THE MORXIXO OREGO.MAX, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1910. 11 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF f-metre Stsfa. rettnttnc-reom fit-, efrrulatlia ....jimn . ; 1 n ?o7a ....Main 7O70 ....: toto A A !" franday Editor ompoeina -roo A C3 mpo.mi room Mala TOiU -"""J ftupu biu.dlas Mala ! ui ..Mala Tom AMI MOTS. Bf'VO 4 r.OW THPiTER 'Twelfth and mnti -The Time, the IMare and ti in- Ma-me at 1 l& and t-miicni at -BAKKR theitkr E!vnh and Mr- r:ioni The Hakrr stovU Company In -'The Barrier" T'-niaht at ft.l.V OKPMEl THEAICB- VolTlaon. KW filxlh and Seventh Vaade-riila. Thia afl- rnooa at 2:11 and tonlsht at s:l&. CRAN1 THKATEtt "Par and Washlne ton Vauaavlila. Thia aitarnoos at 1:1. tonlht at 7: JO and a. I.TRIC THEATER SeTmh and Alder1 I. Trie "Uumi-al I'omnlr I'nmpMr. In "T.e m Gur'ls.' Thia afternoon at -.30, to-n:a-nt at 7.3o and a. aTAK THKATtR Park and Washington Motion pirturaa. Continuous, from 1: ta P. u. I'kiox-Atexi-s I:.TRir-r Forjiio.-The L'nlon-avenUA Improvement diirlet baa been formed south of Hawthorne ave nue. It embrace L'nlon avenue, between Hawthorn avenue and Knsl Harrieon arrt: Kast Market ettreet. beiween K4t Third street and tlrnnd avenue: Jit SIM. between Kant T!:lrd street and trrar.d avenue; Stephens street, between l.a.t Third street and Grand avenue: Kast Harr'-snn street, between East Third street and ('rami avenue. The cost of tie district Improvement with pavenient !! estimated at .Anphalt pavement t sperined. Proceed ings have been started for tlie Improve ment of ("rand avenue. N-tween t'anith erai and kSIsworth streets wrth H:u;.itn pavement, the cost of which Is estimated at i:5.-. Mai Hit bt Thai:. While rttttnc on the railroad track near Oreson liy. K". . W'aaner. on hue war to Kujrene. was truck by the Shasta Unntd yeittrTciay f lemon, and was hurled from tlie track, but escaped with minor !njurii T!:e man was picked up by the train crew and was brought to the Vnlon Sra t'on. whence he waa taken In a Red t'ross ambulance to St. Vincent's Hd f-.tal. A bly-eontusel ahoulder ap peared to be Ms wort Injury Waitrier said that he was walkirK to ruxene to Ito to work, and had sat down on the track to rest. He wo somewhat In toxicated. E. R. ctuwiir Hom tvrrn Bripc K. It. Gelrwky and bride, who were Married at New Hampton. Iowa, Novem ber 1. and left for Oregon by automo l'Ie. arrived home this week, but left t ieir auto:T-Mle Irt the Rocky Mountains after traveling mllesi. They were un ablv to crs the Rockies on account of snow, but traveled south from Iowa In t.-ie Southern states and went ' throujrh part of Oulifornla. TTie couple Is at t- Hist Fifteenth street North until their new home In Rotsfca Clyr Park Is compl-'led. Mrs. Hattib A. Cncu. Pira. Sirs, flattie A. Campbell, ae-'d E years' and 7 months, tiled at her liorr..-. at 1:3 West Jneran street. l'per A '.bin a. Tuesday, r-he had been a resident of Portland for H yea.- Slie Is survived by her hus band and tiiree children. Thomas T. fampbell. Mrs. KUnche Hoyt and Mr lirace Allen, all of Portland. The fu neral will be held this at te moon at X o'clock from Unley's chapel. E. C. Ward la IxjrnEn. Struck by an overturned exravatlcft bucket, at First and Ankeny streets, yesterday mornlnr. K C. Ward, living at the Ntwinarkrt Hotel, suffered a severe scalp wound and narrowly escaped death. PaMStnir the establishment of the Charles F. It-ebe Company. Ward touched against the heavy man of steeL It was so nicely balanced It tipped and the bale truck him upon the head. Rtucr to Bb Dexiied.-A com mittee from the Waverly-Ktciimond Im provement Association will oxk the city to repair the district between fciist Twen-y-stxth. Iivlston. Powell and East Forty Ilrst stn-et There crOi-swalks are covered with mud ami newly-built sewerai have settled, mnklnit them dnngeroua. The committee will also ask that some thir.c be done to drain off the lakes in the Waverlcich district. Fra.xic Hopicixa Ix TRomt-t Warrant wasi Issued yesterday from the Municipal Court for the arrest of Frank Hopkins. ITT Porter street, on a rharse of steal ing milk from the doorstep of Sirs. C. A. Hchmldt. Porter street. Mrw. Schmidt Informed Patrolman Hlewart she euw llopkltis take the milk and that when s-t.e reproached him he threw the quart trottle at her. Crj:tort to Bb Inspooteq. OlTicial Inspection Is to be ma.te of the new crematory next Friday afternoon by the Mayor and the members of the Board of Health upou Invitation of the contrac tors, who asnert that the plant ls vlrtual lv complete, with the exception of the Inrxalta'tun of two erglnva. MnTHrRS- Cir.-i.b to Meet. The Mothers and Teachers Circte of Mount T.ibor will meet at the illencoe svhooi hnuje. Forty-ninth nn'l Belmont streets, ti ls afternoon at I o'rlo k. Tlie sub- Vet for tlNrtissInn will be -Phys-.ral lare of ti iiilr n." con.lucted by Mr- Rachel D. Si'-uto. At-ronoBit.B Owkm. Hsve your ear repaired, ailjusted or over hauled, at Y. SI. C. A. Karaite; minimum cwt; careful work assured, i'hone educa tional director, private fcJC S3, A SU. T. SI. C. A. bl.lK "Hawaii'" Ijtctirb Tone At S o'rlm-k l.ii. ci.l. Mrs. Franc King Head lee will deliver a lecture on 'Hawaii.' In the lecture ro-tm of the Third Presby terlan Ciuirch. No admission fee will be ciiarce!. Ni sruni h j Tots. Chinese wool rut. Tec. :ia:n pottery. Jarvie cards and anl aft-active kI'is may be found at fie Arts and Crafts 3iop. In) T.Iford bt ,le., Tenth and Morrlon. PATT' Howe ASSCH-IATto TO MtSfrT. Tie Pat:on Home As"Hi.itnn wll hld i:s reicuiar monthly meeting, at V.0 o clcv-k totuorriw mnrnr.f. at ti-e Home. ; Mu'hican avenue. rKAxE Pat.t.E City foe The "Dalles and wav p.'int. leavce) A'.dcr-et. dH-k at 7 A. SI. Ston.iay. Weilnesd.tjr and Fri day, for freieht ar.d paswcKers. Phone Slam 914. A Of.i Phtsi.ia Wilx. I.r.-nRE. " a S:U Century LHn-tor JSi ou d 1'e." wiil be siihje t of a lecture bv Ir. licorice . Breitl'.rs. at "1 Aider street, tonigc-t at a P. M. Tmc KrsxARn Apamj Srr-RB will be cio.! t.ii Kruiay noon, on account ef ti e dettii cf Mrs. T. I- Adams, wife of the Junior member of the firm. Ttcxrr for Arthur Fraser concert, at Slnj Temple. Tuesday evening. De cember 11 are on taile at Sherman, Clay and 111' Piaro Hotasr. 5.V-. Thi Orkuox Keramu" Ct.rB annoum-e ir.runl exhibition ard sale of rl.lna at Keller art store. e Washington. Ie cember. s-10. t'pen cvenlrKA. A. A. I'Akuox. agent for The Orego r.tan. at Vanieur. Wash.. Is now located witn A. J. AlUua. 5': Main st. Phone Slain K. . "EDBt. ERAD. The family health beer. Phone Stain Tog. A &33a. rortland Breatng Company. Ax F-vrCRiBxc-itn Tick-Skwbr WAvrrn. King fisher Mattrce-s Company. 4T Al bina avenue. los KEXT- Modern, six-room, unfur nished fiat, best location. HO. Slain :x. For Sauc Two Alaska bear eiin ru. CKctdental Warehouse Co.. -ll N. 4th St. Salr. Navajo rugs, cushion direct from New Mexico, I'-i East ZiA st. IiABON-s. -C. Christeiias n. second floor Cor&ett Tae elevator. Hot xt. Ckarhakt open all the year. Steam heat, hot salt baths. Wc-oe-nai's arple cider. 4S WasCi. j Woxax HEi.n Rrcrixs Drtver. Charges of reckless driving are made SAlnst Sirs. W. H. Chapln. of 4 Fourth street. In a report made to Chief of Police Cox by Traffic pol'i-emon lyavens. yesterday afternoon. Leavens, who If stationed at Third and Washington streets, says that Sirs. Chapln came along In an auto at the rate of II miles an hour and struck him when his back was) turned. He was brushed aside with slight Injury, hut says that If he had not been moving at the time, he would have been thrown urder the machine. Ixavens ordered the driver to stop, but avers that she laughed at Mm and continued on her way. Qt-ECR Sentenced. For circulating old-fashioned copper cents which had been furbtshe-1 to resemble 10 gold-pieces. Charles Kelley was sen tenced In Municipal Court yesterday morning to wrve 9u days at the rockpile. A Chinese merchant and a bootblack were Kclley-s alleged victims. Oregox Drt Dock Company Stock for Sale. shares at a sacririce. Must sell at once as I need the caeh. AM 5S9, Ore gonlan. DOCK ITESlfiOPOSED OWXtKS OF PROPERTV OFFER GItOl'XD TO CITY. Two Members of New Comnilsslon From City Soulli Port land and F.aj.t Side Active. When the Public Docks Commission holds Us preliminary meeilnr for pur poses of organization December li. It is pniJlible that at least two of Its mem bers. Frederick W. Sluikey and Henry l.irld Corbett. will not be present. Sir. Sluikey Is at present In California for his health. It Is announced at Mr. Slulkey s offices that the ilate of his return In In definite. He Is not expected to be back In Portland for at least a month. Mr. Corbett. It was said at the offices of the Corbett estate yesterday, will return a few days before Chrintmas. Since the announcement cf Mayor Si mon'a appointees. Interest has been cen tering In possible dock sites. Ben Sell ing and C. B. Moore, the members of the Commission ut present in the city, have been approached by real estate owners desirous of pointing out the merits of waterfront properties which they wish to sell. Sir. Selling has been approached twice and Mr. Sbnires once. They have refused even to examine the maps sub mitted or discuss the proposals In any way until orsanlxatlon has been per fected. Both are agreed that the policy of the Commission probably will be to provide s public dock f V each side of the river. Tne commercial bodies of the Kast Side are already Interesting themselves In possible sites. The people of South Port land are beginning to show a disposition to see that their interests are not lost sight of. The statement of J. P. O'Brien, that the O. R. & N. Co. ts prepared to sell water frontage for public dock nt surprllnsly low Iigures has also been considered by the Commissioners. Slayor Simon yesterday forwarded offi cial notification of appointment to each of his appointees. That the East Side commercial Inter ests will have more than one Bit for pub. lie docks to oftcr became apparent yes terduy when It whs sugitested that In stead of locating the municipal wharves between the Harrlman and the Burnslde street bridges, where viaducts wouid be necessary to reach them from the high ground to the east, property should be purchased between the east approach to the Slorrlson-street bridge and to the dock cf the Pacific Bridge Company. By buying from the harbor line to a point SCO feet west of East Water street, the present property holders could retain frontnge on that thoroughfare and the city would have a site varying in width from :00 feet nt the bridge to 4:5 feet at the southern end. MRS. PATTERSON PUNISHED Woman It Fined and Held to Grand Jury on Serious Charge,. For her alleged share in the delin quency of Emma Lane, a 15-year-old girl whose case is now beiore tne Federal Court. Sirs. Alice Patterson, proprietor of the plaza rooming house, at Third and Salmon streets, was held to the grand Jury on one charge and was fined S'.'OO on another. In .Municipal Court yesterday morn ing. .Mrs. Patterson was arrested two weeks ago on a charge of keeping a disorderly house und later a state charge of committing an indecent act was tiled against her. on which she was tried yesterday morning. Kmma Lane testified she was encouraged by Sirs. Patterson and that she gave the woman one-fourth of her gains. She also said that Sirs. I'atterson sent her to Kelso for a similar purpose. This aspect of the case Is under Investi gation by the 1'nlted States District Attorney. Sirs. Patterson and two oth er persons being Involved. PRISON IS NOW TOO SMALL Judge Clreton Snys Facilities at Kelly Ilulte Are Too Limited. County Judge Cleeton, Commissioner "Lightner and Commissioner-elect nart will visit Kelly Butte next week and look over the prison w ith a view to en larging It. Judge Cleeton states it is too small for the number of prisoners, despite room aftorded at Llnnton prison. Some of the latter are woikeJ on the road beyond Llnnton. .Members of the County Court will visit the County Poor Farm on Canyon Koad today to inspect the work of fit ting up temporary quartets for the Inmates. About 25 are housed In the new quarters. A number of citizens living In Road District No. 12 yesterday asked the County Court to remove Carl Nellsen. Road Supervisor, and to appoint a man named Bell. The matter was taken under advisement. HEWETT, BRADLEY & CO. Hi sliest t'la.s of Men's Wear. The shop of the handsome windows. Three forty-four Washington street. Selling Out Women's Goods. Tie closing-out sale of the women's department of the Brownsville Woolen Mill Store is keeping up mighty well. Women who have shared In the bar gains are telling their friends of the prices being cut to one-half and often to one-third regular value. CHRISTMAS PHOTOS. Pictures taken at Aune, Columbia blds between now and Christmas, will be Cnlshed promptly regardless of weather. WHEREJTO DiNE. All the delicacies of the season at ta Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart ment for ladles, lot Wash., near el SI Plant Eibaon rose Phons Sellwood S60- 50 MEN i FIGHT Riot Follows Clash Between Strikers and Machinists. FOUR ARRESTS ARE MADE Foundry Kmploye Resents Remarks of Union Picket and Adherents of Roth Join in Row In Street Before a Crowd of S00. Ill feeling between striking machin ists and employes of the Smith & Wat son iron foundry, at First and Harri son streets, culminated yesterday aft ernoon In a small riot, as a result of which two union men and two strikebreakers are under arrest. The trouble began when Arland Moore, an employe of the foundry, returning to work aft-r dinner, resented derisive remarks hurled at him by the union pickets. Near the foundry. Moore clinched with one of the pickets, others took a hand, and the fight became gen eral. tipping Moore being worsted, other foundrymen poured out of the door and went to his assistance. Canes, bil liard cues and black jacks were dis played and many blowa were ex changed. About 300 persons gath ered at the scene of the fray, but not to exceed 50 were engaged In the scrimmage. Patrolman Manrlng arrived when the ardor of battle had begun to cool, and arrested John Sharp and Samuel H. Bann. pickets, and Arland Moore and William E. TenKyck of the foun dry force. All were suffering from bruines and cuts of more or less ser iousness. They were released und?r ball of i:"'0 each. The Smith A Watson foundry, with others, has been picketed; on account of running "open shops," for ' about eight months, hut until lately the siege was a mild one. Frcm time to time, cases growing out of the strike have reached the Municipal Court, but no serious assaults were reported until a few days ago, when John Sharp, one of the men arrested yesterday, and a companion, were brought In on charges of breaking the jaw of one of th workers In the foundry. The case is still pending, the Ir. -Jured man being corflned to the hos pital and unable to appear against his alief ed assailants. FIRST B0NDC01IM IS HERE Eastern Bidders Pa-r $100,007.50 for Improvement Issue. Portland receled Its first money from tlie Kast yesterday tor the sale of city improvement bonds, when llOO.OCT.'iO was paid to City Treasurer Werlein by the I'nited States National Bank for the purchasers. Hoehler & Cummins, of Toledo. O., who bid par and $67.50 pre mium on the bonds two weeks a.go. It lias been through the efforts, prin cipally, of City Auditor Barbur and City Treasurer Werlein that a market for the local Improvement bonds has been opened In the East. Heretofore there hiive been only local bidders for the bonds, whirl) have an average life of about six years, and pay 6 per cent In terest. For the past year an unusually large amount of local Improvement bonds has been placed on the market, owing to great street and sewer work under way. The large monthly sales of these bonds threatened to overload the local market until the attention of Eastern' bond buy ers was called to them. "This was most desirable In the way All Practical Hare gets. 58-lnch scarr and full pillow muff. tfJO Of Muck or brown, the set OaisaliiJ fr'xtra Value Best Conejr Met, 72 Inch stole, very full over shoul ders, head and tall trim, large pillow muff, black or brown. Ileicular $11.50. The set gg Cennln Fox Mnffs. MiasvlH. etc. Newest models, Mark or brown. $13.60 to $40.00. all now 1 OFF FRALEY BROS., FURS FOR XMAS GIFTS Sable Fox Sets $30 Vals. Special at H. LIEBES & CO. J. P. Plageman, Manager Corbett Bldg 288 Morrison Establish 1867. If your Christmas giving Is to be along the line or Diamond J ewe 1 r y We can most certainly Interest yon. Not only Is there a "style" but you can place confidence In our qualities and values. All our diamonds are of the first quality. No yellow or Im perfect atones in our stock. The assortment Is all that can be desired. "We would like to Interest you. The L C. Henrichsen Co. Jewelers and Opticians, 2S4. Washlns-ton St. of a bond sale." said City Treasurer Werlein yesterday. "Inasmuch as the bond market Is slow now. owing to the great demand for money to move crops. It Is encouraging -to get Eastern pur chasers for our improvement bonds. We are receiving many inquiries concerning our bonds, and I am sincerely of the opinion that our local bonds will be sought eagerly In the future." Bids for another sale of Improvement bonds will be opened December 12. In quiries being made concerning these give promise of high bids for them. , WHEN IN DOUBT Try Walter A. Ird Co.. Jewelers, 111 Sixth St., near Washington. Boy Gets $1000 for Broken Arm. C. D. Christensen, guardian for Alex ander Brosseau, whose arm was broken while in the entploy of tne Oregon Box & Manufacturing Company, settled the damage suit yesterday for ,1000. Judge Cleland called In Brosseau and asked him if he was satisfied with the set tlement. He said he was. He was carrying lumber through tj narrow al leyway, when his foot slipped from the plank on which he was walking, and his hand -was caught In a pulley as he fell, breaking his arm. Rock Spnnxa Coal. The best house coal. "Liberty Coal Ice Co., exclusive agents. 25 North Fourteenth street. Main 1662; A J13S. Welsh Anthracite heat best nnd lasts longest. K. 303. C. 2.103. BLACK SCOTCH WHISKY The Quality Scotch Which Enjoys the Greatest Popularity ALEX D. SHAW A CO. Pacific Coast Agents, 314 Front Street, San Francisco. AND v WHITE MILLINERY and FURS Clearance Sale Prices Positively every hat and all furs re duced. New, swell little severely tail ored limber hats, "smart set" ideas, reg ular $ 8.00 to $18.00, now LESS. Hundreds of others, including; all plume trimmed hats, formerly $6.00 to $.30.00, now at JUST HALF. All children's hats and all untrimmed shapes Vi TO OFF. All trimming, feathers, wings and flowers, y4 TO Vi OFF. Ostrich Plumes Willows, highest prade, hand-tied, reg ular $10 to $40, all now AT HALF. French plumes, extra broad and full. Best quality; regular $3.00 to $35.00, NOW Vt, OFF. CHRISTMAS FURS Special One-Fourth Off Best Sfear-Lyo-c Set, quilted silk lining, extra large stole and rug muff. Regular $13.60. f ( ff The et now w llVJ rtnsslan "Mink Set, head and tall trim, skinner's satin lining. Regular $;-..o0. The CIO VW set now.. . lt A (LIS S W Other Rnssli "teek I'leees now at Mink Muffs and up to $to i OFF THIRD and SALMON C5 H S JL O See Regular Announcement on Last Page for Great Sales of Handkerchiefs Umbrellas Fancy China Vases Lace Curtains Bedding Toys Groceries IheM Great Christinas Offer aSigg-g"'-v.S'iifr- I I T. .f i l"V". - f'i!l binet $35:00 There in a Nutshell you have the story of how to give a Valuable and Useful Present at Little Cost. Buy a Willamette Sewing Ma chine for your mother, sister or wife and make next year's work easier. Willamette Sewing Machines sell for $20.00 to $45.00. Every Machine Guaranteed for ten years. now or any time before Christmas. The best low priced machine, and there's no better machine on the market at any price. Machine Department on the Fourth Floor. - Come today. IMS U CHRISTMAS UMBRELLAS We have the largest line and he greatest assortment in the city. All the newest ideas in Directoire handles. Good fast-color English gloria, para gon frame , - $1.00 Rustproof, English gloria, finished frame $150 Pure Silk, real Umbrellas, spl., $1.85 Hercules rust and wind-proof, $2.00 Ladies' Directoire Umbrellas $1.25 up Full length gold and pearl, tape edge, silk gloria $3.50 An immense line Ladies' and Gentle men's Umbrellas $5.00 up Fine presentation Umbrellas to $20.00 We have the largest stock on the Coast in this line. All goods our own manufacture. Rust-proof, Wind-proof, Folding, Detachable, Self-Opening Umbrellas. REPAIRING AND RE-COVERING MEREDITH'S Exclusive Umbrella Bargains 312 Washington, between 5th and 6th THE WONDERFUL MIRROSCOPE PICTURE PROJECTOR Uses postcards, kodak prints, cuts from . magazines, enlarged in all their colors; anyone can use it. Amuses the whole family. Prices, $5, 7.50, $10 AND $15 SEE THEM WORK BLUMAUER Photo Supply Co. mClVrtl Betvrvrn Wanhlngrtan IAln and Mark St.. Full Line of Eastman Kodaks. California Metal Plating Works A. Methlvler. prop. GOLD, LILVtllv-BRASS AND NICKEL PLATING. Metal Coloring: a Specialty. 248 SECOND STREET. Main 7218 Portland. Oregon SUMNER WOMAN'S RELJEF CORPS, Prei ent GUY CARLKTON LEE, PH. D.. LL. D. In a course of lectures. First H. E. Church, Corner Third and Taylor Streets. "When the People Wake." Friday. Dec. 9. S'15 P M. "The Soul of a Woman," Satur day. Dec. 10. 8:15 P. 14. "The Strength of the People." Saturday. Dec. 10. 8:15 P. M. Patron's Ticket, $:l. six admissions; Single. Admission. 7dc eier Frank Store's ON THE WILLAMETTE Buy on The Club Plan $2.00 Now. No Payments Until After iA Christmas,1011- 104 S26-50 Then Pay $1.00 a Week ffer for Three Days SHOP EARLY! SELECT YOUR XMAS GIFTS NOW! SEE OUR SUPERIOR LINE OF HOLIDAY STATIONERY . Strikingly novel tints and patterns in fancy boxes. THE BEST STANDARD MAKES OF FOUNTAIN PENS Waterman's Ideal Swan Safety Conklin's Self-Filling FANCY, SERVICEABLE, GENUINE LEATHER GOODS Lawyers' Brief Cases Writing Portfolios Card and Pass Cases Pocketbooks, Wallets, etc. A MOST ELEGANT LINE OF DESK FURNISHINGS Fancy Brass Desk Sets Desk Pads, Calendars Letter Openers, Inkstands, etc. Loose Leaf and Fancy Memorandums Journals, Line-a-Day Diaries, etc. FINE, LOW-PRICED FOLDING CARD TABLES Poker, Bridge, Bridge Whist, Pinochle, Solitaire, Cribbage Sets, Chess, Checkers, Dominoes, etc. VIKING INCOMPARABLE SECTIONAL BOOKCASES In all finishes for home or office. Brass Book Racks and Novelties. "HAPPENINGS IN OUR HOME," "ADDRESS BOOKS" ' ' Calling Lists, ' ' ' Engagements, ' ' "Guests," "My Trip," "Motor Trips," "My Trip Abroad," "Chap Book," etc. DENNISON'S GIFT DRESSINGS Tags, Seals, Tinsel, Tape, "Odds and Ends Boxes," etc. Drawing Instruments and Scientific Books "Everything for the Office" KILHAM Commercial Stationers, Office Outfitters, Printers Engravers. Booklet Makers and Bookbinders "Ik Neth & Company Collectors Established In 1900. How about those old accounts? 635 Worcester Bids;, Portland, Or. We deliver the machine STATIONERY AND PRINTING COMPANY Oriental Xmas Gifts Chinese Fancy Goods, Silk Kimonos, all kinds of Embroidered Silk Handkerchiefs, Brasaware, Sandalwood Carved Boxes. Em broidered Table Covers, Mandarin Coats. Silk Shawls, Shirt Waist Patterns, Linen Dollies and Chinese Teak wood Furniture. BOW VUEN CO., 60 North Fourth St., near Davis. 1