THE MORXIXG OREGONTAX. TIIITtSDA.Y. DECEMBER 8. I91Q, 1B HOW MILWAUKEE PLANS IS PUZZLE Conference Here Did Not Di vulge Method Line Selected to Enter City. T. & E. COURSE BROACHED Road Ma Bride Colan.bla Oppo Trontdale and t" Orrjon TVtT Power Company Line. Other Wara Plmsnl. fiance te riplt "I President Earllns-. ff the Chlcaro, Milwaukee Sc. Paul Railway to Portland Ut irrrk, aperula ln has ren rife a to the method i pucet iund extension of that road will adopt In entrrtns Portland. The conference between Mr. Earlir. and President Williams, of the Chlraso. Milwaukee Pux-rt f-und road did not forth the expected announcement of the company's plans and leaves, the way open for furtlier conjecture a well mm a revival of all of the plana that have been suscrrred In the past. Prominent anions; the likely ways now receiving dbw-uislon as the old one of the Taroma Kastrrn extension, a brldjro acmes the (."olumMa opposite Troutdale and entranra Into Portland over the tracks of the Oregon Water Power Com pany. WHIe this plan has been declared Im practical by competent engineers It con tinues to receive con4derat!on. Although Milwaukee officials have denied repeated ly any Intention of using such a costly means of reaching Portland, certain definite steps ofMre IntereeKs that con trol the Oregon Wutr Power tine have riven rise to recent revival of that re port. Tunnel Plan Broached. H:e I.igh bluffs on the north side of the Columbia opposite TroutJnlr have drfled the railroad et.glneers in their former plan to rears a railroad from that point to tle south side of the stream. The latest plar provide for tunneling under the hill between the!s Klver and the Columbia, thus sf fnrding easy connection with tlie Tacoma V rstern extension. SHjch a project would require the build ing of an expensive bridge as well a the enormous exni3ture for the tunnel, rtrt tr Is pointed out that the combined rnst would not exceed that of con.'truct Ing the road Into the Sound and that If thst business was worth sucli an out lay of money the patronage thst might derived from Portland would also be Oilier Plans in Air. Put t' Is ts not the only paper railroad built for the Milwaukee within the Inst six nnn:. Double. tracking of the Northern Parlnr. between Portland and t:e Sound h not Infrequently len connected with the desire of the Mil waukee to enter this city. It Is declared that Inasmuch a the Northern Pacific Improvement Is to be completed st about the time that the Milwaukee runs Is first all-steel (vnnrstr train into the Sound, the train service can easily be extended Into this city. Then there Is the O. H. A X. com hlnstlon. which provides for the opera tion of a Portland section of the through Milwaukee trains between this city and Flummrr. Idaho, where the Harrlman road and the new line have an actual connection, where freight fas Interchanged. That the Milwaukee will enter Port lard eventually has been assured by offi cials who arsrrt that one of the prime purposes In building to the Coast was that the trade of Western Oregon might be procured. It Is a!ex reasonably certain that thu road will e.Her over Its own tracks but that It would not heIl ite to gain an early foot!iold by leasing from one of the lines, already doing business In this ittv. Is lndlcatd by Its action In operat ing over a Hill line out of Seattle when the construction work east of that city was In proares Ti e question of terminal facilities has been another stumbling blw-k but It is S'surd that plenty of trsckag can be SHured on tlte Host Side anil that If a a pasrrnsrr station ts to be built It. too. can be placed on that side of the river. INDIAN FIGHTER PASSES Lewis bcn Harris IMe at Dayton, Aged SO Years. PATTOX. Wash, Dee. 7. (Special.) l.ewts Ksben Harris, pioneer miner. Indian fighter and business man. widely known throughout the Northwest, died here yesterday aged SO. His dying wish that his body be cremated will bs carried out. The remains were shipped tills evening to Portland, where Ma sonic rites will precede cremation. Born In Sandusky. O.. In 1SJ0. Mr. Harris at 1 years of age moved to (oshen. lnd. His father believed a boy who could not work his way through college did not deserve an education. He did this, receiving bis degree at Indiana University. He assisted his father In the lumber and sawmill busi ness until ISO. Sailing from New York, he passed around the Horn and landed In San Pranclsco In 1S50. With a rifle and ammunition strapped to his t-tck he sat out for the mines, fighting; IhiVans oc casionally, and la 10 located at Elk City. Idaho. He accumulated Several fortunes. He was Iepsty Sheriff at j I.ewlston for several years, and re mained In business there until lSTa, when he came to Dayton. He was In tha retail liquor business here until two years ago. Ha was United States collector of Chinese tax at Lewlston. He helped Institute the Masonic lodge at l.wiston and at Dayton. Besides a wife he left two daughters Mrs. M. V. Morris, of Portland, and Mrs. M. Mlddlemlss, of San Francisco. FAIRGROUNDJS VALUABLE . lira! Estate Increases Worth ot Grango Association's Stock. . GRESHAM. Or.. Dee. 7. (Special.) Stockholders la the Grange Pair Associa tion yesterday elected tha following di rectors: J. J. Johnson. H. E. Davis. R. P. Rasmussen. Lewis Shattuck. T. R. Howltt. Theodore Brugger. w. A. Proc tor. John Sheret. R. M. GUL F. H. Crane. J. W. Town send. H. A. Lewis. D. M. Roberts. M. V. Thomas. A. F. Miller. Before the election of directors tha stockholders ratified the action of the eld board In borrowing fSuoa to pay for the 11 acres used as the fair grounds. The property has been held on an op tion for three years and Is now worth several times what It cost. Although the fslrs are not financially profitable, the Increase In valuation of the real estate has made the rspltal stock more valuable, and considerable treasury lip mam Absolutely Pure Tha only baking powdar madafrom Royal urapo Cream of Tartar No Alum, No Lime Phosphate stock will be sold to place the assocla tlon entirely out of debt. The new board will organise In January. WOOLGROWERS CALL OUT Portland to Entertain and Oregon Associations. PENDLETON. Or.. Dec. ?. (Special.) The official call for the 13th annual con ventlon of the Oregon Woolgrowers A snclatton Is note being sent out by Sec retary Dan P. Smythe. of this city. The convention Is to be held In Portland. Jan uaxr X Just one day before the opening of the great 47th annual convention of the National Woolgrowers' Association and mld-wlnter sheep show In that city, Secretary S-nythe la urging all growers of wool In the state to arrange to at tend the convention. He calls attention to the fact that Portland and her Com menial club are making elaborate prep aration to give the woolgrowers a fine time and declarea 1t Is now up to us to show our appreciation to Portland by acceptlrg tier invitation In person next January and -help welcome our brother sheep men. "It will be a business session," de clarer! the secretary In his letter to tiie sheep men of the state. "Tariff, forest reserves, quarantine and speed limit laws, predatory anlmnle. wool sales. appointment of advietory boards and other mibjects Important and vital to the In dustry will be discussed. The most promt nent expert men In America on these subjects have places on the programme of the National convention. The mid winter sheep show which Is to be held In connection, promleiea to be the best ever held In America. CLUB PROPERTY IS SOLD l). P. Thompson Kstate to Settle With .Minority Stock holder.-. The old Arlinton Club property. the northwest corner of West Park and Alder streets, was bid In at auction yesterday by Walter F. Uurrell, acting for the D. P. Thompson . Estate, for 1170.000. The only competitive bidding was by C. K. Henry, who dropped out after making a bid of 16j.OOO. The property Is luOxluo feet and Is Improved with a brick structure, which was occupied many years as the home of the Arlington Club. The club se cured ground on Salmon street, between Park and West Park street, and built a new home last year. Since the ac quiring of the new home a part of the old club building was occupied by a retsaurant until a few months ago, when It was damaged by a fire and closed. The building has been vacant since. The D. P. Thompson Estate and J. N. Teal have held more than 90 per cent Interest in the property for some time, represented by stock ownership. The settlement with the other holders of the stock Is to be made on a pro rata basis. DAILY METEKUIArUlCAI, RKCORO, ' PORTLAND. Dec. T. Maximum tempera ture. 7.1 degrees; minimum, 43 degrees. Itiver rea.tlng. A. M., 9.3 feet: ehans In last hours, fall 0.7 fool. Total rainfall 1.1 r. M. to 3 P. M l. .24 Inch; total rainfall slnrs bepteraher 1. IPto. 14. .IS Inches: nor mal rainfall since September 1. I.Tt'-ti Inches; icess ot rainrail Blue September 1, 1910. .72 tnrh. Total sunshine, 1 hour 43 minutes; poesfbl sunshine, a noura 41 minute. Ps rometer ireduced to sea letslj at 3 P. M., SO.o; Inches. THE WEATHER. ?4 Wis ! f 3 tr r. n o - z If Iff at at W alb' STATIOXX H0.4 tnton .tarr (h leant). ....... Ii4nv-r Ira Molne.... lu!aih Kurrkt t;airrton ...... Ilrltna JarkaoTH1a. . Kanaaa City... Maratifl4.d Montreal New rri4ana... Nw York North Ha-!... North Yakima. p horn It Focatrllo Portland Roturf . . .... Sacram nto. . . . Be. Louia St. J'aul Bait Lak Paa Pi-fo Fan Krtaclaco. MklTOu. . ..... tSrokan. ...... Tacoma Tatoosh laland. Walla Walla... 4'. o.on. 4 o.:M In1 40 0.00 6 ISO. Ol 14 ; o.isi ij. S; 0.4MI,' 4 8 0.0'J 12 Ct 0,0.. 4 r.t 0 .00 .12 31 T. I 4 4 0.00 4 S2 0.00 4 O.ft0l 4 12 O.Olj 4 450.00 4 o. 12 12 A2 O. in IS 3O.OOi 4 72 O.OO 4 440.001 4 .It 0.24! e o.rj. 4 &rt0.02' 4 r, f. 00' i 0.02 12 7.0 O.on; 4 O.0O 4 rt 0. OOI 4 3S O.isil 4 400. to; 4 7.40.341 4 an o. 10 10 SO 0.C2. 4 N W "ler jt'lesr NW t-le.r w ViMr N W IHt cloudy NwVlear W Clear W "1ouIt SB M'loudy SK 'Rain N l lesr S Oesr SW ;Ooudy SVT lOooily V Tudy W ler SE Clear NW 'Cloudy W I ft cloudy SW 'Clear WEATHER CONDITIONS. Th North Pacific low-presur area Is GOOD NEWS for the coffee-wreck POSTUM "There's a Reason" Read "The Rol to Wcllville," in rdiS- E ciou.iy SB Cloudy SE iioudy W K-lear V 1 Clear E clear NW Clear NW 'cloiltly S'W iCIourty Unoudy HW Clear PR 'I'.aln NW Clear lakingl. .For Play We need still more room for Player Pianos. We need this room at once, so as to make an adequate display of the wonderful assortment of Player Pianos which we are now selling. We are to devote a substantial portion of our former Piano Exchange and Bargain Room to the display of Player Pianos during the Holidays. We are, therefore, closing out some twenty-eight slightly used regular pianos at considerable less than our usua very low Exchange Bargain Room prices. Coming at this time, this offer will enable many a householder to secure a splendid musical instrument for Christmas 1m 1 go Imrnitiw tm W lim a unlendid Kimball BPriKht piano, fancy Circassian walnut, the large 8600 model; this piano has been Portland s musical homes; was accepted as pan payment on an eiegau now Kimball Grand; this superb upright sterk niano. eletrant mahogany case, A S375 Qabler uorieht. rich mahogany case, though marred in several places, thoroughly serviceable instrument; wiu saiisiy mi out iue vj ui ralr uric. S160. We are selling a satin-finish mahogany-case Hardman; has had little use in prominent Portland home; our price piano like this. We have received a number of Mason & Hamlin pianos, for which much vu claimed in certain Quarters up to a short time ago. In two instances the former owners decided noon new Chickering3 instead, paying us the addi tional price. A third Mason & Hamlin came to us in part payment for a player piano. Consignment agents have asked $525 for a mahogany case Mason fc Wamlin: onr nnce for this larirer size Mason & Hamlin costs $20 lin equipped with a peculiar screw stringing device which, prior to the Mason Wamlin failure was emloited as a most wonderful invention. We will sell this Mason A Hamlin for S163. It is a noteworthy fact that one wan nrrsnaded abont a vear ago to try was published broadcast at a cost state. Only recently, after almost a year s tnai, ne sens oats ma jbuu ok Hamlin and decided unon one of Eilers Music House Grands instead; all of which again shows that extravagant adjectives employed to advertise any piano are not always borne out in the instruments themselves. It is a fact that the dealers or agents in the cheapest, most worthless pianos, frequently uoe all the superlatives in the language In describing tnem. Tint to revert to fcnr cut prices on used pianos. We have several Webers, slightly used; our prices $215 and $295 for a very fancy figured mahogany one, which cannot be told from new. A handsomo appearing Fischer, bright and fresh, is now $200; a mottled walnut Emerson $185, and a very fancy Last but not least, there is a bsaunrui umcKenng upngni, oneraxon mouei, a ffennina Sfi25 value. This instrument a West Side home, where it was exchanged toward payment of a Chickenng Onartr Orand. This Chickerine Upright may be had for $470. A Pianola Piano, mahogany case; Pianola Piano, Weber, is $495. We will sell these pianos for cash, the mere additional simple interest. See the display in our west show window. Eilers music iiouse, jo Wash ington Street. Portland s Home rtano net well defined snd Its center Is evidently soma dUtancs at sea. A larse h!Rh-presure area overllea the greater portion of tha Vnltsd Ststes snd very llttl rain or snow hss fallen In the last 14 hours. The tem peratures on the Pacific Slope are sllshtly sbors normal and east of the. Korky Moun tains they are below the sessonal veras. especially In the East Gulf States, where. it Tampa. Fla., It was Ji hsn usual at H P. M. ,11111.1.. . farorabls for rsln Thursrtsy In Western Oreson snd Western Vsehlnstoii snd lor rsm or enow astern Washington and extrems Northern Idaho. I rs Portland and rlclnlty Rain; soothssstsrry Inds. Oreson Bain west, fslr aast portion; south to ssst winds. Washington Rain wast, rain or snow SMtrthesat and fair southeast portion: south to east winds. Idaho Fair, ssxept rain or snow Hirem aorth portion. 1-TPWARn A. PKL, ini"ci Tate THE SWASTIKA. MINING & DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LTD., WILL POSITIVELY WITHDRAW ITS STOCK FROM THE MAR KET ON JANUARY 1, 1911. We have part.of our new machinery ou the way to the mine at this time, and the balance will be installed just as soon as we can get to it.. Our miners are working in ore bodies that leave no doubt of the value of the Swastika, and financially we have advanced to a place warranting the announcement that stock will be withdrawn from sale on January 1. Until that date only we shall sell at 10 cents per share on installment as heretofore. Our interesting booklet free to all who send their addresses to this office. The Swastika Mining S Development Co., Ltd. 220 Drexel Bldg., 2d and Yamhill Sts., Portland, Or. Tel. Main 8726. ore Koom eos To Close Out, a Weber $295 used for the past four years in one of will be closed out for JjiJio. usual price siou, now siao. $290. Small dealers ask $500 for a slightly used one 18 A somewnai more, and an old-style Mason & Ham of Portland's foremost musicians a Mason & Hamlin grand, which fact or nunaxeas oi aouars inrouguuu mo Emerson is zio. has been used less tnan two years in the $650 style is $447, and another used ... or upon our uttie-payment pian, xor House, jsiggesi-jsusiesi-isesi. DIED. ADAMS In this city. December 1. st 306 Monroe street, lixetta Adami. ased 41 veara. beloved wife of P. L Adams. Zel-ler-Byrnes Co.. have charge of the funeral arrangements, which will bs announced later. SMTTIT On December 7. at the family resi dence, Freacott street. Ijifayette Smith, aged months 3 dsvs, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Smith. SAXFORD In this city. December C. st his home. 4 3 So 64th street s. E.. Adam Cantls Sanforil. aged 86 years 1 month days. Announcement of funeral later. MKET1XO NOTICES. WILLAMETTE LODGE, NO. 2. A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication will be held at Ma sonic Temple, on Friday, Dec 0. at 8:1J A. St.. to conduct the fu neral services over the remains of our lata brother. Harris, of Co lumbia Lodge. No. 5, Dayton. Wash. Serv ices at the Portland Crematory. Full at tendance desired. Visiting brethren invited. W. S. WKfTKS. pecreterv. Notice THE PORTLAND FuRTUNO, OS. JXTtOPKAW rLAir MODESX KESTAPHAjrr COST 43CTB HOTEL SEATTLE MOO.OOO Recentlr Spent on Itn Interior. All Fvrnlahloc and Appointments Dicw, Modern and Splendid. Ileadqaarteni for Portland People. HOTEL OREGON Both Hotels Conducted br MESSRS. WRIGHT & DICKINSON The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel 50 Boom, -104 Suites, With Prirata Baths. HZVJ FIB.EPBOOF BUILD Hf3 Moderate Rates. Phil Metschan & Son Prop. a W: OOEJTELTUS, Proprlatots CEKED 6EPT. 190 ' paJVATajlATHS HOTEL LENOX E. XX and V. K JCRGEN3EW Props, and Mgra. COR. 3D AND MAIN ST3L Hot and Cold Wster. Vonf Distancs Pboas in Evarjr Room. RATE3 .$1.00 and oul American plan U0 Far ray ! SWIil. la heart of business district, canter 4( city, hall from L N. Ry. and N. P. Ky. Depot, doss to ail shin wharves and C. P. R. Depot. MEETING NOTICES. A MEETING of the members of tha proposed new lodge. 'Coamopol- 'mz& ltan" KnlghU of Pythias, will meet . . Tfmni x,- xt- corner. First yj?!? and Alder street. Friday evening. ieceniDer win, ftt ... Horn frtr tha rtlimOSA nf BfileCtlnS committee for the next Grand Lodge meet ing HENRI ST. JUu. HENRY M. KIMBALL. Chairman. Secretary. Or Pacific Grove Hotel 125 MILKS SOUTH OF SAX rBAN'CISCO. THE PARADISE OF THE PACIFIC Where It Is Always Summertime. OFFERS MORE TO DO AND MORE TO SEE ' EVERY IAV IN THE YEAR. THAN ANY OTHER RESORT IN THE WORLD Mild snd hesltnful climate. Winter temperatures 45 to 65 degrees only. l?nexrelled for Golf" on the nnest 18-hole. all BraM Golf Course In America, within a minutes- walk of the hotel. Motoring over 40 of magniflcent icenlc boulevards over mountains, through pine forests and beside the sea. nthlnr sailing deep sea fishing, tennis, horseback riding, and all oiner out foor sp'orts. Perfect service, unequslled table. Both hotels under same management wlfh equal privilege, to .11 guests. Operated on American plan ,nlyRATE3-Hotel Del Monte. $5.00' and J8.00 per day: Pacific Grove Hotel. f 50 and 13.00 per daj-. Special dlrrounts by week or montn. Address H. R- WARNER. Manager. DEL MONTE I E?Vfra?r35" CA.LI rORNIA KEADQTJARTEK8 FOR TOCR1STW aaa) CO.MM.KRCIAI. fTRA V K LJuOS. Special rates bbr4 t families sod sis Bo" gentlemen. The manss smut will bs pleaervl st all times to show rooms sad glss prices. A mod ern Turkish Bath netabllslunaat In tfas IsteJ. SL C BUnaU mxxxoor dosxabiv PIONEER SQUARE SEATTLE NEW PERKINS Fifth and Washington St. Opened Tune. 1908. A hotel in the very heart of Portland's business activity. Modern in every respect. Rates $1.00 and up. Moderate price restaurant in connection. L. Q. Swetland, Secretary and Manager. THE CORNELIUS "Tb. Boos, af Wsloora,- esrasr Park sad Aldsn, land's Dawest sad most modsra hotsL European plan. Be sinning War 1st our rates will bs sa follows: All back rooms wTtholt bath, slnr'A 1.00 per dr: doubl All front rooms wf-hout bath. fl-OO par dais slngTs: ee-o par da? dJubla. Aii OBTaMBal rooms. Our omnibus autU all trains. H. E. rLETGKJtia, Manajef. HOTEL RA1IP0 Corner Fourteectk and Washington trw I-iotsU. Elegantly Furoiahad Rates $1.00 and Up Bpodal Rattss) for Pernianaatt Dos Meets ATI Tialaa sTtsUaJFRnnttBTQaV -- TOU wnz, I.IK1B THE WOODS TT"y 1 1 L'T European PlaM iiU X lLi 1 (la Par Day "It's Ail CosalorCP Jt'lint. Ilul. On FestuSSW OBtS D VANCOUVER, B.C MJTIVG NOTICES. nminnt rOMMANDERT. yO 1, K.T. Stated conclave this evening at 7:30. Annual elec tion of officers. Visiting Sir Knishts courteously lnvneu. " W. S. MACBUM. Recorder. PORTLAND UNIFORM RANK. NO. 1. Kif.i.iDrira will .v. their reeular month- iv' rlnnoA Thursday evening. Dec. 8. In the K. P. Hall. 11th and Alder sts. Maple floor. Stiles' orchestra. Friends Invited. AMfSEMESTS. Tf T7f f If THEATER ilH.liL.IVj 7th and Taylor Phones Main 1 and A 1122. ELLEN TERRY SEATS NOW SKI .LINO at Box Office. 50 cents to S2.00. Box seats $2.50. Prices: SEAT SALE TOMORROW llelllg Theater. T NIGHTS, beginning SUNDAY .7 Special Price Matinee Saturday. ! Wm. A. Brady presents New Theater N. i". Drama Succesa THE NIGGER" Florence Roberts and Tburlow Bergen. Evenings. 1.50 to 25c; matinee, tl to 2.1c SEAT SALE OPENS TODAY lleillg Theater. . NEXT SATURDAY NIGHT it. VNIVERSITV OF OREGON li CLW AND MANDOLIN CLl'BS Concert and "College Stunts." Lower floor, $1. 75c; entire balcony, 60c I gallery, :15c. 25c. Phones: Main 1; A 1122 RAKFR THEATER IV A V Morr,n a Eleventh Main 2, A 5360. GEO. L. BAKER. Man. One of the season's special events, tonight, all this week. Mats. Wed.. Sat. Baker btacK Companv in "THE BARRIER." The thrilling Alaskan tale br Rex Beach. Dramatized from the famous novel. A superb offering, splendidly presented. Eve.. 2.-.C. 60c. 75c. Sat. Mat.. 25c. 5oe. ed. Mau. 25c Next eek. "The Honor of the . Family." BUNGALOW 1 dealer ltu. and Morrieoa Main 117. A 4224. . Geo. L. Baker. Manager." Every night this week. Mats. Thura. and Sat. L. 1!. Willard presents the most gorgoousijr brilliant musical comedy of all "THE TIME. THE PLACE AND THE llHtl." With Geo. Ebner as Happy Johnnie Hicks, the gambler. First time anywhere at popular prices. Evenings. 25c. COc, 75c. Jl. Maw., -oc. 60c. Next attraction. "A Broken luol. -MATINEE EVERY DAY. MAIN 8. A 1020. WEEK DEC. B. Edwin Ardcn arid Co pre eentlng "Captain Velvet," "A Mbt .tr Monkey Muiuc Hall." Alexander and 8oo Joe Jack.n. Cliff Dean and to. la A Chance for Three." Hilda HHtrthorne, Tha Milch. Pictures. Orchestra, UNKUl AULCu L' " AVk Commencing Decemnrr o. THEMORTON-.TE'EL XROCPE, "AN EVENT IN CLTBDOM." m nTHER BIG ..wUv. CaVtal. 3:30- 0 Bnd fc GRAND Week Dec. 5, 1910 The Musical Laugh . .1 .1 FMture. La Chevalier DLorls, World's Champion Marksman. Three National Cominues. r.R.XUiSCOFB makers, Eckhoff Gordon, Tennis Trio, George Yeoman, Brown & Mills. Matinee every day, 2:30: any seat, 15a. Matines every .-, 5-, "B:15i balconss 15c; lower floor. 26c:' box seata. 60a LYRIC3 Home of Musical Comedy. . .- . f iialliiM Dee. A- Keatlng & Flood present extra added attraction, "ARIZONA JACK." The greatest and biggest bronco-bnsttnr sea ever presented on any stage and tha Lyn Musical Comedy Co. In "THE NEW GUARDS." Dillon and KJng as the Guards. Two performances nightly. T:45 snd :" Matinees Dally. 2:45. Friday night. Chorus Girls" Contest . AUCTION BALES TODAY. Auction saie L j , 1 ,1 . l , . rim,.. ir,2 Park street, furniture, etc. Said at 10 o'clock. Geo. Baker Co.. Auc tioneers. FUNERAL NOTICES. KILKENNY At .Toilet, 111., Novemoer Michael Kilkenny, aged o-- j ei. un loved father of Michael and Bernard Kil kenny, of St. John's. Funeral services to day (Thursday), December 8. at 11 A. M.. at St. Mary's Church, corner Williams avenue and Stanton street. Interment st Mount Calvary Cemetery. Remalna at Zeller-Byrnes Company's parlors. DILLON At the home of his parents. 4:7 Belmont street. William Dillon, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dillon, aged 3 years 5 months 18 days. Funeral will take place from the parlors of the East Side Funeral Directors. East Alder and East Sixth streets. Sunday, December 11, at 1 P. M. Friends respectfully Invited. In terment Rlvervlew Cemetery. H1CHI9 At navton. Wash.. December , Lewis E. Harris, father of Mrs. M. V. Mor ris, of this city, and Mrs. M. Mlddlemlss, of San Francisco. Funeral services under the auspices of Masonic Fraternity, which will be held at the Portland Crematorium, at 10 A. M. tomorrow (Friday). December 9. Take Sellwood car for crematorium. HEYLMAN At the family residence, MS Fifth avenue, Lents, December 6, Mrs. Susan Heylman. aged 67 years 1 month 2S days. Funeral services, which will be held . at Holman's Chapel, Eighth and Salmon streets, at 1 P. M. today (Thursday), De cember 8. SCHOENBERG The funeral services of the Rev. Albert Schoenberg will be held st St James' Lutheran Church, comer of West Park and Jefferson streets, at 2 P. M Saturday, December 10. Friends In vited. Interment Robs City Cemetery. CHAPPELL The funeral services of Mil dred L. Chappell will be held at the fam ily residence. 792 East Thirty-fourth street, at 2 P. M., today (Thursday). Friends In vited. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. CAMPBELL The funeral services of the late Hattle A. Campbell will be held at Flnley'a parlors, at 2 P. M. today (Thurs day). Friends Invited. Interment Rlver YleW Cemetery. TON'SETH FLORAL CO. MAKQUAM BLDG. FLORAL DESIGNS. Phones : . Main 51(12. A 1102. Dunning & McEntee, Funeral Directors, 7th and Pine. - Phone Main 4S0. Lady as sistant. Office of County Coroner. EDWARD HOLMAN CO., Funeral Direct ors, 220 3d st. Lady assistant. Phone M. 607. j. p FIN LEY SON, 3d and Madison. Lady attendant. Phone Main 1). A 1590. EAST BIDE Funeral Directors, successors to F. 8. Dunning. Inc. E. 52. B 2525. KKICSON CO. Undertakers. Lady a Blat ant. 409 Alder.. M. 6133. A 2235. ZELLER-BYRNES CO., Funeral Directors, 594 Williams ave.j both phones; lady asst. LERCH, Undertaker, cor. East Alder and 6th. East 781. B 1S88. Lady assistant. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OsaiCK. CITY HALL MAIN 69S. A 75S. ITCMANS OFUCtK. EAST THL NEW TODAY. Swell Bungalow V e r v sweii new i -' win uuuftav with "all the latest improvements, on a corner 101 on .v.. is a big snap at $3950, $300 cash and $20 per month, or furnished for $200 more. Owner has left the city and house must be sold at once. .niieci A. 'M A 1 a 11 ' SIT Board of Trade Bldy., 4th and Oak. EAST SIDE Close-in. 8-room house, formerly oc cupied by doctor. Lot 50x100. Price f 7500, cast! ,J0UU, oaiance lenns. MERCHANTS 8AVIX1M TRUST COMPANY, S. W. Cor. 6th and Washlnsrton Streets, MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rates and terms to ultt -spe cial rates aod favorable terms a lore; loans on business' properties. Funds Loaned for Private Investors. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Bide 3d Stark. WW