Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 08, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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Prominent Scientist Says Rel
atives Have No Interest in
$2,000,000 Estate.
ion and Adopted Son of Late Leader
of Colt Are Oppooed to Mount
Auburn Cemetery as I.t
Ilrtlng-Place for Body.
BOSTON, rvc. 7. Tht Mra. Vary B'
tear Glovrr Eddy, head of the Chrlrtlm
Bcl-nr CbarcH. left none of her nut
estimated at nearly 12.000.000. to rela
tires wa fathered from a remark made
tonight by Judge Clifford P. Smith, first
reader of the mother church.
"Mrs. Eddy' will la not to be rea
tomorrow, aa It contalna absolutely
nothing- which would be of Interest to
any of tha members of her family, aaid
Mr. emtio, lie made no statement as
to tha portion of the estate which ma
ao to tha Church.
Three years ajra. at the time of th
salt by her so-called "next friends.
Mrs. Eddy set T!de a trust fund
S133.o0 for tha benefit of the three
children of her son. George W. Glover,
la Lead. a. D- while In November. 109,
she made a complete aettlement wit
her heirs, with the understanding. 1
was generally believed, that there
should be no contest over her will.
Trust fund Increased.
At this time tha trust fund vsas In
creased to 9175.00a and a aettlement waa
made upon other heirs, approximating;
:ii.00O. since the death of Mrs. Eddy,
her sod, Geonte Glover, has said h
wonld not contest tha will.
Judjre Smith, who will have charge
of the funeral aervlcea tomorrow, said
tonight that tha casket will not ba
opened during tha services. It being- pre
ferred to remnmber Mrs, Eddy as In life.
The aervlcea will occupy only half an
hour and will ba held In the drawing-
room of the Chestnut lull home. Judge
Smith will ba asked to Join In silent
prayer, after which the Lord's Praye
will ba repeated In unison.
Mrs. Carol lfoyt Powers, second read
er at tha First Church, will then read
Mrs. Eddy's favorite hymn. A Mother s
Evening- Prayer." which will close the
eervlce. There also will be a brief read
lng- from the Bible by Judge Smith a
the receiving; tomb In Mount Auburn
eon Disapproves of Mount Auburn
George W. Glover, of I .cad. S. D
who arrived here today for the fun
eral of his mother, Mrs. Mary Bake
G. Eddy, announced that he did not
approve of the plan to bury hla mother
In Mount Auburn Cemetery. He said
"My first thought upon learning of
her death was that the most fit place
for her last rest would be among her
kindred at Tllton. N. II. If she Is not
to ba burlel there. I iflioulil favor
next In order. Concord. N. 1L, whera
she spent so many yeara of her Ufa
and where her Ifgal residence was
despite the fact that for nearly three
years she had made her domicile at
Chestnut HI1L"
Dr. K. J. Foster Fdiljr. Mrs. Eddy's
adopted son. arrived today from Water
arv. V L He had opportunity for only
a short talk with Mr. Glover today
but It Is understood that they are In
accord In opposition to placing- Mrs
Eddy's body permanently In Mount
Auburn Cemetery.
New Xork Sleuth Grain $31,000
NEW YoltK. nee. 7. (Special. Clr.
lio Jose de Elorduy. who la wanted In
Munich. Germany, on a charge of ob
taining jewels valued at nearly !3.o.'0,
from a court jeweler by meana of a
forged check, was arrested teday. Tha
Jewela were taken September 10. and
cn September 13 Inspector Russell re
ceived a cablegram from the Munich
police, describing the man wanted and
tne with which he waa charged.
Thla af ternooa two detectives were on
a aubway train, when they noticed a
man preparing to get off at Times
Square. When he pat on his gloves and
they aaw that a rlnjrer nail waa missing
on tha left hand, they were certain ha
was the man and arrested him.
They went with Mm to hla room at
til West Eighty-fifth street and
car-hed tha place, recovering about
lO.oo worth of jewelry. Then they
locked Mm up. lie confessed.
Tee; I am the one. ha said la broken
English. -But 1 am an American cltl
tea. 1 tare a wife and child living; In
ran Francisco.
tla said that he "was born In Mexico
sad waa aa engineer, thouch ha some
tiaaea worked as a waiter. He had been
In New York about three weeks, ha
said, hartcg gone from Germany to
Havana, from there to Mexico, and from
there to New York.
Tha prisoner said ha and another man
whose Identity be refused to dlsrlosa
went to Franca and Germany last Sum
mer, determined to make ail tha money
they oould. According to statements of
he Oertnaa police, tba men spent money
lavishly and won tha confidence of an
artist, who introdaced there to tha Jew
eler with a high recommendation.
ruirlllst Leter Outdistanced In Ifaco
by Ileet Salesman.
NORTH YAKIMA. Wash... Iee. 7
(Special.) Jack Lester, "touted" by
Tommy Burns as a coming champion
In tha roped ring, -got his" today on
th cinder path. He made a bet of IS
with 1L B. Dobhs. a traveling man.
that ba eould outrun lHbbs In a 100
yard sprint. Iobbs took him up. and
the atakes were banded to Tommy
Tha party went out along tha rail
road track whera tha cinders were
hard. Tommy gave the word and they
dug in their toes. For about half
the distance. It was an even break.
Then lobba let out a few kinks and
drew away from Lester as If he was
running away from a post. Burns
handed him over tha five.
I'mrnptne In IleserraUons Cr-ed
for "A Mslit Off. Pecemher It.
TVt to tha Press- Club's funfrat.
Vg:rt off.- at tha Iei!Ut. December
IX liiat er ld among tta buslneaa
men of the dry. will ba redeemable for
reserved seals at Shermsn Clay to. s
store, until Saturday night. December K.
to the exclusion of all other tickets.
Holders must exchange their tickets- be
fore 8 o'clock Saturday nlhr
When the exchange period again opens.
December 1. at the Helllg box office, tha
holders of thla class of tickets will have
to take their chances with the ten eral
Tickets other than the II ones al
ready sold to business men will ba re-
deemable only at the ilellle. on and
after December Is.
Tha exchange of eeata has developed
that not only will there be a crowded
house, but that It will be equal y suc
cessful from a social standpoint.
The club's ertnveclr magazine, now on
the press, will be one of the most beau
tiful publications evec-attempted In thlsi
city. Tba articles that will appear in
It will ba relative to tha newspaperman's
vocation. Soma of them depict tha
serious sMe and others tha humorous
Portland has a reputation Coast-wide
for the literary ability of Its newspaper
men and tha articles that they hava
furnished are their best effort In ad
dltlon to theew. there will ba numerous
Illustrations, among the best of which
will be several of the best views obtain
able of Portland and the acenlc features
of the state.
S 00.0 0 0 IV 1 ?, PREDICTION
Eastern Oregon, Now Being Devel
oped by Railroads for First Time,
Mill Attract Thousands.
That Portland will hava S0.00O popula-
tlon In 1:0 and Oregon 1.600.000. Is tha
earnest conviction of R. B. Miller, traf
fic manager of tha Harrlman lines In the
Northwest, as expressed in an address
before tha weekly luncheon of tha Ad-
men'a Club yesterday afternoon.
"These figures may seem large to you."
said Mr. Miller, whose familiarity with
statistical matter and whose estimates
on prospective tonnaxe Is ssld to be sec
ond to no other railway official In the
country, but If you examine the figures
as given by tha Census Department at
Washington. D. C. I think that you will
come to the same conclusion that I have
In thla matter. Portland is given 207.000.
aa increase of lJS.l per cent for tha ten
year period Just completed. Can wo do
aa well for tha next ten years? In my
opinion we will do better, fur the simple
reason that we will hava a better chance
and Into our hands will play more Im
portant factors than have played during
the recent decade.
"There Is an enormous area to be oc
cupied In tha state by settlers. Coupled
with this fact there exists tha only Urge
domain in tha United States without
railway communication and settlement.
"The eyes of the Nation will be focused
on this state and travel from all porta of
tha country will ba In our direction dur
ing tha coming ten years. We shall re
ceive those people who are of a moving
spirit, for In a Urge sensa there will be
no other place for them to go. With
their arrival will coma mora railroads,
and the eastern portion of the state will
be well supplied, thua giving further Im
petus to the movement.
'I am of tha opinion that if you will
examine the percentages with regard to
the increase of tha states and cities for
tha census of 'SO. '70. 'k0. 0. 100 and
1910. yon will find there la a co-relation
which will bear me out In my statement
that Portland can readily acquire a pop
ulation of ftOO.OWO In 1920, providing there
are no unforeseen circumstances to stop
the naturnl trend of growth of tha
United States."
Addresses were made by William Mao-
Master and C. K- S. Wood. MacMaster
gave some observations of hla travels
through Europe, so far aa water commu
nication was concerned, while Mr. Wood
presented his views on what constituted
tha essential features of the development
of the atate, and declared It was more
Importsnt to get people than It was to
get rsplt.iL
T. B. Wilcox and William D. Wheel
wright were elected members of th
club, and Mr. Wheelwright was directed
to prepare a biography of Mr. Wilcox, and
Mr. Wilcox, of Mr. Wheelwright, both of
which were to be read at the next meet
lng of the club. Nominations were made
for the election of officers at the next
meeting. Charles B. Merrick. - now oc
cupying the chair of president, an
nounced that he would not accept an
other term.
Streetcars Destroyed, Police
Powerless to Interfere
-in Riot.
Fiery Denunciations of Company
Are Prelude to Demolition of 1 1
of Hated Vehicles and Injury
of 18 Persona in Riot.
TORO.VTO.Ont, Doc S. A riot la
night, remarkable for Its spontaneity and
for Its fierceness whlla It lasted, resulted
In tha Injury of 18 men. tha complete
wreck of 11 streetcars and the shattering
of the windows In over 100 more.
For two hours a mob of several thou
sand persons surfed back and forth on
the principal buslnees thoroughfares, do-
molishlng every streetcar that came wlth-
lng reach and completely tlelng- up traffic.
The disorderly scenes followed a msss
meeting at Massy Hall. Two weeks
ago the Toronto Street Railway Installed
pay-aa-you-enter cars on the principal
lines. Much dissatisfaction developed
over the Innovation. It was contended
that tha cars were not adapted to that
kind or service.
Meeting; Becomes Mob.
Protests In writing and personal ap
peals) became so numerous that Mayor
Golrey and tha Board of Control decided
to call a maaa meeting, at which the mat
ter could, be discussed. Representatives
of the street railway also were Invited to
The meetitnr resolved Itself into a se
ries of lery denunciations of the street
car company and miortly before 11 o'clock
broke up in disorder. The audience be
came a mob. Tha first streetcar that
hove In sight was stopped and waa re
duced to a scrap heap.
Car alter car waa attacked by the mob.
which rapidly grew In numbers. ,
Itloters Rule City Unchecked.
Protests by Mayor Qolrey and other
officials were unheeded. Police reserves
were summoned, but they were outnum
bered CO to 1 and were utterly powerless.
For more than an hour the carnival of
destruction continued, unchecked. TrafUo
of all kinds on King and Tonga streets
was tied up.
Tha mob showed consldsratlon for the
passengers; allowing; thena In almost
every instance to I eve car before at
tacking it- An order waa finally Issued
to stop running cars Into the downtown
districts and not until It had been carried
out were there any algns of restoration of
Toward midnight the crowd gradually
withdrew from tha streets and at 12:30
the streetcar service was resumed.
Cet tha Criminal end Genulnt
Tha Food-drink for All Ass.
For Infants, Invalids, and Growing children.
PureNutrition, up building tlie wholebody.
Invigorates the nursing mother and the aged.
Rich rni!k, malted gram, ia powder form.
A quick lunch prepared in a minute.
Take no substitute. Ask for HORLICII'S.
In Ho Combtno or Truest
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
not only cleanses, preserves and
beautifies the teeth without in
jury, but impartspurity and fra
grance to the breath, removing
instantly the odor of tobacco.
Council of Jr-wih Women Realizes
Its Ambition Pica for I'erraual
Service Made.
IHjors of the new Neighborhood
House. whl-h has been erected oa
8.-cnnl and Wood streets br tha Port
land Council of Jewish Women, were
ormally thrown open last night.
when dedicatory exercises and a for
mal reception were held In th audi
torium of the building.
Mrs. Julius Uppltt. president of tha
Council delivered the address of wel
come. She spoke of the pride which
he Council felt In the completion of
he Institution and expressed appre
ciation to all who helped to make the
Neighborhood House a possibility.
ilnyor Simon extolled the untiring
work of the members of tha Council
and tha benevolence of those who sub
scribed money for tha building;. "I
congratulate you heartily." he said.
on tha work you hava accomplished
on the beautiful building; you have
completed and dedicated for the bene
fit and eleratlon of humankind.
With "Our Neighborhood House" as
her subject- Mrs. S. M. Blumauer.
hairman of the Neighborhood Home
committee, rave a brief history of the
committee's work. She told how the
Neighborhood House had been moved
ur times, the members of the Coun-
11 feeling- each time that they had
realised one of their dreams. With
the completion of the building, she
said, the jr were paid for their pains
taking; efforts and labor.
In a closing address. Rabbi Wise,
ho. with Ben Selling, composes the
subscription committee, said that of the cost of the building. 13!.-
00 had been subscribed. He made
a strong- plea for personal service in
conducting the work of tha Neighbor
hood House.
There were several musical numbers
Including solos -by Mrs. Delphlne Marx
nd Mrs. Rose Bloch-Fauer.
The rooms were decorated with
flags and pots of flowers and ferns.
Cook Uobbrry Case Settled.
CL"ADaLAJARA. Ma, Dec 7. Tha
asa of James A. Cook, the American
railroad conductor, accused of complicity
In freight car roonertea on the Guadala
jara division of the National Railways,
as been flral'.r closed by tha return
of the cesh bond of WO pesna) under
hlch cook was released from tha state
penitentiary on February 23 last. Tha
oney was originally provided by local
embers of tha Order of Railway Coa-
Voter Are Oat in Open to Oust R op
tatives of Two Wards More
Agitation Coming.
HOQL'IAM. Wash.. Deo. ?. (Special.)
in two wards of Hoqulara recall peti
tions have been filed against three
Councilman, and In another, the sixth,
a meeting Is to be held tomorrow night
to discuss the recall of the two men
representing thst district. Considerable
entcer la manifest over a combine which.
It la alleged, haa been formed In tha
present Council. These recalls are tha
outgrowth of these.
It Is said by those who are flfrhtlng
thla clique that If they are successful In
removing- tha men now under fire, the
recall will ba Invoked In other wards.
The petitions now on file with the City
Clerk are directed against Councilman
Frank Thurber In the Third, leader of
the "standpatters," and Councilmen
Koch and Krunett in tha Fifth.
Last night a meeting- of Third Ward
voters wss held In the City Hall and
the Thurber recall discussed. At tha
close of the meeting. JS men signed the
petition. A few more signed today.
Women, It la declared by attorney, can
sign the petition. If need be. to secure
tha number sufficient for the recall,
since tbey have now become voters.
Less Interest Is being shown in the
Fifth, but a mass meeting is to be held
to push tha recall. In the Sixth, Coun
cilmen Burna and Kress are expected to
reslcrn rather than hava a recall Instituted.
Ordnance Instruction Is Received
by Men at Armory.
Ordnance Instruction by Lieutenant
Blomberg. rirtllmaater; Lieutenant Hum-
results in cases of weak di
gestion are obtained from
because when ordinary foods
do not digest, it provides the
needed nourishment in
highly concentrated form.
Scott's Emulsion
Is so easily digested that its
strength is rapidly absorbed
by the youngest babe or
most delicate adult
is the food that strengthens"
the race, all druggists
isOHH Y i
te'.Tr.V- r7- -hr y ij ' -TF-f-iry - -
r.-.-r' c.- j.j. .-'-"i-- r.--a j. .c-i ,. ai
Sunny Monday soap is just
as pure as it looks. It is white,
made from the purest mate
rials and contains no rosin
starts dirt like magic washes
woolens without shrinking
does not fade colors works
in any kind of water and
contains a marvelous dirt-
starter which save3 time and
rubbing. Sunny Monday will
double the life of your clothes
and save you half the labor
of wash day.
phray and Boatswain Staron waa the
gist of the work given the men of the
Oregon Naval Reserve last night In
their weekly drill at the Armory. Near
ly SO men were present, part of whom
were In uniform. The men went through
the drills with much precision and
showed they are deeply interested.
News that the cruiser Hoston naa
been assigned the Oregon Naval Re
serve by the Navy Department was re
ceived with a great deal of pleasure
by both the officers and the wen. It
is the hope of tha reserves that the ship
will be ready for use this winter.
Through the courtesy of Colonel Dun
bar and the board of officers of the
Oregon National Guard, the Armory
has been given to the use of the naval
men on Wednesday. Hitherto the drill.
lng of the men has been held at the
Ash street dock, a cold, dusty and un
comfortable drill hall. Captain Scott,
of Company K, has tendered the offi
cers the use of his private office, and
the officers' quarters on Wednesday
nights. As soon as the reserve ship ar
rives in the harbor the instruction work
will no doubt be carried on there.
For the present the men are given
instruction In military tactics chiefly.
although the use of tha s-lnch field
piece, such as all naval vessels carry.
and the use of the cutlass are being
taught. Harvey Pteckwlth. president of
the Commercial Club, was present at
Inst night's drill and was well pleased
with the showing of the men. He co
operated with Captain George S. Shep
herd In getting the Navy Department
to give Oregon the Boston.
Schooner la Hurled Ashore.
VINEYARD HA VEIN, Mass.. Dec. 7.
The Roston fishing schooner Oliver May
was thrown ashore on the south side of
Martha's Vineyard today and one of her
crew. Peter Sllva. of New Bedford, was
washed overboard and drowned. The
other members of the crew were saved
by two schooners.
Hem nmi.vsjiisiuta.Biaiiiii hpi, ,ihi' uup n inn M iIL lu
-- --i..- f...:. .v. ia,,, ... - .t-af-asasl
ft--?.! fc' 1
I'"?:' ilaeiissl
-1 nonrne
Promptly -
In all the finest quality of American or Swiss movements.. A most complete
assortment of cases in solid gold, geld filled or silver of the best makes.
The ideal Xmas Gift. "With
chains to match. A splen
did variety.
In all sizes and an elaborate
display of s t y 1 e s for your
283-28S Washington Street, Between Fourth and Fifth
Diamondl Importers Silversmiths Manufacturing Jewelers
The possession of a Diamond is a joy for
ever. The perpetual value, doubly in
creases it, as a gift, and at this season, this
store has the largest and finest line of soli
taires in the Northwest, for inspection. Also splendid
of the highest grade. The Feldenheimer guarantee and interesting prices
mean safety and economy.
Wltliin Month 25,000 Citizens and
School Children May Bo Band,
ed to PiBvrot Injuries.
SPOKAN'B. WsBh.. Dec. 7. (Special.)
"Within 30 daya 26,000 men, -women and
children of Spoliane may ba wearing the
button of tba .American Safety League
and belong to af-lvfo organization whose
slogan Is:
9poKane The. City of Safety."
Vnder tha dsrectloa of Frederick S.
Hughea, lectures-, who haa been brought
to Spokane bj the Spokane & Inland
and the Waahaagton Water. Power Com
pany, a campaign of education on how to
prevent accMenta was today begun with
two lectures by Mr. Hughes before the
students of Spokane High School.
The campalm will last 30 days In which
time Mr. iiualiea expects to address all !
the school rhikiren of Spokane and many !
of tha civic eptnd public organizations. I
Mr. Hughes; haa addressed 65,000 school
children. 1600: teachers and has spoken
In 160 schoote In Portland. Tacoma and
Seattle, In vAiich cities the American i
Safety League has worked with wonder
ful success.
Boston Grand Army Man Dies.
department commander of the Grand
Army of the Republio In Massachusets,
and for 40 years an educator in tha pub
lic schools of Boston, died today. He was
BOSTON, Dec 7.T. Wlllard Brown, born In 1839.
We've Redeemed
Forty-Three ;
Piano Contest
Prize Checks!
So Far and Will
Take Ninety-!
Seven More )
As has been announced, we arranged to reriteem one hundred and
forty piano prize checks. We have taken, forty-three of these
so far. Can nse ninety-seven more. But will not take more
than that number. Bring your prize checks to Eilers Music
House without delay. Here we accept them the same as spot
cash. Here are the best pianos. Here at the very lowest prices,
comparing grade for grade. One price to all, and that the low
est. Our easy payment plan enables any householder to have a
piano a good piano now. Every instrnjaent sold by ns is cov
ered by our unconditional guaranty.
Oregon's Home Piano House
The Biggest The Busient The Best
3S3 Washington ."Street
This is Talking Machine Headquarters. - All the makes and all
records can be examined side by side he ire. Talking Machines,
cost from $10 to $200. and some special styles at $250.
Talking Machines make splendid Christmas gifts.
Vre 36eat Gifts
Can you think of anything; that would
make a more desirable gift than a year's
subscription to one or more magazines?
Each month in the year and with some,
each week in the year, the recipient is re
minded of the generosity of the giver.
"We issue subscriptions to any maga
zine or periodical and afford a substantial
saving in combination subscriptions at
club rates. Free catalog for the asking,
showing combination prices.
Place your order early.
OVER 2000
Ot) 3deal (Bift Store btatkwebs
It Is the Night
Before Xmas
and he has forgotten iome
Go to any of the best drug
gists In Portland
and get (5cfef&
a box of -c(kml3dLp
If you get into this fix
Only a second to buy them
and satisfying beyond
Sold by All First-Class Dealers