TIIE 3IORXIXG OREGOXTAN. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 9, 1910. PIT GAMETRDPHY SAN FBANCISCO BANKER WHO PREDICTS GREAT FUTURE TOR PORTLAND. 500 Cotton Waists at 39c Ha.de of chambray, gingham, white and colored madras, soft collar and cuffs. Regu lar $1.00 values, qn Year-End Sale Price. OZJC $9.00 Dress Skirts $3.65 Made of pure all-tcool worst eds in blk., navy and brown. Actual $9 values, Year-End Sale. . . OeOtJ J! ComDetition in This Class Show Oregon Poultry Proves Keen, KEEN'EY OF EUGENE SCORES 16 WON BY LIMERICK I ' - . - I ID 111 - ear me isme III BarrrtJ Ptjmooth Rock Fntrlra i Are Given First Place Ilihibl- bltkm Is Most Successful r.rrr Held Here. J. P. Limerick, of Portland, was dec lared yesterday the wlnnsr la lbs pit am class In ths Oregon Poultry and st Show which la being- bsld In rooms Front and Salmon streets, this week. he show will doss tomorrow. Whether rtht imioa will bo bald Is undeter- Ined. Ths pit cams Is by far ths most vimsrous of ths many varieties on ex- bltloa. there being over 121 of this 1 alone. Strong Interest has been antft. for In this clans the exhibits divided amorce lfi fanciers, ail of Mom eacvrly sought the first prime. L4mertcs's prtse-wlnner Is ths best K In ths show and the judges openly ads ths declaration that It was ths t pit cams bird that they had - nlned on t!e Parlflo Voaat. n the Barred Plymouth Rock cl f. Keeney. Lane County Asarsaor at la-ene. was rltn first place with hts -keret Alex. Iternvteln. of Kugene. d Ueorrs Speight, of Hubbard, were long the winners In ths barred, class. d J. C. Murray, of Portland, was siren credit of having the best cockerel d the bet puliet In ths same claas. Fl Staples, of Portland, won first tha Pllrer Laced Wyandotte. "he scorers were bu-.y all day yester- markine the pit games. Khode Isl- Keda. Buff Orplnstona. Stiver laced yandottea and Huff Cochins. Today. t will work upon ths Ancona. Black norca. Hurt Iesjhorns. came oantams 1 the lioudana. n attendance, receipts and interest en. the show Is mors successful thsn se held In prerious years. The num- of birds In the pens Is so far oeyona t of last year that It Is erldent that Industry Is recrlvlcg mors atten. -i than It haa In former years. Tod.iy official announcement will be mads Secretary Murray of ths awards. Cntrlrs Open to World. "he rales governing the poultry show vtds that It Is open to the world, 'pen- mut consist of one male and r females. A "collection" consists a cock. hen. cockerel and pullet. Ths n "cock" applies to a male bird ched before 111. A "cockerel" ins a bird hatched durlr.c 110 and lief a female batched In 1910. To . a prtxs the bird must score at least Dlnts. Tha latest edition of tha erlcan Standard of Perfection la tha Is of tha Judges as to all rarletles gntxeL Other varieties ars Judged their club standard or by comparl- he sweepstaks prise consists of ths t pen la ths show, best la birds, t solid colored bird, best parti- red bird and hen. and beat collec of solid birds. none tha out-of-town visitors at show yesterday: E. T. Chase. ler: Ed Belm. Vancouver. Wash a Prarcs. McMlnnvtlle: Frank. r. Rainier: J. U Parberry. Mll- le: Ker. D. T. Thomas. Forest ft: Perry Stuart. Hillsdale: II. A. -. Castls Rock. Wash: Anna Lee t. Oxford. O.: J. T. Anderson. Xt : M. Morebank. Camas. Wash.; II. S. man. Butler. Wash.: K. C. Steven. -wood: H. J. Feather. Clackamas: V. tirlffln. Eugene: B. Hender- Monroe, Wash.; Paul Bailey. Hills : Charles E. Limit) off. S-appoose: V. GUI. Sclo; F. F. Fisher. Oregon : Tfr. Ilanslmair. Roseburc: Oeorite Hark. RUxvlUa. Wash,: Mrs. J. JL ur. Breakers. Wash.; Mrs. W. A. . Washoucal. Wash.; F. U Bell is Salmon: Ed F. Balten, Hood r: E. S. Russell. Centralis, Wash.; S. Rice. Condon: Remlcs Avers, s rWmon. Wash.; Mrs. E. Ogilvle. s Salmon. Wssh. : J. Mrtlayne, on: C. Memoboer. Marquam; Georg oot. Ilermlston: P. Patton. Gaston; '. Coodln, Mtllsboro: F. A. Fisher, rla. s V -A 1 1 , n h V.. ;v MORTIMER FLEI.inn.tCKER. CANA L GREAT BOOfJ San Francisco Banker Says It Will Do Much for Coast. INTEREST IN FAIR DEEP Mortimer Klrlxhhacker Pleaaed at Favorable Attitude of Various Communities to Exposition. Portland Paid Tribute. to tha growth of tha schools, necessi tating additional teachers and other expenses. RED CROSS NEEDS HELP .PAYMENT IS ADVISED Joy Tells Property Owner ty Cannot Collect' for Mains. n R. Jcy. who presided at tha na of the Warerly-Rlchmond 1m ment Association Tuesday nlftht. the water amendment was being Jered. and who Is a lawyer, be- 4 that the city cannot collect from rty owners who now owa for lay- Katrr mama and also that If they they cannot be reimbursed by ity. ioe who hare paid their assess- for laylna; water mains," said Uoy, "before tha amendment waa ed by tha voters, oan ba relra d. That la specifically promised water amendment, but there Is ovlslon In the amendment to era- the city to enforce tha collection paid assessments for mains that been laid or for the property - to cet bla money back who now his assessments for laying tha mains. I am adrtslns; property s owing for wster mains not to heir assessments or bond their rty. as In my Judirment the tment makes the obligation to he eltVs and not the property 'a. Tha law under which these 1 water mains were laid haa repealed. I wonld suggest' that a Warerly-Rlchmond Improve- Association originated the amend- It make a test case and settles lestlons that have been raised." Waverly Richmond Improve. Association will hold a special ig tonight at tha hall on Clinton aet Twenty-sixth streets to con- the opinion of Mr. Joy and other of tha water amendment. VENETTED OVERCOATS s rainproof overcoats. Annlvsr- jaie now on at no-rent prices. $3i values at flT.Su. ;o to wlues for I13.SS. Jimmla I'nnn. Hi, Oregoniaa building. Take jr. Explode: Sight Is Injured. '."ALiJS, Or.. Dec. t Special.) n Fresh, a young man employed a Klger. on Ktgrrs Island, had a escape from death today. A 3 rtlle exploded and bit him In Lht eye. which waa badly Injured. jht may oa aarea. Tiiat tha Panama Canal will ba one of the most Important factors la build ing up tha Pacific Coast tttatea la the conviction of Mortimer Flelahbacker. banker and paper manufacturer of San Francisco, who was in Portland yes terday. Mr. Flelshhacker la a director of the Panama-Paclflc Exposition Cor poration, of San Francisco, and In con nection with that enterprise he says ha haa found sentiment throughout tha Coast states favorable toward San Francisco In Its endeavor to secure the location for tha exposition. "The people of Portlind Impress ma as being especially Interested in tna proposed exposition." said Mr. Flelsh hacker. "They appear to take tha broad view that the fair will result in tha promotion of every locality on tha Paclflc Coast- There Is no doubt that a great percentage of the visitors will Include Portland on their Itinerary either bound for the fair or on their homeward trips. The fair will b tha means of bringing thousands of peo ple to Portland and Oregon. Portland has made a great growtn since I last visited the city. Tha solid ity of Us business Interests particu larly impresses a visitor. By all odds Portland Is In the best position finan cially of any city on tha Coast at tha present time. Portland has a great fu ture. I believe that your cltixens do not fully realize what Is In store for Portland. "The banking Institutions of Port land are strong, and the banking busi ness Is conducted alonir most safe and conservative lines. The strength of the financial situation of Portland Is due to the methods ,f ollowed by your bankers. X Relative to tha Panama-Pacific Ex- position, the people of San Francisco have shown characteristic w esiern en terprlse in providing fundr. With atste and Federal appropriations, wa will have the sum of I17.500.0C0 available for the fair. We believe tbaT. we have everything In our favor over New Or- leana as the place tor reieoraiing mi opening of the canal. e nave a su perior climate, better water and many mora points of Interest for tha edlflca tlon of tha visitors. San Francisco has constructed over 100 hotels since the big Ore. and witn tha many hotels In Oakland and other near-by cities wa will have splendid accommodations. The site for the pro- nosed exDosltlon has not been deter mined upon as yet. but It Is likely to be the Golden Gate Park, which is one of tha finest and most attractive parks In the siate." Mr. Fit-lshhacker ana nts Drotner, Her bert Flelshhacker. of the London-Paris National Bank of San Francisco, are recocntxed as among tha leading finan cial giants of the Pacific Coast. Beside their immense bank, the largest commer cial institution of the Coast, they have large Interesta In the oil fields, are heav ily Interested In electrical development and own the electric railroad recently completed between Stockton and Sacra mento, are pioneers in paper manufactur ing both In California and In the Crown Columbia Mills at Oregon City and Camas, and are also Interested In tha Booth-Kelly Company at Eugene and have other land and timber Interests In Oregon. Tax pa j era to Decide on Levy. OREGON CITT. Or.. Dec I. (Spe cial.) A meeting of the taxpayers of tha city school district will ba held tomorrow evening In the courthoiue for tha purpose of authorising a spe cial tax levy for the coming year. The budget for the coming year has been prepared by the Board of Directors. and will be submitted at tha meeting. It Is understood that the amount to be asked for will ba slightly lar?r than ths levy made last year, owing 1 Demand for Seals Increases and Volunteers Will Be Welcomed. Interest In tha Red Cross seal cam paign dally Increases and requests are received by those In charge for Instal lation of new booths. This will causa a greater need for help, and those who are willing to devote some of their time to tha work can communicate with Mrs. W. B. Ayer. chairman of the general committee, or names may be left with Miss Mabel Weldler at Red Cross headquarters, 82 1-2 Third street. telephone Marshall 959. The only re quislte la an Interest In the movement for the eradication of tuberculosis. The larger the number of booths conducted during the campaign, tha less personal canvass will be necessary, and It Is the desire of the committee to reduce this feature of the work to I i minimum. Large orders are received from out side towns and many firms In the city are buying the seals In large quantities for use In New lear s mall. Red Cross postal cards will be put on sale at all booths this morning. Those who will assist In the booths today are: Postoffice, Miss McDonald and Miss Mntheson; Meier & Frank. forenoon. Miss Elizabeth ears and Mrs. Frank Owen, afternoon Miss Lisa Wood and Mrs. Joseph Bradley; Llpman, Wolfe tt Co.. forenoon Mrs. E. C Phevlln. afternoon Miss Muckle: Olds. Wortman King, forenoon Mra. Morris Whitehouse. afternoon Mrs. I. N. Llp man; Tull A Glbbs. forenoon Mrs. Ed mund C Glltner and Mrs. George Gray, afternoon Miss Dorothy Kewhall; Woodard, Clarke Co, Miss Gladys Howard and Miss Edna Russell. Cloaks-Suits- aists-Fetticoats One Thousand Women's and Misses' Tailored Suits and Coats Wonderfully Reduced. All This Season's Approved Styles, Ma terials and Colorings. Prices Average About Half Their Value $22.50 $35.00 Man- $25.00 Scotch $15 00 $20.00 . $35.00 Tailor Suits Tailored Suits Tweed Coats Slip-On Raincoats Rne Dresses Fine Dresses All 6izes, all colors JCewest models, repi- Grays, tans, Guaranteed -Made of silk and Messaline, chiffon, and fabrics. lar and extra sizes, brown, "ainproof, , cloth, ... eolienne, Year-End Sale Price, Year-End Sale Price, Year-End Sale Price, Year-End Sale Price, Year-End Sale Price, Year-End Sale Price, $10,75 $16.35 $12.95 $7.85 $8.45 $18,45 $3.39 Here's the Best Silk Waist Value Offered This Year A wonderful assortment of High-Class Waists, $5, $7.50, $8.50 and $10, for. . . About 300 in the lot. Too many to describe. Plain tailored Waists as well as fancy trimmed styles.' Black taffetas and colored messalines, including the evening shades, handsome Persian silks, all-over heavy braid Waists and silk nets; as we said in the headliners, values to $10.00; Year End t0 OA Sale Price 1 -pO.O This Silk Petticoat Sale Is Without a Precedent Better styles, better silks, better values than we have ever offered before. Nearly five hundred Skirts in this lot. Practically every shade in the assortment; light and dark colorings. $ 7.50 VALUES, YEAR-END SALE PRICE $2.98 $10.00 VALUES, YEAR-END SALE PRICE $3.78 $11.00 VALUES, YEAR-END SALE PRICE $4.15 Every Hat, Umbrella, Fur, Feather, Flower, Neckwear at Great Reduction fit of the fruit shippers. Counsel for the company Is endeavoring- to prove that the Commission has no power to order a railroad company to extend Its tracks. GENERAL OTIS TO SPEAK Business Me a Will Attend Banquet la Ills Honor. Four hundred business men have sig nified their Intention of attending- the banquet to be friven by the Employers' Association In honor of Harrison Gray Otis, publisher of the Los Angeles Times, on Monday evening- at 6:30 In the Commercial Club dining-rooms. General Otis was Invited to come to Portland for the purpose of deliver ing an address and to partake of the city's hospitality. William MacMaster, president of the Chamber of Commerce, will act as toastmtfster. It Is understood that Gen eral Otis will arrive some time Mon day morning and he will be taken for a ride about the city to give him an opportunity to view the growth of Portland from weil-known sightU' points. John KIrby. of New York, president of the National Association of Manu facturers, will also be present, arriv ing In the city on Monday morning and leaving next day for Seattle and Spo kane, where he will speak. Mr. Kirby will speak at the banquet here. J. P. Bird, of New York, manager of the Bame association, will also be at the banquet. Oaples Admits Gnllt, but Appeals. VANCOUVER, Wash., Dec. 8. (Spe cial.) A. H. Ceplea. who pleaded guilty to having milk In bis possession pro duced In unsanitary surroundings, and who was fined' ITS and costs on Novem ber 25, has appealed to the Superior Court. STEERAGE TRAVEL GROWS Steamship Agent Sara Store Coast People Go to Europe. Steamship agents seeking the patron age of Portland people contemplating r.uropean trips lor the holidays have been swarming the city for the past few days and particularly have been In prominence at the various local rail way ticket offices. Among the arrivals yesterday was T. 1L Larke. North Pacific Coast pas senger agent for the International Mer cantile Marine Company of Seattle, handling the business of the American, Atlantic Transport, Dominion, Leyland, Red Star, White Star and White Star Dominion Lines. He reports that Euro pean travel from the Northwest this year Is surpassing that of former years, but that the proportion of Increase among the first and second cabin pas sengers Is not so great as that of the people who travel In the steerage. Andrew A. Allan, representing the Allan line of steamers, operating be tween Montreal, Quebec, Halifax arid the British Isles, also waa In the city yesterday on a similar mission. Eden boner Case Heard. SALEM. Or, Dec I. (Special.) Arguments were heard In the State Cir cuit Court by Judge Galloway today In the case of the Southern Pacific against the Railroad Commission, In which the railroad company Is en deavoring to enjoin the Commission from enforcing Its order in the Eden bower case. The Commission wants a spur track at that point for the bene- Compare Our Prices With the roa han toa la the habit of farina, and row will aoa tha a off.r roa a aubatantial . Ins oa all work and roa cannot set battar iiilnlaai work ui wham, no aiuf now maoh JOU paj. m rn nnicn Plata ana j britlaa work for eat. J. - (U ), I . I VJ U II. onn day It daurad. Faialraa oxtractioa fraa whan nlatoa or g brtoaa work Is ordar fl ad. Cawalutxa I roa VarCrowat $5.00 l2aBridr.Taru4.00 .'' r--u en.- inn Eaaaal Ftrtisn 100 SfcarFimni .53 3 PUIa. 5.00 4 Bar! Rrd Rabbet Plata 7.50 raMam EiVttaa .50 BSaT METHODS An work fully ruaraatawd for ftfteea years. Wise Dental Co., inc. Painless Dentists rslTht Sot lata. Intra ana WanMnctaa. PORTLAMO, 0t tnwloni t a. at. aa . at. Saaaare,aa I aa. w. L ami. r mi mm laai CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Thermos Bottles T - Keeps con- tents hot 24 ? hours or cold ; 72 hours. '"" All styles and . sizes, with p cases and M baskets. iVHir mi iiiiaii n iiaiawi.,i.;ii - - - i i m 4ti i Flash Lights and Batteries Endless variety, fiber, nickel-plated and cloth covered 75? to $3.00 Carload just received for Christmas trade. Nothing pleases like a bicycle JJ518-i55:0 f ( L I'm: gobbo "V 3 It' : Jcoo of 6000 -LucrF. a Good Luck Emblems for Auto, 75 up. Plush Robes 5A Plush Robes are made in beautiful patterns and bar monious colorings. They are rery warm and long of wear. Te get them direct from the factory and our prices are very low. We Sell Them Gauntlets Best Makes in Latest Styles, $2 to $8 Pr. Lodge Emilems Eagle, Woodnca g Etc H Indian and Excelsior Motorcycles Alao Pendleton Indian Robes and Steamer Rugs All Prices No Trouble to Show Goods Striking Bags, Foot Balls and Boxing Gloves BALLOU & WRIGHT SKS" TME ILLIAMS a rv iii ar-t-A a a- SHA1 DEVIG1 Sold in Nearly 30,000 Stores . rTr'tT J (If". WW. :mu a? 71- Turns here, to UK: -I nnv !, 1IISLO.UI ; '. ly. Stars ' where ; you leave It j until ; changed. Spring 'i pressure i Joint ; never wears nl out. IH III When yon make the "hoe"-like mo tion that is natural with a safety razor, this razor gives the slanting cut that coaxes the heard off easiest. The blkdes are real razor Diaaes i iij jn of the finest steeL Try It Without Expense Nearly 30,000 drug stores keep this razor in nearly every town. Write to us. We will direct you to the nearest store and arrange a trial. Complete outfit, Quadruple Sil ver plate, blades and atropper, In Morocco caae, 2.00, S35, S3.00 and ST.SO ! mall, money aaclc If yon want It. The first coat la tha OXLY coat no added blade ex pense. The Williams Shaving Club saves all sharpening. We would like to send you our complete description of this suc cessful razor. The Williams Company Terminal Building, Hoboken, X. J. Sold at Fifty Stores la Portland. COAL SPECIAL Just arrived, Rock Springs Coal Orders of three tons for immediate delivery, $10.00 per ton in your base ment, first district, for a limited num ber of orders. Banfield-Veysey Fuel Co, M. 353. 'A 3353. I T YFP CHUM! a-aa a a UOCTOK Yee Son's Medicine Co. spent lifetime atudy of berba and re search in China; waa cranted diDloma by the Emoeror: ruar- J0 anteea cure all alrmenta of J men and woman whan othera fall. If vou aufter. call or write to TEE SON'S MEOI CINE CO.. MZV, Plrax. (M U, X. TOSH Alder, f ortland. Oc