to bear the third year. At the age of years they pro duce 30 pounds of nuts and at the age of 10 years this production Is dounieo. The market price of almonds la 115 a ! pounds. There la said to be only a 1 united area In the Lolled States wnera they csn be grown. Wllluun Olson, of this place, deputy county fruit Inspector, says that there are leOXOKO l-year-old apple trees grow ing In the White Salmon Valley alone. and that about 40.000 trees were planted during the last seeaon. On ths lnOO arre tract of the Mount Adams Orchard Company, aax - miles, north of here. &XO pear trees were planted last 'season, be sides several thousand apple trees. Nearly l'JO acres of land Is being leered In the White Salmon Valley dis trict for fruit tree planting, according o Mr. Oler-n'e figure. Su acres of which lie alorg the river flata KIGGINS BARS PICTURES JETTRIES-JOnXSOX FILMS ARE lADEIl BAS l FAVOR BOXING. Co TTager Gets Re-straining Order A fa Inst Mayor and Shonrs Pic tures Privately. VANCOCVKR. Wash.. Dec I. (Spe cial.) To restrain the City of Vancou ver. J. P. Klgglns. Mayor, and John Be crtst. Chief of Police, from interfering with the exhibition of the Jeffries-Johnson pictures, to bs shown here December and 1. Uus Haeer has otnatnea a re straining order on his sllegatlon that ths plcturee are not offensive nor In viola- ton of law. He adds he will De injured to the extent of f 10v If the pictures are not shown. At a recent meeting of the Council, a motion to atop the exhibition was lost. Mayor Kiggins declared he would order the police to stop It. When asked bow he would proceed, the Mayor threat ened to put the questioner out of the City HalU The Auditorium has been leased for a prtxefirtht December IS, and llager con tends the pictures are not so bsd as the real flghL to which the Mayor has given Is consent. Mayor Kiggins attends bovlng bouts. The fight pictures were shown pri vately tonight at Hager's Theater. Mr. uvols. a member of the City Council. ttended and expressed the opinion that the pictures were not injurious to morality. About 10 persons, of whom f were women, witnessed tonight's private performance. "WETS" VENT JOY "Dry" Minister at Steilacoom Charivaried. DEMONSTRATION IS NOISY Enthusiastic Celebrants, Armed AVltb Tin-Cans, Horns and Old Boilers, Call on Rev. Painter. More Cities Elect. TACOMA. Wash.. Dec. 8. (Special.) The wets of Steilacoom displayed their enthusiaarn at the close of the polls Tues day night In sn unexpected manner. Arming themselves with tin cans, old boilers and horns, they nocked Into the front yard of Rev. M. Painter, pastor of Oberlln Congregational Church, of Steila coom, and gave the minister a charivari The celebration was topped off with cheers for the "wets' and for each of the newly elected officers, whereupon the en thusiastic electioneers went home. Mr. Painter had been much interested In the election by remaining at the poll throughout the day, advising citizens to vote a "dry" ticket. However, the wets won. The ministers of Steilacoom have come in for considerable discussion In connec tion with elections In that supposedly pesceful town. At sn earlier election It Is aald the pastor of the Independent church voted with the "wets," and they won by a majority of one. The "wet" and "dry" voters divided also In the matter of religion. It Is said. one faction making its devotions at tlx Independent church and the other at tha Oberlln Church. ELEVENTH-HOUR TICKET FAILS South Bend Progressives Elect En tire Official Force. SOUTH BEND. Wash, Dec. . (Spe cial.) At the election held In this city this week, the following Progresslvi ticket was chosen: George R. Cartier, Mayor; diaries H. Mills. Clerk: Oeorge J. Dever. Treasurer; John T. Welsh. At' torney; H. L. Gorwlg, D. J. Olds. C. K. Pleraon. A. W. Dodwell, Councllmen Dr. A. L. Mathleu. Health Officer. With the exception of C. K. Pterson these were all re-elections. At the primary election only one ticket, the Progressive, v as nominated and. up to the day before tha election, It waa supposed that this would be the only ticket before the voters, but t the last moment an entire "sticker ticket, under the auspices of a my: teiioua "Committee of Twenty-five,' appeared and a hot fight was made. In Raymond the following officers were elected: A. C. Little, Mayor; J. E. Elwood. Clerk: J. T. Dorien, Treasurer M. C. Welsh. Attorney; C. F. Cathcart. Charles Hlatt. F. W. Baker. C. T. Kll- burne, W. O. Shumway, Councllmen. GLADSTONE: TO HOLD ELECTION Christmas Present of Incorporated Town May Be Given. ORKGON CITY, Or., Dec ". (Ste claL) A special election will be held Saturday, December 24. in Gladstone when the voters of that place will dp. cute whether the town will be Incor porated. Yesterday the County Court made tha order for a special election upon the reading of the petition, and at the instance of residents of the town. Christmas eve was suggesteo for the purpose of making the people a Christmas present. Gladstone residents seek the Incor poration of their town for the pur pose of obtaining water and sewerags systems, better lighting, and tha es tablishment of the grades of the d r fcrent streets. According to some residents of Gladstone, C A. Williams will be urged to run for Mayor ef the town in the election of officers. which will be held the same day. MEDFORD SOCIALISTS BUSY Ernest E. AVoIters Selected to Lead Ticket for Mayor. MEDFORD, Or.. Dec. . (Special. Socialists here have entered the politi cal field In tha city with a complete ticket for the city election In Janu ary. They have selected Krnest E Wolters to head the ticket as Mayor, and W. P. Gould, W. J. Dunnhlll and George H. Miller for Councllmen. Mr. Wolters is the secretary of the Carpenters' Union in Medford. As the Socialists in Medford polled a vote over 200 strong at the state election, It is expected that they will be a strong factor In the coming city elec Uon. Four candidates for Mayor have en- red the field. W. H. Canon, Incum bent: W. W. Elfert. E. V. A. Blttner and Ernest J3. Wolters. Japanese fchot by Countryman. A.Japanese laborer, whose name Is said to be K. Koyje. Is reported to have been shot In the abdomen by another Japanese named Suiujoma. In an alter cation In a shanty near ths Aiblna yards Tuesday night. The wounded apanese waa - nursed y his fellow orkmen but last night when his con dition became critical tha police were notified. Only Contest Is for Councllincn. MARS 1 1 FIELD. Or, Dec 1 SpeclaI.) The city election In North "Send will be held December 14. The only contest Is for the offices of Councilman for three years. There . ars three to elect and six candidates for the places. The candidates are Henry Kern, R. A. wer- Ich. Dr. Ira B. Bartla. J. A. Ward. Au gust Hoelllng and A. McKay. For the office of Councilman for one year there is only one candidate. L. F. Falken stein. L. J. Simpson is a candidate for re-election as Mayor without any opposi tion. A. H. Derbyshire la the candidate for City Recorder and C 6. Wlnsor for City Treasurer. Tillamook Elects Talmsge. TILLAMOOK. Or.. Dec . (Special) In the city election there was no ticket put up to oppose the caucus nominees. C, W. Talma (re was elected Mayor by 20 votes. T. B. Handley was re-elected City Recorder: F. A. Rhodes, Treasurer; M. D. Reading, City Mar tial: C. F. Shortriage. 1st wara. George P. Welt, Id ward, Alex Mc Nalr. 2d ward. C B. Vantress, 4th ward, J. H. Hathaway, 5th ward. Coui cllmen: F. D. Small, at large, and W. O. Chase. 1st wsrd. Water Commis sioners. Pasco Elects Captain Gray Mayor. PASCO. Wash.. Dec 8. (Special.) The municipal election of Pasco on the Progressive League ticket elected the following ticket: Mayor. Captain W. P. Gray: Councllmen. V. B. Cox. Robert Jahnke. N. R. Sylvester. W. E. Brad shaw. L. P. Murphy, M. D.. H. E. Chrlstensen and W. F. Elsenhardt, City Treasurer, Fred W. Nelson; Clerk, L. H. Koonts; City Attorney. M. L. DrlacoU. There waa soma scratching of ballots. Dajrton Republicans Snowed Under. DATTON. Wash.. Dec ( (Special.) Republicans were snowed under In Tues day a municipal election, it developed when the official count was completed . TREATMENT OF RHEUMATISM Should Be Directed Toward Restoring the Blood to Its Normal Condition. Every Sufferer Will Be Interested in This Case at Snohomish, Wash, Which Was Cured 'by the Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. In an attack of rheumatism the blood is rendered thin and weak with amazing rapidity. The treatment of the disease should be directed towards restoring the blood to its normal strength for unlets it is pure, rich and red the rheumatic poisons can not be driven from the system. The experience of thousands of sufferers hat been that there is no better blood build er than Dr. Williams Pink Pille. They quickly enrich and purify the blood ana make a permanent cure. While using the pills a light nourishing diet should be taken and exposure to cold, dampness and draughts avoided. The cure of Miss - Marguerite Hall, of Snohomish, Wash., by this treatment, was recently described by ber mother, Mrs. O. S. Hall, as follows: "A tew years ago my daughter, Marguerite, was suffering from a severe attack of rheumatism. Her limbs were swollen to about twice, their normal size and the pains extended from the knees to the feet. The pains were constant and were so intense that I could scarcely move her. "I applied liniments and bandaged the limbs ror some time but there was no im provement. I finally bought a few boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink yPiHa. The pills helped her very quickly and I gave them to her until she waa entirely cured.. 6 he has not had an attack since. I may also say ihPtJ have need the pills to build up my system. I shall always be grateful tor trie oenent m. w imams' run nm have given us." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are guaran teed to be free from opiates or harmful drugs. If you are interested in the remedy that cured Miss Hall, write today for a ropy of the new edition of our book on i 'Diseases of the Blood." It contains in formation that may save you money and suffering. Dr. WilKams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggists, or will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of price, 60 cents per box ; six boxes for $2.50, by the Dr. William! Medicine Company. Schen-tad-r. X. Y. today, the cltlsens winning every con tested office with the exception of Clerk. Elation is felt over the re-elec tion of Mayor Mulrhead. A bitter fight developed over the contest for the Treas urershlp, the two banks here both seeking- to get control of the city funds. The complete ticket elected follows: J. A. Mulrhead. Mayor: E. W. Clark. Attorney; Grover Israel, Treasurer; J. L. Wallace, Clerk; E. Lv Van Patten. O. Griggln. George Brown. B O. Dyer, E. C. Eagle son. Councllmen. SALE BY STATE ILLEGAL Idabo Judge Denies Right to Tim ber on Unsurreyed Sections. BOISE, Idaho, Dee. 8. (Special.) The right of the state to sell timber from school sections IS and 38 within Its borders, when the sections are un surveyed. Is denied by Judge Frank S. Dietrich, who in an opinion In he test case entitled the United States versus the Bonners Ferry Lumber Company sustains the Government's demurrer. The decision will prevent Northwest ern states from securing: Immediate school revenue from sections 16 and 36 as sat aside for that purpose by Con gress when those sections are unsur- veyed. Civil War Veterans Buried. CORVALLIS. Or., Dec. 8. Henry Gerber, Civil "War veteran, was burled in this city yesterday. Mr. Gerber was ,..$5.00 ...?3.50 ,..$7.00 Hot Point Electric Iron.. ...... El Tosto Electric Toaster . . Iron and Toaster, with one cord attached. THE TIME If you are puzzled about what to buy for Christmas gifts come here. HERE ARE A FEW HINTS Values to $2 Amphora China, now.-.,:..'..93 Values to $4.50 Amphora China at .$1.45 All Cut Glassfinest. ONE-FOURTH OFF Hammered Brass at. . . . . 1 . . ONE-FOURTH OFF Toilet Sets, Sterling Silverware. Silver-Plated Toilet Sets. Umbrellas from... .. ,.$1.00 up to $35.00 Handbags from. ,$1.00 up to $50.00 Iff- tteVwK!, StvX. Handbags for Doctors "Why not remember your faithful family physician? Come up on our second floor and look at the things physicians like. Spectacle, Eye Glass Gases Solid and German Silver Heavy Sterling Eyeglass Case. ... Heavy Sterling Spectacle Case..., Gunmetal Eyeglass Case at.. Gunmetal Spectacle Case .... . . . Bright Satin Eyeglass Case. . . . . . Bright Satin Spectacle Case .,. ..$8.00 ....$9.00 ....$1.75 ....$2.00 ....$1.75 ..$2.00 Percolators, Coffee Pots and Tea Pots In artistic copper and nickel the well-known Manning Bowman line a durable, low-priced showing. Wines and Liquors for Xmas. A fine line of guar anteed goods at Specially low prices. Buy today. Canadian Money Taken at Par. Open a Monthly Account. over 82 years of afte, and one of the oldest citizens of this city. He was a faithful member of the L O. and G. A. R. Post. AMOMCBMENT IMPORTANT TO PIA1N0 BUYERS NOTICE! $100 Saved on a Player AT Piano Salei O. F. GRAVES MUSIC STORE Before inventory, on January 1, we have decided to close out all of our $400 pianos and all of our $375 pianos. Also all of our $650 player pianos at the large discount of $100.00. The factories for 1911 will make decided changes in styles of these instruments. These pianos are supplied in fine mahogany cases, elegant burl walnut cases, and fancy quarter sawed oak cases. These instruments have never been sold for less than $375 and $400, respectively. In order to close out each and every one of them, nearly two carloads remaining on hand, we will make a special pre-inventory discount of $35 on the $375 styles and $40' on the $400 styles. , . ' ' This is a bona fide reduction, and means a positive saving of the amount stated. Those not prepared to buy for all cash, may take advantage of our liberal credit plan. Thirty months' time given to complete purchase of any piano desired. ' We sell the far-famed Kranich & Bach, and also the elegant Chickering Bros, piano, together with numerous other first-class and renowned makes. The Musical Headquarters of the North west. Jobbers for Edison Phonographs and Becords. All Makes of Talking . Machines. 111 FOURTH STREET p. S. Violins, guitars, mandolins, in short, all sorts of musical instruments, make the most desirable Christmas gifts. See our special Christmas display. It is worth coming miles to see. and Soo Line The comforta'ble tray in Winter as weii as in Summer. Try the Soo-Spo!tf lie-Portland Train de Luxe. A solid train, electric lighted, ibrary-compartment - observation cars, standard sleepers and tour ist cars, etc., running through to St. Paul without change. UP-TO-DATE SERVICE. Ask for a copy of "Challenge of the Mountains." It -will inter est you.- ; For rates and full particulars apply at 142 Third St., or address FRANK E. JOHNSON. General Agent, - Portland. Bald Heads Not Wanted Baldness Is Too Generally Considered a Sign of Advanced Age A bald-headed person does not hava an equal chance with one blessed with a healthy head of hair, because bald ness is too generally accepted as an indication of age. Many large cor porations have established an age limit, and refuse to take men over thirty-five years of''age as new employes. Almost 65 per cent of bald-headed people may regain a good head of healthy hair if they will follow our advice and accept our offer. We have a remedy that we positively guarantee to grow hair on any head, unless the roots of the hair are entirely dead, their follicles closed, and the scalp has be come glazed and shiny. We want peo ple to try this remedy at our risk, with the distinct understanding fiat unless it does exactly what we claim it will, and gives satisfaction in every renpect, we shall make no charge for the remedy used during the trial. We know exactly what we are talk ing about, and with this offer back of our statements no one should scoff, doubt our word or hesitate to put our remedy to an actual test. We want every one suffering from any scalp or hair trouble, dandruff, falling hair or baldness to try our Rexall "93" Hair Tonic. We want them to use it regularly say until three bot tles have been used and if it does not eradicate dandruff, cleanse and refresh the scalp, tighten the hair in its roots, and grow new hair, we will return every cent paid us for the remedy for the mere asking. There is no formal ity expected and we exact no obligation from the user whatever. We are established right here where you live, and make this offer with a full understanding that our business success entirely depends upon the sort of treatment we accord our customers, and we would not dare make the above offer except that we are certain that we can substantiate It in every particu lar. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic comes in two sizes, 60 cents and $1.00. Remem ber you can obtain Rexall Remedies in Portland only at The Owl Drug Co, Inc., Cor. 7th and Washington Sts. The Army of Constipation ' la Growing Smaller Every Day. CARTER'S LI LIVER PILLS leaponaible they onfv ffive relief they permaneoily cure Looatipa- uon. Mil lion! DM . them (or Mi, In&'jeatioa, Sick Headacse, Sallow Sadav SHALL PILL, SHALL DOSE, SHALL PKICI r Genuine muatbeu Signature Cure for Liquor Habit Give Orrine and Destroy All Desire Sold Under Guarantee nr.ln. tn the most successful cure for the liquor habit that the world haa ever known. It is a home treatment, given without publicity, detention from business or loss of time, and is abso lutely guaranteed if the simple direc tions on each box are carefully fol lowed. -So remarkable have been the changes wrought for suffering drink ing men bv Orrine that leading mlnls t.r. .ViaT-itv wnrkers. nhilanthrODlstS and druggists everywhere recommend the treatment, xnousanas oi enuuine ments have been given for the remedy. Read this one from the Quaker Drug Co., Seattle, Wash: "During the past five years we have sold thousands of packages of ORRINE, and have never heard it spoken of except in the highest ternis of praise. We have dozens of people come to us and state that ORRINJS has cured them, or .their husbands, or dear ones from the curse of drunkenness. ORRINE is one of the few articles on the market that we can conscientiously recommend to our customers, and we Ar. sn luiiv feellnff that we have done what to us seems a duty as well as a service." ' Orrine is prepareo in iwu lurms, a.v. i a nnwder. absolutely tasteless and odorless, given secretly in food or drink. Orrine No. 2, in pill form, is for those who wish to cure themselves. Orrine costs only $1 a box. In every box is a guarantee wnicn eninira uu a .ftinH nf vour monev if Orrine r.n. in ffrt a cure. Write for Free Orrine Booklet (mailed in plain sealed envelope) to Orrine Co.. 730 Orrine Building, Washington, D. C. Orrine Is for sale in this city by Skidmore Drug Co. 161 Third St., and 372-374 Morri son St. They know Orrine is a reliable and efficacious remedy for drunken ness and they will not offer you a sub rTLE v-Z- TlS. "jsa rniTTi a 1 Tho i rrd nation of cheese In Holland I a large industrv. The latt figures ihow Iti annual production to amount to 176.000,000 pounds, or which two-thirdi are exported.