THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1910. 19 NEW IDEA ADOPTED Commercial Club Seeks Urban Home-Seekers From East. wor:; for 1911 outlined "W. t. Crltrf Will Conduct Inquiry Bureau and Manager Chapman. Will Trrot More Time to Secure Co-operation. Bi.vlcg stronger effort. ahouM b ind to develop portions of th tt lyli broml and tributary to Portland, th promotion commit! of tho Oommer- 'W Cluh. Georga F. Johnson, prraldlnit deeiarrd rtnlmr for a broader policy net year. Th rommltiM Inatructcd th pf'lcials to ae-cur two rorma on tha sec ond floor of the Commercial Club build in and thera establish an "Inquiry de part mant. With a corra of stenographers. TV. L. Crliy will b as!nd to tell Inquirer of deatnpd opportunities In Oregon. To enlarga ths acop of tn work Man arer Chapman will devota mor tlrn to travel throughout tha srat Tha com mute believes that Mr. Chapman will be busy In this work, and to relieve, him caf the burden of supervising lc-l club matters he will turn these affairs over to R. W. Raymond, manager of ths con vention bureau. The rommlttee ram to this decision throurh studv of the census returns of Ore son In which they found tho state gained a population of two persons In tributary territory for each ona In Port land. This proportion would not do for ths future. Mr. Chapman will caJI upon every rommtrrwl organisation la ths state, seek co-operation and devise ways and means to attract from the East a large urban population. A monthly report will be published for ths benefit of members contributing; to the promotion fund, which receives no direct aid from the Commercial Club. but la supported by outside subscriptions. This report will give a of work performed, so subscribers may know what la dons with their money. The committee ordt-red JO.noa copies of the anniversary edition of The Oregon Ian to be spread broadcast In tha Lul BIG LIGHT PLANT TO RISE Traction Company to Build $100, 000 Powerhouse at Chrhalis. CHEHALIS. W.jli., Dec. t. (Spe cial.) Heller. Sin. -lair at Anderson, Philadelphia capitalists Interested in the Twin City I.Uht & Traction Com pany. and other, held a directors' meeting at Ctaehalls yesterday and au thorised the expenditure at once of more than 1 1 00.00 for Improvements or a permanent nature. A big power house Is to be built and quipped with modern machinery to give Chehalls and Centralis a good lighting service. Tha visitors wera pleased with the prospects for suc cess of the traction line In connecting tne twin cities or lewts county. K. Storer Ttce. recently of North Yakima, has been placed In charge of the local affairs of the company. He is Im proving; the electric line and lighting service in Chehalls and Central!. ALLEN WEIR SERIOUSLY ILL Washington Pioneer Falls Fainting In Oljmpla Bank. OrVTMPIA. Pec . Allen Weir, who was the first Secretary of the State of Washington, a member of the I'pper House or the Territorial legislature, and a member of the Washington constitu tional convention, fell fainting In a local bank today from vertigo and waa taken to his home In a serious condition, lie Is R years old. Weir was formerly proprietor of the Morning Olympian and the Port Town send Argus. CorVallis to Have Auto Club. CORVALLIS, Or.. Iec. . (Special.) The automobile owners of Corvallis are perfecting plans for an organiza tion for their mutual benefit. A meet ing was held last night and a tem porary organisation was established by electing Walter Kline temporary presi dent, and rloyd Bogue secretary. Shortly a permanent organisation will be perfected. DAU.Y METKOROtJtilCAL REPORT. PORTT.AND. Iec. a. Maximum tempera ture. 32 degrees; minimum. 4 degrees. River re ting. a. M.. a. . feet- change tn last 51 hoars, ra. I foot. Total rainfall . P. M. to 6 P. M . .40 Inches: total rainfall sine September 1. ll. 14.74 Inches; normal ramfa 1 sine, heptember 1. Inches; ex cess of rainfall since September I. 19IO. .S7 lorn. Total sunahln. minutes; po!ble sunshine, g hours 4 minutes. Barometer frednced to sea lavel) at 5 P. M.. 30 OS Inches. TUB WBATHFR. TATtox ?! I I M r ? w I '. r ; ; . . rfxifn V-tlrarr Cncas. rnver Vm Mnnes T'nlut. turfM al!T1IIR ...... 11IT-1 JrkonTl. . . . KtnMi i'ry. . . . Wrir'd , it "Qtre-nl . ...... N-W (!. . . -w To-k Nrtt-Th H-M.'i Nnnt klma. . rnM tctiio Portland Rnrurc farramcrto..... t. Uu.a Ft p'jl Halt iJak a Dwco faT1 Fa.OCtSCO. . elfctTtTa hpokane Tacorra. . Tat-vsa Tfland. iiu w:i4.... Vashlnfftoo. ... W uripC I .1; v no 3i pel 4 w il (H 4 SB t.utljr " r ' 2rt " 4 ?I f l.,et S W - t l r. Jt. O . S ?4 i 4 S 1 4 SV Rin .near n-ar ,--r ; rt cloudy Mr ft cirndy Ctoudy rt cloud r ji7turfv Irioudy Slcr li'londy Ft cloudy . Cloudy K-vln Cioutly 'Rain n'oudy Tr 'Pt t-'Apffy 4 E 4 2 l . i -O 4 7 4j M ... A et 4 W I J j-R 4 ? .-sK 4 PE 4 K 4 rr 4 NW 4 XW 2 O. 4 5 T. ..!... 4 V ri . -Trc- UTATnCR CONDITIONS. Tb Xorth psrlfie low prtMura ar has 4navd lntav4 and tt this t er Altvrtv It Is a larr e-nd nrjf1 itorm, but t ! i44.lnc MtWard o far north that Ita lnr.unc on th atbr In tht 4tsr.-t la not to Tra a nthorwtaa ould b tba ca. Rain bas fa:ia sDcr d urine th 24 h.'un on th Pacific t;op a far ao'iTh aa Rc.i BU;ff. and aa far a3t Pol and i.-int Western Montana. Tba inipratur ar tnitd la tia dtrr4d. and thay r rtatn slow.y la t.c Castara stataa. Thm cndi,1i, p faarl tnr wwt inr ratu rrMay la e-t-rB Ortjroo and WeatarB waiuBtf a aol lor- raia r aoo AMTSrJ-fX?ST. HEILIG Th llh aad Taylae. Phenes ile'n 1 snd A 113. TOMOKROW itiATlKDAT) NIGHT irVIVF-RSIT-V OF OREGON GLEE AND MANDOLIN CLUB Concert snd foee -ftunts. Pri'-es I. T. Sf. ?e. T T I? T I f THEATER Jrl H 1 aLt 1 7th and Taylor rhaaea Mala 1 Bad A 11- ELLEN TERRY SEAT .VOW PEt-LINO at Bos OSlcs. PTlree: so cent- to Bos aeata. .. k.t staij: orrsn txdat HetUg Tbeasar. T VtrjHT!". beginning frSDAT Speclel Prls Matinee vaturdar Wm. A. Bra1r Co. iLrfd. prenta t.-ie New Theater. K. Y-. Success. THE -NIGGER" rArsni- Ttnperra Triurlow Brcn. Evn1r.f SI SO to : miin. fl toTsc. A Iv PR THEATER iJA.lLl IV MorrtaMi ..d Eleventh aa - aid n..A DAls'L-R MaYIs Main 3. A 03w- U t-U- I- c A r r. rv. "" I'nt I l ra- M-a-Men le- tail w.".-. " " a-i i aim waaa. aiaim. i -... i7-aa. THE tl.tifVir.-. Tha thtitllna: Aiatkan lala R Baft. LTam&iii'd irom ins .--- - -avtptrb off-r(r. o'endirtly rr--aentfrd- Frtv XI.; -." TV-.. .avatki -Tlaa. MoOOf f ID HUMP A I Ta" lueaieruia DUllUnLUTI aadXerriea Mala 117. A Rrerr riant l.1ll weeic. aim. it.-. " -THE TIME. THE I'LAt E ANI THE tilRI-' T ltn tioL Kbnee aa Happy Jonnnie nici. isr pru-ca. Even'lnse. i1: T.V-. II. ';; -ic- MATINEE F VERY DAT. MAIN . A 102U. TH5 53 THEATEH 1S-!W3-TS WEFK DEC. 5. Edsrla Ardea and Co . Pre senting -tsptain elvet." A ''"." M...ker Moio Hall.- Aleiaader and 8cett. Joe Jarkoa. t lllf Desa and haace for Three.- Hilda llatrtfcorae. The M1ms Mileb. Plrtores. ureoc-vre. INEWIAL.I-E.LF Trtl w Veek Commeorlng Hecemher p THE MOKTOS-JtWEU TKOIPE. -AN E1EST IX tirBDOM." . . .. ... rrtwtl II.- Matinee Dally. Curtain H:0. ana a. GRAND Week Dec. 5, 1910 The Mtnlral Laugh Aaun . . u . . . Iji t hexaller ULort World's t ham plan Markemsa. Three N alio ami Erkbeff A Ueedoa. Teneie Trio. veaiman. Brass A Mills. ,r.E-ANU.vc6pE llrawx at Mtlla, 11 (tftf.3U.wrz. Matinee every day. S ao. any aeat. le Erenltig pertoamancea at 7:30 and 9:15: balcony, l&c: lower floor. 25c; bos aeata. 6oe T V T3 sO Home of Musical A-a J. XV X Comedy. lVwk w'ammcnclnap Mailnt. IMe. 6. Kaat ins A k' loo a p rcscn i extra addad "ARIZONA JACK. Tb arsatMt avnd bicsaat b roa co-buat In at t aver praet.ted on anv atae and tba Lyric THE F.W 4.(ARDH. rll!nn And Kin aa the Ouarda. Ttrft TrtforTnan-ssi nlarhtlr. T:45 and 9:1R Watlneca Daily. 2 llay olaht. Cborus Cfiria nni. east of the Cascade Moon tains. Sltfhtly lower temperaturea will prevaiL . FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Occasional rain ciar; wcatcrly wlnda. Orvaoo Occasional rain vest; rain cr now east portion; cooler; westerly winaa. Wash tng ton Occasional rain west; rain or mow eaat portion; westerly wtnda. Idaho Rain or snow ; cooler nuiniwi portion. AVCTION ALX TODAY At XVllaon's Auction House, cornor Second and Yamhill. tSale at 10 A. M. J. T. nil sun, auctioneer. At salesroom. 121 Sd St.. at 10 A. M. & I., it. Gtlman. auctioneer. At CI 1 Ftrat st.. rurnlture sale. 3 P. M by Ford Auction Co. MEET I NO NOTICES. ' A yr.ETivn nt tha membara of th Its t propoaed new lodv. "Coaraopol n" Knlarhts of Pvthlaa. will meat Room 24. N. W. corner. First a :Amw siti-sif S1 dir avenlna. AaCcja-iTsDe-r Vku. si xc-iskita, sharp, for tne purpose of selecting committee tor the next Grand Ixnlga meet- HENRI F. JOSUTM. ENBT U. KIMBALL. Chairman. Secretary. ANNOUNCEMENT MISS SCSAV R. r it-.-knar, of New Yorlt City, author and demener of "The Matrimonial Club" that so delighted a larre audience at Ilassalo Con rresatlonal Church lt Friday avenlnir. will ete her enteria!ntrf-nt for the benefit of the Youoft People" Society of niarim Con s;retslUnuI hurch. at Os;den HslI, corner of MistMtppl avenue and Shaver St., to mht. Iee.en.ter . at o'clock. Don't miss h'.a: Come ana iausn : a a mission ic; children lic WIU.AMETTK IeCpOK. NO, 1. A. K. AND A- M. 8pe:lal com muntcatton will be held at Ma annlc Temple, on Ftlday, Dc 9. at 0:15 A. M., to conduct th fu neral services over the remains of our lae brother. Harris, of Co unt M I.odse. No. Dayton. Wash. Serv- !- at the Tort land Crematory. Full at- tendanoa desired. Visiting hr-thren Invited. W. s. tLKS. secretary. MOTNT TABOR TODOa KO. 47. A. T. AND A. M. A stated communication will be held this iKriday eventns; at 7:30 o'clock. Pament of flu, election and In stailaiion of officers. Full attend ance of members requested. . K. secretary. WASHINGTON IeOnOE. NO. 4, A. F. AND A. M. Spaclal com munication this (Friday evening at I 3. C ftth and burnsida. M. M d e are-. VI I tore w e Icome. Or der W. M J. If. RICHMOND. Bee. VTRTI.E CHAPTER. NO. 15. O. E. tf. Kenuiar meeting this I Krl davt erenlng In Masonic Tompla st'S o'rlot-k. Kleetlon of office's snd payment of dues. By order W. M. JENNIE K. G A LLOWA T. See. PORTLAND I.OPOB. NO. 8. A F AND A- M. Specisl communi cation th' iKrlndex evenlns. olH-te. Work In M. M. dmrre. Visitors Invlled. Bt order W. il. l.-. M. STEDMAN. Stc mrall n I.ODOE. NO. 1.1. 1. f. O. F. Besular nieetlrs this Friday evening at ... . o cloca. WOTS in to. I II 1 t u 1 i . siror, welcome. F. Coxena. Fecretar-. BORM. 1AGF.R Deeemher H. to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. l ilr ii.- r. vi . j . u i. .i . . . DIED. T1KCLSIIER Ass M. Sllckelmler. of Til Tenlno avenue. Miiwomi. r"m in xwn County. Intl.. Mareh it. 1S44. aged ymrm. (t months. 13 davs. FTNEBAI. XOT1CES. BlrM At her home. 1423 Eaxt Everett street. uecemo-T e, . sj years. 11 months. 13 days. Fnnersl tll tska p:sre from tha parlors of tha Fast eitlo Fnnarsl Director. Kast Alder sort Eet g:xth streets tomorrow (Satur dar December IP. 3 P. M. Frlenoa re spe;tfnllT invited. Int.rment Ixine Fir Cemetery. HARRIS-At Dayton. Wirt . reesmer a. I.ewla E- Harris father of sirs M V. Mor- rS. of tniS City, mna nianifra.M, of San Frsnclitco Fnn.ral aretees nnd-r the aurplcea of Masonic Fraternity, shlch wlll be held at t. To-tland Crematorium, at 1t A. M. today fSVIdavV. LVmbf y. Take aeUwood car for crematorium. 09ANTAGES jTCXERAJ. NOTICES. Ol-aov T. at 101 Knott street. Anna, aged 41 years. . months 11 days. b-loed wtfa of o. 8. Olson snd mother of Herbert Olaon. Funeral service, (Sunday. Iierember 11. at 1 P. M. it Zcller-Hyrn-a Ctv'a parlors. tP4 William, are. Friends in vited to sttend. interment at Rlvervlcw Cemetery. ADAMS Friend, are respectfully InUted to attend tha funeral services of Luxtta I beloved wife of T. L. Adams of 3uJ Mon roe street, st Zeller-Byrnvs Company par lors. "1M Williams avenue, tortity (Hl day). December fc. at lo A. M. Servlcia at Crematory private. CHOENRERO The funeral services of ths Rav. A Inert Kchoenbers will be held at ft. James' Lutheran Church, corner of IVeaf p.rk and Jefferson streets at - P. M . Saturdav. December in. Krtenda in vited. Interment Rosa City Cemetery. GLAMORG AN December 7. Walter Richard G.amorgaa. aged 6-1 veara. Funeral from Holman , chapel. 1:3 P. M. today t Fri day I. iMctmber B. Pleaaa omit floaera. 8TRXE In thla city. December ft. William J. Byrne, ased 64 yaara. interment In Calvary Cemetery. TO'BETH FlXKAf. CO. MAKIIlAM BI.Ii. ' FUUK-VI. DttloNt. Thone : Mala Sioi. A llOt. Donning A MrKntee. Funeral Director,, Tth aad Fine. Phone Main 4i0. Lady aa- aUtaat. Off lee ef t ounly Coroner. ' EDWARD HOI.MAV CO.. rnneral Direct -era. Tip sd atLadyaaaialant. fhoae M. 607. J. p. VINI.KY A HON. d and Madlaoa. ldy atlendant. Fhone Mala 0. A laps. EAAT MDE Funeral IHrectoea, ancceaaors to F. S. Dunning. Inc. K. it. H iSlS. a.Ki SIN CO. l adertakere. iMdy aaalat ant. 4i Alder.. M. ela. A t3. ZE1 I 1 K-BVRNK1 CO.. Funeral IlrerLon, Sf4 Willie ma aye.: both phone. ; lady asst. If if H. I ndortaker. cor. Feat Alder and Ota. tJUt .it I . is isos. i Jityj OREGON HUMANE' SCQEH us sack. crrT raix kAiv see. a Tsea. BTCMAMB OFFICtH. EAST Trk NEW.TODAT. Half Fare Excursion Sundale Orchards RoimH Trip $3.25 Saturday MorniEg Dec 10th Come with us and see orchard planting, well drilling and other de velopment work in full blast in this high-class low-priced orchard dis trict on north bauk of the Columbia. Notify Us Today HUNTER LAND CO.," Owners 407 Wells-Fargo Bldg. Marshall 2329 70 A cres CHOICE FR FIT LA.VDS . IX B AD lO-ACRE TRACTS S110 PKH ACRE. II miles from Portlantl. In Chehalem Orchard District. 6So fnre: "red shot" soil. Tlnnber worth more than price of isnn. furrnasers may cut and eniD us cord wood in payment for land; we pay difference In cash. WESTERN Ft EL, COMPAXV, 28T Eaat Morrlsoa Street. Irvington Home Brand new. modern, swell 9-room house ready to move Into furnace, fireplace, sleeping-porch, built-in china closet, window seats, nice combination fixtures, shades, breakfast-room. ' in fact all latest Improvements and Is a beautiful home on 60x110 lot. with cement sidewalks and street Improve ments paid. This home Is worth ITS"", and you can buy it for a few days for $7o00. about 91400 cash, balance easy terms. In thsj best part of Irvington; nothlnir but swell homes surrounding. KRISKI ZAD4MV, SIT Board of Trade Rldg.. 4th aad Oak. Belmont St. Home A real barealn in an 8-room home and IftriD'tj ground. The place Is nearly new and rooms are all larg-e. No ex pense has been spared in making- it right. Do not take our word, but look it over. it is actually wortn :mou. You can buy It for $8250 HALF CASH A. H. BIRRP.IX CO, McKay Rldg., Third and Stark. Fruit Land Snap Srt acrf mile from frrowinar town of Hubuip, on White Salmon River. Wash., must be sold. at once. Will sell in four tracts. The soil Is volcanic ash and shot clay of great depth snd fertility and" free from stone or gravel; IS ares ready for cul titration. 2. acres nearly cleared. 30 acres timber; lies ideal," with plenty of spring water; new bungalow nearly completed. Price $250 per acre, easy term. ORISSI A ZADOW, Sir Boart of Trade HI da, 4h aad Oak. APARTMENT SITE NEAR W. PARK AND HARBISON 50 by 100; some income; $3200 cash carries it for S years. For price, see THE SPANT0N CO., 269 Oak Street. NOB HILL i'OOd reduction on price of 8-room hntise. welt located. The house Is con. venlrntlv- arranged and In first-class condition. Lot worth .15nn. Our prire for quick sale 17000. Cash required $3000. MERCHANT JA lia TKIST l OHFA V. . NEW TOD AT. i ! 9 V 1 NATIONAL ADDITION Every day a large force of men ia at work on the tract, ulashintr and removing: the stumps, preparatory to layina; out the streeia and boulevards. A great change has taken place In the appearance of NATIONAL AUDITION in the past few weeks, so that now you can get a better idea of the location and contour of the property. Now is the time to buy a lot, before all the streets are laid out and graded, as by Spring your lot will have In creased greatly in value. Let us take you out to NATIONAL, ADDITION In our automobile. It will not obli gate you to buy, but we want you to see the opportunities which this addition affords. Phone our office at any hour and we will be glad to call for you with our automobile. TERMS 10 per cent down and 2 per cent per month. Fill in the coupon below and mall t to us today, and we will mall you literature de scriptive of Kenton. coipojr CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COM PAN V, 620 Railway Exchange, Portland, Or. Gentlemen: Please mail me literature descriptive of Kenton - Na tional Addition. Name. Address CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO. 520 Railway Exchange. Marshall 224. A 1274. Factory or Warehouse Site Containing 20 lots with 640 feet frontage on 0. R. & N. Co. Best buy in city. $15,000 The Hart Land Co. 146 Second St. iloneyTalks W have some acreage on ear line in city which will make you 100 per pent in two jeari on investment. Call if you mean- business. No phoning. Brong-Steele Co. Ground Floor Lewis Bldg. IKVISGTOX. Two beautiful new home. 1ut com plefaxl. on lots 70x100, located at the highest point In Irvington, one block from cr line: finished In quarter-sawed oak and mahogany; beautiful electric and bathroom fixtures; hot water heat and hf-iutiful interior decorations In satin damask and leathers. A Kit rage with each house. For price and terms call MEEHAN & RICE. OWNERS. " E 2432. 60 Wasco St. C 1351. 10 ACRES CHOICE FRUIT LAND !1 milee from Portland, in Chehalem Valley. 65c fare; "red aliot" soil. Tim ber worth more than price of land. Purchaseia mm- cut and ship u cord wood In payment for land; we pay dif ference in caah. WRKTERX Kl FX COM PAS Vs. 2H7 Eaat Morrlaon Street. ""For sale New piano, never uned; less than coau Thone A 2235. AK 6S6, Ore-Soman. XEW TODAY. YOUR OPPORTUNITY Whether you're looking for It or not. you can't help btit realize that It has come if you'll Just call and talk with me. FOR $6500 Which ta ! per cent below Invoice price. I air. offering one of the best-established holfcsa: ana retail businesses. incu v.. Washington atreet. Pay roll 2O0 weekly: pni Mr month. Contracts on hand auftlcient to work full force overtime for aome time to come. Proms 100 to :ito per cent. No experience, no hustling; necessar. rTr. m.nnuement. anil n tunuaneiit bual- reaa. always srrowlna;. Owner retiring;. See me If you mean business and I 11 tau you W W. H. THOMAS. Agent. Suite SOS Gerlincer Bid. BUSINESS PROPERTY ON HAWTHORNE AVENUE It's a decided bargain. Why? Becau the owner wants to sell and has made the price right. rer Month. Grocery, rents for $ 44.00 Pltimhine hon. rent for 18.00 Confectionery, rents for 22.50 Delicatessen, rents for 22.50 Four flats, rent for 60.00 Total $167.00 If taken soon will sell for $17,000. easilv worth $20,000. If interested call at 1021 Hawthorne ave. fnone a zytn REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Rk William G.. 31J Fa.line bide. Bin-ill. A. H. Co., 202-:t McKay bid. Rai estate, insurancv, Dior.,Ka, aum, Brubaaar Baoadlct. bOi McKay bid.. M. 649. Cbaoln Her low, ftKft Chamber Commaroa Cook. B. 6 at Co 60S Corbatt bids. Jannlnsa ft Co., Main 1SS, 20 Oraa-o&laa. PALMER-JONES COw H. BLS ComaV cial Club fcMc Schalk, Oae. JCX. 138 Stark at. . Maia SOX 3402- f Ttra Oreroa Real Eatata VToM QranA a-ra. aaa Moitnomaa at. tHoiiaaay Aoanion-j K. E. Thompson Co.. cor. 4th and Oak ata REAL E3TATB. ""For SaleTats. OWNER ANXIOUS FOR CASH. Make Ts An Offer. TBxlOO, lota 23. 24. 25. block 1, Willam etto Addition. $600. 100x100. N. E. cor. Bolena and Ala- me da. 11250. 60x100. E. 20th N., near Stanton. $1400. 60x1 00. Halght, cor. J essup, $ 1 500. 40x128. Elliott ave., near Hawthorne. $2500. 172x100. E. Bumslde, near 61at, $3000. 80x75. KilMngaworth near Halght. $4000. 100x100. s. W- cor. Williams ana su in ner, $4300. Call and Talk Them Over. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. 3. rC. cor. 6th and Washington ata. ROSE CITY PARK, high and sightly, less (.nan uno uiuik iium -ti . ". "-" excepting a few nice shade trees; for quick sale, $650. HAWTHORNE. Fine corner. 60x100, on Glenn ave-. near .Hawtnorne, ior a lew aaya dbiow, value. ROSS ENGLISH I XV- CO.. 322 Mohawk Blrig. FOR SALE. 50x100. on Morrison st., West Side business corner; $.",0,000; part caah. lOO-rlOO. in Holladav Park. 45O0O. HtuxllS. near Irvington. 4 blocks from carllne. $1800; part casn. 50x100. 3 blocks from Broadway carllne, 8900. part cash. F. RICHET. 840 Chamber of Commerce bldg. LOT c. 40x115. On and one-ha if blocks from Haw thorns ave., on east 32d street, cement walks and curbs paid, first sewer as aessnr.ent paid; $1200. Don't delay. It win sen. SEE CRAWFORD. Corner 34th and Hawthorne. B a67. Tabor 516. A BARGAIN. 8 lots in Rose City Park, only $425 each: hr's a chance for a builder. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO.,- 272 Stark Bt. 'I$'s right when we advertise." SNAP. 50x100. on "Fast 37th, 2 blocks from car line: $40; $250 cash, balance terms. IOiixIOO. mi East 37th. 2 blocks from carllne; good corner: price 1000, half cash. KAUFFMANN A MOORE, 324-325 Lumber Exchange. $150 BUSINESS lot, 50x100, West Side, rigm on canine: i- minutes nue, buhhuiq fcr stores and flats needed now. Anyone buying this let will make a big profit In a few montns: itnxi casn win nanaie. dbi anre Ions timA at 6 per cent. J a. C Logan. 320 y Washington atreet.R. 404. , 3500 FINE level lot. 35x100, within 12 minutes' walk of Olds, Wortman & King. ' Apartments here would pay 18 per cent net. M. E. LEE. 411 Corbett BIdg. EAST DAVIS-ST. LOT. A fine lot. 40x101, on East Davis, near East 3 sin; a fine location; price $2000, $000 cash and $2 per month. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 31T Board of Trade BIdg.. 4th and Oak. $4O00 ONE of the best view tracts on west slope of Mt. Tabor, containing nearly four lots and Just off carline; easy terms can be arranged. We invite comparison with anything on East Side, The Bart Land Co.. 146 Second st. YOU can buy a lot near Rose City Far for $425; graded streets, cement aide walks and curbs. Bull Run water, elec tricity, telephone. building restrictions. Provident Inv. tc Trustee Cc. 024-&.CS Board of Trade bldg. $g000 PORTLAND HEIGHTS 2 lots all Improvements in and paid for; lower por tion of Heights in settled neighborhood : a fine home site. Phone owner, Marshall 15P5 or call 146 Second st. BEST.BL'Y IN PORTLAND. $13.r0 cash buys a beautiful residence, lot 50x100. walking distance, on East Flan ders st.; newer and cement walks paid. Call 221 Morrison Bt.. room 9. APARTMENT SITES. Soma choice lots and quarter blocks, close in. Central ,Eaat Portland, at low prices. W. O. WADDEU 809 Lumber Exchange, $000 LOT. Just beyond Laurel hurst, two blocks off carllne; easy terms; will ar range to build bouse on your own plana. The Hart Land Co.. 146 Second st. $450 FOR 6rxl50 building- site, only 15 minutes ride; $20 down and $10 a month. M. E. LEE. 411 Corbett Bids;. LOT wanted on first payment on new mod ern bungalow, about 15 minutes out on car line over Madison bridge; fine loca tion; price $3000. 41$ Railway Exchange. PORTLAND HEIGHTS PROPERTY. Homes. lots, quarter blocks, tracts and acreage; all parts of heights, all views and prices; some bargains. Main 3551. A 3339. "BARG A INS In Piedmont, Walnut Park and High land. P. B. LENT, 417 Corbett bldg. $1.25 PER week buys a nice, level lot. near Mt. Scott car. In city limits, water, atrcet graded and paid. Higley. Bishop A McCIaskey, 182 8d st. $235 BUYS a fine large lot, close to oar line; $10 down and $5 a month. M. E. LEE. 411 Corbett Bldg. CHOICE INVESTMENT. Several good quarters and single lots. West Side. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 ' Chamber of Commerce. WAKE HOUSE or factory site, lots 1 and 2, bh ck 10. E.aat jonns, oniy jtjuu. F. Pflugr A Co.. room 5, Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrisons ta. J1250 LOT with 100-foot frontage, on Bel mont st., very sightly and In select neigh borhood. The Hart Land Co., 146 Sec- end st. POR SALE -Lot on Eugene St., 50x150, at a bargain; also 50x100; price $400. Phone C 242ft. WANTED Furnished T to 8-room house. West Side, win pay gooa price, gooa ref erences. A 2559. IRVINGTON PARK $425 buys 50x100, on 24th. near Ainswortn; see it at once. How ard I -and Co.. 420 Swetland Bldg. SPLENDID corner, 50x100. $3000; East Sal mon and Jbtn sts. CHARLES ZOLLINGER. Corbett bldg. IRVINGTON. 75x1 00, close in, street paved. Fhrne iaoor IRVINGTON-lot,, east face, 20 feet nerih J EAL ESTATE. For hale Lots. LOT wanted as first payment on new mod ern bungalow, about 15 minutes out on car line over ladison bridse; fine loca ation; price $3U00. 418 Railway Ex change. Jor Sale Houses.. BEAT-TIFT7L -room hrtuse. on Oregon City Electric. Island station. Ideal location, beautiful view, S"xl00. barn. $4500: will sell 1 up to 0 adjoining lots at $600 to $750; entire proposition figures up $10, 5.0; will sell for $ftO00, 1-3 cash. HAR TMAN & THOMPSON. Bankers, Chamber of Commerce Bid. Fourth and Stark. FARM LAND DEPT. ( See H A R T O G I WILL build you a home or bunga low to suit; small cash payment, balance easy terms. Call on Mr. Guthrie. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade Bids'. SUNNYS1DE SNAP. We mean Just what we say. This mod em 7-room house, located on a beautiful corner lot. covered with fruit trees, both streets improved anf nearly all paid, nice basement, toilet up and down stairs; a bargain at $4000. We can sell It if taken soon for $3fi."i0. mortgage of $15O0 can stand; 2 blocks of Beitnont car; lot 5ux 100. See It at once or the other fellow will get It. Call 1021 Hawthorne, corner E. 34th or phone Tabor 516, B 2967. HAWTHORNE AVE. $100 DOWN. 5-room bungalow, 2oO feet north Haw thorne ave. Just completed; full base ment, cment floor, everything modern, best coriast ruction, connected with sewer, cement walk around house, tinted walls, large attic, floored; large lot 50x117; best car service in city, two lines. Price $3000. BRUBAKER & BENEDICT, 602 McKay bldg.. 3rd and Stark, Phone Main 549. $3200 6-ROOM house, in Central Albina. on Commercial Bt., lot 50x100, room tor an additional building on the front portion of the lot; on the Russel-Shaver carllne: terms $."00 cash. $25 pr month. b06 HARTMAN & THOVPON', REAL ESTATE DEP'T. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. BUY NOW. ROPE CITY PARK. EASY TERMS. 7 rooms, 50x100 lot; improvements In and paid; Berlin buffet and bookcases, solid oak floor, baths, furnace, fireplaces, laundry trays, mirror door, gas, etc.; terms $300 down, bal. $25 per month. National Realty & Trust Co., 326 Wash, st., room 516- BELLE CREST. Owner will sacrifice. 7-room house, new, well built, all mod ern, including furnace; lot 50x100; price $500; terms; make an offer. MERCHANTS SAVINGS Sr TRUST COMPANY. S " W. cor. 6th and Washington ats. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. One of the most attractive bungalows n the heights; furnace, fireplace; every thing that is necessary in a house built for a home near and on a level with car line; superb view of city mountains and rivers; $6250 if taken at once; $2300 cash. THE SPANTON CO., 269 OAK ST. NEW COTTAGE CHEAP. New 5-room large cottage, with large attic, just complettd and ready to move into; on a lot 50x100. at Stewart station. Mt. Scott carline; price only $2100, part cash and balance to suit. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade BIdg.. 4th and Oak. " BARGAIN. " 7 rooms ,new and modem, on carline, 20 minutes' ride, in sightly location; this can be bought for the low price of $220, easy terms. GOODNOUGH & SIETZ. 310 Spalding BIdg. GOING TO CALIFORNIA. If you want my beautiful 5-room fur nished bungalow in Sunnyslde, reasonable, call and see my agent; I would consider a vacant' lot uo, to $1000. H. M. CARLOCK & CO.. 417 Board of Trade. NEW BUNGALOW. $150 DOWN. Balance monthly. This Ib near 36th and Clinton, few steps from the W, R. car; nice, modern; five rooms and bath ; full lot; price $3000; might consider lot or equity in lot as first payment. 418 Rail way Exchange. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Strictly modern, hot water, heas. first elass plumbing, polished floor, paneled dining-room in quartered oak. beam ceil ing, cement basement. 50x100 lot for $3700. Call and see this snap at 875 Brooklyn st.. W. W. car. LOOK! READ! East 82d St., near Morrison. 7-room modern house, furnace, hardwood floors, only IS blocks to carline; lot 50x100. a very desirable home; we offer this home for $3500; $1000 cash. bal. to suit. Dubois & Crockett. Washington bldg. $.M) CASH BUYS 5 rooms, large lot, 75x110 feet, 1 block from carline; more ground next to this place if you nrefer at $3 per lot; price $50 down, $15 month. National Realty & Trut Co.. 326 H Washington St., room 516. $ 1250 O N L Y $ 1 250. 2 fine lots 100x100 In all, with view unsurpassed, U block to car, 2-room house, barn, 20 fruit trees, fine roses; all fenced in ; terms. Dubois & Crockett, Washington bldg.. room 3. Before you buy or sell SEE DETSCH & WITWER, Specialists in Real Estate For the man of moderate means. BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance. 6-ROOM bungalow; all conveniences; fire place, oeani ueiiii(s, mma, suaues, .lino leum, chicken-house and run; acre; $1150 cash, balance long terms. RainaXord. ktGlev Station, Oregon City line. SAVE money by building now. We win a . . J .-J Anonrxa ft hiin.7alr.iir nv fiat DUHU 'U o yOJ'piONEER CONSTRUCTION CO., 503 Oregonlan Bldg. iv ACRE, 3-ROOM HOUSE, $1)50. $j00 cash, $10 monthly, buys this. In "Brentwood," near Tremont; 5c fare; all cleared. Fred W, German, 320 Burnside, Main 2776. SOME" dandy fine bungalows for sale in Portia nn s I in est resiaence a is trie is w i i n all modern Improvements;, easy terms. F. J. ROSENBERG, 529 Lumbermens bldg. NEW bungalow for $1000; only $25 down and $1U monin, or win lclivb "jiiici in in trade as first payment. Owner, 615 Board of Trade: 10-ROOM house, 50x100 lot. well located for rooming-nouse; pnr, iiiuugaso $2000- will take $1000 trade and $500 cash, bal. monthly. R. C. Chlsm, 615 Couch bldg. MUST sell my new modern 7-room house; price Stf-iu; i" casn, immnue; un terms. Telephone Marshall 2745. ROOM house, full lot, $1300 : part cash. 769 East 8th St. North. Owner. $50 CASH, $10 monthly, 5-room, modern; a blocks Montavina car, aiain fi-p. Acreage. FORTUNE IN FAIRYLAND FOR A SONG. Florida evergiaae .anus, aosoiuieiy richest soil on earth and In most delight ful climate; in 10-acre tracts for $500. $10 per month ; Government canals building will reclaim in few months. Increasing value to $500 to $1000 per acre; location only 15 miles from magic city of Miami, Fla. For full particulars address J. M. Graybill, 522 Corbett bldg., Portland. Or. 1$0 ACRES of fine land, only S miles from center of city ana nine xrom vjres"" City carllne; 75 acres clear, balance tim ber and grove; fronts on fine road; no better proposition on the market for sub dividing; $350 per acre. C. F. Pfiuger 8c Co., room 6 Mulkey bldg., 2d and M orrison sts. 16 ACRES, close to Portland and station. XirSt -Class man, i-truicLi via o able for garden, fruit and chicken ranch. If you want it- at the price of $150 aa acre, act at once as It will not last long. KINNEY A STAMPHER, 831 -2 Lumber Exchange Bldg. CORDWOOD $65 AN ACRE. Have good tract within 20-mile clrclo of Portland; close to Donald, on O. E. : will give you as much as you want; ad Joining land sells $200 per acre; this is neavuy uinuereu miiu terms. Brown & Staver. 614 Couch b.dg. BELMONT SNAP. Good 8-room house with 5 bedrooms, all in good repair, on a corner lot, 50x5u, on Belmont st.. west of 2Sth st.; price only $3150, $1000 cash and $25 per month. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg-. 4th and Oak. FOR SALE or exchange for Portland prop erty lftO acres In Southern Oregon; about SOOOOOO feet standing timber, six miles from railway; six-room house, continual running water; title perfect; reasonable terms. I am the owner. AC 677, Ors- gonlan. , , , PURE BEAVERDAM. . Guaranteed- pure beaverdam land. 20 miles from Portland on electric and steam transportation: let us show you something really first-class; only $200 per aore; easy terms; any tstze tract. 4V. Couch hldg. TWO-room hous unfinished, acre ground, 50-foot well, six minutes' walk from elec tric station: $550 cash. Cail Harry L, Talin, Metzifer Station. REAL ESTATE. A crease. SUBURBAN ACREAGE. 124 acres, within 3 b -mile limit, on East Side; highlv Improved. $iaoo PER ACRE. 9 acres. 7 acres genuine besverdsm, 2 acres fine bottom land; all in high st&tti of cultivation. $Sa0 PER ACRE. 1 0 acres, 4- year commercial orchard ; the best to be had. $650 PER ACRE. lo acres. 3-year fruit snd berries; an extra good tract. $500 PER ACRE. 2 acres, all in cultivation and a bargain at $425 PER ACRE. 20 acres, ready to set to fruit; trees or dered, 7 acres semi-beaveMam. $250 PER ACRE. 1 acre, nice level, with water, on very easy Terms. $700. We have Just the acreage you are looking for. tiood terms. NORTHERN TRUST CO.. 270 Stark St. FLORIST. 8 greenhouses, with first-class heating and watering plant; also a good 2-story. 7-room house, all located on 0 lots, 40x100; 5c car fare. Big money-maker. If in terested call Mr. Guthrie. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. Board of Trade. MT. HOOD ELECTRIC. 5 acres at Rockwood, on Ba?e Line road, less than 5 minutes' walk to the Mt. Hood Electric, now building, and 3 minutes more to the Base Line station on the O W. P. This land is cleared and is located across the street of the Rockwood graded school; $2000 takes this snap this week. This piece is easilv worth $500 an acre right-now. Mt. Hood Land Co., 712 Roth- childbldg. TWO acres, neat cottage. 10c fare. 2 acres berries, beautiful place. 2 kcres. new house and barn. 4 acres, splendidly Improved, 10c fare. . 54 acres, nice farm, near station. 2 lots, with bungalow, small payment; all acreage near city limits. . Don't phone, call at office. MFARLAND INVESTMENT CO.. 310Corbett Bldg., Portland. 720 ACRES. Of excellent soil. 35 miles from Port land, close to railroad in Washington County; about 650 acres of good plow land, about 100 acres under cultivation ; good springs, well and running water; an ideal fruit or stock ranch and a splendid investment; price only $15 per acre; terms. KAUFFMANN & MOORE, 325 Lumber Exchange. 1 6 ACRES, 10-cent fare. West Side. $1900. Easy terms. 614 Couch bldg.. . Homesteaaa. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 82-page book explaining what each of the 34 counties is best adapted for; gives aroouat of Government land open to home stead In each county: map attached. 2lx 28. showing new R- R and towns, includ ing Eastern and Central Oregon; counties in different colors; drawn to March 1. 1910; latest map In U. S.; price 25c. Nimoio & Runey, 313 Hamilton bldg. RELINQUISHMENT, SO acres, in Southern Oregon fruit belt; 3Vr miles from Weod ville. or. S. P. Railroad; $500. Inquire 319 naiiway r.x:iiaiigc ums. HOMESTEADS, timber claims, relinquish ments, pioneer Locating Co., fill Swet land hldg., Portland. Or. WANTED A good homestead relinquish ment; some improvements. 620 Chamber of Commerce. For Sale Fruit I .and. BRITISH COLUMBIA FRUIT LAND Carlin Orchards, upper Okanagan; ideal location, fertile soil, no irrigation required, beauti ful climate, railway through property, spe cial inducement to settlers, $110 to $143 per acre, three-year payments, exceptional opportunity. Write for illustrated pamph let "B 4." Rogers, Black & McAiplne, Van couver, British Columbia. $500 TEN acres apple soil, in good dis trict; $10 down and $5 a month; bound to grow In value, and with three-year-old trees will be worth many times this money. M. E. LEE. 411CorbettBldff. 10. 15, 20-ACRE tracts near Portland; finest fruit land and chicken ranches, close to railroad station; good roads; other farms near by; $17.50 to $50 per acre, part cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent. MFARLAND INVESTMENT CO- .. 310 Corbett Bldg.. portiana. FINE 25-acre fruit farm for sale at a snap if taken now. There Is 10 acres bearing fruit. 7 acres in cultivation, bal- Kmaife all Kelt rf Und: small buildings; one mile to R. R. BRONG-STEELE CO.. Ground floor. Lewis Bldg. "GLORIOUS KOOTENAI," BRITISH CO LUMBIA No irrigating; choicest fru't land $80 per acre, five-year terms, no in terest; free booklet "V." Investors' Trubt A Mortgage Corporation, Ltd., 134 Hast ings st.. W-, Vancouver. B. C ' FRUIT LAND. 10 acres, under water, Sunnyslde district. Wash. ; $1500. terms. Atlas Land Co 42o Lumber Exchange. - $550 BUYS 10-acre orchard tract, best "red shot" soil, all tillable, only 35 miles from Portland; investigate this before paying fancy prices elsewhere. A. C. Palmer. 109 4th st. . GOLDENDALE SIMCOE FRUIT LANDS. 10 ACRES. $500; ONLY $100 cash, balance $10 month. Geo. S. Cased y Co., lobby Commercial Club bldg- For Salts Farms. " CALGARY, ALBERTA. This city has had thu most remarkable -rna-th nf h n v rit v In Canada. It has grown from 6000 to 50.000 In the past six years. Its milling capacity has increased from 350 barrels to over 4000 barrels per day. It has over 1O0 wholesale houses. The city owns Its own streetcar system, does its own paving and sewer work and Is a model town in every respect. It is surrounded by millions of acres of very rich farm !ands. the development of which has been the cause of the city's remarka ble growth. The Canadian Pacific Rail way is the owner of the choicest of thesn lands and is soiling them on very small cash payments and 30 years' time. There is no better investment. IDE-McCARTHY LAND COMPANY, Exclusive Sales Agents, l.UIil utti men a uius fKUl'llADlTi - 104 acres, all in high state of cultiva tion, except 5 acres good timber, soil deep rich and frea from rock, stumps or gravel- elezant house and barn, two teams worth $1500; personal property and crops worth $50O0 go with thts fine farm; lo cated 1 mile from Canby. on good auto road. 20 miles from Portland ; priee, in cluding livestock, crops everything, $.100 per acre; terms. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. . 3U ALnr-o Of dark shot soil, 6 miles from railroad in Scoggins Valley, near Forest Grove, 5 acres under cultivation; 15 more slashed and seeded and part easily cleared, bal ance timber, 25 acres fenced goat tigntj Good south slope; new box house and barn with shed; good team. 2600 lbs.; l cow. 3 hogs. 47 goats, plenty of chickens go with the place. A snap at $2o00, terms. KATTFFMANN- , MOORE, Ha huniuer jL.Ai'o.ia v. 1307 ACRES in Willamette Valley, ZVz miles to R. R.. 3U acres in uuhivbuuii, acres has been, nearly all could he put under plow, finest for fruit, could be cut into small tracts and sold at big profits, fine lot of timber, running water, on good road, grood buildings, finest of soil. Easy terms. Price f"0 per sere, BRONG-STEELE CO.. Ground floor. Lewis Bldg. 320-ACRE farm, house, barn, well and "spring, nice orchard, all fenced, 65 acres cultivation, 35 timber, rest pasture; this land is 7 miles east of Oregon City, on good road; rural mall and telephone pass the place; mortgage $2800. due 4 years at 6 per cent; will sell reasonable and take trade to $2000. R. C. Chlsm, 615 Couch bldg-. 40 ACRES, only 16 miles west Portland; house, spring, part- cultivated, some good fir and cedar, red shot soil and every acre plow land: no rocks; price $2500; will accept lot or runabout to $700: need $yoo cash and $00 in 5 years; adjoining land held at $125 an acre. S 57, Oregouian. JJoo g0 ACRES fine land. 6 miles east from Molalla. Corners Clackamas County. Or. : new 4 -room house, barn 50x00. T2 "acres cleared. 40 acres slashed. 2 good springs, mail route, telephone. Furtner particulars call Hart Land Co.. 146 2d st. Consulting agriculturist and horticul turist, 513 Ch. of Com. bldg. Phones !.' 1965. A 299j. Soils examined, reports mad. on fruit and farm lands. 10 ACRES CHOICE FRUIT LAND. 75 cash, balance easy monthly pay ments buys 10 acre, of very choice fruit land onlv 20 miles from Portland. 405 ' Couch bids- ' 80-ACRB Improved farm at great sacrifice. Everything to do with on place. For, particulars, call owner, Tabor 1356. No agents. . 10 ACRES of No. 1 land for 1300; $10 down and $10 a month, no interest on deferred pas-ments. Write or call F. RlcheU SiU Chamber of Commerca bide