13 Buy Merchandise Bonds for Christmas Gifts Exclusive Agents Libbey Cut Glass, Minton, Coalport and Haviland CHina Nemo Corsets, Royal Worcester, Warner, Redfern, Marquise Corsets-Richardson Linens Derby and Monarch Gloves ortnaam tore THE MORXIXG OREGONIAX, THURSDAY, DECE3IBER 8, 1910. The Greater Olds, w TaKe Lunch in Our Restful Tea Room MmI your friends and lake lunch with them. The menu is o appetizing. Every thing clean and wholesome. Just like home. Take elevator to 4th floor. Tomorrow Sales All Dep'tm'nts Red Cross Stamps For Sale, 1st Floor Today's booth will be in charge of Miss Angela Kinney, Miss Milla Wessinger, Miss Judith Scott, Miss Dorotha Mor rison. The proceeds go for charity. ILeatlner Goodls Sale Entire StocK R (duiceo $4 Handbafi's $1.98 6.50 Handbag' 3.89 A Great three days' sale of all our Leather Goods Our entire stock reduced TaKe advantage Try and come in the morning Sale will b e gin promptly at 8 A. M. 2QOO women's Seal Bags made for bard service Gunmetal and gilt-trimmed witb strap bandies, leather. J 1 O Q lined Our regular $4.00 values, special, each ! J O Our Christmas leader Women's Seal Bags made up in the most substantial manner-Fitted witb card cases, purses.toijet g p q articles. etcLeTther lined-Attractive, serviceable-S6.5Q vals. HJUmSJ J $15.00 Seal Handbags Only $9.17 Each S7.5Q Seal Handbags Only $4-98 Each Today, in the leather good atore, on main floor, we offer women 'a genuine Seal Hand Bajrs many shape and size and Yarious 5t vie of trimmings: should not CQ 1 7 be" sold le than $15.00; pee'l Hand Bags 1"00 in this lot. Good grade eal. Kvery wanted shape and size, leather lined, -strap handle. Our regu lar $3.00 values; very special CJ QQ price for this sale only, each P Women' Seal Bags, positively the best values we have shown thia season; all fitted with purses, card cases, toilet ar ticles, etc. The very latest fl? A QQ shapes; $7.50 vals., special V'" Collar Boxes Thousands of them, extra large size, in India goat, French, suede, etc., all the new shades. $1.75 values, 9Sc; regular $2.25 values 1 GO $1.39; regular $3.00 values V 750 Hand Bags in this lot. The very best values, well made, trimmed in gilt and gunmetal, extra heavy leather-lined, strap handles. Our newest holiday CL3 1 Q lines. Reg. $5.00 values only P- Paisley Bags Our entire stock of Paisley Bags, comprising all the newest ideas for Christmas gifts. Also our entire stock of Alligator Bags. All placed on special Ia sale at the reduction of one-quarter AS 50,000 Glove Entire Stoc K Reel uice Great three Gloves, including days' sale women's Kid all our holiday lines and popular maKes, such as Monarch, Derby, EsKay, Alexandre, Trefousse and ail other desirable guaranteed makes are placed on sale S3.5Q Gloves $2.95 $1.50 Gloves $1.12 Women's 12-button white Kid Gloves in the famous Reynier maKe All sizes regular $3.jO values Also 16 button blacK Suede Gloves in the Reynier maKe All regu lar $3.50 values, special Women's extra $2.95 quality line cape stocK Gloves BlacK, white, tan and mode shades Our regular $1.50 values, special only $1.12 Women's Gray Mocha Gloves, with one large pearl clasp, our regular $1.75 vals. special $1.43 m mmm ; f 1 Mf v" Women's 65c osiery 39c Pair Women's Imported Black Lisle or Cotton Stockings, the celebrated Onyx brand, with hand embroidered insteps, handsome floral and figured designs. Our regular QQ 65c values, on special sale for only Very high-class Holiday Hose, in black lisle or cotton. The celebrated Onyx brand. Hand embroidered insteps, 85e values for 53c, and our $1.2o and $1.50 values, special, only 75 c Women's Black Silk Lisle Hose and black Lisle Stockings, full fashioned double welts, put up 3 pairs in a box; bur regu lar 50c values when sold by the ff pair. Special at, the box, only Sale of Waists $12.5QVals. $3.49 Tomorrow, 2d floor, an assortment of 700 Waists in lingerie and tailored styles; both plain and fancy, some beautifully hand-embroidered; short and long sleeves; waists to wear on the streets with tailored suits; also for evening wear; regular values up to to $iZ&0, special price for the Economy Sale HQr7 SilK Petticoats $15 Vals. at $7.49 Tomorrow, 2d floor, and you can't afford to missit. Reliable high-grade Holiday Petticoats in taffeta and messaline"materials; Mark, fancy Dresdens and Per- siansTwith accordion plaited flounces; also tucked and plaited flounces in every wanted plain a q color; values to $15.00, marked at only, each P Dresses $3.50 Vals. $1.45 Tomorrow, 2d floor, Women's House Dresses, of good washable materials ; checks, stripes, white and blue, wlthlored dots; also plain colors, with bands and but tons; large assortment of styles ana colors; q -jj- sizes 34 to 44; all new, $3.50 values, priced ilk k iSfc AfT In Front of Elevators k$PJ Sale 3QOO - lf fejAttractive Holiday Sets Manicur e,Toilet, Shaving 1 I Regular $2.5Q to $5 rftfl g'O I Sets Selling at Only ZpRoZJj? I Toilet Sets. Comb, Brush and Mirror, very attract- ' Y jye and excellent values Fox Wood, English OaK, II French Staghorn bacKs Very fine quality bristle Ji brushes, hand drawn Several styles French bevel Ji plate Mirrors, all in neat case Five piece Manicure Sets, Buffer, File, Cuticle SticR, Knife and Silver Jar rv Shaving Sets, quadruple plate, enam- wl tWv el finish silver mug, silver handle VL brush in neat case vSPiik, E vening sc arfs $3.50 Vals. $1.87 $2.50 NecRwear $1.4 Tomorrow 500 very fine Imported Evening Scarfs in all the new wanted colors; novelty silver, knit and Dresden styles; excellent for Christmas qt Gifts; regular $3.50 values, special at, each V lQ.f NEW NECKWEAR Just received by express many new ideas for Christmas gifts; each one put up in a dainty holiday box. A special purchase from an over stocked manufacturer. Values which should sell to $2.50. Tomorrow's Economy price $1.48 Xmas Opera Glasses Reg.$17.5Q Values for $9.78 Reg: $7.5Q Values for $4.98 $2.50 Cuff Links $1.19 Tomorrow will be a busy day in this section. Such beautiful gifts will go lively and we suggest that you come early for a good selection. It 's our annual sale of Opera Glasses. Such good makes at Le Maire, Col mont, Iris, Le Fils, Chevalier and Jumelle. We price the CQ 7ft $7.50 ones at $4.98, the $12.50 ones at $7.98. and $17.50 ones O Tomorrow in the jewelry section we offer thousands of new effects in plain and engraved Cuff Links. Always acceptable as Christ- Q 1 1 Q mas gifts. Our regular $2.50 values, special at only. V Optical Department bin; pair or lenses at only $ 1 .00 examination free ONE PAIR OF LENSES AND ALUMINUM FRAME, ONLY $1.50 ONE PAIR OF LENSES AND GOLD-FILLED FRAME FOR $3.50 Sale of 200 Sofa Pillows Regular $5 Values at $1.39 Tomorrow, 3d floor, a sale of 200 serviceable and deco- rative Sofa Pillows for use in living-rooms, dens, li braries, etc.; covered in tapestries, silk velvets and velours and filled with pure silk floss. The plain and figuredjtopswill harmonize with any color t oq scheme; actual"$3.50 to $5.00 values, special M 1 .O A Great Sale of 5QO Dozen Fine Towels 35c Values Only 25c Tomorrow in the domestic section, main floor, a sale of 500 dozen all linen hemstitched Towels. Nothing OC more acceptable or useful for gifts. 35c values TOWELING All linen for hand towels or roller 1 Q towels; onlv 500 yds. in the lot. Reg. 15c quality Avl TABLE LINEN 10 pieces of all linen satin dam- (A( ask, in 12 good patterns. ReguUr 75c grade vl'tV. Great Sale of 500 Mounted Casseroles Regular" $5.QO Values at the Special Price $2.45 We have contra cte d with t he manufacturers for the exclusive sale of this beautilully-mounted casserole baiting dish Every housewife is desirous of owning one because they impart delicous flavor to all foods cooKed in them Tomorrow we will maKe a $2.45 most sensational offer, the genuine vals, What could maKe a more acceptable Christmas gift? Wood to Burn Buy now while we offer substantial savings on all wood to burn... First you want a pyrography set. We QQ. offer good $1.50 values at special price of only fOC Large Handkerchief Boxes, our regular 35c val-OCS ues. Pleasing designs. On special sale at only Large Glove Boxes, regular 35c values, in Vatyf terns to please. Specially priced at, each, only"'' Necktie Racks, such as the pyrography artist 00 would choose at 35c. Specially priced at only'' $2.50 Glasses $1.25 Optical Dept., Main Floor Experienced graduate optometrist in charge; every case guaranteed; exam ination free. Tomorrow only we offer as an introduc tory special 1 pair Lenses and Aluminum frame with cable temples and gold-filled bridge; regu- t aj" lar $2.50 value, special for the day only at fi Women's Felt Juliets Re&Halar $2 Valxies $1.89 The grandest showing and most extensive assortment of Women's Felt Juliets in all colors and prices. For to morrow's Economy we offer a very attractive line of reg ular $1.5Q values. Special at $1.09 and a better fr - oq and more pleasing assortment of $2.00 values P