Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 09, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Witness for Hattie Le Blanc
Says Laundryman's Wife
Spoke of Shooting.
CoirwI for Girl Charged With
31 order 'Want IMMrlct Attorney
to Testify for Defense, but
Latter Decline.
CAMBRIPGC Mass.. Pec. t-Mr.
Lull a A. Olover three times threatened
to buy a revolver and shoot her hus'
band. Clarence F. Glover, a laundry
m&o of Walt bam. for whose mardcr
Hauls La Blanc Is now on trial here.
according- to the testimony of Mrs
Xata Sampson, of Auburndale, a wit
ness for the defense today.
Mrs. Fampeon said Mrs. Glover mads
thesa threats while visiting her at
AaborndaJe. and that she appeared en-
raced because she ssld. sha bad found
her husband In the bathroom Insulting
Kettle La Blanc
A. Farley Brewer. Junior cminsel. In
outlining the case of the defense to
day, said Hattie Le Blanc was brought
to Covers homo deelitnedly and was
sent from there designedly on the
olsrht of the murder.
The senior counsel for the defense,
Kelvin L Johnson, then asked dis
trict Attorney Iligaln to take (he
stand as the first attness for the de
fense. Mr. i:galns declined, the Jury
was sent from the room and a heated
argument followed. Finally Judge Bond
ruleii that the District Attorney need
not take the stand and the Jury was
recalled. Neighbors and relatives f
the defendant were flrxt called.
These witnesses testified that flat
tie was one of l children, and always
bre a gnod reputation before coming
tJ the t'nlted States.
Hattie Le Blanc's sister. Mrs. Irers
Le Blana Lantrely. testified that llr
Olover showed her three notes which
she bsd written In which she declare!
he wished to rid herself of her hus
band and would do so.
Callfornlans. In Alarm, Plan to
Adopt Quarantine Law.
STOCKTON". Cel.. Dee. t. That the
fruit Industry of the state of California
Is In imminent danger of destruction
due to the rapidly nearlng presence of
the dread Mediterranean fruit fly or cer
atltla rapltata. was unanimously ac
claimed by the State Fruit convention
today. Immediate, drastic steps were
taeien toward securing protection.
A resolution Is now In the course of
construction with which a special leg
islative committee will be armed to
secure a quarantine law. a remedy In
dorsed by the convention as the only
one which can fight the peril with any
degree of assurance.
The subject of the Mediterranean
fruit fly was Introduced In a sensa
tional addreea by George Compere, of
the State Commission of Horticulture.
Mr. Compere declared that the peril
was only sis days distant from this
state. He said the fly was being In
troduced In the personal baggage of
Immigrants, and In the fruit supply of
Withdraw Deposits From Bank
and Props From Sight.
HOQl'AItf. Wash.. Pee. . Speclat)
P. C Iaulson. proprietor of the Him
mon Baths of this city, withdrew his
entire deposit, amounting to several
hundred dollars, from the First Na
tional Bank some time Wednesday, and
taking all the cash In the till at the
baths, has disappeared. Mrs. Paulson
says her husbsnd haa been gambling
heavily lately, and that he has left her
absolutely penniless.
It Is also alleged that after drawing
his money from the bank. Paulson
cashed several checks. One of these
for 10 wss cashed by AL Door, pro
prietor of the Log Cabin saloon, ac
cording to Mrs. Paulson.
As far as could be learned tonight,
no one In Hmiutsm knows the where
abouts of Paulson.
Chinese Iloatwaln Who Recruited
Girls Sought In Japan.
FAX FRANCISCO. Dec . The four
customs' Inspectors, on duty on the
steamship Manchuria when eight Chi
nese coolies ard seven Chinese women
were smuggled from the vessel Bun
der night, were examined today by
Colonel Charles It. Bllnn. acting Sur
veyor of the Port of San Francisco.
All were exonerated of complicity In
the affair, although Inspector Glbbena.
who was stationed on the deck of the
ship, will be questioned further.
The Immigration authorities will
hnd every effort to the tracing of
Chin Fook. the Chinese boatswain, who
Is known to have recruited the girls
In Hongkong and to have brought
them aboard the vessel. The ship's
records show that'Chtn Fook deserted
in Yokohama and agents of the United
States Government are seeking him.
Rno-Chlnre Hank. Defaulter De
cides to Tell All.
NEW YORK. Pec. t. K. J. Wider
told the District Attorney today what
became of the mUslng f240.0AO of the
SA40.000 which he confessed having
stolen from the New York bank of the
Rnsso-Chlnese Bank, while Its cashier.
After his arrest in July, he accounted
for sH the money except $240,000. and
pleading guilty, asked seversl times to
be sentenced. But the District Attor
ney, hoping to trace the unaccounted
funds, had Wider held unsentejiced In
the Tombs. Today, upon advice of
counsel, be decided to confess In the
hope of a lightened sentence. The con
fession probably will be made public
(Cor.tttmed from First rsse.
the rase that when Simpson & Wat-
kins, an independent coal mining com- 2
pany. led a movement to build an in
dependent coal road to New York in
order to get their coal to market
cheaper, the six coal-carrying railroads
named formed a combination and pur
chased the Temple Iron Company,
which had a blanket oharter permit
ting it to mine or sell coal. The pres
idents of a majority of the anthracite
coal roads are directors of the com
pany which purchased the Interests of
Simpson a: Watklns and thereby killed
the new railroad project.
Avowed Purpose Disclosed.
Of this transaction. Judge Cray says:
"I cannot escape the conclusion that
the decree of this court should de.
uonnre aa Illegal the combination by
which this result was brought about.
If a decree for an injunction under the
prayers contained In the petition can
be founded upon such denouncement.
Injunction Is Vrged.
The- injunction or restraining order
specifically prayed tor In the petition
should be granted so far as It will
serve to 'prevent and restrsln' the fu
ture or continuing violation of the
Judge Btifflnston restricted bis opin
ion to the discussion of two subjects.
I lie Temple Iron Company, which he
declared la an illegal combination, and
th per cent contract trsnsartlon.
which he also believed to be Illegal.
The form of decree to be Issued In
the case of the Temple Iron Company
would be taken up later by the court. 1
JEI 01
Commons Will Be Virtually
Same as if No Election
Had Been Ordered.
Coalitionist Will Interpret Result
as Warrant for Carrying Out
I 'ro tram me Illoters Trou
blesome at Belfast.
LONDON. Dec. S. At the close of the
polling today In the general elections.
the standing of the parties is sj ioi
lows: Government coalition Liberals. 147;
. 1
' t
- I.
a . . will maw K. t V n ffA h
Supreme Court of the United States.
Vice-President Van Dlssel Will Pro
pose Establishing Circuit of
Cities to See Fruit.
SPOKANE. Wash.. Dec . (Special.)
"Chicago will not get the National Apple
Show next rear."
This pietive statement Is made by fc.
F. C. Van Dlssel. vice-president and
active head of Spokane's big apple ex
position, who arrived home todsy.
With tne return of ilr. Vsn Dlssel. the
announcement is made that the plans
for a massive permanent structure to
hous the apple show and all larfte con
ventions and mass meetings will be
pressed with vigor In order that such a
building may be erected ociore tne urae
for next rear's eihow.
Mr. Van Dlssel la aim prepared to
tske un with tlie trustees and with the
Chamber of Commerce, the proposition of
establishing a circuit of principal uist-
ern cities over which the apple siliow
may be taken next Fall, following the
glpokane show.
Decline of 1.60 Bale Follows
Bearish Census Report.
NBW YORK. Dec 8. There was a
decline of about V j a bale in the cotton
market today as a result of active liqui
dation following the censun report, shoa-
ipg l'JJ33.J0 bales ginned Decemoor i.
These flguroe were larger than expected
snd seemed to shake the confidence of
bullish operstore in Government estimates
of under 11.5V" bsies tomorrow, inn
arket closed at the loween prices oi xne
Sentiment after the close was sreany
unsettled. Ertimstes of the European
crop are b'lng lowered aa a result of un
favorable weather.
Not for Sllsconduct, but Because He
Stored Away, Is He Dropped.
OLTMPIA. Wash, Dec S. (Special.)
p. Ksler. Councilman from the
cnurth Ward, was declared to be no
longer a member of the Council by the
City Council tonight. He has moved
outside of the city limits and upon the
advice of the City Attorney his sest
was declared vacant ana jeorge rt.
Funk. Councilman-elect, was appointea
to fill the vacancy.
This is the first lime, so isr as
known, that a member of the Council
has been expelled.
Nine Xcgro Hearts Shut.
(SdccUL) Beginning a general cru
sade against vice In the town, the
police, under orders from Mayor Schott,
have closed nine resorts In "Hedden
vllle." the negaV part of the restricted
district. The Mayor has had a plain
clothes man gathering evidence in the
district for three weeks and sensa
tional developments are expected.
Officials Inspect O. K. & X. .
BAKER. Or., Dec. . (Special.)
J. P. O'Brien, general manager of
the O. R- A N.. Superintendent Bollons
and several other officials of the road
are m ttoacr inspecting mis ter
ritory. They will proceed tonight up
the Snake itlver branch and will tnen
go over the branch to Ontario.
Western Oregon Minister Injured.
EfGFXE. Or.. Dec 8. (Special.) Rev.
C. A. Woollley. one of the ollest minis
ters In Western Oregon, fell from the
nnrrh of his house in Kairmount yester-
jsy, rendering 1.1m unconscious and
breaking nta collar none.
Laborltes. Nationalists. S; Inde
pendent Nationalists. (. Total. Z2t.
Opposition Unionists. 193.
The fifth day of the election ended
with the parties still running neck and
neck, with the prospect that they will
come under the wire in almost pre
cisely the same relative position they
held at the start. Returns had been
received up to midnight from the vot
ing for 419 members, and the result Is
a Unionist gain of two seats in that
number over those held by that party
In the last Parliament.
This amazing result is as unprece
dented In English history as It Is em
barrassing to politicians of all fac
tions. Both parties went Into the elec
tion predicting great gains. Both are
now convinced that the new House of
Commons will be virtually identical
with the old.
Kffect of Verdict Debated.
- Discussion now Is concentrated upon
the question what the people's verdict
means: what course stall be followed
under such unexpected circumstances.
The Conservatives argue that Pre
mier Asqulth's bid for a sweeping In
dorsement from the country haa not
been obtained; therefore, he cannot be
justified In fastening upon the nation
such radical changea aa Home Rule and
the disarming of the House of Lords.
The Coalitionists Insist that the vo
ters, by returning them to power, in
dorse their policies and direct them to
carry out their programme In its en
tirety. Forty-four seats were balloted for to
day. Returns were received from 21
of these, and from 44 which were bal
loted for yesterday. In these 65. the
Liberals gained Radnorshire and Bed
ford, while the Unionists gained Esk
dale. The contests were close nearly
everywhere. The Unionists continue to
cut down the Liberal majority and to
make numerical gains all along the
line, but Insufficient to turn out the
Liberal members.
Churchill Attacked Personally.
Winston Bpencer Churchill. Home
Secretary, was returned by Dundee, but
about 1500 votes shifted to the Unionist
column, largely as the result of attacks
upon his personality.
Heavy rains tonight, coupled with a
delay In the reports, decreased the gen
eral enthusiasm.
Premier Asqulth. spesklng In East
Fife, was questioned on Home Rule. He
replied that he could not give details
regarding this measure at this stage.
John Redmond, speaking In Dublin,
"The election has already killed the
veto power of the Lords and the aboli
tion of the veto means the establish
ment of Home Rule."
In Belfast rioting followed the clos
ing of the polls. There was much stone
throwing and marly windows were
broken. Police quelled the trouble.-
One Wedding Revealed as Second Is
Being Celebrated.
ROSEBURG. Or., Dec S. (Special.)
As the guests were sitting down to
a turkey dinner to celebrate the wed
ding of Miss Lela Phipps and Alton
Rlre yesterday, at Diilard. announce
ment came of the wedding at Rose
burg last Monday of Alner Rice, broth
er of the bridegroom, and Miss Vera
Phipps, sister of the bride. The Rose
burg wedding had been kept secret
until the second ceremony took place.
The brides are daughters of Mr.and
Mrs. Robert Phipps and the bride
grooms are sons, of Mr. and Mrs. Ern
est Rice. Both families live at Diilard
and are pioneers of Douglas county.
(ioncalia Resident Suffers From Ex
posure and Hunger.
ROSEBURG. Or.. Dec . (Special.) To
wander alrnleerty through the woods for
two days and nights without food or
shelter, wss the thrilling experience of
Alex McKollup. a well-known Yoncalla
mountaineor. who returned to his home
late yesterday suffering from the effects
of exposure ana nupger.
AlcKellup left his boms Saturday to
in a MAN'S SHOP, and do it now
aS nf-i i
1 W - ;1
f-i5! " r . a
Your gentlemen friends will appreciate your gifts if
purchased at a store that makes a specialty of
MEN'S WEAR Our stock is selected specially for
men's needs No bargainized articles in our entire stock."
We are Showing complete lines of
HOUSE COATS $5.00 to $18.00
LOUNGING ROBES . . $3.50 to $25.00
GLOVES . . . ...... $1.50 to $3.00
TRAVELING BAGS . . $5.00 to $35.00
SUSPENDERS 50c to $4.00
BATH ROBES .... . $5.00 to $12.50
NECKWEAR . . 50cto $2.50
UMBRELLAS . . . . . . $1.50 to $12.50
HANDKERCHIEFS ...... 25c to $1.00
PAJAMAS .$3.50 to $6.00
Plenty of Courteous Salesmen who will give you all the time
you require to make your selections
You avoid the crush of department stores by shopping here,
SsF'aUk I " 9 i " ji '
I Cstal I mtAi iiMfiifl XiX
round un a bunch of cattle In the Brushy
Creek section of the county, and although
he frequently visits that locality, lie be
came lost.
When McKellup failed to return home
Saturday night hie family became sus
nicious that he was either lost or In
jured, and accordingly a searching panty
was organized, innaing no ciue, um
party returned to Yoncalla late yester-
day for provisions. An hour later Mc
Kellup arrived at hia home.
Bogus Check Charge Made.
BAKER. Or., Dec. 8. (Special.) H.
C. Malloy, alias Cutler, was arrested
here today on the charge of passing
bogus checks. He Is accused of try
ing to pass a check on the Packwood
Hotel. A bundle of checks for ?5
each were found in his possession.
If you had, you would have stopped die
pain and the limping. It is a mighty
hard case that this tried, old-rime remedy
won't alleviate after a few applications.
All druggists, 25c and 50c
The 50c Bottle Contains 3 Times as Moch a the 25c Size
where there are children there ought to be a r
and also in every home where there
are no children only more" so.
Complete Outfits from $17.50 to $200; and terms are easy.
n i i m i n
I n minhia rhnnncrrami l.n J r
wwaMaaaaaM . a aaweawa sa' ww rs i fj
' ts iir.l: v C s LJr
oi (TBsouigiun ijucci
rnv43 M hzfmz&rv &&?&si Wms
$20.00 Cape on Sale
at Only $5.45
AU-"Wool Storm and Broad
cloth Evening Capes in vari
ous colors. $12.60 jte
to $20 values, at. . DJ"J
Three Great Suit Specials
Every piece In a handsome
Christmas box beautiful
Jabots in lace and embroid
ered styles, rabate and Gib
son stocks, all fresh from
the maker for the holiday
50c Neckwear, In ,
75 Xeckwear. la
Sl.oo Keckvrear, In
BI.SO Neckwear, la
$20 Fur Set at $9.35
French Marabout Lynx;
larg-e cape, with eight tails
in back, four tails and two
heads in front; large pillow
muff to- match.
f2.2. Child's Fnr Set Jtt.4?;
SS.OO Child's Kur Set K1.95
S3 .50 Child's Far Set g2.25
$25.00 SOTTS $11.95 ' $30.00 SUITS $14.75 $40.00 SUITS $18.75
Everyone a late model. All-wool Smart serge, Scotch tweeds, cheviot Handsome tailored Suits in Scotch"
serges worsteds, cheviots, basket and new fancy rough mixture Suits., tweeds, cheviots, serges and rough
weaves, tweeds and mannish effects; Values up to $30.00 CI J. 7C mixtures, worth up to j1 Q
all sizes women's and misses'. for only .....H'1 U $40.00, for only XO. f v
Three Great Coat Specials
$15.00 COATS $7.45 $20.00 COATS $9.75 $25.00 COATS $12.45
Full length coats of mannish mix- Women's and misses' full-length wool The smartest style wool Storm Coats,
tures with high storm collars and mixture coats; polo and golf effects, some satin lined, others of plaid back
pockets; also raincoats of rubberized $18.00 and $20.00 values, JQ 7C materials, $25.00 and CIO 4-S
baterial. Best $15 values at $7.45 for only.. .....?' - $30.00 values, at
. ; 1
Three Great Dress Specials
$20.00 DEESSES $9.75
Snappy, up-to-the-minute styles: black,
navy, cadet, alice, rose and reseda; lace
yokes, braided and panel fronts.
34 to .
TO $40.00 DEESSES, $11.95
One-piece velvet, messaline and all
wool Dresses, worth up to $40.00, for
only $11.95. Great value.
TO $45.00 DEESSES $14.95
One-piece velvet, chiffon and all-wool
Dresses ; exceptionally handsome
Jeweled Hat Pins, Val
ues to $2.50 at 98c
Thousands of imported jeweled Hat
pins, $2.00 to $7.50 val- rto
ucs, at
A Sale of Mesh Bags
German silver, kid lined, long chain
$2.00 values at -81.49
13.00 values at SI. 98
$6.00 values at S3. 95
$9.00 values at S4.95