12 THE MORNING OREGOXIAN", WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1910. PHEASANTS MOST POPULAR AT SHOW Of 1000 Entries, Chinas Various Breeds Seem to Attract Most Visitors. CORVALLIS MAN EXHIBITS Oregon Poultry and Pet Slock Dis play to Continue During Week Game Fowls Judged Eiccl Kansas Cltj Fighters. H. H. Collier, of Ticoma. and W. M. Coatea. of Vancouver. Willi, wen as busr yesterday as a Petaluma hen In adoring entries at the Second Annual Oregon Poultry and Pet Stock Show, In the Lilly Seed Company's building at Kront and Salmon afreets. The how will continue for the remainder of the week. Of 1400 entries, the visitors seem to ray great attention to the small ex Mbit of Sllrer. Mongolian and Golden pheasants, shown by J. L. Simpson, of Corral I Is. There is also a cross breed. new to pet stock devotees. It is speckled variety Mr. Simpson has evolved in the study of breeding of this fancy Oregon bird. His aim la to secure a domesticated pheasant which will rival the chicken in qualities that lav made the hen famous. Show Pleases Officers. Officers of the association are: J P. Limerick, president: I. H. Staples. vice-president, and J. C- Murray. sec retary-treasurer. They feel that they are exhibiting the largest display of fowls ever seen In the state. The Judges declare It exceeds anything here tofore held In the raeiflc Northwest. Cltlea repreaented In the show, out side of Portland. Include Eugene, with 1 birds: Tacoma. Wash., with 7S: Forest Orove. with 20; The Dalles. CnrvaKls. Chehalla. Rosabarg. Glendale. Hlllsboro. Oregon City. Newberg and a dmn other places. Portland lovers of poultry stock are prominent In all clashes entered In the contests. The Whit Wyandotte la the favorite breed in Oregon. "A s a hen she Is proud in her car-ria.- said Juris Coatee, "clean of feather and atocklly built. She has the popular yellow leg. stralaht and strong, while her large head is well knit, and In that she Is the strongest bird for the Oregon climate on ac count of Ita heavy humidity. Oreson must bare a bird that has close feath erlng and with clean head and feet. When she goes to the roost she must be free front water which haa fallen on her. so far as her head and feet are concerned. She will thus be protected from the most serious drawback to poultry farmtns; the roup."" Fntrles at the snow Include; White leghorn. i. Puff Leghorns. $S; Brown leghorns. Black Minorca. SO; White Minorca. 2t . Ancona. -n: iloudan. 1: Hsmhergs. 1'); Fire-Toed. : White Orpington, so; Barred Orplnaton. fift Rhode Island Reds, inn; Black Orpin g ton. 8; Buff Orpington. SO; Buff Ply rnotilh Pocks. 10: Barred Plymouth Rocks. ; Sllrer-I.a'-ed Wrsndottes. S: Pit names. i:: White Korkm, SS, and White Wyandotte. IS. Pucks, turkeys, doves and pheasants are also exhibited. Cims Bird Shown. W bare the lara-est exhibit of Pit game birds erer brought together In the West." said Fecretary Murrar. "Urea the Kansas nir pet sloes: show diU net bare as many as we have. Ther are superior birds of their clasa and tte display Is evidence of the f. t mt there Is an occasional cock fight in the region which surrounds Portland. T work of scoring Involves rest detail and a big task for the Judges They mark for symmeterr. welrht and B'ie; condition, hesd and beak: eye, comb, wattles and earlobes: tie.-k. wings, bark. tall, breast. body and fluff, lega and toes: crest and beard and hardness of fetner. The total per rentage la 10 and If the fowls show faults Jn any of the Items mentioned, marks ar taken from the total af- iowel for a perfect bird chants of Prairie City, ara at the Im perlaL O. C. Sethrr, of Glendale, is at the Oregon. A. Schullnger. of Seattle. Js at the Rama pa. F. H. Caldwell, of Newberg. Is at the Cornelius. J. C. Schmelze, of Wl'helmlna. Is at the Lenox. C. A. Taylor, of Kelso, Wash, is at the Perkins. Charles T. Early, of Hood River. Is at the Imperial. J. K. Simpson, of Stevenson. Wash., Is at the Portland. , E. Hollow ay. of Eugene. Is registered st the Portland. J. P. Gravrlle. of Waitsburg. Wash.. Is at the Portland. J. P. Winter, of Pendleton, is regis tered at the Oregon. J. Knapp. of Walla Walla. Is regis tered at the Lenox. - Mr. and Mrs. David Wilcox, of Hainel. are at the Cornelius. Leslie Butler, of Hood River, Is regis tered at the Perkins. A. M. Korsnee. of Boise. Idaho, is reg istered at the Hamapo. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Kapell. of Rainier. are staying at the Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. P. IL Sweeney, of Taco ma. are staying at tne itaniapo. W. F. McGregor. Collector of Customs at Astoria, la registered at the Imperial. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Whltemore. of Walla Walla, are staying at the Cor nelius. ! Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Baker, of Port- TlHy BROTHERS BUILD 616 SHOPS Railroad Contractors Prepare to Handle Big Business in Oregon. $150,000 PLANT BUILDING Repair and Supply Depot, Equipped With Finest Modern Machinery, Xow Reins Installed Near Graham on O. R. & X. Realizing that officials of railroads In Orea-on and Washington contemplate extensive construction work In the Im- RAILWAY STATION JUST COMPLETED IN NEW HOOD RIVER VALLEY TOWN IS BEST STRUCTURE OF KIND IN COUNTY. " i.iiuSi:B:Kjr-- - x t j j ' ' i'iiiIiSm ? i ' ' i V mm rr SI ! The Entire Addition of cjrelhir5 .The Additios with ChsnxKr (444 Acres J Is Land scaped Like One Great Park Laurelhurst home sites are not mere "lots." They are all large varied In size and shape and pos sess Individuality and uncommon scenic advantages of which your architect will make good use. Tet Laurelhurst prices are tnuth lower thkn property of like char acter located within the two-mile circle in the other cities of Port land's class. Even in Spokane the price of $100 per front foot rules for locations comparable to those of Laurelhurst. . Prices In Laurelhurst range from 120 up to $40 a front foot. Easiest terms. Messrs. Mead & Murphy Sales Agents, B22- Corbett Blda. their principal office and yards In Spo kane, but with the beginning of the vast construction work on the railroads of Central Oregon and in the compara tively near vicinity of Portland, their offices in the Wells-Fargo building in this city have become of much Import ance. With the completion of the large shops and yards at Graham, this will be tneir main point oi operations. The company bas a local payroll of $5000 per month. moi xt noon haii.wat dfpot at parkdale, or. HOOD RIVER. Or., rec. 6. (Special.) The newly-completed depot at Parkdale. Or., the southern terminus of the Mount Hood Railway, it miles south of Hood River, la probably the best railroad station In Hood River County and is as large. If not larger, than the O. R. A N. station at Hood River. Parkdale is a new town in the upper valley. The Mount Hood Railway has built the large depot to meet the Increased business which will come when the country Is fully set- t tied. HIMOVSKY IS VINDICATED Beaulful leading Lady Figures Jutloe Court Scrimmage. Who eticuld plsv orrvsle the li:- J1 The question has dinipted !Mitr) Portland S"cletv and l afrma?h h been drssxed ir.to Justice Olson's mutt In ie form of a s'llt brmiaht by P. ln s'eln arlnst 8 Himovsav. for damace a'teed to have hem euetslned In n altercation growing out of jealousy am on a the "stana"' It wsui a playlet to be rreented to the public In the Interest of the aged poor, and the dm cast for the rtlng Trt wa fair to look upon. Joy thrilled tie heart of HtmovsJrr when he wajs s aned to play the niiwnilns lead, and Oepxlr and anger seised upon htm when he va Informed that a change had been made in the oast, whereby be was elimi nated. The message as brought by Iflensteln. who said tha chance bad been made because tlie leading lady's ac cepted sweetheart desired the place. Thereupon. sys Iserstetn. Hlmovsky smote htm. literally hip and thigh, caus ing a return of an old malady atTectlrg ene of hi femoral Joints, and entailing mental damwees of $H. for two weeks' work lost, and $11 for medical attendance. The case was tried before a jury, whose members sympathised with lihnotsky and found a verdict for him. WIFE'S CHARGE TO WAIT Man Accused of N"on-Suporl A1m Wanted In Colfax. rseorge Prethaurr. wanted in Colfax. Wash., on a rharae of obtaining gootls by false pretenses, was arrested at P. J,hns yesterday by chief of police il.Klnncy and Deputy t-'lterlff Con stable. A non-support charge had been made aaslnst him In the County Court by his wife. When County Judge Cleeton learned that he waa also wanted In Colfax, he decided to allow Mm to anawer the Colfax charge. G. 1- Carter. Sheriff of Colfax, tele graphed to Sheriff Stevens to bold Prethauer end said tbal a man would leave at once with extradition papers. Rrethauer says he will go to Coliax without extradition, however. mediate future, the Twohy Bros. Com pany, railroad contractors, will spend $ ISO, 000 in building end equipping a modern repair plant and supply depot on the 17-arre tract recently purchased on the nortb side of the O. R. N. main line between Sixty-fifth and Plx-ty-efghth streets at Graham, according to announcement made yesterday by J. K. Twohy, secretary of the company. Plana for the improvement are al ready under way, and four warehouses CRITICISM. IS RESENTED HASSIXft TARFX IX AMBCT..AXCE AT DOCTOR'S ORDER. Explanation Made by Folic in View of Woman's Club Complaint. Judse Denotince Action. PERSONALMENTION. 1 J. T. Graham, of Marshland, is at the Lenox. George B. Cosad and W. C. Glbbs, mcr Wllllam Hasesng was taken to the hos pital In as ambulance while Ms wife, whom he had fatally w-ounded. was sent In the patrol wagon, simr'y becsuse the man had 'a cnnr to uve ana tne wo- Ln had not. eay Patrolman Kllngel. in a detailed report of the affair, called for by Chief of Police Cox in consequence of an attack made upon the action by the Woman's Club. Further, ssys the offi cer, thlsi action was taken upon the ele ctric direction of TT. MoDanlel. and the police officers have strict InMructlona to otev the doctors In cases of tirls kind. Hasstnr shot and killed h wife Tr.arksjrlvtng night, at Fourteenth and C4mnha street, and then shot himself. Ir. Mcpanlels ws on the ground almost at once snd took charge of the esse. It waa plain, the police sxv. that the wo man could not live, while Hassirg. al though appearing to be worse hurt than he really was. .presented a much more nmmlring esse. Frr that rea-son he was given the more speedy and comfortable 1rnnortat1on. It w as intended to send Mrs. Ilss.'lng In another ambulance later, but rather than wait until It arrived. It ws decided to place her In the patrol agon. whl. h Is equipped with a stretcher. Kllngel says that the patrol wagon made the trip In not more than ten minutes Crltlcksn by the Woman s Club of the action of the Municipal Court In releas Ir.ar Hsrwing when he waa before the court for threatening to kill hla wife, ara keenly resented by Judge Tazwell, who made the order. 'If the ladies had Investigated the case, as tncy Fy iney oic ia inm official yesterday, "they would not need to regret tnat Mrs. !ia4ng could not rise from the dead to refute the state ment that It was upon ber recommenda tion tl;at Hassir.g was released. Many Dereonw were In the courtroom wno can bear out the statement that the murdered woman told me that he was no longer afraid of her husband and did not wish to lilm Imprisoned. It is oulte plain hat the rrttlca made no effort to get at the facts In this relation, but rushed Into print with an attack upon the court which Is wholly unwarranted." Tha report criticising the police was made public at a iMlon of the woman s Club Monday afternoon ana was puo- llshed in The Oreaonlan yesterday. and. bare taken apartments at the Oregon nor the Winter. CHICA'JO. Pec. (Special. North western travelers registered here are: From Portland At the Auditorium. J. . Maxfleld. at the Majestic. W. C. Peer; at the Lasalle, H. P. Powers. SAN FRANCISCO. Pec. . (Special.) The following Portland people are ....ll et the PiUra Hotel: (Thsrles T Stewart. M. Blumauer. Robert Rea. t are In course of erection. One of these Mr. and Mrs. R. I. H.iskman. Miss will- be SO by 80 feet, covered with Bernard O'Hara and Miss Constance galvanized, corrugated sheet steel and O Hara. I will be used for the storage of commls- sary goods used in raiiroaa construc tion camps. The others will be of the same gen eral construction, the largest contain ing 6000 square feet of platform and floor space. This will be used for the storage of the general repair parts of machinery, pumps, motors and dyna mos. One building will carry the Iron stock, bars sheets and pipes, and will he equipped with a crane for handling heavy material. The fourth will house the wood stock for rebuilding and re pairing cars. A barn has already been erected. A veterinary surgeon will be in charge. A harness shop will be contained in an annex to the barn. fitesm for the operation of the ma chinery and for heating purposes will be supplied from a power-house now in course of erection and which will be equipped with two 100-borsepower boil ers. Power will be supplied by the Portland Railway, Light & Power Com pany. An alternating current of 2:09 volts will be provided, but some of this will be converted into a direct current for use in the entire shop. The heavier tools will have individual motor drive. while some of the smaller tools will be grouped and driven from shafting. The pneumatic tools will operate by a duplex compressor. Complete Equipment Ordered. A complete equipment of tools and machinery will be purchased. Including three large, standard lathes, an extra heavy planer, a radial drill, a band saw outfit complete, a hydraulic wheel press, a set of bending rolls, a single bolt cutter wlh lesd screw attachment, a heading and forging machine, a "bull dozer," a cold saw with high-speed blade, a single punching and shearing machine, a compressor with mechanical valves, a single frame steam hammer, with anvil and dies. An order has been placed of a 25-ton locomotive crane for loading and un loading equipment in the yard. Three 20-ton, 13 60-ton and three TO-ton steamahovels, together with C30 cars, a new Jordan spreader, five standard 60 ton locomotives, 30 American enginea for 3-lnch gauge tracks, three new grading machlnea with necessary dump wagona and numerous portable boilers. compressor parts, steam drills, and electric lighting plants are contained in the present lot of equipment. The company also has 250 head of work horses which will be housed in the local atablea when not actually engaged. A siding has been built from Graham to the property of the Twohy Bros. Company. From this spur a main lead has been placed, with nine tracka di verging and terminating In a general repair shop. Five of these tracks are standard nine and four are narrow gauge, placed alternately. Sliops Will Be Large. The general shop will be ISO by go feet, the erecting floor extending the whole length of the building on the east aide and for a width of 40 feet. It will be a frame structure, the sides of which will consist mostly of prism glass, fix of the entrance tracks will be provided wit" doors 12 feet wide by 17 feet high. The three others will be 30 feet In height to permit the entrance of steamahovels with booms elevated. The machine, car and engine shops will extend along the west aide of the erecting floor, each occupvtng a floor space of 0 by 40 feet. The machine and car shops will also have a crane of $7-foot span and 20 tons capacity, equipped with five motors. Two trol leys of 10 tons each also will be installed. The company. In addition to operat ing Its repair shops for its own exten sive plant. Intends to perform work of this kind for some of the railroads anS will furnish equipment in accordance witn iniH idea. Heretofore Twohy Bros, maintained OFFICE READY" AHEAD OF TIME Milwaukee Will More Into New Rooms Before First of Year. Although January 1 is the date set for the opening of the new ticket office of the Chicago, Milwaukee A Puget Sound Railway In the Railway Exchange build ing at Third and Stark streets, it Is likely that the local officials and clerks will occupy the new quarters within the next two weeks. A force of woodworkers and decorators Is at work preparing the Interior with the latest designs In office furniture that combine beauty and convenience. It is predicted by Milwaukee officials that the new office will be the finest of its kind on the Coast and probably the finest in the country. The Pennsylvania has obtained an op tion on the present rooms of the Mil waukee and may occupy them. "KICKS" WILL BE HEARD CAR SERVICE WILL- BE TOPIC BEFORE COMMITTEE. trol of every acre of pastureland within the reserves. Work on these projects is to be carried on this Winter and next Summer. Most Frequent Complaints About Street Railway Company Are of Rush-Hour Accommodations. Complaints concerning street car ser vice will be heard by the special Coun cil committee recently appointed for that purpose, at a meeting to be held at 10 o'clock next Tuesday morning. Citizens who have reports to make con cerning their experiences with ths street csr company will be heard and will aid the committee In securing def. inlfe information on which to base their later action. From all parts of the city complaints have been received by the Council. and it was deemed advisable to take some action. City Attorney Grant, who was made a member of the committee. will present a plan to the committee at its meeting, but as Mr. Grant was out of the city yesterday the details could not be obtslned. One of the more common complaints concerning the service given by the Portland Railway. Light A Power Com pany Is on the shortage of cars during the rush hours. Complaints made by representatives of the Rose city Park Improvement Club to tne management of the com pany brought forth the promise that car service would be Improved as soon as the Sandy Road cutoff was complet ed. The promise was held out to them. too. thst the running time into the city would be shortened when the cutoff waa completed and the cars were rout, ed over the Bumside street brldze. It Is now the complaint of the peo- I If Ynii Havs S-alr nr Hair pie of that district that they have "l OU ave Ca'P Of flair been "handed a lemon." Although the running time during the hours of the day when there Is but little traffic and cars run every 16 minutes haa been cut from 35 to 30 minutes, during the afternoon and evening the 35-mln- ute schedule, which Is the same as that In force when the cars were sent in roundabout way by East Ankeney street, prevails. During the rush hours there seems to be but little improvement In the reir nlarity of the Rose City Park cars, and at other times it has become noticeable that owing to the longer running time granted, cars wait at the end of the line usually 10 minutes. It is believed that Instead of keeping the cars idle at the end of the line for so long a time an extra trip should be provided and a shorter running time enforced into the city. Tvife itiGv W.henorderiingibrreaci'- $e'!.lAyoup:dJe-- irjiawoice el e ar -as-rraw h i st I er- r-want- TAB ELI Office to Be Placed Here. To open new ticket offices in Port land and Seattle Is the object of Wil liam F. Schmidt, general Western agent for the Missouri Pacific Railway, who has been in the Northwest for the hist few days. Formal announcement of this Intention was made several months ago. but before Mr. Schmidt leaves for his office in San Francisco it is expect ed he will select a location for the offices in this city, as well as for those In Seattle. Appointment of a local agent may also be made during his stay here. Mr. Schmidt, with N. C. Mc- Brlde. general agent for the Denver & I Rio Grande road, which handles tha Missouri Pacific business here, left yes terday for the Sound. SS3s sn advertisement In the London Ex press: Mary Waited three hours at ap pointed spot until questioned by suspicious policeman. If this Is the price of love, H Is too heavy a one for me to pay. Fare well Potts." Hair Health' Tew Mast Read Tbla If Tew Waat Benefit. J. W. Oceer. Greenwood. La., suf fered with a severe case of lumbago. "At tlmen the pains were so intense I waa fon-ed to hypodermic Injections for relief." he saya. "These attacks started with a sltaht pain in the small of my hack which gradually became fairly paralysing In effect. My atten tion was attracted to Foley's Kidney Remedv and I am glad to aay after uelnc this wonderful medicine I am no lonacr hMbered In any way by my old enemy lumbago." Sold by all drug gists. pmvldlns a crk Jacket, which keeps Its weervr upelclit la ttis ustsr. with a pro pe'ier driven by two cranka a Nsw Yorker has iQTtntfel a device which Is a variation fresa moat sties of swimming macalase. MANY PEOPLE TO REJOICE Forestry Department Will ,mpr,e rexl.iedr.olongVtim; Trouble, Take Advantage of This Offer We could not afford to so strongly endorse Rexall "93" Hair Tonic and continue to sell it as we do, if we were not certain that it would do all we claim it will. Should our enthusiasm carry us away, and Bexall "93" Hair Tonic not give entire satisfaction to the UBers. they would lose faith in us and our statements, and in consequence our business prestige would suffer. Therefore, when we assure you that if your hair Is beginning to unnatur ally fall out or if you have any scalp trouDie, Kexall "83' Hair Tonic will promptly eradicate dandruff, stimulate hair growth and prevent premature baldness, you may rest assured that we know what we are talking about. Out of one hundred test cases Rexall '93" Hair Tonic gave entire satisfaction In ninety-three cases. It has been proved that it will grow hair even on Wcnaha Reserve. DAYTON, Wash.. Dec. . Oregon and Waahlngton cattlemen, manufacturers and sheepmen will find cause for ela tion in tne announcement today through Chief Forester William Ken- daii, in charge of Wenaha Reserve, that the Forestry Bureau is about to undertake an important work in fa.t. ern Washington and Oregon reserves. I water. that the follicles, which are the roots of the hair, had not become absolutely uteiess. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is vastly dif ferent from other similar preparations. We believe that it will do more than any other human agency toward re storing hair growth and hair health. It is not greasy and will not gum the scalp or hair or cause permanent stain. It is as pleasant to use as pure cold In an effort to secure maximum nrotnc tion from forest fires, to increase the acreage of pasturage and conserve mountain streams, which furnish water for manufacturing and other purposes. The Government will establish sta tlona In the reserves and hundreds will be employed. New kinds of forage will be planted, springs will be en larged and pasture land will be fenced This will glva ths Government con- Our faith in Rexall "93" Hair Tonic Is so strong that we ask you to try it on our positive guarantee that your money will be cheerfully refunded without question or quibble if it does not do as we claim. Certainly we can .offer no stronger argument. It comes In two aizes. prices 60 cents and $1.00. Remember you can obtain it only at The Owl Drug Co., Inc- Cor. 7th and J Washington Sta. INFORMATION by TELEPHONE "DEOPLE are not leaving so much to chance A in these days of universal telephone seryice. Instead of risking disappointment they tele phone and get the facts. Will school be held on a stormy morning, will your friend" ba in if you call, what does the weather man predict and when does the train leave are samples of myriads of questions con stantly passing over the wire, and being answered by the proper authorities. - There are also questions to be asked about the telephone service, how somebody can be reached over the Bell Long Dis tance Telephone and what it' will cost, and similar questions, which are being answered by the information operators. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Every Bell Telephone la the Center sf 'Aba gxstam.'