THE 3IOKMX6 OREGONIAX, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 9, 1910. 10 ROAD ASKS RIGHT TOGROSSSTREETS Mount Hood Railway Officials Complete Plans for Call on Council. RECOMMENDATION IS SURE CItj Attorney Beilr;es New Company Means Business and May Alc That Permit to Knter Port land Be Granted Soon. Permission to eroi Villa rnu with a temporary track to aid In lt con struction work, a franchise to operate a steam or electric road through some of tha East Bid streets, and a perma nent grant to do business In Portland, with assurances of ample capital to lnaua-urate and carry on Its business, are tlie euccesslTe steps by means ol which the Mount Hood railway seeks to establish Itself In the city. Arremrerncnts have practically been completed to ask the Council at Its meeting nest Wednesday for the right to cross Villa acnue and possibly one other street on the Kasl Side. In reach ing the trestle work that has been started arross the gulch near Sandy Jl.-ed. City Attorney Krank & Grant, who has held several conferences with official of the road, probably will recommend that the permit be granted, with the restriction that the Council may bare the riKht to withdraw It at any time Its terms are violated. Some Time 3Iut Klapse. In tha meantime attorneys for the company are working on a draft of franchise which they will ask the ouncll to grant at the earliest possi ble opportunity. As the legal steps necessary to complete the passage of a franchise ordinance require from 0 to TJ days, the company cannot be leaalljr authorised to . enter the city unH the new year has well advanced. ll-werer. assurance has been given that should the right to cross Villa avenue be secured, construction work will proceed at once from the point that had been reached at the time the city authorities ordered It to stop a, few weeks ago. Although II. .. Clllla. of Is Angeles, ehalriran of the bard of directors of I Be company, has been In the city for toe past tew days, he has not souahl any of the city officials or others lore.1 le Interested In the progress of tae Mount Hood road. He has figured on forms of franchise and has made It -nown that the company which Is barking the Mount Hood enterprise has ample capital, also that It will operate to the material benefit of Portland when It once, enters the city. The negotiations with the City Attornev have been carried on by Forest tv Fisher and C. B. Sral'h, re spectively attorney and engineer for h company. Thee have In turn con sulted with Mr. Glllls. however. Who la Furnishing Capital? TTho Is furnishing the capital back tf the Mount Hood project has not been brought out yet. It has been variously rumored that the llarrtman Interests eventually will absorb the road and that ther are providing the fund also, that the line Is to become a part of the Hill system, and that It win be used aa a means for the Mil waukee to enter Portland. The City Attorney says he Is satis fied that the people who are building the road are responsible and that they mean business. He has examined a tentative draft of the franchise that they will eeek from the city, but has escepted to some of the terms. 'The officers of the company have con reded, he says, that they have lost their old franchise granted several years ago but under which they failed to act. The company Is building and equip ping a mammoth electric power plant on the bandy Koad and expects to operate Its entire avstem from that point. It mav also ilccl.Je to enter the commercial electric field, supplying current to private parties. Mr. Glllls will remain In Portland for three or four dnvs and through his local representative has given assur ances that the work will proceed rap Idly If the city gives a legal right. They had been spending from I TOO to $30 per day previous to the time that the city stopped them and say they will employ a force of men requiring a like expenditure as soon as the way Is opened for them to proceed. After January 1 permanent offleee will be opened In the city and Mr. Glllls will remain In Portland person ally to direct the enterprise. INSURANCE MAN MISSING Creditor Say lie Leaves Behind Shortage of $3000 to t IS. 000. FVFRETT. Wash, Pee. . (Special.) R Cecil Jack, a well-known Insur ance and real estate man of Kverett. Is missing, and It Is asserted that a shortage cf between S-j000 and ll&.OftO exists In his accounts with Insurance firms and property owners for whom he acted aa agent. Jacks wife today Instituted a suit for divorce, alleging cruelty that ex tended over the whole period of their married life since November 10. 10S. Jack dlsappesred three days ago. and since then hla creditors have been in vestigating his affairs. F. W. Gaston. Inspector of agencies of the Scottish In Ion and Notional Insurance Com pany, has taken charge of the local cfTl.-e. and Is making an effort to straighten out the tanale. IMPOSTOR IS IN TOILS Jlarvey Corrle. Pscuilo Nobleman," Will Now Be Tried In Oregon. TAXCOWRS. Wash.. Pec. . Special.) After coccp'.ctlrg a Solay sentence In Countv Ja'l for pettv larcery. Harvle Currie, claiming to be a grandson of Hir James Curne. of Scotland, was taken to Oregon :ry for trial on a charge of oMalnlr.g money under false pretenses. Currie borrowed from Scotchmen In (Ms cty, saying he had rom'ns from h estate. He Crew a chec f,,r ..&.. which he give to the Holy Roller BlpKon for work anion' soi.'.lers. LEAGUE BACKS PROPOSAL Move to Divide City Into It Wards lndor-d by Ith Warders. TMvtsicn of tia preeent 10 wards of the city Into 1J. making six for the West Side and nln for the East Side, was unanimously Indorsed at the meet ing of the Seventh Ward Improvement League last night. In the hall on Powell and Wllwaukle streets, and the matter will be submitted to the Civic Council. Under tha division there will be 15 Councllmen and no Council roen-at-Large. The registered voters for each ward are given as follows: First, 2S; Second. 2S1; Third. 203; Fourth. 25: Fifth. 2240; Sixth. 2ll. Total for the West Side. 1J.7S. For the East Side: Seventh. 22J; Eighth. MIT; Ninth. SS: Tenth. J53: Eleventh. 281: Twelfth, 251; Thirteenth. 2S50; Fourteenth. IaM; Fifteenth. 315. Total. i2.4. Tha measure may be submitted to vote at the June election, either by ac tion of the City Council or by initiative petition. In the matter of public docks, a reso lution was read declaring that for the East Side the docks should be located between Burnslde and Hawthorne bridges. The resolution was referred to a special committee, to investigate the question and report at the next meeting. Ben Riesland. member of the public service committee, reported the mea sure creattnar a municipal service com mission for Portland was praotlcally finished and would be ready to go to the public be the first of the year. It was the sentiment or ina mmunr such commission Is the only means by which the present streetcar service can be Improved. A resolution was adopted Indorsing the application of the Mount Scott peo nle for the erection of a echoolhouse between Arleta and ients. a resolu tion was adopted declaring that the present telephone service of the Pa cific Telephone Telegraph Company is bad and the rates charged excessive, and asking that the City Council take steps to require better service. MITSUNAGA IS GUILTY DEXTEK JAPANESE CONVICTED OF 91 CRD EH, I.V FIRST DEGREE. CABINET CONFERS OVER JUDGESHIPS List Is Narrowed but Presi dent Will Not Make De cision This Week. 50 SENATORS CALLED IN Sensation Created by Attorney for Defense, Who Declare Another, Whom He Names, Is Mnrderer. DENVER. Colo.. Dec. . Oenkyo Mltsunaga. a Japanese, was tonight found guilty of murder In the first degree and sentenced to life imprisonment. Mltsunaga was tried on the charge of murdering lira Katharine Wilson, a white woman, by whom he had been hired to assist In housecleanlng. The dead body of Mrs. Wilson was found In the cellar in a box of rubbish. Mltsunsga was a witness In his rwn defense, and on the stand declared that MVs. Wilson had been murdered by a white man "with a crippled hand." and that he himself had been compelled to assist In hiding the crime by the mur derer, who threatened to kill htm It he refused. Mltsunsga testified that It was fear of arrest and unfair treat ment as a foreigner that induced him to flee the state. During the closing arguments of counsel today. O. N. Hilton, attorney for the defense, created a sensation by rbargtng the crime directly to another, using the nsme In open court. He de clared that the lawa of Colorado made It impossible for him to Introduce the evidence he had against this person, because he waa not on trial. 32-MILE CANAL PLANNED Huge S349.17S Ditch Required In Loner Eureka Flat Project. WAIJ.A WAIJ-A. Wash.. Dec. . (Special. To Irrlgste 2i.oen acres of tha lower Eureka flat project, a canal 12 feet wide. 1 feet deep and S2H mllea long will have to be dug. ac cording to the engineers' estimate filed this morning with Frank Tlerney. rep resentsllve of the landowners back of the big reclamation scheme. This ditch will cost 2.27. or 11 2 . -.0 for each acre to be covered by the ditch. A meeting of the farmers own ing land to be reclaimed by the canal will be held within a few days, when final steps will be tsken to Incorpor ate a company to carry on tha under taking. In the estimate. 1114.04 la allowed for .excavation. There will be a mile of rock work, which will cost about 131. USD. A half mile of siphons will cost $13. mo. according to the estimate. There will be nearly a mile of fliimlng, the cost of which Is estimated at .'.s.4,. The big ditch will commence near Frescott. NON-ROLLING PEA FOUND Lather Burbank Outdone by Illinois Man's Invention. NARZILLES. III., Dec. I. (Special.) Luther Burbank went Into the "also ran" class here today with an an nouncement that a pea that Is guaran teed not to roll off a knife blade has been Invented by K. JL Mc Far land, of this city. The new vegetable is a variety of the common garden pea. save that It has been so developed as to have a gyroscope principle. Proprietors of tourist hotels received the news with delight and have al ready placed large orders. They will thus be able to abandon their stock of rimmed knives, which prevent the peas from rolling off when too hur ried guests use the utensil a la shovel. Insurgent Leaders, Except La Fol I lctte, Are Conspicuous Among White House Callers Reg ulars Present, Too. ' WASHINGTON7. Dec . President Taft called a special meeting of hla Cabinet late today to go over the Su preme Court situation. The list of ap polnteea is narrowing rapidly, but It was said tonight that Mr. Taft has not reached a conclusion, and probably will not until next Monday or Tuea- day. Mr. Taft has consulted with more than R0 Senators regarding the ap pointments. The Insurgent leaders, with the axceptlon of Senator LaFol lette. who has declined to go to the White House, have been .quite con- solcuoua in the more recent confer ences. Senator Cummins, of lows, and Borah, of Idaho, were at the Presl dent's office again tonight. The reg ular wing of the party was repre sented in late afternoon conferences by Senators Lodie, of Massachusetts, and Flint, of California. Senator Nelson, of Minnesota, also saw the President. Representative Smith and Senator Toung. of Iowa, called to urge the appointment of Chief Justice Deemer, of Iowa a su preme Court. Vice-President Sherman. Speaker Cannon and Representative McCalU of Massachusetts, saw the President to day, but It Is said their visits had nothing to do with patronage. TCRNER INDORSED IS SEATTLE Trustees of Bar Association Present Name to Presldcnt, SEATTLE. Pec. . The Board of Trustees of the Seattle Bar Associa tion K i-, indorsed the candidacy of ex-I"nlted States Senator Turner, of Spokane, for a place on tne supreme Hencn. anri tresuient ibk naa Deen in formed by telegraph of the action taken. INDIAN" ESTIMATES REDl'CED House Committee Cuts $3000 From Chcmavra Appropriation. OKEdnXUV NEWS BfREAlT. Wash ington. Dec. . The Indian appropria tion bill being' considered by the House of Representatives today car ries the following Items for Oregon: For the support of oo pupils at tne Chemawa school and for the pay of the school officials. HO;. 200; general re pairs and improvements at the Che mawa school. JS000: for the support of the Klamath, agency, funoo: Warm Springs scene-. $4000; Walla Walla t'ayure and I'matllla tribes, IJOOO: r.rind Ttonde and relets agencies, f 4000. These are the amounts as estimated by the Indian Bureau, except that 15000 haa been cut from the estimates for re pairs at Chemawa. The bureau rec ommended 110.000. The following appropriations for Washington Indians are provided in the bill: For payment of last Installment to Colvllle Indians for the north half of their reservation. $300,000: extension of Irrigation system on Yakima Reserva tion. 115.000: purchase of agricultural Implements for Joseph's band. $1000: support of Spokane Indiana. $1000; Puyallup and Colvllle Agencies. $12,000; Yakima Agency. $3000; Makah Indiana, $2000: Puwamlsh tribe, $T000; Qul-Nal-Elts and Qull-Ueh-Utes, $1000. For Idaho Indians the following pro visions are made: Completion of Fort Hall Irrigation system, $S5,000: Coeur d'Alene Agency, $3000: Shoshones and Sheepeaters on Fort Hall Reservation, $30,000; Bannocks. $5000. POSTAL IMPROVEMENT ASKED Pure Food Law, Tariff and Hawai ian Prohibition Vp In Congress. WASHINGTON". Dec. . Two important measure Intended to better the postal service snd carrying the Indorsement of Postmaster-General Hitchcock were taken up in the Senate today, but con sideration of them was put over on the objections of Senators Heyburn and Ba con. Senator Taylor, of Tennessee. Intro duced a bill to extend the provisions of the National pure food law to tobacco in whatever form it may be offered for sale. His bill Is designed to prevent- the mis lsbellng or misbranding of domestic to baccos, so that they cannot be offered as Imported storks: to prevent the adulter- SCHOOL TO COST $55,000 Roscburg Board Decides to Erect Pine New Structure. ROSEBt RO. Or, Dec I. (Special.) At an Informal meeting of the Rose burg School Board, held today. It was practically decided to discard the Lane School building, erected at a cost of $14,000. 10 years ago, and erect In Its stead a Central Hlah School to cost in the neighborhood of $55.00. The voters of the district recently voted to Issue bonds in the sum of $75. 000 for school purposes, and out of that amount about $10,000 wl.ll be spent In erecting a graded school In North Rose burg. The schools are crowded to their capacity at the present ttme and the school board has found It necessary to provide additional accommodations. Polndcxter Recommends Move. OREGON! AN NEWS BCREAt". Wash ington. Pec. $ Representative Potn dexter today called on the President and recommended the appointment of hla law partner. O. C. Moore, of Spo kane, aa I'nlted States Judge for East ern Washington. The President made bo promleea Idaho Rulldlng Bills In. ORBGON1AN NEWS PIREAL". Wash ington. Dec. ft. 6enator Borah today in troduced bills appropris'.tng fciAU-0 for a publlo building at Tain Falls and lijiXuj) for a alt and building at Naropa. 1 iv,.asv;. ; . 'Hii'-asl ViCei i The Best Value For Your Money That's what we guarantee to pive you. Close inspection will prove our Diamonds are lower in price for equal qual ity than at any jewelry store in the city. Call, convince yourself that we can save you money. CASH OR CREDIT ' Marx&BIoch Largest Diamond Dealers in Oregon. 2S3 Morrison St., 74 Third. The Standard For 63 Years WHEN the time comes around for you to put a new stove or range into your home don't go at it blindly. Be guided by the wisdom, choice, experience and approval of the largest portion of our American homes for the last sixty-three years. During this entire period CharterOah Stoves and Ranges have given the best service by far that was ever gotten out ot any cooking or heating apparatus and there are thousands of housewives that will back this state tnent up. When you purchase Charter Oak you get the best that can possibly bo built, and that will stand up and do the work that yon require- You get a stove or range that will do your cooking your baking your toasting your roasting as you want it done; one that you will be proud of. You get a stove or range that is built scientifically by experts men who have made stove and range construction life study. If you burn coal you get a stove or range that has a fire year guarantee behind its Fire Back. If you burn wood you get a twenty year guarantee behind the tiro Back. No other stove or range on earth would give you such a working life and guarantee it. The Charter Oak does. Charter Oak Rsnres have the most wonderfully snd practically constructed ovens ever made. Your bread is always browned and baked evenly and thorouehly. Just place it in sny part ot the oven. No shoving it all over to try and find tbe heat. A r.ajey and under done pie crust never came out of a Charter Oak Oven. It actually cannot burn, char or scorch your cake or biscuits. Their fuel consumption is lower than most ether ranges. Made of the highest trade steel and iron carrying the heaviest linings. A Charter Oak will outwork and outlast any other. If it ia inconvenient for you to go to the dealer write us for our free books. You can't afford to buy a stove or range until you nave found out all about tbe Charter Oak. FOR SALE BY Heifer Freed man Hardsrare To., gales Agents, td aad Ash bta Portland. Or. Charter Oak Stove & Range Co. '4 St. Louis LiaBTsi: "J Mo. Ails'. AND FURNACES. atlon of tobacco with any other sub stance; the treatment of tobacco with any poisonous or deleterious substance or the offering; of packages upon which the wela-ht Is not correctly stamped. The measure also seeks to prevent the sub stitution of another grade, or kind" of to bacco in a box or package. Senator Stone, of Missouri, was today appointed to fill the vacancy on the Sen ate committee on finance created by the death of Senator Daniel, of Virginia. Senator rsniel's place on the committee on Industrial exposition, which Western Interests had hoped would be given ,to Senator New la rule, of Nevada, was filled by Senator Swansnn, of Virginia. Another campaign ror tne esiantisn- ment of prohibition in the Hawaiian Inlands) began today In the House with the Introduction of a bill by Representa tive Miller, of Kansas, for that purpose. More measures Intended to affect the tariff were presented. Mr. Smith, of See Regular Friday Surprise Sale Announcement on the Last Page. SEE GREAT CORSET SALE ANNOUNCEMENT OX PAGE NINE. The Meier (Eb Frank Store Calling and Business Cards Printed to Order While You Wait 39c 100 Business Cards business or professional cards with case. All for sale at 50c 100 Calling Cards with handsome card case; complete, cards and case, for Don't Forget the Card Case is Free With Each 1 00 Cards Guaranteed We have made special arrangements for a great demonstration sale of Calling and Business Cards, printed while you wait. We have provided - extra people to care for the wants of the great throngs who will come in answer to this announcement. This is a welcome suggestion to puzzled gift seekers who must buy many presents for friends and relatives. Sale and Demonstration Begins This Morning, Continues Tiil Christmas We have all the latest types, including Script. Tiffany Text, Old English or Block Letters. We make a specialty of Fraternal Emblem Cards in printed and embossed designs. Very low prices and excellent material. Texas, offered a bill to admit lumber free of duty and Mr. Clark, of Florida, introduced a measure for the free admis sion of all food and food products. Mose of the day in the House was oc- etipled in consideration of the Indian ap propriation bill. Thief Robs Vancouver Store, VANCOUVER. Wash., Dec. 8. (Spe cial.) Leaving no clew, some one last night entered the W. A. Hall store aJ Brush Prairie, and stole about HOa worth of cutlery and $15 In silver. ?-4 Makes Healthful Delicious Pastry and e- 1 rs .. mm. Food cooked with hog lards and comoounds is so thickly coated with grease as to crive the erastric iuices little chance to assimilate and dig-est it. Cottokne contains no hog fat It does not coat the rood witn grease, ana rooa cooKea wim it is easily digested. From the standpoint of health there is no com parison between food cooked with Cottolene and rood cooked witn lard, uaxa is just nog rat ionoiene is vegetable product of Nature. Cottolene makes food which any stomach can digest, and builds up the tissues of the body. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY . -MM tf Ke est . e ' e sa I Wit mm s BE1 Ka i tn W3k lt3 MweSa ai ic-flftiEirTJ eai tm B n yj avi va jsa tsm cs ' n era ta pa mst m rs m Eg ta E l tm ni t3 ez - CJ 12? tai EK EP3 si It J '-sataSsa, . 4 Yea rF est fed 533 633 rara E3 63 ES3 ESS Ea E3 C33 ta ca K-4 F-rS t?9 tv.-s rr-s m st asm res n-9 r-.3 C33 63 ta ftl ed fctJ 11 rata ra s9 ma em ia fX3Jfc-a iza ma era Era E?4 fct3 629 mm k fSt if-. sa tv ws I F3 i : isa r e9 r ken m r.a r ksi r-ar feHs t mi