Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 07, 1910, Page 13, Image 13

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Buy Merchandise Bonds for Christmas Gifts See Demonstration of Mechanical Toys and Radiopticans Libbey Cut Glass
Richardson Holiday Linens Automobile Tour BooKs Stetson Hats for Men Derby, Dent's and Alexandre Kid Gloves
Ujq Greater Olds, Wortoan &, Mim
g' Store
mSiS SleS inAllDepts.
Unusual Specials for All Day's Selling Shrewd Buyers Will Take Advantage of Sale
500 Doz. Fancy NecKwoar
$L50 Values 49c
Women's Christmas Neckwear in most every wanted style; hun
dreds of neat, desirable designs; lace, lawn, venise and imported
novelties; Persian and plain combinations; values to
$1.50, very specially priced for Wednesday only at, each
Demi-Made Corset Covers
$2.50 Values 98c
Positively for today only 350 Hand-Embroidered, Demi-made
Corset Covers, in many neat patterns; can be finished up no
in any siie; ideal Christmas gifts; values to $2.50, for only" OC
Men's Bath Robes
$12.50 Vals. $7,35
Today, in the Men's Store, on the main floor, Christmas Bath
Robes, in new and beautiful patterns, in shades of brown, red,
gray, etc.; all well made and neatly trimmed; all (ty oj
sizes; regular $12.50 values, marked for thi3 sale at, ea. V'JJ
$1Q SmoRing JacRet $5.95
For the Man's Christmas Gift there is hardly anything that will
It's an inducement for a man to stay
equal a Smoking Jacket,
at hnma evenincrs. Todav we offer a new and at
tractive line, all the popular colors, well made and
neatly trimmed. Regular $3.50 to $10.00 qj
values, bargalnized for today at only, each J)0.t0
Men's $1 Gown53 c
Xmas Kerchiefs at 98c
Packed in Fancy Boxes
Men's Ontinff Flannel Gowns. th largest and best line we have ever
offered. A special pnrchas of 5000 from an overstocked manufacturer
enable n to make this very unusual oner, uooa neavy quamy, cui
full and lone; striped, checked and plain colors, with military or
roll collars; all fizes. These are regular $1.00 values, special, ea. JJ
HANTHLEECHTEFS Men's Tine quality linen finish initial Handker
chiefs put up in Christmas boxes of half dozens. Regular Z5o QO
raJues each; six in a fancy box, during this sale, for onlyOC
50c StatioiVry 33 c
65c Albums at 39c
Today, in the stationery department, main floor, beautiful Christmas
Sift Boxes of fine stationery. Ribbon tied, 24 sheets of paper
and 24 envelope); fine quality; regular 50e value, special at only wOC
POSTCARD ALBUMS with artistically decorated covers, hold OQ
.100 postcards, very pretty Christmas gifts; worth 65c, special at J7C
WIOWAII A complete Indian Wigwam outfit; an especially attractive
Xmas cit't for boys; set comprises tent, canoe, camp fire, scenery, QC
etc. These are regular priced at $1.25; on special sale, at onlyOC
75Q Boxes Raisins
5Qc-6Qc Vals. 21c
Today in the srrocery store, fourth floor, we offer 750 boxes of extra
fancy cluster Raisins, put np in 2-pound cartons, ribbon tied. Christmas
style. These are not this year's pack, but are in excellent shape, Ol
and much larger. They sell regular at 50c and 60c box, special C
Sale Ostrich Plumes
5000 Doz. Handkerchiefs
5Qc Values at l2Vc
17c Values at 9c Ea.
Women's All-Linen Handkerchiefs, with
neat embroidered corners; regular
17c values, specially priced at, each
Women's Hemstitched Initial 'Kerchiefs,
with neat embroidered corners; regular
25c values; specially priced
for this sale for a box of 6 at
Women's 'Kerchiefs in a varied assort-
i, ment of styles and qualities; fine cam
brics with lace edges and insertions; reg
ular values to 50c each, spe
cial price for this sale, only
Women's Hemstitched Linen Cambric
'Kerchiefs, new hand - embroid
ered designs, regular 35c vals., at
Women's Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs, hemstitched
and scalloped edges ; very good 19c sellers, special today
Children's wnite nemstitcnea uamonc iianciicercnieis, r
nicely put up in Christmas boxes, Bpecial price for box of 3 1
Entire StocK of CKristmas
Kerchiefs at Reduced Priced
HAUTJ KERCHIEF ANNEX, SECOND FLOPS A large portion of our millinery
dep't, 2d floor, will be devoted to the display and sale of women's Xmas Kerchiefs.
lOOO Leather Novelties
$2.00 Values 98c
Today the Leather Goods Store offers 1000 Card Cases, Letter
Folds, Bill Holders and Wallets in seal and pressed leathers, black
ana an colors; very acceptable Christmas gilts for women qq
or men. Values to $2.00. SDecial for this great sale at onlv oC
' .. o -
Sale Imported Lavallieres
2.50 Values 98c
Hundreds of imported La Vallieres in Egyptian and Oriental ef-
A. 1 1 "I 1 1 - T J I
iects; rose ana green, goia ana silver; a proaa variety 01 qq
stone settings: values to $2.50. e-oinff durincr Xmas sale at OC
o y T c? O
Our Entire StocK of Furs
Offered at Great Reductions
The largest and best stock of reliable furs in the city. Unusual
heavy stocks and limited time for selling prompts this great sale.
Every garment in the stock is reduced. Coats, Scarfs, Muffs,
Stoles, collarettes, etc., etc., are now on sale at bargain prices.
All $200.00 Garments reduced during sale to low price of $150.00
All $150.00 Garments reduced during sale to low price of $112.50
All $100.00 Garments reduced during sale to low price of $75.00
All $80.00 Garments reduced during sale to low price of $60.00
All $50.00 Garments reduced during sale to low price of $37.50
All $20.00 Garments reduced during sale to low price of $15.00
IMairi Floory
$Sf SOOOFairs
irgMeii's and Women's M
I Fine Kid Cjlovesl
Regular $1.5Q. $1.75 and
$2.00 Values on Sale at QC i
V 2QOO pairs of women'a high-grade Kid Gloves. Ji'
Y Pi q ties and overseams, the most popular and best Ji
wearing gloves-BlacK, tans, grays, champagnes, Ji
Vs. white, other wanted shades r O J
- Regular $1.5Q and $1.75 vals. vOC JI
lOOO pairs of men's high-grade walK- ytf
ing and dress gloves Tan and gray Sj? S
'v colors Standard maRes The regu-
.5 lar $1.75 Qft SftiSIki,
i?s2SS $2.QO values VOL SSiSifi Ms3S?a
$10.00 Values for $5.95
$25.00 Values for $15.95
Today, in the Millinery Salon, second floor, an unusual sale of
high-grade French Plumes, broad bodies, long flues, and willow
plumes, hand knotted, very full bodies with large drooping heads.
Perfect feathers, very carefully selected. Values to $10 for$579o
Values to $15.00 for $9.95; values to $20.00 for
$13.95; values to $25.00 reduced for this sale to only
Andirons and Fire Sets
$3.50 Black Finish Fire Sets, special for this great sale at $3.80
$500 Flemish Finish Fire Sets now.selling at the low price $4l00
$500 Brass Finish Fire Sets, selling for thi3 special sale at $4.00
$20.00 Brass Andirons, special, set, for this great sale at $18700"
$27.50 Brass Andirons, special for thi3 big bargain event $33.00
$525 Black Finish Andirons, specially priced for this sale $4.35
il6700 Black Finish Andirons, selling, while they last at $13.80
$11.50 Brass Folding Fire Screens now selling at low price $T0T35"
B&rg;ainLS in. Toyland
Reg. $1.00 Box Reg. $2.25 Iron $2.5Q Dressed
Modeline 79c Train Now $1.82 Dolls for $1.88
Modeling for making plw- Ir0Q j; u Tra;ns en Dressed Dolls with curly
tie objects in kindergarten ten tU hair, sleeping eyes, good
work. A regular ' d b' cfl On nnderelothes- Si RR
$1.00 box, for only C gg2a $1.82 $2.50 value, 1 .OO
Reg.$4.5QTool $2.00 Electric $1.5Q Dressed
Chest for $3.15 Train Now $1.49 Dolls for $1.12
Bovs' Chest of about 40 ., , . . T7 '. Dolls dressed in jacket
tools, saws, hatchet, planes, f "i . "V' Wlth nf?ln,a' suit, hat to match, sleep-
S".$3.15 SM,Sdg$l.49 5451.12
Reg. $1.5Q Doll "Teddy Bear" Hi" Climbing
Buggy for 79c Muff Now at 98c Toys for Half
Very attractive Doll Car- . " " Hill-climbing Toys, slight-
riape with parasol, steel Mn" of beap cloth, lined y damaged in transit, val-
wheels, axle and springs, with colored sateen, "Teddy UM from 50c to $1.50, bar-
a splendid $1J!0 7Q , " ht" Qfir gainized in Toyland U
value, reduced to ' C tIe folks; S1-25 yaIue JW at only half price 2
Reg. 75c Train $1.5Q BlacKbo'rd 3QC Doll Cart
and TracK 48c With DesR 98c Special at 29c
Complete Trains, engine, Easel Blackboard, with desk Good doll Go-carts, with
tender and coach, with and patent roller, and pat- wood wheels and wicker
circular track; put up in terns for drawing and cut- body; also doll buggy, all
neat box. Regular AQ tinS- Also map of U. QQ' wood, with wicker OQ
75o valua for only "oc S., $1.50 value for body, 50 values,7-
lO Furs $5.69
$15 Furs -$8.95
Sidney Raccoon, military collars, in square effect back, with muff to
match. Fisher Wallaby collar, with tab frdnt, flat muff to tfJC 2Q
match, regular $7.50 and $10.00 values, special for this sale P'vl7
LOT 2 Isabella Opossum Scarf, trimmed with two heads and six tails,
plain pillow muff to matoh. Natural river mink Scarfs, round CJQ QC
back, 2 heads, military effect; reg. $12.50 and $15.00 values, H'OmUiJ
LOT 3 River mink Muff, Isabella Opossum Scarfs, Isabella Opos- I
Bum Mufis. Kussian Otter Mutts, excellent values at irom ffl 4 Q5
$20.00 to $25.00; special bargains during this sale at only P
Embroided Linens Va Price
85c Linen Pieces 53c
Hand-embroidered Doilies, Scarfs and Center Pieces, also velour Scarfs
and Center Pieces, with leather trimmings, and Mexican drawn work
in all size Doilies, Lunch Cloths and scarfs; values from $1.00 IU
to $35.00, bargainized during this sale at reductions amounting to ' &
LINEN CASUS, hand-embroidered, cross-stitched, for ' gloves CO
and kerchiefs; regular 85o values, bargainized at only, each wvC
$10 Bathrobes $5.98
$15 Bathrobes $7.98
Today, second floor, "Women's Bath Robes, made of blanket "cloth
and eiderdown materials, with satin facings, high necks, ribbon ties; all
sizes and all popular colors, plain and figured patterns; C QQ
regular $10.00 values, specially priced for today at only yO0
BATH E0BE8 of either blanket cloth or eiderdown. The eiderdowns
are trimmed with satin facing, satin collars and cuffs ; blanket robes are
styled with either high necks or "V" necks, faced with satin, IJ7 Q ft
satin buttons, silk cords, all wanted colors, in reg. $15.00 vals. V 'O
PtircHase Red Cross Stamps for
Your Christmas Packages, Etc.
It's charitable, it's kind, it's appreciated by those who receive the gifts.
Today's booth will be in charge of Miss Mabel Beck, Miss Jessie
Hurley and Mrs. Edwin Ehrmaa. . .
Sale Craftsman Cloth
Reg'. $1.25 Values Now 79c
Today, in the Drapery Store, on third floor, a sale of Craftsman
Cloth for fancy work, pillow tops, table scarfs, etc., in plain and
figured patterns, suitable for many purposes. Regular
$1.00 and $1.25 values selling at this sale for low price, yd,
Bright Mexican Throws
for Table or Couch Use
The Drapery Store offers MexioUn Zerapis, for table or couch
throws, genuine hand-loom work in the bright, warm tones of old
Mexico. Size 30x30 inches, $1.95; size 30x60 inches,
$4.75; size 45x87 inches selling during bargain sale
$2.50 Jardinieres at $1.62
Main floor Large Brass Jardinieres with 3-baIl legs; Russian
hammered brass, lacquered to prevent tarnish. Reg.
$2.75 value, $2.19; and a smaller size, $2.50 val., for