Nemo Corsets. Royal Worcester, Warner, Redfern, Marquise Corsets TBue Greater Olds, Wortmasii ima Star Sales Today's Fridlay Clhurigtmas EcoEomy Condensed List Today's Bargains as Advertised Yesterday Re gularSXO Handbags now marked &t thisUiggrejOS Elar$6.50Handbag3 now marked at this small figure $3.89 EegulaF" g750Handbags now marked at this small figure ? i.OS jqijrouFRegular $15.00 Handbags are now marked at ?9.17 Regular $5.00Handbag3 are now bargained at only, each $3.19 Regular $3X)bCollar Boxes are marked for this sale at, ea. $1.98 S3 50House Dresses on sale at thi3 great bargain price, ea. $1.45 : - , i . i CO CV5 We are offering a line of fine $3.50 iua moves at omy, pr. a?-. Another line of $1.75 Kid Gloves are now marked at, pair $1.43 The regular $1.50 Kid Gloves marked for this sale at, pr. $1.12 Women's regular 65c Hose bargainized during this sale at 39 Women's regular 85c Hose now marked at this small figure 53 Women's $1.50 Hose, very fine quality, during this sale at 75 50c Hose, put up in a neat box of three pair, on sale at, box $1.00 Women's regular $2.00 Juliettes now marked at this price $1.39 An offering of regular $3.50 to $5.00 Sofa Pillows for only $1.39 35c Linen Towels are offered during this sale at this price 25 Regular 15c Linen Toweling bargainized during sale, yard 10 Regular 75c Table Damask marked for this sale at only, yd. 64 Regular $1.50 Pyrography Set, a fine Christmas gift, at only 98 A large line of regular 35c pieces of Wood to Burn for only 25 Regular 35c Glove Boxes now marked, at this low price, each 25 - 1 . : nr. in -w 7 35c Necktie Racks, anotner cnnstmas gut suggestion, at, ea. a&c. we are unci nig a mw wi x-ma tnj.w j it t 1 i : 5QQ Mounted Casseroles, Reg'. $5.00 Values for $2.45 ale of Waists $12.5Q Vals. $8.49 Today, second floor, an assortment of 700 Waists in lingerie and tailored styles; both plain and fancy, somG beautifully hand-embroidered; short and long sleeves; waists to wear on the streets with tailored suits; also for evening wear; regular values up to go aq SlgjOjpecial price for the Economy Sale pOr SilK Petticoats $15 Vals. at $7.49 Today, second floor, and you can't afford to miss it. ReliablTggh-grade Holiday Petticoats in taffeta and messaline materials; black, fancy Dresdens and Per- sians, with accordion plaited flounces; also tucked and plaited flounces in every wanted plain color; values to $15.00, marked at only, each $7.49 Optical Department $2.5 O Glasses $1.25 Optical Dept., Main Floor Experienced graduate optometrist in charge; every case guaranteed; exam ination free. Today only we offer as an introduc tory special 1 pair Lenses and Aluminum frame with c"ibletemples and gold-filled bridge; regu lar S2.50 value, special for the day only at PM.0 w V. Today Main Floor In Front pf Elevators Great Sale of 500 ozen Women's Hose Values to $1.5 For today's Economy Sale we will display on' the "Bargain Circle" five different lines of women's fine imported lisle thread and cotton stocKings with handembroidf red insteps Many new floral patterns to choose from The most stririing values we have ever offered. Because they go on the "Bargain Circle" we cut the price lower Va lues ranging ip to $1.5Q for Kit 1535 49c Pr. Bohemian Butter 78c 500 squares arrived on last night's boat. The freshest and best, full weight butter; keeps sweet longer than any other butter. Spa- 'JQf cially priced for this sale today at only, the two-pound square OV Eveumgj Scarfs 3.50 Vals. $1.87 $2.5Q Keckwear $1.48 Today 500 very fine Imported Evening 4Bcarf3 in all the new wanted colors; novelty silver, knit and Dresden styles; excellent for Christmas q Gifts; regular $3.50 values, special at, each -E-'O NEW NECKWEAR Just received by express many new ideas for Christmas gifts; each one put up in a dainty holiday box. A special purchase from an over stocked manufacturer. Values which should n i ac sell to $2.50. Today's Economy price only" V J- Q Xmas Opera Glasses Reg. $17.50 Values for $9.78 Res. $7.5Q Values for $4-98 $2,5Q Cuff LinRs $1.19 Today will be a busy day in this section. Such beautiful gifts will go lively and we suggest that you come early for a good selection. It's our annual sale of Opera Glasses. Such good makes at Le Maire, Col mont, Iris, Le Fils, Chevalier and Jumelle. We price the Q 'JQ $7.50 ones at $4.98, -the $12.50 ones at $7.98 and $17.50 ones For today, in the jewelry section, we offer thousands of new effects in plain and engraved Cuff Links. Always acceptable as Christ- JJ 1 1 Q mas gifts. Our regular $2.50 values, special at only V 5OO0 Prs. Women's $1.5Q Fur Trimmed Felt Juliets 89c i , ' . i . i COX WARNS HOTELS Undesirable Women Must Go, Is Edict of Police Chief. CAMERON'S TIP EFFECTIVE FTldrnc Obtained hr fnnd Jorj -ho- Many ttr Elt and I.lqnor I Pl.penel Illegally. Unitarian I Confuted. Uod1n-tin keepers must espel tobkii cf 111 repute, or raided, la the tip from the poltremen on beat. una under Instructlone from Chlf i ox. and an .aodus of doubtful char acters from reslnenre and shopping d tr. l ia In proares. Action was taken bv Chief Co fol lowing conferences with the recent rand Jurv. tn which lodrtne-housea and the llleaal ala of tlouor wera dl rud. t"o atatv Iltrl-t Attornay 1 amaron Informed him thera waa avt danca. not In poeealon of tha pollca. !ivln( manr dtaa axlatd In un-tiouht-of plarea. and that liquor war aervad. Tha chief para ha In formed Jti'ae Cameron that upon this erldenea betnff r't In hla handa. with aaran-e that tha tnatrlrt Attornejr would prexa tha raSj , Immedlata ac tion would follow. r'lrat rulta wara Been yeaterday afternoon when Martin Trlphonoff. a alaarlan banker, waa convicted bv a Jr In Hunli-lpal Co'irt of ron.lurlln a disorderly houae. Trlphonoff la one af tha proprletora of a Turklah bath houa on Alder atreet between Third and Fourth, raided recentlv by Ser jeant Cola and ratrolman Hetma. Steva Kaloff. the man In charae. and two women belnc arretad. Kaloff waa aentenrad to dava at tha rockpiie. letter It waa found tha place waa ownad br Trlphonoff and Chrla Vaaaaila and they were arraated. Tha defenva contended Trlphonoff did not know of condition, but It waa ahewn ha had been preaent whan wo men were tn tha place. Mmle Johnaon. an Inmate. waa placed on tha atand to repeat teatl monr ahe had Riven for tha proaecu tton In tha raaa of Kaloff. tier atate Bianta war oppoted to thota (ha had Itlren prarlouly and. upon motion of ItpulT City Attorney Sullivan, an In formation of perjury waa drawn a:aJnat bar and aha waa arretted. Attorney A. Walter Wolf, for tha da fenae. waa threatened with punish ment for contempt by Judica Taawall. on account of Ma manner of oblectlnr to tha attltud of Patrolman Helma In tha presence of tha Jury. Wolf mada ailed allusions to tha allerd neglect of the Court In overlooking tha conduct of Helms, which tha Court resented. Chrla Vassalls. tha other partner In the bathhouse, will ba tried befora a Jury this afternoon. TEACHERS TO MEET SOON Ore grin Association to Hold Three Pay Convention Here Thla Month. Tha Western Division of tha Oregon Ftata '. eachera Association will bold a three-day convention In Portland, commencing December II, at tha Jef ferson High School. Jn conjunction with tills will ba held the annual In stitutes of Clackamas. Columbia, Mult nomah, Washington and Tamhtll coun ties. F 1. Moorea, superintendent of tha Blind School, at Salem, win open the meetlna; Wednesday morning. Two other addresses will be given that day. one on "The Function of tha School In Trainlnc for ttlaht Conduct." by Pr. Mara-aret SchaUenters;r. of the Slate Normsl shool. San Jose, CaU and one on "The New Baal of Method." by Pr. Pavld Snedden. Commlaaloner of Education of Massachusetts. Tha speskers Thursdsy will be Frank rtlKler. St.perlntendent of Portland schools, on "The Question of Retarda tion": Mra I W. Sltton. chairman of the School Board, on "Some Modem Ideaa In F.ducatlon." and Pavld Sned den. on "What Modifications Are Need ed In the Elementary School Fro irrsmmA. I. K. Alilrman. State Superintendent-elect. Pr. Margaret Schallen bersrer and Dr. Pavld Snedden will speak Friday. A proirramma will be riven by tha musical depayment of the different schools, under the direction of 8. K. Hunter and Mrs. E. K. Coovert. Mls Morgan Beronte Sirs. Milne. THE PAIXES. Or.. Pec. 8. (Special.) Til marrlatre of A. 8. Milne and Mlsa Ina Mnraan took place at noon today at the home of John C. Crawford, of Grand Palles. Rev. B. A. Warren. Episcopal rector of The Dalles, officiating Mr. Milne Is a member of tha firm of Milne Pros, of this city, and the bride has for some time been employed by the firm aa bookkeeper. Welsh Anthracite Is Ideal for furnace; over it uaa lu Fhon E. 101. C 2101. WOMAN OS ONE POINT JESSEE CAN OPERATE BATHS PEXDIXG COURTS DECISION. Receiver Befoard to Benew I.eaae and Cut Orr Gas, Water and Steam, Mra. MrMahon Sues. Judte Wolvertnn. of the Federal Court, yesterday ordered the bathrooms In the basement of tha Commercial bulldJn-. opened by B. 8. Howard, Jr.. receiver' for the Title Guarantee A Trust Company, pendln; the hearing of the Intervening; petition of Myrtle McMahon for a renewal of tha lease on the premise. The re ceiver tUrned the gas, water and steam off In the bathroom December 1, the data of expiration of tha old lease held by Myrtle McMahon, and noe then the bathrooms have been cloeed. In the examination yesterday Pan J. Malar key. representing- Mrs. McMahon. Tilled th receiver, roving his action waa arbitrary. Mra. McMahon contended she obtained a lease for the bathrooms De cember 1. 1906. for fire years and that It wne subject to renewal upon application within 0 daya of Its expiration. Aumst 4. thla year. Myrtle McMahon gave notice of a desire to renew the lease when It expired. Tha petltlonera contend the no tice waa Ignored and when an agent for the receiver called to collect the rent. Sep tember 1. he served notice that the lease wouldi not be renewed. Mra. McMahon claims to have gone to the expense of repairing the bathrooms and employing expert attendant, in the belief that the lease would be renewed and that the gas. water and steam were arbitrarily turned off by the receiver Pecember 1. Judge Wolverton ruled that the receiver should turn on the gas. water and steam at once and allow the lessee to have pos session and run the bathrooms, pending diertalon In the case. ROAD BILLS ARE URGED Member of Oregon Association Plan for Convention Xext Week. Plana for th good road convention, which will be held next Monday, wer completed at a special meeting of the Oregon Good Roads Association last night In the office of L R. Webster. Beck building. The live bills which the association de sires to be recommended by the conven tion were submitted to the association and approved. One of the bills is to pro vide employment of convict w Ui ........ ... M.J, n n a fnr the emnlnvment of city and county prisoner on the road one Is for a state-aid measure, one for a county bonding act and one for a state highway commission. Thee bills will be read at the convention after the for mal opening and wUl then be discussed In detail. The meeting will be called at 30 o'clock. In the third floor of the Weroma Hall. Seventh and Oak afreets across from th Oregon Hotel. Dr. Andrew C. Smith, president of the association, will preside at the convention. All person Interest ed In the good roads movement are urged to attend the convention. Salem Delegates Chosen. PATEM. Dr., Pec. (Special.) As del eaates to the meeting of the Oregon Good Rosda Association, to be held in Portland. December 12. the following were named todavt'John, H. Scott, H. B. Thielsen, J. 1 Stockton, F. W. Bteualoff. Joseph Baumgartner ends Russell Catlln. REAL HAVANA CIGARS. Since the strike In Tampa It haa been hard to get genuine Havanas. We made our connection long ago and have enough for all th big Chrlmm trade. If you want the real thing Slg. Sichel Co.. tl Third and Third and Washington. Articles of Incorporation. BHEBIDAN ORCHARD COM PANT. In corporator. Vsldemsr Ltdell. T. H. Larks and Eric Helmer: capital. tlVOon. BALKAN TRAPIVfJ COMPANY. Incor poratnrn. John N. Peneff. Oenrge A. Tnna soff. Toncho KooWf and Ella P. Martln off: rarl'sl. if).oon. HUNTER REALTY COMPANY. Incorpor ators. Charles I.. Hunter. TV. J. Craig and Wiltcr O. Haven: capital. $2ynnn. EMBEZZLEMENT CHARGE MADE AGAINST J. W. BE"SOX. Manager of Ixx-al Concern Indig nant at Action of Other Offi cers of Corporation. Dissension in the management of the Falls City Orchard Company, a local concern, resulted yesterday In the filing against J. W. Benson, manager and sale agent of the company, of a charge of embezzling of about $4000 of the funds of the company. Back of the charge Is said to be bickerings which have for a long time made it almost impossible to hold a meeting of the stockholders. While it Is known that the matter ha been laid before the District Attorney, for some reason no warrant has been Is sued for Benson's arrest, and the Dis trict Attorney is reticent concerning tha nstura of the complaint. Mr. Benson, who is at the head of the Benson Land Company, with office in the Wells-Fargo building, say that the charges against him grew out of the fact thst he purchased a tract of land at Falls City and turned It over to the company, which he organized, at an agreed price and at a profit to himself, aggregating about the amount that he la charged with embezzling. He says that certain stockholders feel that he should turn Into the funds of the com- .. tua npnnt he mnrfe. on the land. He announces that he will file suits for defamation of character against W. Van Zante and F. G. Pringle, whom ho blames for the prosecution. Keep Your Insredlentss of Ayer's Hair Vigor Sulphur. Destroys germs that cause dandruff and falling hair. - Cures rashes and eruptions of scalp. Glycerin. Soothing, healing. Food to the hair-bulbs. Quinin. A strong tonic, antiseptic stimulant. Sodium Chlorid. Cleansing, quiets irritation of scalp. .Capsicum. Increases activity of glands. Sae. Stimulant, tonic Domestic remedy of high merit Alcohol. Stimulant, antiseptic Water. Perfume. -y Show this to your doctor. Ask him if there C J fl k a singIe toi11"0115 ingredient- Ask him if Ha-r VT IB he thinks Ayer's Hair Vigor, as made from this formula, Is not the best preparation ag you could possibly use for falling hair, or . anrlritff Thpn do as he savs. x Docs riot Color the IHair J. c. Aver Comoonr, Lowell. Mb. WEEK-ENDS AT CLATSOP BEACH A Dells-htful Salt Air .Winter Resort. ALL YEAR HOTELS AT GEARHART AND SEASIDE Multnomah Club Annex. Aquatic Carnival in Natatorlum and Surf, Gearhart Park, Saturday and Sunday. $4.00 Duly $3.00 Sat. and Sun.. VIA Astoria S Columbia River R. R. Trains Leave Union Depot 8 A. M. Dally and 6:J0 P. M. Saturday Only. CITY TICKET OFFICES. Third and Morrison St. 1-22 Third St. Round Trips SWIMMING CONTEST GEARHART PARK SATURDAY AND SUNDAY EXHIBITIONS IN SURF AND PLUNGE BOTH DAYS. Under Auspices Multnomah Athletic Clnb. Train leave Portland Saturday 8:30 A. M., Saturdav 6:30 P. M.. Sunday 8:30 A. M. Returning leave Gearhart Sunday evening. Regular Bummer R. R. fare week end round trip $3.00. Special Low Winter Rates at Hotel Gearhart. For one hundred thirty1 years, this whisky has stood! the continual test among) men of more than ordinary good taste. Bottled in Bond Born with tha Republic "The Standard by Which AH Other Whisky i Judged." Established 178a James E. F Whisky :r - I 5 - ' r hi J v " 1 If -1 rJr s$ -if BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO. Distributers to the Drue Trade Portland, Or. jj J M g eij 19 6 4