TJ7E MOUSING OREGONIAN. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1910. 1 FLOUR IN ORIENT Seasons for Decline in Ameri can Trade. CHINESE CONSUL REPORTS With Permute In Buliws. "heU Growing and Milling Indantrf of "orfb China Han Been Grmtly Prvrloprd. Aaderwm. at HoDtkoac mji Iff to aaoBe4 br (a Bprry nnr Company. Aatrlta flnvr emcra auiataJalas Its twi la that market, that Ita branch taoaaa ta to bo Immediately rluood and tta a a turned aer to commiMloa men. Tfca Caoaut-Oaaaral wrltea: TtUa eten baa been eon tain plat ad tnr aom tJrn. tdi ti rvAlianti-jB U aa Importan eent la American trad to tna Far lt doaa aot tuaa aoaMrtty that the rtur trau or ue L. .um mimm ar ia adnaad. bvt it muhs tni Dortaat txl anaV Ob off lhM ta the eoura of Ini aorta of floor lato the JhUljp'ta an1r tt-e eee bottom rui ( the new ruHomi ar raacement. by direct ehip met, ul" by iMd tj HonitoBj and'i.t ere. ai tAie chna pueaib.r ia a mtiart time til niaaa nor ar tn use of MaaKa aa utnbiidni point thr American 0-ur ta Indo-CbiHA n4 othr awatlrra point. rF tail nad rmtatnt decreeee la Amrica ur Uu port ia imi part of the world, due lo a TtfttU of eauMt. tb craatrat 01 which la ta dTi"pmat ' the rbat-cmrtnr ar.d Oow-raJiica; pibUiUe Caioa. of Kurt a Caaaxil-Oawaral Andaraoo alvoa aa othar natou for tba decline of tna American flour trade la CbJaa: Ui Hlxb prl-e flour ta tb United tacea. Theee hrh pr1r for Mrl eare bam. la kDU)f with DfuM lor omer a-v- of Ufa u world of bar aot only brouvbt rib brio of Imuortvd flour Sotat wbtft many ;bin mbdoi toa It. t hee been of tba crtMt aMimaca la buiidinc no ta CbmM flour traUe by w-harraieere la ."hlna of hia return for th:r mon -y a w.l ae I1 Tiorue r m r 1 t on : t 2 t the e Catenate value C ' l ar Ln iiiua b b:n runnir. hwr fur tba tMl r or than It did In in flour- boom da of 1VT. f r aioml. Tha Cbiae ailvar di;:ar lUv ta warih la In trma of co:d tnsn It araa tbo and It rg,uir nor i7tlno dollar to pay for a nat m-Mint f flour at tb rnma cord prtro tfti It illA fortnr;r. Tho i.r dolUr ia to tba Chin-iao fnniimr th am today aa It tn. Tha rt I in tha -han vaiu or nta i l v rurrtoi v ta ti i"h lna con a rnar i.i urn In arYct aa an Inrraaaa In ta KoH trt. of tha soralan aooda oa Iba baala of formar af-rn.. Tha aatlv bat and flour of tha f"hln ta aot muiI In qua'.kt to th American Im- rort'd artl'-ta. AM a dlffarenc of Id canta par aacit a .itftaranc of about 4 pr cnt In tha market hra th 0m tro'u-t wlil ba taitea- 1n-?Tr lb Am fi an rrotlurt ran l- had wlthtn tb ltf-nt marilri tr CrineM tcl aia rrfuaad l.oar trtcaa tor tlJUT In tha I'nlted ttataa win at any tima ru:t In an Increaa In lb tra.l hra. and hih a.-hara bara at any ttm will hava th aama raauX Howvar. tt ia Irrportant that Amrrloan floor axport r Intaraatrd In tba rad bara ah ail main tmfn a a-tiTa ad d tract rvpraoantatlon aa mar ha t'-ii!. for without tba machinery of trail a littl can b don. ATCTTOX 1CBRCABT t- I liarax pot ntad at An;i. mark May lio Oranunarrlbad. Tha Faetflc Coaat yru!t Auction Company la tha aama cnoaea by th promotan of tha dims frutt auction at Loa Anxalc. Tha Incorporator of tha company ar J. T. Familiar, of tha Ppaor FYolt Cov. Lo Aa gala; Uawallya A. Bank, brokar. of Lot AAfalaa; W. P. Lott. off tha Pattaa at Latt. RlTrald; John Oowmn. of Thorn a a Gowaa ab WlUarU, Santa Ana. and William Hlne- k:a brokar. of Radian da. Th atock of thta aompaay promiaa to ba avvraubacribod. Tb flollowlna; ar numbarad amocc th mora aotir California fruit o para lor who bav aharrlbad Ubaraily for atock ta tha n auction: V. D. fcty. of Ely-Otllmor Fruit Ca. Lx Anarviva; W.'S. Spaxr. of th 8 parr Frait Co.. Io AVntrale and othar polnta; Kanntk McRaa. of Hiaito; LJarwallya Kanka. brokar. Loa Ana-iea; C. J. Hick a. brokar. Lo Anaralra; W. P. Latt. of Pat tea a Latt. Klvaraid: R. M. Irving, of th Hawnrdaoa Aaaoclatlon, KJra4d; Thomaa, Oowaa at Wliard. Santa Ana; P. II. Pprlch. of palcb A Ore an a. Rlrrralda; pac Pmit Company. Loa An rale; Otta Prult Company. an itao: l!nhlay prult Company. Pul larton; Arc hi Pratt, of tb "Elephant Or chard. Radlanda; TA' II tiara Pann. of tha Tndapondant Pruit Co.. Lo Ancales; L. Phat traca. of tha Tuatln Packtnc Co.. Tuatia; flL T- Jobnaton. brokar. Loa Angrlaa. and Anthony flhorb. of pit tab tire. At a mooting- to ba bald Dcmbr 8. fTlcer. director and a manager ax to b alactod. Tb flrat auction la ax pact ad ba bald abont bobruary U 1V1L la Loa Angale. TrHTE-T BCYINO OJf GOOD MULE. Eipartarg anal MUler Oparatlng ba tba Cavalry. Whaat-buytna: en a good oa'a, chlafly by oaportara and miller, ta atill ro pert ad from too country. Whiia tha mark at continue firm, thar doaa oot aexa aa mock anxiety oa tha part of buyora to outbid on another a waa th caa at tha cloa off laat wack P rtcoa q not ad yat ard y war aJ canta oa aiub. $2 canta oa forty-fold and &. crnta an bluaatarn. Oaia and barley war quiet. Thar waa aom Eastern inquiry for tba latter, but no new buaiaeea waa reported. Laval rac ap ta. in car, war reported by th Merchant Exchange aa follow: Wheat Barley Flour Oat Hay Monday LO ft 4 I lo Tursuay 1 A 1 "tear ago . . 4 J II T 10 raaaoa to Gate 1 n j $' jv-s l ear ago ttl W7 14 fWz Apple Trad at tw Tartc Tha bos apple market at New Tork la reported by tba Packer, of Xcmber fl. aa follow: The ba apple market la ln a very bad condition. orrerinc ar err henry, far ta ext-aat, of the demand at enrthing like prontabia price. Horn fruit le eelllng her at about what It coal a nt loading ataiiona tn the WeeT. Jonathan, a hen they ar An, bring around 14 aa do ale Sptta. The ether varietlea. which are nt much aoaght after, aall from TSc a box up and poor Jonathan brtrg aa low aa l.2.l to $L. athgugh they a.- in light offering. UlM Ilup Mirk lAnuor. Th ... . f&ir Inquiry for bop. jrtr 4tr, but bo b.tnM w m r. portal in this BiArkt br.n4 th. .a'. 0 tb. L Luhsiutl lit or AO b.lM of ln'rt t. KlsiMr. Wolf Tb. toilowtnc e.11 . .1 rMolivd by Kit kr. Wotf from Lanrfoa offlc: "UukK ttnnT vltb mor. inquiry.' h-JUT StarmM U Bltnr. T. poultry mtu-k ... .low. RM?lptfl .". Usbt nd Ui. d.m.n4 .u amtUL Von mt tb. eoickB mota tAld aratibd 14 Mot. Er wot. firm at tb. old piicn. Bntt.r .nd h..K w.r. ucbufvd. Bank OMrisr. t th. North' elUw vttr. aa roilow.: ClwinniEa, TBalanoM. 131X4 rt-rtlaaa l.9W..'-i P:t 1.HV1IJ .11 4pokajt. Mtw. Jmpmmm Ormaa. (tntTMl frmva a l.'r. .htpm.nt of Jtpanm w.r. ao Important arrival. ta. frrt aad vttabl. markot. Ttm at !. w kaadl. and war tm goo4 demand. oar aotatoe and car of mixed vegetnblea were expected, bat failed to antra. rOKTLAJTD 1AUITV Grmla. Timmr. Tarn. Etc WHEAT Trick prl: club. rnl Hguiu. We; Vir. Mc; o2o; fony-foid. RJc. BAKLT FMd. Ill pt ton; be. wing. tS ptf ton. MILUTLTTS Bran. 4ff per ton; middiiscK li u si: than. .'5.S0;; bari.r. IllUlUM. FLuCH Fmint $ 1 pr barr.1: ftralfhu. 4 104-11; .xporta. !!.; Vat- ter rr.'N0 MORE STORAGE DEMAND Va'lay $C ft 22 Pr ton; Ktem Orion. t.itfi't; al'alfa, itrl&; grain hay. $lt.& if 1 'i Si; c; r. $11 tf roRV Whole, l-a; cracked, fsa pr too, OATa Ko. X white. 7.M0&.&4 per ton. Deary ad Cowatry prod a a. POCTTR T Hena lc : Uprlng. 1 4 H o; doka. whit. 19 IT; gaa. 12e; turkaya, allva. SOc; dreeeed, 2p21o; aquaba. 43 par don- FHa Oregon ranch. candled, 4ic; Eaatam. Apriia, S?c per doxen; . Eaatarn freeh. 3 V? per dozen. OtEESE e'ull twin a 171X17 o par pound; young Amertra. Itl94c. Bl'TTER 'lty creamery, eolld pak. STo pr poon'l; batter fat. a'ff)7 per pound; Eaatam. al ao per pound. PORK, Fancy. lOff Ho per pound. VEAL Fancy. a ta 1-4 pound a, I1H per pound. TeejeeAraj d Prut! a. APPLF- King. 40 0 75c per bor: Wolf RUer, ; c 0 11 ; Waxen. "Sc- II ; Baldwin. Tic j II 25. Northern .py. 75c 0 1.2-3. ftnow. $i W 0 L&: H pi (can berg. LzAd3; Winter banaiw. ll.T&tfl&O SACK VEGETABLES Carrota flOl-2 bundred: parantpa. $1 LU; tugfiipa. $1. beeta. 1 1 13 V I J'. OR I EN FKL1T8 pear. 1.?53 per boa; $1 W 11 Pr box; at alagaa. IS ftO u . par barrai; cranberrrea. iio..7ii Pr fcarrel; qulnoea. $1412 per box; huok! berriea. g o o lb.; prtmmona. I. Si per box. VF.OfTAHLEH Heaaa 10 1 lie ner pound; rsbtage. $1 Li per hundred: cauliflower. ICOiii:: per crate; celery. Cali fornia. S3 3. - per crT; cucumber. $3 par box; ergpiant. HOI -A Pr crate; garlic. 10Uo par pound; green onion. ISo per dnifn ; bead lettuc. 40 ij &o per doxen; hothoue lettuce. tl U I 2 per box; pper. loc per lb.; pumpkine. ItjlHo per radlahe. 13 0 zoc per oottn; apruuta. Tw; aqua eh. ldlHo per lb.; tomato. f 1 -3 per box. TKfnrAL rRi ITS orange, nareie. X35Q3.TS per box; Japanaaax 1.23 per bundle; lemon t&e.0; Florida grapafrult. 9"; California grape fruit. IS it 4; ba aanaa. Vo per pound; pineapple, aa per pound : pomagranate. i 7 par box. rirAH'h.H-Hjrton. i.ze par uiuraraai ootntoe. 9 Wo per pound. ONIONS orecon. Jobbing prte 9L4O0 L60 per bundred. " WOOL GOES TO FRANCE SMALL MPORT BFSIVESS IX BOSTOV Jf.WlKET. Fine rtad Fine Medium Tcrrilorj Slock Is Taken Trade In Other Line Dull. BOSTON. Pc. a. A few local wool firms are doing a fair bualneaa wlfb French worst aplnnar In fme and fine medium terri lory atock, but other Una ar dull. Value hold eteady and local dealer ar looking for a advance. Fine and fine medium Moo tana bav been transferred on a baala of 68 cleaned. Soma Wyoming wool bar changed hard at ldHC In tb greaae. Fleaoe wool are neglected, but there car been aom transfer of Texaa IS monLha and a little of the Fall clip. Pulled wool hat been In a trine mart de mand, while th foreign product la ale rtlve. m Quotation, ecoored baala: Texaa fine. 13 montba, 6.i06Oo: fine. to a month BSoJk; fine FalL 49 000c Caiiiomia Northern, djumo; middle coun ty. o0 a 2c i southern. edb4Sc; Fall. free. 43 eJeoc: FalL defctlv. Uuk. UntioQ K iatern o, i a:apie, tt ooc Eaatarn clothing. flOfaic; Valley No, 1. 54 tjjjc. Valley No. 3. GJtfr; Valley No. a, 4I U 30C. Temtorr una axapie. flixojc; xine meoium at pie. 6(?Oc; fine clothing. BuHc; fin medium clothing, ooffjoc; baix-biooo como. In. fllf3c: three-eight ha combing. 96 tf 87c; pullod extra, d&c; fin A. ftStfoOc; A u per. Chanxe ta Aral lab I ftnppllc. NEW TORK. Dec. . Special cable and altera phlc cmmunlcatlona received by lUaiietreet ihow tb following change iiibl auppUes a compared witn pr tluuB account: isuanaia. Wheat. United State. east of Rock lea. uecreasea vu Canada, decreaaed 1.75000 Total T'ntted state ana canaaa. decreased, 3,zi7.wo Afloat fur and la . Eutod. de based 3.40O.O0O Total American and Euro Dean uun T. decreased 4.017.OOO Corn. nlted State ana unnaoa. in- creased ox.OOO Oat. I nlted state and Canada, in creased 40.000 Londoa Wool Saira. I.ONTVO.V. Dec. fl. The alxth aerlea of th wool auction sale closed today with offer Inga of 41o5 bale Tbe auortmnl waa l uiiecaiianrmt on and waa quickly aold at currant price VIILLERS BUYING CLUB GRAIV MARKET IS FIRM AND HIGHER AT SEATTLE. First Conl;nnir-nt of Jijuinrw Or- nc- Well Cleaned Cp -Crao-brrrlr Are Sltlppcd Sooth. SCATTI.E. T. . (Spc!l. Th. (rain mark.ta w.r. firm and actlr. all around to day. Vtiroroua tradtnf In what rMult4d In a cat adranr. on all Tari.tiM. bluatm tfotafr to t to 94 4 cnta, with mlllttf. par- Ina . cnta. MUl.r ar. ouyinc ciud Ttiak. .sport flour order. whl-h hav. b.n Urc. durlott th. pt tbrt. vitkt Pat nta Dort .lowly. Barl.y waa bold at and eata at 42'J.SO. At tbra. plica many balk. bow.var. clalmlna; to ba abl. to buy for immm .la.wb.rtk Th. prlo of th. brat tcmont waa cut to $4 today, rllowlni a furtL.r aax ln th. Call furola mark.t. Unom ar poor demand. Th. ftrat ronalanment of Japanaa. oranicea la quit, well cleaned up. Tb. fruit uiat arrlt.d OB II:. Mlnneaota will b. dl.trlbutl turuorrow. lal.r. xpt to b. abl. to clean up by Chrlatmaa. Naval oranceo ar. moilfti aioarly and moat Jobber, ar. outtlnx down rarller ordera. .Oran.rri.a advanced to $ 10-fto. Th.ra waa talk of a 911 piir. but putttna th. quotmtloa to tbat l.v.1 la frownd upoa by moat larc. houaea. Fifty barrela war. ahipped to Fan Franclaco toda-. but will ba afcout all tbat Seattle Jobber, can arara. potatoee wer. firm, but no blch.r. f'aatb. ar condttlona ar. bow a bis factor In tba potato altubtlon. lalry produc. tnoyea alowly. Trade lacka an. P- Ranch eate did not aell abor. &t canta. waa In fair demand at top prlceo. Poaltry did aot dean vp. Ce4few and Ba(ar. MW TORK. Deo. . Coffee futorea aloeed eteady. d fir. polnta hiitber t. pin. low.r. Palea. 10d.TVt ba4ta; Deem, bar. ll.u;-c: January. 10 Mr; F.bruary. in una: March. 10 c: April. tn.Soe: May. 10 2o; June. lO.SOc: July. tOTSo; Auguat. 10 Tic: IOlTSc; October and No vember. 10 rt.c Hpot coffee, firm. Jio. T Rio. ISHo to llSa. nominal. Ran toe. No. 4. 13"4o; mild ooffM. firm Crdora. lS"4 01nc. Raw auaar nnn. Muacorado. 8 teat. I bOe; centrifugal. t teat. 4-0uo; molaaaaa, ( teat. t-tK. Ratlnad lulet- T. UOVIS. Iec. . Wool UnchangM. Territory and Ti'.atern mediuma, l.2c; fine mediuma. 174lac: fine. 12013c Dolatfc ITax JSarkrt. PCLTTH. T. . Pu oa trarV. tr, 1 rtr. and December. Vi . ; May. 1.28 . BUY FOR HOLIDAYS Feature of the Apple Market at the Present Time. . NorUinetorn Fruit Exrhanae Ha. Fewer Unsold Cars tn Transit Soxr Than at Any Time Thl Pcaeon. The dally market bulletin of th. Xorth w..trrn Fruit Kichange follow.: Buying for holiday conaumptlon la th. featur. of th. praaent mark.U Tba cold etorage demand la all aupplled. It ta gen erally that the tall anda of tha apple crop are not aultabia for cold etorage. eo tba mark.t la now. and will ba for iba balance of the eraaon. a "apot" markwt entirely. The demand, however, la fairly active, and w. are getting aatlafactory prlcea. lat-neae of th. aeaaon conaidered. for everything. The exchange haa fewer uneold oar. in tranalt now tban at any tlma during tha aeaaon. and will probably clean up witnin ine next weea or ao. Ve report the following aajea CBQ 1308. from Feahaettn, Waah-, Deo. 1. Ill extra fancy 104 fanoy Stayman Wine aapa at S1..0; 100 g-enuln. Wlneaapa at 1.;5; 17S extra fancy. 40 fancy Black Twira at II. So. ail f. o. b. Paahaatln. to buyer In TYaehlncton. D. C CtQ till;, from Wanatchee. Novamber tt. 74 boa.a. 11 different varletiea. a great many am xarla. Inclurllna 179 boxca or n tir appl.a at a atralght prtc of tl f. o. b. A .natch... for all grade, and elaea, to buyer In MlaaourL HI) 41I. from peahaatln. December 1. boxea. varletiea choice araoee. Inrludlnc 1K2 boxea of tt-tlcr. at a atralght price of tv centa pr pox. r. o. o. rvanaatln. 1 buyer In Mlnneaota. PFE 774. fmm Dallaa. Or.. Sth. follower Bxtra fancy and fancy Baldwlna. Northern Hplea, 1.2B; fancy Spttaenb.rae. l.'i; choir. Spitaenhenra. 11.25: choice Kome B.autlua. $!.:: tmncy Rome Beautlce, I. SO : fnncy Ben Davie. S1.1S. all f. o. b. Dallaa. tr.. tn a buver In Tetaa US flooo, from Peahaatln. Waah.. Id, IDS extra fancy Black Bna. 24 fancy Black, 14 1 extra fancy Genoa at S1.3& Ben Da via at xl in. all f o. b. Peahaatln to a buy in Fenueylvanla. O.V fisui, from M-vcra Falla. Waah.. ?4th fancy Winter Hnnanae. 11.76: extra fancy Spitaenberga l..i. fancy, $l.t3: extra fancy Roni" B.autle. Sl.l'.. fancy gl.lo: ex tra fancy Pcarmalna 11.15, fancy $1; fancy vi ineaapa 41. &o. all r. o. b. Xoyara ralla, to a grocery limine In Texaa. Ua N Bd.ti-l. from peahaatln. December 1, 430 boxea of fancy and extra fancy Fen Davla at 11.10 f. o. b. for 4v-tler and larger. 14 bx-a of .-tier at 45 cent. f. o. b. Pe.haatin. to a buyer in Pennaylvanla. I KK tilt, from Duftir. Or.. !th. II known varletiea and one unknown variety, all gradea and atxea. aa follower Fancy Spltx enberge 1.80. choice SI 36; extra fancy New town 41.7.V fancy l.f.O. choice L10: fancy Oregon Reda l. !5: teano 11 :t: Baldwlna II.;.. choice Baldwlna II: Hueeette 11.25; extra fancy Rlace: Twlaa .L4. fancy $1.40; fancy Red Cheek Plpulna II SO. choice SI: Lila II; choice Jonathana $1; fancy Blue rearmalna 11.50. choice II; fancy and ex tra fancy Ben Davla 11 16. choice to centa fancy Red Romanlte $1.15. choice $1: 9 boxca unknown variety 11. all f. a. b. main line point, to a wholeeale grocery houa. ln Central Texaa. CBQ 14451. from Kleellng. Waah.. eOth mixed varletiea and gradea aa followa: Fancy and extra fanoy Rhode laiand Green Inge 41; fancy Klngo $1.25; extra fancy Spia 11.23. fancy 11.10. choice 8S centa; extra fancy Red Cheek Plpplna 11.35, fancy 11.15, choice centa; fancy orchard run Newtown, fpltxenberaa $1.26; choice orchard run Wagener ft.'c all f. o. a btty.r In Oklahoma. b. Kleellng. to W. wlah to call particular attention of tna enippera 10 tna ract mat tnea. aalea ar. mad. to good flrma In good faith. Thera will b. no queatlon of th. acceptatnee of tn. car. ir tne rruit la np to in. atandara. On th. other band, tf It la not up to tha atandard. the buyera hav. a very Juatlflabla complaint and any rurh com plain ta will ba adjuated equitably. Thta la fair dealing and only on the bant. 01 ralr dealing can thla lnduatry jucceen: STEEL UNDER PRESSURE SELLING BASED OX RUMORS LATER DENIED. Cause Prices 1 General Unseulenient of In Stock Market Presl- dent's Message Not a Factor. NEW TORK. Dec. . Heavy selllnc United States 8tel shares baaed upon ot mora (which were officially denied after th. cloae of trading), that the company would aoon announc. a partial abut-down at sum. or It. plant, becaua. tf tb. poor bust neaa outlook, caused a general unsetUement of prlcea In today'e stock market. Tbe movement was of fairly large proportions and In numerous Instances brought stocks down to th. lowest level recorded ln some Weeka The movement began In th. afternoon. sometime after th. publication of th. Presi dent a meaaaga. which waa ln no acaa. factor. Indeed, conaervativ. Wall atreet aeemed dlapoeed to extract muoh comfort from th. Prcald.nt'a rwoommendatlona, par ticularly hia plea that no legtaiation deal- !ng with regulation or control of corporations enacted pending further teat of existing law. Hia efforta at increased economy In tb. oonduct of oovermcitaJ affairs cazu. In for much favorable comment. During th. early part of th. stock market sweaton. th. Oould group displayed a renewal of laat week a beavlneas. bt. Louis m South western common and preferred wer. heavy and It was a matter of boardroom goaalp that th. dividend on th. preferred atocka ml.'bt b. reduced If not entirely auapendd. The weakneaa In thla bad a aympa- thetlc effect on Mtesourt Pacific and Denver A RIO Grande preferred, but th. alump. whole, attracted littl. attention. 11 much aa th. demand for thea. iaanea of oent years has been exteramely limited. London waa reported to hav. aold 15.000 to 20.000 shares bare. Th. further dc!in in consols to a naw level seems to hav. cast a gloom over specu lative circle, at tn. urltlah metro polta. Demand for money aa light today, but ratea abowed Increased flrmneea. No ad ditional shipments of currency wera report ed, but It la believed that further advances to Canada and th. Paclflo Coast will bav. 1 ba mad.. Th. bond market waa eaay, with total sale., par value. $'.210,000. United State. Ss and 4a registered advanced per eent on csIL C LO8I.NO STOCK CUOTATIO.Va Closing High. Low. Bid. 27 27 30 CS MI -, 411 43 42 42 37 3d S5 a 8 50 41 41 69 7 67 20 17 17 18 11 11 11 87 85 83 73 71 71 103 103 103 42 40 40 114 114 113 140 139 139 9.1 93 93 82 R0 80 39 S 31 ll0 98 98 101 101 101 115 113 118 106 104 104 29 29 29 T5 73 78 193 191 ion, 82 80 30 104 2T0 81 78 78 S9 21 21 21 48 148 142 142 121 119 119 84 64 H4 81 211 29 66 53 56 130 180 180 15 13 14 101 101 181 21 27 27 ! 8 67 81 31 31 27 26 2 45 44 43 33 151 149 149. 8ales. A' Chalm pf HX Amal Copper .. S.OOO Am Agrl 5oO Am lleet Sugar l.tHio Am Can 4o Am Car ft Foun 2.3M Am Cotton Oil. &OO Am II A L pf Am Ice Securl. Am Linseed .. Am Locomo. . . Am Smelt A Ra noo 1IH1 6011 21.5H1 400 ttoo 900 2.8:) 2O0 4il l.SOrt 14.6O0 Cio 6-10 2.6O0 do. nreferred Am Steel Fdy.. Am Sugar Kef Am Tel A Tel. . Am Tobacco pf Am Woolen Anaconda Mln Atchison uo preferred Atl Coast Lin.. Bait -A Ohio .. Kethlehem Steel Brook Rap Trn 8.000 'anadlan Fao. 11.500 Central Leather 2. TOO ao prexerreo. Central of N I Chea A Ohio. . Cttlco A Alt 9.500 ''iod '"'ioo t.3o0 loO 90ft 900 . 2" 1041 I.IOO J.7in 800 200 00 Chicago Gt Wegt do preferreu Chicago A N W M A nt. r-aui C. C. C ft St. L Col Fuel A Iron Col ft Southern Conaolldat'd Gaa Corn Producia Del ft Hudaon.. A R Grand.. . do preferred . .' Securi Erie da 1st pfd .. do 2d pro. n Electric .. 1.200 Gt Northern pf 4.400 121 120 JJ9 Ot Nor Or ttfa f"0 P5a 64 54 M III Central oo 1M 130 IIS Inter Met .... 8.J'H 205. 1 18 do preferred . . 0."O ST. v, r.L' t 53 i Inter Harvrater. 1,100 1U9H lus 11-' Inter-Mar pfd 14 Int Paper 100 l.lli lMti 12S lat Pump I.I00 40S S SS" Iowa Central... 2" US !"! K C Southern.. 1.100 uht do preferred. . . . n3 Laclede Oaa ... K 104 H 1034 H3 I.oulavllle N. . 600 140'-, 140 IS 9 Minn A 8t 1.7 27 M. St P A S S M 1.700 l.'IOVi 12S4 12HS Mo. K 4k Texaa. 1.00O 32 30 aua do preferred 05 Mlaa Pacific 1.0OO 47 4'' - National Biacult 4oO 110 101i H't National Lead.. l.lXK) f.2 H 604 Nat Rya M pf. ttoo 35 ij 35 85 N T Central .Snl Hm 10i 109t N T. Ont A W. I.ixhi 4ot 8S "- Norfolk A Weat !. 7i. PH North Amer ... 6"0 3 B2 - Northern Pa .. .9K) 113 112 1124 Pacific Mall .. 4'M) 31 30 30 Pennaylvanla .. (H'O 128 1-0 12 Pcople'a Oaa ... 0O0 li'i 104 104 P C C A Bt L 75 Plttaburg Coal. . 300 17. 17 17 Preaaed Steel C 3"0 2!l 20 29 ull Pal Car .. 8' 11 lr.NS 159 Ry Steel Spring loo 30 30 80 Reading 144.0 14 142 142 Republic Steel.. l.xinl Xl 30 30 do preferred.. 4oO 94 93 93 Rock Ialand Co 4.n 30 2S 2: do preferred.. 2"0 02 t ' ft L A S F 3 Pf "0 3H 37 37 Bt L South "0 23 22 22 do preferred.. 1.4--O r7 55 55 Sloea-Shem.ld . 4(0 49 49 4H So Pacific 1T.8O0 113 111 111 bo Railway $no 24 24 24 do preferred.. L0O0 r.S 5 f Tenn Copper .. 1.000 SS 84 84 Texaa A Paclflo 2O0 25 24 24 Tol. Ft. LAW 4"0 22 22 21 H do preferred.. 2"0 53 53 51 Union Pacific. 101. oo 17" 160 IB do preferred. . 20 92 92 01 tl 8 Realty T US Rubber.... 40 82 82 81 U 8 bteel 191. SOO 74 71 "1 do preferred.. 2.SOO 110 115 115 rtah Copper .. CI.1K1O 4- 44 44V Va-Caro Cham.. 00 59 50 Wabaah 2"0 10 10 15 do preferred.. a,300 84 82 82 Weatern Md .. ! 45 45 44 Weatlnghoua. B 800 6 ' Weatern Union. 1,000 70 70 89 Wheel ft L Erl. Lehigh Valley.. 18,500 180 175 175 Total aalea for tba day. 714.800 aharee. BONDS. NEW TORK, Dec . Cloalng quotation! C. 8. ret 2a rc.l004N. T. C. g 8a 88B do couDon ...100 No. paeirio aa... 10 U. 8. 8a reg loa No. Pacific 4a... 99 do coupon 102 ll nlon paciric aaioi r. fi. new 4a rea.115 Wla. Central 41. 93 do coupon ...115 Japanea. 4a .. 8SB D. A R. G. 4a.. 94 I Money, Exrtiaxare, Etc NEW TORK. Dec. (I. Money on call- Steady, 2Y3 per cent; ruling rate, 2 offered at 8. Tim loana tun: 00 ana 00 aaye, 4 pex cent; aia nionini oii.r-n at per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 56 per cent. Sterling exchange Irregular, with actual buetneea In bankera bllla at $4.82.734.88 xor uo-oay niua ana at for demand. commercial Dllla t4.b2. Bar allvar 54 c. Mexican dollar. Iflo. Bonda Government. gtrong; railroad. aaay. LONDON". Dm. .- Bar gllrar Quiet. aa i-ie,d per ounce. Money 2 8 per cent. Th. rate of dlacount ln th. open market for ahort blue la 2 per cent; for three montha bllla 8 433 per cent. BAN FRANCISCO. Dec . Sterling on London. 80 data. $4.82; aterttng on Lon don, aiant. 44. ho. Drafta Sight, par; telegraph, 2- LIVESTOCK TRADE DULL ONXY A SrXGLE IX") AD OF HOGS RECEIVED AT YARDS. Local Market Rules Steady on All Lines "Good Hogs Bring Eight Dollars. Th.r. waa not much to work on at the atockyarda yeaterday. Tha only- arrival was t load of hogs, and aside from mutton ituff, but little waa carried over from th. preceding day. Good averag. weight noes held steadv $8 and a load of heavlea brouKht $7. For a load of ateera, $4.85 waa paid and a few coat sold within a ranee of 13 to $4.60. Mixed sheep brought $4.50 and feeder Iambi $4.25. Th. hog. received. 75 head, were shipped In by J. C. Davis, of bhedua. Tha day s aules were as follows Weight. Price. 51 hogs 404 $7.00 70 hos Uiy.l 8.00 8 cowa 1230 3.00 1 bull 14110 8.50 3 cows luiKI 8.73 2 cowa I005 4.23 15 cowa 1000 4.60 2S ateera 1213 4.85 111 mixed sheep 117 4.50 450 lamba. feeder 01 4.25 Prices ourrent on the various classes of stock at tb. Portland Union Stockyards wer. as followa: prim, steers Good to choice steers ........ Fair to good steers .15.75 45 $fi. 00 . .;r.'a . 4.75 t 5.25 . 4.00 'it 4.50 . 4.75 it 5.00 Common steers Choice to prime cows......... Good to choice beet rows Fair to xood Leef cows -. . 4.25 W 4 . 3.75 'ft 4.23 . 2.00 91 3.50 . 4.75 5.O0 Common to fair beef cows..... Good to choice heifers........ Fa r to soon neiters. ....... .. . 4.50 4.75 Common to fair helfera. ...... . Choice to good fat bulla....... Fair to good fat bulls . 4-OU i 4.2 . 4.0'JW 4.25 . 3.50 i 4.0(5 . 2.50 at 3.23 . 7.00 it 7.50 . 8.50 7.00 . 5.25 it 6.00 Common bulls Good choice light calves...... Fair to aood Hunt calves. .. Good to choice heavy calves... Fair to good heavy calves . e. tew a.z J Common calvaa Good to choice staga. ........ . Fair to good ataga . 3.73 '3 4.7d . 4.50 i 6.00 . 4.00y 4.50 Choice hoga . 7.75 o.uu Good to cuoto. hoga Tearllng wethers, grain-fed... . 4.73 t 0.00 Old wetbera, grain-fed........ Chotca .wea. gratn-ted Good to choice .was. grain fed , ...o v ..00 . S.75d 4.00 . 3.23 -if 8-7; Feeders , 2.25 4 8.00 . O.Tj'i 8.00 Cbolc. lamba, grain-fed Good to choice, grain-fed , 5.50 '11 3.75 Poor lamba 4.95tf 5.00 Hay -fed sheop and lambs 50o lower than grain-fed. Chloaaro Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Dec. . Cattle Receipt, esti mated at 7000; market slow and weak; beeves. $4.4o7.25; Texas steers. 84.1U'o4 6.40; Western steers. $4.20frll.25; stockers ,nd feeders,; cows and aellera- 2.2008.10: calves. 11.75 (j S.73. ilOKS neccipt. ' 1 1 i.i . i -u at it.uiu mar ket 5c higher; ligtu. $7.1Stf 7.86; mixed, $7.1537.63; heavy, $Al5u7.65; rough, $7.15 tl 7.30; rood to cnoic. neavy, a7.3Ui'; plga. $n.70ia7.65. Bulk of aalea $7.407.60. cnecp rteceipta eatimatea at ihluw mar ket weak; native, $2.25(34.20; .Weatern. 2.80O4.15: yearllnga. $4.Iob6.10: lambs, native, (4.23t8.25; Waatern. $4.5008.25. FliODlCE AT SAX 1 R-iXOStXX ductal ions current in th. Bay City Mar- beta. BAN FRANCISCO, Dec 6. Tb. following prouuee prices .'ere current today: etn.Di.r-ucumorri, 41101.411, garnc, 4tT5c: green peaa, 44761-; atring beans, slr- 7c; tomatoes, 23ctf$1.25; egg plant, 6084c rt utter r luicy creamery, o;c Eggs Store. 41c; fancy ranch, 42c "h eeae Young America, 16&17c MlUstuffs Bran. $2730; middlings. $32 0 36. Hair Wheat. $9014; wheat and oats, $99 11.60; alfalfa, Fruit Apples, cnotce, oac; common, 40c: Mexican limes, $4,5045; California lemons, choice. 84. 00: common. 12: oranxeA navel. $L5U4j2.50: pineapples. $22.60. Potatoes Salinas Burbanks. $1.7691.83; sweats, 42.404j2.5O; Oregon Burbanks, $L&0 L55. Onions $i.lovi.zu. RecelDta Flour. 1562 Quarter aacka: srheat, 6160 eentale; barley, 12;330 centala; oata. 2230 -centala; potatoes, 3060 sacks: bran. 85 sacks; middlings, 63 saoks; bay. 73 tons. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW TOBBt. Dec 6. Evaporated apples leas active, firm. On tbe snot fancy is quoted at 12c; choice. 10v21U4o; prima, 4lic; common to lair, sc. Prunes firm, but buyer, show a disposi tion to hold off, quotations ranging from 0 91040 tor Oalifomlaa up to 80-40. and 64.4jlOc for Orefrons from 60s to 80s. Peachae firm, lnaetlva; choice, 107&a; ex tra choice, tlfSti'; liuicj. batjc Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Dec. 6. Standard copper eaay. Spot and December, J2.3312.4.1e: January, 12.35 tT 12.50c; February. 12.40 12-S.ic: alarcn. 12.4o 12.60c London firm, suot 57 Is 3d: futures. 57 17s L Local dealers report a dull market, with lake quot ed at laftyia.L-.-ic: electrolytic, 1Z-S7 loc. and casting. 12.50 12.75s. Anivala at New Bonds Investments TimberLands M'GRATH&tiEUHAUSEN CO. 701-2-3-4-5 Lewis Bids;. Portland Oregon York today, 285 tons. Custom-house returns show exports of 8,8121 tons so far this month. Tin strong. Spot. 37.654736o; December. January. February and March, 87.70 g 88c Pala, 25 tor.s of December (port of New Tork) at 17.70c London strong; spot and futures. 171 17s Id. Lead quiet. 4.45 0 4-ffSo New York, 4.30 3 4-87c East St. Lou I a London 113 Is 3d. Spelter dull. 5.80 5.90c New York. 5.769 6-SO0 E&mt St. Louis. London, f 24. Iron Cleveland warrants, 49s 7 d ln Lon don. Locally Iron was quiet. No. 1 foundry Northern. No. 1 Southern and No. 1 southern soft, $15.73 016.26; No. X foundry Northers. $13. 26 J6. 75. LAST BIDS ARE HIGHEST WHEAT CLOSES STRONG AFTER WEAK OPEXIXG. . Speculation In Futures Is Made on the Basis of Rumors of Cash Sales. CHICAGO, Dec 6. Laat prices for wheat wer. the highest of the session. Hull in terests and local professional speculators of tne larger sort were scalping xrom tne buy ing side. Many -vagus reports, which It was Impossible to verily, becam. current alleged sales of cash wheat. A good share of the purchasing- was don. on the basis of this gossip. Many traders put special em phasis on the fact that th. world supply total showed a decreaae of 4.617.000 bushel. for laat week, against an Increase of 4,280,- 000 bushela a year ago. Alithis stood In decided contrast with th. outlook th. first part of tbe day, when more snow in tha West and Southwest, with lower quotations at Liverpool, gave control for tha time being to th. bears. Alter the market turneo. up ward. December showed by far the greatest relative strength. May ranged from 98 o to 97c. closing c up at 9ic Corn waa weak from tne atari. May aoia between 484f4Sc, with the close easy 48 c a net loss of c. Cash corn v. weak- No. Z yellow finished at 5252c Oats were depressed as a result of sales by elevators. May varied from 84c to 4itrc. with last sales at 84e34o, a decline of o from last night's close. Tb. bog run Is expected to be larg. to morrow. In consequence provisions slid down and in the end pork waa off 2oc to lie. lard 15c to 17c and ribs 12c to 20c Th. leading xuturea ranged as xoiiows: WHEAT. Open. $ .91 .96 .94 High. $ .93 Low. $ .91 .96 .94 Close. Dec . . . . $ .93 May -l .14 .97 -94 July Dec... CORN. .46 .48 .49 .46 .48 .49, -5 .48 .48 .31 .34 .14 .46 .48 .48 4 .SlX .34 34 May July.... Dec Hay.... OATS. .81 .34 .34 MESS .31 .34 .34 PORK. July.... Jan May.... Jan.. . .. May 18.25 17.25 18.25 17.2s 18.00 17.02H 1M 17.05 LARD. 10.00 10.00 9.90 .0 .7 8.75 -7 9.75 SHORT RIBS. 9.72 .72 .57 9.45 9.45 9.30 Jan .S7 9.32 May. Cash quotations wera aa follows: Flour Steady. Itye No. 2, 81c. Barley Feed or mixing, f0gr72o; fair to choice maltinir. 82tiS7c. Flax seed -No. 1 southwestern, $2.44; no. Northwestern, $2.57. Timothy seed 110. Clover $14.75. Pork Mess, per barrel. $1818.26. Lard Per 100 pounds. 39.87. Short ribs Sides loose, $9.504910. Sides Short, clear (boxed), 9.7510. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour war. equal to 212.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 526.000 bushels, compared with 689.- 000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. The world s visible supply, as shown by Bradstreet's, decreased 4.167,000 bushels. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 29 cars; corn. 812 cara; oats, 201 van; hogs. 32.000 bead. Receipts. . . 21.000 .. 40,800 ..441,200 ..442.800 Shipments. Flour, barrels Wheat, bushel. 6.6O0 173,200 121.500 177,700 Corn, bushels . Oats, bushels . rtye, ousnwio .......... o.,uuw Barley, bushela 151.504) Rye, bushels 61,500 4.500 $7,800 Grata at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 6. Wheat Firm. Barley Firm. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, $L60 491.62 per cental. Barley Feed, $1.05 per cental; brewing. IL07H.12" per eentad. Oats Red. SI. 05 41 1.25 per cental; white. $1.4591.66 per cental; black, $1.36tJL40 per cental. Call board Bales: Whealt No trading. Barley December, (1.07 per cental bid; May, L12 per cental. Grain Markets of tbe Nortbwret. TACOMA. Dec 6. Wheat, milling, blue- atam. 83c: club. Sic: red Russian. 79c Ex port, bluestem, Hc; rorxyroio. soci ciuo, aoi red Russian, ouc Receipts, wheat, 1U3 cara; oantr, s cars I oat a a cars; bay. iu cars. SEATTLE. Dae 6. Milling, bluestem. 82c: rortyloia. 00c; ciud, twc: ivo; rea rtus slan. 77o. Exnort wheat, bluestem. 79c: fortyfold. 77c; club, 76c; fife, 78c; rod Rus sian, 74c Yesterdays car receipts, wheat. 47 cars; corn, 1 car; oata, 8 cars; barley, 4 cars; hay. Z0 cars. Europram Grata Maxkate. LONDON. Dee. 6. Cargoes quiet but steady; sellers nrm. buyers quiet. Walla Waila for ampment at nos aa English country marxau Bteaay. French country markets steady. LIVERPOOL. Dec 6. Close: Wheat. De cember. Ca 9d; March. 7s d: May, 7s d. w earner, ciouoy. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. ft. Wneat. close: December, tl.2 9 1.02H ; May. 11.05 54; July. Bitalitfiic streets are water proof! THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus ad Profits. $800,000.00 OFFICERS: i r. AWIWORTH. Prewlda-nt. n. lea Binjris, v-Tc-rwmi awt. A- at. TTItllJHT, Aaalatauit Cashier. W. A. BOLT, Assistant Cauhtar. LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on all FOREIGN COUNTRIES LURIBERIYiENS National Bank CORNER FIFTH and STARK STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Capital Portland Trust Company BANK 4 Inter rat tra SO-Day Call Crtlflcateau CAPITAL BSMrOOO, STJTtPLrS fMfiOO. TL t Plttock, President. IT. TJ. Carpenter, Vice-President. B. Lee Pftffet, Beoretarr. , COrUfER THIRD AKD OAK BTk AVOCOl'NTS IJfVITBD. Bank Notice Security Savings end Trust Company Ccrbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Streets Capital and Surplus $900,009 Invites Accounts of Merchants, Individuals and Savins First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West otl&a Rocky Mountains ern. l-04 J 1.06 ii: No. 2 Northern, 11-tYla 1.08: No. 2 white, 99HC0I1.O2H. New Vork Oot ton Market. NETW YORK. Dew. 8. Cotton Spot, quiet. 66 points down. Mld-uplanfla, 15.000; do. Oulf. lo.25e. Sales, 0800 bal- Cotton future, olosed steady at a net de cline of 6 to 10 points. Bids: December, 14.07o; January, 14.73c; February, 14.880 March. 14.87 He: AnrlL 15.08c: May. 15.1SO jun. ana July. io.iuo Aug-ust, 14.710 ; Oo- tnher. 13.8"C. TKATEXBS' GUIDE. O. R. & N. Astoria Route. 8TEAMEK BASSAliO 1 Leaves Portland dauy except Saturday at 8:00 P. M. Makes all way Undines. Arrlva. Astoria at o:uu A. at. leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7:00 A. M. Arrive. Portland at e:uo f. at. ataae. oirect con nection with steamer Nehcotta for Megler, Iiwaco. Lxna- Beacb, and all colli ta aa tas Ilwaco Railroad. SAN KBA CISCO POKTLAND 8S. CO. a.w service to Los Anaeles via dan Fru. claco every flv. days. From Alnsworth Dock. Portland. 4 P. M. S.8. Rose City. Dee. 8, Beaver IS, Bear 18. From ban f-rancisco, isortnbouno. 12 M. S.S. Beaver Dec J Bear 12. Kos. CHv 17. From Kan r-earo. jNortnDOuno. 8.8. Bear Dec 10, Bose City 15. Beaver 20. rl. tv. mitn, v. x. A.. i4Z Third 8t. J. W. Ransom. Agent, Alnsworth Dock. xliones: Main 4U, x6 A 14QX. San Francisco, Los Angelss anJ ' San Diego Direct North Paclflo S. & Co-'b a 8. Roanok nd 8. 8. Elder sail .vary Wednaedar lunut4l at S P. M. Ticket actio, lai Xnird .c. near Alder. MARTUr i- IllO LEY. Paaaeagee Aawss, W. Ii- BLbcSxkU, Frxasilt lgSTlt, Vturn H. 1314. A 1X14. COOS BAY LINE CTXAMEB BREAKWATER sail, from Alaska dock. Portland. 8 P. M. Dec IS. 20. 27, Jan. 8. 10, 17. 2. 3L Feb. T. 14, 21. 28 and every Tuesaay nignt inereartsr aurma tns Winter. Freight reoaived at Alaskm Dock until 5 P. M. dally. Passenger far. flrst class, HO; second-class. 87, including meals and berth. Tickets on sals at Ainra-orta Dock. Phones stain xoe, jl izat R. W. 8CHMEER, Cashier. $500,000 TRAVELERS' GUIDE. All Modern Safety Devices (Wireless, ete.) LONDON PARIS HAMBURG fPrM. Grant DM. 17,tAmrlic Jtn. 5 10 A. M. fiPrea. LJnooln, Jaiul2 I'Pttnnsylvajiia Deo.32 tRita-Carlton a la. Carte Restaorant. . Hamburg direct. Second Cabin only. GXB&aXTAR, AIjGEEBS, NAPIaKS, GNOA. By naw 17,000-ton taaznera, equipped with all modern eafety appliances. EUctrlo Baths. Qymnatlam, Elevator, etc. B. 8. CINCTNXATl Jan. 0, 12 noon 8. 8. CIaEVEJLAND Jan. ta Hamburg:-Ameri can Lino, 160 Powell St.. Ban Franciaoo, Cal.. all local R. R. Amenta in Portland, s o u T H A M E R I C A Hamburg American Pleasure Cruises The Wonders of Latin America A Grand Cruise leaving New Tork January 21, 111. by the 6. 6. Bluecher, for tha East Coast of South America through th. Straits of Magellan and iip the West Coast to Valparalao, Chile, across th. Andes, etc Rates 8350 upward; duration 74 days. Also cruise, to the West Indies, the Orient. Around the World. Cp the Nile. etc. Write' for illustrated pam phlet, rates, .to. HAJCBTJRG-AMERICA5 UTrTS 160 Powell St., San Francisco. CaIm also local R. R. agents in Portland. msmmmm 1