Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 07, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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5 Only Two-Thirds of Women
'i Registered Accept Right of
Suffrage Given Them,
f 1
Though Icmlnlnitr It Decidedly
Irj, Poll Is Not Slronj Enough
Kill Ssjoon Defeat I
Third for Dry There.
i AXAORTE5. ffuh, Vc. 1 OpdsJ.)
In moi: of tii omu'i ot. which wi
' tiDKtnl to cmrry th election today In
Z Anironrj. the next to the Urgent city In
1 Ktax t County went Jccldelly wet fter
, an IntTcKln rampsucn la which mittrX
- fnr th fair hi is exercised for the
flr; time In almoat two decadea.
I" AninrtM today Dolled K rote Of
thia number life were women re-itered.
' only aoout to-thlrda of whom took ad-
.1 vantage of the r!ht iven them oy tne
recent woman surtra amendment and
the I iovr rnor i Droclaniauon.
t Ttia women votera were decWedly dry
''and upon their anfiwence much de-
pended to place Anacortea out of the wet
" column. The ftreat majority oi m
T Totln cant their ballota for tha Vnlon
ticket, which waa a combination of the
f! dry and womn-auffrae voter. The
J-cltlaens' ticket waa pronounced a winner
after the ballota were CMC by a ma-
Vr1tv r&nrflnir between and S50.
Torfiy election aa the third defeat
i-for the doe In Anacortea which will re
- main wet for the next two years- before
the question can be Toted upon asaln.
the new Council will be
providing for saloon
wide difference of
number of saloon, th
oenae fee and other polnta. the com-
on of the next Council I of con
derable tntereat- The new Council
are aald to favor the "wets.
following were vtctorloue In tha
election: Jamee w. Imvaul. Mayor;
H. F. Clark and John Karnath. Coon-
cllmen. and O. F. Johnson. Treaaurer.
Peculiar Contest Arise In Kalama'a
Election J. I. Wood Victor.
KALWA. Wash.. Pec t. (Special)
The municipal election held here to
day resulted In the election of the en
tire non-partlaan ticket, J. J. wood.
Mayor; C C Ruckle and Huso Senilis.
Councllmen for two years.
Nearly as many women aa men voted
and the defeated candidate for Mayor.
J. E. Stone, who advocated allowing
lock the freedom of the streets, loat
by a derisive vote.
Uaually but one ticket Is In the field
and offices go bee-King-. This year the
officers reguarly nominated by the cau
cus were opposed by a full ticket. Aside
from the curiosity aroused by seeing
omen going to the polls, considerable
excitement was stirred over the quel
tlon of allowing stock to ran at large
within the corporate limits, and the
slogan. Vnw or no cow," was used by
the different factions.
Whether the election will be held to
he Illegal on account of allowing women
to vote without registering Is a moot
ed question and all the legal authorl.
ties are at variance.
the" amount of It- I 1 1 1 L LU U U
Business Houses Destroyed in
Town of Sutherlin.
From Dyspepsia and Stomach Trouble.
Instantly Believed and Permanently
Cored by Stuart s Dyspepsia
Kew Discover-', but Net
a Patent
Merchandise Is Soaked After It Is
Removed From Buildings Flre-
Fi gluing Apparatus Is Found
Wholly Inadequate.
Dr. Radwell relates an Interesting;
account of what he considers a re
markable case of acute stomach
trouble and chronic dyspepsia by the
use of the new discovery, Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets.
Dayton Banks Take Sides in Contest
at City Election.
i htTTDX. Was.. Dec. . (Special.:
" TN only fight of conseouencs In the city
1 election today developed over the race
fnr Treasurer, a representative of the
r-niumhim National Bank oppolng the
i. rainier of the Broughton Bank, the object
" io aret control of the city tunas.
J! J. A. Mulrhead was elected Mayor and
other officers eiectea are: inuntumMi-w
lam R f. Kaslesnn: Councilman, one
year. fci L. Van Patten: Councilman.
Frooklvn. two years. R. O. Dyer (Rep.):
t Councilman, two years. George Brown:
Councilman, two )rr O. t- Bartell
lRrtl- Attorney. K. W. C'ark; TTes
urer. Crover Israel: Clerk. William ilc-
Morris CIUse3.
- James M. Kyle Named Mayor at
rirt Regular Election.
' FTAXFIKLJX Or- Dec. . Fpclal
The tint regular city election for Stan
field was held here today. The fight
waa a strong one, prohibition furnlsh-
Jng the bone of contention between fac-
tiona. George Coe. the first Mayor,
: who was elected last May, has been a
. strong nrohihitlon advocate, vetoing an
ordinance which passed the Council for
. the sale of near-beer In the city.
The prohibition forces carried the
.' rlty by a large majority. The following
offlrera were elected:
" Mavor. James U. Kyle; Councllmen. P.
It. Buchhols. O. L. Dunning. C. P.
'. Kasen. M. R. Ung. Thomas Richards
and F. 8. Stuart: Recorder. A. W.
".Gray; Treasurer. R, A. Holte; Marshal.
J. M. Ilodges.
No Opposition for Mayor and Xo
Local juc;tlon Arises.
J. B. Srbafer. Incumbent, was elected
Mayor at Llnnton yesterday without
opposition, receiving 87 of the 10
votes cast. chafer was chosen to fill
the office at the time the town was in
corporated and Is the first to serve In
that capacity.
No local question concerned the
voters, the principal contest being that
for Marshal. In which three aspirants
were entered. W. Wesburg was the
successful candidate, receiving 45 rotes
to ! for C. B. Gardner and 23 for J.
F. Miller. The vote for Councllmen
was as follows: E. T. Bancroft. 73: 8.
F. Quay. : A. E. Shanafeld. 79; A. J.
Vandolah. J: C. O. Wilson. H; W. F.
Harris, fit; J. B. Falklnberg. 61: A. L.
Urrbcr. Si. The first six named were
Samuel Goodwin was elected recorder
over B. J. Vaughn by a vote of 72 to St.
S. M. Mann was chosen Treasurer with
out opposition.
'Candidates In City Election at Van
convey Have Xo Opposition.
VANCOUVER. tVaah.. Dec . (Spe
7' clal.) For the third successive term.
; John P. Klgglns was elected Mayor
of Vancouver today, tie had no oppo-
sttlon. his opponent havtn: been elim
inated at the primary.
The other rlty officials elected:
Councllmen. William Tenney. George
. W. Wrlgle. John Rausch and J. J. Wln
.' ters: Treasurer, A. R. Mucgrr, Incum
- bent: Attorney. A. C Kutr: City Clerk.
James P. Ceoghegan, Incumbent.
Utile Interest was manifested In the
election as there was no opposition to
the candidates.
Otcr Two 'Score Cast Ballots
Waterway Proposal.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Dec. . Mary Wil
son, of Renton, holds the honor of be
ing the first woman to vote under
the provisions of the woman suffrage
amendment to the atate constitution.
which was adopted last month.
An election providing for the forma
tlon of a waterway district, was held
st that town, several miles southeast
of here. Saturday, and under the rules.
registration was not required of those
participating. This enabled the women
to vote, and 60 of them made use of the
opportunity. The waterway proposi
tion carried by a vote of 13 to 4s.
A similar election Is being held In
the Duwamlsh district today. There
are 3000 women In this district, and a
large feminine vote la anticipated.
Hood River Attorney Wins Mayor-
ally Fight Against .McDonald.
HOOD RIVER. Or., Dee. . (Special.)
The city election held here today result
ed in the election of Attorney E. IL Hart-
wig as Mayor, F. C. Broslus and I H.
Hugglns re-elected Councllmen, while H.
C. Smith was elected over George I. Flo
rum, who was also running for re-elec
E O. Blanchor and II. B. Langllle were
re-elected City Treasurer and Recorder,
The election Is a victory for the pure-
water ticket, -notwithstanding the fact
that Mayor McDonald, who was running
for re-election on that ticket, was defeat
ed by Hartwlg. of the business men's
ticket. The vote for Mayor was close.
Hartwlg winning by a vote of 316 to 3i.
8CTHERLrN. Or., Dec. (Special.)
Fire, discovered shortly after t
o'clock this morning, destroyed the
Payne Operahouse, the Reed & Hill
general merchandlae store, O. A. Ruff-
net's cigar and news stand, the Suth
erlln Hardware Co.'a store, George
Raymond's meat market and J. W
Horner's billiard and pool hall and to
bacco store, entailing a loss estimated
at' 140,000. partially covered by insur
When discovered the fire was In the
rear of the large hall oh the second
floor of the Payne building, which was
only recently completed at a cost of
13000. An alarm waa given and cltl
sens succeeded In reAiovlng a larger
portion of the Reed, A Hall stock on
the first floor. A larger portion of
the stocks In the other stores was also
removed before the buildings were de
stroyed. By heroic effort, the big.
double store of McReynolds Bros., SO
feet east of the Horner building, was
When first discovered a good, heavy
rain would have quenched the blaze.
but owing to the fact that it was fully
half an hour after the fire was dis
covered before a sufficient number of
citizens arrived at the scene to assist,
it was Impossible to cope with the
blaze, which by that time had gained
much headway. While the town Is
provided with a small water system. It
was found wholly Inadequate to cope
with the blaze, and from the first It
was recognized that the buildings were
t the mercy of the flames.
The origin of the fire is supposed to
have been from a stove in the hall of
the Payne building. There was band
practlve in the hall last ' night, but
hen the members left at about 1
o'clock It was thought the fire in the
stove had died out.
A heavy rain set In shortly after the
fire had practically burned Itself out,
seriously damaging the goods which
had been removed from the buildings.
ssassM. sa. IV.:
Those Unframed Pictures You've Been Keeping for Christmas
Presents Bring Them in Now Before Our Framers Are too Busy
Amphora Art
An immense line!
of exquisite pieces!
in every conceiv-l
able shape, designJ
and color combi-l
Some beautiful in
their simplicity
others dazzling in!
their brilliancy 1
arranged on
Five Big Special Tables
2QO Pieces Values'
Up to $3.QO Each . .
ISO Pieces Values
Up to S4.5Q Each
200 Pieces Values
Up to $6.00 Each
1 5Q Pieces Values
Up to $8.QO Each
was a man
Corvallis Declines to Enter Indoor
Sport Eugene and Aggies
Will Xol riay.
Citizens Ticket Proves Victorious;
Only Contests for Clerk.
niEHAUS. Wash.. Dec. . (Spe
cial The citizens' ticket won today's
election in t'hehalls. C. U. Gingrich be
ing chosen Mayor; C A. Studebaker, At
torney; c. K. Pre witt. Clerk; F. i. Al
len. Treasurer: Councllmen for two
-years. John West. H. A. Calllson. Rob
ert Kletchner; at large, one year. J. B.
' Sullivan.
The only contests were for Clerk. W.
D. Harper being defeated by City Clerk
iTewn l. and J. A. Baker, for two-year
Councilman. Mayor-elect Gingrich la
president of the Southwest Washington
Ievelopmcnt Association and one of
Cheballs' leading business men.
Mayor Kleins' Pet Plan of Munici
pal Plant Is Refused. .
VANVOL'VER. Wash.. Dec. . (Spe
cial. By close to 100 votes Mayor
Klgglns and his plsn of bonding the
rlty to the extent of 1314.000 were
thrown down hard by the voters here
today In one of the bitterest of city
It required 404 votes to carry the
proposal which had for Its aim the
bringing from the Lewta River water
to feed Vancouver. A total of !8S
votes were cast In favor of the plan
and 3f4 voted aralnst It. so the city
will have no municipal plant.
SEATTLE, Wash.. Deo. . (Spe
clal.) The Pacific Northwest basket
ball and baseball association met here
and arranged the schedules of both
games for the coming season. Elx col
leges. Oregon. Washington, Idaho,
Pullman. Whitman and Corvallis were
represented. Corvallis declined to en
ter into the basketball series.
All went In for baseball. In both
games each college win play tne
others at least once. This Is Wash
ington's first entrance In basketball.
Intercollegiate rules will govern bas
ketball games, except that the Ama
teur Athletic Union out of bounds rule
was adopted. Championships In both
games are to be determined on per-.
centage basis.
Oregon basketball schedule was ar
ranged as follows:
Whitman, at Walla Walla, February
( and 7; Idaho, at Moscow, February
8 and : Washington State College, at
Pullman. February 10 and 11; Wash
Ington, at Kugone, February 17 and 18;
Pullman, at Eugene, February 27 and
28; Washington, at Seattle, March 3
and 4.
Oregon's baseball schedule is as fol
Whitman, at Eugene. April 14 and
IS: Washington, at Seattle. April 17
and 18: Pullman, at Pullman, April 19
and 20: Idaho, at Moscow. April 21 and
22; Pullman, at Eugene, May 8 and 4;
Idaho, at Eugene, May 12 and 13.
Corvallis' baseball schedule la as fol
Whltm-r, at Corvallis. April 12 and
13: Washington, at Seattle. April - 24
and 25; Idaho, at Mosc6w, April 26 and
27: Washington State College, at Pull
man, April 28 and 23; Pullman, at Cor
vallls. May 4 and 6; Idaho, at Corval
lis. May 10 and 11.
He says: "The patient
ho had suffered, ' to my knowledge,
for years with dyspepsia. Everything
he ate seemed to tour and create gases
in the stomaoh. He bad pains like
rheumatism in the back, shoulder
blades and limbs, fullness and distress
after eating, poor appetite and loss of
flesh; the heart became affected, caus
ing palpitation and sleeplessness at
I gave him powerful nerve tonics
and blood remedies, but to no purpose.
As an experiment I finally bought a
50-cent package of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets at a drug store and gave them
to him. Almost Immediate relief was
given and after he had used four
boxes he was to all appearances fully
"There was no more acidity or sour.
watery risings, no bloating after meals.
the appetite was vigorous and he has
gained between 10 and 12 pounds in
weight of solid, healthy flesh.
Although Sauart'a Dyspepsia Tab
lets are advertised and sold in drug
stores, yet I consider them a most val
uable addition to any physician's line
of remedies, as they are perfectly
harmless and can be given to children
or Invalids or In any condition of the
stomach with perfect safety, being
harmless and containing nothing but
fruit and vegetable essences, pure pep
sin and Golden Seal.
"Without any question they are the
safest, most effective cure for Indiges
tion, blliousnss, constipation and all
derangements of the stomach, however
elltrht or severe.
ldent Crooks, of Albany College; Presi
dent Riley, of Mc.MlnnvJlIe College;
President Ferrin, of Pacific University;
President Homan. of illamette Unl
verslty. and president Campbell, of the
university of Oregon.
Their choice will be the Cecil
Rhodes scholar from Oregon for 1911.
175 Pieces Values $2.5Q to $2Q at HALF PRICE
Immense Lme of Brasses
One-Fourth Off
Line includes smoking sets,
smoking stands, book racks,
candle sticks, fern dishes, call
bells, jardinieres, umbrellaJ
stands, trays, chimes, hanging
baskets and many other things
useful as gifts.
Xmas Cut Glass a Fourth Off
Brilliant, deep well polished cuttings
from some of 'the country's best glass
factories now at your disposal for
Christmas Gifts at prices exactly One
Fourth Less than regular.
The old prices are on this glass and
you can figure your own reductions
from them if you wish.
By Mi Helen Doble assisted by Mrs. J. W. Hill and Mrs. C N. Noble
Woodard, Clarke & Co,
. Vests
Valuation of Property Is Increased
130 Per Cent in Five Years and
Indirect Income Grows.
llrrmlMon Itr-elecls Newport Mayor
by Only SI Majority.
..' HERMISTOV. Or.. re. . Soclal.
Th rny election her. tnday was quiet,
tie Citizens' ticket betes; elected com
lte. The friclaltst candidate for Mayor was
itttain by 34 votes out of Hi votes
TM. Th successful men are:
- th P. Newport. Mayor: P. C. Todd. H.
t. Waterman and P. R. BrovmelL Jr.
'eiort and Brownell .were reflected.
Th prrwent prosreanlv. policy will be
iintinued by tlis newly-elected city officials.
About 100 Try to Vole at Election in
Camas, a.-h.
. ' CAM A?. Wash.. Pec. , (Special.)
,A number of women mads an effort to
vots at the city election here today but
as tve Governor's proclamation was
issued fter ttie rerlstratlnn hooks
vere closed, their votes were declared
j:iesal snd ths election board would
not sire them ballots. About 10
'women had reaistered.
The women wer led In their fla-ht
lv Rev. pcymour Williams and Huch
IcMasterx. and refused to rive up till
tis e'eventh hour, after telegraphing
Clympla. Tacoma and other Washing
ton cities to see. what action tha wom
en were taking. J
Th principal matter to corns before
Judges Throw Ont 4 0 Ballots Which
May Change Vote.
PHILOMATH. Or, Dec . (Special.)
The city elections yesterday, which
resulted In th election of Rev. W. O.
Fisher as Mayor, an old Antl-Saloon
League campaigner, guarantees a dry
and clean administration for the old
college town.
The judges threw out 40 ballots of
Vancouver Men Want Pictures
All on Blacklist.
.VANCOUVER .Wash.: Dec . (Spe
cial.) The present liquor law requir
ing the posting of names of habitual
drunkards being deemed Imperfect, it
Is likely 'that th Royal Arch will bs
asked to investigate and recommend
greater protection for saloonmen.
hen a habitual drunkard is added
to the list, the Sheriff or one of his
ths women who voted. These, if final- 1 -deputies adds his name to ths list and
ly counted on
the election.
a contest, will chang
Steilacoom. However. Elects VVVct"
Official Force by 'Twenty.
STEILACOOM. Wash.., Dec. . (Spe
cial.) This city today elected a wet
Mayor and Council by a majority av
eraging :0 out of 200 votes cast, "S of
which were votes of women.
All the women's votes were chal
lenged. By a majority of 200 today. Belling
ham defeated ths proposed charter for
a commission form of government.
Two Councllmen Elected.
MARSRFIELD. Or, Pec. . (Spe
cial. I At the city election today, R. A.
Coppls and Duncan Ferguson vera
sleeted Councllmen for two years, de
feating August Krizen and C. C. Go
ing. John W. Butler was re-elected
City Recorder without opposition. Th
successful candidates for Councllmen
received a vrte of two to one over
their opponents. No especial Issue was
evident in the campaign.
nrownrU's Total Vole 617.
OREtW CITT. Or- Pc. . (5p
clal. In yeaterday's municipal election
George C. Brownell. the successful can
didate for Mayor, received 617 votes
Instead of (17, against Cooke's lit.
gives a copy to every saloonkeeper.
The "blacklist" Is posted behind ail
bars In th county.
The saloonkeeper occasionally dors
not know the blacklisted - man and
If be sells liquor to anyone on the list
he Is amenable to severe punishment.
tnough innocent of intent to violate
tha law .
It has been proposed . that when a
man Is posted on the blacklist that his
picture be taken and one copy be
given to every saloonkeeper In th
OLYMPIA. Wash., Dec. . (Special.)
To the County Assessors, who are be
ginning to work as a unit under tha
direction of the State Tax Commission,
tne commission gives credit for a re
markable increase In the value of tax
able property In Washington since 1905,
when the Commission was organized. The
asseeoed valuation of the slate, which
has been Increased from $32S,O0O,O0O to
tO6.O0O.OOO la fiv years, is due to the fact
that no longer can corporations obtain
lowt valuations in one county aa com
pared wltn other counties, nor can any
one man get a favorable rate In any on
county, as all are assessed alike. In com.
mcntlng upon this, the State Tax Com
mission in Its report will say.-
To a large extent, this Increase Is
but representative of the agricultural,
commercial and Industrial growth of tha
street. This remarkable development Is
also reflected In the large Increase in the
volume of business transacted by the
various departments of the state gov.
The "indirect revenue" of th state
has increased from J002.WJ In 1903 to
tl.SS0.6Sl In 1910, an Increase of 130 per
cent. Thlei does not apply to revenues
of permanent or - current school funds
highway, military or other special funds.
A compariso:
the state is
Secretary of State 90.201
Insurance Commissioner... 120. 984
Share of liquor business... 146.218
Inheritance tax 33.267
Land Commissioner. .... .. 183. 30S
Fish Commissioner 39,89
Game licenses 1.27S
Oil Inspector 1.895
Clerk Supreme Court 7.107
Penitentiary 105,858
Labor Commissioner 8.000
Governor's ofnee 8.280
Grain Inspector 13.4U
Miscellaneous 14,917
Prom source! not In existence In 905.
Indirect revenues amounting to C91.964.04
were collected during the present year as
follows: State Bank Examiner, I12.7-13.7S;
hotel Inspector, 1 2,075; interest on state
deposits. $17,21.01; state liquor licenses,
J9S.S7o; privilege tax on express and
private oar companies, 131, 253. 20.
1910. He was at one time connected with
the A. H. Averill Machinery Company or
Portland. He Is survived by his widow,
three children. "Wallace. Evelyn and
Owen, two brothers and two sisters.
Attorney-General Gives Opinion to
Assessor Strain.
SALEM, Or., Dee. . (Special.) In
response to an inquiry from C. P.
Strain, County Assessor at Pendleton,
Attorney-General Crawford has sub
mitted an opinion In which he states
that the householder's exemption of
$300, Included In the assessment law
of 1907. Is not valid, since the taxation
amendment to the constitution has be
come law. , The Attorney-General
states that the exemption provision
was declared unconstitutional prior to
the enactment of 1907 and that a law
unconstitutional at the time of Its en
actment Is void from the beginning.
In another opinion furnished for ths
benefit of the State Tax Commission
the Attorney-General virtually holds
that cars of the Union Tank Line,
when they are property having a STrfis
in this state, are assessable by. the
commission, under the act creating
that commission.
guilty to tampering with papers
was fined. The state case against
Lynd occupied the attention of a
yesterday and today. Lynd is acq
of attacking a blacksmith at Fd
Lewis County.
Two at Chehalls Plead Guilty.
CHEHALIS, Wash., Dec 6. (Special.)
In the Superior Court here Claude
Hoard pleaded guilty to assault and
battery in the second degree and was
fined tlSO. Lorenzo G. Wilson pleaded
It is the nature of women to
suffer uncomplainingly, the dis
comforts and fears that accom
pany the bearing of children.
Motherhood is their crowning
glory, and they brave its suf
ferings for the joy that chil
dren brines. No expectant mother need suffer, however, during the
.nary or uiiier special lunus. i . , tl.u
n of fees thus collected by- period of waiting, nor feel that sne is in danger when baby comes,
as follows: . jf Mother's Friend is used in preparation of the event Mother's
Friend relieves the pain and discomfort caused by the strain on the
different ligaments, overcomes nausea by counteraction, and prevents
backache. Its regular use fits and prepares every portion of the
mother's system for a proper and natural ending of the term, and it
assures for her a quick and
complete recovery. Mother's
Friend is sold at drug stores.
Write for free book for expect
ant mothers.
Atlanta, Ga.
Gold Du:
Makes Dazzling
White Dis
2.9k 3
. 33.191
Canby Resident Burled.
OREGOX CITY, Dec. . (Special.)
Olen S. Dalen. a well-known resident of
Canby. who died at the family home.
OXFORD ACCEPTS PAPERS The services were held at the residence.
and were conducted by Rev. Mr. Resolng.
College -Presidents Will Select Men
for Final Scholarship Tests.
Irene, Or.. Dec S. (Special.) Word
came today from Oxford University,
Oxford. England, that ths examiners'
board was satisfied with ths Cecil
Rhodes scholarship examination papers
presented by Desn Collins and William
E. St. John, of tha University of Ore
son, and Henry R. Bowler and Carroll
H. Wooddy. of McMlnnville College.
The examinations were held in EtiR-ene
on October IS and J, and included
Latin, arithmetic and higher mathe
Ths faculty authorities of the two
Institutions will meet soon to deter
mine Which of their men shall enter
ths final test which Is to he passed
upon by a committee composed of Pres.
Interment was made in the Norwegian
Lutheran cemetery, near Canby. Mr.
Dalen wa born September 3. 1872, In
Goodhue County, Minnesota, and moved
to Clay County. Minnesota, in the dpiing I
of 1SK.1. He arrived in Canby in March,
1 , i 1 I 3p I
Music pours out of the horn of the COLUMBIA
GRAPHOPHONE exactly as it went into the record.
Band, orchestra, violin, flute, piccolo, piano, bells,
cornet, clarionet, trombone, 'cello, speech or singing
voice solo or ensemble every note and tone is
clear and smooth. 7
Good reason why the machine is perfect. Let us play the
for you to prove it. If you buy you pay just $28.90 for the com
plete outfit with needles and records. Easy terms if you like.
Other outfits-from $17.50 to $200.
If you . could see yd
dishes and househa
utensils through a miq
scope you would real
that mere soap and we
is insufficient to do m
than wash off thesurfd
cuts dirt and grease
scarcely any rubbing,
an antiseptic tnat cuts c
after every hidden impu
and germ.- '
GOLD DUST steril
your kitchen things,
makes them wholesome
GOLD DUST is the gr
est labor-saver known.
Do not nge 5o
P, I
Naphtha, Borax. Soda. Jr efS I
Ammonia of Kerosene w- 'iss jX... Ci--J
-lih Gold Dim. Go'd yjLijffajiSi
Dust haa all desirable SgSrk tfssi
cleansing qualities In Za VtTjit--m
perfectly harmless !i1a'-T1 V I
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