Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 09, 1910, Page 13, Image 13

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ttasaaaana twfaw.
Xtw tm mrlwt nImm
aaaat fes kaaatesl la
acne rye,
CITV news in brief
partfte Hi
TUT elrru:.-!o M.lo To, A
r.t.tar la A
..aday rillor TOT A J
Cam i, JTJ A
au hu.iiwi Mala Tu: A Sox
HrrT.IO TB'ATER (Seventh anil TaylorV
ln TrrT t.: an a rt!Kun n
Sas-apwers a Heroine. Toctgbt At
BrsBAtflW THEATER fTw.rrth
Morrison T fa Time, the Place and the
lilrL'- TomsM at S.IS.
Baker theatkr Ei.vtth end
r!'-n T6 Haaer Sfoc OompQ la "The
llMrrirr- T.tmsht At s li.
OfPHCm TniATER rifnrrfMta eef
gist and FtvMlAl Teurt.vl:;, This afs
rao al and tonlcm at 1-11
GRAND THEATER (park aad Wublnr-
tan THiniik Tbu axtaraooa a4 2.10.
laalcat at I.M aad a,
i.TR:c TTtEATER entB and Aider
Lrrle Musiral r-mlv I'nmpaar. tn "Th.
Guard" T:s afternoon at 3.AA to-
s.gnt at T.JO and a.
TAR THEATER (Par aa Wutltrttnl
afetiia picture. CoaUaoou. (roe l:
u it u K v.
M rv crry
la Ia4ar1 is.
Tl Oftalat
LABORcna FioirT for Ji Fourteen
1a.rm tn rout to the Bull Kun pipe
line work at Urfthim, crfnired In a
bloody battle oa an uiln Wafer Power
rr ye"erd.y morninjr when chaiiK from
tf harulej to ona of thlr number by
the conductor. Ono of Hie gin, reached
f-r It. and In a moment the coins were
en the floor of tiie car and over a ion
of human flesh was piled on top of it.
Flow were Interchanged ar.d the outlook
u favoraMe for an appeal to deadly
weapor. when J. r Roach, a dispatcher,
vnteretl the car and pulied the com
batanta apart. Jllka and 1'eta Mllkovttrh.
who bore principal parta In tha mere,
wer arretted.
WHor-aTrx-ir. f ATn Psrvrj Winntn.
Tha PortUrd Hallway. L!ht at 1-ower
Corapau-.y la ci.anslr tha Woodstock car
trark from narrow to wMe gauge with
out lntrfer!r wtth traffic. A accord
rail ra been laid aloes tha south r-M
' on Clinton street -from Viwt Twelfth
treat. Tha tracks on Kat Twelfth street
art wrt gauit botwaen ll.iirthorne ave
nue and Clinton acraet and ara being
u-d by tha 9i tlwood cars. Kotween l--iat
Twentr-atxrh and Fortieth atreetei on Clin
ton, the Wsverly-Rlchrnond tracks aiso
will ba chanced to wile fauge.
lfotjAxrA tixsi at leaa than half prtca.
a the season In iretuns; rather well alons;
and t-efnre It la 4ns lata to plant them
to obtain rood results wa ara irolns; to
:i what wa hava left at leaa than half
th mular prlca on FYlday and Bitur
dajr. a also hara just received direct
from Holland tha finest lot of Rhododen
drons. As leas and roses have sr
rtved In the city and wa will aell these
at a axecial price durtrts; theea two dvtit.
Call sarly azul ret your pick of tha stock.
J. J. butser. Front scraot.
Rami Wisr to Is.t-h N rkthhor fmot
Tlot sR. "Why tha Jw of Portland Hava
Piilit tha Xalrhborhood Hour and Its
Work" Will ba Rabbi 'Wats' tnplo at
Path Israel tonight Tha senrlca will
begin at S o'clock. Tha morning serv
ice tomorrow will be da at 10:3ft o'clock.
ra Rrmm PVooA-Ilauer will direct tha
rholr. All men and women ara welcome.
Tempi Esth Israel la at Twelfth, and
3Jaln streets.
Timrrr VTurrr.o rom Cal-B11i
asking for 1,3.)u feet of Douelaa flr
timtwr hava baan reoueeted by tha
tijnlaa Canal Commission, to ba de
livered, along tha routa of tha Panama
Canal. Notlra of tha request was ra
eWvad by Hecratary fllltner. of the cham
ber of Coramarra y-atnJay. Tba bitiai
mut ba In Washington. IX C, by Lie
c em bar TT.
. Frtxwooo Ctm to TT.s i .r i Art. Tha
regular weakly social of tha gk-Ilwood
Commercial Club, will b- held tonight
A programme has been prepared by tha
Woman's1 .AuxUianr. Tha refrentiment
eommlrtea met with Its chairman. Mrs.
. J. Hoover, and arranged to serve a
I'ght ref- after the entertainment Full
attendance of members la desired.
Mtr-HAEt Kn-xmrr Bnueo. Tha fu
neral of llvhW Kilkenny, aged .d
years, who riled In Juliet 11U November
IK. vm hel.1 yeeeenay morning at the
Zeiler-Iiymes Chapel, on Williams ave
nue, ar.d Interment was made tn Mount
Calvary Cemetery- Ila was the father
rf Mi. -hart and Bernard Kilkenny, con
tractors, of rlt. Johns.
Bar Mntnxo to Br Hun. A special
meeting of the Multnomah Bar Associa
tion Is to be held next week, for the
purpose of pasng resolutions for an
Increa-e of the On-iilt Bench of Multno
mah Ctiumy from five to eleven. An effort
will bo mail at the corning ses-M"n of
l' Orecort JjrieUluro to paiaj a bill to
tills effect.
WikjM Ct,i-R to MrrT Topat. TI:e
Portland Wotnnn's 1ub will hold its
rcsuiar meeting In Women of Woodcraft
Jlall. thla afternoon at I o'clock. There
will be a yocal solo by Ml (trace Brown,
a riann so'o by Prof-ewor Uov1noui:h
and an Hln-Tuted le-ture on "Oheram
KHTgau m is'.tC" by Rov. V. II. Foulkes.
MnirrtviLU CLia Ornoins 1J.htd.
T".e'tvtlla H-ard f Trade lias
e.e.-tru tie foilonlrg officers: rrcul
rl -nt. W 'I'-r i I Weny; vii-e-prei.. rt.
Cl;.rl.w llyle: arcret.iry. A. N. 'Scarl:
trevnurrr. U. K. Ilowttt. The club will
vork fnr the Improvement of that suburb
In street ar.4 rlre protection.
Mm. Siurrn Wito. Speak. Mr,
liai iiafl 1. fl:Atti. s'hiil nurs. wlil
aneak t.'iis afternoon at 3 o'clock, at tha
meeting cf the Motrere and Teachers
Aoc;a.tlon. In t'.'.t Mount Tabor school.
Irie. :lon Une.r'Ad. on "The Physical
Care or C'.l'.drcn."
A Ti clt .4coocirnox. ladles and chil
dren wi-.l find iintmas shopping esjl-r
and wtll esa-ape crom.ia on cars at ruh
liours If trey will arrar.Ke to do the-.r
shopping so that tticy may return to
tne r homeg not later ttn i o'clovk each
a.f ternoon.
AtrroifoaiLR Owitaa
Have your car repaired, adjusted or over
I.auled. at Y. M. C A. garag: minimum
vet: careful work assun-d. l'hona educa- director, prtvate u. k. jl ui. .
31. C. A. b'.rljr
Mctcnxa Niort tiAxr.crv The Roem
Ctv Park Improvement L-affue hns
rhATge'l It r.l us of nx-atlnf from the
r.r-t and second Wednesday to tha second
and fourth Wednesday night.
Thi KrxxARO Apaxs Srom win be
c:.1!-! t 11 Fri.iay coon, on account of
tie d-th of Mrs. T. L. Adams. wir
cf the Junior member of tha firm.
TV kcti for Arthur Fraiar concert at
31 Temple. Tuesday evening. De
irmiirr li sre oo eule at 8 henna n. Clay
and Ulcrs Piar.o Hvuec. loc.
Tst ORrcox Keramic Cli announca
t a annual exhibition ard sa.e of china
a: Keller art store. Waahinf-on. IV
Armuer. s-ltX Open evenirs.
A. A. Cari-Sox. agent for The Grego
rian, at Vancouver. Wash.. 1 now located
wttM A. J. AllquMt. Main st Phone
Ma n 4.
OacooM Par Pock Conraxr Stock for
PaLR. Jk si-ares st a sarriace. Must sell
at or ft a I need th caan. AM Ore.
"Erct Brac."
The family tvea'.th beer. Phone Mala 10a.
A iSi Portland Brewing Company.
Chkar yoR CaiR- Twee y -seven acres
fr.s gardeu Isnd; close In. st station;
ewner d Hamilton blc.g, city.
r F. M. Brooks, piivslcian and
s irieor. Oregor.lan bhig. Phones: Mar
ana.l . A .
Swim "Watok RMAlRtxa. C. Chrlsten
in. Sd floor c'ortiatt bide- Tax elevator.
Orboor Arrt-ra Draw CRowpa. Crowd)
In front of th Jewelry etor on Jackson
boulevard. In Chicago. In tha window of
which tha handsome gold and silver eup
presented by the Chicago Chamber of
Commerce to the Hood Klver apple grow
ers for the best dsplay of apples at the
recent t'nltrd States) Lnd and Irriga
tion show In that city are so great that
the police are required to relieve the
ecrgeef on on the sidewalk, say return
ing traveler A pultable Inscription ha)
been engraved on the eup. thus further
calling attention to the merits of the
Hood River Valley for applegrowlng.
After the Chicago people have feaated
their eyea on th ptise It wtll be ent to
the rooms of tha Hood River Commercial
Club to b placed on permanent display.
David noLDnmo'i Bont I -a in at Rrer.
Under direction of Rabbi Abrahamson
the body of David Goldberg ha been
Interred at Beth Israel Cemetery with
Jewish rltea. David Goldberg was the
backer of the original discoverers of what
Is now the famous) Porcupine mining
district in U-s. being at that time a
merchant at - Haines. Alaska. Prior to
that time he wa prominent In mining In
Montana and the Black Hill. He died
at a Portland Sanitarium las than a
year go, temporary Interment being
made at Rose City Cemetery. He left
an estate In Alar, where he (pent th
last ten year of hi life.
Oct Carlxtor Lrb to TLaw-rt-Rai. Be
ginning tonight Guy Carlaton le will
dlivr a course of lectures at the First
Methodist Episcopal Church. Third and
Taylor streets, under the auspice of
the Bumner Woman') Relief Corps and
the National Society for Broader Kduoa-
tlon. The subject tonight will be "w hen
the People Wake." He will speak on
"The Soul of a Woman." tomorrow after
noon at 1:15 o'clock, and on "The
Strength of the People." tomorrow night
Picket Dekaxd Ji-rt Triau Trial by
Jury was demanded In Municipal Court
I yesterday by John Sharp and Samual H.
B.-um. union pickets, accused of taking
! part In a riot at the Smith A Wataon
Iron foundry, on Wednesday afternoon.
The case were set over until December
li Arland Moore and W illiam H Ten
Kyek. two of the trlkebTeakers em
ployed In the foundry and accused of a
part In the riot, secured continuance
until December 14
CttrBs Gather Dcrwrni Irforratiow
The puxh clubs are gathering definite In
formation on the different branches of the
street railway system for use of the
pneclal treetcar committee of the City
Council. The Waverly-illchmond Im
provement Club took the Initiative and
ha a eipcclal committee collecting In
formation concerning reported lapses on
hat line. Other club will tak up th
subject they meet
I-kma.h A TortrEr Axswer Today. R.
D. Inman and Johan Poulsnn. of the In-man-Poulsen
Lumber Company, will ap
pear by attorney In Municipal Court this
morning to answer to charges of ob
structing the Kast H1da etreets upon
which their mill atandA Th defendant
were server! with one warrant on Wed
nesday and were to have appeared yes
terday to accept service of tn other,
but failed to do so.
Gravel Mu Accused op Srort Mbar
trRjwj Joalse measure In the aale of a
load of gravel 1 charged against the
Mtar Sand Company and Chris Minslnger.
Its preshlent In a complaint filed In Muni
cipal Court yaaterday. It la alleged that
a wagon hmd of gravel, sold a 63 cubic
feet to the National Construction Com
pany, contained but il.78 cubic feet. Tha
complaint la sinned by A. H. MoClellan.
Mr Umax Htu to Grand JfRT.
Heavily veiled and still showing alcns of
tha nervou' breakdown that followed her
attack upon her husband, but maintaining
great self-control. Mrs. Frances Metiger
waived examination tn Municipal Court
yesterday morning on a charge of as
mtilt wtth Intent to kill and sthe was
held to the grand Jury, under ball of
Brarcw T. M. C. A. to Br Dedicated.
The Seilwood Branch T. M. C. A., on
Spokane avenue end Bast Fifteenth
streets. Bellwood, wtll be opened to the
public and dedicated Monday ntght Wil
liam M- Ladd. president of the Portland
T. 31. C. A., will preside. Several address-
will be delivered. A statement of
the coat of the building will be submitted.
"Nor-Resi-ttarcr" Topic. "Non-reslst-tince
as) Taught by Tolstoy and Mary
Kddy" will b the subject for general
discussion, at M Alder street tonight at
f o'clock. All Interested are Invited.
For aljb. The best Income-producing
apartment-bouse in Portland, two-story
frame building, ground &xlu. Call Mar
shall rrti.
Ohristjia Books. "3fclughlln and Old
Oregon." "McDonald of Oregon," "The
For SatR. Two Alaska bear akin rugs.
Occidental Warehouse Co.. -ll N. 4th at.
Wooster for butter. " Wash.
Federation of Women" Club to
Welcome Famous Actress.
When Ellen Terry, accompanied by
her maida and Miss Portia Knight, her
traveling companion, arrive at the
Portland Hotel this morning, she will
find her apartment transformed Into a
bower of Moom. through the thoughtful
ness of officers of the State Federation
of Women's Clubs, under whose aus
pices she will appear tonight at the
Heillg Theater.
James A Laidlaw. British Consul In
Portland, will Introduce ht-r to the audi
ence with a few words of appreciation.
The Vancouver. B. C Dally Province
has this to say of her recent appearance
In Vancouver:
"Backed by a reseda green curtain
she seemed In her classic grey draperies
aa If carved from gray marble by some
gonitis who had Imbued the statue with
life. 91 a Imparted an atmosphere of
rare charm, of absolute purity and
withal of Ideal womanliness to the
stage. And all th while one thought
predominated could bhaaespear nave
but known Ellen Terry what another
wonderful portrait he would have drawn
of a truly great woman. She play with
her audience. An inimitable grace and
charm radiate from ber and make her
audience catch It breath a sn sweep
on the stago. She 1 truly wonderiui.
The Heillg orchestra will play the concert beginning at o'clock, for
which Mr. Rosehrook has prepared some
spttal music The curtain will rise at
J o clock.
Krnes't BrnM Conic to Identify
Wrilins of Late? H. W. Scott.
Ernest Bros, editor of the Indianapolis
Ptar. formerly managing editor of The
oregonmn. 1 at the Portland. He 1 di
recting the work of Identifying the writ
ings of the late Harvey W. Scott In the
file of The Oregonlan.
Mr. Bros ha closer knowledge of th
writing of the late editor Ihsn ny
other person and f one of the ablest
Journalist tnt the -.aff of The Ore
gonlan ha had. He will leave Portland
the latter part of next week. HI paper
In lndinapolls Is one of tha most Influ
ential of th Mlddla West
Mother and Teachers of Snnnyside
Determine to Protect Young.
Sunnyside School' Mother and
Teacher' Association will teach young
girl to protect themselves by Impart
ing to them Information sot usually
given by parents. Th movement also
L Haver S Co.
14 Tklrd St A 4433, Mala B433.
Remember, when you purch
t this store we have no other de
partment o make up "so-called
grocery sales."
Our sal's are strictly legitimate,
and we offer you only the same
high-grade groceries that we hav
for daily business.
Paper Shell I XL, Almond, Oft
regular 25c. per lb aaUC
Colored RnTr ai sew, red. 1 ?
yellow aa violet, par bottle IOC
Rip Ollvea, quart can. fOs
regular 60c. each tUC
Cleaned Carreers, He ox., rje.
X for ai)C
O. P, a. Rye or Bosrhos, C A A
regular 16.00. per gallon wO,UU
For Friday and Saturday We Offer
Swift 'a Premium Ham at,
wtfaad AilC
S wirt a silver Leaf Lard, ng
0 aoaada for OOC
Buy as much a rou want at the
store that Is the first to gtve the
public the benefit of low prices In
the produce line.
Imported Goose Rreaat,
Lebkacheai I From .wrabarg),
Glace Fralta,
Basket Flaw,
Malaga Ralslaa.
contemplate education of parent for
the benefit of their daughters. At the
meeting of the association at Sunny
side school Wednesday afternoon. Prin
cipal Curtis spoke on the subject of
proper protection for young girls,
pointing out that they were In con
stant danger largely because of their
Ignorance, and suggesting that the
Mothers' Association was th proper
organisation to take steps so to In
struct young girls so they would be
able to protect ' themselves; also the
Importance of Instruction to parents
wa urged. Aa a result of the remarks
by Principal Curtis th suggestions
were heartily approved. A Joint com
mittee of mothers and teachers was
appointed to formulate plans, th com
mittee being composed of the follow
ing: Mother Mrs. A. Kalisher, chair
man: Mrs. George Root. Mrs. I. A.
Walker. Mr. C. E. Bockman. Mrs. L.
C. Tee tie. Mrs. Andrews. This com
mittee will meet this afternoon at 1
o'clock at Sunnyside school. Mrs.
Kalisher, chairman, said:
"Th work la Important and we need
the co-operation of every mother In the
welfare of her daughter. Mothers
need Instruction concerning the protec
tion of their daughters. At Spokane
the mother have undertaken this kind
of work with uccea"
Pasadena and Other Pacific Coast
Cities to Hear Colonel.
PASADENA. CaU Is. - Colonel
Roosevelt will b In Pasadena early
next Spring and will give a lecture
which Is to be Included In a 'course
planned by Throop Institute. Infor
mation ttf this effect was telegraphed
to Pasadena today by Dr. James A. B.
bcherer. president of the Institute.
Colonel RooseVelt It 1 said, will give
several lecture while on the Pacific
Trojan Knit wool fleece Underwear,
always sold at tl.00 the garment on
special sale this week at both Browns
ville Woolen Mill Stores, Third and
Morrison and Third and Stark streets,
at only 66c.
Pictures taken at Anne, Columbia bid..
between now and Christmas, will b
finished promptly regardless of weathar.
All th delicacies of th season at th
Portland Restaurant Fine private apart
BnU for ladle. 30 Wash., near CU at
Rack: Sprlsss Coat
The best house coal. Liberty Coal
lea Co exclusive agents. 16 North
Fourteenth street Main 1661; A 113.
Welsh Anthracite heat best and
lasts longest E. SOS, C. 2302. .
You will find every article here is fit to give, good to give
useful, practical and brimful of service.
Ideal Gifts for Men and Boys
TV VV- .Kv
if4 : Vrr
"act '4--. J- VHS'
Men's Suits
Men's Overcoats
Bath Robes
House Coats
Fancy Vests
Umbrellas ......
Night Robes
.. .$15 to $50
...$15 to $40
$5 to $15
$5 to $15
.. .$2.50 to $5
...$1.50 to $5
.$1.50 to $7.50
...$2.50 to $5
Full Dress Shirts $1.50 to $3.50
Full Dress Scarfs $2 to $5
Leather Collar and Cuff Bags,
special at $1.50 to $2.50
Leather Toilet Cases $2.50-$10
Leather .Suit Cases. .$5 to $30
Persian Neckwear 50c to $2.50
Brook Hats $3.00
Youman Opera Hats $6.50-8.50
Stetson Hats...$4 to $10
Handsome Christmas Boxes of
"Holeproof" Hosiery
wear six months. Men's .$1.50 and $3.00 box; women's $2
and $3 box; children's $2.00 box. Pure Silk for men and
If you don't know what to get him for Christmas, one of
our Christmas Merchandise Certificates (good any time)
will solve the question. We issue them for any amoimt.
Plant Blbson
aa. Phon Bellwood S60
Geary Street, above Union Square
Just oppouta Hotal St Francis
European Plan $1.60 a day up
American Plan $3.00 a day up
Hew sted and brick strocrors. Furnished t
cost of $200,000. Ererr comfort snd cdn
Tsoienca. Oo csrlines transferrin, all oser
city. Omnibus meets train I snd steamers.
Sand for Booklet with map of Sas Fraoosos
Collegiate School
The Lord Bishop of Columbia.
Excellent accommodation for boarders
Spacious school buildings
Gymnasium Cadet Corps
Sound education, Careful supervision
For Prospectus, apply Headmaster.
Oriental Xmas Gifts
Chinese Fancy Goods, suit Kimonos, all
kinds of Embroidered Silk Handkerchief.
Brauwsre, Sandalwood Carved Boxes. Em
hrolilered Table Covers. Mandarin Coats. Bilk
fhawla. Shirt Walet Patterns. Linen Dollies
SOU i.ninee laawtma ruiiitkji,.
Jiorth Fourth St.. nrr Paels.
Neth & Company
Established "In 1900.
How about those old accounts?
IMS Werrestrr Bide, Portland. Or.
I . ;r I
Yon will find an abundance of acceptable
present in our large line of gift furniture.
Easy Chairs
Mahogany Pedestals
Ladies' Desks
Muffin Stands
Tine Bogs
Mahogany Trays
Library Tables
Tea Tables
Foot Stools
Make yonr selections early and have
them held for Christmas deliveries.
J. G. MACK & CO.
-21 tt. ..... 1
J f U.. a
s -
v - ..w ...
and Jewelry
pay a small payment ar
the time of purchase and
balance in easy weekly or
monthly payments to suit
your income or .convenience.
Eastern Outfitting Co.
Washington 6c
wv 1 entn ,?
J'jtr Stmt Whert
Ymr Crt&t jM
. . ti. il .-n ' '''-"'-.'-l.' it-iT,?i ':..ui'i; f. . ; 'i i w i i i ' i I'tliii ii mil
Vim, Energy And
A Keen Exhilaration
In hot weather It revives your energies
and stimulates the skin to healthy action.
"The Bath lief resiling
All Grocerm mad Druggists
Morse flk
Seeds Ip
f Th best snd most dependable vsr
leties of California Seeds. Plants snd
Shrub are fully described and priced in
our new Garden Osaid
Copy free to any address on request.
Contains information of great value
to every farmer and gardener. Write for
It today.
C. C. Morse & Co.
the sreat California Sssd Bonss
Market Street
San Francises
Main 163. A 1165 First and Oak
aaaasan fTrrimmm.
Place your orders now for delivery on
or before January first.
We carry Transfer Cases for Vertical
and Flat Letter Files, Document and Card
Index Cases.
' We furnish Transfer Binders for any
style ledgers and carry a variety of Loose
Sheet Holders and Order Sheet Binders.
OFFICE supplies.
87-91 Park Street.
Phones: Main 104, A 4104. .
A'l Goods Purchased From Us Are Guaranteed Under
the Pure Food and Drugs Act of June 30, 1906
w. ara reeel-rln daily a treat vsrlety of new seasonable goods from all parts of
the Sr Id I Tn"?a is not i civilized lind that cannot boast the possession of
somrrirtlniTaV "delicacy represented here. Frmnr tha country of spares, con
tributes olives, anchovies, truffles, sardines, copes In oil, pate de fol gras. mu
H2ri n.rW iSrtT abice fruits, fruits In brandy, genuine cammenbert. brie
o?uVf ort clSe wtnes snd liquor. Germany sends a variety of sausages
me!mnaiis?c2vi, peart onions? smoked snd olckled eels, sardellen, noo
die? kuSmel. etc. England contributes plum pudding. S.Utorf cbeese. ljrmout
blS'tersambridge sausage, boar's bead, jam and Jellies, sauces, condiments,
curries, chutney. Bombay duck, etc
There are all sorts of delicacies from S witserland. . Holland. .Norway. Sweden,
curries, chutney, Bombay duck, etc.
From the little Island of Formosa we hsve Just received a small qijiillty
wsTelieve to .5 the best Formosa Oolong ever grown: new smoked goose breasts.
Westphalia lam and kippered herring due next week.
Our Wine and TJqnor department Is repiets with So hj"ss for CMstma.
Ooorto nort. Cadis sherries. French cognac. Scotch and Irish whiskies, bourbons,
rye? J imali rum. Medford rum. California wines of aU kinds, etc
Ton ara urd to try a eup of Bishop's Chocolate st our demonstration coun
ter; It la delicious. Our new catalogue Is yours for toe asking.
PHONES MAIN 7200, A 6181
iTtTinrltlea have de-
rlZed to instiu meters in th. house, of
SraKSS' "AplltTeTb been obtain
That Btonea have bealfnc power is not
entirely a superstition. In ancient time
rubies, emeralds and pearls ware powdered,
or dissolved, and riven as medicine, rubles
ta restore lost strength- nd pearls for tlx