Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 09, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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Former Chorus Girt- Is Bride,
living Quietly at Seattle.
Identity Not Suspected.
Vet "
Since Trial for Murder of Carsar
loans, Woman TlrsiiTrs With Ifrr
Parents, Trjln j to Forget Past,
Cntll SoIdlrr-LoTcr Comes.
SEATTLE. Wuh, Ic ((Special.)
ceicina; to fors-t the past and to
start lif anew. Nan 1'atterson, mem
bar vt the original Florodora sestet.
and formerly one of New York's -ay
st of theatrli-al folk, who sras trlrtl
for the murder of Caesar Tou&s,
racetrack bookmaker, baa coma to Se
attle to reside.
The principal f'rura in the sensa
tional trial five years ago. where two
Juries dlrrad. slTlna the younc
woman her freedom, comes to Seattle
as a bride of less than two months.
On October St she was married at
St. Taul to Captain Sumner Prescott.
veteran of the Spanish-American war,
and a manufacturer of sawmill ma
chinery. Immediately after tha cere
mony. Mr and Mrs. Prescott cams to
Seattle and for the last month hare
been llvlns; at the Waldorf Apartments,
tferenth avenue and like street.
Prescott Laments Publicity.
Captain Prescott has kept tha Iden
tity of his wife a secret. Not even
has he told his father, a wealthy man
afacturer of Chicago, that he had
married the woman.
I am so sorry that our secret has
become known." said Captain Prescott
last night, when asked if the trim
little woman with wbora he attended
the theater was not Nan Patterson,
the former Florodora lrL "Yes. It Is
true. Miss Patterson or ratner Mrs.
Maxtln. is my wife. We were married
about six weeks ago. Wa hare been
tiTlns; quietly In our apartments at the
Waldorf and have been eery happy.
We had hoped that no one would learn
of Mr Prescott Identity, but I sup
pose It will all have to come out now.'
Captain ITescott said be met Miss
ratterson at a party in Washington.
D. '.. about a year aro.
"She was llvtns: quietly with her
parents and was attemptinc to forset
the past.- said Captain Prescott. "It
was her susarrstlon Just before wa
were married that we keep it all a
secret. I told my folks that I was
married, and had married the best lit
tle woman tn the world, but I told
them notblns; about her. My father
and mother know nothing; about Mrs.
l-rescott. They have never met her,
and will be ereatly surprised."
Mrs. Presoott was married to a man
by tha name of Martin when 1 years
old. She lived with him only a short
time. When she went upon the stage
she changed her name from Mrs. Ann
Martin to Ann Patterson, and finally to
Nan Patterson, one year a (to last Oc
tober Miss Patterson obtained a di
vorce from Martin. She met Captain
Presoott a few days later and the ac
quaintance ripened Into love.
Itomaoce Culminates.
Car'ain Prescott Is head of the Pres
cott Manufacturing Company, makers
ef sawmill machinery at Marinette.
Wis. and has extensive business Inter
vests tn Chicago. At the time of the
marrtace the announcement waa made
that the bride was a Washington wom
an, but her Identity did not become
known until yesterday. The day after
they became enaaced. which they did
bv latter. Captain Prescott telegraphed
Miss Patterson to come to St. Paul,
where the ceremony was performed by
Court Commissioner Gallia
IHirlnc the Spanish-American war.
Captain Prescott served as a jnemher
of the First Illinois Infantry. After
the war ha Joined the Second Wiscon
sin Infantry and was soon elevated to
captain of I company. Since he has
made hts home In Seattle Captain Pres
cott hs been employed at the Vulcan
Iron Works, Fourth avenue south and
Connecticut street.
r f -.' " '..'v'
Governor-elect Fights for Di
rect Primary Result.
Wilson Says Icmocracy Has Chosen
Martlne and Calls on Smith to
Withdraw, bnt ex-Senator
Remains In Contest.
Ohio's Governor and Prrsltlrnt In
dulse In Campaign Stories.
WASHINGTON1. P-ec. . Governor
JudNtio Harmon, of Ohio, called at the
White House to.lsy to pay his respects
to President Tsft. He stopped only a
few minutes, but both he and the
President seemed to enjoy the visit.
Oovernor Harmon was greeted most
cordiajly. tftortra of the campaign
were exchanged.
W hen governor Harmon visited the
White House during the conference of
(Governors last year he waa asked If
he liked the looks of the place. His
reply at that time was that a man
alaays should consult his wife before
taking a lease on anyplace of abode.
Today tha tlovernor declared that the
nice white paint and the subdued green
walls of the executive office were
quite attractive.
"I never saw tha President looking
finer and In better spirits. he declared.
'It is always a pleasure to have a chat
with him."
Alleged Veteran Counterfeiter and
Aitant to Kaco Jury.
KLAMATH FAJ.I.S. Or.. Pec. .
4 Special. ) L'nlted States Deputy Mar
shal Hammersley. of Tacoma. left Wed
nesday morning for Portland with
George I'uffcy and Mike liouan. the
two counterfeiters arrested here sev
eral days ago with a complete coun
terfeiting outfit. They will face the
Federal grand Jury on the charge of
making and clrculatirg bogus money.
Duftey Is about o years old and Is
said to be a veteran olirnder. but the
boy. his companion. Is probably an In
nocent tool. He is about If rears old
and looks younger.
Myatery Snrronnds Theft Prom Ad
am Hi press Office.
MINNEAPOLIS. lec Mystery sur
rounds the disappearance of a small
safe said to have contained llS.oOft and
valuable merehandlae from the office
of the Adama press Company, tit
Hennepin avenue, erly today.
The safe was delivered at the office
last night by one of the company's
drivers. Some time after midnight It
disappeared. The police were notified,
but so far have been unable Co tell hoar
Use aafe was taken.
TRENTON. N. J.. Dec. . Wood row
Wlleon, Governor-elect of New Jersey,
ave out a signed statement tonight de
lating hlnvsjlf for the election of James
FL Martlne (Dem.) of Union County, who
was nominated at the Democratic pri
mary election, to the United States Scn-
te to succeed John Kean.
Ir. Wilson, tn equally positive terms.
declare himself oiposed to the eleo-
tion of ex-L nlted States Senator James
Smith. Jr. For some lime the Oovernor-
lect h.iei ben conferring with Democratlo
members of the Legislature and urging
upon them the wisdom of electing Mr.
Smith Decline to Withdraw.
Dr. Wilson refrained from making any
ul. llo statement until now, hoping Mr.
Smith would announce hts retirement
from the Hold. He called upon Mr. Smith
at hie home m Newark Tuesday night
and urged him to retire, but. It la under
stood. Mr. Smith declined to do so. Dr.
Wilson. In a statement says:
"The question, who should be chosen by
the incoming Legislature of this state to
occupy the seat In the Senate of the
United States which will presently be
made vacant by the expiration of the
term of Mr. Kean is of vital importance
to the people of the eXate. both as a
question of political good faith and as
a question of genuine representation In
the Senate that I feel constrained to ex
presn my opinion with rvgard to It In
terms w hich cannot be misunderstood."
People Itun't Want Smith.
Realising the delicacy of the situation.
Dr. Wilson enys he speaks as the "poli
tical spokesman and adviser of the peo
ple.'" "I know that the people of the state
do not desire Mr. James Smith. Jr.. to
be sent aguln to the Senate. It he should
be. be a ill not go as their representa
tive. The only means I have of knowing
whom they desire to represent them Is
the vote at the recent primaries, where
4.00n Democratic voter; a majority of
the whole number who voted at the pri
maries, declared their preference for Mr.
Marline- x
"For me that vote Is conclusive. I
think It nhould be for every member of
the Legislature. Absolute good faith In
dealing a 1th the people and unhesitating
fidelity to every principle involved is the
highest law of political morality under
a constitutional government."
Heats Woman Because of Her Meav
fxr Karnlngs. Arrests Follow.
Another white slave case Is suspected
In (i. Mrresi of Alfred LaniDihIr and
"Birdie" Harris la a room at the Wil-
lamette Hotel. Sixth and Stark streets,
by Patrolmen Msrtlne and Sehaffer lust
night. The couple were charged with
vairrancy. pending Investigation.
The text of the woman's confession
was to the effect that she was brought
here by Lampshlre from Astoria for
Immoral purposes and that Lampshlre
compelled her to divide her earnings.
Displeased with the small amount of
money she offered him last night.
Lampshlre beat her unmercifully and
proceeded to wreck their room.
The llorrle woman Is :i years old
and nntll a ftw months ago she waa
a companion of Pat McClure. the high
wayman, who was convicted In the Cir
cuit Court Wednesday.
According to the woman. McClure
tried to reform her. Before he suc
ceeded. McClure himself was compelled
to flee and was csptured at The Dalles.
Lampshlre is a carpenter, ; years
Both will be arraigned In Municipal
Court today.
Ellla TXklnks No Coast Republican
Will Be on Commerce Court.
ington. Dee, I. Representative ElHs
today had a very brief conference wltn
the Frsaideat wltn reference to the
selection of a Paciflo Coast man as
member of the new Commerce Court.
He said, when he left the White House,
that he did not believe any Republican
from the Pacific Coast would be
lected He is of the opinion that Inter
state Commerce Commissioner Lane, i
Democrat, of California, will be named
and. if so. no other Coast man can ex
pect to go on the court. The President
proposes to select three Republicans
and two Democrats for thla court.
Because of the crowd at the Whit
House. Ellis did not get an opportun
ity to talk with the President about
Marshal ColwslL
Much of President Taft's time was
taken up today in hearing recommen
dations of Senators, Representatives
and other callers In the Interests of
various candidates for the appoint
ments to the Court of Commerce. The
list of candidates for this court, which
will have five members, is rapidly
growing, and the President is said to
have some 200 names under considera
Arizona Will Have Initiative, Re
call, Direct Election of Senators
and Non-Partisan Judiciary.
PHOENIX. Arts.. Pea . The consti
tution for the State of Arizona was
completed today.
Among the progressive provisions of
the document are:
Initiative and referendum, with per
centage of 10 and B. respectively.
Amendment to the constitution by a
majority vote of the people upon the
initiative of 15 per cent of the voters.
The recall of all elective officers.
Direct primaries.
Direct advisory primary for L'nlted
State Senators.
Instructions to the Legislature to en
act a corrupt practice law.
Antl-lobbylng law.
Non-partisan election of the judi
ciary. Anti-child labor provision.
Juvenile Court, with the age of crim
inal responsibility fixed at 18 years
Preventing the Incarceration of chll.
dren with grown offenders.
Rigid corporation regulation, with a
provision designed to abolish wildcat
tin g.
physical valuation of railroads a a
basis for rate regulation.
Corporation commission with wide
Kinployers" llabillry provision abro
gating the fellow servant doctrine
Mandate for the enactment of a work
man's compulsory compensation law.
Eliminating the probate courts.
Regular sessions of the grand Jury
with criminal prosecution by Informa
tion or indictment
Restricting the sale of public lands
to prevent land grabbing.
Abolition of the fee system of all pub
lic officers.
airing cities over SB00 population the
right to frame their own charters.
Prohibiting tha employment of aliens
on public work.
Martial Law Proclaimed; Jails Full
of Political Prisoners.
' GUATEMALA. Dee. 8. A revolution
ary outbreak Is threatened In Hon
duras and Intense excitement prevails
throughout the country.
Martial law has been proclaimed in
the capital and In the larger cities of
the republic and the jails are filled
with political prisoners.
Buy the lady a box of Park & Tllford's
candle. They're packed expressly for
our Christmas trade and every bon-bon
Is fresh, pure end delicious. We sre sole
a rents. Sir. Slchel Co.. W Third and
Third and Washington.
Epileptic Fits
There la nothing more frightful In a
happy home than to have one of Its
members Instantly seized with a dread
ful attack of Epilepsy or Fit. The
many grateful letters from such homes,
after the use of Koslne. the remark
able remedy for this dread ailment,
testify to the real merit of the prep
aration. It la a meritorious article and Is sold
on a guarantee plan that deserves your
confidence. The price, 11.60, will be
refunded by Skldmore Drug Co. If not
fully satisfied after using a bottle.
Mail orders filled by the Kosine Co,
Washington. D. C. or Skldmore Drug
Co 161 Third st. and lil-Iit Herri
soa sU
All Fur Coats
OneFourth Off
Russian Mink Coats for $65 to $125 4 off
French Seal Coats for $40 to $125, off
Hudson Seal Coats for $150 to $250, off
Astrakan Coats for $65 to $125 4 of f
Russian Pony Coats for $40 to $250, off
An early selection is advantageous. You
have the largest variety of desirable Furs
in the city tp Choose from.
Remember these prices prevail Friday
and Saturday only.
Buy Furs from the manufacturer
and save the middleman' profit.
A For Coat or Set of Fun will make a most
acceptable gift.
Extra Special Tour choice of 300 Fnr Stoles, Shawls, Ties or Muffs, in all the best styles,
and furs, such as Jap mink, Russian mink, wolf, fox, Belgium Lynx, French J 1 A C Q
Coney, Black Marten and all leading; furs. Your choice, each... .- V ""
Great NECKWEAR Event
A fortunate purchase of 50 per cent less than
regular prices.
We purchased a sample line of high-grade
Neckwear from a leading New York manu
facturer; 1000 pieces, consisting mostly of
the new Persian effects and novelty designs;
every one different. On sale Friday, main
floor, a rare bargain; grouped in four lots
at. S5, 50, 75 and $1.00
Are sensible Christmas gifts, ap
preciated by any woman. Special
values at $3.75 and $4.85, worth
up to $8.00. In all the best and
newest shades. Plain colors and
pretty Persians and Dresdens.
Tailored Waists
Just received a new lot of hand
some tailored waists of Linenc , ex
ceptionally pretty designs, escal
loped and shield fronts, with fancy
colored edgings of black and white,
blue and lavender. Regular $1.75
values $1-19
Girls' Storm Capes
The Eestyette will be the most
practical gift for the child. We
have them in all sizes and colors.
Specially priced at $2 and $3.75
VALUES TO $12.00 AT $2.98
A trimmed Hat of theseason's fa
vored styles, a design to suit every
taste at this wonderfully low price.
oliday Gifts
Nothing better than good pictures. That means Hollywood Carbons,
produced In rich warm sepia tones. Exquisite detail rendered In the
most popular line. We are able to show you the best works of the old
masters as well as those of modern schools at less than half the cost
of imported carbons, sixes and prices to suit all purposes. As low as
40 as high as 85.00.
Our Molding and Framing Dep't
Is able to show you the rery latest ereatlems In moldings; antique yoTd.
CircaHslsn etc., etc. Now U the time to select the frame for your Xmss
drture Rift, while we have a choice selection to offer you, and the shop
not crowded with Xmas orders. A complete stock, capable salesmen
and skilled framing men. will make selection easy, and the frame per
fect Xmas deliveries guaranteed on all framing orders placed prior to
December 6th.
Artist Supplies
Our assortment Is complete. Boxes, colors. V?rM?:
an endless variety of accessories to each. Water color boxes for chil
dren. No other present carries so many pleasant memories as a set of
oil and wter colors. Put one on your list now.
Engraving and Stationery
Mnnocram Stationery. KnsTared CaHlnr Cards, etc. make appropriate
and hdsom Tlast.7g- Jiffs. It takes a little time to prepare perfect
SHrffiK 'k See4 Mo?.
only roc a owaumui uu, v. ' j
mirrors and calendars on display. See them.
Ladies' Hand Bags
A fine line of them now
on display. Also oard
rases, etc Prices to suit
every purse. Ses them
before buying- eisawnere.
prompt. Care
ful, S a 1 1 s fac
tory Atteatloa.
All kinds and all alses
framed to your order. See
our Log Cabin Muslo
Frames and Bungalow
Hat Racks.
170 First and 171 Front Streets, Between Morrison and Yamhill Streets
Plumes Hslsj . A5608.
Everybody Admires a Beautiful Complexion. I
Oriental Cream!
skh ms Vlff
Fob Xsi roenrbhsoBcMsssstl
Jin Indispensable and Delightful
Toilet Requisite
for Fashionable IVomen.
a 4afi neMssirr for tha ladies toilet
whether at noma or while traveling. It
protects the skin from injurious effects
of the elements, gives a wonderfully ef
fective beauty to the complexion,
n.rvt nnn-arreasv Toilet Cream I
ltlvelv will not cause or encourage the
It is a
erfect non-greasy Toilet Cream and pos
ii ariil not cause or encouraare the
E row In OI Dair wnicn an suiei suuuiu
Zruard against when selecting a toilet pre
paration. When danolng. bowling or oth
er exertions heat tha akin, it prevents a
m ass r appearance.
Gouraud's Oriental Cream has been
Me-hlv recommended by physicians, act
resses, alne-srs and women of fashion for
ver half a century and cannot be sur
passed wnea preparing wr uauy r
Diseases and relieves Bunbnrn, Removes Tan. Rmples Blahss. Moth
Patches. Rash. Freckles and Vulgar Redness. Yellow and Muddy Skin. tving
a delicately clear and refined complexion which every woman desires.
KoTll For sale by Druggists and Fanoy Goods Dealers.
FenL T. Hopkins, Prop, 37 Great Jone Street, New York.
More Room Needed
For Player-Pianos
"We need still more room for Player Pianos. "We need this
room at once, so as to make an adequate display of the
"wonderfnl assortment of Player Pianos which we are
now selling. We are to devote a substantial portion
of our former Piano Exchange and Bargain Room to
the display of Player Pianos during the Holidays. We
are, therefore, closing out some twenty-eight slightly
used regular pianos at considerable less than our usual
very low Exchange Bargain Room prices. Coming at
this time, this offer will enable many a householder to
secure a splendid musical instrument for Christmas.
To Close Out. a. Weber $293
Steck piano, elegant mahogany case, usual price $450, now $195.
A $375 Gabler upright, rich mahogany case, though marred in several
places, thoroughly serviceable instrument; will satisfy all hut the very criti
cal; price $160.
We are selling a satin-finish mahogany-case Hardman; has had little use
In prominent Portland home; our price $290. Small dealers ask $500 for a
piano like this.
We have received a number of Mason & Hamlin pianos, for which much
was claimed in certain Quarters up to a short time ago. Consignment agents
have asked $525 for a mahogany case Mason & Hamlin; our price for this
slightly used one is $225, and an old-style Mason & Hamlin, equipped with
a peculiar screw stringing device which, prior to the Mason Hamlin fail
ure, was exploited as a most wonderful invention. We will Bell this Mason
& Hamlin for $163.
We have several Webers, slightly used; our prices $215 and $295 for a
very fancy figured mahogany one, which cannot be told from new.
A handsome appearing Fischer, bright and fresh, is now $200; a mottled
walnut Emerson $185, and a very fancy Emerson is $215.
Last but not least, there is a beautiful Chickering upright, Sheraton model,
a genuine $625 value. This Instrument has been used less than two years in
a West Side home, where it was exchanged toward payment of a Chickering
Quarter Grand. This Chickering Upright may be had for $470.
A Pianola Piano, mahogany case; the $650 style is $147, and another used
Pianola Piano, Weber, is $495.
We will sell these pianos for cash, or upon our little-payment plan, for
the mere additional simple interest.
See the display in our west show window. Eilers Music House, 353 Wash
ington Street. Portland's Home Piano House. Biggest-Busiest-Best.