Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 07, 1910, Page 22, Image 22

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See Demonstration "Mysto Magic" by Mr. Richardson of New York C,tiy on Fifth Floor Santa Claus Every Day Till Xmas
When in Doubt As to What Kind of Present to Give, Buy a Glove or Merchandise Bond On Sale in Glove Department on First Floor
f w "ImmammmmxjmmMmommmsa 7 vCT rjBBjamnBMgMMWMnrasa " jninw milium wwimw wi imi mm i iiw
We lirsre ltarlv ShoDoInK to Make the Holidav. Season Easier for Oar Employes and
More Convenient for Oar Customers. Yonr Aid in This Canse Will Be Appreciated
Red Crow
EUnip for
ale her
Entire Line of Fancy
Reduced for 2 Days
Wednesday and Thursday we offer on
1st floor entire stocK fancy mirrors at
one-fifth under regalar prices. Tripli
cate mirrors, hand mirrors, shaving
mirrors, stand mirrors, etc Come In
ebony, oaK and mahogany finishes, and
regular prices from 25c to $15.00 each.
BaJ cm th
.4th Floor
Kind, $3.85
Smart Tailored "Waists,
made of high-grade silks, in
the most -wanted models,
pleated, tucked and ruffle
trimmed; colors gray, green,
black and navy. All sizes.
SI When You Please
flOP Here
Long Kimonos
Our Regular $7.50 Guaranteed
SILK WAISTS for Tomorrow at
Women's Storm Coats
SI 2.50 to $15 Values $8.85
Misses and Women's Storm Coats, in mixed tweeds; colors
are wine, navy, tan. and gray mixed; loose, semi- 0 OC
fitting style; regular $12.50 to $15 values, special p
Women's Walking Skirts
$7.50 to $10.00 Vahies, Special $4.65
A special lino of "Women's "Walking Skirts, in navy, black or
brown panama or grav striped worsteds; made in plain flare,
plain pleated or flounce effect; regular $7.50 to
$10j0O values, during this sale at this low figure r,VPC
Red Cross
Stamps for
Sale on the
First Floor
Clove Sec
Women's Fur TrinVd
Red Cross
Stamps for
Sale on the
First Floor
Clove Sec.
Fine Picture
Leave Orders Now
for Work Wanted
for Christmas
Yon are weleoma to shop at any hoar that suits you
best. You'll receive good attention at all times. But
vouH help oar employe by shopping in the morning.
Ve quote in part from this editorial that appeared
recently in the Daily Journal:
"A large mercantile firm pnbliely advise ' people to
do their Christmas shopping early in the day, so as to
get the benefit of the service of 'untired clerks. It
is a good suggestion, and it is not very easy to under
stand why more women do not act upon it. The ad
vantages of shopping early are so great and so mani
fest that it is a little eurions that this advice is not
more heeded and followed.
"Not only are the salespeople 'untired' in the
early part of the day, but the stores are not crowded.
There is more time to show and select -goods and more
. n i t rpi
Fnnsracwjry cnoices can oe mauo. ioro is no putmin
BnQ cruwaing. xa9 laujen win uu a iucj
please of course, but this advice to shop
early m the day ia really good advice."
Vals. $3.45
Made of figured silk, in
loose, shirred style or with
ribbon at waist line. Dress
ing Sacques in silk, satin or
albatross, trimmed with
bands, cords or ribbons,
either kimonos or sacques.
Cut Glass
Take ranch
in 7th-floor
Nappies $1.59 Each
A beautiful assortment of high grade cut
glass nappies, in six-inch size, cuttings
that are original and unusually brilliant
and artistic These are oar regular
$2.50 values, but are on sale for tomor
row only, In the cut glass and dt TQ
silverware section, 1st floor, at P lOU
Our Regnlar $5.00 to $7.50 val- 1 A
lies in LONG KIMONOS Special atSJ,J
Remember the Sale of
Sale of Read
ing Lamps
this week
llie B
At the Sign. of the
Bargain Square
In Basement Annex
argaiii Square
On the Weekly
Payment Plan
for Christmas
S si I
$ 1 .50 Values 98c a Pair
Tomorrow, 1500 pairs of women's fur-trimmed felt
slippers. In red, brown, oxford and blacK. Made with
hand-turned soles and low heels; all sizes;
regular $1.50 valaes, special at. the pair
Lamb's Wool Soles Slippers
Men's sizes 6 to 11. women's sizes, 3 Ol
to 7; special the pair, men's or women's "H
For sale here. Booth in charge of Miss
GladyaWeidler, Mrs. Henry Metzger
and Miss Inei Barret. Buy a few.
Ranging From One-Quarter Inch to Nine
Inches Wide for All Uses and Purposes
FaBcybspecialjttow at 15S 1QS 25S 33S 43 S3 the yard. Plain
Ribbon priced now 9S 12S 15S 19 and 25 a yard. Baby Bibbon priced now
7S 12S 15S 19 and -C a
yard. Wash Ribbon priced now
6S 8S 12. 15 and 19 a
yard. Holly Ribbon at 12 the
95c Pair
Visit the Handkerchief An
nex, on second floor. Many bargains.
Earhyjjhoppers Save
On Furs and Fur Sets
Black Coney Fur Set, with large shawl collar, (to
head and tail trimmed; rug muff to match, special H-
Black Wolf Scarf or Muff, extra quality; large shawl with
square back; tail trimmed; pillow or rug niuii; H1 X Zb
specially marked for this sale at the low figure
Fancy Shawl Collars, of brown or black hare,
with muff to match, special for this sale the set
3 Specials in Women's Dresses
$ 1 2.45. S 14.65. and $18.45
Red Cross
Stamps for
Sale on the
First Floor
Clove Sec.
Women's Silk Iloee,
with lisle tops and
soles, all col- Q
ore, spl, pair IO C
$1 a Week
Fancy Coat Hangers 98c
Today, a special sale fancy ribbon -trimmed Coat Hang
ers, well made, neatly finished, extremely pretty make very
acceptable Christmas gifts. Regular $1.23 to $1.75 QO
values, special for today's selling for low price, each
HAND-PAINTED TIE RACKS, large . assortment, QO
regular $1.50. values, special for today in art dept. Ol
English Jet Pottery Tea Pots
75c Values for Today Each
Bargains in
Three Pair
for $1.29
Lisle Hose, three pair
in a lavender gift box,
pilk lisle, (J1! OA
the box, M,i
We offer tomorrow In oar stationery section five great specials in
Christmas stationery. Fancy boxes filled with finest quality linen pa
per, with envelopes to match. No more appropriate gift can be made.
25c BjxChristmasStationery, for Early ShqppjnXniasaleaM2c
"35cBoFChristmas Stationery, for Early Shopping Xmas Sale at 23c
75c BoFChristmas Stationery, for Early Shopping' Xmas Sale at 49c
85c Box Christmas Stationery, for Early Shopping Xmas Sale at59c
S1.25 BoxChristmas Stationery, for Early Shopping Xmas Sale at 89c
35c Scrap BooKs, for Early Shopping Amas sate at, eacn zjc
75c Scrap BooKs,
50c Bridie and
Early Shopping Xmas Sale at, each 49c
Score Pads, for this sale at each 33c
35c Post Card Albums, hold 200 cards, for this sale at, each 19c
50cPost Card Albnms, hold 400 cards, for this sale at, each 33c
"75c Post CardAlbnms, for Early Shopping Xmas Sale at, each, 49c
Collar and Cuff Boxes, made
of celluloid or leather; very
desirable for Christmas gifts;
regular $1.50 values; QOp
specially priced, each
200 Best Styles of
en's Suits
Red Cross
Stamps for
Sale on the
First Floor
Glove Sec.
$20 and $22.50 Values
Special at $15.00 Each
200 suits in this season's best styles, made of all wool
worsteds, cheviots and tweeds. Well tailored and per-
fitting rnmp in brown, tan. eray and
darK mixtures. Reg. $20.00 and $22.50 vals.
Save on
by Buying
This Week
Our Restaurant
The best place in town for luncheon.
Muaifrom 12 to 2 by Rosebrook's
HeiSTheater Orchestra. Patronize it.
The Great
Is Now in
Full Force
$2.25 Mechanical Trains
Special for Today $1.69
Today,' in Portland's largest toy department, .Mechanical
Trains, made up of two coaches, locomotive and tender, 1 set
switch tracks, 1 stop track, 1 curved track.. The j j nQ
Coaches are highly enamel finished; reg. $2.25 for A,U
PICTURE PUZZLE BLOCKS, sizes 2i2x4 inches, 12 blocks to tne box, OO.
pictures are popular subjects, reg. 35c values, special for this sale only
Alphabet and Picture JBlocks, QC.
28 in box, 50c values, now only v
Mission Desk Set, desk and
chair $3.50 values at only
Mechanical Wood Pelican, 75e CQn
Architectural Building-Blocks, QQ
II -r, nTir cnlhnfi or rt1 I V W I
Teapots of F.ntrii&ii Jet ronory, 4 ana t wp nw, nigaijr urwi" - -j m n values, for this sale, at, eacn wwuuc vuuca,
enameled with line of ffold and licht bluo and pink floral designs ; t oc vals., tpUlt ' ' , I
U '