THE MORXIXG OREGOXIA FRIDAY. DECEMBER 9, 1910. 18 IMMEETHIES Fl Line Being Built From Cohas sett May Be Used, Through i Traffic Agreement. ROUTE IS WELL REGARDED ArrauRcmont With O. It. St X. Co or North Rank Will Be Necessary for Dm Which Officials Are Said to Faror. i To otl'.li the line now under con struction between Cohaasett end Kenne- Irlcli. Wsh- as- a mean of entering Tortlanrf. throuith a traffic agreement .with either the O. R. Jf. or North ".Bank, llnea. Is mM to be a scheme pro need by the Chicago, Milwaukee yal Sound Railway. This theory has been advanced re cently because of the presence In Port Band last week of president Karllng of he Chicago. Milwaukee Pt. Paul, the awent road, toa-ether with President Williams of the sytem In the North west, and the seemlnc perltent efforts of the officer to fain an early rail connection with this city. ; Much of the line south of Cohasaett Jias been completed and little extra work Is necearT to extend It to Kennewlrk. where the Northern Pacific has a bridge ertr the Columbia, to Pasco. A line would have to be built to connect with .the O. R. N. at Wallula or some other convenient point. , Haste Not Explained. The unaccountable haste of the Mil waukee In extending- the work on the Col.a-ioett line a year a CO last Summer never has been explained and It la still fcellerrd that this was but another step In the endearor to strike Portland In the most direct route from the East. The line as surveyed runs along the "west bank of the Columbia, 'striking off ' Jnto the mainland only where the river horseshoes" north of Hanford. it taps rt-h arrtcullural region which never hmm had rail service, and In addition to affording a means of reaching; Southern Washlncton will serve as an excellent feeder to the main line road. But why It aliould be desired to have this feeder built more than a year ago. when tne main line wae not yet completed re mains an unanswered question. The road , to Kennewlck first was de s'sned as sin electrtc line, but when the Milwaukee bonht It. the Idea to convert It Into a steam system was announced and as such. It undoubtedly will be op era teA. Taconia Eastern Acquired. At about the same time, the Mil waukee took over the Turoml East ern road, which strikes off to the south from Teen ma toward the foot of Mount St. Helens. While ostensibly this road was acquired to afford a base from which to build the Grays Harbor exten sion, which President Karllng Inspected last week, it also save riie to the theory that an extension to the road from north of the mountain to the Columbia River, opposite Troutdale. nita-ht furnish an ex cellent means of entering- Portland. It waa pointed out at that time that the wnershlp of the Oregon Water Power lines aa well as that of the Milwaukee svstem could be traced to the Rocke feller Interests and that an arrange ment whereby the tracks of the former could be converted to the use of the latter, would be an easy transaction. While entrance to the city over this route would not be Impossible. It would fee quite difficult and contrary to the methods the Milwaukee has used In fcaildlog up Its lines In the Middle West. Yet. It Is known that this scheme has received the consideration of heads of the system and that some stepa will be taken to carry it Into effect In the event that the plan to come In over one ef the roads running west from Pasco falls. Kennewlrk Itonte Prrfrrred- But there are two very good reasons why the Milwaukee prefers the Kenne wlck routing to that of the Tacoma sV Eastern. The first Is that the Milwaukee always nas been a great road to build feeders to develop the country through which It aUrea.ty passes, thereby Increasing Its own business. If any money la to be spent, the policy of the company has fceen to pay It out for new tributary roads rather than In expensive engi neering feats. If any reasonable agree ment can be made with either the North Jiank or the O. it. N. Company to en ter Portland It Is believed that thla will t-e done and that the matter of securing Its own rail connection with the city will be deferred- The second reason la that or operat ing through Tacoma. as the Pacific Eastern line would necessitate, the Mil waukee would have a line to the East so much longer than either the Ilarrtman or the Hill systems that It could hardly compete with either of these for Eastern bcsioess. Freight. Iloute Short, " rr its connection with the O. R. K. at Plummer. Idaho, the Milwaukee now has a freight route to either Chicago or fit. Paul over miles shorter than any of the other roads. The tendency would fee to decrease this mileage rather than Increase It. It has o-en declared by Milwaukee of ficials that their ultimate desire Is to Hare Portland KM miles, by rail, from flt. Paul and IIW miles from Chicago. While the Kennewlrk-Cohassett Una would add to the present mileage It would be much shorter than any of the other routes that have been suggrated nnd e-veattaUly would permit of sub stantial reductions. mfrc.kii ruvxs progressing Many session of Various llarrlrnaa Corporations Will Be Held. Arrangements for the formal trans fer of the property of the O. R. N. Company to the r--ently organised Oregon- Washington Railroad Naviga tion Company were made at a meeting ef tb directors of the new concern In Je company's executive offices In the V eils- argo building yesterday after boon. A number of sessions of both the old and the new corporations will be necessary before the actual delivery of the vast possessions of the one com pany Is made Into the hands of the other, but tne final meeting, at which this interesting and Important trana artlon will take place, will be held In this city within the next two weeks, aa It has already been determined that the It. W. shall start business en Sat urday. Pecember -4. A special raeeflng of the stockhold ers of the O. It. N". Compsny has teea called to take place In thla city Thursday. December II. for the pur roe of aathorlzlnv and ratifying the aa.e. It la thought that the actual sale, ajrhsa Uie stockholder of the O. R. et R PDRTLANDLINK N". Compsny are paid a consideration for their property, will be held on the following day. In what manner the shareholders In the old company will be paid for their holdings has not yet been oeiermineu. hut It Is nresumed thst they will be riven stock in the new concern. The Individual owners of small blocks, should they so desire, can receive cash for their holdings. On the morninr of December 14. work under the new regime will start. Al accounts and payrolls of the O. R. 4 N. Company will be closed forever on the evening of December 13. When the army of employes go to wora. m next morning they win have a new em nlover. A vast number of changes In the telegraph departments have been or dered. to conform with the new ar rangements. Plans hsve also been made for a chance In the lettering on the rolling stock and on the depot prop erty and offices at various places. CHANGE OF TRAIN--T1ME AS RED Alanxath Falls People Ak to IlaTe Convenience Served. v.rrhmti of Klamath Falls have Betltloned the passenger department of the Southern Pacific for a change Id the time of the train operating between that city and Weed, which would cause It to leave there at noon eacn aay in stead of at 8 o'clock In the morning. At present the only train carrying mail Into Klamath Kails arrises there at 7:30 In the evening. Business men generally do not get their letters until the following morning. Replies, there fore, cannot leave the city until the second morning- after a letter arrives. The change. It Is pointed out. would enable them to answer Important mall on the same day It Is received. The reauest Is being considered by the officials at Pan Francisco, as the district Is In the Jurisdiction of the department In that city. Because the proposed schedule probably -would re sult In less satisfactory connections with the main line trains at Weed. It la feared that the change cannot be made. J. J. HIITSURE TO COME EMPIRE BllXJEn WIIX VISIT PORTLAND WITHIN 10 DAYS. Commercial Clnb and Chamber of Commerce Plan Big- Reception. Dale Not Yet Known. J. J. Hill will be In Portland within the next 1 dave Assurances that the great railroad and empire builder will be In the Northwest before tne Holidays have been received here and officials of the Hill rallrosds are preparing to re ceive him. As soon as the exact date of his visit l known the Portland Commercial Club, the Chamber of Commerce and various- other civic and Industrial organlxatlons will arrange a programme of reception and entertainment fitting his position as head of the grest railway system thst has assisted In developing the Northwest. If It Is neeeseary. o show fully our appreciation for Mr. Hill's part In tip building Oregon, Portland and the en tire Norlhwest, we shall go out 'snd gather roses under the Christmas sun snJ mske his private car a veritable bower of fragrant and beautiful flowers." said a member of the Commercial Club yeeteruav. Mr. Hill wiu also visit otjer cities in the Northwest, but because tne pcojde of Portland have ao peretatenUy urged him to come here tills Fall thla city will be the principal point on his Itinerary. He will likely remain here for several days. John F. Ptevens, president of tne ortn Bank roaih raid yesterday that he ex pected to have definite advice as to the time of Mr. Hill s arrival in tne city be fore the end of the present week, but that he has been reasonably assured- that he will bo here before the expiration of the next fortnight. SPAN BAD, TRAINS HALT Eatbound Passengers Delayed at Castle Rock Several Honrs. OASTXK ROCK. Wash., Dee. . (Special.) All east-bound trains were held here several hours this evening. owing to settling of a portion of the bridge at the Olequa quarry, about five miles north of this city. West-bound trains were held at Ole qua. and the track was not cleared until 11 o'clock. A large force of men under the direction of Superln- endent Albee repaired the damage emporarlly. SLAYER'S JURY OBTAINED Trial of 3. Johnson, Who Killed Man at Wife's Home, Begins Today. EUGENE. Or.. Dec. 8. (Spedal The Jury was selected today to try John John son, who Is s ecu sea or gluing it. s. Prinole aa Prlndle was leaving the house occupied by Johnson's wife and child on the Slusiaw last Summer. Preliminary witnesses were examined today and tomorrow the trial will begin. After the tragedy Johnson was allowed to go free, but later was Indicted by the grand Jury. MAIL CARRIERS BURDENED Postmaster Fear They May Be Asked to Spilt Wood, Mlntf Baby. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Pee. (Spe cial. V-That patrons of the Post office will In time expect msll carriers to split snd carry in wood and mind the baby while mothers read the morning mall la the opinion of Daniel Crowley, postmaster of Vancouver. On account of delay, the postmaster has asked all cltlxeas to procure a front door mailbox. Bowcrman Gives Taconia Help. SALEM." Or- Dec. . (Special. Acting Governor Jay Bowcrman, has telegraphed o M&Jor-Oeneral I-eonard Wood potl lonlng him to hold another military tournament at Tacoma. The Portland Commercial Club Is taking an active In terest la seeing this tournament repeated at Tacoma snd It was through the club's solicitation thst Governor Bowcrman Is extending his Influence. Pneumonia, Takes Baby's Life. THE DALLE?. Or.. Dec. . (Special.) The IS-montha-old son of City Superin tendent of Schools A. C. Strange and Ife. of this city, died of pneumonia today at 11 o'clock. Funeral services will be conducted at the Crsndall un dertaking parlors at 1 o'clock tomorrow by Rev. J. D. Lewellen. Med ford to Get A no liter Bank. MEDFORD. Or, Dec. S. (Special.) new bank has been planned for Medford. The Institution will be a vtngs bank and trust company and will be known as the First Savings Bank Trust Company. The Incor porators are A. E Keames, J. IX Heard. intense Suffering From Dyspepsia and Stomach Trouble. Instantly Believed and Permanently Cored by Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. A Mew Discovery, bwt Sot Medletae. a Patent Dr. Redwell relates an Interesting account of what he considers a re markable case . of acute stomach trouble and chronic dyspepsia by the use of the new discover', Stuart Dye pepsla Tablets. He says: "The patient was a man who had suffered, to my knowledge, for years with dyspepsia. Krerythlng he ate seemed to sour and create gases 1n the stomach. lie had peine like rheumatism In the back, shoulder blades and limbs, fullness and distress sfter eating, poor appetite and loss of flesh: the heart became effected, caus ing palpitation nnd sleeplessness at night. "I gave him powerful nerve tonics and blood remedies, but to no purpose. As sn experiment I finally bought a 60-cent package of Stuarts Dyspepsia Tableta at a drug store and gave them to him. Almost Immediate relief was given and after he had used four boxes he waa to all appearances fully cured. "Thore was no more acidity or sour. watery risings, no bloating after meals, the appetite was vigorous and he haa gained between 10 and 12 pounds In weight of solid, healthy flesh. "Although Sauart's Dyspepsia Tab lets are advertteed and sold in drug stores, yet I consider them a most val uable addition to any physician's line of remedies, it they sre perfectly harmless and can be given to children or lnvallda or- In any condition of the tomach with perfect safety, being harmless and containing nothing but fruit and vegetable essences, pure pep sin and Golden Seal. "Without any question they are the safest, most effective cure for Indiges tion, blllousnse. constipation and all derangementa of the stomach, however slight or severe." K. C. Smith and C. K. Newhall. Messrs. Keames and Heard are Medford busi ness men, the other two Incorporators being Kastern bankers. The capital stock will be $50,000. Medford has four banks already. $40,000 Lili FILED ON FOCH SQCATTF.HS HCSH TO BIG TRACT NEAR KEXXEWICK. Woman's Representative Claims Part of Section by Agreement. One Walts Four Days. WALIA WALLA, Wash.. Dec. . (Speclnl.) Land In Kennewick, said to be worth a fortune, was filed upon at the local land offk-e this morning by six squatters. In all, 457.44 acres were filed upon, some of which is worth J300 an acre, the squatters say, while none of It Is valued at lens than $50. All of the land Is within four miles of Kennewlck and most of It can be Irrigated. The short quarter section, containing 137.44 acres, is nearest the town and Is said to bo worth $40,000. This was divided Into four parts by the four squatters who moved on to it shortly after midnight of Novem ber 8. One at these, Edward Mann, or nls representative, sat In front of the land office since early Monday morn ing that he might he the first of the squatters to file. Lata yesterday he comrpromlsed with the other squat ters. It being agreed that the quarter section should The divided nmong Don't Rub the Life Out of Your Clothes Sprinkle a little GOLD DUST in the water, and let the GOLD DUST Twins do all the hard part of the task. GOLD DUST starts to dissolve and lather the moment it strikes the water; it starts to cleanse the moment it comes in contact with the garment. It in stantly softens the hardest water, saves rubbing, saves wear and tear on clothes, and does most of the work with out your assistance. Use GOLD DUST next wash day, and have whiter, sweeter, cleaner clothes, with half the effort and in half the time. Pn not ll ls. S filrit'.r hifalis r 1 1.11-1 J J ere 1 i i s "Lt tU COLD DUST TWINS imymmr awi' Early Buying Insures UMBRELLAS We make a special feature of a QT guaranteed Umbrella at I C HOOD RIVER APPLES Send a box to your Eastern Crt friends. Price, per box OUC If You Give Jewelry This Interests Cuff Links SOc Hat Pins 25c Bar Pins 25 Veil Pins J 25 Srooches 25e :arf Pins 50f Necktie Clasps oOc Vanity Bags 49 Sash Pins .8 SPECIAL. Oae Sash Pla and 1 Col- f 4 f Q lar Pla to match ea card 9 1 HOLIDAY SALE OF CUT GLASS Brllll ant cuttings and A e s 1 r a ble shapes. Kvery piece Just right for X m a s gifts. K T T R A RPECIAI Cut - Glass with s I x t u m blers, only S4.98 Suitcase Sale Anexeep t 1 o n al S7.i0 Suit Cases. H off. now S5." $8.00 Suit Csses. U off. now 6.0o S9.00 Suit Case-. 4 off. now 6.75 $10.00 Suit Cases. Vi off, now 17.50 $11.00 Suit Cases, 'i off. now $8.25 $12.00 Suit Cases, off. now &9.00 Ana many omers. .1 r HC-nn -.t If til- flnoHnf. 1 1 1 r i it, .ixi. " - - - - The other three were- to file on por tions of this quarter for M. JC. Hun dull, Charles Robertson and Miss Ot- tila Rhelnart. NEW FIRM INCORPORATES A. Welch and Others Will Deal In Power and Public Utilities. VANCOUVER. AVash Dec. 8. (Spe cial.) Articles of incorporation for the Oregon-Washington Corporation, or Van couver. Wash., were filed today. The company Is incorporated to deal In rail wnys. power, llplit and other purposes. Capital stock. $5,000,000: 60,000 shares, $100 each: 6000 prewired, 41.000 common. The life of the corporation Is for 60 years. In corporators. A. Welch, E. W. Hall, Henry (5. KlclHchnauor, n. m. noynm, ... n. Do Potter to the'entlre w e offer this com- Wider Variety Patronize 6ur Red-Cross Stamp Booth This Week riDtrvrNAT TCT TTOATK DT?TTGOIATS Tth- arid WASHINGTON KODAK ENLARGEMENTS From your own negatives at Owl Cut prices. See the large sample board on display in our store. 8x10... SSe 1 14xlT.. c 10x12. ...85 16x20.. I.S3 11X14. ...BOe 18x22. .$1.75 20x24 a.oo n Splendid offer In Baas. Boy Bags for Christ mas Gifts BOW. 1 WATERMAN FOUNTAIN PENS Make excellent gifts choose them from our large stock. dJO Cfl prices up from sDaisOV $1.00 Hdndbags Now $ .79 $U5 Handbags Now $ .98 $1.50 Handbags Now Jl. 13 CANDY SALE $2.00 Handbags Now $1.63 We have on sale a special one-pound box or Assort $175 Handbags Now $1.98 ed Chocolates at ..29c only $4.00 Handbags Now $3.13 Fenway, one pound.. SOi Llggett's. one pound.. SO Chocolate Mints, lb...20 $6.00 Handbags Now $4.98 Raisin Clusters, pound 30 C h ocolate Chews, one pound.. . .30 Baby Mixed, on pound 25ei French Mixed, one pound. 254 $5.00 Silver Mesh Bags WONDERFUL TOILET SEr VALUES 3-PIECE TOILET SETS FRKXCU STAG. Burl Walnut, Clrcas cian Walnut. Gazelle and Kraft- g QQ wood. epU wltfO S-PIRCB Hl'AD. nrPLH PLATES TOILET SETS. Consisting of brush, comb and mirror In obn?yX..'$4.95 Latest style, 4M unu:oi dvj "Ji ........... . ' , , . inches deep, small ring mesh, white kid lining with 14-tnch chain. This bag would sell in Jewelry or de partment stores at $5.00; 0 AQ BTJT NOW AND WE WILL DE LIVER WHEN TOD WISH. our price $5.00 Bags for Only $2.49 All genuine Alligator Bags, having leather lining, best locks and GJO AQ catches. To close out this line induces us to make the price only.K"' .mmsTXis There never was a stock of goods shown in Portland that showed sue h a wonderful assortment of Christmas presents. There is something for ev rbody. Come In ind look around. Take your time and ask our sales- Berryman. A. J. Pitkin, of' Portland, and Isaac W. Anderson, of Tacoma. P0ST0FFICEJS AFFECTED Change of Town's Name Requires Official's Reappointment. BAKER. Or., Dec. 8. (Special.) Post master Lachner was surprised today to learn that on account of the change of name from Bakcr City to Baker his re appointment would be necessary. He is out with a petition and is confi dent of reappointment. Several others are after the office. Four Seek Gretna Green. VANCOUVER, Wash., Dec. 8. (Spe cial.) Charles W. Greenberg asked Minnie Steinberg-, of Portland, to' marry You Remember What Happened December 13th 1909? STS. PORTL-AND. ORE. post:ard albom sale Composed of a fancy assortment of Albums, cloth and Imitation leath er at -special prkf:. 2Bc ones, now 17 35c ones, now 23d SOc ones, now 33 HOLIDAY STATIONERY We have It in large va riety. Every box a big value at the price asked. trices, per oox, up from , 10c TRAVEL ING BAGS We are s h owing a large assort ment. These make fine Xmas gifts. Come in and pick one for friend or relative. REXALL WATCHES G n a r a n teed. Get . one for the boy. He'll enjoy it. Bach SI Liquar Flasks Drinking Cups Coat Hangers Medicine Cases Indispen gable when traveling. The one illustrat ed is only SI. 25. We have them for less and for more. A complete line of all-leather novel ties including Liquor Flasks, Drinking: Cups, Coat Hangers, Medicine Cases, etc. Inches' long. 4 ........... tmmm ' variety.! him, and they both asked Carl Quarn- berg, Deputy Auditor, lor a. u today. N. M. Thompson and Karen Johnson, also of Portland, were mar ried here today. Cage Operators Have Club. Elevator operators of Portland have organized a club known as the Eleva tor Operators' Pleasure Club, with the following officers: President, W. Paul Koontz, Oregonian building; vice-president. W. Markham, Rothchild build ing; recording secretary, N. E. Fritseh. Abington building; financial secretary, E. M. Terkes, Electric building; guard. J. S. Ruttler, Electric building; sen tinel, F. Rodley. Medical building; prelate, C. Green, Electric building; speaker, F. Huttrick, Lumbermen's Ex change building. Aside from the social features, the club proposes to raise the standard of elevator operators and may take the initiative in a movement SILK TOtlRIST CASES Rubber-lined, each packed 4JO Crt in class dovered case, at ea., DOJv BURNT-WOOD EFFECT Shaving Paper Pad, Hat Pin OJ Holders. Tie Racks, at each.... Brass, Bronzes and Cast Metal 13 Off Every item suitable for gifts at eco nomical prices. Ink Wells, Calendars, Afttchholders, Paper YTeigMs, Paper Cutters, Button Boxes, Blotters, Smok ing Sets, Bon Bon Dishes, Trump Markers, Penwipers, Flower Bowls, Book Racks, Puff Jars, 1, (C Ash Trays, all at VII BIG SPECIAL Mi'. '',, I i Triplicate Mirrors at pecial Prices. This reerular $1.25 Trinllcate Mirror fancy tapestry back, metal frame, A Q on sale for only CHRISTMAS POST CARDS. See. our large variety, all one 1 price, each ; XC DOLLS TVere never cheaper than we of fer t h e in now. I-et us show the best Doll value In Portia nd. This one at only AUTO Drinking Set $11 Consists of four aluminum drink ing cups ana case for carry ing them. The complete eet 1 at only w A to increase the efficiency by asking the adoption of a license ordinance. The club meets in Drew Hall on the second and fourth-Wednesdays of each month. The first social event on the programme of the new club is a dance in Foresters' Hall on the night of De cember 15. WHEN IN DOUBT Try Walter A. Lord Co.. Jewelers, 111 Sixth St., near Washington. " Two Towns Get Light. HARRISBURG, Or., Dec. 8. (Spe cial.) The Oregon Power Company has Installed the meters and turned on the light for Harrisburg and Junction City. Fitted hags and cases. Harris Trunk Co. 98c isa&xsi n