17 TITE MORNING OREQONIAX, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1910. XEW TODAY. Half Fare Excursion Snndale Orchards Round Trip $3.25 Saturday Morning Dec 10th Corce with ns and see orchard planting, well drilling and other de velopment work in full blast in this high-class low-priced orchard dis trict on north bank of the Columbia. Notify Us Today HU-NTKB LAJTD CO, Owners Marshall 2329 Marshall 2329 Apartment Site Corner 100x100. $3,000 Cash Wfll Handle 20th Street North of Washington splendid loca tion. Balance of purchase price on 2d mortzage if purchaser will build. Don't fail to nee this. For full par ticulars ce llr. Ward. COLUMBIA TRUST CO. Board of Trade Bldg. Factory or Warehouse Site Containing 20 lots with 640 feet front a on O. R. & X. Co. . Best buy in city. $15,000 The Hart Land Co. 146 Second St. Special and Bottom Price On the following, today only: Suburban home, 6-room bungalow, beamed dininsr and living-room., fire- filace, 3 porches; all fenced, on car ine. Bam, chicken-house, 30 chick ens, 3 tons hay, 10 cords wood, spring water. rose bushes, all kimU ber ries, 2o fruit trees, f 1200 down, bal ance easy terms. Owner leaving for California on account of sickness. A. M. BESRT. 43.1 Chamber of Commerce. ffloneyTalks W have some acreage on car line in city which will make you 100 per cent in two years on investment. Call if you mean business. No phoning. Brong-Steele Co. Ground Floor 'Lawia Bldg. BUSINESS PROPERTY ON HAWTHORNE AVENUE It's a ds-ld1 bara-aln. Why? RcatM th. nvser wants to sell and has marie tft. prlc. fight. Per Month. Grocery, rent for ...$ 44.00 Flumblnx shop, rent for 18.n f "nnfe.-Monery. r.nt for. Si.&rt rllral.n. rent (or 22 50 lour fiat, rent fir tu.00 Total 7.0l If taken oon will eell for 1 T.OOl. eal!r worth f :.. If Interacted rail at l;i Hawthorne ave. Phone H 27. 5TH STREET Corner 60x70, with an L, 345,000 Pome income. GODDARD & WIEDEICK, Temporary Office, 504 Concord Building, 242V. Stark Street CHEAP APARTMENT SITE Corner Ash and E. 11th SU. PRICE $4000 GODDARD & WIEDRICK. Temporary Office, 504 Concord Building, 242 V, Stark St. For sal. New piano, never uel: le than roit Phone A 2S. A hi .Si, Ore g ooiaa VFW TODAY. if . K N NATIONAL ADDITION Every day new Improve, menta are being completed In XATIOXAL ADDITtOV All the street rradloss are Hear ing completion, aaveral of which are now open to traffic In a very short time all of the atreeta and boulevards will be In ftrat-claas shape, which will brine all of the traffic rlrht throneh XAtlOXAL' ADDITION. T o u cannot renltae the Improvements which have been made In thla a'Mlttnn unless you ro out and Inspect the tract. Do not be (roverned- alt'icether by your own Judjrment aa to whether vou should Invest in NATION, 'a. I. ADDITION, come Into our office and let us show you the number of sales that we have made In the past few weeks. Our automobile Is always at your dlpofHl. Call tia up and we will take you out to KENTON. TKRM 10 per cent down and 2 per cent per month. Fill In the coupon below and mall 't to us today, and we will mall you literature de scriptive of Kenton. CO I' POX CO-OPF.H TIVK REAI.Tr OMPA.W, CM Railway Eirhnge, Purtlaad, Or. Gentlemen: flense mall me literature descriptive of Kenton - Na tional Addition. Name Address. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO. two Railway Kiehaaae. 224S. A 12T4. DO Only $Xn cash reeded as first pay uent; 50x100 corner on the Haw thorne car new 5-room bungalow in pood neighborhood. CHAPINSHERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. Exchi ancre n arre 'mprovM wheat ranch, nearly all In cultivation, r.00 arre In Fall whfRt rented for one-third of crop fr-e at levator In Pendleton, which Is flv miles from the- ranch. Will sell or trade for Portland property either 160 arrea or 00 arre. Improvements are rood. Prlr- $40 per acre. 4.KtM DW, 117 Boar 4 of Trade BlUit- 4th am Oat. w Rg.L EST A TE DEALER., pvc H, WiUiAia 0 $13 Falling bid. Birr 1 1 A- H at Ctxw. J02-S McKay bid. Real aetata. Insurance, mortgagee, Un. etaw Brub&aar Benedict, 5VJ McKay Md. aL frwdw Cbatria Herlow. tt Chamber Coamarea Cook. B- ft. A Co CO Corbett bldg. Jeaalng at Co., Mala 1SS. 30 Ormrfwoiaa, PAteMCR-JONCS CO. ciai ius eu cral Geo XX, t3S Stark at. Mala 4$ UdX The Orerea Heal Batata Caw Ore nd ava aa4 llaUnomvh at. (Holladay Addition.) H. K- Thompaoa Co.. cor. 4th end Oak at RFAt. rTATT- I t sale 'Lota. N. W. IOolO. CORNKR E. XMh and riack- $28 "Vor Sale Iote. OWNER ANXIOl'S FOR CASH. Make V" An Offr. TSxinn. lots 2.1. 24. 25. block L "wniam etto Adiltlon. ria looxioi). S. E. cor. Bolena and Ala meda. 11250. SOxliN). E. 2th 3T. near Stanton. $1400. 6xloo, Hatghi. cor. Jeuup, $1500. 40x128. Kllioti ave. cor Hawthorne, 172x100. E. Burnslde. near ftlat. $.VO0. 8P73. Ki11inKworth near Haight. $4un0. looxion, s. W. cor. William and Sum ner. $400. Call and Talk Them Over. MERCHANTS SAVINGS A TRUST COMPANY. S. W. cor. fith and Washington et. PORTLAND HEIGHTS QUARTER BLOCK. For two cek the owner offers at a bargain a beauthlful looxloo lot. reserved by him for a home. Unobstructed view and sheltered from east winds. Price. $10.5OO; two-thirds cash will handle, bal ance on nmn nair ht una ui -- - at 7 per cent. Hartman & Thompson. Chamber of commerce. i4t4 CONTRACTORS. HERE'S TOUR CHANCE. We have a number of choice lot that we can give a second mortgage on. smau payment down, nothina better in the city. WESTERN CRE'ju.V TRUST CO., 272 Stark. X VERY CHEAP CORNER. Lot 50xUO feet on b- W. comer of East 22.1 and Frankfort atreet. Frunkfort , street Is Improved and the taxes paid. also district sewer tax paid. Price foau terms loo down. (iOUDARD WEIDRICK. Telephones: Main V A 2112. Temporary office. 004 Concord building, -4. 1 j Stark street. LOT 40x115. One land one-half blocks from Haw thorne ave., on et 3d street, reraeut walks and curbs Da id. first aewer as- aesvir.ent paid; $12uu. I-n"t delay. It wiii aeiL SEE CRAWFORD. Corner ;i4th and Hawthorna. B 21)07. Tabor 516. rHflirr R ESinENTK f.OT. SoxI2u Rodney ave.. Jl feet north of Graham, faces east. This Is In a beauti ful location, out of town widow anxious to aeii. Price X2000. GODDARD WIEDRICK. Temporary office, ft4 Concord building, 242 Stark street. Telephones: Main 245. A 2452. A BARGAIN, i Jots In Rose City Park only $423 each. Here's a chance for a builder. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO, 272 Stark St. "It'm right when we advertise." U K. N. TRACKAGE. Kant Portland, for tunately located as d t fit rlbu tine point for entire East side residence district; partic ularly adapted for lumber yard, builders materials, mood and coal yard or ware house; 20 feat on railroad, aiso front ana on sandy Kad boulevard. Fnap. investi gate this. Ensy terms. P!ione Main lo03 or A IMS. Ask for Mr. Pur-lrgame. " RP r.CI'LA TORM. 90x100 lot $475; terms $0 rath. $ 1 5 per month. This lot Is located on tn"t Mde wlthtn V block of an Immense new manufacturing plant, whirl, Ju being built that Is rowHlnir 1'.(XM'. This M ran ocly be bought today at thia low price. $16 AlUky Building. Telephones: Main 245. A 2U2. TILLAMOOK. COR. E. SI ST. Lot 60x13. Haasam pavement. Price S20OO. CODr-ARD A WIEDRICK, Temporary ft ire. rn4 .'onf-crd building. 2-1 la Piark erroet. Tclejihei.rs: Main. 24'i. A 24".2. $3 DOWN AND $3 PER MONTH. For fuil-slie lots near Mt. Pcott carllne. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO 27a Stark SU "Ifg right when we . adrtUe.M CHEAP LOT. A fine lot &0xUH) on Tl vision St.. near 24th; with thla strt pHVed and the Mad-Ison-at. bridge open this Is a very fine lot for the price, only $14'H. part cash. G KISS I & ZADOW, 17 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. CORNER OF EAST 21TH AND JARRKT. I-ot 7flxl0 feet. Only Hk feei fr'm the street carHne, ond surrounded by fme residences, prlre ItflO; terms. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. Temporary office, 5iU Concord building. Telephone- Main3 24.-.. A 2452. 242 Stark street. GOOD BUILDING SITE. lOOzKtO on E. 17th street, near Clin ton; aewer tax paid. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. Temporary of fico, 5M Concord building, 242 S Stark street. Telephones: Main 24 V A 2452. " TAYLOR STREET QUARTER. Close In, at a decidedly attractive price. Fair income now and sure of big increase in value owing to close proximity to Olds. Wort man A King's new store. Van duyn A Walton, 615 Chamber of Com merce. $40wi ONE of the best view tracts on west slope of Mt. Tabor, containing nearly four lots and just orT carllne; casv terms can be arranged. We invite comparison with anything on East Side. The Hart Land Co.. :4fi Scrond su ACRES, half acres, quarter acres, close in on good car line, at less than the price of a small lot: very easy terms; secure one of these f r a hnmalta. M- E. LEE. 411 Cor bell Bldg. YOU "can" buy a lot"near Rose City Park for $425; graded atreeta cement aids walk and curbs. Bull Run water, elec tricity, telephone, building restrictions. Provident Iny. A Trustee Cow Board oX Trade bldg. HAWTHORNE AVE. business lot. 50x100, $27.0; fine location for stores and flats: a splendid investment; $20no cash will handle; look this up. 6e Mr. Ward. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade Bldg. " IF TOU "are locking for a bargain in a lot, X have it. It's too good to last long, to call at once. F. J. ROSENBERG. R29 Lumbermen's Bldg $10 CASH. $. per month ; nice level lot 3 b)reks Mt. Scott 5c car; city water, street graded and prtlcl. HIGLKY, BISHOP A M'CLASKEY, 132 Third Kt. $200 LOTS CLOSE IN. Lte on East Brooklyn at., near Sflth; nothing like thla evr on the market In thia locality; prKa $200. $5 down and $3 monthly. 418 Railway Br change. KEXIt.WORTH AVE-. NEAR FRANKLIN Lot 4(;oo. P.-tce onlv $aoo; terms GODDARD A WIEDRICK. Temporary of fire. 54 Concord building. 242'j Stark at. A NK R east front lot in Rose City Park; all Improvements In and paid for; 150 feet from car line; $575. C. IB TOU NO. 4X1 Chamber of Commerce. 2 T hT N EA R P O W E LL. Lot ftOtino. Price $7r.O: pmnv terms. GODDARD WIEDRICK. Temporary office. 504 Con cor a Building, 242 W Starkst! $7oin PORTLAND HEIGHTS 2 lots all improvements in and pid for; lower por tion of Heights In titled neighborhood; a flu home site. Phone owner, Marshall lr or caiC 13 Second st. $":s BUYS aine level Int. cloe to car and only 20 minutes ride; $10 down and $J a month. M. E. LEE. . 411 Corbet t Bldg. APARTMENT SITES. Some choice lots and quarter blocks, close in. Central East Portland, at low prices. W. O. WADDEL. 809 Lumber Ex ch ange. Itjvv LOT. Just beyond Laurel hurst, two Mock off carllne; easy terms; will ar range to build house on your own plans. The Hart Land ri? 5?C5!n-rt ""rORTLANrJHEIG HTS P RO PE RTT. Hotn-s. lots, quarter blocks, tracts and acreage; all parts of heights, ell views snd prices; some bargains. Main 8.V1. A aaw. " " BA RGALN S In Piedmont, Walnut Park and High land. P. B. LENT. 417 Corbett bldg. CHOICE INVESTMENT. Several good quarters and single lota, West Side. Vanduyn A Walton. 615 Chamber of Commerce. $1250 LOT with 100-foot frontase. on Bel mont st.. very aightly and in select neigh borhood. The Hart Land Co.. 146 oec or.d at. VACANT LOTS. lOOxlhO. facing carllne In Creston, for ' $12Ki beautiful site for bungalow; $700 c ash. Owner. 202 Gerllnger bidg. LRVINGTON PARK $425 buys SOxlOfl, on 24th. near Atnsworth: see It at on-e. How ard Land Co.. 420 Swetland Bldg. PIEDMONT2(00 buys southwest , Height and Halmon. 201 Gerllnger Vrti;. " Far gale Houses, IRVINGION Your opportunity to buy a good home, cheap. Call 506 East 16th at. North, phone East 34. REAX ESTATE. For Sale II oases. THINK IT OVER Then come out and let us show you how you can make $10tK) by buying this beau tiful 7-room thoroughly modern new home on chutce corner lot in Irvington. House has fireplace, furnace, cabinet kitchen, hfamed ceilings, built In buffets, . etc Hard surface streets. THIS IS FORCED SALE. Hence the RIDICULOUSLY low price of $55o0, on terms. Better see us quick. , IRVINGTON REALTY CO.. Cor. ltth and Braxee streets. Take Irvington car. MARQUERITB AVENUE. I01 feet Horn Ciinton street; 5-room s'rlctlv ir!rii bungalow with fireplace, paneled dlnlnc room, full cement base - ment, large little: everything is flrst clas; lot r.OxHW feet. Terms: $2.10 down, huiance $iu per month. Price very low at 9:1100. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. Telephones: Main A 2402. Temporary office. S(j4 Concord building. 242 Stark afreet. Telephones: Main 215. A 2432. J00O0 SNAP IN IRVINGTON. A fine tt-room thoroughly modern home on 11th street, near Tillamook; im provements In and paid at above rric Lot uOxloo; reasonable terms if desired. Don't overlook this, as the owner is making a sacrifice for good reasons and desires a qt:ick sale. PORTLAND LAND CO.. 6"7 Commercial Blk. Cor. 2nd and Washington lU. . BUNGALOW, SUN N YS ID E. One of the finest bungalows In Sunny sfde; all latest improvements; fine fire place, fine fixtures, panel and beam dining-room. Dutch kitchen; nothing missing: on a corner lot on East 3Uth. just south of Hawthorne ave.; price Is $300, or com pletely furnished for $43u0; this is very swell. GRUSSI A ZADOW. S17 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. I WILL build you a home or bunga low to suit; small cash payment, balance easy terms. Call on Mr. Guthrie. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Board of Trade Bldg. HAWTHORNE AVE. $100 DOWN. 6-room bungalow. 2X feet north Haw thorne ave., jutt completed: full base ment, cement floor, everything modern, best conatruntion. connected with newer, cement walk around house, tinted walls, large attic, floored; large lot 5ixll7: best car eervloe In dtv. two lines. Price $3000. BRUBAKER A BENEDICT, 502 McKay bldg.. 3rd and Stark. Phone Main 64'J. NOB HILL HOME $3500. g rooms; modern; beautiful eurround aurroundlngs; faces east on 24th st. In the center of the most exclusive West Side residence district; 4 bedrooms on 2d floor and servant's room finished in attic This la a bargain at the price. $i'500. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. phones Main MP!, A 2633. $12.500N6b HILL HOME. Everett street; 8-room modern house, full 50x 1 0 lot; S.Vm cash w i U hand i e ; tht Is genuine bargain. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO.. 272 Stark at. "It's right when we advertlee BUY NOW. ROSE CITY PARK. EASY TERMS. T rooms, rox loo lot ; Improvements In and paid ; Berlin buffet and bookcases, olid oak floor, baths, furnace, fireplace!, laundry trays, mirror door, gas, etc.; terms $300 down, hal. $2:. per month. National Realty & Trust Co.; 326 Wash. st.. room r 1 6. ' GREAT BARGAIN; THINK, $1030. Modern. 5-room bungalow. Just fin ished on E. Flanders st., number J."j2; lot is worth aioiie and the bungalow cost lirtoO to build; ail Improvements in and paid for; owner very hard pressed for money; $4."0 cash, balance time: 1 block from Montaviila car. David Lewis, room 2 Lumbermens bldg., 5th and Stark aia. we3t"sidb"bargain. Very good 7-rooni house, full lot 50x100; street Improved, cement sidewalk, aome nice .fruit trees, walking distance, on Water St., near Glbbe; price $4'HiO. $10u0 cash and $2-p ocr month; a real bargain; lot alone worth $:.ooi. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4:h and Oak. BELLE CREST. Owner will sacrifice. 7-room house, new, well built, all mod ern. Including furnace; lot floxloO; price $3500; terms; mcke an offer. MERCHANTS SAVINGS A TRUST . COMPANY. B. W. cor. th and Washington ats. SUN NTS IDE. Special offer, extra good Investment; $nr0 for extra fine corner. ftH 2-3x100. with three new modern 5. 6 and 7-room houses, bringing ?loo rent per year; only one block from Belmont St.. close in. STAUB A SAWTELL. Phone Tabor 1R11. 32d and Belmont. SACRIFICE Don't overlook this bargain. Owner go ing East next week and must aell hia new, modern 6-room home, close in on E. Mad ison St.. that cost $-20. for only $4500. NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY, 270 Stark Street. CLOSE-IN HOME! 4 E. 7th st., i rooms, full cement basement and gas, nearly nw. Price 400. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. Temporary office, fV4 Concord building. 242 i Stork street. Telephones: Main 245. A 24S2. " A SNAP. For some one who has the cah; $1650 buvs a 7-rnom house, just as good as new and lot 33 1-3 by 100. on Improved street and close to car; rents $15 a month. See C. A. Siygowski. Take St. Johns car. Wil lamette utatlon. 8-ROOM modern house on a sightly corner. No. 415 14th St., opposite Portland Acad--em, Unobstructed view of mountains, good net eh nor hood, easy walking dis tance; $s5O0; $3250 cash, balance on eaBy terms. Owner, H. M. Tomlinson, 816 City Hall. HOME -'BARGAIN. 7-room plastered house, electric lights, cement basement, plumbing, etc.; lot 80x 10rt; 1 block to car; price $2500; some cash, ."balance to suit. E. T.. MARKHAM. Gorlir.irer Bldg . 2d and Alder. """"CLOSE-IN HOME. EASY TERMS. About 15 minits ot on W. R. car we offer 5 rooms and bath, new bungalow; swer. large lot, fireplace, etc.; $S0"0. $150 down, balance monthly. 418 Railway Exchange $:0 CASH BUYS 5 rooms, large lot. 75x110 feet, 1 block from carllne; more ground next to this place If vou nrefer at $3 per lot; price $.v) down, $15 month. National Realty & Trut Co.. 32'ty Washington st., room 516. YOU can't afford to pass this up If you are looking fr a home; 7-room modern house, fine location, good lot, fenced. $1600, $600 down, balance easy terms; owner going a'vnv. J. H. Dorman, Flrland station. Ml. K-:ott car. Before you buy or sell SES DETSCH A WITWER. Specialists in Real Estate For the man of moderate means. BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. Real Estate. Reniaia, Ins J ranee. 1 I -LOCK from Hawthorne ave. on 3ta st brand new 6-room house, latest Im provement for sale by owner. Trice $.S600- $MK) caeh. balance $25 per month; no agents. A 57 S. Oregontan. 5-Ku M l ungalow; all conveniences; fire place, bf-nm ceilings, range, shadea, lino leum, chicken-house and run; S acre; $1150 cash, balancw long terms. Ralnsford, Risley Station. Oregon City line. SUNN SIDE BARGAIN.' 6-room house, good condition, complete lv furnished. Including piano. Tange, etc.; $I9.V cash, balance mortgage. Owner, 625 Alder st SAVE money by building now. we win build ana nnnt 4 a. y0aPIONEFR CONSTRUCTION CO.. 5u3 Oregonlan Bldg. ACRE, 3 - ROOM H O US E. $ y 50. $200 CAsh, $10 monthly, buys thia In "Bi ent wood." n-ar Tremont: 5c fare: all cleared. Fred W. German. 321 Burnalde, Main 2776. $50 CASH and $10 per month; plaster house. lot tt'iiinu. i oiu" --.-. - biork" good school : price $'S,)o. HIGLEY, BISHOP A M'CLASKEY. 132 Third St. 2ROOM shack, lot. near carllne, good lo cality; party leaving j . tern-s; by owner. 2dl Morrison, room 7. Tabor 1915. 10- ROOM house. 50x100 lot, well located for rooming-house: price JL l.'fKHi; will take $1000 trade and ..00 cash, bal. monthly. R. C. Chism. 615 Couch bldg. MODERN 5-room bungalow, well situated; Mecest snap in i-orimmi: $1ihi down, balance $20 month with In terest. 54 S 6th. Phone M 8267. MUST sell my nw modern 7-room house; prtce ii-o: i .o ca". "a '"'- . trrma TelephoneMarshaii -.4a. 5-ROOM house, full lot, $1300; part cash. 7fl East Sth st. .'Nonr uwnfi i30 CASH. $10 monthly. 5-room, modern; 5 W . ...iil -a Vain REAL ESTATE. For Sale Honses. SOMETHING NICE OS HAWTHORNE. , A beautiful five-room bungalow on Hawthorne going at $4200; thU house has heating plant, hardwood floors, most cosi ly chandeliers and Is thoroughly modern. Fine lawn; garage and cement drive; terms easy. , R. E. NICHOLS A COMPANY, 270s Stark Street. $2.$O0 $2800 JUSOO. Bargain bungalow; neat design, new. with full concrete basement, laundry trays, five conveniently arranged rooms, large living room, fireplace, seat built in, mirrored buf fet. Dutch kitchen, wood; if t: full porcelain plumbing, medicine cabinet; full attic with stairway; Al finish inside and out; large porches; electric lights, shade, etc. ; fine mountain view; cement walks In and paid; one block to Rose City Park car; restricted district of nice homes only. It will pay you to see it before buying. Terms can be arranged to suit; see owner at 326 i Washington st. R 401. BEAUTIFUL 6-room house, on Oregon City Electric, Island station. Ideal location, beautiful view. 80x100. barn, $4500; will sell 1 up to 9 adjoining lots at $600 to $750; entire proposition figures up $10, 5V); will sell for $1MXK, 1-3 cash. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Bankers, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Fourth and Stark. FARM LAND DEPT. (See H A R T O G ) CLOSE TO UNION AVENUE. $2850 will buv atrictiy modern residence on Roselaw n avenue ; full cement base ment, laundry, piped for furnace; large front and rear porches; all of the sleep ing rooms have large clothes closets with a window in each. This house is brand new and has never been occupied and we cannot fully describe the advantage, but have the key and will be glad to show you. GODDARD A WIEDRICK, Temporary office. 504 Concord building, 244H Stark street. BEAUTIFUL NEW SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW. 50x100 lot. east front, thoroughly mod ern throughout, built-in conveniences, hardwood floors and shades; now ready for occupancy; m blocks to Rose City Park car; $3750. $500 cash, balance $25 per month. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO., 272 Stark St. "It's right .when we advertise." 6-ROOM bungalow, new and on 50x100 cor ner lot, right on Hawthorne car; owner leaving city; at low as $r50 cash will do as first payment. This Is a snap and at these terms must be taken quick- "P" CHVPIN & HERLOW. 3:t2 Chamber of Commerce. BuMneee Property. WEST SIDE INCOME PROPERTY. 19-room apartment flats, good condi tion: near 16th and JerTerson; income $74.50; could be made to pay $0 to $100; $9000; $3750 will handle, balance long time. Owner. 525 Alder St. 7000 INCOME bearing propery bringing six per cent on $14,000. A good future in this. Must be one-half cash. M. E. LEE, 411 Corbett Bldg. FINE APARTMENT SITE. 100x100, between Railroad and Broad way bridges; some Income. Atlas Land Co.. 420 Lumber Exchange. Acreage. I WILL CUT UP MY FARM TO SUIT BUYER. Have 50 acres of the finest land In the vallev: only 8 miles from Portland, in a well-settled community; the finest kind of soil; will grow anything; every acre cleared and under cultivation; have 8 rootn house. 2 large barns, root house, woodhouse and smokehouse, 2 wells and spring, family orchard; will sell all in one tract or will cut up Into small tracts to suit purchaser: this is a rare chance to pick up a good pfee of land near the city and you can get It below the market price ol otner lanas arouna me. See my agents. HALL A ATCHISON, 213 Gcrlinger bldg.. 2d and Alder. TWO acres, neat cottage, 10c fare, 2 acres berries, beautiful plHce. 2 acres, hew house and barn. 4 acres, splendidly improved. 10c fare. 5 acres, nice farm, near station. ' 2 lots, with bungalow, small payment; all acreage near city limits. Don't phone, call at office. MFARLAND INVESTMENT CO., 310 Corbett Bldg.. Portland. 7 ACRES. on good county road. In Washington County, close to railroad and within 35 miles ot portiano.; aooui i'tu acres t-icaie, aii hut about TO acras eood dIow land: well watered by springs and creek; Ideal fruit or stock ranch; price only $15 per acre. KAUFFMANN A MOORE, 323 Lumber Exchange. r-npn woon SS5 AN ACRE. 20 miles from Portland on Oregon Elec tric; land lies level and excellent soil; running water; surrounding land sel's $200 an acre. This will cut several hundred cords to acre. Will give you ae many acres as you want. Tern. BROWN A ST AVER, 614 Couch Bldg. FORTUNE IN FAIRYLAND FOR A SONG. Florida everglade lands, absolutely richest soil on earth and in most delight ful climate; in 10-acre tracts for $300. $10 per month; Government canals building will reclaim In few months. Increasing value to $500 to $1000 per- acre; location only 15 miles from magic city of Miami. Fla. For full particulars address J. M. Graybill. 622 Corbett bldg.. Portland. Or. 10 ACRES FOIi SALE. On Villa ave,, all cleared and In culti vation, 4 blocks from city limits, 5 blocks from Mount Hood R. R-. west or south, $200O down, balance R years, 0 per cent. See Hans Rasmusen, first house west; talce Montaviila car. 16 ACRES, close to Portland and stati on. first-claas soiL fenced on 3 sides, suit able for garden, fruit and chicken ranch. If you want It at the price of $150 aa acre, act at once as It will not last long. KINNEY A STAMPHER, 631-2 Lumber Exchange Bldr. FOR SALE or exchange for Portland prop ertv 160 acres In Southern Oregon; about ? 000,000 feet standing timber, six miles rom rallwav; six-room house, continual running water; title perfect; reasonable terms. I am the owner. AC 577, Ore gonlan. a nnnn ivitstmexT. Ten acres highly improved, about 15 minutes' ride from city, on Oregon Electric Lln" BLOCH REALTY CO., 221 Lumbermen Bldg. &AC R EsTia 1 1 c 1 ear e d7 M c M innvtlla 1 mile"; small orchard; $1175, $30 cash, $15 monthly. J. W. Curran. Failing bldg. 5 ACRES, 10-cent fare. West Side, $1900. Easy terma 614 Couch bldg. HomesteaOs. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 82-page book explaining what each of the 34 counties Is best adapted for; gives amount of Government land open to home stead In each county; map attached. 2lx 28, showing new R. R and towns, includ ing Eastern and Central Oregon; counties In different colors; drawn to March L 1910; latest map In U. 8.; price 25c NimniO A Runey. 313 Hamilton bldg. RELINQUISHMENT, 80 acres, in Southern Oregon fruit belt; 31 miles from Wood vllle. on S. P- Railroad; $500. Inquire 319 Railway Exchange bidg. HOMESTEADS, timber claims, relinquish ments. Pioneer Locating Co.. "6H Swet land bldg.. Portland, Or. WANTED A good homestead relinquish ment ; some Improvementa- 620 Chamber of commerce. For Sale Fruit Land. 10 ACRES FRUIT LAND. Situated 16 miles from Portland, 1 M miles from good town on electric line; 41. acres under cultivation, balance good timber; now house; price $2500, terms. L 676, Oregonian- "GLORIOUS KOOTENAY." BRITISH CO LUMBIA No Irrigating; choicest fru!t land $S0 per acre, nve-year terms, no in terest; free booklet 4V." Investors' Trut A Mortgage Corporation, Ltd., 134 Hast ings st.. W., Vancouver. B. C MT HOOD DISTRICT. 160 acres close to Mt Hood Electric road, now building, at a snap for quick sale. Vanauya A Walton, 015 Chamber of Commerce. $5fy Ten aTes apple land In famous Lewis river apple belt; $10 down and $a a montn- , M. E. LEE. 411 Corbett Bldg. $350 BUYS lo-acre orchard tract, best "red shot" soil, all tillable, only 35 miles from Portland : Investigate this before paying fancy prices elsewhere. A- C Palmer, 100 4th st. WE have large and small tracts of fruit land in -the Willamette Valley, ranging from $9 per acre up. Call on us for bar gains in land. Queen Inv. CCv. 414 Spald ing bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Frurt Lands. CHBHALEM MOUNTAIN ORCHARDS. ARB. YOU LOOKING FOR AN ORCHARD TRACT T Do yon want the best? Close to Portland. R R. station on place. Don't fall to call on THE CROS3LEY COMPANY, 708-708 Corbett bldg. It surely will be to your advantage a see us before buying. Seeing Is be! ie vlng. BRITISH COLUMBIA FRUIT LAND Carlln orchards, upper Okanagan. ideal location, fertile soil, no irrigation required, beauti ful climate, railway through property, spe cial inducement to settlers, $130 to $145 per acre, three-year payments, exceptional: opportunity. Write for illustrated pamph let "B 4." Rogers, Black ft McAlpine, Van couver. Briitfch Columbia. 10, 15. 20-aCRE tracts near Portland; finest fruit land and chicken ranches, close to railroad station; good roads; other farms - near by; $17.50 to $i0 per acre, part cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent. MFARLAND INVESTMENT CO., 310 Corbett Bldg.. Portland. FINE 25-acre fruit farm for sale at a snap if taken now. There is 10 acres bearing fruit. 7 acres in cultivation, bal ance pasture and brush; all best of land; small buildings: one mile to R. R. BRONG-STEELE CO.. Ground floor. Lewis B I d g. GOLDENDALE SIMCOE FRUIT LANDS. 10 ACRES, $500; ONLY $100 cash, balance $10 month. Geo. S. Casedy Co., lobby Commercial Club bldg. "" For Sale Farms. ' TO INVESTORS AND HOMES EEKERS. Look over tho following list: 205 acres In Polk County, Oregon, farm and fruit land. 200 acres Douglas County, Oregon, farm or fruit land. 160 acres Harney County. Oregon, wheat land. 12 acres at Hood River, all In orchard. 170 acres Lane County, good farm land. 159 acres Linn County, good farm land. 182 acres Polk County, farm or fiult land. 706 acres Umatilla County, fruit land. 2oo acres Klickitat County, Washington, fruit farm. , 10 acres 16 miles from Sacramento, Cal.. right in orchard district; good orange land. 2500 acres, stock farm. Morrow County, Oregon. 1U12 acres, stock ranch, Morrow County, Oregon. ' n 7uo0 acres, stock ranch, Teton ounty, Montana. This Is a fine one. We have others. Call or write. NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY, 270 Stark Street. T. J. Brltt, Mgr. Farm and Fruit Land Dept SUCCESSFUL FRUITDALB IS THE PLACE FOR YOU. Land In this established Gulf Coast Colony Is the best investment now being offered in the entire South ; good land, not white sand; no negroes; fine markets; hig profit country; not a new thing, but established for 1 8 years and success proven ; healt Xul climate and beautiful Winters; water pure; rainfall ample, no Irrigation re quired; $5 per month buys a farm In this district, where 10 acres can be made to produce $3000 a year; price low now and makes splendid investment, as land Is rapidly increasing in value; nothing ex actly like it anywhere; send for our big book of panorama viewa Agents wanted. FRUITDALE DEVELOPMENT CO. , 74 423 Chestnut Su, St, Louis, Mo. HERE'S a bargain, for $4300 80 acres; "0 miles from Portland, with 16 acres clear; house; good barn; 40x00; family orchard of about 200 fruit trees; three springs on the place and a.bout 2500 cords of wood; just five blocks from railroad station; three-quarters of a mile from school and stores The owner of this place is in the East and asked us to sell at once at $2500 cash, balance at 6 per cent on easy terms. LOUIS SALOMON & CO., 233 Stark street. 20 ACRES Near Hil Isboro ; all cleared : small or chard and small buildings; for a quick sale will take $3000, cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent. , See HALL A ATCHISON. 213 Gorlinger bldg., 2d and Alder. CHEAP WHEAT LANDS The cheapest wheat lands on the American continent, considering the qual ity of the soil, proximity to transporta tion and the tremendous crops produced are in Alberta. These lands are selling IDE-UcCARTHY LAND COMPANY, Exclusive Sales Agents. 425 Lumbermen's Building. 1307 ACRES In Willamette Valley. -'H miles to R R., 300 acres in cultivation, 500 acres has been, nearly all could be put under plow, finest for fruit, could be cut Into small tracts and sold at big profits, fine lot of timber, running water, on good road, good buildings, nnesi ui muiu Easy terms. Price $50 per acre. TiROVO-STEELE CO.. Ground floor. Lewis Bldg. 120-ACRE farm, house, barn. well and spring, nice orchard, all fenced, 65 acres cultivation. S5 timber, rest pasture; this land is 7 miles east of Oregon City, on good road; rural mail and telephone pass the place; mortgage $2H00. due 4 years take trade to '$2000. R. -C. Chlsm, 615 Coucn Dtag . . .... . n.ntAK haat !rt- class plumbing, poliBhed floor, paneled I nrn nslr rioa m r Ail ing, cement basement. 50x100 lot for $3700. Call and see this snap at 875 Brooklyn st., W. W. car. . 2"o0o3Tp0 ACRES fine land, 6 miles east from Molalla. Corners Clackamas County. Or new 4-room house, barn 50x66, xZ acres cleared. 40 acres slashed. 2 good springs, mail route, telephone. Further particulars can niL ic.m - 160-ACRE wheat farm, all in cultivation. 6 miles I rom ranruau uu roads, must have money; no reasonable offer refused: some trade; for particulars address M5 79. Oregon i a n. - H. D. EISMANN. Consulting agriculturist and horticul turist. .'15 Ch. of Com. bldg. Phones M. 1955. A 2995. Foils examined, reports made on irun miu '"''-" SO ACRES, cultivated; house barn, pump, good for dairy or orchard; 7 miles south; terms. Allison, 428 Lumber Exchange. Miscellaneous. IF YOU are looking for city lots, houses, bungalows, farms, acreage, fruit lands, call on me before buying. It will cost you nothing to go over my properties. F. J. ROSENBERG. 62H Lumbermen's Bldg. FOR sale, rent or exchange for kits in city, one story frame store building In Gran ning suburb; no agents. AJ 587. Oregon lan. " FOR SALE- TIMBER LAI P. RELINQUISHMENTS. Homestead 1 ! miles from Bay City, very cheap at $450; timber claim near this with millions good timber; price $600. GRUSSI A ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M CRACKEN, 30i McKay Bldg. TIMBER CLAIMS, homesteads, relinquish ments. 219 Worcester bldg. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. t TIMBER lands wanted. C J. McCracken, 304 McKay bldg. TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE 500 shares of preferred Gov. Standard Powder stock, value $500. for furniture of flat or some good business chance; consider equity. Goodnough & Seitz. 310 Spalding bldg. 56 ACRES, near Linn ton. suitable for sub division; value $300 an acre; will sell on easy terms or exchange for city property. W. O. Waddel. 309 Lumber Exchange. tVILL exchange my equity of $2200 In cor ner lots. Irvington near car line. Improve ments all In. for house and lot of about $3000 and pay difference. East 514. TWO Irvington lots to exchange for resi dence or acreage. C. U Bamburaer, room 2, Lumbermens bldg. Main 24SS. A 248S. . 160 ACRES of limber and coal land In Douglas County, near Roseburg. to trade for ot her property. Security Investment Co.. 317 Worcester Diag. FOR SALE or trade, 7-room modern bunga low furnished. 1 block from car; will take grocery stock. Phone Tabor 2351, owner. WE exchange your property regardless of location for that which suits you better. Northwest Exchange. 22S-9 Henry bidg FINE list of real estate for exchange. NORTHERN TRUST CO.. 270 Stark St. FOR EXCHANGE Lot and fraction In Seattle for automobile; must be good. C rittenoen. xiuuumu, TWO fine acre trscts, city limits of Seattle: $2000; house and lot in Portland. A 573, Oregonlan. $20 000- corner property, heart of Astoria; pays 14-2 per cent. Chas. E. Hicks. In- qepenaencB, vi. WE CAN trade your property or buslnesa Call 8MB -Boarq oi i rams. WE buy. sell or trade for anything of vidua. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE Five and ten-acre tiv on Salem Electric line, adapted to gar truck and fruit farming; station right property; also good school, good roads t- only wu mmuts riae io . exchange for hrst mortgages, city hoi or good, substantial equities. Seo own itl'o-Blitj-if-i AOington niant. TO EXCHANGE Los Angeles home, c sistine of well-built plastered cottage rooms, bath, enclosed porch, china cio two coolers, kitchen stove, hot water ta connected; lot oOxi40, to-iooi BJiey. a bun dan r of trees and rosebushes. blocks to ocean, 4 blocks to carline, Ph( Tabor 2S47. 22 ACRES Buildings complete: , a timber, orchard, 5 acres beaverdam, b ance highest state cultivation; 200 3 from station on Oregon Electric; va SriiiOOr S'JOOO mte - will exchange for ' property. C. L. Bamberger, Main 24 room 2. Lumbermens bidg. A 30-40 POPE-HARTFORD automobile. . cellent condition, equipped with quick tachable demounting rims. 35x4 -ii tires; has glass shield, top. presto lie and speedometer, to exchange for real tate or equity in good piece of real tato. B 561. Oregonlan. WILL trado new 5-room cottage. 50xi lot. in city; rapid growing locality. 101 s.'iiall place near electric line; small 1 provemenis. BUTT KR WORTH-STEPHENSON CO., 35 Lafayette bldg. Main 8529. FOR sale or exchange for real estate, t' coffee and spice business with old 1 tabllshed paving route; 2 men can ch $125 per month easily; best of reason selling; value less than $2000. If mt ested call owner, phone East 901 TO exchanged for Portland property, 4" acres at Cornelius Pass tunnel: 3 4 W. of Burlington; suitable for plattlr Ironts United Railways; iu.uu. Pfluger A Co.. room 6 Mulkey bldg., and Morrison sts. . wn .T . oTchu n p- i r.n orrps cood level fr land, one mile from Roseburg. for Po land residence. What nave youi F. J. ROSENBERG. . 529 Lumbermen's Bidg. MODERN' 150 bhl. flour mill, operated w water power, in good R. R. town; vr fine wheat countrv surrounding. L. Moors, suite 517 Board of Trade, Pot land. NEW, cluee-in bungalow. $3000; also acres Quo cultivated land right on Pow Valley road, near city limits, at $700 r acre, to trade on small business pro pen 418 Railway Exchange. WANTED REAL ESTATE. I HAVE a hnver for a bunsalow who a pay big monthly installments. This shou F. J. ROSENBERG. 529 Lumbermen s Bldg. I WANT from 40 to 160 acres unimprov. land adjoining or near small town r ma mii fnm Pnri laud : must very cheap; under $15 acre. B 574, Or gonian. t w a vt a iinnn rooming HOUSE . ONCE: GOOD LOCATION; PRICE MCH BE RIGHT. I HAVfci TUB Bllt-n. F. J. ROSENBERG. 629 Lumbermen's Bldgj WANTED To buildfon Immediately, a 1 In t hi norM nf.rtlon Of LaUTfi 1 tl UTSt 1 gl location, price and terma L 677, Oreg man WANTED To purchase a well-elevated atj attractive double comer in LauraiuuK state exact location and lowest price ' all cash. N 575. Oregonlan. I WANT bungalows, houses and close acreage at once. F. J. ROSENBERG. 629 Lumbermen's Bldg;. CUSTOMERS waiting for close-in acrea tracts. NORTHKKX TRUST lU.. 270 Stark St. WILL" pay cash for good lot, Irvlngto Park or vicinity; must be cheap. AB 56i WANTED Bungalow or cottage on ea terms. Howard Land JO., 4au owetia Bldg. WAVTTrn so ion. northwest of Washin ton snd 16th: either vacant or Income, a ooo. oreguiiisui. WANTED Good lot on Portland Height Call 523 Lumber Exchange. FOR RENT FARMS. iron rrt fi arras of finest land ne Courtney; good 4-room house and bar' nil rlr and nartlv in berries: $15 F month. C. F. Pfluger & Co., Mulkey bid-! 2d and Morrison sts. FARMS WANTED. itarm Pronertv wanted: only exclusi contract for quick sale considered; v have the buyer, it you want to sen, or wrlto us. Hall & Atchison. 213 Gs linger bldg., Zd and Alder. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. wanted To rent a dairy farm with without stock, 25 to 50 cows; would bu the stock ; car give best or reference A J Coo, oregonlan. FARM on shares, 4 or 5 years; 2 house Darn, good rence. some pasture: not ov 20 to 25 miles to Portland. Have too and 3 horses. D 582, Oregonlan. WANTED To rent a farm, stocked; ca or share rent; medium to large; best references. AK 5S8, Oregonian. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. HORSES FOR BAL&. All Of Winston Bros. A McDougal' Horses will be on sale at toe iiawtnorn Etabies for 10 days. They range 1 ihr u.n to 1800. and from S ta 1 I ears of age. As all of our work on th ri. Sr. xf. tw is aona, an ok our biock wu h fnr inl. Thev wl! be sold under th guarantee of the Hawthorne staules. Ca and. inspect tnese &ner aovbuiwm A HAWTHORNE STABLES. 420 Hawthorne ave. 2i.0Q.LB. TEAM chunky-built mares, ages and 7. warranted to have good wind an good eyes and practically sound, cost th . present owner aoou one yar ngu mi worth as much today; price, ailowin trial, $350. 505 Aider at. Xl'.rt TEAM AND HARNESS $150. Mare and gelding, ages 6 and S, weigh about 2300 lbs., honest ana rename, work anywhere, extra good drivers, al their harness, amost, new, sv oargain someone, bfto Aider at. FOR SAL15 Team of two 'horses, harnee and .nrinr waeon: all in first-class con ditlon; will make price right for quid, sale. Owner, room zuu, uregoman oing. atr. "rtt ys team, harness and 8 i wagon inare and horse, weight 1200 lbs. eaoh sound and true puners; come anu tr ihm. East 12th and Madison, cottage 1: Park. FOK tiALE Team of two horses, sound and in good condition, good spring wagon ana naruess m ui , m -gam for quick sale. Al Langenbarg. Uiacasmas. ur. BARGAIN In well-matched team of ponies 1300 lbs., $60; t and 9 years old, goon travelers, sound and true. One horse, 1150 lbs., sound. Phone Sell wood 1788. YOUR choice of 4 horses, ages from 6 tni 10 weighing irom ivou 10 iouu , price from $40 to $85; also their harness a purchaser's option. f05 Alder at. A TEAM at a snap; 3100; as true as steel, price reasonable. Call at 351 South Sec ond. W. H. Boyd, owner. FOR HIRE, PORTLAND STABLES, 26 N. 16TH ST. MARSHALL 1686 HORSES AND WAGONS BY DAY. WEEK OR MONTH. $365 BUYS 8000-lb. team biocky-huilt horses, warranted sound and true and trial al lowed. 0O5 Alder su HUBERT & HALL'S STABLES. 360 From St., livery business, rigs, norses, uuuow, wagons, ior iiua ut ri- . , 1 WILL give my $.i00 equity in business corner ior a gooa wrmu ui nmwn. , Oregontan. Automobiles. WE are going to close out every second-hand car in the place regardless of price. Thes Include some unusually fine proposition! In Pierce. Cadillac. Peerless and Stearns cars. Dome in ana ioot iuem over. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY FOR SAL1S Large 7-passenger touring car, cash, or will trade for good city property. siih 5tn. FIRESTONE, new. for sale, or would trade for real estate ana pay omsreucB. Electric venicie to., oj ; amr . EQUITY in small business corner In growing district to excnaiige uuuuuu Oregonlan. . A SMALL Olds runabout at your price, O 575, Oregonlan: WANTEI A runabout auto on terma O 576. Oregonian. 6-PASSENGER Cadillac, In Al condition; $250. Graham. 209 Henry Bldg. FORD roadster, fully equipped; $350; terms. Call 54 imon ave.. cor. uaviB. Birds. Dogs and Pet Stoca COLLIE puppies, make fine Xmas gifts; 40 choice puppies ror !; a io nuiusuiiia grown dog. prize-winner, cheap to good home; catalogue. C. D. Nairn, Amity, Or. Pianos. Organ and Mimical lnt ruin ent. MAKE an offer for piano company's check for $i-u, nignest 01 a taxes iu tr. u. Box 533. WILL sacrifice beautiful upright piano. cash or easy payments. 10 rename party. Address, Sacrific, V 567, Oregonian,